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Keep Your Heart On

How to stay munity Outreach for the Rainbow Sandals
Non-Profit, an organization based out of
Southern California.
mindful in your “For me, it’s all God,” Brown said.
Brown has been working full-time in

everyday mission
non-profit and mission oriented work for
over two decades.
“If you are doing what God has called you
By Adrienne Kruse, Jillian Price, and Abby Sower
to do, you will never burn out.” Brown said.
Brown admitted to getting frustrated at
Mission work is not always in a foreign times. It happens with the stress of organiz-
country, headed up by a church, and lasting ing necessities for the community, often at
short notice and at times without the neces-
the duration of a couple weeks.
Mission work is most commonly done on sary“[I] support from other facets.
keep my eyes and my heart on God,”
the local level, with organi- Brown said.
zations coming together to In addition to the fear
address the specific needs of of burning out, a common
a community. This is a more concern for missionaries
permanent form of mission arises in the uncertainty
work that comes with its own of how their resources
set of benefits and obstacles. will be put to use. Just
Many people find it hard as someone might be
to stay intentional with work hesitant to give money to
they have been doing over panhandlers on the side
a long period of time. With of the road, it is easy for
every other thing in life, it missionaries to be suspect
comes with slumps and set- of the outcome of their
backs. services.
Robert K. Wagstaff, a Mission Waco, a
mission president in the Phil- ministry organization
lippines for LDS Church, dedicated to serving and
knows the difficulties that empowering the disen-
come with long-term mis- franchised, offers insight-
sion work. Herman Brown
“As your mission contin- Director of Community Outreach ful advice to its volunteers
ues, other difficulties will inevitably arise,” strong in their faith regarding how to remain
Wagstaff wrote in an online news article for service. when practicing acts of
the LDS website. In its volunteer manual, Mission Waco
“If you do not understand this, you may
become frustrated or discouraged when you states “even if we are ‘manipulated’ or
and your mission do not measure up to some cipient willthe
scammed, joy of giving is ours. The re-
stand before the same just God
imagined ideal.”
Checking your expectations can be one and be accountable for use of the resources
of the most fundamental parts of staying even It
as we are.”
is important to stay focused on the ben-
focused in a mission field. It is common for efits of your mission and the potential it has
organizations to have unrealistic goals that to change the lives of people you serve. Mis-
do not come to fruition exactly as expected.
It is important to stay prayerful and hum- sion Waco advises to “use wisdom and dis-
ble as even the smallest things are accom- cretion, Mission
but make giving a way of life.”
work is important and valuable
plished. Any work done for the benefit of the in any setting. Whether it be in local com-
other is never a waste.
Herman Brown is the Director of Com- munities or overseas, selfless work will always
make a difference in the community.

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