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Formal Observation Worksheet

Domain A:
Subject matter knowledge (TPE1)
Curriculum organization; communicating learning goals (TPE1)
Materials (TPE1)
Instructional Strategies (TPE1)
Sensitivities (language & cultural) (TPE2)


Emily was highly prepared for the lesson on The Rock Cycle. She demonstrated exceptional knowledge of
the subject matter content through her use of many examples and paraphrasing. The curriculum was well
organized through a video, group quiz, discussions, independent reading & diagraming and Quizlet.

The lesson began with a warm up activity where the students were tasked with watching a 2 minute Brain
Pop video, twice. After which, a short quiz took place. The questions were on the screen with multiple choice
answers. Students individually wrote the letter they chose on a small white board. When instructed, they held
up the board to show their answers. After each question, the correct answer was discussed. A high level of
engagement was witnessed. The lesson then progressed into the Science textbook section on the Rock
Cycle. Emily clearly explained the expectations and directions and called on students to repeat them. She
also had them on the board. Students were tasked with reading independently, sections with headings in red
and skimming sections with blue headings. Science notebooks were taken out and the teacher had them
tape in a paper that had a partial diagram of the rock cycle. Students were instructed to use the diagram in
the book to complete the diagram in their notebooks. After sufficient time, the teacher led a class discussion
to go over the correct answers. Students were tasked with correcting and incorrect input. To finish the
lesson, students added the tem rock cycle to their vocabulary charts. They ranked the term, created their
own definition and shared them, and then were finally given the dictionary definition to add. With the time
remaining, students were tasked with beginning a Quizlet for their vocabulary words.

Domain B:
Checking for understanding (methods used) (TPE2)
Monitoring & adjusting (TPE2)
Assessments (formal/informal) (TPE3)
Self-Assessment Strategies (TPE3)


The teacher’s use of personal white boards for quiz answers was an exceptional way to check for individual
understanding. During note taking, Emily effectively circulated the room to monitor that students were on
task and understood the requirements. As needed, she pointed out any missing or incorrect information.
After independent work, she led the class in a check for understanding with their diagrams, calling on
individuals to supply answers and adding them to her model. Students were tasked with self-assessment of
their work and had an opportunity to correct mistakes.

Domain C:
Prior Knowledge (TPE4)
Engagement through various instructional strategies (TPE4)
Teaching EL’s (TPE5 & 7)
Developmentally appropriate (TPE6)


Emily began the lesson with a warm up activity that tapped into prior knowledge and introduced today’s
topic. This flowed purposefully into the group quiz activity and then into the diagram activity. Emily kept the
class effectively engaged and organized. Students worked as a class to gain the knowledge but were
required to produce notes and answers to questions independently. The use of a diagram allowed for
scaffolding for any students who needed extra support.

Domain D:
Learning about students (TPE8)
Instructional planning & goals (TPE9)


Emily intentionally utilized different learning and instructional methods and provided students an opportunity
for visual and auditory understanding of the material, allowing for whole learning to occur. Students were
provided video, text, and diagrams to learn. The teacher also moved around the room to monitor progress.
Accommodations and adaptations for English Language Learners, students on IEPs or 504 plans include
extra time to complete assignments, guided notes, opportunities to retake assessments, priority seating, and
restating/rephrasing directions and discussion questions.

Domain E:
Classroom management
● Use of Instructional time (TPE10)
● Social environment (TPE11)


Emily had exceptional classroom management in place. The majority of the students were, if not on task,
respectful of the learning environment. Emily was able to give instructions and lead discussions without
being interrupted. The environment was relaxed and friendly. As students’ volume increased, she effectively
refocus them with a clap that they mimicked. Emily’s use of positive reinforcement was highly effective.

Domain F:
Professional ethics (TPE12)
Professional growth (TPE12)


Emily was well prepared and organized. She was professionally attired and conducted the class with a
high level of by in from her students. The respect between teacher and students was highly effective. She
earns the respect of her colleagues by working effectively as a team member. They view her as a valued
member of the instructional team.

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