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Narrativa de salida de campo

Gabriela Coral Pantoja

Mayo 2018.
Universidad de Nariño.
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas.
Epistemología, pedagogía y lenguaje.
Programa Licenciatura Ingles-Francés.
Semestre 1, grupo 1.

Tabla de Contenidos

Where the angels smile ......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Where the angels smile

On a night, May 24, my heart was preparing for the next, to meet some angels. Those

children who at the end of the day would not forget his smile.

On the morning, May 25, as is common in Pasto, the weather was very cold but at 5

o'clock in the morning there was no sleep in me.

At 6 o'clock I had already gotten up, bathed and dressed. To start my trip I had to walk

from my house to the university, that university where I am taking my first steps to be a

very good teacher for those angels.

At 7:30 we took the orange machine that would take us to our destination, the bus. I

always hated the smell of gasoline, that particular day and on that bus the smell was very

strong gasoline so I felt bad for a moment but then remembered why I was traveling and

took strength.

After we had lost our way, we met again with our companions and we continued our trip.

When I arrived, my heart sank and my mind filled with many thoughts and even more

when I saw the little children coming out of that classroom, with their red uniforms and

their white smiles. Then, when the activity started, we all helped and at the moment that I

told my story I felt in my zone, which is my vocation. We achieved that little by little the

children had a great moment, those little ones that are beginning to live, we taught them

something that I hope and they remember with love.

When we finished everything, we felt happy and satisfied, although a little sad for leaving

that place, the place where those angels study.

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