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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction — Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Katie Rozendal

Date 11/30/18 Subject/ Topic/ Theme English/Cause and Effect/Revision Workshop Grade _12_____________

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This is the fifth lesson in the Cause and Effect Essay unit. After finishing researching and drafting, students will begin the revision process.

cognitive- physical socio-

Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional
 Work with partners to create a piece of writing. C x
 Apply revision tactics at the word, phrase, and theme levels. Ap
 Give constructive critiques on each other’s work. E x
 Evaluate a piece of writing based on content, organization, syntax, word choice, and grammar. E

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed: “Edit/Revision/Language: Apply or edit
grade-appropriate grammar usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling to clarify a message and edit narrative and/or
informational and/or argumentative texts.” (English 12 Essential Learning); “Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and
audience.” (W5 [11-12]); “Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing
products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.” (W6 [11-12])
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite Students need to have done enough research and writing to be able to bring a rough draft of their cause
knowledge and skills. and effect essay to class.

Pre-assessment (for learning): Check that students have rough draft

Formative (for learning): Check in with students as they revise. Ask if they have questions
Outline assessment
activities Formative (as learning): Review comments with peers when they’re finished revising
(applicable to this lesson)
Summative (of learning): Cause and effect essay

What barriers might this Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Action
lesson present? Engagement Representation and Expression
Provide options for self-regulation- Provide options for comprehension- Provide options for executive
expectations, personal skills and activate, apply & highlight functions- coordinate short & long-
strategies, self-assessment & term goals, monitor progress, and
What will it take –
reflection modify strategies
neurodevelopmentally, Outline the goals for the day at the Long term goal: cause and effect
experientially, beginning of class. Expectations for essay, short term goal: revise cause
emotionally, etc., for your each revision session are outlined and effect essay rough draft
students to do this lesson? on the powerpoint
Provide options for sustaining Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and
effort and persistence- optimize mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium
challenge, collaboration, mastery- symbols- clarify & connect of expression
oriented feedback language Students write comments on the
Students may work by Define words and concepts they papers then verbally share their
themselves or with partners if may not understand; use thoughts with peers
they like guiding questions to clarify

Provide options for recruiting Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical action-
interest- choice, relevance, value, making information perceptible increase options for interaction
authenticity, minimize threats Instructions are given verbally
Encourage students to tell each and guiding questions are
other what they liked about the projected onto the board
paper, not just the problems;
recommendations from peers
have value
Materials-what materials Laptops (students and teacher), Cause and effect essay packet (students), printed rough draft of cause
(books, handouts, etc) do and effect essay (students), Focused Peer Review powerpoint (teacher)
you need for this lesson
and are they ready to

Tables set up in groups of three

How will your classroom

be set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan

Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
1:00 -“Now that you have your rough drafts, it is time to
Motivation start revising. Today we’re going to use peer
(opening/ revision strategies to help improve your writing.”

2:00 Development -Make sure students are sitting by their partners if -Sit with partners. Get out printed rough drafts.
(the largest they are working on their paper with someone else.
component or Tell them to get out their printed rough drafts. Walk
main body of around an check that they have rough drafts.
3:00 the lesson) -Have them get into peer editing groups. This will -Get into peer editing groups.
be one paper group paired with another paper
1:00 -Have the paper groups switch papers so they’re -Switch papers. Get out highlighters and writing
looking at each other’s rough drafts. Have them get utensils.
out highlighters and writing utensils.
-Project Focused Peer Review powerpoint onto the
2:00 -“We’re going to work through these papers
together looking at different parts at different times.
The first thing I want you to look for is ideas and
content. [switch to first slide] Read through the
paper once looking out for these things. [reference
questions on slide] If you notice anything that is
11:00 off, mark it for the author to work on.” -Read through paper and mark issues concerning
-Remind students to only worry about ideas and ideas and content.
content right now. Walk around and monitor their
work. Answer any questions they may have.
-When students are finished, switch the slide.
“Now I want you to focus on organization.” Prompt
9:00 them using the questions on the slide. “Again, mark -Read through paper and mark issues concerning
any areas that need work.” organization.
-Walk around and monitor their work. Answer any
questions they may have.

-When students are finished, switch the slide.
“Next we’re going to look at syntax. This means
5:00 organization at the sentence and phrase level.”
Prompt them using the questions on the slide. -Read through paper and mark issues concerning
“Mark anything that is awkwardly phrased or if syntax.
they need more variety in their sentence structure.”
2:00 -Walk around and monitor their work. Answer any
questions they may have.
-When students are finished, switch the slide.
5:00 “Next we’re going to focus on word choice."
Prompt them using the questions on the slide. -Read through paper and mark issues concerning
“Mark any areas where the authors need to work on word choice.
their word choice.”
-Walk around and monitor their work. Answer any
questions they may have.
-When students are finished, switch the slide.
“Finally, we’re going to look at grammar and
formatting. We saved this one for last in our peer
review, and when you do your own editing, you
should do that too.” Prompt them using the
5:00 questions on the slide. “Now read over the paper -Read through paper and mark issues concerning
one last time, and mark any grammar or formatting grammar and formatting.
-Walk around and monitor their work. Answer any
7:00 questions they may have.
-When students have finished, have them give the
papers back. “Now I want you to conference with
each other a bit. Tell each other what you liked -Talk with each other about what they liked and
about the paper and what you think needs work. what they think needs work. Explain any markings
Explain any of the markings you made that you that need clarification.
think might need clarification.”
1:00 Closure -“Make sure you hang on to these rough drafts.
(conclusion, You’ll want to reference the notes that your
culmination, classmates gave you when you edit your paper.”

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
I didn’t teach this lesson, but I did give the lesson plan and the powerpoint to Ms. Ashley to use if she wants to. I really like the way
that I structured this revision lesson, and I think that I might even use it in the future. I wanted to break down each of the steps that
the students were being purposeful about it. I also wanted to emphasize editing the big picture issues before editing the small things
like grammar and punctuation.


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