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Can Ethical Behaviour Andrew Bartlett

Really Exist in Business? David Preston

ABSTRACT. Our soft survey reveals that the assump- cated more strongly through corporate structures that
tion underlying much of the business ethics litera- foster ethical action that benefits the long term
ture — that the conduct of business can and ought to interests of the individual and the organisation.
support the social good - is not accepted within the Overall implementing a successful ethical program is
workplace. This paper considers an apparent shown to parallel that of the implementation of a
dichotomy, with companies investing in ethical quality program.
programs whose worth their employees and managers
question. We examine the relationship between work,
bureaucracy and "the market" and conclude that
employees often question the existence of business A soft survey on business ethics
ethics because there is no good and bad between
which to choose. The choice is between success and In discussion recently with friends and colleagues
failure. A common view of success and the "good about our research in business ethics their almost
life" is one determined by hard work in a well-organ- uniform reaction was, "But there aren't any." We
ised company operating in a free market. Analysing generally smile mysteriously as if knowing some-
the three aspects of this view (the free market, hard
thing they do not but in truth their responses
work, bureaucracy) we suggest these are mere fictions.
A major problem we identify in business is that organ- unsettled us. We had already read books and
isations are designed as profit making mechanisms and articles listing the benefits of codes of conduct,
have no interest in the good of society. The chal- describing systems for ensuring distributive
lenge is to convince such organisations that a direct justice in organisations, weighing up the com-
benefit accrues to them through their own ethical peting claims of deontological and utilitarian
behaviour. In order to do this organisations must approaches to the subject and analysing any
first be shown the importance of long termism. number of fine-tuning issues in business ethics.
Executives, managers and other employees can be With internal programs of team-working and
expected to attain high ethical standards only when
empowerment or public announcements of
they feel they are a integral part of an organisation
ethical initiatives, businesses themselves add to
and the organisation itself respects those standards.
One of the keys to unravelling the undesirable situa- the burgeoning body of literature regarding
tion of a perceived absence of ethics in business is in organisational and commercial ethics. Our own
encouraging a greater identity community, company experiences in business lead us to feel some dis-
and workforce. We provide some examples of ways comfort with much of what we read because it
companies can meet the challenge of encouraging somehow did not seem to address the real
more ethical, long-sighted behaviour. In addition, we concerns of a person having to make their way
highlight ways in which the expectations of the in working life. However, it had not occurred
organisations of the organisation can be communi- to us that the whole subject may not refer to
anything that actually exists in the real work.
Andrew Bartlett is Director of Knowledge Workers, London Worse still, our acquaintances - let's call them
e a postgraduate Student at University of East London. the BE Sceptics - do not even find it necessary
David Preston is Reader in Information Management at to ask, "So what is business ethics", before
University of East London. despatching it to the land of the non-existent.

Journal of Business Ethics 2 3 : 199-209, 2{)()0.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
200 Andrew Bartlett and David Preston

The common opinion among them seems to be business other than the view of Friedman that
that the term "business ethics" is an oxymoron. the only "social responsibility of business is to
From this perspective, ethics is about being nice, increase its profits" [lj. The fact is however, that
controlled and altruistic whilst business is nasty, we all have moral standards, whether we recog-
chaotic and self-interested. The assumption nise them or not. We do not personally know
underlying much of the business ethics literature anyone who would really be prepared to do
- that the conduct of business can and ought to anything at all to attain success in business. Even
support the common social good - is not the lawyers insisting that their code of conduct
accepted. So, can business ethics, as conceived is all they recognise are at least applying some
in the literature, really exist in a social setting level or moral reasoning (and one suspects that,
populated by BE Sceptics? And where do the BE although they will not admit it, their personal
Sceptics come from? ethics would place additional restrictions on them
The BE Sceptics of our acquaintance are not in reality). The opinion being expressed by our
rampant "profit at any cost" capitalists; nor cynics acquaintances is not that they themselves wish
hardened from spending too much time as small, to be absolved of responsibility for their actions
unappreciated servants of large and uncaring at work but that they do not believe they or
organisations; nor college graduate with too little anyone else in business is required to be morally
experience of work. In general, we hear these responsible. Bird and Waters have written about
comments from relatively successful women and the phenomenon of managers refusing to
men with between five and twenty years of work acknowledge the moral content of their thought
in commercial firms or the professions behind and behaviour, preferring to explain apparently
them as directors, managers, technicians, doctors, altruistic acts in terms of utility to the company.
lawyers or engineers. They are generally people The Moral Muteness of Managers is the term
to be expected to be sensitive to social and moral they use to describe the phenomenon [2].
issues. We estimate that of the hundred or so These observations become especially puzzling
people with whom we have had this conversion, when one looks at other types of evidence
90% to 95% of them are BE Sceptic. We had regarding the behaviour of business organisations.
anticipated disagreements about the extent to In the U.K., the Business In The Community
which ethics impinges on business or about the (BITC) organisation is made up of 400 of the
ethics that are relevant to business but we were largest British companies, 300 of which con-
not prepared for a complete denial of the applic- tribute 0.5% of pre-tax profits to charitable
ability of ethics to business at all. projects. The purpose of BITC is to get compa-
Some of our friends work in large companies nies involved in social and economic problems in
that we felt sure would have ethical programs or the communities in which they operate. Further,
codes of conduct and this turned out to be the whilst it may be true that there is little aware-
case. However, no-one could tell us anything ness of ethical issues among managerial and
about their contents and no-one believed that clerical staff, there does seem to be an increasing
anyone else paid any attention to these codes readiness of companies to attempt to change this
either. Others work in professions such as situation. Between 1987 and 1991 a quarter of
medicine or law and hence are aware that they companies surveyed internationally had spon-
are bound by strict codes of conduct. The preva- sored new ethics programs and there was a 40%
lent attitude here seemed to be that whatever is increase in the number of European company
allowed by the code is acceptable (although we CEOs making ethical pronouncements [15].
have to say that this is more noticeable among Why do companies seem to becoming more
lawyers than medics). There is no requirement ethical (or least seem to be trying to do so) whilst
for any additional responsibility. their employees appear to believe that the organ-
Of course, this is not to say that every person isations for which they work and the people with
we know is unethical or amoral. It is just that whom they work are interested only in profits?
they cannot see that any ethics are active in
Can Ethical Behaviour Really Exist in Business 201

Ethical values communicated by the attitudes between corporate oflficers and those of
organisation their managers suggests that it is rare that it does,
then the individuals in the organisation are likely
The answer may lie with the values implicitly to believe that the only goal of the corporation
communicated by the organisation itself. The is profit maximisation.
majority of large corporations may have estab- In turn, if it is true that the only goal o the
lished codes of ethics but it seems to be the case organisation is to maximise profits then the only
that they have failed to reinforce the message responsibihty of the individual in that organisa-
they contain. The presence of a sidelined code tion is to contribute towards higher profits. It is
of ethics could actually have a more deleterious normal for the contribution an individual makes
efFect on the ethical mindset of workers and to an organisation to be measured in this way
managers than the absence of a code altogether. with no consideration given to the morality of
Organisations spend a great deal of time and the methods used to achieve results. The
effort in implementing new initiatives for profit Protestant Ethic tells us that to be a good person
making and cost cutting. The same commitment we must work hard to achieve success and the
of resources is often lacking from the imple- business organisation tells us that success means
mentation of ethical programs. By publishing and profits and nothing else. Against this background,
failing to reinforce a code of ethics organisations even the morally sensitive come to believe that
may be sending the message that talk of ethics is ethics does not apply to business because the
- to use Friedman's phrase - "hypocritical organisation provides no motive for any moral
window dressing" and incidental to the real consideration. Inside, we may feel that this is not
business activity that takes place. Alternative, the quite right, that something has gone missing, but
impression may be given that adherence to the we have no reason to think that others feel the
letter of the code is sufficient rather than under- same. We may be torn between economic
standing and embracing its spirit. Either way, by requirements and, for example, our desire for
emphasising the need for rneasurable financial fairness to other people but the business envi-
success above the methods used to achieve it, ronment fails to validate our disquiet since it
many companies have created environments in recognises only one side of the dilemma. Since
which ethical considerations are regarded as no those around us are the organisation we end up
more significant than the choice of plants in the thinking that they share the ideals of the organ-
office. isation and hence are ethically clueless. Due to
The fact is that the methods used by organi- the difference between the stated values of the
sations to communicate and reinforce the values business organisation and the personal values of
of efficiency and profitability to their employees the employee, manager or executive, it is also
are far more advanced and sophisticated than possible that individuals come to think them-
those used to promote ethical awareness. selves less worthy than their colleagues of their
Messages encouraging ethical neutrality in place in the organisation. This in turn creates
decision making are generally far stronger than pressure to conform to the perceived require-
those imposing ethical constraints. In the ments of behaviour and to treat personal values
words of Saul Gellerman, "Ethics must be as a kind of weakness. It is this that leads to the
managed. . . . Setting a high moral tone at the ethical blindness encapsulated in the statement,
top levels of management is necessary, but not "There is no such thing as business ethics."
sufficient" [16]. Techniques must be employed to
balance the potentially conflicting goals of
financial success and high moral standards. The Ethical standards in the organisation
volume of the "anything goes" message must be
attenuated at the expense of a stronger exhorta- There is a growing body of literature and research
tion towards good ethics. When this does not indicating that the ethical standards applied by
happen, and as we shall see, the difference in individuals at work may be different [3] and
202 Andrew Bartlett and David Preston

probably significantly lower [4-6] than those they of justifying or understanding our working lives
follow in situations outside the business envi- in the context of our lives in society.
ronment. There is general agreement that social Of course there is nothing Aristotelian about
factors such as the ethical climate of the organ- this kind of existence at all. When we share inter-
isation and conformance to behaviour of peers ests with the community in the Aristotelian sense
and superiors play an important part in mediating we are expected to put the interests of the com-
ethical reasoning. An organisation encouraging munity before our own and have faith that our
the view that profits are the only consideration own interests will be well served. Economism
will tend to be populated by individuals thinking and Friedman put it the other way - we serve
and functioning on a lower ethical level. This society by pursuing our own ends. We occa-
standard of ethics will apply just as much to their sionally hear versions of this point of view from
dealings with and within the organisation as business people as a justification for the inap-
much as to their dealings with external parties. plicability of ethics to business and it reminds us
Other literature has suggested that specialised of Alisdair Maclntyre's theory regarding emo-
ethical theories should be applied to business to tivism [8]. In his book After Virtue Maclntyre
better understand behaviour in the context of the suggests that Western liberal democracy is in a
business organisation [7]. Ulrich and Thielemann state of moral fragmentation with no consistent
investigate the "kind of thinking pattern set of beliefs to which one can appeal to justify
(managers) have personally evolved for them- ethical standards. He further posits that in such
selves in order to be able to legitimise their activ- an environment the moral statements made by an
ities within the field of tension between ethics individual - the emotivist — are merely those she
and economic success". Following research finds convenient to support her own position.
among managers in Switzerland they identify Evidence that individuals manufacture justifi-
a dominant thinking pattern they name cations for ignoring the ethical content of situ-
"economism", under which managers "regard ations has been provided by Darley and Latane
any more or less strictly success-oriented courses [19]. Their work specifically applied to the
of action as ethically legitimate." The model used reactions of people to "emergency" situations
to derive this result divides managers into such as a theft or a potential fire. They found that
Harmonists who believe "good business is good when exposed to these situations, the subjects
ethics" and Conflict-Perceivers who see ethics were much more likely to respond to the emer-
as a factor independent of success and therefore gency if they were alone than if they were in
imposes additional responsibilities beyond merely the company of one or more strangers. When the
satisfying business objectives. Harmonists, repre- subjects were interviewed after the event, the
senting 88% of the group of managers inter- most frequently reason given for a lack of
viewed by Ulrich and Thielemann, place their response was that the subject did not perceive
faith in mechanisms such as Adam Smith's an emergency situation or believe it was real.
"Invisible Hand" to spontaneously reconcile self- However, those that responded reported that they
interested behaviour with a greater social good. had no probleni noticing the emergency at all
An individual subscribing to the Harmonist and other incidental evidence indicated that the
view now finds herself equipped with a consis- non-responders had done also. The researchers
tent set of beliefs that relieves the tension commented that the non-responders seemed
between personal (The Protestant Ethic), organ- genuine in their belief that they had not noticed
isational (profit maximisation) and societal ethics. anything unusual requiring their attention, the
By working hard to achieve success she is able implication being that they had at least convinced
to satisfy all constituencies and lead a "good life" themselves with their post-justification if no-one
in the Aristotelian sense. She is able to identify else. Generalising from emergency situations to
with the Aristotelian principle that the interests any situation with an ethical content, it may be
of the community are largely common with her possible to conclude two things.
own interests. This appears to be the only way Firstly, it seems that social factors play a part
Can Ethical Behaviour Really Exist in Business 203

in determining whether any individual "does the (Obviously it is only rational provided one
right thing" in any given circumstance. Darley ignores the paradoxical suggestion that both
and Latane suggested that the presence of others maximum control and minimum control are the
can inhibit action in situations in which reacting best way to run eflScient systems of transaction
would require one to behave differently to the humans.) The claim that this arrangement is also
others. In other words, if everyone else is doing good for the community and the individual
nothing then it is easier to continue to do worker emerges as entrepreneurial emotivism. It
nothing oneself. The second conclusion that may is a sleight of hand that deceives us as a society
be drawn is that the route frequently taken by into recognising demands from the business
individuals to explain a lack of ethical consider- sector for deregulation as legitimate whilst as
ation in their behaviour in a given situation is individuals we are exhorted from the same
to deny that any ethical content is present in that quarter to submit ourselves to an ever more
situation. These conclusions may be summarised constraining bureaucracy.
in the phrase "pluralistic ignorance". Pluralistic
ignorance is the condition in which members of
a group will ignore the need to take notice of Work, bureaucracy and the market
certain conditions provided all members of the
group do the same. Applying these conclusions The situation reflects the distribution of power
to the work setting begins to get to the bottom in late 20th century western democracy in which
of why it is that so few of the people we have the economy or "the market" is the primary
spoken to believe in business ethics, if we start organising and driving force. Society is required
from the position in which the majority of only to legitimate the status quo through the
individuals support the view that business is democratic process. Individualism is tolerated
purely about profits, then the socialisation effect only to the extent that it fuels consumerism.
of the organisation will tend to propagate this Employees, managers and executives are expected
view. Any given corporate individual may find to subordinate the interests of society to the
himself subscribing to an opinion purely because interests of the economy and for reasons of
it is the opinion of the majority of people around personal welfare they do so. They are provided
him. His critical faculties are paralysed by the with economism as a salve for their conscience.
socialisation effect. The hegemony of the economy over society is
This is surely the case for the manager who exposed by Gary Teeple when he says, "The idea
justifies an unadulterated profit motive with a that politics determines national policies has
belief in the Invisible Hand. Such a belief takes gradually dissipated and in its place has come the
on an almost mystical quality when one compares open assertion that economics is the deciding
it with the methods of control used within factor in more and more aspects of society" [13].
organisations. On the one hand we have the However, we believe that for most people
common good for society arising spontaneously economism is not sufficient to relieve moral
from a largely unregulated market of companies disquiet. It is a crutch for disjointed values rather
pursuing their self-interest and on the other hand than a true justification for the way we all have
we have the common good for the corporation to live. There is not perceived to be any ethics
arising from the application of a rigid bureau- in business because there is no good and bad
cracy expressly designed to suppress the effects of between which to choose. The choice is between
self-interest that may be harmful to the organi- success and failure.
sation. In both cases the benefits are supposedly So success and "the good life" is determined
efficiency and fair distribution. Taken from the by hard work in a well-organised company
level of the corporation this appears to be an operating in a free market. (The importance of
entirely desirable and rational situation offering each of these terms varies depending on position
a minimum of restriction on market behaviour - hard work is important for the worker, organ-
and maximum control over internal affairs. isation for the manager and free trade for the
204 Andrew Bartlett and David Preston

entrepreneur - but everyone is encouraged to concept of managerial effectiveness and the

believe in all three.) In reality all three of these absence of any actual criteria by which it may
terms are somewhat imperfect. be measured.
It has been pointed out many times before that
the market always has been and always will be
regulated in some form or another. Some regu- The dangers of scepticism
lation (and an implied system of ethics) is
required to protect buyers and sellers from It may be said that if the unregulated market,
unscrupulous trading partners. Without this kind the well-organised bureaucracy and the indi-
of protection there could be no market at all. vidual coerced by the work ethic are all fictions
Other regulations e.xist to protect the interests then there is no problem. Why does it matter if
of groups such as workers, local communities and we speak one way and act another? We can think
nations. of three main reasons. Firstly, by pretending that
The importance of hard work may also be our values are different to how they are we leave
called into question. The market is not designed ourselves vulnerable to the ethical opportunist.
as a system to reward hard work or merit and it It provides a justification for the "We Don't
does not operate as one. Success in the market Make The Laws' attitude identified by Albert
is arbitrary. As already mentioned, it suits the Carr in his often cited article "Is Business
business organisation for its employees to believe Bluffing Ethical?" [10]. As an example, he
that hard work will lead to success but this is also describes a key manufacturer who supplied keys
open to doubt and the idea has been called into for cars to mail-order customers. Although it was
question by Robert Jackall [9]. Jackall recounts obvious that many of the customers would be car
the result of interviews with managers in U.S. thieves, the manufacturer justified his actions by
corporations. Far from supporting the work ethic pointing out that he had not broken any law. In
the U.S. managers indicated that the qualities the absence of any values other than success
needed for success were conformism to expected measured by profit there is no argument against
norms of thinking and behaviour, political skill the key manufacturer however much it may
in building relationships with the right people offend our intuition. Although he avoids disap-
and the ability to outrun one's mistakes. Even proval of the key manufacturer, Carr cannot
then, success is capricious and disaster looms for bring himself to explicitly defend his behaviour
anyone unfortunate enough to be in the wrong and one suspects that this is because he is also
place at the wrong time. The picture Jackall subject to the intuition that there is something
paints of the bureaucratic hierarchy is of a system wrong with it.
populated by kow-towing bureaucrats serving the Secondly, there could be a psychological
interests of the organisation only when it happens impact of "living a lie" likely to operate at the
to suit them to do so. level of the individual and the community. The
What of the third term, the bureaucratic- main effect may simply be to make us less happy
organisation? Certainly in the light of Jackall's although the result of placing oneself in a false
findings and to the extent that the managers' position can be despair, schizophrenia and
behaviour is influenced by the system they paranoia. On the societal level, this self-decep-
inhabit, it is hard to claim that bureaucracy is tion is a false consciousness closely related to the
really the means by which the corporation can alienation of man from himself and his activity
get the most from the human resources at its described by Marx [11].
disposal. At best it is a tool used by executives The third reason that it is important to recog-
and managers to give the impression, to them- nise the difference between our statements about
selves and to their directors or shareholders, of business ethics and our actual behaviour contains
being in control. For Maclntyre, managerial within it a clue to the way we might escape from
expertise is a fiction used for social control. He the situation. Bad ethical practice, encouraged by
refers to Bittner who noted the gap between the a denial of the existence of ethical values in
Can Ethical Behaviour Really Exist in Business 205

business, can be detrimental to the efficiency of itiveness [12]. (The same survey also found that
the economy and the corporation. 94% said that "the business community as a
The problem we face is that the commercial whole is troubled by ethical problems \ This is
business organisation is designed as a profit perhaps further evidence of the conflict between
making mechanism and has no interest in the the way we would like to be and the way we
good for society. It is playing a zero-sum game are forced to be.) Also, Galaskiewicz [14]
against the rest of the economy and can be has reported on the "Emerald City" of
expected to have no particular orientation Minnesota — St. Pauls which has a reputation
towards ethical behaviour beyond the laws that for corporate benevolence and public spirit.
constrain it. Attributes, such as trustworthiness Focusing on the area of corporate donations,
and co-operation, that tend to favour long term he reported that in he found that 67% of com-
stability and success are not likely to be displayed panies gave donations out of a sense of moral
by organisations with profit maximisation as the obligation or social responsibihty. (In fact, only
dominant value. When populated by organisa- 30% of organisations explicitly articulated their
tions of this type, the economy functions as a reasons in terms of "enhghtened self-interest" but
system of non-co-operating agents and offers there is probably a good deal of overlap in the
neither the optimum return on resources spent two categories.)
by society nor the ideal operating environment There are a variety of benefits an organisation
for individual companies. The challenge is to can expect to accrue from taking a positive
convince the organisation (and hence the people ethical stance: higher sales through improved
in the organisation) that a direct benefit accrues public image; enhanced employee commitment
to it through its own ethical behaviour. This is to corporate goals through higher regard for the
not the same as saying it is better for everyone organisation; greater job satisfaction; efficiencies
if organisations have higher moral standards. It through improved internal and external relations
must be shown that the ethical organisation is and so on. On the other hand, there are obvi-
likely to be more successful than the unethical ously there are those who dispute the connec-
one whilst operating in a system that delivers no tion between good ethics and good business.
guarantee of the ethical standards of other organ- Carr and Friedman are the most often quoted
isations. (Note that a further challenge exists to examples. Their argument focus on the fact that
arrange the relationships between the economy companies or businessmen will only act ethically
and society as whole such that an efficient if it benefits them to do so. They say that since
economy made up of co-operating agents will this is self-interested behaviour it cannot be
deliver the greatest benefit to society, however deemed ethical. However, Carr and Friedman are
we may choose to measure it.) here referring to specific acts that have an
obvious positive outcome for the organisation.
There is no reason to assume that the corpora-
The economic benefits of business ethics tion cannot be convinced that a positive ethical
outlook in general can be a factor in success
Whether "good ethics is good business" is a irrespective of whether there is any immediately
matter of some debate. Among the academic identifiable business advantage from it. In order
community it seems to be an article of faith but to be able to adopt this position it is necessary
it is a belief that also appears to hold a degree of for the organisation to be able to take a long term
credibility in business seems to be an article of view and trust that over a period of time they
faith but it is a belief that also appears to hold a will benefit. Short-termism is the enemy of good
degree of credibility in business circles. A survey ethics in business since it obscures the connec-
conducted among U.S. executives, directors and tion between responsibility and success. In the
business school deans in 1988 by Touche Ross Touche Ross survey pressure for short-term
found that 65% of the respondents believed that results was one of the main threats to business
high ethical standards improved a firm's compet- ethics perceived by managers.
206 .Andrew Bartlett and David Preston

In his book Theory Z [21], William Ouchi becomes relevant when the decision making
contrasts the success over recent decades of executives identify their reputations with that of
Japanese firms with the poorer performance of the company.
companies in the West over the same period.
Generalising the Japanese and Western forms and
referring to them as Type Z and Type A organ- Unravelling the contradictions
isations respectively, he find the difference to be
in the long-term approach adopted by Type Z Short-termism is prevalent at all levels of business
compared to the short-termism of Type A. Long- as shown by Jackall's analysis of the attitudes of
terniism allows the development of trust, co- managers to the criteria for success. To the extent
operation and shared values between the that merit plays any part in success it is merely
corporation and its customers, employees and in "keeping ones nose clean" or having "a safe
suppliers. Type A organisations, in the absence of pair of hands". In the absence of any system for
shared values and stable relationships, require a tracking the consequences of decisions once a
strong bureaucracy to prevent individuals from manager has moved to another position, even in
sacrificing the long-term interests of the the same company, individuals are invited to
company for short-term gain. The costs of sacrifice long-term goals and stability for short-
bureaucracy can be high. Not only are there costs term results. As Ouchi points out, "in a short-
attached to running the bureaucracy itself — the run oriented firm, a manager who fails in the
accounting system used for "untangling the inter- short run will be around to see the long run".
dependencies between people" - but also the Like executives, managers and other employees
system prevents the organisation responding to can be expected to attain high ethical standards
the need for change since it precludes cross- only when they feel they are an integral part of
functional co-operation. Ouchi makes plain the the organisation and the organisation itself
connection between success and concern for long respects those standards.
term relationships. Perhaps this is a root of the contradiction that
Many large corporations have already so many apparently believe in the beneficial
embraced the idea that their long term interests effects of good ethics on corporate well-being
are served through a positive involvement in the whilst so few are willing to acknowledge the
community. Business In The Community and the relevance of ethics in the business arena. Those
5% club are just two examples of large organisa- questioned in the Touche Ross survey were
tions with the motivation to invest resources in classified as "executives, directors and business
their surrounding environment. It is perhaps not school deans". The statements analysed by
surprising that it is large companies that are more Galaskiewicz regarding corporate donations came
willing to take part in such initiatives. Not only from high ranking executives. Conversely, the
do they have greater visibility and hence their evidence cited against business ethics, including
behaviour is likely come under closer scrutiny our own anecdotal evidence, is generally gathered
than their smaller counterparts, they are also by investigating the views of middle-managers. It
likely to be around for longer and are therefore appears that business leaders believe and espouse
able to reap the long term rewards for co-oper- a positive view of business ethics has nothing to
ation and trust with customers, suppliers, com- do with them. We can return to pluralistic
munity, regulatory bodies and even competitors. ignorance to explain this difference. Middle-
Smaller companies are more likely to succumb to managers' views on appropriate modes of
the temptation to overlook ethical considerations conduct in the business setting are formed by
in the bid for short-term profits. Large com- contact with people and experiences within the
panies are not immune to this however and the organisation. The company itself forms the
pressure to show year on year profits is increasing socialising environment and as we have seen, if
with increasing shareholder promiscuity. Also, the the company is sending mixed messages regarding
long-term success of an organisation only the relative importance of success and ethical
Can Ethical Behaviour Really Exist in Business 207

behaviour then it is hardly surprising if corpo- tion in it. (Note that there is a danger here
rate individuals become cynical. however Organisational goals and dominant
Senior executives have a different socialising community values may be aligned by changing
environment to set the tone for their ethical either one of them. Organisations may find it
behaviour. Their contacts and dealings are to a more convenient to alter the values of the com-
much greater extent external to the corporation. munity they serve than their own values. This is
Furthermore, since senior executives are more one of the traditional criticisms of advertising
closely identified with the organisation they work expressed for example by J. K. Galbraith in The
for, they are more likely to extend their corpo- Affluent society.)
rate persona beyond business and into the com-
munity. Galaskiewicz found that Minnesotan
companies with CEOs closely linked socially to Managing ethics in the organisation
community leaders gave more in corporate
donations than others. He also noted that on These days, most corporations are aware of the
average the community leaders had considerably need to be at least seen to be in step with the
higher standing in husiness than the CEOs. In values of the surrounding community and many
other words, the Minnesotan community leaders are adept at achieving this by actively projecting
could apply pressure to CEOs to conform to their ethical values into the marketplace. Few
expectations of charitable behaviour because the organisations manage to effectively communicate
failure to do so results not only in exclusion from the corresponding values to their employees and
elevated social circles but from elevated business instead give the impression that the company
circles as well. He says that "company executives expects them to behave as if financial consider-
give to keep their places in the network" [17]. ations outweigh all others. To reverse this situa-
One of the keys to unravelling the undesir- tion the organisation must learn to manage and
able situation of a perceived absence of ethics in communicate through the social system rather
business therefore is in encouraging a greater than through the bureaucracy.
identity between community, company and In addition to the hierarchy and the market,
workforce rather than allowing companies to Ouchi's Theory Z recognises a social system he
manage their relationship with the community calls a "clan'\ Clans are "intimate associations of
and their relationship with their employees as if people engaged in economic activity but tied to
they were entirely separate entitles. In the U.K. each other through a variety of bonds". Through
there is growing support for the concept known long term associations with clans, individuals are
as stakeholding. If iniplemented, this would give socialised are socialised to pursue the common
a say in the running of a company not just to good since it is only through the success of the
shareholders via their appointed board but to clan that the individual can succeed. The business
other interest groups such as employees, the local organisation that can develop and communicate
community, customers and so on. Such a move rationally with the collective consciousness of the
would significantly raise the likelihood that the clan will have no need to exert control over the
company would adopt a longer-term, more individual through the bureaucracy. This can only
ethical posture that should reap its own rewards. occur in an environment in which the expecta-
Galaskiewicz quotes Talcott Parsons [18]: "if the tion of persisting relationships enables the devel-
goals of the organisation are in line with the opment of trust and co-operation and it is only
dominant values, not only will the organisation those at the top of an organisation who can
operate unencumbered in its environment, but decide to create this environment.
participants in the organisation will be all the This will not be achieved without consider-
more loyal to the organisation." This is the able difficulty. Ouchi points out that it is rare that
double effect caused by the fact that as members a Type A organisation becomes Type Z. Rather,
of society we legitimate the role of business and Type Z companies are those that have managed
yet we benefit from its success by our participa- to maintain the values of trust and long term
208 Andrew Bartlett and David Preston

commitment instilled by the founders. Once prepared to use their power to foster the correct
these values are lost it is difficult to re-establish atmosphere. In some ways, implementing an
them. Clan arise from intimacy in human rela- ethical program is similar to implementing the
tions and cannot be bullied into existence by a quality programs that many organisations have
hierarchy. It may be that the many failed attempts been persuaded to take one. It must be woven
at forcing Typo Z management styles into unre- into the culture of the organisational and cannot
sponsive bureaucracies have created the ethical be tacked on as an afterthought. It requires a
vacuum that now exists. loosening of bureaucratic control and a willing-
The challenge for companies is to employ ness to allow each individual to think creatively
their often considerable expertise in shaping within the context of their own role. Through
ort^anisational activity to encourage more ethical, tramuig the organisation must provide the moral
long sighted behaviour and discourage self-inter- reasoning skills to the workforce to allow ethical
ested, short sighted behaviour. Gellerman has considerations to become a feature of operational
suggested some practical methods for the latter. decision making. Through reward and if neces-
He identified the need to reduce inducements sary punishment the organisation must reinforce
to unethical behaviour such as unusually high ethical behaviour in individuals. In this way the
rewards for good performance or severe punish- people in an organisation may gradually become
ments for poor performance. For e.xample, a less afraid to admit to the existence of an ethical
number of recent incidents in the City of conscience in their business personae and perhaps
London involving misconduct of highly incen- more able to identify their long term interests
tivised individuals or teams have caused The with those of the company.
Bank of England to issue warnings to city firms
regarding the size of bonus payments for high
fliers. Reducing disproportionate incentives or Conclusion
increasing the surveillance ot individuals in a
position to personally benefit from excessive There will always be openings for opportunists.
corporate profits will reduce the risk of uneth- There will always be companies and individuals
ical behaviour. that take advantage of the goodwill of others to
At the same time, the expectations of the make a quick profit. Laws and regulations are
organisation must be strongly communicated there to discourage and detect such behaviour
through corporate structures that foster ethical but we should not pretend that they define the
action that benefits the long term interests of the limits of our expectations of ourselves or others.
individual and the organisation. Patrick Murphy To do so is to deny what we know to be true
points out that in large organisations corporate about ourselves. Business ethics does exist but it
ethical credos are only sufFicient in companies should not be limited to a search for normative
with a pre-existing "cohesive corporate culture, systems. Business ethics should search for ways to
where a spirit of frequent and unguarded com- allow people in the business environment to do
munication exists" 120]. In other (more preva- what they think is right for themselves, their
lent) cases. Murphy suggests that extensive ethics company and their community rather than what
education programs are required to reinforce and they think is expected of them.
standardise interpretation of the ethical code.
Trevino [4] supports this with the proposition
that, "Codes of ethics will affect ethical/ References
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