Você está na página 1de 135


E d i t o r i a l : M u n d a n e P r e d i c t i o n : Possibilities, P r o b l e m s
and Answers
T h e G l o b a l Situation: A H u m a n is the P e r s p e c t i v e 19 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Notes: A N e w O c c a s i o n a l C o l u m n 87
by Alexander Ruperti Roger Elliot, D.F. Astrol.S.

1992 22 R e s p o n s e to R o g e r E l l i o t ' s V i e w s 89
by Derek Appleby Michael Harding, D.F. Astrol.S.

C a n A s t r o l o g y P r e d i c t G e o r g e B u s h ' s W a r Zones? 30 Reflections-Joseph Campbell 92

by Jim Lewis Suzi Lilley-Harvey, D.F. Astrol.S.
T h e P r o p e r R e l a t i o n s h i p of Astrology a n d S c i e n c e - P a r t I I . 95
C y c l e s , P l a n e t a r y Motion, a n d Wheat P r i c e s 40
Robel Hand
by Richard Mogey
Astrosonics - Part I I • 1**^
T h e M a r s Effect 49 Joe Landwehr interviews Michael Heleus
by Ester Arendell Q. H. P.
T h e G l o b a l S i t u a t i o n : A H u m a n i s t i c P e r s p e c t i v e - P a r t I I . . . 110
T h e S e c r e t o f W i l l i a m L i l l y ' s P r e d i c t i o n of the F i r e of L o n d o n 53
by Maurice McCann A lexander RuperU

H i s t o r y i n the M a k i n g ? T h e Scottish Constitution S t u d e n t S e c t i o n : H e a l i n g w i t h the P o w e r of I m a g e s 115

and Convention 61 Barbara Schermer
by Helen Gretlon M u n d a n e S e c t i o n : T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Situation 121
A B i b l i o g r a p h y of M u n d a n e Astrology 64 Nick Campion
by Nick Campion Letters 125
D a t a Section 67 Reviews 1^7
by Nick Campion
The cover illusiraiion shows an exinici from ihe Asiro Carta Graphy Map
for ihe New Moon of29ih October I9H9.
X X X I I No. 2 M a r c h / A p r i l 1990

XXXHNo. 1 J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 1990 The Astrological Journal aims to publish articles of general and specific
interests to all serious astrologers. It is issued bi-monthly and sent free to
Editorial 213
Editorial 145 Tributes to Neil Michelsen 214 zyxwvutsrq
Notes 147 Charles H a r v e y / R o b e r zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
t Hand
Roger Elliot, D.F. Astrol.S. Notes 218
U r a n u s and Prometheus - Part I I I 150 Roger Elliot
Richard Tarnas Art o f c h e i r o m a n c y 221
Astrology a n d Religion - Part II 157 D y l a n Warrcn-Davi.s
Felix M. Straubinger M.A., D.F. Astrol.S. Astrology and religion (part 3) 230
C l u s t e r s a n d N e b u l a e i n N a t a l Astrology 1S2 Felix M . Staubinger
Felix Jay. Ph.D. H o r a r y section — patient collapses 237
Hillsborough - Communication Breakdown 170 G a r y W , Price
Mark Griffiths T r i b u t t to Ivy Goldstein Jacobson 241
M u n d a n e Section - A m a n d h i a 175 Gilbert Navarro
Melanie Reinhari Student section — a look at quintiles 245
M i d p o i n t C o r n e r - C o m i n g D o w n to E a r t h 182 Chri.steen Skinner
Michael Harding Classical origins of the Arabian Parts 250
Something Wicked This Way Comes 185 D a v i d C. Plant
Roland Greig Letters 255
Letters 191 Reviews 259
Reviews 197

The Astrological Journal aims to publish articles of general and specific The Astrological Journal aims i<> piihlish articles of gcnL-ntl :md spwilii- inicrt-M to all
interests to all serious astrologers. It is issued bi-monthly and sent free to sc-rious asirolo^LT.s. Ii i.s issiK-cl i^-i-nionthly and sent free to inemlx-r.-;. Comrihutors are
members. Contributors are at liberty to express such opinions or to employ or al liheri)- lo express S L K I I opinions or to employ or advoe:ile suth asirolojjical
advocate such astrological techniques as they wish. The publication of these does lechnique.s as ihey wish. 'Ilie publication of these does not nece.s,s;inly iniplw\\n\yv\,
not necessarily imply, however, that they are endorsed by the editors or the ihat they ;ire entl<irsed h> the editors or Ihe ciHintil.
© Copyright Astrological Association ISSN-0144-6754
© Copyright Astrological Association ISSN-0144-6754 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Objectives o f the A s s o c i a t i o n
Editorial 394
Editorial 281
Notes: I ' m A D u o d e c i m a l S e r e n d i p i t i s t 351
T h e Gulf Crisis 282 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
by Roger Elliot
by Nick Campion
T h e Counselling Astrologer — P a r t I I 354
M u n d a n e Section: 284 by Babs Kirhy
National Horoscopes: Birth Charts or Significant Moments?
by Nick Campion
T h e 'Pluto Return' Generations — Part I I 361
by Danieie Patlon
T h e Counselling Astrologer - Part I 289
L i v i n g Without Astrology 368
by Babs Kirhy
hv Lindsay Radermacher
T h e 'Pluto Return' Generation - Part I 294 R e f l e c t i o n s — S i m o n e Weil 375
by Daniele Patton bv Suzanne Lilley-Harvey
N o t e s A u g u s t 1990 298 Student Section: 379
by Roger Elliot Venus and Mars: Two Sides of One Coin
White E a g l e Astrology 301 by Sle\e Eddy
by Margaret Lapping M u n d a n e Section: 386
R e s e a r c h Section: 304 Win Yourself a Free Trip to Free Cuba!
The Uranian Extremists? The Empire Strikes Back? - German Unification
by Dr Beverley Slefferi by Charles Harvey
Midpoints Corner 308 T h e H o r o s c o p e of the I r a q i R e p u b l i c 389
b\ Campion
T h e Pluto-Neptune Cycles - Part 1 311
The inner Power of Imagination T h e Pluto-Neptune Cycles — P a r t I I 390
hv Robert I). Doolaard
by Robert D. Doolaard
Written i n the Stars 396
H o r a r y Section: 316
Where is Gemma? by Finn Wandahl
by Pamela Hounseil Letters 399
Letters 318 Reviews 409
Reviews 334

The Astrological Journal aims to publish anicles of general and specific interest to all
The Astrological Journal aims to publish anitlcs of general and spetiiic interest to al!
serious astrologers. Il is issued bi-monthly and sent free to members. Contributors are
serious astrologers. It is issued lii-monthly and sent free to members. Contributors are
at liberty lo express such opinions or lo employ or advtKaie such astrological
at libeny lo express such opinions or to employ or advocate such a.strological
techniques as they wLsh. The publication of these does not necessarily imply, however,
lethniques as lliey wish. The publication of these does not necessarily imply, however,
that they are endorsed by the editors or the council.
that they are endorsed by the editors or the council,
© Copyright Astrological Association ISSN-0144-6754 © Copyrl^t Astrological Association ISSN-0144-6754
Editorial: Past and Future 77
by Nick Campion
T h e B o m b i n g of Baghdad 89
by Donna Langridge
H o w to u s e t h e A s t r o -K- C a r t e -K- G r a p h y B o o k of M u n d a n e
Soiu*ce M a p s 91
Editorial 1
by David Meadows
N o t e s - C h r i s t m a s 1990 3 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
N o t e s 1991 95
by Roger Elbol. D.F.Astrol.S. by Roger Elliot
C a n Astrology Win Through? 6 Data Section 98
by Dennis El well by Nick Campion
L i v i n g Without Astrology - Part I I 17
A n I n t r o d u c t i o n to the F e s t i v a l s 100
by Lindsay Radermacher. D.E. Aslrol.S. by Beth Shaw
T h e F i f t h H a r m o n i c : I n d i c a t o r of I m b a l a n c e 24 N o r w a y M o u r n s the D e a t h of O l a v V 105
by Ronald Harvey by Andrew Bevan
Student's Section T h e P r e d i c t i v e P o w e r of E c l i p s e P a t h s 108
T h e S o l a r A r c h e t y p e a n d the Hero's J o u r n e y 30 by Bill Meridian
by Chrisline Valentine, D.E. A.strol.S. T h e Pluto-Neptune Cycles Part I V : T h e Inner Power
T h e Pluto-Neptune Cycles - Part I I I 37 of Imagination 114
by Robert Doolard
by Robert D. Doorlaard
S o u t h A f r i c a : T h e Neptune-Pluto, Uranus-Neptune a n d
Imagination and Reality 45 Lunation Cycles, Part I 122
hy Nick Kollerstrom by Jean Elliot
Letters 49 T r e n d l i n e s i n F i n a n c i a l M a r k e t s a n d P l a n e t a r y Motions . . . . 127
Reviews 62 by Robert Hand
C o m p u t e r S e c t i o n : T h e M a t r i x A s t r o m a p s Software 140
by Charles Harvey
Reviews 142
Letters 148
The Astrological Journal aims Ui publish articles of general and specific interesi lo all The couer illustration shows an extract from the Astro* Carto*Graphy Map
serious astrologers. It is i.ssiied bi-monlhly and .sent free lo memlx;rs- Contributors are for the Full Moon 28th April 1991.
at liberty to express such opinions or to employ or advocate siicli astrological
techniques as they wish. The publication of the.se does not neces.sarily imply, however, X X X I I I No. 2 M a r c h / A p r i l 1991
thai they are endorsed by the editors or the council,
The Astrological Journal aims to publish articles of general and specific
© Copyright Astrological Association ISSN-0144-6754 interests to all serious astrologers. It is issued bi-
O b i t u a r i e szyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
E d i t o r i a l : T h o u g h t F o r the D a y 161 E d i t o r i a l : A s t r o l o g y a n d the C h u r c h 223
Notes: M a y 1991 164 T h e W e s t e r n M i zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
n d at the T h r e s h o l d 226
by Roger Elliot, D.F Astrol.S. by Richard Tarnas, PhD.
A s t r o l o g y a s a D i a g n o s t i c T o o l in P s y c h o t h e r a p y 167 Disasters, Structural Breakdowns
by Glenn A. Perry and General Elections 233
A L G O L : T h e T e r r i b l e E y e of the G o r g o n 174 by P. R. Lewis-Bizley

by Paul Newman N o t e s S u m m e r 1991 236

South A f r i c a - P a r t 2 178 by Roger Elliot

by Jean Elliott, D.F.Astrol.S. Midpoints Corner 239

Watching the World go by
Newton's Chronology and T h e Sidereal Zodiac 184
T h e B i b l i c a l J u s t i f i c a t i o n for
by Nick Kollerstrom
T h e New Age 242
Astrology and Reincarnation: A Test Case 188 by Gordon Strachan
by Charles Harvey, D.F.Astrol.S.
Student Section 190 Student Section 247
The Astrology o f EastEnders' The Deathbed of William Blake: The
by Lynda Stevens, D.M.S.Astrol. Astrology of Last Words
by Ruth Clydesdale, D.F.Astrol.S.
M u n d a n e Section 194
Our Lady At Medjugorje H o r a r y Section 251
by Pamela Crane, D.F.Astrol.S. The 4.15 Doncaster
byG. W. Price. Q.H.P.
H o r a r y Section 196
Please tell me the Immediate Future of My Love Life. C o m p u t e r Section: T h e Software R e v i e w 253
Also whether my Business will be Successful: by Bill Meridian
Is it right for me?
by Deborah Houlding
A s t r o l o g y a n d the I C h i n g 254
by Chrissie Philip
Letters 199
T h e N e w A r c h b i s h o p of C a n t e r b u r y 256
Reviews 204
by Nicholas Campion
Letters 258
Reviews 264

The Astrological Journal aims to publish articles of general and specific X X X I I I No. 4 J u l y / A u g u s t 1991
interests to all serious astrologers. It is issued bi-monthly and sent free to

CONTENTS E d i t o r i a l : F r a m e s of R e f e r e n c e s 337
Demonstrable Defects-Cartoon 339
T h e P a s s i n g of M i c h e l G a u q u e l i n - A p p r e c i a t i o n s 284 Crossword 340
N o t e s O c t o b e r 1991 341
August 1991 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Astrology a n d Creativity - Part I 344
by Roger Elliot by Christine Valentine
Hindu Astrology-Part I 298 I n t e r d i m e n s i o n a l Astrology 352
Keren Barrett. Fellow anil PMEAA -lyotisli Rat no by Pamela A. F. Crane, D.F.Astrol.S., D.M.S. Astrol.. D.P.C.C.H.
E x p l o r a t i o n of H e l i o c e n t r i c a n d the S o l a r H i n d u Astrology - Part n 362
Dimension 308 by Keven Barret Fellow and PMFAA Jyotish Ratna
by T. Patrick Doii.-^
E x p l o r a t i o n of H e l i o c e n t r i c Astrology Part II 366
A s t r o l o g y on T e l e v i s i o n 318 by T. Patrick Davis
Maris Klein's Television Broadcast on Channel 4 Midpoints Section: 370
C o m p u t e r Section 319 The Aries Point
T h e ( i a u q u e l i n F i n d i n g s : T h e i r Significance by Archie Dunlop, D.F.Astrol.S.
F o r Astrologers 320 M u n d a n e Section: 375
by Michel (lanqnclin Latest Data on The Soviet Revolution, 1991
Reviews 324 Compiled by Nick Campion
C o m p u t e r Section: 377
Birth Time Rectification
S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 1991 Vol. X X X U I N o . F I V E
Letters 379
Reviews 386
B o o k s R e c e i v e d for R e v i e w 389

N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 1991 V o L X X X I I I No. S I X

CONTENTS E d i t o r i a l : I n n e r and Outer ReaUties gg

O b i t u a r y : Louis H o r i c k szyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
E d i t o r i a l : New Vistas for Sagicorn 1 T h e Soul a n d the Horoscope gg
Notes December 1991 4 byJohnAddey
A s t r o l o g y and C r e a t i v i t y - P a r t I I "7 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Notes M a r c h 1992zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
by Christine Valentine
D e t e r m i n i n g the Constitutional Type 75
T h e Solar System and its Horoscopes 15 by Dr. Ingrid Naiman
by Dr. Andrew K. Black Students' Section gQ
Hindu Astrology-Part H I 20 A Pattern of Meaning
by Keven Barrett Fellow and PMFAA Jyotish Ratna by Ronald Harvey
A n I n t e r v i e w w i t h Dr. B. V. Raman - H i n d u Astrologer 26 A s t r o l o g y as a M o d e l for Containing Experience 84
by Finn Wandahl, Denmark by Gaila Yariu
Degree Meanings and the Fixed Stars i n Natal Astrology 30 M u n d a n e Section 89
by Felix Jay, Ph.D.
Individual Consequences of Collective Cycles
by Bernard Crozier
Students' Section: 35
H o r a r y Section: 97
Pointers to Interpretation, VI
"Was it a UFO?"
by Zach Matthews
by Maurice McCann BA(Hons) Camb.
M u n d a n e Section: 39
Reincarnation? A Suggestive Exercise 99
World Stock Markets and the 1993 SA-90-PL
by Ronald Harvey
by Charles Harvey
Saturn-90-Piuto and the London Stock Market U r a n u s a n d Neptune i n C a p r i c o r n -
by Dan Pallant
A Personal P o i n t o f View 101
by Elizabeth Medler
Letters 44
Poet's C o r n e r 104
Reviews 53
Letters 105
Reviews 117
J A N U A R Y /F E B R U A R Y 1992 Vol. X X X I V No. 1
M A R C H /A P R I L 1992 Vol. X X X I V No. 2

E d i t o r i a l : Astrology a n d E d u c a t i o n 129
Notes: M a y 1992 131
M u n d a n e Section 134 Editorial 1^3
Britain's 1992 General Election zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
by William Henry
Notes: J u l y 1992 '96
T o w a r d s I m p r o v i n g Astrology 136
Ideas from an Air Think Tank A H o u s e is O n l y a s Safe as its F o u n d a t i o n s 199
by Ronald Harvey
T h e N e w P a r a d i g m a n d P o s t - M o d e m Astrology 139
by Glenn Perry. PhD. L o v e a n d the S e v e n t h H a r m o n i c 203
by Babs Kirby, DF.Astrol.S.
Halcyon Days 147
by Brian Taylor Midpoint C o m e r 208
A Brief Introduction to Midpoints
S u b personalities: T h e o r y a n d P r a c t i c e 156
by Mike Harding. DFAstrol.S.
by Daniele Patton, MA.(Hons), DJ^AstroLS.
P r i m a r y D i r e c t i o n s A c c o r d i n g to R e g i o m o n t a n u s 213
Students'Section: 160
by Sylvie Weber
Picking a Winner With Astrology
by Sue Tompkins. DJ^Astrol.S.
A V i s i t to the P r a g u e Astrology G r o u p 220
by Diane Smith, DI'Astrol.S.
L a y i n g the F o u n d a t i o n s for a n Astrology 164
o f the H i g h e r S e l f F r o m My Casebook 222
by Christeen Skinner, D J''. Astrol.S.
A Personal View of Robert Powell's Pioneering Work
in the Field of Sidereal Astrology R e s e a r c h Section 227
by Rick Moxon The Conflicting EHalogue between Mercury and Neptune
Midpoint Corner 171 by Mike O'Neill and Beverley Steffert
A Look at Mars/Saturn
Letters 233
by Michael Harding
Reviews ^
Letters 173
Reviews 177 J U L Y / A U G U S T 1992 V o l . X X X I V No. 4

M A Y / J U N E 1992 V o l . X X X I V No. 3
Editorial: Where Were You In 1992? 321
Editorial ^ Notes: November 1992 323
Obituary ^ Wake U p - S t a r t Dreaming 326
Notes: September 1992 264 ^ by Peter Lewis-Bizley
Philosophy for Astrologers 268 ! zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Life, the Universe and Everything 324
by Tim Addey Philosophy for Astrologers II
Generational Aspects by Tim Addey
bv Lynn Bell Phantasy, Reality and the Horoscope 240
Students' Section 284 by Christine Valentine, D.F.Astrol.S.
The Sixth House: Finding our True Vocation
Student Section: 348
by Suzi Lilley-Harvey
How A Chart Speaks
Excalibur Rising 288
by Alice O. Howell
by Paul Newman
Horary Section: 353
Mundane Section 294
Will the Duchess of York and Prince Andrew
1992 U.S. Presidential KiectioD get back together?
by William Henry Will David Mellor have to resign now that his affair
Astro-Economics with Antonia de Sancha has been revealed, or will he
by Charles Harvey survive the Sunday tabloids this weekend?
Letters 299 by Barbara Dunn, D.F. Astrol.S., Q.H.P.
Reviews ^**4 Midpoint Section: 360
A Study of Aircrash Conditions
™nxro Vol. X X X I V No. 5
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER by Bernard Crazier

~7II ISSN-0144^754 Letters 363

© Copyright Astrological Association Reviews 370

{JtMCjVy ll>zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
•^•^ j „ i „ n Kptween all practitioners and the
N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 1992 Vol. X X X I V No. 6

Toe zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
^l^ra,e and co^r^matetheefTorUof member. U.underuke

To publish reBularl.v an astrological journal and other p


Editorial: 1993 - A Waterslied Year 1 CONTENTS

Tiie New U.S.President
Omens and Astnilogy
Notes: January 1993 - Roger Elliot, D.F.Astrol.S 6 Editorial: 71
Russia and tlie Full Moon of Sth Jan 1992 9 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
Notes: M a r c h 1993 - Roger Elliot, D.F.Astrol.S 74
by Bill Meridian
Using the Birth chart in Psychotherapy 77
Maa.stricht and the Eclipse of 24 Dec 1992 11
by Maureen Ravenhall, D.FAstroLS., R.CAstrol hy Gregory C. Bogarl. Ph.D.
The Balkans Crisis in 1993/94 14 Gestalt, Astrology and T h e G r o u p Dynamics
by Nick Campion, D.M.S Astrol.
The PuUtics of the Uranus-Neptune Cycle 20 of O u r T i m e 86
by Graeme Jones /jy Darby Costclh
Solar Returns in Mundane Astrology 29 Philosophy for Astrologers, Part I V
by John Ware. D.FAstroLS.
NASA's Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence 37 Fate and Free W i l l 91
hy R. Graham Bates, MA. hv Tim Addey
Financial Sectiun: 40 My Search for the 'Soul' in Astrology 97
The Ilelio Mercury Cycle in (>old Prices
by Bill Meridian hy Ann Kreilkamp
Planetary Charts in Mundane Astrology 47 Student Section: Regrouping the Elements:
by Roland Greig A n A i d to Synthesis 104
Philosophy ('harts in Mundane Astrolc^y 52
What a Piece of Work is Man hy Shawn Rice
by Tim Addey Research Section: Suzel Fuzeau-Braesch's T w i n Study:
Letters 58 A Research Breakthrough? 112
Reviews 60
byMilic O'NeiU
Letters 116
J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 1993 Vol. 35 No. 1
Book Reviews 120
The cover illustnition shows an extract from the Astro*Carto*Graphy Map for ti.
Full Moon of 8lh January 1993 taken from The Source Book of Mundane Maps
for 1993 by Jim Lewis, reviewed on p. 60/1. MARCH/APRIL 1993 Vol. 35 Nw. 2

The Astrological Journal aims to publish articles of general and specific

Editorial: Back to the Future? 199
Obituary: Ian Thorward 1946-1993 201
Edilorial: Sijjii'* or The Times 135
Notes July 1993 - Roger Elliot, l).F.Aslrol,S 202
Nwles: May 1993 - Ruger Elliol. D.FA.slrwl.S 138
From Symbols to Concepts: The Future of Astrology Part I I 205
From Symbols lu C'lincepLs: The Future uf
hy Dennis Elwcll
Astruhig) - Pari I 141 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
C'eleslial Musk by Uranus and Neptune 212
hy Dcmiis Elwell
Lyrics hy Hodf^ers and Kovan
Philtxtuphy Tor Astrulugers: Aslrology and Phenumenulugy 148
Vesia and Ihe Planetoid BeH 219
hy Michael Hariiing, D.F Aslrol.S.
/>V Hatus-Hinrich Taegcr
Michael (IwlUns and Ihe Destiny iif Ireland 157
Student Section: Mars: Interpreting Aggression 225
hy Par Harris. D.F Aslrol.S.
hv (iedla Yariv, D.FAsirol.S.
Student SeclHin: Do Androids Dream Eleclrii.- Sheep?
Midpoint C^orner: Multiple Mid-point and Hypersensitivity 233
A n AKlruhigkal Analysis uf Ihe Face Behind Bladerunner 163
hv Ronald Harvey
hy Lynda Sicvctvs, BA.{Hons), D.M.SAstrol.
Research Sectiun: The Juiigian Functions and the Huber
Salurn-Plulu and the New Yurk Slock Market 168
Temperament 'lype Indicator 2.16
hy Bill Meridian
hy Beth Jerriun, BA. PGCE. AFIMA, DF.Aslrol, MFPhys
Research Scclion: An Investigation inlu the Presence uf
Mundanw Section: A n Individual and Collective Sukide 242
Venus/Jupiler/Neplune Midpiiinl Combinations in Cases
hy I-yiut Bell a/td Charles Harvey
(if Puhninary Tuberculosis 173
Letters 246
hy Alan Jewshury
Buuk Reviews 253
Research Seclhm: Twin Study VaUdaliun 180
Sepliarial's Perpetual Brilish Weather Indicator 182 J U L Y / A U G U S T 1993 Vol. 35 No. 4
Letters 184
Book Reviews 189

M A Y / J U N E 1993 Vol. .15 No. 3

Editorial 327
Editorial: 263 Notes: November 1993 - Roger EUiot, D . F A s t r o l S 332
Notes: September 1993 - Roger ElUot, D.F.Astrol.S 265 Did The Earth Speak To Alfred Watkins?: 335
Waves and Wars: 1700-1992 268 Ley Lines zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
from the Sighting Point of Astrolt^y
by Robert D. Doolaard by Brian Taylor

Astrology & God: A Report 280 Supervision in Astrological Practice 346

by Roger Elliot by Lindsay Radermacher, D.FAstroLS.
Elias Aslimole — The Last Court AstroI(^er 291 Psychological Horary 353
by Ruth Clydesdale, D.FAstrol.S. by Maggie Hyde
'And the Stars in Her Hair were Seven': Death and Love Invitro Fertilisation 361
in Art and the Pleiades 296 by Margaret Millard, M.D.
by Paul Newman Mundane Section:
Local Charts 300 The Israel-Palestine Accord 365
by Peta High, D.FAstrol.S., by Charles Harvey, D.FAstrol.S.
H<H^ry Section: Student Section:
Back to Basics (Part 1) 303 Hilary Clinton: A Brief Look at the Birth Chart of the
by Carole Wilson, D.FAstrol.S., Q.H.P. U.S. First Lady 369
by Suzanne Lilley-Harvey.D.F.Astrol.S.
Letters 307
Update on Ashmole — A Call to Arms! 372
Book Reviews 313
by Ruth Clydesdale, D.FAstrol.S.
Competition: An Astrological Daisy-Chain 315/316 Research Section;
Some Comments on T B Midpoints 374
S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 1993 Vol. 35 No. 5 by Bernard Crazier
Letters 378
Reviews 386

N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 1993 Vol. 35 No. 6

E-ditorial 1
Roger Elliot 6 CONTENTS
The History of Astroli^y, 1994: News, Classes and Events 10
A Simple Chronology of Astrology 13 Editorial: Back to Basics ^9
A Beginners Bibliography in the History of Astrology 18 Notes: March 1994 92
Progress in Hindsight 20 by Charles Harvey, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
by Robert Hand The 1993 Caller Memorial Lecture - Part I:
Thought for the Day: On the Dominion of Zeus 24 Losing Our Causes 95
by Dianne Binnington by Michael Harding
The Origin of Astrology in Mesopotamian Divinatory Practices 26 Saturn in Pisces 104
by Dianne Binnington by Meira
Sin: The Moon, Father of Time 32 "Living with the Gods" - Part I :
by Michael Baigent
The Outer Planets at Work in loner Lives m
The Origin of House Meanings 35
by Jan Lee
by Deborah Houlding
Galileo's BirthdatezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
44 Student Section:
by Nick Kollerstrom F . M. Alexander & The Alexander Technique:
The Death of C^harles I 47 A Case Study of an "ITnaspected" Moon 122
by ElizabeOt Rooke
by Robert Zoller
Horary Section:
A Hymn to Venus 52 Combust Horaries 129
Astrology, Propaganda and the English Civil Wars 54 by Archie Dunlop
by Maurice McCann Letters
Tiptoeing through the Method: An Historical Review of Empiricism
in Astrology, 1900-1991 60 Book Reviews 14^
by J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.
Astrology: Frum Pagan to Postmodern? 69
by Patrick Curry M A R C H / A P R I L 1994 Vol. 36, No. 2
Book Review 76
Letters 77
The cover illuvtranon .^hows a Greek horoscope from the reign of the Roman emperor Tiberius,
between 15 and 18 AD, from Greek Horoscopes by Otto Neugebauer and H. B. Van Hocsen,
Philadelphia, 1959, p. 18.

The Astrological Journal aims lo publish articles of general and specific interests to all
JANUARY/FEBRUARY Vol. 36, No. 1 serious astrologers. It is issued bi-monthly and sent free to members, Cxtntribulore are at zyxw
l i tv rd i t(i « > v r, . - ^ i - - ....1. ... 1 .

Editorial: Astrology and Professionalism 217

CONTENTS Notes, July 1994 219
by Charles Harvey
Editorial: Jupiter in Scorpio 153 "Living with the Gods" — the outer planets
Notes: May 1994 157 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
at work in inner lives — Part HI 223
by Charles Harvey, by Jan Lee
The 1993 Carter Memorial Lecture - Part I I : Shakespeare Revisited 232
Losing Our Causes 161 by Neat Meredith
by Michael Harding Of Comets and Kings: The Coming Crash 237
"Living with the Gods" - Part I I : by John Ramsey
The Outer Planets at Work in Inner Lives 171 Student Section:
by Jan Lee Mercury: Understanding Patterns of Thought 241
Student Section: by James Brockbank
Astro Sleuthing: Six Successful Contests 180 Mundane Section:
by T. Patrick Davis The New Horoscopes for South Africa 245
by Nick Campion
Horary Section:
Where is Nia)la Rogers? 185 Research Section:
by Rose Elliot, D.FAslrol.S. Happiness in Marriage Study 248
Research Section: by Dr Beverley Steffert and Mike O'Neil
An Investigation into the Signiflcance of Moon/Uranus/Mars Computer Section:
Midpoints in M^or A i r Disasters 188 The Uranus/Neptune coi^unction and Computing 250
by Colin Miles
by Alan Jewsbury
Letters 252
Letters 191
Reviews 263
Book Reviews 199

MAY/JUNE Vol. 36, No. 3 J U L Y AUGUST Vol. 36, No. 4

Editorial: 281
Editorial: Investigating Astrology 345
Notes: September 1994 283
Notes: November 1994 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
348 by Charles Harvey,
by Charles Harvey,
Charles Harvey (former President) 285
"Astrology's Golden Age lies in the Future . . . " .... 352 by Nick Campion
Gregory Vlamis interviews Dennis Elwell
The Sacred Marriage - Sun-Moon and a
Family Patterns 362 Neolithic Message 288
by Bemadelte Brtufy by Robin Heath
From My Casebook: Finding the Meaning in a Child's "The Poverty of Angels"
Behaviour Saturn, Uranus, and a Renaissance Ast 299
by Kim Fame II by Ruth Clydesdale
Mundane Section: Student Section:
The End of the IRA's Military Campaign: Teaching Astrology - The First Ten Years 305
Part I 373
by Anne Whiiaker
by Bill Sheeran
Research Section:
Horary Section:
Loose Ends and Unrapt Parallels 313
O J . - Did he or didn't he? 378
by Sue Ward by Michael Wacl^ord

Pontormo's Mystery Fresco: A n Astrological LetterszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF

Interpretation Criticised 381 Book Reviews 330
by Ruth Clydesdale
Research Section: SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER Vol. 36, No. 5
Topocentric Houses Revisited 389
by Mike Wackford
The Aslrolugiuil Journal aims to publish articles of general and specific interests to all
Letters 391 serious astrologers. It is issued bi-monlhiy and sent free to members. Contributois are at
Book Reviews 396 liberty to express such opinions or to employ or to advocate such astrological techniques as
they wish. The publication of these di>es not necessarily im(dy, however, lhat ihey are
endorsed hy the editors or the council,
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Vol. 36, No. 6 @ C'opyrighl Astrological Association ISSN-0144-6754
Editorial: Symbols - A Scieoce of Multi-level Meaning 1
Notes: January/February 1995 4 Editorial:zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Astrology and Literature SI
hy Charles Harvey,
Obituary: Derek Appleby 85
The Uses and Abuses of the History of Astrology: The
Astrologer's Reputation, Motivation and Roles, Fart I 6 Notes: March/April 1995 86
hy Annahella Kitson The Home of Language: A new look at the Moon 88
by Mike Harding and Gaila Yariv
The Sabian Symbols 16
hy Lynda Hill Two Uons and an Adulteress 96
hy Paul Wright
A Conversation with Liz Greene: The Middle Way 28
Horary Section: The InfaUibility of Fate; Shakespeare's
Ivy Goldstein-.!acubsou's Siclt Boy 39 Use of Astrology in King Lear 102
by Maggie Hyde by Nick Campion
Sleaze' and U K 1801 46 Student Section:
by John Ware
Agatha Christie - Detecting a Few Basics 108
Mundane Sectiun: hy Sue Tompkins
The Ceasefire in the Context of Irish Republican History,
Part I I 50 Anne Frank's Descent to the Goddess 114
by Bill Sheeran by Valerie Mali hews

Letters 58 Midpoint Section:

Book Reviews 64 Observations on a 'bom writer' 116
hv Sii^i Harvey

The Uses and Abuses of the History of Astrology:

J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 1995 Vol. 37 No. 1 The Astn)loger's Reputation. Motivation and Roles,
Part II 119
hy Annahella Kiison

letters 131
Reviews 138

M A R C H / A P R I L 1995 Vol. 37 No. 2


Editorial: "One W o r l d , Under the Stars . . 153 Editorial: "Pluto in Sagittarius: T h e Return of the
Philosopher" 217
Obituary: J i m L e w i s 155
Obituary: James Russell 222
Notes: M a y 1995 160
Irish Astrological Association Conference 223
New Flight in the Age of Aquarius 162 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
by Keith Magnay Notes : July 1995 224

The B i r t h of C h r i s t 168 Pluto in Sagittarius 228

by Rev. Pamela A. F. Crane

Sun and Neptune - Individual and Collective 168

The Exaltations and their Origin 173
by Charles Harvey
by David McCann

The Sacred M a r r i a g e : Part Two 239

Student Section: T h e Moon's Nodes 177 by Robin fiealh
by Anne Whiiaker

Student Section: T h e Anatomy of a Comic 260

H o r a r y Section: Concerning Ivy Goldstein- bySuzi I.dtey-fILirvey
Jacobsen's Sick Boy 183
Horary Section: Coming Home: A Natal Astrologer Discovers
Horary 265
Poets* C o r n e r : A Lesson in the Stars 185
by Fiona Gnfjilhs

byJeannelle Regan
The Madness of K i n g George H I 269

Letters 186
by K-ieira B. Fpslem

Book Reviews 193 Letters 271

The Astrological Journal aims lo publish articles of general and specific interests lo all
serious astrologers. It is issued bi-monlhly and sent free to members, Conlribulors are at
liberty to express such opinions or lo emfrfoy or to advocate such astrological techniques as Book Reviews 281
thev wish. The oublicalion of Ihese does noi necessarilv imolv. however, thai ihev are The Astrological Journal aims to publish articles of general and specific inleresls lo all

Editorial: Get Wise! 297 CONTENTS

Guest Editor: Robin Healh
Obituary: Al H . Morrison 301 Editorial: Psychology and Astrology 369
Notes, September 1995 302 Obituaries: Joan Hodgson 373
The Sacred Marriage: Part Three 305 Patric Walker 374
by Rohm Heath Notes, November 1995 375
Astrology in France in 1995 314 Psychological Astrology: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell? 378
by E'rarifoise Moderne hy Mike Harding
Zodiac 317 Transpersonal Perspectives and the Eighth Principle 387
by Robert Chandler by Clerry (ioddard
The Picatrix: Lunar Mansions in Western Astrology 318 Astrologers and Psychotherapy 395
by Ian Freer by Phil Byrne
Student Section: British Science Fiction Heroes - Dr Who 330 Fear of Being Potent: A Life/Death Confusion 403
by Paul Newman by Gaila Yanv
Horary Section: Editorial - Third Party Horaries 335 Astrological Correlations in a Case of Spousal Abuse 416
by Maggie Hyde by Glenn Perry
New Moon on the Horizon: Glimpses of the Soli-Lunar E n e i ^ Freud Discovers Oedipus 422
in Jung's Life 338 by Maggie Hyde
by Helen Best Letters 425
A Brawl at Nightclub Saturn 342 Book Reviews 435
by Andrew J. Bevan
The Leadership Crisis in the Conservative Party 345
by Mary Russell
Letters 348 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1995 Vol. 37, No. 5
Book Reviews 354

S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 1995 Vol. 37, No. 5

Editorial: A Dark Hour 65
Notes, March 1996 71
CONTENTS by Charles Harvey
Tasting the Moment 74
Editorial: A New Year - A New E r a 1 by Caroline Norns
Notes, January 1996 6 Fate was the Hunter 78
Uranus and Prometheus 10 by MargaretzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
by Robert Chandler Astrologers and the Law 81
Thinking About Pluto , 16 Midpoint Corner: Do Scorpions Laugh Longest or Last? 82
by Jeanetle Simpson Poem: Healing 84
Shadows in the Water 22 by D. !I. Lawrence
by Ian Cheadle Student Section: The Interruptioned Planetary Core 85
The Peari of Great Price 26 by Cynthia Thorburn
by Cynthia Thorhurn Iceman 90
Student Section: The Twelfth 29 by Catherine Gill
by Rosemary Adams Horary Section: Is It To My Benefit To Leave The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 32 Software Company Today? 97
by Vivienne Reed by J. Lee Lehman
The Beatles - Come Together! 35 Europe: A Tale of Two Countries 100
by Russell ^afford by Garry PhiUipson
Composite Beatles 40 Letters 105
Neal Meredith Book Review 113
Horary Section: Third Party Horaries Replies 43 Poem: A Pocket Planetarium 115
by Garry Heaton. Rose Elliot. Graeme Tobyn by Mark Wood
Letters 46
Book Reviews 48

JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1996 Vol. 38, No. 1

The Astrological Journal aims to publish articles of general and specific interests to all
serious astroloRers. Il is issued bi-monthly and sent free to members. Contributors are at

Editorial: The Tower of Babel 209

Editorial: To Sun sign or not to Sun sign? 129 Feature Article:

Astrology and Psychic Protection 213
Richard Dawkins' Attack on Astrology 133 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
hy Judy HaU
Introduced by Nick Campion
Cosmic Life of the Unborn Child; A Gestational Zodiac 219
Astronomy Quiz 142
by Helen Best
by Nick Kollerslrom
A Day in the Life of Babs Kirby 229
Sun Sign Columns: An Armchair Invitation 143
Interviews with practicing astrologers - An occasional series
by Geoffrey Dean and Arthur Mather
Notes, July 1996 235
Notes, May 1996 156
by Charles Harvey
by Charles Han'ey
A Journal for the Future 239
Poem - Steps to the Dance 159
by Robin Heath
by Charlie Sharp
Astrology and the I-Ching 242
Uranus, Prometheus, or Just Plain Herschel? 160
by Nick Oakley-Smith
by Gerry Goddard
Letters 247
An Astrological Symmetry 168
Book Review 254
by Oliver Swingler
Letters 170 Software Reviews 266

Book Review 187 Educational Video Review 269

July/August 1996 Vol. 38, No. 4

M A Y / J U N E 1996 Vol. 38, No. 3

Copyright of signed articles and conespondence remains with the author except that the

Editorial: The Foundations of Astrology 281
Notes, September 1996 286 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Editorial: 'Twixt Eclipses 361
by Charles Harvey
The Birth of Jesus Christ 365
The Bok Dialogues 291
by Wim Weehuizen
hy Dr Nick Kollerstrom
Kepler's Chart 371
Planets Galore: How Will Astrology Cope With 35,000 New Planets? 299
by Dr Nick Kollerstrom
by Nick Campion
The Problem of Domification - Part 2 378
The Science of Astrology: An Introduction 303
by David McCann
by Chris Stuhhs
Student Section: The Saturn Cycle: "Forging the Diamond Soul" 391
The Radical Nature of Sun-Sign Astrology 306
by Anne Whitaker
by Bernard Eccles
Time Changes in Great Britain 397
The Spiritual World of Astrology 312
by Terry Hart
by Rev. Laurence L . Cassidy, SJ.
The State of the Union 406
News from Dawne Kovan at the A P A Press Office 323
by Nicholas Campion
By Their Stars Shall Y e Know Them: The Astrology of Philosophers.. 324
Mundane Section: A Human and a Mundane Upheaval 413
by Jeff Meddle
by Jeanette Simpson
Boundaries and Projections and the Astrological Consultation 327
Horary Section:
hy Deike Begg. D.FAstrol.S.
Third Planet Factors 417
The Problem of Domification - Part 1 330
Will We Ever Sell This House, And I f So, When?
by David McCann
by Kaye Miller
Letters 339
Letters 421
Book Reviews 345
Book Reviews 424
Astronomy Quiz Results and Answers 349

September/October 1996 Vol. 38, No. 5

November/December 1996 Vol. 38, No. 6
Vol. 39, No 1 page 1
Editorial zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
January 1997

From Paradigm to M e thod

in Astrological Research
by Glenn Perry Ph.D. page 4

\7 - The Character of the Year zyxwvuts

i by Peta High D.F.Astrol.S, R.CAstrol.
I page 11
: Lunation Calendar for 1997
page 16
R ight N umbe r T W A 8 0 0
The Story of a Prediction
by Helen Best page 17

The Degree of R ight

by Hedley England page 22

The Need for Traditional Astrology

by Olivia Barclay, Q.H.P. page25

Fashions in Interpreting
by Rosi Adams, D.RAstrol.S page 37

|| Egyptian Stars by Ian Freer M.A

^ page 41

S oftware Update page 51

by Colin Miles B,Sc. DMS Astrol.
Plus Book Review s and Reader's Let t ers
Vol 39, No 2
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
March 1997

Editorial pagezyxwvu
Obituary - Ada Phillips page 4
The Search for Faith zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Nicholas Campion's response to
. the Church Report and media hysteria page 7
Salman Rushdie by Adrian Duncan QHP
- An Astrological Perspective page 14 zyx
j An Introduction to Vedic Astrology
I by Komilla Sutton page 19
Landmarks of the Year page 26
by Beth Shaw
The British General Election
by Sally Davis
From Paradigm to Method in
: Astrological Research (part 2)
by Glenn Perry Ph.D. page 4 2
"Shine" - David and Gillian HeHgott
: by Bernadette Brady page 59
Reviews Letters
The Back Pages - Charles Harvey
27 zyx
Vol. 39, No 3 see pagezyxwvut
fealures zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
May 1997
Editorial page 1
Galactic Alignments page 4
by James A Roylance B.A,
Horary Section: Horary Astrology
Speal<s for itself page 15
by Richard Swatton
Student Section:Where do I Start?
by Andrew Smith B A page 23
Feature Article: 1
Twelfth Century Castle
Besiegement in Sport page 27
by Lee Lehman Ph.D. and Bernadette Brady |
From Russia..with Love page 45
by Peta High DF AstrolS, RC Astrol.
From Paradigm to Method in
Astrological Research (part 3} !
by Glenn Perry Ph.D. page 49
A s Above, So Below page 63
by Marsha Tai
Regiomontanus by Ruth Baker pggg 7-;
Reviews page 73 Letters page 81
The Back Pages page 85
Supervised by Charles Harvey DFAstrolS,
Special Feature - page
fcalurcs zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf
Vol 39, No 4
July 1997
Editorial page 1 z
China - An Astrological Perspective zy
by Jenni Harte page 5
Hong Kong - The End of Empire
by Nicholas Campion page 11 zy

Feature Article:
Celtic Astrology page 17
by Peter Berresford Ellis. MA zyxwvutsrqpon

E B ^ ^ b y Rob Hand page 29

Houses as Whole Signs?

Student Section: by Roy Gillett page 35

Election '97 - 12th House Rules - OK?

Research Section: by Phd Stanway

The Timing of Birth page 41

Reviews page 52
page 45 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf
• J[fJ=J:IJ!lJ.MJMn.n.fi1
Supervised by Charles Harvey DFAstrolS
Vol 39, No 5
features September 1997
Editorial -zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ
Educating Archetypes page 1
A Major Step Forward I
in Astrological Education |
by Paul Wade page 51

^Teaching Astrology in Glasgow

by Anne Whitaker pagezyxw
Teaching Astrology in Wales :|
by Robjn Heath page 10

An Interview with Noel Tyl

by Garty Phillipson page 12

An Astrological Book Survey

conducted by the Editor page 19
The Astrology of Serial Killers
by Lesley Gnffiths. DMS Astrol page 2 7 zyx
1^ ij
Student Section: Women with Soul j
by Loretta Proctor page 431|

Reviews page 56 Letters page 65

The Back Page page 72

see page zy
Vol 39, No 6
fealures zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
November 1997
Editorial -zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
A Candle in the Wind page 1
John M. Filbey F.F,Astrol.S,
' The Naming of Nessus
. by Robert van Heeren pagezyxw
Feature: The Truth of Astrology
by Mike Harding page 13
The Good, the Bad and...
Whose FauK is it Anyway?
by Angela Arnold page 21
Student SectionfThe Essentials
of Essential Dignities
by Stephanie Johnson page 27
Lunation Calendar for 1998
An A d to Practical Astrology page 35

Feature Section • Diana

Diana, Princess of Wales
by Nicholas Campion page 37
The Stones, the Astrologers
and the Princess
by Robin Heath page 51

Northern Ireland -
A Study in Peace-Making
by Pat Harris M.Sc, page 61
Letters page 71 Reviews page 81
Astrological Book Survey -
The Top Three"(part ti/vo) page 83
TTie Back Pages: True Grit
by the Rev, Pam Crane page 87
Vol 40, No 1
FEATURES: January 1998
I Editorial 1
\e Skinner 8
! By Garry Phillipson zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ
I The Good, the Bad 14

I By Angela Arnold
I Onmyoj, Astrologers to the Emperor 21
j By Hideaki Shuseh Kokubu, Q.H.P.
j Whywas Hemingway a writer? ..26
= By Kees Retman
I Late 90's trends in the UK-1801 chart 30
I By Paul Mayo
I UK Prime Ministers hold the UK chart.... 35
j By Bridge Ennis D. F.Astrol S.
F. M. Alexander 43
I By Peta High, D.F.Astrol $., RC Astrol.
^ The Sky Channel 49
i By Robin Heath
\n appreciation of the previous editor 53
I By Nick Campion
i Rudolf Hess .........54
I By Tom Richards
\h meets the Dragon's Head 56
I By Paul F Newman
I Reviews 57
i Letters 63
I Data ..68
I The Back Pages tm. 69
Vol. 40, No 2
FEATURES: March 1998
Editorial 3
A Tribute to Alexander Ruperti 8
Astrology and the Holographic
Paradigm 13
By Jochen Encke
Some Nature Notes 20
By Brian Taylor
The Good, the Bad 28
By Angela Arnold
The Green Pan-ot 33
By Paul Newman
USA Independence Chart 36
By Nicholas Campion
Joan of Arc 42
By Lois M. Redden
Aspects in Traditional Astrology. 50
By Sue Ward
Reviews 54
Letters.... 57
The Sky Channel 65
By Robin Heath
Data 68
The Back Pages - 69
Vol 40, No 3
FEATURES: May 1998
Editorial 3
Pamela Crane, excerpts fron an interview
By Garry Phillipson 7
Rahu Ketu, The Shadow Planets 14
By Komilla Sutton
Talismans; the Astrologer's Rubicon 19
By Ilia Durovic
The Good, the Bad 30
By Angela Arnold
Astrology and Hoist's The Planets 33
ByAnthea Head
Astrological Profile of a Gardener. .42
By Helena Francis
Annus Tenebrosus 45
By Dorothy Kovac
Cosmic function of the Golden Section
and golden Aspects 53
By Theodor Landscheidt
Reviews 67
Letters 72
The Sky Channel 79
By Robin Heath
Data 82
The Back Pages 83
By Charles Harvey
Vol 40, No 4 July 1998
A Tribute to Jeff Mayo. 5 Living in thezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
12th House 38
Rahu Ketu, The Shadow Planets 8 By Bradley W. Kochunas
By Komilla Sutton HORARY SECTION:
FEATURE: Fin de Si^le Marriage Most Horrid 44
D.H.Lawrence 13 By Kaye Miller
By Robert Chandler Reviews 48
The Eternal Return of Letters 56
Friedrlch Nietzsche 23 The Sky Channel 58
By Gerry Goddard By Robin Heath
Alistair Crowley: Data 60
A New Look at an Old Devil 34 The Back Pages 61
By Elizal^eth Hathaway By Charles Han/ey
Vol 40, No 5 September 1998
Neptune and the Picture Palaces 6
By Loretta Proctor
The Holy Grail and Diana 12
By Valerie Jeffery
The Millennium Bug, Will It Really Byte? 14
By Paul Mayo
Astrometeorology 21
By Carl A Matttiews
Domification: A Space and Time Odyssey.....24
By Martin Lewicki
New Consciousness in Northern Ireland? 31
By Pat Harris
Beethoven's 'Engine of Destiny' 40
By Nea! Meredith
Reviews 44
Letters 51
The Sky Channel 56
By Robin Heath
Data 62
The Back Pages 58
By Charles Harvey
Vol 40, No 6 November 1998
Interview with Roy Gillett 6
By Garry Phillipsson
Shakespeare's Magic Patterns 9
By Neal Meredith
Transsexual ity and Astrology...... 19
By Simon Wickham-Smith
A Successful Forecast 28
By Nicholas Campion/Michael Munkasey
An Astrological Cinderella 34
By Robin Heath
Love and Marriage 31
By Maurice McCann
A Test of Strength 45
By Amanda Parfitt D.T Astrol.
Reviews 47
Letters 54
The Back Pages 59
By Charles Harvey
Vol 41, No 1 January 1999
Interview with Komilla Sutton 6
By Garry Phillipson
A CallfromGod 16
By Lesley Griffiths
Solstice and Antiscia Points 19
By Darrelyn Gunzburg
The Astrology of the Euro 34
By Roy Gillett
A Question of When 36
By Russel Parkinson
Watchers in the Heavens 43
By Lynne Steele-Smith
Reviews 51
Letters 58
Sky Channel 64
By Robin Heath
The Back Pages. 67
By Charles Harvey
Data 69
Editorial Vol 41, No 2 March 1999 3 Response to Lilly Horary. 28
Nostradamus & the 1999 Eclipse 5 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
By Nicholas Campion Finding The Right Moment 32
The Astrological Mirror Game 16 By Kalvert K. Clark
By Anna Louise Vance The Witch-Trial 34
Surprising Facets of the Mayan By John Frawley
Calender. 20
By Sergey Smelyakov Book Reviews 36
Bill Clinton ~ and his presidency through Letters 39
the chart of Chelsea Clinton. The Eclipse Year - Part II 47
-The Soap Opera continues 23 Sky Channel By Robin Heath
By Arlene Marcia Nimark Adverts 50
FEATURES: Vol 41, No 3 May 1999
Editorial 3
Interview with Nick Campion 8
By Garry Phillipson
Russia's Unhappy Fate 16
By Denise Chranowska
and Paul de Gruchy
The Eclipse and New Millennium 28
By Roy Gillett
Thoughts on the Eclipse 30
By Elizabeth Hathaway
The New Centaurs, Pholus
and Nessus 32
By Penny Steffen
Planetary Stock Trading:
By Bill Meridian
The Eclipse Year - Part III 46
The Sky Channel By Robin Heath
Book Reviews 50
Letters 54
Adverts 60
FEATURES: Vol 41, No 4 July 1999
Editorial 3
The Scottish Parliament 6
By Caroline Gerard
The Columbine Massacre 13
By Andrew Smith, B. A.
An Eclipse for Astrologers? 24
By Andrew Bradbury
Whoops, Apocalypse! 31
By Jane Emma Pallanca
Nostradamus and the Eclipse 34
By Simon Pople
Sabian Symbols of Total Eclipse 36
By Paul Newmann
Why I am a Horary Astrologer. 37
By Ruth Baker Q.H.P.
Local Groups, Local Egos 40
By David Fisher
Photo Shoots 43
By Jeani Lewis
The Venus-Cycle 45
By Nick Kollerstrom
Interview with Nick Campion/ll 46
By Garry Phillipson
The Eclipse Year - Part IV. 60
The Sky Channel By Robin Heath
Book Reviews 64
Letters 68
Adverts 70
FEATURES: Vol 41, No 5 September 1999
Editorial 3
Nostradamus and the Eclipse of
August 11, 1999 6
By Yves Lenoble
ECLIPSE - A Question of Time?....... 12
By Loretta Proctor
Dinner with Nostradamus 14
By Craig Grant
Predicting Disaster:
Mars-Pluto and the outbreak of
violence 17
By Gerald Finn
The Book of World Horoscopes 23
By Nick Campion
The Mayan Calendar Explained 25
By Bruce Scofield
A Business Question 29
By John Frawley
Decreasing in Light
- a Study of Blackouts....... 31
By Alexandre Nigri
The Sky Channel
The Eclipse Year - Part V. 36
By Robin Heath
Book Reviews 39
Letters 45
Adverts 50
FEATURES: Vol 41, No 6 November 1999
Editorial 3
A Country with Janus Face: Turkey's
relation with Europe 6
By Hakan Kirkoglu D.FAstroLS.
The Scottish Parliament revisited 18
By Caroline Gerard
Saturn and Jupiter
- an essay in medical astrology 20
By Margaret Millard M.D.
Jung, Astrology and the Millennium..21
By Ban Begg
The Seal of Venus 28
By Valerie Jeffery DMS Astrol.
Will the astronauts have to abandon
the Mir space station?
- A horary judgement 29
By Olivia Barclay and friends
The Spica Awards 33
By Frank Clifford
The Sky Channel
Eclipses, Nostradamus and the
Millennium Dragon 34
By Robin Heath
Book Reviews 40
Letters 45
Adverts 49
Editorial 3 The Case of the Flying Haggis 47
Bruno Huber. 8 by Dennis Elwell
PSYCHOLOGY SECTION Psychological Versus Predictive
Two Thousand Years of Solitude 10 Astrology 55
by Garry Phillipson by Glenn Perry, Ph.D.
Appreciation of Things Past 16 Medieval Methods of Longevity
by Noel Tyl Measurement: A Pilot Study 60
Astrological Psychology by J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.; Penny Shelton;
- an overview of the Huber Method 31 Agnes Moscrip; Fran Rackow&
by Bruno Huber Ralph T. Cannizzaro
Brave New World: Small Revolution in Britain:
Forward into the Fifties 33 The Millennium Mundane Notes 67
by Brian Clark by Nick Campion
MUNDANE SECTION: isar Invites AAGB Members to its 2000
Brought to You By Neptune In Aquarius..38 Conference 70
by Lynn Bell Book Reviews 71
The Astrology of Some Recent Letters 76
Earthquakes 42 Adverts 81
by Peter L. Cook
FEATURES: Vol 42, No 2 March 2000
Editorial 3
Harmonices Mundi 6
By Ronald Harvey
A Practical Study of a Heavenly
Phenomenon (Part I) - Experiences
with Black Moon Lilith 10
By Christine Huyg-Barret
Walter Old - Sepharial 16
By Nick Campion
Sigmund Freud - Pisces? 19
By Mark Shulgasser
Changing Calendars
- Adjustment of dates from Julian to
GregorianCalendar. 27
By Kim Farnell
A Natural Meridian for the Geodetic
Zodiacal Map 31
By Maria Wheatley & Laurence Upton
Natal Consultations
- The Health Angle 36
By Wanda Sellar
Letters 37
Book Reviews 47
Adverts 51
FEATURES: Vol 42, No 3 May 2000 Letters to Charles 21
Zodiacal Physiognomy: Its problems
Memorial to Charles 3 and possibilities zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
From Roy Gillett By Charles Harvey 27
4 ANIMA MUNDI: Astrology in the Theatre
8-17 of the World Hymns Ancient and Modern
The Times Obituary - The Saturn-Uranus Duet 30
Attempting to make Astrology By Charles Harvey
18 The Back Pages (September 1998)
Anecdotes about Charles Harvey... 19 By Charles Harvey
From Robin Heath Adverts 57
FEATURES: Vol 42, No 4 July 2000

Editorial 3
Geocosmic Correlations to Stock
Market Cycles 6
By Ray Merriman
The Pope, and his length of reign
- a n exploration of predictive
astrology..... 12
By Bemadette Brady
An Introduction to
Astro-Psychology 16
By Glenn Perry, Ph.D
April Elections in Greece 24
By Ninos Constantinou
Astrology and Gem Therapy. ...28
By Anna Estaroth
Experiences with the Black Moon Lilith,
Part 2 30
Reviews 36
Letters 40
Adverts... 48
FEATURES: Vol 42, No 5 September 2000

Editorial 3
US Presidential Elections:
The Use of Past Elections to
Predict Future Outcomes 6
By J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.
Portrait of a Country 16
ByShelagh Kendal
Declination Arc 21
By Bill Meridian
Sun Signs, ICQ and Surfing
Astrology Sites..... 24
By Andrew Black
Pluto/Chiron in Social Astrology-
Some Reflections 27
by Brian Taylor
Wheels Within Wheels 32
by Bernard Boyd
Reviews 36
Letters 45
Adverts 48
Editorial Vol 42, No 6 November 2000 3
Twelfth House Rule 6
By Roy Gillett
The Next British General
Election 9
By Nick Campion
Time Slice: Testing Elwell's
Multicongruence 12
By Robin Heath
Harry Potter and the
Astrologer's chart 16
By Neil Spencer
Abbacadabra 20
By Diana McMahon
Lady Di - The Eclipse Princess 26
By Nick Kollerstrom
Mutual Receptions: Our
Magic Wand 32
By John Frawley
The Hitchhilters Guide to
the Zodiac 35
By Caroline Gerard
Not Void? Of Course! 37
By Maurice McCann
English Consumer Prices and the
London Aries Ingress, 1264-1998 40
By Stephen Kirchner
Vol 43, No 1 January 2001
Liz Greene is selected for the first Charles Disruption of Petrol Supplies in
Harvey Award 03 Mainland Britain Ed Gillam 28
Welcome to the New Millennium! zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Sue Tompkins Interview 34
Roy Gillett 04
The Internal King John Frawley 36
Editorial 05
Astrology Wins In US Presidential Election The Property Market in the U K
Jim Shawvan 07 Wendy Stacey 42
The Power o f Gems Patty Deppe Greenal 08 Profile: Nick Campion 49
Poem: Saturn and Venus Catriona 13 Life on Planet Earth: Israel
Tales From The Far Side: Sunset Boulevard Adrian Ross Duncan 53
Paul F Newman 14 The Planets in their Courses: Jan/Feb
Saint Bob: What's the Score? Sue Ward 18 Forecast Peta High 58
Letters 64
Vol 43, No 2 March
Editorial 03 A Question of Bewitchment
New Millennium A A Conference Christopher Warnoc 33
Combining the best of the old with many new Tales From The Far Side: A Voyage into
Roy Gillett 04 Southem Declination
ideaszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Paul F. Newman 39
The Roman Empire and Astrology: Profile: Jonathan Cainer 45
A Contemporary View Herb Kugel 06 King Antiochus, the Leo horoscope and
Heavenly Star Child Catriona Javor 13 Mercury Helen Jacobus 49
Longing for Love: Karen and Richard Carpenter —Year of the great romance
Loretta Proctor 16 Adrian Ross Duncan 55
The Planets in their Courses: March/April Letters 60
Forecast Peta High 23 The long stay of Mars in Sagittarius
Pluto in the Charts of Film Directors Elizabeth Hathway 61
Ulla Palomaki 27 Book Reviews 65
Vol 43, No 3 May 2001
The Planets in their Courses:
Editorial 03 May/June Forecast Peta High 35
Astrology, Meditation, and the Fearless What Really Drives us? or Astrology without
Greg Bogart 04
Contemplation of ChangezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Planets? Richard Llewellyn 41
Experiential Astrology Derek Hawkins 13 Letters 47
A Business Election Constantine Zinoni 15 Poem: Solar Eclipse Loretta Proctor 50
Galaxy Rising: can astrologers use it to Cycles in the US Stock Market
psychically win the lottery jackpot together? Graham Bates 51
Mick O'Neill 19 Profile: Julia Parker 55
Spiral Astrology Glen Atkinson 22 Time Lords in Hellenistic Astrology, part 1
The Role of Saturn on the Spiritual Path James Brockbank 59
Joyce Hoen 29 Book Reviews 65
Editorial Vol 43, No 4 July 2001 03 Portents o f Disease? Kathryn Cassidy 32
Olivia Barclay Tributes 04 Measuring Belief in AstrologyMc/: Campion 3 5
Astrological AnecdoteszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Rupert Sewell 14 Lunar Eclipse, 9January 2001 Dora%G/wnfe 38
The Planets in their Courses Letters 41
July/August Forecast Peta High 17 Book Reviews 43
The Piscean Sky A t Night P zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(3«/FA'eww(3« 21 Rahu-Kethu KJayaSekhar 45
Profile: Peter H i l l 24 A Case History: Grief and beyond WandaSdlar 49
Life on Planet Earth: Lilly's Receptions Maurice McCann 53
The European Union Adrian Duncan 27 Time Lords in Hellenistic Astrology Part 2
HGr3l<^gPwsi^ Amamia Bradbury Hughes 30 James Brockbank 59
Vol 43, No 5 September 2001 (Guest Editor) Adam Smith
Editorial zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 1
Marion March Appreciation J. Lee Lehman Ph.D 2
The Oracular and Causal Models o f Astrology Maria J. Mateus 4
Self-Defence for Astrologers Garry Phillipson/Denis Elwell 13
Charubel - A M a n B y Degrees Kim Farnell 23
A Taste o f Things t o Come Terry MacKinnel 27
The Planets in their Courses Peta High 38
Profile / Astrology is Stranger than Fiction Jessica Adams 43
The Judder Effect Maggie Hyde 48
Reviews Janus V.3, Vedic Astrology 54
Editorial Vol 43, No 6 November 2001 3
2001 Annual AA Conference 6
Carter Memorial Lecture zyxwvutsrqp
Richard Llewllyn 8
World Trade Centre Attack
Valerie Jeffery 19
Poem: Pluto's Inner Dance
Tina Thompson 23
Olympics Politics
Adrian Duncan 24
Profile: Garry Phillipson 29
The Planets in their Courses
Peta High 31
Mills & Boon Paul F Newman 38
Lilly: Another Perspective
Sue Ward 42
Letters 46
The Guardians of the Months
Ruth Clydesdale 53
Another August Eclipse
Mandy Morrell 59
Editorial Vol 44, No 1 January 2002 3 The Planets in their Courses Peta High 23
Letters 4
The Need for Traditional Astrology
Timothy McVeigh zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Mangai Balasegaram 8 Martien Hermes 29
A brief astrological view on a world-changing event Transits and the Path of Transformation
Cat Cox 13 Shelley Jordan 37
Tomb Raider Paul F Newman 16 The Alcocoden and its use
Profile Wanda Sellar 18 Gary Warren Price 45
The Terrorist Attack on America Book Reviews 49
Dorothy Gtuntz 20 Who is this 'Dubya'? Ed Gillam 53
Editorial zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Vol 44, No 2 March 2002 3 Experiential Healing Mandala Laura Boomer-Trent 31
Looking Forward to the 2002 Annual Conference The Nodes of Uranus Frances McEvoy 35
Roy Gillett 5 The W ar in Afghanistan: a Third W orld War?
W ha t's N e w in Financial Astrology? Charles Ridoux 37
Nick Campion 6 Working wfith the Planets Roy G ille tt 43
The Astrology of Grief Darrelyn Gunzburg 8 Ask the Professional Sue Tompkins 49
Letters 13 Profile Derek Parker 51
The Australian Family Bernadette Brady 18 Traditional Questions and Answers Barbara Dunn 55
Astrology and the Academic Environment Book Reviews 57
Christopher Bagley 23 Tributes Zach M a t t h e w s 61
The Moon and her Nodes Joanne Wickenburg 27 Frank Clifford's M ystery Chart 62
Vol 44, No 3 May 2002
3 Profile Pat Harris 23
Establishing Astrology in the Modern W orld Traditional Questions and Answers Barbara Dunn 26
Roy Gillett 5 Predictions and Prayers Loretta Proctor 31
Obituary Joyce Hall 10 'and this too will pass' Jamie Macphail 35
Culpeper's Herbal Medicine and M esmerism as Healing Causal or Esoteric Astrology? Suzel Fuzeau 39
Modalities Elizabeth Kitney 11 Ask the Professional Sue Tompkins 45
Tributes Zach M a t t h e w s 15 W orking with the Planets Roy Gillett 47
Charles Harvey Day 21 Letters 53
Vol 44, No 4 July 2002
3 Shout, Sing, W hisper: Understanding the
Equinoctial Hours Anton Grigoryev 5 House Intensity Curve Joyce Hopewell 39
Pluto's Discovery Chart and the Aftermath of zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
The Houses in Traditional Astrology Sue Ward 43
11 September 2001 Brian Taylor 9 W orking with the Planets Roy Gillett 49
The Astrological Origins of Photography Kevin Briggs 14 An M A at Bath Spa University College Nick Campion 55
N ewton, Haley, and Uranus N ick Kollerstrom 23 Traditional Questions and Answers Barbara Dunn 56
'Mr. Hyde': an Inter-Dimensional Study Letters 59
of Dr. Harold Shipman ^ Pam Crane 29 Book Reviews 62
On Being Informed R obin Heath 34 The Birth Chart of a Fictional Character Sheila Geddes 66
Editorial zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Vol 44, No 5 September 2002 3 Lilly Four Hundred: Astrologers' Feast Report
The Carter Memorial Lecture: M a g g i e Hyde 41
the Planets-Myth and Reality Julia P a rke r 5 Forty Years of James Bond Paul F Newman 42
Mystery Chart 18 Traditional Questions and Answers Ba rba ra Dunn 46
A Dutch W edding E liz a be th H a t h w a y 19 Profile: Ian Tonothy 48
The Saturn-Pluto Cycle: W orking with the Planets Roy G ille tt 51
Reaping the Gifts of Regeneration Simon Pople 22 Ask the Professional Sue Tompkins 56
Nokia: a Case Study Maarit Laurento 27 Book Reviews 57
'Causal or Esoteric Astrology? A n d r e Ba rba ult 40 Letters 62
Vol 44, No 6 November 2002
3 Obituary Alice Back 37
Astrological Association Astrology Conference 2002 5 The Moon and Cancer Chris Coulson 38
The Use of Archetypes in Prediction Robert Zoller 6 Working with the Planets Roy Gillett 45
Mystery Chart 17 On Profections, a Traditional Method of Prediction
Lunar Standstills J e a n E lliott 18 Part 1 Martien Hermes 51
Caesarean Births W e n d y Stacey 23 Traditional Questions and Answers Barbara Dunn 60
Monomoina: Essential Dignity by Degree Ema Kurent 28 le tte rs 61
Profile: Robin Heath 35 Book ReviewszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
Vol 45, No 1 January 2003 3
Jamie Macphail on Iran, Iraq, America, Israel, Saudi Arabia, W orking with the planets Roy Gillett 35
UK, India, and Pakistan 5 Profile; W endy Stacey 41
The Lamb, the Goat and the Templar Knights Traditional questions and answers Barbara Dunn 45
Loretta Proctor 13 Ask the professional Jamie Macpiiail 48
On profections, a traditional method of prediction Navigating midlife Stephanie Johnson 49
part 2 Martien Hermes 21 The astrological saga of Wolfgang Amadous Mozart:
The search for W illiam Lilly's London home genius before his time Shelley Jordan 54
Antliony Demetris 27 Book reviews 61
Sophia Centre speech Bernard Eccles 33 Letters 63
Vol 45, No 2 March 2003 3
Lightning over stormy waters Meianie Reinhart 5 Uranus in Pisces: Heaven on Earth, fact or fiction?
Uranus in Pisces Steven Forest 11 Sarah McRae 49
Swimming against the tide of reason: alternative music Prometheus goes swimming: Uranus in Pisces
with Uranus in Pisces Mark Beal 17 in the natal chart Pete Watson 51
Electric Fish Adrian Duncan 25 Sayings and signs Valerie Jeffery 58
A mighty maze of mystic magic rays Uranus and Neptune— clear similarities and distinctions
Uranus: the television planet Paul F Newman 29 between the two planetary principles Ulla P a loma ki 59
Uranus into Pisces (Scientists and the siren voices Uranus in Pisces E liz a be th H a th w a y 61
of technology) John S Dawson 33 Book reviews 63
Atropos: effects of Uranus in Pisces Lore tta Proctor 37 Traditional questions and answers Ba rba ra Dunn 65
Working with the planets Roy Gillett 43 Letters 67
Vol 45, No 3 May 2003
Editorial zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
03 Reflections on Mercury retrograde Frances McEvoy 39
The Eurovision song contest Paul F Newman 05 Ask the professional Jamie Macphail 42
Towards cosmobiological interpretation W ha t is the sound of one planet predicting?
Baldur R. Ebertin 09 M a r t i e n Hermes 43
Saturn in Cancer Anton Ghgoryev 15 Traditional questions and answers Barbara Dunn 47
Seven Lots of vice and virtue Joy Uslier 19 Interview with Darrelyn Gunzburg Garry Phillipson 49
M ystery charts Frank Clifford 24 Weak malefics Sue Ward 55
Britain's first Afghan wa r David W Z Jones 25 Letters 59
W orking with the planets Roy Giilett 34 Book reviews 65
Vol 45, No 4 July 2003
Editorial zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
03 Invasion of Iraq F e ne lla M a lla lie u 37
Desire and the stars Darby Costello 05 The Cycle of Chiron:
A century of astrology Gerald Pitchforth 13 accepting the wound of individuation Brian Clark 42
Hans Eyesenck Nestor Almada 15 Working with the planets Roy Gillett 50
Traditional questions and answers Barbara Dunn 21 Letters 56
The race for the South Pole Lars Otto Widding 23 The day the moon blew up Margaret Anthony 59
The evolution of astrology Rick Levine 29 Book reviews 63
Mystery chart Frank Clifford 35 Jupiter fights melancholy O sca r H o f m a n 65
Vol 45, No 5 September 2003 3
Zlpporah Pottenger Dobyns tributes
The N akshatras— the twenty-seven Lunar mansions of
Vedic astrology Steve Hubball 5 Working with the planets Roy Gillett
The astrology of aviation Hedley England 12 Profile: Martin Davis
Shooting stars and lightning— an astrological study of Traditional questions and answers Barbara Dunn
Laurence Olivier Rupert J, Sewell 22 Book reviews
W here is Siobhan? Patty Greenall 30 Anton Grigoryev on the 11 August 1999 eclipse and the
Ask the professional Jamie Macphail 33 Turkish earthquake
Venus rising: whe n the fat lady sings John Dawson 37 A fine romance Alexander Markin
Lois Rodden tributes 40 Letters
Vol 45, No 6
R e g u l a r s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc
November 2003 3
Editorial zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb

Profile: Maurice McCann 18

Working with the planets

Roy Gillett 27

Letters 58

Book reviews 62

A n n u a l
The Carter Memorial Lecture:
Heaven obscured;
confusion in the people;
navigating the tides of change
Darby Costello 5

Astrological Association
Astrologv Conference 2003 34

F e a t u r e s

The Magicians Paul F Newman 23

The US and Uranus

Armand Diaz 36
Jamie Macphail on Iraq, USA,
North Korea, Iran, Syria, Israel,
Saudi Arabia, India, UK, Tony Blair,
and G W Bush 46

H o r a r y
W ill I lose my license
in court tomorrow?

Patty Greenall 42

W o r k i to u t
Competition 34
Mystery Chart Frank Clifford 45
R e g u l a r s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
Vol 46, No 1
January 2004 3

Traditional questions and answers

Barbara Dunn 27

Q&A Sue Ward 35

Profile: Claire Chandler 51

Working with the planets

Roy Gillett 52

Letters 56

Book reviews 64

F e a t u r e s
Master astrologer returns to London
Anthony Demetris 4

Fixed stars: why bother?

Bernadette Brady 10

The wounded healer

Valerie Jeffery 16

The W e st W a rwick nightclub fire

Martin Lipson 20

W hen Jupiter married the Moon

Robin Heath 28

An a-mazing time
Mandy Perkins 36

Lilith, possession, values and the

Princess Margarita
Christine Huyg-Barrett 38

An etheric signal hypothesis for

astrology Chris Coulson 44
Vol 46, No 2
R e g u l a r s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
Editorial March 2004 3
Letters 5
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 7
Sign language Pam Crane 45
Profile: John Etherington 64
M ystery chart Frank C. Clifford 70
Book reviews 71

F e a t u r e s
Above the below
Laura Boomer-Trent 11

Decoding the zodiacal constellations

Terry MacKinnell 18

Turbulent times for Sweden

Mark Beal 26

The third house and the goddess

in classical astrology
Stephanie Johnson 34

The mystery of the disappearing

Agatha Loretta Proctor 39

Sign language Pam Crane 45

The metal Mars W a n d a Sellar 48

A lot of Venus misery

Oscar Hofman 52

The possible post facto

significance for the attack on the
Twin Towers in M anhattan of the zyxwv
5 July 2001 Lunar eclipse
Alan Jones 55

Standing at the threshold of the Ages

Cat Cox 58

The upholsterer Mavis Klein 66

A comedy of errors
Alexander M a r k in 68
Re gula rs zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
Vol 46, No 3
May 2004

Letters 5

Sign language

Pam Crane 48

Ema Kurent 54
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 59

Horary Q & A

Barbara Dunn 65


Maarit Laurento & Ema Kurent 66

Book reviews 72
F e a t u r e s
Five degrees: rule or preference? 11

Peer group work: professional

astrology's next step
Bob Mulligan 18

There is no ne w thing under the sun

Sue Ward 24

Ita ly— pa st and present

Adrian Ross Duncan 30

Chiron, a ruling planet or what?

Martha Christine P hilip 36

Mary Alice Kemery

Isabelle Ghaneh 39

The W odd Trade Center attack in the

diurnal chart of N ew York City
Sidney Simons 56

More questions than answers: the

aftermath of the murder of Anna Lindh
Mark Beal 68
Re gula rs zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
Vol 46, No 4
July 2004

Letters 5

Working with the planets

Roy Gillett 12

Book reviews 36

Sign language

Pam Crane 48


Ena Stanley 54

M ystery chart by Frank Clifford 63

F e a t u r e s
The US election
Fenella Mallalieu 18

How to manage your business

with astrology
Maarit Laurento 24

Chiron: a new look at a

(two-faced) old devil
J S Dawson 30

Peace and war cycles in the Middle East

R. Hakan Kirkoglu 39

The November presidential election in

the United States
Isabelle Ghaneh 58

From Basle to Jerusalem: the birth of

modern Zionism and the state of Israel
Meira B. Epstein 64
Regulars zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
Vol 46, No 5
September 2004
Book reviews 14

Letters 18

Sign language
Pam Crane 24

Working with the planets

Roy Gillettzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed

Mavis Klein 38

Fe a t ure s
Fate, and how to avoid it
Dennis Elwell 5

Nick Campion to take over as Head of

the Sophia Centre 19

Shadows of Venus
Robin Heath 22

Can astrology become guidance to our

Nestor Almada 40

Intercepted signs, that hidden territory:

will the lady be fined?
Anthony Demetris 45

The lots in Hellenistic astrology

James Brockbank 48

Primary aspects
Lynne Steele-Smith 54

Gone with the wind: the zodiacal

Alex Trenoweth 69
R e g u l a r s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc
Vol 46, No 6
Editorial zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
November 2004 3

Letters 19

Working with the planets

Roy Gillett 24

Sign language

Pam Crane 30


Anthony Demetris 39

Book reviews 71

A n n u a l
The Carter Memorial Lecture
Patrick Curryzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Astrological Association
Astrologv Conference 2004 22
F e a t u r e s
Sophia Centre Graduation Day
An account by Alice Ekrek 5
Chester Kemp 36

Vale Ronald W ilson Reagan: farewell to

the 40th President
Lisa Stephens 41

Festivals in the eighth and twelfth

Paul F. Newman 47

Neptune: manipulation and deception

in the presidency of George W . Bush
W i m Weehuizen 51

Searching for the horoscope of Portugal

Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro 54

The lots in Hellenistic astrology part 2

James Brockbank 64
Re gula rs Vol 47, No 1
January 2005
Editorial 3

Q & AzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
Sue Ward 13

Working with the planets

Roy Gillettzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf

Sign language

Pam Crane 40

Joyce Hopewell 28

Fe a t ure s
George W Bush
and his role in the destiny of the
United States of America
Elizabeth Hathway 14

The Christmas zodiac

Valerie Jeffery 17

LIVE AID: twentieth anniversary

Paul Newman 24

If Earth is a planet,
which sign does she rule?
Martha Christine Philp 32

The Seven Ages of Man

Maurice McCannzyxwvutsrqponmlkj

John Stewart Bell and the most pro-

found discovery of science
Chris Coulson 54

The astrology of 2008-2015

Dharmaruci 64
R e g u l a r s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
Vol 47, No 2
March 2005 3
Working with the planets zyxwvutsrqpon
Roy Gillett 6
Letters 68
Book reviews 79

Virgo: visible and invisible
Lynn Bell 10
The election astrology lost
Dennis Elwell 12
Astral configurations for 2005: an
overview of 2005's most significant
mundane aspects
Charles Ridoux 18
'It's a hard time for dreamers'
Lars Otto Widding 20
No wings without roots
Peter Fraiss 23
Quality of mind
R. Hakan Kirkoglu 26
Introducing Lilith
Grazia Mini
translated by Julianne Evans 3 1
The relationship horoscope
Maria Luise Mathis 34
Tarot and astrology Hajo Banzhaf 3 8
Prediction or predicament?
Branka Stamenkovic 46
Astromusical relationships: the close
correspondence between astrological
rules and rules of musical harmony.
Dante Valente 49
The astrology of groups
Yves Lenoble 52
Astrology and demography: from indi-
viduals to a collective vision
Didier Castille 56
N e w dimensions in astrology
Heidi Treier 60
Rectification and computers in the
twenty-first century

Juan Estadella 62
Vol 47, No 3 May 2005
C o n f e r e n c e
S p e a k e r s 2 0 0 5 zyxwvut
From Virgo to Sagittarius: faith leads
the wa y zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
Lynn Be ll 05
The nodal/eclipse cycle and you
Georgia Stathiszyxwvutsrqponmlk 9
Faces within faces
Alexander Graf von Schlieffen 26
Natural astrology,
another door of perception
Astrid Fallon 46

Re gula rs
Editorial 3
Profile: Patrick Curry 12
Sign language: and there's more . . .
Rev, Pam crane 20
Working with the planets
Roy G ille tt 38
Letters 64
Book reviews 73

F e a t u r e s
Aspect pattern astrology
Joyce Hopewell 14
Obituary: Gerald S Pitchforth 32
The electricity power cuts of 2003
Kevin Briggs 34
Sky and Psyche: Heaven and Soul
Nick Campion 44
Creating Heaven on Earth
from your horoscope
Janice Sharkey 54
Beyond the Great Fire
Sue Ward 59
Vol 47, No 4 July 2005
R e g u l a r s zyxwvutsrqpon
Editorialzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba 3

Profile; Jean Elliotzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg


Sign language:
( Rev, Pam Crane 18

Working with the planets

Roy Gillett 64

Letters 70

F e a t u r e s
The burning question: how does com-
bustion work? Helena Ave la r and
Luis Ribeiro 05

' The Leopard, or wa s II Gattopardo a

I Capricorn? Nestor Almada 24

Beyond the Great Fire part 2

Sue Ward 30

Moon, Mars, and mysticism: an astro-

analytical study of Peter Sellers
Rupert J Sewell 40

The astrology of disenchantment

Dfiarmaruci 47

Capax Universi— Uranus and Neptune

in mutual reception
Raye A Robertson 56

I Obituary; Agnes Shellens 73

I Obituary: Arthur T Oram 74
Vol 47 No 5 September 2005
R e g u l a r s zyxwvutsrqpo

Sign language zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg

Rev, Pam Crane 30

Interview with Bernard Eccles 36

W orking with the planets

. Roy Gillett 52

^ Book reviews 64

,> Letters 68

F e a t u r e s
Saturn leaving Cancer and entering the
forest of Leo!
Georgia Stathis 6

Saturn in Leo and the grand cross

Adrian Duncan 8

Saturn in Leo: 'It's Hook or me, this time.'

Raye Robertson 14

The ingress of Saturn into Leo and the

Interesting times' to come
Luis Ribeiro 22

Zodiac garden
Janice Sharkey 26

Saturn-Pluto and solo performance

Mandy Perkins 46

H o r a r y
Barbara Dunn 49

Can we sell our house at the price we

wish? W ho will buy it?
Patty Greenall 59

Two election horaries

Kevin Bnggs 60
CofRShts Vol 47, No 6
November 2005

Features Regulars
The Carter Memorial Lecture: Globalisation Editorial 5
Zodiac garden
and the Uranus-Neptune conjunction zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
Andre Barbault 6 Janice Sharkey 44
Fallout from the Working with the planets
April 2005 annular total Solar eclipse Roy Gillett 47
Lisa Stepliens 26 Sign language
Reaping the whirlwind in New Orleans: Rev. Pam Crane 53
the astrology of hurricane Katrina Book reviews 76
Raye A. Robertson 32 Letters 78 zyx
Terrorism in the UK
Jamie Macphail 38
Stairways to Heaven: astrology's rela-
tionship to the mystical traditions of
Editor: Gerasime Patilas
Western cultures Email: gerasime@ patilas,freeserve.co.uk
Polly Wallace 61 Copy-editing & proof-reading: Ian Tonothy
Graphics & layout by Gerasime
o n ten ts Vol 48 No 1
January 2006

R e g u l a r s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Direct timing
Editorial 05 by planetary periods and ascensions
Zodiac garden Janice Sharkey 34 James Brockbank 37
Q&A: complex relationships Sue Ward 58 The birth charts of Hoist and
Working with the planets Roy Gillett 60 the first performance ofzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
The Planets
Letters 78 Paul Wright
Book reviews 80
On Flamsteed's horoscope for the founding of
Features the Royal Greenwich Observatory
N e p tu n e -P lu to : s o m e t h e m e s fro m th e
Michael Edwards 48
Jupiter in Scorpio
c u r r e n t c y c l e zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Lynn Bell 57
The Lunar eclipse: a web of connections
Dharmaruci 06
Murray Beauchamp 67
Declination for beginners
Christopher Columbus and the stars
Paul R Newman 16
Benson Bobrick 73
Moonage daydream:
Obituary: Ananda Bagley 76
the lunar progression of David Bowie
Mark Beal . 23
Vol 48 No 2 March 2006
F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih
Power points in the zodiac zyxwvutsrqponm
Bill IVIeridian
A horoscope and the law of similars
Sue Tompkins
Turkey: an identity crisis for the EL)
R. Hakan Kirkoglu
Family Trance-Mission: an original
approach combining astrology,
psycho-genealogy and art
Aashti Tousagni
Thanks for the memory:
an astrological study of Bob Hope
Rupert J. Sewell
Seeing Mercury
Nick Kollerstrom
The birthcharts of Indigo children
Mary English
Diurnal motion:
an insight into house meanings
Glenda Cole

Zodiac garden
Janice Sharkey 30
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 32
Interview with Nick Kollerstrom 44
Book reviews 72
Letters 76
Vol 48 No 3 May 2006

F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe
The cult musician and the puer: Nick
Drake, and Tim and Jeff Buckley zyxwvutsrq
John Etherington 5
Experiential astrology
Derek Hawkins 16
Major standstill
Robin Heath 18
Lib. Dilemmacrats: in which seven
planets say it all
Michael Edwards 24
Looking for God
Linda Bermingham 39
Brokeback Mountain: a mysterious com-
posite chart and the American Mars
Simon Chedzey 50
Saturn in Leo John S D a w s o n 59
Farewell to a big Australian
Lisa Stephens 68
Saturn's fifth-house Odyssey
or a 30-year pregnancy!
Loretta Proctor 72

Editorial 5
Zodiac garden: planting a bed for Venus
Janice Sharkey 36
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 42
Profile: Patty Greenall 34
Book reviews 65
Letters 76
Vol 48 No 4
July 2006
Features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Three planets, four movements zyxwvutsrq
Maurice McCannzyxwvutsrqponmlkjih 5
The Moon as our feeling nature
Louise Huber 16
Drawing nigh to February 1524:
the spate of fear
Enzo Barilla 24
From Greek Stoics to Rumi:
an astrological Rumi
R. Hakan Kirkoglu 40
The power of planetary stations
Ronnie Gale Dreyer 52
The Research Group
for the Critical Study of Astrology
Pat Harris 59
Astrology and psycho-genealogy
Juliette Allais 62
The pattern of evolution
Chrissy Philp 66

Editorial 3
Zodiac garden:
gardening without a garden
Janice Sharkey 22
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 32
Profile: Glenda Cole 57
Letters 76
Book reviews 80

The Association's objectives are the advancement

Vol 48 No 5
Sept. 2006
Features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Elvis: sex 'n' drugs 'n' rock 'n' roll {and food) zyxw
Wendy Bristow 5
Introducing progressed Venus synastry
Paul Westran 18
Pat's Solar journey:
a psychological astrology interpretation
Margaret Gray 26
Some observations on time twins
Paul Wright 32
Planetary cycles and
'the spirit of rock 'n' roll'
John Etherington 42
Will my exam results be any good?
Ruth Baker 63
The golden ticket: Saturn, Chiron and
the healing of Willy Wonka
Raye A. Robertson 64
Villa Tauro: the astrological park
Maarit Laurento 75

Editorial 3
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 36
Zodiac garden: Culpeper—apothecary
with a social message
Janice Sharkey 56
Profile: David Holmes 59
Letters 78
Book reviews 80
Vol 48 No 6 November 2006
Astrological Association Conference 2006 6z

Jupiter in Sagittarius: brief considerations zyxwvutsr
Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro 8
A closer lool< at tertiary progressions
Dawne Kovan 12
Can Death Die?
Roy Gillett 19
Pluto: 1930-2006, RIP
Nick Kollerstrom 20
The love stakes... Venus's promise!
Pemo Theodore 26
The shadow of the Cross
Alexander Markin 34
Uranus, earthquake,
and the choice of a base chart
Tatsuhiro Nakajima 46
Beyond Pluto: some preliminary observations
and thoughts on Sedna and Eris
Gerry Goddard 56

World Cup winner
Barbara Dunn 5
Is Sophie all right?
When will I get a letter from her?
Ruth Baker 11

Editorial 3
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 38
Zodiac garden: Janice Sharkey 6
Profile: Didier Castille 54
Letters 72
Books 80

Thp AcQnriatinn'o nkl.

Co n t e zyxwvutsrqponmlkj
Vol 49 No 1 January 2007
Features ^
Seeing in the dark: ^
our changing solar system ^
Melanie Reinhart 6zyx
Keep it simplezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
— h
a horoscope example for students ii
Sue Tonnpkins 13 ^
The inner light: the chart of George Harrison
John Etherington 16 p
Signs of the zodiac \
Chris Mitchell 30 C
Adolph Eichmann: an archetype of evil or
just a case of blind obedience? I
Nestor Almada s
36 c
Heads and tails
Lisa Kimpton 48
The spin of the wheel
Phoebe Wyss 60

Obituary: Jan Lee 72

Editorial 3
Zodiac garden: Janice Sharkey 27
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 42
Profile: Stephanie Johnson 69
Letters 74
Books 81
Vol 49 No 2 March 2007
F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
The crystalzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
exploring the origins of birthstones
Judy Hall 6
A time to die:
William Lilly and the execution of Charles I zyxwv
John S Dawson 14
The bigger picture
Dharmaruci 32
The many faces of Mercury: true bridge
between Heaven and Earth in the astral chart
Claudio Cannistra zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Translated from the Italian and Spanish
versions by Michael Edwards 40
Culpeper's Herbal: an astrological survey
Paul F. Newman 46
Polarity in astrology
Paul Wright 52
Grumpy old astrologers!
Valerie Jeffery 66

Obituary: The Astrologer's Apprentice 68

Editorial 3
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 24
Zodiac garden; Janice Sharkey 36

Letters 70
Books 72
Vol 49 No 3 May 2007
F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Lennon meets McCartney zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
Paul F. Newmanzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg 6
Via combusta—the combust way
Henrike Mayerzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb 12
Johannes Kepler, the Holy Roman Emperor
Rudolph II, and the jurisdictional conflict
between the Papal States and the
Serenissima Republic of Venice
Enzo Barilla 28
Quick tips for beginners:
confirming the birth time
Wendy Stacey 34
The colour of Nirvana
Adel Athier 36
The progressed synastry collision graph:
demonstrating patterns in synastry
Paul Westran 42
Basic astrology:
the semisextile—a minor aspect?
Paul Mayo 56
The Pattern of the Elements
Cfirissy Philp 64

Obituary: Dr Christopher Coulson 15

AA launches workshop days
Chris Mitchell 19

Editorial 3
Zodiac garden: Janice Sharkey 16
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 20
Books 71
Letters 73
Vol 49 No 4 July 2007
F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Charts and handwriting zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ
Darrelyn Gunzburg 6
The crystal horoscope in antiquity
Judy Hall 14
The crystal ocean
An astrological study of
The IVIost Venerable Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche
Blessing the world's water
Laura Boomer-Trent 20
Some comments on an astrology of health
Graeme Tobyn 34
Fate in the lives and work of Friedhch
Nietzsche and Michel Foucault: a case study •
in the cultural significance of Pluto
Brian Taylor 48
All you need is horary
Oscar Hofman 60

Editorial 4
Quick tips for beginners:
electing a moment in time
Wendy Stacey 37
Working with the planets
Roy Gillett 40
Books 68
Letters 70
Vol 49 No 5 September 2007
F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe
Astrology and religious belief zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
Kevin Briggs 6
"Blood and fire through and through"
An astrological perspective on the Salvation Anrty
Alex Trenoweth 14
After the flood: the horoscope for Carlisle
Carl A Matthews 36
The reflection of Pisces in Michelangelo's poetry
Nestor Almada 40
No Morbus!
Oscar Hofman 54
Synastry contacts in election forecasting
William Henry 58
The parallax-corrected position of the Moon
Sidney Simons 62

Obituary: Gerald Aylmer Clarl< 68


Working with the planets: Roy Gillett focuses

on September to November 2007and takes an
advance look at Pluto in Capricorn
Roy Gillett 28
Quick tips for beginners: interpreting the yod
Wendy Stacey 51
Letters 69

Books 73
O o r i t ;( B n t :s
Vol 49 No 6 November 2007
F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe
Facing royalty: almugea, or proper face zyxwvutsrqp
Luis Ribeiro 8
History of tfie Zodiac
Robert Powell 14
Walt Disney
Valerie Jeffery 38
An archetypal view of the houses
Phoebe Wyss 53
N e w s a nd reports
Astrological Association Conference 2007 6
Sophia Centre News
Nick Campion 28
Award of PhD in Health Psychology
Title: Applications of astrology to health psychol-
ogy: astrological and psychological factors and
fertility treatment outcome by Pat Harris 63
Ob Ku a rie s
Doreen M Turnbull 33
Roy Douglas Alexander 34
Suze Allport (Suze da Blues} 36

Editorial 4
Profile: Judy Hall 12
Working with the planets: Roy Gillett focuses
on November 2007 to January 2008
Roy Gillett . 16
Quick tips for beginners: the personal is political
Wendy Stacey 30
Cosmic Treatment
Oscar Hofman 50
Books 61
Letters 64
Vol 50 No 1 January 2008
F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf
Interpreting besiegement and aid in natal charts zyxw
Helena Avelar 6

Astrology and the Law of Attraction:

ancient wisdom leading-edge thinking
Dawne Kovan 13

Marie Antoinette and Social Change

Jeanette M. Simpson 30

Two horary judgments

Margaret Arkinstali 36

The "D" word

Oscar Hofman 46

Walt Disney (partzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
Valerie Jeffery 54

Caught in the Web
Glenda Cole 21
Working with the planets:
Roy Gillett focuses on January to March 23
Quick tips for beginners: unaspected planets
Wendy Stacey 42
Profile: Frances Clynes 50
Letters 67
Books 70
Vol 50 No 2 March 2008
F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Recovering the garden of Venus zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Darby Costello 6
"The best of times and the worst of times":
monitoring Saturn in Virgo
Helena Avelar 12
The true nature of the IVIoon
Alan Oken 20
Is Norman Kember alive and well?
A horary question
Margaret Arkinstali 24
The brief reign of Steve McClaren—and the
future reign of Fabio Capello
Mark Beal 31
The first Neptune return
Paul Wright 42
The legacy of Nietzsche's Pluto:
poststructural sequestration
Tatsuhiro Nakajima 54
Oscar Hofman 66

Quick tips for beginners: unaspected planets
Wendy Stacey 28
Working with the planets:
Roy Gillett focuses on March to May 2008 36
Profile: Alexander v. Schlieffen 50
Caught in the Web
Glenda Cole 69
Letters 73
Books 74
Volume 50 | Numbers | May/June 2008 zy

Earth to Saturn: sterility or fertility? zyxwvutsrqponmlk
Lynn Bell 6
Decans and dwads
Sasha Fenton 12
The Goldilocks effect
Bob Makransky 18
The regicide of Dom Carlos I of Portugal
Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro 34
Is this Cosmic Mind?
Chrissy Philp 38
Uranus, Mercury and death
John S Dawson 46
Adventurer Steve Fossett missing
Karin Verhoeve 56
Oscar Hofman 61

Editorial 4
Profile: Paul Wright 15
Working with the planets;
Roy Gillett focuses on
May to July 2008 22
Quick tips for beginners: introduction to synastry
Wendy Stacey 30
Caught in the Web
Glenda Cole 59
Books 65
Letters 69
| July/August 2008 zyx
Volume 50 | Numberzyxwvutsrqponmlkjih

A snapshot of AA members over the yearszyxwvutsrqp
Paul Wrigfit 6
Publish and be blessed? (On having been
Joi/ma/Editor in a past life}
Robin Heatfi 10
The Carter Memorial Lecture—a great
astrological tradition (sponsored by the
Astrological Lodge of London and the
Astrological Association)
Roy Gillett. Claire Chandler. Chester Kemp
and Nick Campion 14
Prediction and psychological transformation
Adrian Ross Duncan 18
Mercurial moments: the firstzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Journal analysed
Nick Campion 40
Alan Leo (1860-1917): the father of
modern astrology
Paul Newman 44
The significance of the prime vertical
Alexander Markin 56
Cosmic sympathy
Oscar Hofman 61

Editorial 4
Profile: Chester Kemp 17
Working with the planets: Roy Gillett
focuses on July to September 2008 28
The AA chart
Wendy Stacey 34
Caught in the Web
Glenda Cole • 39
Books 65
Letters 69
Volume 50 | Numbers | September/October 2008 zy

F e a t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf
Orlando Bloom:
a fairy tale of success made in Great Britain
Mirjam Schneider 6

The Sultan of Swat:

Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs
J o h n Frawley 22

China earthquake and ingress 2008

Diana Warwick 26

Shakespeare's double time

Federica Capuzzo 33

Proof of Life:
Howard Sasportas' Heroic Journey
Erin Sullivan 47

The virgin Mercury and

the crisis of consciousness
Julia Kang Reeves 58

Pluto in Capricorn and Indigo Children

Dawne Kovan 69

Editorial 4

Caught in the Web

Glenda Cole 21

Profile: Evelyn Roberts 30

Working with the planets:

Roy Gillett focuses on September
to November 2008 39

Books 73

'eatures zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG zyxwv

Vol 50 No 6 Nov/ Dec 2008
M w i i i I It

3 A Jungian view o f a s t r o l o g y zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ

Enzo Barilla looks at the Jungian viewpoint on divination in astrology

10 T h e life a n d d e a t h o f a t h e a t r e
Alexander Markin on the astrology of the Gaiety Theatre

17 AA conference 2008
JheAA conference 2008 in words and pictures

20 A d o l f Hitler - d e m o n , or j u s t political c r i m i n a l ?
Nestor Almada lool(s at Hitler's chart

25 P a t h w a y s of the p l a n e t s
Valerie Jeffery on astrolocality

34 T h e a s t r o l o g y of 2 0 1 2
Helen Sewell investigates the UK transits of 2012

42 G o r d o n Brown's M a y a n h o r o s c o p e
Bob Makransky takes a different approach to our Prime Minister

• 46 T h e m o o n a n d t h e b e a r in p r e h i s t o r i c a s t r o n o m y
An extract from Mick Campion's book on the cultural history of western astrology

52 Obituary - Fran^oise G a u q u e l i n
Memories offran^oise Gauquelin who died last year

54 T h e return of classical m e d i c a l a s t r o l o g y
Oscar Hoffman on the presence of astrology in all things

1 Editorial
Your new Editor, John Green, gives his thoughts

13 S t u d e n t s e c t i o n - T h e fire h o u s e s
Wendy Stacey's view of the realm of lire

28 Working with the planets - USA Elections 2008

Roy Gillett focuses on November2008 to January 2009

57 Interview - Being Frank

John Green in conversation with Frank C Clifford

60 H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s - H u m o u r in t h e h o r o s c o p e ( P a r t 1)
Frank C Clifford on what signifies humour In the chart

63 C a u g h t in t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites to visit

64 Book reviews
This month's best reads

65 Letters
Your letters to the editor
Vol 51 No 1 January/February 2009
Batures zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
5 Paul N e w m a n 1925-2008
Alex Trenoweth's thoughts on the life of Paul Newman

13 P s y c h o l o g i c a l astrology: the m a r r i a g e of h e a v e n a n d hell SO years

fi^like Harding reflects on his Journal article from 1995

18 An astrologer's song 50 years zyxw

Rudyard Kipling's joy of astrology

25 5 0 y e a r s of t h e Astrological J o u r n a l , 1 9 5 9 - 2 0 0 9 50 years
Looking bacic at how the Journal has changed over 50years

P l u t o in C a p r i c o r n a n d t h e U S A
Michael Lutin takes a wry look at Pluto changing signs

?' Pluto ? a c h a n g e
The Carter Memorial Lecture from 2007given by Melanie Reinhart

37 A d v e n t u r e s in a s t r o l o g y
Pam Crane's top W innovative astrology tips

47 Pisces S w i m m i n g
A poem by Andrew Vladimirou

48 S y n a s t r y , or t h e art of c h a r t c o m p a r i s o n
Ingrid Lind's article on Charles II and Nell Gwynn from the Journal's past

52 Ted H u g h e s a n d Sylvia Plath: an astrological reading

Brian Taylor on the shamanic voice of Ted Hughes

Editor, John Green, gives his thoughts and reflections

H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s - H u m o u r in t h e h o r o s c o p e ( P a r t 2)
Frank C Clifford on what signifies humour in the chart

19 Working with the planets - M u n d a n e astrology

Roy Gillett focuses on January to March 2009 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX

4" Student section - The earth houses

Wendy Stacey's view on the earthy realm

60 C a u g h t in t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites lo visit

61 Book reviews
This month's best reads

63 Letters
Your letters to the editor
Vol 51 No 2 March/April 2009

'eatures zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Hans Christian A n d e r s o n : Chiron a n d " T h e Steadfast Tin Soldier'
Yukiko Ogura's exploration of tills classic story

L o v e o n e a r t h m u s t b e ! A r t h u r L e e a n dzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
Forever Changes
Jotin Etherington on the musical legend Arthur Lee

W a r in S o u t h O s s e t i a
kmie Macphail on the astrology of the recent conflict

Know thyself
Maureen Ravenhall on making the most of our lives

F r o mzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
9 /zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
1 1 to f i n a n c i a l c r i s i s
jeanette Simpson looks for clues In the solstices and equinoxes

27 T h e music issue colour s u p p l e m e n t

Jules Genik, Adam Smith, Jane Struthers, Enid Williams, Wendy Bristow, Pete Watson, Paul E
Newman and Jenni Dean Harte look ot a plethora of musical interests.

T h e a r c h e t y p e s a n d the origins of astrology

Phoebe Wyss'article poses an alternative view of the origins of astrology

N e p t u n e a n d JImi Hendrix
Nick Kollerstrom's view on the guitar genius

E v o l u t i o n a n d the h a n d s of t h e c o s m i c clock
Alan R. Wheatcrofton the astrological ages

Editor, John Green, gives his thoughts and reflections

Student section - Pop divas, vocal range and whistle tones

Wendy Stacey looks at female vocalists

W o r k i n g with the planets - D o o m e d ? Surely not!

Roy Gillett focuses on March to May 2009

Horoscope snapshots - Cosmic compositions

Frank C Clifford writes the theme lune, sings the theme tune-

Caught in t h e w e b

Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites to visit

Book reviews
This month's best reads

Your letters to the editor
Vol 51 No 3 May/June 2009

T h e r e l a t i o n s h i p o f E a r t h a n d F i r e e l e m e n t s in m u l t i v e r s e a s t r o l o g y zyxwv
Alison Chester-Lambert looks at how recent scientific discoveries affect our astrology

8 Cambridge University celebrates 800 years

The astrological history of the University told by Paul F. Newman

18 T h e first E n g l i s h a s t r o l o g e r s w e r e G r e e k . . .
Thomas D. Gazis explores the connections between England and Byzantium

21 T h e B a b y l o n i a n origins of G e m i n i
Gavin White explains the roots of Gemini

29 Meryl Streep: a class act

Joyce Hopewell uses the Huber method to explore Meryl Streep's chart

31 F a c t o r F i c t i o n ? G a u r i c u s a n d t h e w a r n i n g g i v e n to H e n r y II of F r a n c e
Deborah Houlding on an almost legendary example of astrological prediction

39 C h r i s t i a n i t y ' s d e b t to a s t r o l o g y
The links of astrology and theology explored by Rev. Bill Dorlison

46 T h e m a r r i a g e of H e a v e n a n d E a r t h
The symbolic representations of the male and female archetypes by Chrissy Philp

51 T h e great e c l i p s e s of 1962 a n d 2 0 0 9
Wain Farrants looks at what these eclipses may foretell

56 Location, location, location!

Pam Crane plays with the the Dwadashamsha of Vedic astrology

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on Darwin's dangerous idea

14 Horoscope snapshots - Speaking your chart

Frank C. Clifford on how what we say reflects our chart

24 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - T h i s t i m e it's g l o b a l !
Roy Gillett focuses on May to July 2009

43 S t u d e n t s e c t i o n - T h e Air h o u s e s
Wendy Stacey looks at the air houses In some celebrity charts

61 C a u g h t in t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites

62 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your letters to the editor
Vol 51 No 4 July/August 2009
C h i r o n c o n j u n c t J u p i t e r a n d N e p t u n e zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
Elizabeth Halhway explores this topical conjunction

13 P l a n e t a r y e v a l u a t i o n a n d the j u d g e m e n t of q u e s t i o n s a n d nativities
Horary astrology from Barbara Dunn

19 T h e major transits of childhood a n d their psychological correlates

Mavis Klein explores the transits of growing up

22 The talented Ms. Ripley

Mike Harding on the close aspects of Patricia Highsmith's chart

27 Astrology a n d natural disasters

Wim Weehuizen looks at predicting natural disasters

33 T h e a s t r o l o g y of the California big e a r t h q u a k e

Tatsuhiro Hakojimo on the transits linked to some of California's big earthquakes

39 T h e r e t u r n o f c l a s s i c a l m e d i c a l a s t r o l o g y - A bit o f d i g n i t y p l e a s e
Dignitaries in traditional medical astrology by Oscar Hofman

41 U r a n u s a n d t h e C a r t e s i a n split
Frances Clynes looks at Rene Descartes Uranian Ideas

50 Why I a m a Huber astrologer

Sue Lewis explains the Huber system of astrology and its roots

57 The Barbados experience

Valerie Jeffrey on her Barbados trip

59 Inclusive
A poem by Tony Matthews zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ

60 A s t r o m a i e u t i c s : T h e art of fertile stars

Murial Rojas Zamudio explores our link with the cosmos

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on a client dilemma

9 Horoscope s n a p s h o t s - Reality bites

Frank C Clifford looks at the charts of reality celebrities

38 C a u g h t in t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites

45 Working with the planets - Principles, values and joined-up thinking

Hoy Gillett focuses on July to September 2009

54 Student section - The water houses

Wendy Stacey looks at the water houses in some celebrity charts

62 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your letters to the editor
Vol 51 No 5 September/October 2009
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
T h e X - F i l e s ; Y o u w i l l d i s c o v e r t h e t r u t h ! zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
Ed Gillam looks at the charts surrounding the hit TV series

9 Jupiter meets Uranus

From erotic bathing to stargazing - An extract from Anne Whitaker's book

19 T h e life a n d w o r k o f S y l v i a P l a t h
The second part of Brian Taylor's astrological reading of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath

32 K n o w thyself
The oracle of Delphi and beyond told by Wanda Sellar

36 T o w a r d s a r e s p o n s i b l e a s t r o l o g y of the f u t u r e
Faye Cossar looks at our solar system as a model for conscious development

41 Astrology: a magnetic attraction

Does magnetism hold the key to how astrology works? Christopher Harwood investigates

45 S y m b o l s a n d s u n d i a l s in C a m b r i d g e
Prudence Jones on the city of Cambridge and its horoscopes

Astrological a g e s a s an a c c u r a t e a n d effective m o d e l of history

Robert FitzGerald looks at the correlations between history and the astrological ages

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, with some food for thought

13 Horoscope s n a p s h o t s - Vegas, Hollywood a n d other cut-rate Babylons

Frank C. Clifford looks at the links between our charts and those of cities

17 C a u g h t in t h e w e b
Gienda Cole's regular round-up of websites

27 Student section - The immortal horoscope

Wendy Stacey sees If transits affect our charts after death

Working with the planets - Restoring trust

Roy Gillett focuses on September lo November2009

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

Your letters to the editor
Vol 51 No 6 November/ December 2009

5 Clarifying the G o d confusion zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR

Alan Eric Ward ponders science, spirituality and Pluto in Sagittarius

11 Horary astrology answers your questions about work

Practical horary astrology from Beata Kibil

IS T h e triple c o n j u n c t i o n of Jupiter, N e p t u n e a n d C h i r o n
Phoebe Wyss explores the meaning of this current planetary configuration

23 T h e Mercury cycle: s h a m e a n d glory

From thoughts to toilet training by Bob Makransky zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX

27 A n i n t r o d u c t i o n to t h e d w a r f p l a n e t s
What should we make of these new planetary bodies? Alison Chester-Lambert explains

33 M i r r o r , mirror...
Sue Martin with an in-depth look atplutoid Eris

37 AA conference 2009
Catch up on the recent AA conference happenings

R o b e r t B u r t o n a n d his M i s t r e s s M e l a n c h o l y
Enzo Barilla on the English scholar and vicar Robert Burton zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc

48 Asteroid g o d d e s s e s and the Mystic Way

James Rodgers looks at models of spiritual transformation

Astrology: a key to G r a n d Unification

Vikram Divakar and Soundar Divakar look at possible scientific explanations for astrology zyxwvutsr

Editor, John Green, on atheism and astrology

19 Horoscope snapshots - The Lunar Gestation Cycle

Frank C. Clifford with a fascinating insight into lunar cycles

40 S t u d e n t s e c t i o n - P l u t o in C a p r i c o r n
Wendy Stacey looks at what history can tell us about Pluto In Capricorn

55 Working with the planets - Final solution

Roy Gillett focuses on November2009 to January 2010

51 C a u g h t in t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites

62 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your letters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
Vol 52 No1 January/February 2010
W h a t is t h e t r a d i t i o n In a s t r o l o g y ? zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
This year's Carter memoriol lecture by John Frawley

13 T h e c a p s i z i n gzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
oHhe Alexander Kielland platform
Catastrophe In the North Sea analysed by Andrew J, Bevan

19 A r e c t i f i c a t i o n for M a r y
Kathleen Barnett uses Noel Tyl's recommended method to rectify a chart

23 Intercepted signs: that hidden territory

A horary examination by Anthony Demetris

32 T h e Descent: a Moon Pluto story

f^andl Lockley analyses the astrology of the film The Descent

36 Plotlnus on personal Identity

Andrew Vladimirou with an in depth look at the soul and identity

42 T h e c o s m i c law of s e v e n
Basttoan van Wingerden on the importance of seven

50 D o o r s of p e r c e p t i o n
Jim Morrison decoded through his Vedic chart by Naresh Kumar

53 T h e p o l a r i t y of A t l a n t i s
Alan R. Wheatcrofton Atlantean mysteries

Editor, John Green, on a plethora of planets

10 S t u d e n t section - A g u i d e to interpretation
Wendy Stacey peruses the chart of Robert Downey Jr

27 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - 2 0 1 0 : for b e t t e r o r w o r s e ?
Roy Gillett focuses on January to March 2010 and beyond

44 H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s - O u t of the s h a d o w s
Frank C. Clifford looks at Scorpio elevated

C a u g h t In t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

65 Letters
Your letters to the editor
Vol 52 No 2 March/ April 2010
L a d y k i l l e r s : M e r c u r y w r i t e r s o f c r i m e ' s g o l d e n a g e zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf
Paul F. Newman on Agatha Christie and Dorothy L Sayers

17 W h e n t h e y are g o o d , t h e y are very, very good...

Murder in vestigated by Paul Wright

21 Meryl Streep's LifeClock

Joyce Hopwell on the Huber method of timing in the horoscope zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb

24 H a s a s t r o l o g y p r o g r e s s e d in t h e l a s t 2 0 y e a r s ?
Rupert J. Sewell looks at if we could read John Wayne Gacy's chart better nowadays

27 A n astrological o v e r v i e w of c r i m e a n d p u n i s h m e n t
Robert FitzGerald on crime through the astrological ages zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb

2y West Side Story

Jets and Sharks and charts from Elizabeth Hathway

32 Murder: the ultimate gamble

Glenda Cole on the chart of recent murderer Steve Wright

47 E m o t i o n a l d i s c i p l i n e a n d t h e m i n d of a serial killer
An exploration into the psyche from Alan Ward

51 The Golden Dawn's esoteric zodiac

Ed Gillam on Leo, Regulus and the cycle of ages

57 TheCencI
A tragic tale of crime and punishment from Sue Lewis zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW

Editor, John Green, on crime and astrology

8 H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s - Profiling serial killers

Frank C. Clifford looks at the astrology of serial killers

13 Heroes - Jane Austen

This issue Frances Clyne's hero is Jane Austen

35 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - T h e c r i m e s of the c e n t u r i e s
Roy Gillett focuses on March to May 2010

42 Student section - The opposition

Wendy Stacey sees how the opposition functions in our charts

61 C a u g h t In t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites

62 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your tetters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
mm zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
Vol 52 No 3 May/ June 2010
. L o n g e v i t y in t h e c h a r t zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
Qm Hansson's research on the life span of Swedish men

29 E a r t h q u a k e s in H a i t i a n d C h i l e
An astrological survey on the recent disasters with Wim Weehuizen

34 T h e Tree of Life a n d t h e p h i l o s o p h e r ' s s t o n e

Chrissy Philp looks at the pattern of the elements

39 T h e m e a n i n g s a n d r u l e r s h i p s of C e r e s a n d Eris
David D. Jones Investigates the new dwarf planets

49 The Large Hadron Collider a n d Pluto

What is the LHC all about? Alison Chester-Lambert explains

SI Haitian earthquake
Betty Gosling with another take on the recent earthquake in Haiti

54 Madre Teresa
Who was the real Mother Teresa? Nestor Almado investigates

60 T o p o c e n t r i s m in a s t r o l o g y
Bob Makransky turns the celestial hourglass

4 Editorial
Editor. John Green, on elections and art zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT

8 Horoscope snapshots - Solar Arc directions

Frank C. Clifford gets us to try Solar arc directions

13 Heroes - David Bowie

This issue Ed Gillam's hero is the Thin White Duke himself zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb

17 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - A n d t h i s is w h e r e t h e s t o r yzyxwvutsrqpon
really s t a r t s
Roy Gillett focuses on May to July 2010

23 C a u g h t in t h e w e b
6lenda Cole's regular round-up of websites

25 I n t e r v i e w - R o s e Elliot
Wendy Stacey in con versation with lunar goddess Rose Elliot

63 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

65 Letters
Your letters to the editor
Vol 52 No 4 July August 2010
Alexander McQueen zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
Luiza Azancot looks back at the designer's life

T h e a s t r o l o g y of c h i l d h o o d
Laura Andrikopoious on growing up and Richard Branson

T h e M o o n a n d the relational n a t u r e of g r o w t h
Gisele Terry explores the progressed fi/loon

Yods, politics a n d 2012

Dan Ciuboratu looks at the meaning ofyods in recent history

T h e rising order of the S u n a n d Inner p l a n e t s

What do planetary rising orders mean for us? Raimo A. Hikula investigates

T h e soul's j o u r n e y
Dick van der Mark looks into spiritual astrology

T h e full c i r c l e : s p i r i t In m a t t e r
Patricia Godden seeks out the meaning of astrological symbols

Vanth and Orcus

The astrology of our new guide explained by Alison Chester-Lambert

My j o u r n e y into a s t r o l o g y
Paul Mayo reflects on his astrological life zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, getting into bed with science

11 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - T h e faegmn/ng o f r e a l c h a n g e
Roy Gillett focuses on July to September 2010

20 H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s - Solar Arc directions Part 2

ErankC. Clifford gets us to try out more Solar Arc directions

27 Pearls of t o m o r r o w
Wendy Stacey on the astrology of birth intervention

61 C a u g h t in t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's regular round-up of websites

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 52 No 5 September/ October 2010
j C h a o s a n d o r d e r in a s t r o l o g y zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
A. I Mann looks at randomness and precision in astrology

15 Lilith, the C o s m i c F e m i n i n e
M. Kelley Hunter explores the mysterious goddess zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV

22 D a p h n e du Maurler
Her chart, books and life explored by Babs Kirby zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY

27 N e p t u n e in P i s c e s
Yukiko Harwood looks at artists Rene Magrltte and KuniyoshI Utagawa

41 Astrology and Shamanism

The links between astrology and shamanism investigated byJez Hughes

Roman Cambridge
Prudence Jones takes us on an astrological tour

Lr T h e p s y c h o l o g y of c o n s c i o u s n e s s a n d its relation to religion a n d a s t r o l o g y

Mai/is Klein on good versus evil and fate verus free will

57 Flying high...
Ihe plane crash involving Poland's President explored by Karin Verhoeve zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on the music of the spheres

W o r k i n g with the planets - Blasts from the past

Roy Gillett focuses on September to November 2010

20 Heroes: Fred Astaire

Joyce Hopewell looks at the chart of the famous dancer

31 T h e a s t r o l o g e r s ' b o o k lists
Eirst of a five part series on astrologers'favourite and most influential books

44 Student section; The Jupiter-Saturn cycle

Wendy Stacey explores the financial world of these two planets

C a u g h t in t h e w e b
Glenda Cole's last round-up of websites

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Vol 52 No 6 November/ December 2010
:> B e l i e v i n g W i l l i a m Lilly zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
Adrian Corneil looks at tlie life of the great astrologer

13 The Anniversary
An astrofable from Wayne Paquln

15 T h e sun-earth relationship
Alison Chester-Lambert explores the effect the sun has on our home planet

21 A worldin change
Alar} R. Wheatcroft on the planetary cycles zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS

27 T h e e n d of a n e p o c h
The current Jupiter-Saurn opposition explained by Phoebe Wyss

31 AA Conference 2010
Pictures from the recent AA Conference in Wyboston Lakes

34 D i a n a a n d Africa: a s t r o l o c a t l o n In a c t i o n
Ed Gillam looks at the effects of relocating Diana's chart

51 T h e fatal p a s s e n g e r
The astrology of Air France 447 investigated by Z. Veerasamey Mooneegan

55 O n an astrological desert island! - part 1

Valerie Jeffery looks at sunsign's desert island discs

56 T o n y B l a i r a n d t h e k i l l i n g at P o r t o n Down
Two charts, one day David Hamblin looks into them

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on astronomy technology

8 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - A n d t h i s Is w h e r e t h e s t o r y r e a l l y s t a r t s
Roy Gillett focuses on November 2010 to January 2011

39 T h e a s t r o l o g e r s ' b o o k lists - p a r t 2
The second part of our series on astrologers'favourite and most influential books

46 S t u d e n t section: L o c k e d Into another's chart

Wendy Stacey explores the nature of synastry

61 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Vol 53 No 1 Jan/ Feb 2011

11 classical synastry w o r k s o n the G a u q u e l i n s ' data...

Kyosti Tanainen examines both synastry and composite charts

T h e Venus cycle: winners a n d losers

Whati your Venus like? Bob Makransky tells all

2010 B r i t i s h O p e n C h a m p i o n L o u i s O o s t h u i z e n
Robert P. Blaschke looks at the golfer's chart

27 H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s : Derrick Bird
Five astrologers look into the astrology of the man and his crimes

O n an astrological desert island! - part 2

Valerie Jdfery looks atsunsign's desert island discs

T h e subjective a n d projective character of astrology

Richard Velter explores the nature of astrology

T h e astrological end-time cycle

Astrological ages from Robert FitzGerald

Editor, John Green, wishes you a happy new year

5 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - 2011 - p u t t i n g t h e p a s t r i g h t
Roy Gillett focuses on January to March 2011

S t u d e n t s e c t i o n : A l o o k at t h e J u p i t e r - U r a n u s c o n j u n c t i o n
Wendy Stacey sees what is in store for us

T h e astrological w o n d e r s of the solar s y s t e m

t<lew columnist Alison Chester-Lambert looks at recent discoveries

55 T h e a s t r o l o g e r s ' b o o k lists - p a r t 3
The third part of our series on astrologers'favourite and most influential books

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 53 No2 March April 2011
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
P e r s e p h o n e revisited zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
Veerasamy Mooneegan on the astrology of the Chilean miners rescue

A p h r o d i t e : d u a l g o d d e s s of love a n d creation
An exploration Into Aphrodite from Erin Sullivan

T r e n d s in a r c h i t e c t u r e in t h e 20th c e n t u r y
The influence of Neptune and Pluto on our buildings by Annika Sipild

T h e d e g r e e of d a n c e
Paul E Newman looks at the astrology of dancing icons

T h e n e e d for r e c i p r o c i t y in t h e j u d g e m e n t o f h o r a r y r e l a t i o n s h i p c h a r t s
An excerpt from Deborah Houlding's unpublished book on finer horary techniques

Ted H u g h e s a n d Sylvia Plath - the composite chart

Brian Taylor continues his investigation into the two lovers

Prince William a n d Kate Middleton

Juliette Genik on the astrology of the royal couple's relationship

Masters of t h e i m p o s s i b l e

Vegas magicians Siegfried and Roy under the microscope ofAlex Trenoweth

Deadly passion
Elizabeth Hathway looks at the Edouard Stern and Cecile Brassard case

J a n e Birkin a n d Serge G a i n s b o u r g
Ed Gillam on the 6th harmonic synastry of the famous couple

Great expectations
Pam Crane looks at the Q-chart and the X-chart of Charles and Diana

T h e roots of g e n d e r a n d relationship
Robert EitzGerald on gender roles

Editor John Green, on love and relationships

Student section: Family relationships

Vifendy Stacey on the astrology of the family tree

W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - L o v e IS t h e a n s w e r !
Roy Gillett focuses on March to June 2011

T h e astrological w o n d e r s of t h e solar s y s t e m
Alison Chester-Lambert looks at the science mysteries of Venus

T h e a s t r o l o g e r s ' b o o k lists - p a r t 4
The fourth and final part of our series on astrologers' favourite and most influential books
Vol 53 No2 March/April 2011
P e r s e p h o n e r e v i s i t e d zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
Veerasamy Mooneegan on the astrology of the Chilean miners rescue

A p h r o d i t e : d u a l g o d d e s s of love a n d creation
An exploration into Aphrodite from Erin Sullivan zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX

15 T r e n d s in a r c h i t e c t u r e in t h e 20th c e n t u r y
The influence of Neptune and Pluto on our buildings by Annika Sipild

T h e d e g r e e of d a n c e
Paul E Newman looks at the astrology of dancing Icons

T h e n e e d for r e c i p r o c i t y in t h e j u d g e m e n t o f h o r a r y r e l a t i o n s h i p c h a r t s
An excerpt from Deborah Houlding's unpublished book on finer horary techniques

Ted H u g h e s a n d Sylvia Plath - the composite chart

Brian Taylor continues his Investigation into the two lovers

Prince William a n d Kate Middleton

Juliette Genik on the astrology of the royal couple's relationship

29 Masters of t h e i m p o s s i b l e
Vegas magicians Siegfried and Roy under the microscope of Alex Trenoweth

32 Deadly passion
Elizabeth Hathway looks at the Edouard Stern and Cecile Brassard case

J a n e Birkin a n d S e r g e G a i n s b o u r g
Ed Gillam on the 6th harmonic synastry of the famous couple

Great expectations
Pam Crane looks at the Q-chart and the X-chart of Charles and Diana

T h e roots of g e n d e r a n d relationship
Robert FitzGerald on gender roles zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on love and relationships

n Student section: Family relationships

Wendy Stacey on the astrology of the family tree

35 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - L o v e IS t h e a n s w e r !
Roy Gillett focuses on March to June 2011

T h e astrological w o n d e r s of t h e solar s y s t e m
Alison Chester-Lambert looks at the science mysteries of Venus

53 T h e a s t r o l o g e r s ' b o o k lists - p a r t 4
Ihe fourth and final part of our series on astrologers'favourite and most Influential books

63 Book reviews
Ihe current crop of astrology books

65 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 53 No 3 May June 2011
A t a l k w i t h J u d y Hall zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
Tore Lomsdalen in conversation witti astrologer Judy Hall

13 T h e S a t u r n c y c l e in t h e life a n d d r e a m s o f M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g , Jr.
Part I of an examination of the Saturn cycle in Martin Luther King's chart by Judith A. Robert

E x p l o r i n g J o h a n n e s K e p l e r ' s p l a n e t a r y politics: t h e U r a n u s - P l u t o s q u a r e
Nicholas Campion on what the Uranus - Pluto square has shown us throughout history

33 T h e N e p t u n e - C h i r o n c o n j u n c t i o n in P i s c e s
Phoebe Wyss explores what this conjunction might mean for us all

37 Conversing with Heaven

Deborah Houlding's Carter Memorial lecture from 2010

47 Tribute to Maurice M c C a n n
A personal remembrance from Wanda Sellar

53 T h e King's S p e e c h
Pam Crane explores the astrology behind the George VI and Lionel Logue story

59 O n e s h o u l d k n o w 100 persons w h e n studying astrology

Kydsti Tarvainen on how to encounter all the main astrological factors in people you l^now

61 T h e ' E a g l e G i r l ' d i e s a t a g e o f 81
Andrew J. Bevan has the astrology of an unusual Norwegian event

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on new paradigms

11 S t u d e n t s e c t i o n : T h e a s t r o l o g i c a l s i g n s in m u n d a n e a s t r o l o g y
Wendy Stacey on what the different signs signify in a mundane chart

27 Working with the planets - battling with authority

Roy Gillett focuses on May to July 2011 and the science/astrology divide

47 Horoscope snapshots
Frank C. Clifford looks at the chart of Muriel Spark, plus Tony Vowles on Jimmy Page

53 T h e astrological w o n d e r s of the solar s y s t e m

Alison Chester-Lambert looks at earthguakepredictions and much more...

63 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

65 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 53 No 4 July/ August 2011
Che Guevara zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Frances Clynes looks at the chart of the revolutionary leader

9 Medical musings on planetary energies

A fascinating look at some case studies of Gabriel Blass

T i m i n g in h o r a r y a s t r o l o g y
Ema Kurent discusses three unusual cases from her files

21 Astrology a n d the AV referendum

Richard Pealling looks at the charts of the recent UK AV referendum

23 T h e Red Planet c a n turn the c a l m e s t p e r s o n into a s a v a g e beast...

Transits of Mars explained byMiloslawa Krogulska

31 Henri Cartier Bresson: image maker

Joyce Hopewell on the chart of the prestigious French photographer

34 Will William a n d Kate g e t o n w e l l ?

An examination of the royal wedding from Barbara Dunn

35 T h e S a t u r n c y c l e in t h e life a n d d r e a m s o f M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g , Jr.
Part 2 of an examination of the Saturn cycle in Martin Luther King's chart by Judith A. Robert

41 U r a n u s , P l u t o a n d a n a r c h y in t h e U K
Jamie MacPhail takes a look at the future of Britain

45 T h e e a r t h q u a k e a n d t s u n a m i in J a p a n
Wim Weehuizen looks at the recent devastaing events in Japan

47 D e c u m b i t u r e : T h e d e a t h of R u d o l p h V a l e n t i n o
Wanda Sellars examines the decumbiture chart of the famous actor

51 N e p t u n e is b a c k h o m e !
Oner Dd§ersees what Neptune in Pisces means for us all zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY

bit W h o w a s William Lilly?

An examination of the chart of the famous astrologer by Amanda Jarrold zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg

Editor, John Green, on the end of the world

13 S t u d e n t s e c t i o n : T h e c i n e m a w i t h N e p t u n e in P i s c e s
Wendy Stacey muses about the future of the movies

27 T h e a s t r o l o g i c a l w o n d e r s of t h e s o l a r s y s t e m
Alison Chester-Lambert looks at the asteroid Vesta and much more...

55 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - live a s o n e
Roy Gillett focuses on July to September 2011 and the 2012 Olympic games

65 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

66 Letters
Your emails and tetters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Vol 53 No 5 Sept/Oct 2011
5 L o c a l s p a c e a s t r o l o g y for b e g i n n e r s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
Sasha Fenton explores our birth (hart projected across the world

9 M a e n a d a n d A m a z o n : a profile of C a m i l l e PaglJa
Andrew Williams looks at the chart of the famous American cultural critic

15 H a d e s o n the dial
The trans Neptunian point Hades examined by Liane Thomas Wade

23 W a l k i n g w i t h t h e fox
Maggie Hyde on coincidence, synchronlclty and psychology

27 9-11 revisited
A new take on the charts of 9-11 from Ron Howland

30 The earthquake, japan's psyche and Shinto

Yukiko Harwood's take on japan's national chart

33 The transition p h e n o m e n o n and the 1999 eclipse

Fd Gillam looks at the eclipse of August 1999

43 C y c l e s o f h i s t o r y : v e r i f i a b l e p a t t e r n s in r e c e n t h i s t o r y
Anton D'Abreu examines outer planetary cycles

57 T h e S a t u r n c y c l e In t h e life a n d d r e a m s o f M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g , Jr.
Parts of an examination of the Saturn cycle in Martin Luther King's chart by Judith A. Robert

regulars zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on time - if it actually exists!

19 T h e astrological w o n d e r s of the solar s y s t e m

Alison Chester-Lambert looks at the bad astronomy of 2012 and much more...

38 Horoscope snapshots
Frank C. Clifford on the fall of the Marcos regime and Sue Fletcher on the chart of Joan Rivers

49 S t u d e n t s e c t i o n : A s n a p s h o t of t h e e c o n o m i c a n d political crisis
Wendy Stacey examines the state of world politics and economics

53 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - a r e w e still j u s t ' k i c k i n g t h e c a n . . . ' ?

Roy Gillett focuses on September to November 2011

64 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

65 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 53 No 6 November/ December 2011
T h e N e w s a t 0" zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
I Veerasamy Mooneegan looks at the chart of the now defunct newspaper

Eclipses: a meeting with detiny

What does a transiting eclipse mean/Izabela Podlaska investigates

15 D a t a c o l l e c t i n g : its h i s t o r y , its i m p o r t a n c e a n d its u n s u n g h e r o e s

Frank C. Clifford on why we should be so thankful for data collectors

20 A A C o n f e r e n c e 2011
Pictures from the recent AA conference at Wyboston Lakes

Sabian Symbols: the birth chart

Marc Edmund Jones'Sabian Symbols explored by David Anslow zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb

li AmyWinehouse
Two different takes on the life and death of the singer from Alex Trenoweth and Enid Williams

T h e U r a n u s , N e p t u n e a n d S a t u r n g e n e r a t i o n a n d t h e riots
Alison Chester-Lambert's take on possible reasons behind this year's riots in England

T h e S u n in K a b b a l i s t i c a s t r o l o g y
Claire Higham looks at the way of unification and redemption zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe

55 W i l l i a m Lilly 1 6 0 2 - 1 6 8 1
An exploration of the great astrologer by Barbara Dunn

60 21 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 2 : g a l a c t i c a l i g n m e n t
Oner DiJ^er looks at possibilities for 2012 and beyond zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW

Editor, John Green, darns his socks

3^ W o r k i n g w i t h t h e planets: World c h a n g e - before, during a n d after

Roy Gillett focuses on November 2011 to January 2012

40 Heroes
Mavis Klein on the chart and life of her hero Sigmund Freud

43 S t u d e n t s e c t i o n : P r e p a r a t i o n o f t h e c h a r t for c l i e n t w o r k
Wendy Stacey with some great tips forgetting started with client work

63 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

r' Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 54 No 1 January/ February 2012
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
L i k e t h a t o f l e a v e s is a g e n e r a t i o n o f m e n zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
Wendy Stacey's Carter Memorial Lecture give at ttie AA Conference in 2011

11 A n astrological profile of Beatrix Potter

Tfie famous cliildren's author has her chart examined by Valerie Jeffery

20 T h e f i l t h , t h e f u r y , t h e full m o o n s
The astrological dimensions of English punk rock uncovered by Ed Gillam

27 Inside out: a personal reverie

2012 from Melanie Reinhart's unique perspective

30 2 0 1 2 : t h e y e a r of h u m a n revolution
The changes in store for 2012 and beyond by Jenni Dean Harte

33 T h e Inner Uranus-Pluto s q u a r e
Phoebe Wyss reflects on the current Uranus-Pluto square

43 Astrological anamnesis: unveiling the unconscious

Sarah Bartlett interviews Juan de la Fuente

The musicians
Fascinating data from the charts of musicians by Gun Hansson

51 Our astrological universe

A take on how and why astrology works from Robert FitiGerald

56 T h e diaries of A n n e Frank
Wim Weehuizen explores the charts of Anne Frank and her friend Miep Gies

V e n u s m e s s a g e s i n t h e a s t r o l o g i c a l c h a r t o f 21 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 2
Oner Dd^er looks at Venus for 2012 and beyond

< Editorial
Editor, John Green, looks to the future to see what 2012 might bring

15 H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s : starting at z e r o
Frank C. Clifford sets the scene for Neptune in Pisces

41 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s - 2 0 1 2 : t h e b e g i n n i n g of d a y s , not t h e e n d
Roy Gillett focuses on January to March 2012

64 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 54 No 2 March/ April 2012
A s t r o l o g y by t h e b o o k zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
Paul Wright looks at how the mearilngs of the signs are expressed in literary works

UK, Syria a n d the Euro

January ht charts examined by Keith Magnay

The adventures of a lunar eclipse

A day In the life of an eclipse and astrologer Andrew Bevan

Occupy the London Stock Exchange

Ihe Occupy movement in London from Mandi Lockley's ringside perspective

33 A l a n Turing - father of c o m p u t e r s c i e n c e
Joyce Hopewell explores the chart of the British computer genius

The man between sky and synbols

lore Lomsdalen in conversation with Rod Suskin

41 The Saturn-Pluto cycle and fundamentalist terrorism

Anton D'Abreu looks at links between the great cycle of Saturn-Pluto and terrorism

S p a c e , t h e final f r o n t i e r . . .
The astrology of Star Trek explored by Jackie Taylor

S u i c i d e of G a r y S p e e d indicated by s o l a r e c l i p s e
Julia Ihu on how the tragedy of suicide may be shown In the horoscope

S7 Ordinary astrology works on the Gauquelin's data

Kydsti larvainen tests outthe workofthe Gauquelins. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on the use and abuse of language

*> Working with the planets

Roy Gillett focuses on March to May 2012

13 My Hero - A m y J o h n s o n
Rupert J. Sewell on the astrology behind the enigmatic aviation heroine

'>" H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s : A trio of t e e n a n d t w e n t y - s o m e t h i n g talent

Erank C Clifford on three young influential singers

Student section: Unaspected planets and synastry

A look at how unaspected planets Influence our synastry from Wendy Stacey

63 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Vol 54 No 3 May/June 2012
P l u t o In C a p r i c o r n : L i f t i n g t h e t a b o o o n a g i n g zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
Sue Tompkins tells you everything you didn't want to know about dementia

11 A tale of t w o w o m e n
Charles Dickens and the two women in his life by Adam Smith

17 T h e M o o n a s soul of the h o r o s c o p e
Milostawa Krogulska on thezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
/Woon in the natal chart

24 The observations
K. E. Young looks at Brian Cox and Patrick Moore zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW

II Much ado about Edward

Did Shakespeare write Shakespeare? Boris Izraitel investigates astrologically

Impressionism: a new aesthetic

J. A. Roylance on the birth of modern art

'' The Uranus-Pluto square and our near future

Oner Dd§er on the current square in oue skies

51 The Euro
Ihe astrology of the currency from Adrian Duncan

55 T h e f a m i l y b a c k g r o u n d a n d m a r r i a g e s o f W i l l i a m Lilly a n d E l i a s A s h m o l e
TienkaAtema looks at the family lives of these two great men

A s t r o l o g y of t h e e c o l o g i c a l u n c o n s c i o u s : 2011 j a p a n earthquake
latsuhiro Nakajima delves into the background of Japanese earthquakes

Editor, John Green, correlation Is not causation

H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s : O n t h e line: S p e a k i n g up, s p e a k i n g o u t
Frank C. Clifford and Sy ScholHeld on catalysts for change

W o r k i n g w i t h the p l a n e t s : T h e setting of t h e ' A g e of A q u a r i u s ' ?

Roy Gillett focuses on May to July 2012

Student section:The progressed new Moon

A look at the influence of the progressed Moon from Wendy Stacey

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

65 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Vol 54 No 4 July/August 2012
Tropical versus sidereal astrology zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
Christopher Harwood's perspective on the two types of astrology

Stalking the w i l d stelltum: a field g u i d e

Donna Cunningham explores the complexities ofstellla

Astrology, yoga a n d service

Bob Mulligan looks at the connection between yoga and astrology zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed

^H Genetics: h o w astrology works

How does astrology work? Does Robert FitzGerald have an answer?

23 N e p t u n e C o l l o n g e s at 33/1
John Frawley looks at the connection between the chart of a race and the winning horse

27 W h a t m a k e s a great t e n n i s c h a m p i o n ? Part 1 - the m e n

Luiza Azancot on what makes a winning tennis star

32 C h a o s a n d order - transcending the c o s m o s

Science, guantum physics and astrology from Alan R. Wheatcroft

T h e true nature of t h e moon

Alan Oken looks at our closest neighbour

B*? T h e ladder of love

Phoebe Wyss on theyod between Taurus, Libra and Pisces zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba

49 Y o u r a g e a n d w h a t it r e v e a l s
The astrology of major life cycles from Adrian Duncan

53 T h e g e o c o s m i c basis of astrology
Y.V.S. Rao looks at Vedic astrology in the light of modern scientific principles

regulars zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, you can't please all of the people all of the time

S t u d e n t s e c t i o n : A m a t c h m a d e in h e a v e n
A unique look at the astrology of a relationship by Wendy Stacey

24 H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s : T w o T V star profiles
Frank C Clifford and Lynn Thornhill on the charts of the famous

'" Working with the planets: Us as well as the Mayans!

Roy Gillett focuses on July to September 2012

67 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
Vol 54 No 5 September/October 2012
The out-of-bounds Moon zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
Steven Forrest explores decllnatm and the Moon

15 W h a t m a k e s a great t e n n i s c h a m p i o n ? Part 2 - t h e w o m e n
Luiza Azancot on what makes a female tennis star and the gender differences in the sport

19 Your Horoscope - A Very Personal Brand

Creating your own voactional brand with Faye Cossar zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW

27 W e a v i n g the rainbow: astrology as s a c r e d art

How does astrology resonate to the notion of spirituality? Carole Taylor explores the idea

31 T h e Yod or Projection Figure

Sue Lewis on the nature of the yod and its expression In the chart of Winston Churchill

34 T h e a r c h e t y p a l significance of Jupiter as the a p e x of the yod...

The importance ofJupiter In theyod of the chart of 21st December 2012 from Margaret Gray

45 Fairgrounds, friaries a n d the Reformation

A walk through the Cambridge river meadows with Prudence Jones zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed

47 A s t r o l o g y a n d the a n a t o m y of d o u b t
Garry Phillipson's scholarly look at doubt and the astrologer

57 T h e a s t r o l o g y of political p e r s u a s i o n
What is the astrology behind our political beliefs? Bruce Scofield investigates.

61 Solar activities a n d us: Part 1

Sun spots and their influence by Oner Db^er

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, is taking austerity measures

5 Student section:The Neptune-Pluto conjunction

Wendy Stacey asks if this conjunction is the backdrop to all other planetary cycles

H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s : Astrological s i g n a t u r e s : Part o n e
Frank C Clifford shows how to spot overtones in horoscopes

39 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s : R e a l c h a n g e h a p p e n s in t h e h e a r t
Roy Gillett focuses on September to November 2012

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

Your emails and letters to the editor
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
Vol 54 No 6 November/December 20 12
The horoscope as evolving story zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
Glenn Perry looks at the art of chart narration

Time twins
The astrology of those born on the same day with Jodie Forrest

A l o o k a t t h e O l y m p i c c h a r t s - L o n d o nzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
Richard Pealling's views on the charts of this years Olympics

A t t h e C r o s s r o a d s : A n A s t r o l o g e r L o o k s at t h e s e T u r b u l e n t T i m e s
An excerpt from Jessica Murray's new book

S u r v i v i n g 2012 - A A C o n f e r e n c e 2012
Pictures from this year's fantastic annual conference

N a v i g a t i n g b y t h e o u t e r p l a n e t s in t h e a s t r o l o g i c a l c h a r t
Darby Costello on navigating the chart, in particular the Uranus-Pluto square

N e p t u n e in S c o r p i o : s e x a n d d r u g s a n d r o c k ' n ' r o l l
The Heptune in Scorpio generation explored by Franco Minatel

T h e t w e l v e s i g n s of C h r i s t m a s

Hicola Wood shows how each sun sign can make the best of the festive season

T h e e y e of Bel
A personal mythic journey from Chrissy Philp

Astrological guidance
Valerie Jeffery on making decisions with astrology

A lost g e n e r a t i o n
Understanding disenfranchised youth by Alan R. Wheatcroft

A r e t h i n k i n g a n d s u m m a r y o f S a t u r n in L i b r a
Julia Ihu's personal reflection of the recent Saturn in Libra transit

Editor, John Green, wonders 'where's the astrologer/'

T S t u d e n t s e c t i o n : A s n a p s h o t o f C h i r o n in m u n d a n e a s t r o l o g y
Wendy Stacey looks at whatsignihcance Chiron might hold in a mundane chart zyxwvutsrqponmlk

V H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s : Astrological s i g n a t u r e s : Part t w o
Frank C. Clifford shows how to spot overtones in horoscopes

W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s : W i n t e r solstice 2012 - d o o m or d e d i c a t i o n
Roy Gillett focuses on November 2012 to January 2013

64 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 55 No1 January/February 2013
i D r o w n i n g but not d y i n g zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
Dick van der Mark looks at some of his big life transits

n S t i c k y b a c k p l a s t i c a n d bits o f s t r i n g : H o w to k n i t y o u r o w n a s t r o l o g e r
The 2012 Carter Memorial Lecture from Kim Farnell

21 Force Majeure: A p p o i n t m e n t s with Pluto

Pam Crane's Pluto life transits zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS

27 Neptune square Neptune

Lynn Bell explores her Neptune square Neptune transit

29 T h e Pluto s q u a r e Pluto: c o n f e s s i o n s of a n initiate

What is the exprelence of Pluto square Pluto? Carole Taylor explains

32 The Uranus cycle

Sue Lewis examines the life transits of Uranus

39 Eclipse lines a n d history

What the eclipse lines of recent history show us by Keith Magnay

47 Exploring V e n u s , J u n o a n d N e p t u n e as the relationship trinity

Gary P Caton looks as what these three planets can show us about relationships

54 Phytoastrology
A botanical approach to astrology from H. R Pandey

S a t u r n in S c o r p i o
Sophia Please investigates death, birth and shape-shifting the shadows

60 T h e g r a n d t r i n e in w a t e r s i g n s in 2 0 1 3
OnerDdjeron what the trine in water may bring us this year zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on this special transit packed Issue

Working with the planets: Looking on the bright side

Roy Giilett focuses on January to March 2013

S t u d e n t section: Marketing yourself as an astrologer

Wendy Stacey's tips and tricks on promoting your astrology business

^ H o r o s c o p e s n a p s h o t s : R e v i s i t i n g t h e first S a t u r n r e t u r n
Erank C. Clifford gives us astrologer's quotes on the Saturn return experience

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

65 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 55 No 2 March/April 2013
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
L o o k i n g a t t h e B r i t i s h p o l i t i c a l s c e n e for 2 0 1 3 a n d b e y o n d zyxwvutsrqponm
What do the coming months hold in store for politics? Richard Pealling has some ideas

13 S a t u r n In S c o r p i o : w h e n t h e p t e r o d a c t y l s c o m e h o m e to r o o s t
Phoebe Wyss looks at Saturn's transit through Scorpio

'' Sir Patrick M o o r e - A s e r v a n t of a s t r o l o g y

Memories of the late astronomer from Derek and Julia Parker

The Generalized Planetary Hours

Bob Makransky looks at the effects of Generalized Planetary Hours

23 Directing V e n u s : f a t h e r of m o t i o n p i c t u r e s zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe
Z Veerasamy Mooneegan on the chart of Eadweard Muybridge and early cinema

27 K e n R u s s e l l : a life s e e n t h r o u g h a l e n s ( P i s c e s A s c e n d a n t )
The life and astrology of the film director explored by Andrea Miles

29 Clint E a s t w o o d - T h e Man with No N a m e

Joyce Hopewell on the chart of the enigmatic actor and director

32 The shadow and the flame

Actor Russell Means and the film Ihe Last of the Mohicans by Nicola Wood

36 How planets started retrograding: a fable

A short story on the planets from US astrologer Samuel F.Reynolds

4^ J o k e r In t h e p a c k
Pam Crane investigates the allure of the Joker in the Batman films

In s e a r c h o f t r u t h a n d w i s d o m
Musings on life, the universe and everything by Neil Crabtree

regulars zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on the film issue and one of his favourite movies - Hosferatu

5 Student section: Oscar winners and planetary cycles

Wendy Stacey explores how planetary cycles affect the movie Industry awards

Horoscope snapshots: Speaking your chart

Frank C Clifford's plenary from the 2012 AA Conference on the essence of a planetary placement

50 W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s : W h a t y o u really, really w a n t
Roy Gillett focuses on March to May 2013

55 H e r o e s - Mireille M a t h l e u : a n e n i g m a t i c heroine
Rupert J. Sewell takes a look at the chart of the chanteuse

63 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

64 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 55 No3 May/June 2013

S e x w i t h S a t u r n in S c o r p i o zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
What does the ongoing transit hold for uslfJiandi lockley tells us her ideas

Not painted black: the original Rolling Stone

Andrea Miles gives an astrological tribute to Brian Jones

Traditional horoscopy
Barbara Dunn on prorogative places and testimonies of fortune

Asteroids, love a n d sex

Look up your asteroids with Jessica Adams

P h i l o s o p h y , s e x a n d t h ezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
7th h a r m o n i c
Mike Harding explores septile aspects In the charts of philosophers of human sexual behaviour

Tongue-in-cheek astro-sex
Spike on Smut's take on sex!

David Cameron
A look at the British Prime Minister from Adrian Ross Duncan

O n sex a n d the planets

Elizabeth Hathway with a cultural take on sex

Oscar Pistorius

The recent shocking shooting explored by Margaret Hewson

La R o n d e
Pam Crane asks - Ihe sexes: stereotypes or archetypes?
Is a s t r o l o g y s c i e n t i f i c ?
Bob Mulligan loks as this ever present guestion

S e x u a l i t y in t h e z o d i a c
Sexuality in the zodiac explored by Robert EitzGerald

Editor, John Green, on the sex Issue and our new essay competition

W o r k i n g with the planets: No l o n g e r a rich man's g a m e

Roy Gillett focuses on May to July 20 U

Student section: Sex addiction

Wendy Stacey asks if sex addiction is a medical condition

Horoscope s n a p s h o t s : C a m p i n g under the stars

Frank C. Clifford looks at some colourfully camp characters

Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 55 No 4 July/August 2013
features zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
A n a s t r o l o g i c a l p r o f i l e o f A l f r e d B e s t a l l M B E zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ
Valerie Jeffery on the chart of the Rupert Bear writer arid illustrator

11 Ask an astrologer a question...

Anne Whitaker's experiences as an astrologer

13 Between astrologers a n d clients

Part one of our new series in which Bob Mulligan looks at the astrologer and client relationship

23 1 4 5 3 : the c o n q u e s t of C o n s t a n t i n o p l e
An examination into the conguest of Constantinople by Oner Dd^er

28 Berthe Morisot
Joyce Hopewell looks at the fascinating French Impressionist painter

31 Paula Yates: insatiable rebellious wit, h o m e - l o v i n g mother

An indepth examination of Paula Yates' chart from Andrea Miles

34 Winston Churchill
Richard Pealling asks what extra knowledge might midpoints give us when interpreting charts?

38 Humanizing the m o d e r n planets

Jim Rodgers on the reawakened feminine as octave transformers

51 Finding t h e right e n v i r o n m e n t
Faye Cossar helps us hnd what work environment best fits our chart

57 Clouds on the horizon

Two astrologers debate why 2012 was the year of the UK floods by Pam Crane

58 P o p e Francis 1st
Margaret Hewson looks at the chart of the new papacy

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on clients and astrologers

19 Horoscope snapshots: The mutable dilemma

Frank C. Clifford's observations on extreme mutability

46 Working with the planets: Do we care?

Roy Gillett focuses on July to September 2013

64 Book reviews
Ihe current crop of astrology books
Vol 55 No 5 Sept/Oct 2013

11 1321 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
C o n s p i r a c y a n d t h e s o l a r e c l i p s e in J u n ezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
Jean Elliot stirs up a witches'brew about the June 1321 eclipse zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe

15 Michael Baigent: a personal m e m o r y

A tribute to astrologer Michael Baigent, who died recently, by Nick Campion

21 Astrological patterns w i t h i n lines of office-holders

Gerhard Lukert and Anne C. Schneider on British prime ministers

24 S u e J o h n s t o n , trinity of spirit
A look at the chart of the actress Sue Johnston from Andrea Miles

28 A r c h a e o a s t r o n o m y : w h a t is t h a t ?
Tore Lomsdalen explains what archaeoastronomy is about

31 Archaeoastronomy
Pamela Armstrong on ancient barrows of Britain

B r u n a B o l n n e a n d Irish m y t h s
The myth and archaeoastronomy of Irish megalithic monuments by Frances Clynes

The day the Moon blew up

Margaret Hewson investigates the 1178 explosion on the Moon

41 Q u e e n of t h e C a r d s
Maggie Hyde looks at Pamela Colman Smith and the Rider-Waite tarot

51 Obituary: Anabella Kitson

Two reflections on the life ofAnnabella Kitson from Bernard Eccles and Gill Darren zyxwvutsrqponm

4 Editorial
Editor, John Green, on taxing times

5 Horoscope snapshots: T-squares

Frank C. Clifford's gives an introduction to T-sguares in the chart

^^ W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s : T h e b e s t w a y to w o r k w i t h t h e p l a n e t s
Roy Gillett focuses on September to November 2013

53 B e t w e e n astrologers and clients: Boundaries

Part two of our new series in which Bob Mulligan looks at the astrologer and client relationship

S t u d e n t section: U r a n u s transits to the natal chart

Wendy Stacey looks at what happens when Uranus transits our chart

63 Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books

65 Letters
Your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 55 No 6 Nov/ Dec 2013

Dr M a x B i r c h e r - B e n n e r zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
Jane Rldder-Patrick looks at the natural healing pioneer

An inspired friendship
A personal inspiration from Lynn Bell

A d m i r a t i o n from afar
Darby Costello on three historical figures who have given her inspiration

IS Relationship transits
An exploration of how transits Influence our relationships from Anthoula Llonl

R o b H a n d : a n a s t r o l o g e r for all s e a s o n s
Incoming editor Carole Taylor looks at the inspiring life of astrologer Rob Hand

AA Conference 2013
Pictures from this year's AA conference, 'The Magic of Astrology'

30 DaneRudhyar
Renaissance man of the 20th Century by Melanie Reinhart

33 The AA Young Astrologers Essay Contest

The top three winning entrants - Konstantinos Gravanis, Rosemary Smith and Estebon Duarte

Anthony Burgess
Mike Harding looks at this Inspiring author

47 H i l a r y C l i n t o n in 2 0 1 6
The election chances of Hilary Clinton explored by Victor Olllver

51 Christopher Milne: a s n a p s h o t
Sue Tompkins on the man who was Christopher Robin in the Pooh books

53 Lois R o d d e n
A personal and professional recollection by Frank C. Clifford

56 Obituary: Derek Hawkins

Frank C. Clifford looks at the life of the experiential astrologer who died this year

61 A d v e n t u r e s in s p a c e a n d t i m e
Outgoing editor John Green looks at his personal inspiration

Editor, John Green, says goodbye zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU

9 Student section: Follow the White Rabbit

Wendy Stacey looks at inspiration through fieptune transits

W o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s : I n s p i r a t i o n a l w a y s of w o r k i n g w i t h t h e p l a n e t s
Roy Gillett focuses on November 2013 to January 2014

57 B e t w e e n astrologers a n d clients: M o n e y
Part three of our series in which Bob Mulligan looks at the astrologer and client relationship

Book reviews a n d letters

The current crop of astrology books and your emails and letters to the editor
Vol 56 No 1 January/February 2014
Special Report zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
Th e AA Beco m es a Ch a r it y Ca r o le Ta y lo r zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
Journal Editor Carole Taylor te lls the story a nd finds an a strologica l ancestor guiding the work

Feature Section: Myth, Symbol and Imagination

12 As t r o lo g y , Im a g in a t io n a n d t h e Im a g in a l Ge o ffie y Co r n eliu s
As a ne w MA opens at Christ Church U niversity in Canterbury, course tutor Dr Geoffrey Cornelius e xa mine s
the role of the ima gina tion in astrology

16 M iis es o f H ea v en Br ia n Cla r k
Brian e xplore s the mythologica l figure s of U rania a nd Aste na as muses of a strology

22 H illm a n ^ As t r o lo g y a n d t h e W es t er n Im a g in a t io n M a r ielle Ch u r a q u i
S ophia MA gra dua te M a rie lle C hura qui inve stiga te s James H illma n's vie ws on a strology

The Carter Memorial Lecture 2013 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU

27 Th e R o le o f As t r o lo g y i n a Civ iliz a t io n i n Cr is is R ich a r d Ta m a s
W e proudly fe a ture this se m ina l le cture fro m the AA C onfe re nce 2 0 1 3 by one of a strology's le a ding
figure s, offe ring a n in sig h tfu l vision of a strology's crucia l role in t h e curre nt tim e s

Other Articles in this Issue zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML

8 Th e H a p p in es s , o r Ot h er w is e, o f As t r o lo g er s La u r a An d in k o p o u lo s
T he President of the F aculty of Astrologica l S tudie s lool<s a t the be ne fits of a strology

35 Plu t o i n Ca p r ico r n — i s t h e Sy s t em Co lla p s in g ? Va n g elis Pet j-it s is

F ourth place wrnne r of the AA's Young Astrologe rs Essay Contest looks a t Pluto's passage through Capricorn

40 In s id e t h e W h a le: Geo r g e Or w ell Get s Sh o t Jo h n Fr a w ley

W he n putting yourse lf in the firing line, it pays to have the fixe d stars on your side !

44 As t r o lo g y i n t h e Per s ia n a n d Is la m ic W o r ld s — Pa r t I Nick Ca m p io n
Dr Nick Campion looks at this fascinating period of astrological history, following the fa ll of the Roman Empire

Learning the Craft

A ne w section on te chnique s a nd cha rt work for both stude nts a nd pra ctising a strologe rs a like !

36 Poetry in Motion: The Four Angles. Part I - The Ascendant-Descendant Polly Wallace
In th e first of a t w o - p a r t fe a ture on t h e de e pe r m e a nings of the four a ngle s in th e birth cha rt

53 Baby, Mother, Father: Interpreting Charts for Children Kim Farley

Kim Farley shows how we might a pproa ch this cha lle nging but re wa rding aspect of a strologica l work

58 Working with the Planets Roy Gillett
Astrologica l Associa tion President Roy G ille tt looks a t w h a t wisdom the pla ne ts might offer as w e
na viga te from January through to M a rch. H appy N e w Year!

64 Book Reviews
Diana McMahon Cotlis a nd DroleTaylor re vie w the la te st a strologica l publica tions

66 The Last Word

C elestial events in January a nd February, plus the la te st Associa tion news
Vol 56 No 2 March/ April 2014
32 An d r e Ba r b a u lt : Th e Va lu e o f As t r o lo g y Roy Gillet t zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfed
VAst rologie Cert ifies zyxwvutsrqponm
Roy GiLLett proudly introduces thisAA- sponsore d tra nsla tion of Barbault'szyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW

Feature Section: Classical Perspectives

15 Th e R a b b i, t h e Po p e a n d t h e Bla ck Dea t h Ch r is M it ch ell
We wa tch M e die va l a strologe r Gersonides a t worl< and discover wha t he really pre dia e d for the
Jupiter-S aturn conjunction of 1 3 4 5

20 Fr a ck in g : A Cla s s ica l Ap p r o a ch ./ . Le e Leh m a n

Lee e xpe rtly shows how classical techniques can give us pra ctica l insight into a very mode rn proble m

26 Allo t m en t a n d Fa t e: Lo t s in An cien t As t r o lo g y Do r ia n Gr een b a u m

D orian looks at the most a ncie nt of the Lots, the Lot of F ortune a nd the Lot of the D a imon

Other Articles in this Issue zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML

6 M y Fa t h er - A Self-M a d e Man K a t h leen Ba m et t
T he life and birth chart of an e xtra ordina ry and resourceful ma n

10 As t r o lo g y i n t h e Per s ia n a n d Is la m ic W o r ld s — Pa r t II Nick Ca m p io n
Dr Campion explains the importance of astrology in the Arab world and in the founding of the city of Baghdad

34 Ca p t a in Oa t es : So ld ier a n d H er o Beck y Gr een

Becky te lls the story of one of our most fa mous polar e xplore rs zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS

39 Peo p le w it h m any R et r o g r a d es Gr eg o r y R o z ek
T he me a ning of re trogra de planets in the chart {5 th place in the AA's Young Astrologe rs Essay Contest)

44 Dr Mary Au s t in
The AA looks back at the life of a remarkable woma n, co-founder of the Association

45 M a v is K lein
Bernard Eccles and W endy Stacey remember a m u ch - a d m ire d a strologe r

Learning the Craft

Techniques a nd cha rt work for both stude nts a nd pra a ising a strologe rs a like

46 Poetry in Motion:The Four Angles, Part II -The MC-IC Polly Wallace

T he se cond of Polly's tw o - p a rt fe a ture on th e de e pe r m e a nings of th e four a ngle s

51 Working with the Lunation Cycle and Planetary Phase Relationships - Part I Christina Rose
T he ma gic of pla ne ta ry phase cycles, from a very e xpe rie nce d consulta nt a strologe r

Regulars zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
59 Working with the Planets Roy Gillett
Roy looks a t the upcom ing pla ne ta ry a lig n m e n ts a nd offe rs a p o w e rfu l vision for tro u b le d tim e s

64 Book Reviews
Diana McMahon Cotlis, Helen Stokes a nd Carole Taylor re vie w the la te st a strologica l publica tions

66 The Last Word

Letters to the Editor, celestial events in M arch a nd April, and the poetry of M ary C hapman
Vol 56 No 3 May/June 2014

Feature Section: Astro*Carto*Graphy and IjOcaL Space zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg

33 Sh a d o w ed Pla n et s Er in Su lliv a n zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
Astrology's e xpe rt in th e fie ld shows us a pyschologica l a pproa ch to ACG a nd th e re loca te d cha rt

26 Th e As t r o *Ca r t o *Gr a p h y o f Tw elv e U S Pr es id en t s R o b er t Cu r r ey

Robert follows the ACG lines of twe lve of the most powe rful me n in recent history

39 Lo ca l Sp a ce Tech n iq u es Gld r ia R o ca
T he powe r of the loca l space cha rt, from a n e xpe rie nce d worl< ing a strologe r

Other Articles zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED

6 Ch a r les Ca r t er 's Fo r g o t t en House Sy s t em Ed Gilla m
Ed G illa m introduces Carter's poli- e qua toria l house system

11 As t r o lo g y a n d t h e Ta r o t Su e Fa r eb r o t h er
Astrologer and Tarot pra a itione r Sue lool<s a t the linl<s be twe e n these tw o symbolic systems

16 Ou t er Pla n et a r y Cy cles An t o n d Ab r eu
In part 3 of his study, Anton lool<s a t Jupiter's cycles w ith Saturn, Uranus, N e ptune and Pluto

23 Life a n d Dea t h i n Ven ice W anda Sella r

T he fa scina ting a strology of this be a utiful I ta lia n city zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO

45 Elea n o r Co t t o n 's Th e Lu m in a r ies Ja cq u elin e Knapp Tu p h o lm e

Jacqueline e xplore s the astrology in the nove l everyone has been ta lking a bout

48 Christina Rose
Reverend Pamela Crane a nd Deike Begg fondly remember a much- bve d astrologer

Learning the Craft

Techniques a nd cha rt work for both stude nts a nd pra ctising a strologe rs a like

50 Helen's Gift Brian Clark

Bria n shows th e he a ling powe r of th e clie nt- a strologe r re la tionship

|jOol<ing Ahead
56 New Series: The Future of Astrology Adrian Ross Duncan
To ope n our n e w se rie s, Adria n write s a bout , 4 sfro/ ogyondzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
the System

59 Working with the Planets Roy Gillett

Roy looks a t th e pla ne ta ry a lignm e nts for M a y a nd June

64 Book Reviews
Diana McMahon Coilis, Helen Stokes a nd Carole Taylor re vie w the la te st a strologica l publica tions

66 The Last Word

V^e look forwa rd to the summe r solstice and enjoy a poe m by Mary Chapman
The Astrogical Journal July/ August 2014 Volume 56 No. 4 Contents zyxw

Feature Section: The Astrology of Health zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ

Th e H ea lin g Po w er o f As t r o lo g y Ja n e R id d er -Pa t r ick zyxwvutsrqponm
Jane offe rs a psychologica l a pproa ch t o he a ling a nd he a lth

i6 Th e As t r o lo g y o f Co r o n a r y H ea r t D is e a s e Su e To m p k in s
Sue e xplore s the a strologica l sym bolism of this l<ey a re a of he a lth

22 A R a d ica l M ed ica l Horary /.re Den ib o w s k i

Judging a me dica l horary chart - Eve tal<es us th ro u g h a case study zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV

27 Th e Fo u r Hum ours Sh a r o Ji K n ig h t
A tra ditiona l ta ke on he a lth through the lens of the four te m p e ra m e n ts

Other Articles in this Issue zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK

6 A N e w Per s p ect iv e o n t h e Ur a n u s -Plu t o Sq u a r es R ick Lev in e
N e w insight into planetary cycles by a master astrologer

32 Sco t la n d : In d ep en d en ce o r Un io n ? Mark Cu llen

Ahead of the September referendum, M a rk looks a t th e a strology be hind this crucia l e ve nt

38 Plu t o i n Ca p r ico r n a n d t h e R ev iv a l o f M a g ic Fliz a b et h Ila t h w a y

T he powe r of ta lisma ns - and the a rt of ma king the m

43 Pet er R o b er t s
M ike H arding re me mbe rs Professor R obe rts' life a nd w o r k

Learning the Craft

Techniques a nd cha rt work for both stude nts a nd pra ctising a strologe rs a like

44 The Past is Set to Repeat Itself Kathleen Barnett

S ome stunning e xa mple s of the m e s re pe a ting as life unfolds

48 Four Ways to Open a Can of Words..^nd...

The Artist Who Wanted to be Known as Camille Christian Borup and Branka Stamenkovic
P sychologica l ve rsus tra d itio n a l a strology - one cha rt, t w o wa ys of re a ding it

56 The Future of Astrology Michael LutIn
W ise a nd cha lle nging words fro m a m a n of vision

59 Working with the Planets Roy Gillett

Roy looks a t th e pla ne ta ry a lignm e nts for July a nd August

64 Book Reviews
Lynn Bell a nd Carole Taylor re vie w the la te st a strologica l publica tions

66 The Ust Word

A fe w thoughts on the nature of power.... zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH

July/ August 2014 TheAstrologicalJournalzyxwvuts

The Astrogical Journal September / October 2014 Volume 56 No. 5 Contents

Feature Section: Astrology and Research

6 Researching Astrology Mike Harding
A challenging piece on approaches to astrological research

12 Be Careful What You Ask For! Pat Harris

The hazards of conducting astrological research

16 Carpenters: A Research Project Gun Hansson

What significators describe carpentry? Gun Hansson offers a piece of practical research

20 Astrology and a New Vitalism Peter Roberts

We offer this reprint of Professor Roberts' 1988 article as a tribute to a great astrologer

Other Articles in this Issue

27 Uranus, Pluto and the Scottish Referendum Anne Whitaker
Anne examines the impending independence vote in light of the Uranus-Pluto square

30 Sophia Loren: Woman of the River John Etherington

A portrait of an iconic figure as she approaches her 80th birthday

35 Eris: The Discomforting Other Sue Kientz

An exploration of this dwarf planet through practical chart examples

41 Astrology and the 21st Century Paradigm Shift Phoebe Wyss

The new vision of a unified cosmos and its implications for astrology

45 Virgo­Leo Sphinxes Victor Olliver

The enigmatic Mylène Farmer and other stars with a Virgo-Leo signature

Extra! Extra!
26 The AA's Library
News of the Library's Open Day in October

Learning the Craft

Techniques and chart work for both students and practising astrologers alike

51 Transits to Stelliums and the Recurring Story Arc They Trigger Donna Cunningham
Donna offers an extract from her landmark book on stelliums

56 The Future of Astrology Melanie Reinhart
Information, knowledge, wisdom...and Hair!

59 Working with the Planets Roy Gillett

Roy looks at the planetary alignments for September and October

64 Book and Software Reviews

Diana McMahon Collis, John Green and Helen Stokes review the latest releases

66 The Last Word

Conjuring Saturn.....
The Astrogical Journal November/December 2014 Volume 56 No.6 Contents

Feature Section: Perspectives on Saturn

19 Second Saturn Return: the Beginning of Wisdom Carol Ferris

A perspective on this important life passage

24 Saturn: From Scorpio to Sagittarius Dragana Van de moortel­Ilić

Possible themes of Saturn's December ingress

28 A Roof and Four Walls: a Moon­Saturn tale Diane Conway

A personal reflection on this testing combination of planets

Other Articles in this Issue

6 Comets in Astrology Rod Chang
Rod explores the possible meanings of this celestial phenomenon

11 The Astrological Assocation Annual Conference

See our image gallery of this year's fabulous Conference!

14 Astrology as Divine Revelation Angela Voss

Angela explores with reference to Ibn ’Arabi’s understanding of imagination

32 Divination and Brain Activity Diana McMahon Collis

The role of right and left brain thinking in the practice of astrology and tarot

39 The Sources of Meaning in Astrology Phoebe Wyss

Part II of Astrology in the light of the 21st-century paradigm shift

43 Watch out, it’s Makemake! Sue Kientz

Sue presents her research on this recently-discovered celestial body

Learning the Craft

Techniques and chart work for both students and practising astrologers alike

50 One woman and her dog –a short study in synastry Kathleen Barnett
An exraordinary tale of love and friendship

53 As Above, So Below Lindsay Gladstone

A contemplation of this famous Hermetic saying

56 The Future of Astrology Carole Taylor
The outgoing Journal editor asks what it means to be an astrologer

59 Working with the Planets Roy Gillett

Roy looks at the planetary alignments for November and December

64 Book Reviews
Pam Carruthers, Carole Taylor and Marilyn Burnett review the latest books
66 The Last Word
Readers' letters - synchroncity, statistics and the Scottish Referendum
The Astrological Journal November/December 2015 Volume 57 No.6

pg. 8
6 The new Kepler Conference is all about research,
says co-founder Courtney Roberts

27 Working with the planets: the Saturn-Neptune

square and the world. By Roy Gillett

30 Christian Borup tribute: Branka Stamenković

remembers a much-loved man
The Astrological Association Conference 2015
40 ‘The piss-prophet rises’ – Dr Catherine Blackledge
8 Biggest photo gallery yet from the astro event of tells a William Lilly horary story
the year. Are you in it?
43 Julian Venables talks about his William Lilly novel,
The Astrologer’s Apprentice

46 The Wessex Astrologer: Director Margaret Cahill is

put under the scope

pg. 19 50 Shelley von Strunckel and Frank C. Clifford discuss

Cox, Dawkins and predicting death. Part 2

Retail shopping brands and their charts 55 Star Wars, George Lucas and an unintegrated
t-square. Part 2. By Dr Glenn Perry

13 Dr Nicholas Grier on Marks & Spencer, John Lewis,

Selfridges and other iconic high street shopping
pg. 30
brands – and how to read a corporate personality

19 Does Amazon lack a moral compass? Dr Catherine

Blackledge investigates the “strange” chart of the
global online shopping behemoth

32 Data News by Frank C. Clifford. Analysing charts of
notables and the actors who play them 5 Editor’s letter

34 Chemistry of Attraction: the world’s best synastry 7 In the astro news: The Astrology Shop featured in
database is now online and there are “beautiful The Sky At Night!
results”, reports Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom
18 Archive: the Chaucer Astrolabe of the 14th century
36 Throw away your cookbooks. John Green is our
21 Anne Whitaker’s Not the astrology column:
guide to proper relationships analysis
contemplating Saturn-Pluto

44 Astro diary of international events – conferences,

The four astrological facets of Jesus seminars, etc

22 Konstantinos Gravanis’s fresh research on the 45 Solarscope

astrology of the four biblical gospels
48 Letters: Windows 10 and Solar Fire

62 Books from the Faculty, LSA and Lodge

pg. 22
64 Transits for Nov-Dec 2015. By Sarah Cochrane

65 Astrology crossword. Pam Crane’s devilishly clever


66 Astro x-ray: Ronnie Grishman, editor-in-chief of

Dell Horoscope
pg. 50

The Astrological Journal Nov/Dec 2015 3

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