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Name: Marinduque, Jonaisah L.

BSEd-English 3A

Afro-asian Literature

Reflection Paper II (Six Feet of the Country)

There are various African literatures presented in the class. One of their
literatures that struck me the most is the work of Nadine Gordimer which is the “Six Feet
of the Country”. It is because this piece talks about human rights. When I read the
piece, it made me sad about the struggles of Black Africans during the apartheid
system. I could not imagine how they handled and survived those struggles. This piece
also serves as a reminder for us that we should value and fight for our rights as a
human. We should not let other people discriminate or put us down. We should get what
we really deserve.

As a future teacher, my job is not only to teach the students of what is written on
the book but also inspire them and teach them to become

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