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State of New Jersey Department of Emironmental Protecion peo. Mune ‘sureau of Costl & Land Use Compliance & Enforcement CATHEAIMER. McA ‘cower “Toms fiver Ofee ‘anmisner 1810Heoper Avenue, Suite 140 Hen. en Tomsfver, New leroy 08753 ee Gaver Telephone No, 732.255.0787 Fx No. 732-255-0877 November 20,2018, CERTIFIED MATLRRR 7016 0910 0000 6832 0643, ‘The Honorable John G. Ducey ‘Township of Brick 401 Chambers Bridge Road Brick Township, New Jersey 08757 RE: Traders Cove Marina, 40 Mantotoking Road Notice of Violation Block 68, Lots 1, 1.01, 2,3, 3.01, 0.02, Brick Township, Ovean County EAD #: PEATR0001 - 1506-02.0013.2 03, $1 Dear Mayor Ducey: Enclosed for service upon you is a Notice of Violation issued by the Department for the unauthorized dredging of Trader's Cove Marina and placement of the dredged material at 2 locations within Brick ‘Township, behind the Municipal building and atthe Dept. of Public Works yard. The dredged material placed at both sites will require testing as part of the Waterfront Development Permit application, ‘The Bureau of Coastal & Land Use Compliance & Enforcement (Burcau) will be following up shortly with an inspection of the Traders Cove Marina to determine compliance of the marina with all issued [NIDEP Land Use permits. In addition, a CAFRA. permit (#1506-05-0056,3 CAF180001) was issued on November 1, 2018 10 construct a pole special operations buildinglaceessory structures behind the municipal building within the location where the unauthorized dredged material has been placed. This dredged material has now been capped with additional fill material. Please do not continue any further site preparation at this time, and ensure thatthe silt fences at both locations are properly maintained. ‘The Bureau will also be following up wits the Tovmship to ensure compliance with all pre-constnition/permit condition regquitements of the CAFRA. permit, rate o-00182 Pare? If you have any questions concerning the enclosed Notice of Violation you may contact Mr. John J Hant Je, Environmental Specialist IJ, of my staff at John. Hant@dep.sj.gov, of at the address or ‘elephone number above Sincerely, Bureau of Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement Bnelosure ce: Kemy Kirk Pflugh, NIDEP, Office of Local Govt Assistance Suzanne Dietrick, NIDEP, Office of Dredging Elissa Commins, PE), CM.E., CEM, Township of Brick, ‘Township of Brick, Construction & Code Enforcement Officials Albert Marine Construction, Inc. State of Neto Jersey Department of ewronmental Protection Pau. mut ureou of Coastal Lang Use Compliance & Enforcement ‘ATHERANER MECARE ‘Conor Toms fiver Of ‘nme 1510 Hooper Avenue, Suite 140 sea ouver “ors River, New Jersey 08753 Telephone No, 732.255.0787 Fou No. 732-255 0877 (CERTIFIED MAILRRR ‘Tone 0910 0000 832 0643, NOTICE OF VIOLATION EAD: PBAIRO001 - 1506-02-0013.2 Name of violator: Brick Township Location 40 Mantoloking Road, Taders Cove Marina Brick Township, New Jersey, 08723 Block and Lot: Block 6, Lot 1.01, 2,3, 301,50.02, 50.03, 51 enitjing ss 1506-02-00132 You are herehy NOTIFIED that during compliance evaluations at Traders Cove Marina, the Municipal | Building, and Dept of Public Works yard on October 12, 2018 and November 27 & 29, 2018, the following, violaion(s) of the Waterfront Development Act (NA.S.A. 12:5-3 and 12:5-6 et seq) and the regulations (N.ILA.C 77-1 et soa.) were observed, Requirement: Pursuant fo N.A.C. 7:7-2.4, no person shall engage in a regulated activity ‘within a waterfront area below the mean high waterline without a coastal permit, Description of Noncompliance; The performance of unauthorized activities within a regulated waterfront area ator below the mean high watesline, The activities involve the unauthorized dredging operation at Traders Cove Marina which removed approximately 2240 cubic yards of dredged material. The material has been placed at two unauthorized locations (behind the Muvicipal building at 401 Chambers Bridge Road & behind the DPW building off Ridge Road). No Waterfront Development PermivAUD has been ‘obiained for this work. ALL UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES MUST CEASE IMMEDIATELY. "You must take the following corrective aetions: & Submit within 30. days of receipt of this document a complete Waterfront Development permit application 10 the Department's Division of Land Use Regulation forthe unauthorized dredging and placement of material at 2 locations noted above,

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