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A Study on Relationship between Personality Traits and

Employment Factors of College Students

I. Abstract:
The goal of vocational education is to enhance students’ professional knowledge, technical
skills, and professional ethics to make them readily available for employment and capable of
satisfying the needs of economic constructions. Vocational education plays an important role
in guiding and assisting students in seeking employment. However, in addition to school
education, individual personality traits largely affect students’ employment. This paper used
students at a college in Taiwan to investigate the relationship between students’ personality
traits and their employment factors.
II. Findings and Recommendations:
This research concluded that student personality can be measured by three major traits,
including leadership, innovativeness, and socialness. Employment factors can be divided into
individual factors and environmental factors, and environmental factors also include family
factor, school factor, social factor, and peer factor. In general, males exhibited higher levels of
innovativeness and socialness than females. Journal of Case Studies in Education A study on
relationship between personality traits,
Remarkably, students who had received interests-related courses demonstrated a higher
level of leadership competence than those who have not. It can be inferred that leadership
quality can be developed through school education. Moreover, students who have experiences
of participating in skills competitions also exhibited a stronger leadership quality than those
who have no such experience. Therefore, students studying at vocational schools should be
more encouraged to participate in accreditation tests and skills competitions, so as to enhance
their leadership competence. The regression analysis result suggested that students’ personality
traits affected the individual factors among the employment factors, and students characterized
by a higher level of socialness were more concerned about their future careers and
Besides, the results revealed that male students demonstrated higher adaptability,
competitiveness, vigor, innovativeness, dominating ability, and favor for group works than
female ones. This finding suggests that male students are more highly adaptable to the external
environment. As gender equality is emphasized in the modern environment, female students
should manage to enhance their adaptability to the external environment so as to compete with
them on an equal footing. In nowadays, accreditation of professional skills is increasingly
important. Schools should not only assist students to acquire knowledge and skills required by
the job market but also guide them to take vocational licenses and participate in various skills
contests, which could help enhance students’ leadership competence and boost their confidence
and competitiveness in the job market.
III. Personal Evaluation
The study is quite fascinating because of the focus of its study that it is not only the
professional skills that is measured when looking for jobs but also how important the role of
personality in our work. This study helps me realize that having these traits like being a leader,
creative and how to deal with individual differences of my workmates is very important to
achieve more than what is expected. These study also strongly emphasize how men dominated
in terms of leadership, innovative and socialization skills. But as I see in our society right now,
women have been in the radar. In terms of being a leader, we have lots of women who became
president like Corazon Aquino and Gloria Arroyo. Women have risen in our society. It may be
because of the Feminism group and also our society has started to trust the capabilities of
Going back to the personality traits as one of the basis in having a job. This is a very crucial
part of a graduate because personality can be taught in the school but the problem is that how
he is going to apply this to the real world. No matter how many times a person have been taught
of how important personality but it is on the person if he wants to change.
Personally, this is a good study to guide and give information to the companies or employer
to have workers not just with knowledge but also with a heart.
Age-related changes in materialism in adults – A self-
uncertainty perspective
I. Abstract
Materialism is the focus of much research due to its negative consequences for
individuals and societies. While recent research indicates that the strength of
materialistic value orientations changes with age during adulthood, little is known
about the processes that cause these age-related changes. We propose that changes in
materialism, as people grow older, are rooted in changes in self-uncertainty. We find
evidence for this idea in two studies and across different measures of self-uncertainty.
In addition, we show that the changes in materialism cannot be explained by (age-
related) differences in socio-demographic variables. Finally, our results indicate that
changes in self-uncertainty provide a better account for changes in materialism than
age-related changes in self-esteem.

II. Findings
Overall, the present research makes an important contribution to the literature by
identifying one mechanism that seems to link age and materialism. Researchers could
build on our findings and study additional mediators and moderating mechanisms of
the age – materialism relationship. We believe that there is still much to be learned
about this relationship. Given the many detrimental consequences of materialism in
society, a better understanding of this relationship may help policy makers who wish
to reduce materialistic tendencies in society.
III. Recommendations
It is not clear whether our findings generalize to offline populations. While our
studies utilized online populations, we have no reason to believe that samples collected
in an offline environment would differ in the investigated process. However, future
research could investigate this. Lastly, our sample consisted of individuals from
Western societies due to the data collection platforms used. Future research could
investigate whether our theoretical model can be replicated in Asian or African samples
as well. Our intuition is that it will be possible to replicate the effect albeit its strength
might vary. As discussed earlier, Jaspers and Pieters (2016) reported in their meta-
analysis that age and materialism were associated in samples from different countries.
Though, there was considerable variation in the strength of this correlation between
IV. Personal Evaluation
Materialism is a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as
more important than spiritual values. This has been a problem to some individuals in
our society right now. Spending too much money just to have a certain kind of item for
their pleasure. But I guess everyone has its reason to why they try to possess materials
even though it is not needed at the certain time. It has been found that people used this
as to defense mechanism towards the people around. Having luxurious materials would
give other people an idea on how you live and your lifestyle and would be free from
being judge and also to cover up their flaws. Also in the findings, Age has been one of
the factors of having this kind of mentality. I agree with this because throughout the
journey in the stage of middle age. We socialize a lot of people, gain friends, and mingle
with our workmates. Insecurities would certainly arise that give the reason to have a
materialistic mentality since there are things that a person could not have but others
have that is why people try to reach up their level in terms of materials.
Personality predicts words in favorite songs

I. Abstract
Psychologists have long theorized that people actively create, select, or
modify experiences and situations to fulfill their individual psychological needs.
However, little is known about how people may use forms of art and entertainment
such as music to enhance their experiences and shape their environments for need
satisfaction. In this research, we measured participants’ personality and the linguistic
styles of their favorite songs, and observed significant associations between
personality traits and linguistic cues in lyrics. These associations were stronger for
participants who generally liked a song because of its lyrics rather than melody. Our
study is the first to show how one’s personality is related to linguistic cues in someone
else’s writings. It points to the possibility that people may like certain songs because
the linguistic cues in the lyrics are congruent with their personality and hence can
satisfy personal needs. This expands research on person-situation interaction and
literature on personality and language use, and has important practical implications.

II. Findings
Music plays an important role in people’s everyday life. In this research, we
showed that people’s personality traits predict linguistic cues present in their favorite
songs. For example, extraverts tended to like songs expressing positive emotions and
conscientious individuals tended to like songs that show cognitive complexity. Our
results further indicate that these personality-lyrics associations are generally
independent of preference for other musical attributes such as acoustic and
psychological attributes of melody. These findings suggest that individual differences
in music preferences could be driven by preferences for lyrical style, and suggest the
possibility that people use linguistic cues in lyrics as stimuli to fulfill their individual
III. Recommendations
There are a number of limitations of our study. Firstly, it is important to
note that our research is exploratory and our findings should not be interpreted
as a definitive representation of how personality predicts linguistic cues in
lyrics. In addition, given that our sample size is relatively small and only
included Chinese participants, future studies with larger and more diverse
samples are needed to assess the replicability and cross-cultural validity of our
findings. For example, research in cultural psychology suggests that compared
to East Asians, Westerners are more capable of selectively attending to salient
information and ignoring contextual information (e.g., Masuda & Nisbett,
2001). It is possible that the associations between personality and lyrics may be
stronger for Westerners (vs. East Asians) because they can better attend to lyrics
independent from melody when listening to music.

Secondly, our study only examined the lyrical content of songs that the
participants liked. This may present an incomplete picture as we did not
examine the associations between personality and the lyrical content of songs
that participants disliked. For example, people high in agreeableness may
dislike songs with swear words. However, the negative association between
agreeableness and swear words would not be discovered when people are asked
to report their favorite songs, because people both high and low in
agreeableness may not report songs with many swear words as their favorite
songs. To address this issue, future studies are needed to ask participants to
report the songs that they dislike, or measure their preferences towards a set of
pre-selected songs on a liker scale from “dislike very much” to “like very
much.” These songs should differ in their linguistic styles but have similar
acoustic features.

Thirdly, our study did not find the correlation between neuroticism and
negative emotion words. This could be due to the implicit style of emotional
expression in lyrics. For instance, lyrics such as “when will you come back?”
can express negative emotions, but does not contain any word related to
negative emotion. Future research is needed to develop specific methods or
tools to analyze the more subtle semantic content of lyrics.

Finally, we collected songs that participants actually listened to on their

music players to maximize the ecological validity of our study. While we have
controlled for general preferences for acoustic and psychological characteristics
of melody, our approach did not completely remove the influence of each
song’s melody. Future research may adopt an experimental approach to vary
the lyrics of a song while maintaining the melody, and have participants rate
their preferences for the songs to control for the influence of melody.

IV. Personal Evaluation

Music has been part of our lives. Our partner to every emotion that we
have. With this study, it is so interesting because it shows the relationship of our
emotions and personality towards music. Like me, I love music. This is one of the
things that I rely on every time I have problems or I am happy. But for me I guess the
reliability of the results is quite shaky because there are lots of lapses on the study just
looking at its recommendation. But anyway this helps to know the personality of a
certain person by just knowing its genre of songs.

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