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Oral Language Skills

in a Second Language
using Flipgrid

Ana Rejas-Cantu
CUIN 6320
December 3rd, 2018
Technology in the Classroom

ISTE Standard 1: Teachers Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity: Teachers

use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate

experiences that advance student learning, creativity and innovation in both face-to-face and

virtual environments (Swallow, 2017). ISTE Standard 2: Teachers, develop, and evaluate

authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources

to maximize learning. Incorporating technology in the classroom can be a great method in which

students are provided with a variety of paths to achieve at a maximum level. It is clear that it is a

teacher’s responsibility to create conditions that can lead to equitable learning outcomes,

enhancing understanding in a variety of ways. In our global and current digital society,

integrating a variety of technology tools is a must for all students in our schools.

Technology provides access to information, the ability to communicate, and opportunities

to collaborate on a universal scale unparalleled to prior decades. Preparing students to become

active and effective contributors in this knowledge-based, connected world requires a

fundamental change in educational pedagogies (Fullan & Langworthy, 2014). Today,

information and communication technology has become a way of life in which children are

drawn. Young children are beginning to use digital tools early on forcing schools to respond to

the needs of students ( Murati & Ceka, 2017). During the early years of school, young children

are developing a sense of creativity. They are curious about the world around them and are

always eager to explore. Digital and purposeful technology can provide one more outlet to

demonstrate creativity and learning.

The Tool, Flipgrid

Source: static. flipgrid.com

Currently, Flipgrid, a video discussion platform, is empowering social learning for

millions of Prek to PhD educators, students and families. The most valuable trait to appreciate in

Flipgrid is its ability to amplify student voice. Any device can be used with Flipgrid and in it,

teachers can post short discussion-style questions to students who are able to respond through

recorded 90-second videos. Conversations are monitored by teachers and these can be shared

with families as well. In addition, there is the possibility for students to comment and/ respond to

each other. For young students, videos combine visual and audio stimuli which assists them in

the process as they cannot yet read and write well.

The benefits of intentional use of video are endless. Students can use videos to document

their knowledge, reflect on the learning process and teach others how to do new things. Children

are no longer just consumers of videos, they can now create videos to share opinions and skills

(Sears, 2018). This turns making videos a strategy of high educational value.

Communication Skills & Young English language learners

It is known that an important part of personality is developed in the first six years of life

which is considered as the early childhood period. Therefore, concepts of communication skills,

emotion regulation and social competence which can be the basis of personality development are

important factors to be considered (Daǧal, 2017). The ability to communicate clearly and as

intended is a vital life skill that should be nurtured since an early age. Developing proper

communication skills is the basis for children to be in harmony with their environment,

establishing healthy social relationships and regulating their emotions.

Sharp communication skills must be fostered as the ability to communicate clearly is also

required in the workforce. For all English language learners, accurate pronunciation in English,

as one of the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, is an important goal

not only in communication, but also in reading and writing, which pave the path to their

academic achievement (Badian, 1998). There is no doubt that for all English language learners,

developing communication skills in a second language is of vital importance, but it can also be

challenging. Therefore, many opportunities in which they can develop skills in the speaking

domain are needed. Flipgrid is proving to be a great resource to use and engage in meaningful


Flipgrid in a Kindergarten classroom of English language learners

The are many possibilities for students to engage with using Flipgrid. Just take a look at

some ideas at theconnectedlearner.com blog. I started using Flipgrid in my kindergarten

classroom of English language learners to enhance their oral language skills in a fun, innovative

way. The first assignment this group did was quite simple, yet rich. They were asked to introduce

themselves using simple social English. Although and as with everything young children

experience for the first time, Flipgrid was a bit challenging, but the energy and enthusiasm to

achieve was clearly visible and palpable in all of them.

In addition to having to join the grid which forced my students to problem solve and

collaborate, they were given the much needed opportunity to rehearse their lines before recording

their introductions. As a strategy for English language learners, sentence stems were given to

them to provide scaffolding and help them get started in speaking without the added pressure of

thinking about how to correctly formulate a response.

The opportunities to maximize learning using Flipgrid are endless and can fit any student

population’s needs. This paper reflects how Flipgrid impacted my young English language

learners in their second language acquisition process. In all, incorporating the use of Flipgrid in

the classroom was productive and left us longing for more. This was technology integration with

a purpose and results!


● Badian, N.A. (1998). A validation of the role of preschool phonological and orthographic

skills in the prediction of reading. Journal of Learning Disabilities,V31, pp. 472-481.

● Dagal, A.B. (2017). Investigation of the relationship between communication skills,

social competence and emotion regulation skills of preschool children in Turkey.

Educational Research and Reviews. Vol 12(4), pp.164-171.

● Sears, C. ( 2018, September). Student Created Videos . Edutopia. Retrieved from:


● The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE Standards). Retrieved

from: https://www.iste.org/standards

● Swallow, M.J. (2017). The Influence of Technology on Teaching Practices at a Catholic

School . Journal of Catholic Education, Vol 20(2).

● Fullan, M., & Langworthy, M. (2014). A rich seam: How new pedagogies find deep

learning. London: Pearson.

● Flipgrid Resources https://resources.flipgrid.com/

● Murati, R; Ceka, A. (2017). The Use of Technology in Educational Teaching. Journal of

Education and Practice. Vol 8(6).

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