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hadn't been very confident in my life when it came to everyday challenges, whether it be taking a test,

going for new skills and routines in gymnastics, competing at gymnastics competitions or just feeling all
around good about myself in general. In today's society being average is not the norm. There is always
someone competing with another to win at a sport, have more expensive and cuter clothing, higher
grades, better looks and so on. The competition today's society has built up has left some people
standing tall and strong, but has left others glum and in the dust. The pressure to be the best and to be
perfect has gotten to many people just as it had gotten to me. Then one day everything changed; it was
as if a light had been lifted and I had seen the light of day, bright and clear. I was at gymnastics and had
forgotten all about trying to be perfect and not feeling good enough. I let all that fly from my mind and I
let the confidence in. I finally began to get my skills and my routines felt AMAZINGLY better. It was as if
the universe was finally on my side just like the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson describes by saying, “If I
have lost confidence in myself, I have the universe against me.” Once I let my self doubt leave my mind
and I began to stop focusing on perfection I began to see that life was changing, for the BETTER. Through
gymnastics practices and competitions, taking tests and feeling good about my self and the way I look I
have begun to have a better understanding on how being confident can change a whole persons day
and can make life more fun.

I use to feel very bad about my gymnastics abilities. I began to feel like I was not good enough at
anything I tried to do and that EVERYONE was better than me. At gymnastics I was never good enough
to win and was never the first to perfect my routines and get new skills. It seemed like there was always
one team mate that was just a little better than me. Try as I may I could never beat that one girl, until
one day I changed my whole perspective on life and WON. It as if the universe was finally on my side. I
use to go into the gym or walk into the competitions feeling horrible and almost preparing to lose and
do bad before I even began. I would talk my self into feeling not good enough and so I wasn't good
enough. I would lose and I didn't understand why. Why does that girl win every single meet while I
don't? What's different between her and me? I could not see what the girls who won and did great at
gymnastics practices were doing until I watched the Gymnastics World Championships. It was a
competition between the best gymnasts in the world. Only the best of the best would compete to see
who would make it to the Olympics. These girls were the winners; they were prime. So I studied the way
they danced across the floor and flew across the 4 inches of beam awaiting their fall at the bottom. And
the way they ran with power and sprung up onto the vault and soared through the air catching the bar
as if it was no sweat. I didn't see a difference between there attitudes and mine in competition until I
saw her. She was a gymnast about to go on beam, the most grueling event that can make or break a
career. She had a disgusted smirk on her face and a clumsy, uneasy look in her eyes. Her legs were
shaking and her palms became unbearably sweaty. She saluted to the judge and her routine began. It
was nothing special at first, just another routine with another gymnast until she fell. As if the universe
was against her. She fell and began to cry, right there, that moment, the moment she had worked her
whole life for was ruined. And for what? I could see it, I saw before she even began her routine. She was
not confident and so the universe and gravity gave up on her because she gave up on herself. Those
others girls who had confidence were different, they believed in themselves and so did the universe
unlike the girl who did not believe in herself and was passed by by the universe. I learned from watching
her and vowed that I would never be like her again. I wanted to be confident and tell myself I could win
at the next meet. And that's exactly what I did. What happened after that is no surprise; I WON. My
whole level of confidence changed and life became good and enjoyable. Finally the universe was in my
favor. Through watching other gymnasts and my own experiences in life, I have began to see how much
a person's thinking process and confidence can change how a day goes by and how it can affect the vary
means of the universe working for me.

The next challenge after gymnastics was the challenge of becoming more confident with taking tests. At
school I never did well enough on a test, no matter how hard I studied; there was always someone who
got a higher score than me. It would be the night before the test. With a Study Guide in hand and a text
book by my side I would begin studying. Ready, set go! The studying would begin with hours after hours
going by. I knew the information after an hour or two, but I kept on studying. Worrying thoughts would
be going through my head the whole time. What if I forget this tomorrow when I take the test? What if I
fail the test and have to retake it? What if this test lowers my grade to a B? Than the test day would
come. With a test blank of answers and pencil ready in my hand I would get to work. Right as I finished
reading the first question my mind would freeze. I was not confident so neither was the universe. It took
no confident in me as I had not taken confidence with the test. Wait! I know this! No, I don't know this!
What if I'm getting this answer mixed up with another question? All that studying I had worked so hard
on was gone. With thoughts of negativity and self doubt floating around in my mind the answers were
gone. POOF! By and by I would sit their staring at the page, finally remembering the answers little by
little. The time went by fast and the pressure worsened. Everyone was done with their tests while I still
had twenty more problems to go. So I would be sent out of the room to finish the test and felt pressured
to finish it quickly. Everyone else seemed to have all smiles while the universe worked for them to recall
from memory the info they had studied, but for me the universe was not on my side. The test grades
would come back and I would get a so so grade, which in my book was not okay. That's when I began
applying my positive attitude and confidence to my studying and test taking. I began to study for only as
long as I needed to and no longer than that. I would also give myself a little pep talk or confidence
booster right before the exam. Then once I began taking the test the blank paper was not overwhelming
and I finished with time to spare. When the test grades were given back I received that high score that
was perfect in my eyes. By being confident and taking a deep breath in life instead of worrying and self
doubting myself I have realized that one change in my attitude can have an even greater change in how
my day goes, what my grades are and how the universe can be on my side.

The biggest challenge of all in changing my way of thinking and living life was for me to be able to accept
myself for who I am and accept the way I look. For this challenge I looked to the Bible and to God for
help. I use to go through each day thinking that I wasn't good enough for anyone or anything unlike
everyone else who's perfect. I'm too quiet! I'm too much of a perfectionist who cares too much about
my grades! I'll never be as pretty as them! Blah! Blah! Blah! And the negativity went on until I felt
completely ugly on the outside and rotten on the inside, completely miserable. Each day became a
chore instead of a new adventure. Each day became misery and sadness instead of fun and happiness.
That's when I had it. I was tired of the way I was comparing myself to others and felt about myself. I
deserved better and I wanted better. So I turned to God and began to pray for him to guide me through
my negativity of self doubt and fear. I asked for him to give the the confidence and self reliance needed
to feel good about myself. Every time I began to turn back to doubting myself I would pray to him and
he would make me feel more beautiful. He would build my confidence. I then began to find verses in the
Bible that talked about just what I was going through and held the words to my eyes that I needed to
see and realize about myself. It opened my eyes to becoming confident in my self, my personality, my
individuality and my looks. I finally felt beautiful with the confidence I carried with me through my
religion. I came to the realization that feeling good about my own self and feeling beautiful no matter
what anyone else thinks has made me a better person inside and out and has given me the confidence
to live each and everyday as if I'm on top of the world and that there is nothing someone could say that
would hurt me.

The quote “If I have lost confidence in myself, I have the universe against me,” by Emerson is not only
correct, but has become a life value that I have learned to live my life by each and every day. It is a
reminder to those who fall that a small boost of confidence can make the world go around and can bring
happiness and light to the day. Often people forget that one change in attitude can make or break a day
, a week, a month or an entire year even. As long as people find confidence in their everyday lives and
activities like I have with gymnastics, school tests and myself in general the world will go around and the
universe will work to make the days brighter. .

Self confidence is the ability to posses the absolute sureness of

feeling that you are equal to the task at hand. If one is self-confident,
that trait shines through the person in everything they do, say, what
they wear and how they look. People who have this desirable trait
draw others around them in by their untouchable confidence. A
confident person can easily combat the hurdles of life and can also
influence others by their positive attitude and impressive personality. A
confident person believes in themselves, does what they feel is right
and is never afraid of failure. Self-confidence is extremely important in
almost every aspect of our lives.

The reason self confidence is so important is because out of

confidence comes success. Proof of this is found in many instances.
For example, it is proven that students who begin a test with
confidence in themselves that they will achieve a desired goal have a
better chance of doing-so opposed to those who begin a test with
uncertainty. Another example is in the working world. It is very unlikely
for an insecure, unconfident person to be a CEO of a flourishing
company. When hiring an employee for an important position, an
employer looks for certain qualities and self confidence is one major

Self confidence is a disease. Friends, family, and all people other

people in touch with a person displaying confidence are likely to
generate similar self confident feelings. A confident person attracts
friendships, but commands respect, too. 69% of women said that men
possessing self confidence were 2 times more attractive than those
lacking it. ‘I believe that a self-confident man is aware of his
imperfections but doesn't allow them to hinder him from being the best
person that he can be.’ Alison Austin of Dayton, OH.

For a psychology project, two high school boys decided to test out the
correlation between self confidence and attraction. They...

Self Confidence Essay

...Albert Einstein :who? The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is
comprehensible. I didn’t said this statement. This was said by the one Who proudly declared
himself as a “lone wolf”.He’s the fuzzy haired guy in 1925! He’s the genius who unlocked the
secrets of the universe! He’s also a great peacemaker! Good morning respected sir and fellow
students, I’m going to talk about the amazing Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was born in Ulm,
Germany on March 14, 1869. He is known as one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived.
BUT, he never spoke a word, even when he was three! His parents even thought that there was
something wrong with him. He didn’t play soldier or rough and tumble games like the other kids,
he just liked to build card towers and daydream! Can you believe that Einstein failed high
school? When he first entered high school in Germany, he didn’t like it a bit! The teachers were
too strict. You weren’t allowed to ask questions. You weren’t even allowed to smile! This wasn’t
his style. His teachers thought that he was a lazy dog. Albert tried his best to get used to the
school but… it didn’t always work. Finally, he was expelled from the German school. The
headmaster sternly told Hermann Einstein,albert’s father, that his son would never amount to
anything. As it turns out, the headmaster was almost right A few years later, Albert tried high
school again but this time in Switzerland. To his surprise, the school wasn’t...
2525 Words 7 Pages

Self-Confidence Essay

...SELF- CONFIDENCE "There are three words a skipper never says,' I don't know'. Those
three words will kill a crew as fast as a torpedo. You are the skipper because you do know, the
skipper always knows." Said to Mathew McConaughey by Harvey Kietel in the film U-
571. Self-confidence is the most important trait of a good leader. Self-confidence is what others
look to when they look to a leader. A self-confident leader is a powerful leader that always has
an answer to the follower's questions and always knows which direction to go. In the following
paragraphs I will: define and describe self-confidence, explain why I picked it, describe how it
works in action, describe an individual that embodies this quality and illustrate how self-
confidence works in action. Self-confidence is the deal breaker of leaders, because the skipper
always knows. According to dictionary.com, self-confidence is freedom from doubt; belief in
yourself and your abilities. Our textbook better defines self-confidence as assurance in one's own
judgments, decision-making, ideas, and capabilities. A leader with a positive self-image who
displays certainty about his or her own ability fosters confidence among followers, gains...
1474 Words 4 Pages

...communication competence. Although the art of communication is sometimes perceived as an

innate skill, one can learn to develop or enhance this skill. One may ask how? The answer is
simple; by adapting and adjusting to the person’s behaviour in order to convey a message that is
well understood, that will produce the desired results without compromising the
communicator’s self-respect. 2. How to improve your self-esteem (pg 29) To every effort
amounts good results. When it comes to improving my self esteem, I will start by speaking good
things about myself with utter honesty and moderation, not dwelling in my past failures, or even
on my past achievements. Envisioning who and where I want to be in the future gives me the
drive to strive towards the goals I need to achieve in order to reach my dreams. Comparing
myself with others can be destructive, and produces the feeling of lacking. I’m therefore learning
to see myself as unique and perfectly designed to be myself. Seeking help from a good, sincere
and honest friend when I’m on my lowest helps me to see that alone I cannot make it. This is
what I do to improve my self-esteem. 3. What are the barriers to accurate perception? (Pg 54) A
major barrier to accurate perception would occur when we make hasty conclusions on a
perceived behaviour taken by first impression when we focus on the negative. This results in an
individual imposing his or her...
743 Words 3 Pages

Self Confidence Essay

...According to the Central dogma of molecular biology, "DNA makes RNA makes protein."
Translation is the process by which RNA makes protein. In the cell, DNA makes messenger
RNA (mRNA). mRNA travels to the ribosome which reads its sequence and makes protein
coded to that sequence. In molecular biology and genetics, translation is the third stage of protein
biosynthesis (part of the overall process ofgene expression). In translation, messenger RNA
(mRNA) produced by transcription is decoded by the ribosome to produce a specific amino acid
chain, or polypeptide, that will later fold into an active protein. In bacteria, translation occurs in
the cell's cytoplasm, where the large and small subunits of the ribosome are located, and bind to
the mRNA. In eukaryotes, translation occurs across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum
in a process called vectorial synthesis. The ribosome facilitates decoding by inducing the binding
of tRNAs with complementary anticodonsequences to that of the mRNA. The tRNAs carry
specific amino acids that are chained together into a polypeptide as the mRNA passes through
and is "read" by the ribosome in a fashion reminiscent to that of a stock ticker and ticker tape. In
many instances, the entire ribosome/mRNA complex bind to the outer membrane of the rough
endoplasmic reticulumand release the nascent protein polypeptide inside for later vesicle
transport and secretion outside of the cell. Many types of transcribed RNA, such as transfer
1076 Words 3 Pages

Essay on Self Confidence

...Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people
struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: People who lack self-confidencecan find it
difficult to become successful.. Self-confident people inspire confidence in others: their
audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers, and their friends. And gaining
the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success.
What is Self-Confidence? Two main things contribute to self-confidence: self-efficacy and self-
esteem. We gain a sense of self-efficacy when we see ourselves (and others similar to ourselves)
mastering skills and achieving goals that matter in those skill areas. This is the confidence that, if
we learn and work hard in a particular area, we'll succeed; and it's this type of confidence that
leads people to accept difficult challenges, and persist in the face of setbacks. This overlaps with
the idea of self-esteem, which is a more general sense that we can cope with what's going on in
our lives, and that we have a right to be happy. Partly, this comes from a feeling that the people
around us approve of us, which we may or may not be able to control....
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Self Confidence Essay

...cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted success that breeds bitterness
all around. 9. One lesson that every nation can learn from China is to focus more on creating
village-level enterprises, quality health services and educational facilities. 10. The youth need to
be enabled to become job generators from job seekers. 11. You can’t change your feature. But,
you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your feature. 12. Don’t take rest
after your first victory. Because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first
victory was just luck. 13. LIFE and TIME are the world’s best teachers. LIFE teaches us to
make good use of TIME and TIME teaches us the value of LIFE. 14. Confidence and Hard-
work is the best medicine to kill the disease called Failure. It will make you a successful person.
15. If you salute your duty, you need not salute anybody. But if you pollute your duty, you have
to salute everybody. Motivational Quotes by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Famous Quotes by A. P. J.
Abdul Kalam I’m not a handsome guy, but I can give my hand to someone who needs help.
Beauty is in the heart, not in the face. Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts,
and thoughts result in action. All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal
opportunity to develop our talents. To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded
devotion to your goal. Look at the sky. We are not alone....
1210 Words 4 Pages

Self Confidence Essay

...Self-confidence Self-confidence is the confidence one has in oneself, one’s knowledge, and
one’s abilities. It is the confidence of the type: "I can do this". “I have the ability to do
this". Self-confidence is the one thing that is much more important than many other abilities and
traits. If you do not have self-confidence, what you do will never become fruitful at all. The
fruits of what you do without self-confidence are lost. Genuine self-confidence is the forerunner
of achievements. Self-confidence integrates the powers of mind and body and focuses them
towards the goal. Only such a concentrated energy can reach the goal. Self-confidence is the first
step to progress, development, achievement and success. Even if you have a lot of abilities and a
lot of knowledge, if you do not have Self-confidence you cannot be a success. But, on the
contrary, even if you have only average abilities and knowledge, if you have an unfailingly
true self-confidence, chances are that you achieve what you want to. The successes and
achievements in turn will strengthen your self-confidence further. People like, respect, believe
and trust persons who are...
1147 Words 4 Pages

Self Confidence Essay

...Self-Confidence December 31, 02:50

Definition • Self-confidence is characterized by: assertiveness, optimism, eagerness, affection,
pride, independence, trust, the ability to handle criticism, emotional maturity, and the ability to
accurately assess our capabilities. • What is Self-Confidence? – Self-confidence primarily refers
to us having a positive and realistic perception of ourselves and our abilities. – A lack of self-
confidence, on the other hand, is characterized by: self- doubt, passivity, submissiveness, over-
conformity, isolation, sensitivity to criticism, distrust, depression, and feelings of inferiority and
being unloved. December 31, 02:50
What Causes a Lack of SelfConfidence - 1 • Experience: We often develop feelings of inferiority
and hopelessness through various negative life experiences at home, school, on the job, etc. For
example, when you were growing up your parents might have been unable to provide a healthy
and supportive environment. They were critical, demanding and/or overprotective of you. As a
result, you develop negative perceptions of yourself. • Loss of a family member or close friend.
For example: your parent's divorce, moving away from home for the first time (you are away
from your friends and family), and breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend. • Dwelling
unnecessarily on...
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The topic of self-confidence comes up a fair amount in discussions

with/about product managers. In my opinion, it isn’t super
productive to focus on confidence as a goal in and of itself.
Instead, I see confidence as a by-product of two more important
skills: self-awareness and a growth mindset.

Self-awareness is table stakes.

Self-awareness is the ability to be not just brutally honest with
yourself, but to be accurate in that brutal honesty, to accurately
assess your own strengths and areas for development. How do you
build self-awareness? Practice.

An easy exercise for this is to create a list of the skills you deem
most important for your role, your life, whatever you care about.
Then assess yourself on each of those skills. Which are you great
at, which are you terrible at, which are you somewhere in the

Then — and this is the critical part — get others to assess you. This

is harder than it sounds because you can’t just ask people to go
down the list like you just did. Instead, you have to do it in the
moment. Right after you do something that required a skill on
your list, ask people how you did. In most cases, this will be some
variation of these two questions:

1. “What was the best / most effective thing I just did there?”
2. “What’s one thing I could do better next time?”

After awhile, you’ll notice patterns and get a sense for where your
self-perceptions differ from other people’s perceptions of you.
Those gaps are what you’re working to decrease over time, as you
build the skill of self-awareness.

Ok great, so let’s say you’ve done all that and now you have a good
sense for what you’re good and bad at. The next step is to be ok
with it. That’s also much harder than it sounds, but there’s a trick.

The trick is having a growth mindset.

There’s a great book about this by Carol Dweck called Mindset and
the best summary I’ve encountered is this article in New York

A fixed mindset is when you believe that skills are fixed traits. This
person is smart, that person is dumb, this person is good at math,
that person is artistic, etc. Thinking of skills as fixed traits is pretty
disempowering because either you were born with the skill or you
weren’t, either you’ll be great at something with basically no effort
or you’ll be terrible at it no matter how hard you try. This mindset
tends to make make you deathly afraid of revealing to others (or
admitting to yourself) that you’re bad at something, and also tends
to discourage the effort required to get better at that thing.

A growth mindset, in contrast, is when you believe that skills can

be developed through hard work and commitment, that wherever
you are now is just a starting point. This is empowering and
creates not just a love of learning/developing, but a resilience to
criticism. If you have a growth mindset, you’ll be less afraid of
revealing to others that you’re bad at something and more willing
to put in the effort to improve at it.

If you want to run an experiment, go find someone with a growth

mindset and tell her that she’s terrible at something. Watch what
happens. She’ll become instantly inquisitive. “What could I be
doing differently?”, “Who’s someone that’s great at this thing?”,
“How do you think people get good at this thing?”, etc. At no point
will she become offended by your criticism, and in fact she’ll
probably thank you.

If you do the same thing with someone with a fixed mindset, he’ll
get instantly defensive, questioning both the validity of your
assessment and the importance of that skill in the first place. You
won’t get thanked and you may even get some not-so-constructive
criticism in return.

In my opinion, self-awareness and a growth mindset are the skills

to focus on, not confidence. If you have those two things, you’ll
exhibit all the characteristics of a confident person and you’ll
develop real confidence as you’re successful at developing in areas
where you invest the effort.

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