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Buatlah laporan Case Study tentang "Strategi Pemanfaat Media Digital di

xxxx". Media digital yang maksud adalah Facebook, Youtube, Twitter,

LinkedIn, Instagram, Line, Digital Signage, e-Commerce, atau kombinasi-
nya. 'xxxx' adalah pelaku startup business "(Aggregate) Event Organizer".
Tulisan harus mencakup:

 Diskripsi singkat main business proses

 Kondisi pemanfaatan media digital saat ini
 Kondisi Ideal (target) pemanfaatan media digital

 Strategi pencapaian Kondisi Ideal tsb.

Tata cara penulisan

 Ukuran kertas: A4
 Margin Kertas: 3 cm semua sisi
 Jumlah halaman: 12 - 14 halaman (bisa dicetak bolak-balik, 2 sisi)
 Font untuk Body Text: Times New Romans 12 points.
 Line spacing: 1.5 lines
 Format penulisan mengikuti Case Study Harvard Business Style.
 Selain dari yang telah ditentukan, bebas

UPLOAD tulisan dalam format .doc, docx, .odt atau .pdf. mulai pukul 06:00 hingga
13:00 pada hari UAS.
HARDCOPY dikumpulkan pada Hari UAS, setelah menandatangani Daftar Hadir
Ujian (DHU), mulai pukul 11:00, paling lambat pukul 11:30. Tidak dapat diwakilkan.


Following is a suggested guideline for preparing your case study reports
(remember to always use Harvard Business Style for all formatting and
referencing as per the course outline):

Cover Page
(Include student names and student Ids)

Executive Summary
(If appropriate – should be written last to focus on key points/findings)

Current Situation Analysis and pertinent Background including a synopsis of the
relevant information from the case analysis tool short form.

May include:

 Target Market Identification

 Market Needs Forms of IMC in use
 Analysis of Case
 Key Issues/Goals
 Recommendations

Should include:

 Decision Criteria
 Assumptions Data Analysis (analysis in appendix and summary info in body)
 Preferred Alternative with rationale.
 Justification/Predicted Outcome: It is important that all guesstimates or creative
ideas be founded upon some marketing rationale and a solid understanding of
the metrics related to the target market and anticipated financial changes/impact.
Using target market analysis and education estimation of population, $, and units
is appropriate.


Recommend that you source business journals, periodicals, and textual
references as well as any online research paper. Make sure you support your
ideas with facts and figures. Please try to use your own words and ideas based
on research rather than copy and paste other’s words from the Internet. You
should USE PROPER HARVARD style in-line citations, image source citations,
and an alphabetical CITATION LIST in a references section.

All charts, financials, visuals, and other related items can be placed here and
referenced in the report.

1. 1. Brand Amplification Prepared by Beauty Journal Sociolla

2. 2. Our Task “Build integrated communication campaigns through Beauty Journal
utilizing Sociolla asset and management”
3. 3. Campaign Objective To create positive perception about LAKME is an unique, bright
and bold brand that is used and trusted by professionals with key message “Beauty
Trendsetter” To increase brand awareness of LAKME through digital and offline activity
that integrated with Beauty Journal channel on Sociolla and the brand assets To further
strengthen LAKME brand image as the iconic, elegant and high performance make-up
brand who make Indonesian women looks gorgeous and fierce
5. 5. Insightful Digital Outreach Challenge LAKME Absolute breakaway from the clutter
and create noise for the launch of the product make-up series. Our audiences need to
actively to share and explore about the new upcoming things on Instagram to engage
with the brand Insight ● Women love makeup ● Women love to talk about all things
pretty ● Women love about NEW TRENDS ● They don’t like discussing the last year
products ● They love SHARE ● They love instagram ● They love to explores ● They love
to be challenging Solution - Organized a Digital Launch via Pre-order page in Sociolla -
We involve beauty and lifestyle influencers to engages target audiences join and buzz
the 9 days of MakeUp Challenge thru Instagram using #MEabsoluteCULT -
#MEabsoluteCULT brought out the brand necessity to showcase their daily routine
6. 6. PHASE1 AWARENESS Tools : Influencers and Social Media PHASE2 ENGAGE MENT
PHASE3 AMPLIFI CATION PHASE4 RESULT Tools : Pre-order Page, In-store Activity,
Private Event Tools : Video Series, Video Event Tools : Sales on Sociolla and LAKME’s
site Campaign Strategy
7. 7. Strategy Overview Personalization Conveys key benefit of customized line with
options for any consumer Stage 1 - General Awareness Jul 3 - Aug 3 ❏The Influencers
meetup “a Convention of #MECult” ❏9 Days of Make-up Challenge #MEAbsoluteCult ❏
Pre-order Product Page Digital Launch Stage 2 - The Lakme Invasion Aug 3 - Des 30 ❏
In-store beauty activities by Sociolla help women find their perfect looks with
makeover! ❏Work with celebrities and local influencers to create popularity among
targets ❏Inspire targets, post their LAKME customizing experience on social media ❏
Hosted private parties during the holiday season on #MEBeautyBus © SOCIOLLA.
8. 8. Convention of #MECult - Influencer Meetup What? #MECult event will begin as a
private meetup and gathering of assigned beauty / lifestyle influencers to announce the
launch of LAKME Absolute with the trigger start from 9 days makeup challenge on
Instagram How? A luxurious tea party organise at the secret place to recognize of
LAKME Absolute product series, sharing session with our 9 niche beauty / lifestyle
influencers and spread their own version of 9 days makeup challenge Impact Result
Over 60 images of the event and products will shared on Instagram by our influencers
using #MECult, The Influencers started the #MEAbsoluteCult Challenge
9. 9. Convention of #MECult - Influencer Meetup Theme Victorian and Edwardian dress
Place Gaia at Altitude / Bunga Rampai Audiences 9 beauty and lifestyle Influencers
Hashtag #MECult and #MEAbsoluteCult
10. 10. Convention of #MECult - Influencer Meetup KOL’s post a declaration as a part of
#MECult on IG and start challenging their followers to join 9 Days of Makeup Challenge
with #MEAbsoluteCult KOL’s get the secret invitation to join a Convention of #MECult
on private party KOL’s attend the event, recognize LAKME knowledge, take a pics then
upload on IG with #MECult PROVOKE
11. 11. 9 Days of Makeup Challenge - #MEAbsoluteCult Why 9 Days of Makeup Challenge?
LAKME Absolute thinks that women has 9 days to beautify themselves form a habit.
The way they look, things they say and do are pretty amazing with discover 9 days of
the ideas makeup looks challenge How? For 9 days, influencers on instagram post
pictures of what inspired them in the list that generate on LAKME pre-order product
page on Sociolla and engage their followers to participate as well Result We selected 9
luckiest people who successfully participated in the challenge and recognize them on
LAKME’s instagram as a part of the LAKME’s Cult. They will get a chance to join the
VS’s private party with LAKME and meet with Karlie Kloss
12. 12. 9 Days of Makeup Challenge - #MEAbsoluteCult They write down the list that will
be generated on LAKME Pre-order product page They take a picture of the look from
list of challenge and share it on IG use #MEAbsoluteCult The recap of all looks will be
shown on their instagram feeds over the 9 days and also show on LAKME pre-order
product page
13. 13. 9 Days of Makeup Challenge - #MEAbsoluteCult KOL’s post their own version of 9
Days Makeup Challenge #MEAbsoluteCult and direct audience to visit landing page
Target Audiences visit pre-order product page to fill in their version of 9 Days Makeup
Challenge After that it will generate become a beautiful visual note with list that show 9
Days of Makeup Challenge Audiences share and spread on Instagram using hashtag
#MEAbsolute Cult ENGAGE
Digital Launch Goal Attract target audiences with digital activation to convert as our
potential customer with create interest and buzz using pre-order customize product
page Strategy • Interactive page displays product images series • Personal experiences,
what consumer are most passionate about upcoming trendsetter thing • Provide a
sustainable competitive advantage and establish LAKME as a role models through
technical innovation and integrated channel on Sociolla • Be remarkable from delivery
the extraordinary experience and gets consumers talking How Landing page for pre-
campaign 9 Days of Makeup Challenge and Pre-order Shopping System
Digital Launch Main Banner This section will display the upcoming products that launch
for LAKME Absolute product series to attract the interest of audiences Menu Bar This
section consist of action button drive to Home, Pre-order and Discover Tagline This
section will display the tagline from LAKME Absolute Contest Section This section will
display the invitation to target audience join the campaign activity
CAMPAIGN Pre Order Product Page - Digital Launch
17. 17. Pre Order Product Page - Digital Launch Rp149,000 BUY Rp399,000 BUY Rp499,000
BUY Rp299,000 BUY By clicking BUY, you agree to our Terms and that you have read
our Data Use Policy, including our Cookie Use Cancel Agree
18. 18. Pre Order Product Page - Digital Launch Fisni 9 DAYS OF MAKEUP CHALLENGE
Your name…. Your email…. Your phone... 1………………….. 2…………………..
3………………….. 4………………….. 5………………….. 6………………….. 7…………………..
8………………….. 9………………….. Finish Your instagram...
RIGHT RESERVED Goal : Place LAKME content and advertisements in front of Sociolla
targeted audience Increase awareness of LAKME products among those with an
interest in cosmetics or beauty Display specific content as recommended post for
audience Video journal to the appropriate audience to increase engagement seo sem
Freq pageviews +100,000 reach/mo
20. 20. Sponsored Editorials Tips & Hacks Beauty Guide Product Review Top Picks 5
Langkah Mudah Menciptakan Riasan Bold Kombinasi Sejati Warna Eyeshadow dengan
Lipstik yang Membuat Anda Jadi Pusat Perhatian Bulu Mata Lentik Anti Luntur dengan
Maskara Terbaru dari Lakme 5 Kosmetik Terbaru yang Layak coba di Bulan Februari
Content Pillars Product Benefits Consumer BenefitsEmotional Benefits Product
21. 21. Digital Strategy for Launch © SOCIOLLA. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY.
ALL RIGHT RESERVED Goal : Increase awareness of LAKME new product line, engage
with consumers and drive traffic both in-store and online “Always on” approach to
Facebook and Instagram boost awareness. Front-load awareness campaign in the first
month of the launch time Capture mass awareness, remarket/retarget from web traffic
Drive direct conversion rate by launching innovative content
22. 22. Main Banner Main banner placement on Sociolla homepage with 1 million
pageviews driving traffic of visitor to reach LAKME product page
23. 23. Newsletter Newsletter blast directly to 1 millions of Sociolla subscribers that give
target audience interest with native ads and attractive visual
24. 24. Campaign Banner Campaign Banner on Sociolla homepage direct consumer to visit
article on Beauty Journal site
25. 25. Social Media Contents Create instagram contents with one theme visual with
different angle that represent characteristic and secrete messages by Lakme. We create
regram contest with exclusive package products prize
26. 26. Implementation Published on Beauty Journal LINE @Sociolla Display Ad Sociolla
Facebook Page Sociolla Instagram account Newsletter Featured Post
27. 27. 15 Minutes LAKME Makeover Box Goal : Create engaging live experiences and
attractive activity that increase awareness, drive traffic and influence consumer
perception of brand Target : Sept 2017 Participants : Female, 25 - 35 yo 10 - 30 people /
day Location : Inline with Pop-up booth LAKME or 5 malls in JKT Gimmicks : Special
package product, wheel of fortune raffle, photo contest
28. 28. Video LAKME The Creators Goal : Tell the story of LAKME through voice of an
influencers / creator to raise brand identity and reaches more millennials by using
Sociolla youtube channel Target : Oct - Nov 2017 Quantity : 2 videos per month List of
Creators : Putricaya, Fitria Yusuf, Stella Lee, Sarah Ayu, Rachel Goddard, Stephanie
Rose, Cindercella, Vinna Gracia, Wengie
29. 29. #MEInvansion LAKME Beauty Bus Goal : Raise awareness LAKME from the beauty
truck to be a center of attention in the city, the bus will travel around Jakarta, aired live
on social media. Target : Nov - Des 2017 Participants : Female, 25 - 35 yo 30 Influencers
or Celebs Meeting Location : Senayan City, Jakarta Finish Location : Segara Ancol,
30. 30. #MEInvansion LAKME Beauty Bus We invite 30 curated influencers, bloggers and
celebs to join #MEInvansion The audiences will gather in Senayan and start to party in
the bus, live on IG LAKME Beauty Bus will travel around Jakarta, finish on Ancol. The
audiences post it on socmed to viral the event We finish at Segarra, Ancol to view the
sunset and close the #MECult campaign AMPLIFY
RESERVED Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Des 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Pre order
product page LAKME Makeover Box Convention of #MECult LAKME The Creator 9
Days Makeup Challenge Sponsored Editorial LAKME Beauty Bus Digital Announce
32. 32. ThankYou

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