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• A judgement of integrity is a judgment about

• Integrity concerns actions which flow from
• ‘‘Acting with integrity is the same as acting
ethically or morally [Richard DeGeorge].
• Integrity concerns choices which are informed
by the person’s values or ends
• Responsibility
• Concernedness and trust
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• Integrity is being consistent, honest, moral, and
• Doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances,
whether or not anyone is watching
• Acts of integrity are purposeful and are intentional actions
based solidly in ethics, principles, or values.
• People who act with integrity are motivated to take
• When you have integrity, you are trustworthy and
accountable for what you say and do.

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Integrity is a value, like persistence, courage
and industriousness. Even more than that, it
is the value that guarantees all the other
values. You are a good person to the degree
to which you live your life consistent with the
highest values that you espouse.
�IIntegrity is the quality that locks in your
values and causes you to live consistent with

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Integrity is the
foundation of character.
Working on your
character means
disciplining yourself to
do more and more of
those things that a
thoroughly honest
person would do, under
all circumstances

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Becoming a Person of Integrity
�What you said - you will do or not do, doing it
on time.
�What you know - doing it as you know it
meant to be done and doing it on time.
�What is expected - you are expected to do or
not do and doing it on time.
�What you say so - being willing to be held
�What you stand for - holding yourself out to
others and standing for.
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Moral Integrity
� What is reasonable for them to
• Commitment to
expect of me? What are the
developing and
promises I have made to them?
owning a concept of � How well am I meeting the
the GOOD. expectations, being faithful to
• Reflection: the promises?
– Whom do I serve? � How is vision I have of my
• “Practicing” valuing, mission consistent with my
choosing, acting behavior?
according to your � Reflecting on the consequences
concept of what fidelity of honoring or dishonoring
to the good/good life one’s integrity
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Integrity and Leadership
Integrity is the number one
quality of leadership. Integrity in
leadership is expressed in terms
of constancy and consistency. It is
manifested in an absolute
devotion to keeping oneone’’s word.
The glue that holds all
relationships together--including
the relationship between the
leader and the led- -is trust, and
trust is based on integrity

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Lose your wealth and you have lost nothing.
Lose your health and you have lost something.
Lose your integrity and you have lost everything.

People will forget what you said,

People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget
How you made them feel.

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