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a Design Thinking
In your hands you hold
and methods that
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kets, and now you
we keep in our back poc
can do the same.

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the world.
designers from around
car ds, so you can start
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wherever you want. We thi
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constantly evolves.

Process modules
five “modes” that
The diagram below shows
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d.school at Stanford University

Empathy is the foundation of human-
centered design. The problems you’re
trying to solve are rarely your own,
they’re those of particular users. Build
empathy for your users by learning their
values. To empathize, you:

View users and their behavior in the
context of their lives.

Interact with and interview users through
both scheduled and short ‘intercept’

Wear your users’ shoes. Experience what
they experience for a mile or two.

d.school at Stanford University i.

How to empathize:
Observe how users interact with their
environment. Capture quotes, behaviors
and other notes that reflect their
experience. Watching users gives you
clues as to what they think and feel—
what they need.

Engage users directly—interact with and

interview them. Engaging users reveals
deeper insights into their beliefs and

Immerse yourself in your users’

experience. Find (or create if necessary)
ways to immerse yourself in specific
environments to understand first hand who
you’re designing for.

The best solutions come from the best

insights into human behavior. Discover
the emotions that drive user behavior.
Uncover user needs (which they may or
may not be aware of). Identify the right
users to design for. Use your insights to
design innovative solutions.

d.school at Stanford University

The define mode is when you unpack your
empathy findings into needs and insights
and scope a meaningful challenge. Based
on your understanding of users and their
environments, come up with an actionable
problem statement: your Point Of View.

More than simply defining the problem,

your Point of View is a unique design
vision that is framed by your specific

Understanding the meaningful challenge

at hand, and the user insights you can
leverage, is fundamental to creating a
successful solution.

d.school at Stanford University ii.

How to define:
The define mode explicitly expresses
the problem you strive to address. In
order to be truly generative, you must
reframe your challenge based on new
insights gained through your empathy
work. This reframed Point of View, or
problem statement, can then be used as
a solution-generating springboard.

A spectacular Point of View...

Preserves emotion and the individual
you’re designing for.
Includes strong language.
Uses sensical wording.
Includes a strong insight.
Generates lots of possibilities.

d.school at Stanford University

Ideate is the mode in which you generate
radical design alternatives. Ideation is
a process of “going wide” in terms of
concepts and outcomes—a mode of “flaring”
instead of “focus”. The goal of ideation
is to explore a wide solution space—both
a large quantity and broad diversity
of ideas. From this vast repository of
ideas, you can build prototypes to test
with users.

d.school at Stanford University iii.

How to ideate:
You ideate in order to transition from
identifying problems to exploring
solutions for your users.

Ideation is leveraged to:

-Harness the collective perspectives and
strengths of your team.
-Step beyond obvious solutions and drive
-Uncover unexpected areas of exploration.
-Create fluency (volume) and flexibility
(variety) in your innovation options.

When ideating, your team needs to

fluctuate between times of focus and
flare. Idea generation is a moment to
“go wide” while evaluation/selection
of ideas is a time for narrowing-in.

Curtailing “bad” behaviors, such as

evaluating during idea generation,
is very important—innovative concepts
can often come from the most
outlandish ideas.

d.school at Stanford University

Prototyping gets ideas out of your
head and into the world. A prototype
can be anything that takes a physical
form—a wall of post-its, a role-playing
activity, an object. In early stages,
keep prototypes inexpensive and low
resolution to learn quickly and explore

Prototypes are most successful when

people (the design team, users, and
others) can experience and interact
with them. They’re a great way to start
a conversation. What you learn from
interactions with prototypes drives
deeper empathy and shapes successful

d.school at Stanford University iv.

How to prototype:
Prototyping is often thought of as
a way to test functionality, but it
serves many other purposes.

Empathy gaining.
Prototyping deepens your understanding
of users and the design space.

Develop multiple concepts to test in

Create prototypes to test and refine

Inspire others by showcasing your

d.school at Stanford University

Testing is your chance to gather
feedback, refine solutions, and continue
to learn about your users. The test
mode is an iterative mode in which you
place low-resolution prototypes in the
appropriate context of your user’s life.
Prototype as if you know you’re right,
but test as if you know you’re wrong.

d.school at Stanford University v.

How to test:
Create authentic experiences for users
to test your prototypes.

Learn more about your user.

Testing is another opportunity to
build empathy through observation and
engagement—often yielding unexpected

Refine your prototypes and solutions.

Testing informs the next iterations of
prototypes. Sometimes this means going
back to the drawing board.

Test and refine your Point of View.

Testing may reveal that, not only did
you get the solution wrong, but you also
framed the problem incorrectly.

d.school at Stanford University

Felix Talkin

Assume a beginner’s
You carry your own experiences,
understanding, and expertise. Your unique
perspective is an incredibly valuable
asset to bring to any design challenge.
At the same time, your viewpoint carries
assumptions and personal beliefs. Your
preconceived notions may, in fact, be
misconceptions or stereotypes, and can
limit the amount of real empathy you can
build. Assume a beginner’s mindset in
order to put aside biases and approach
a design challenge with fresh eyes.

d.school at Stanford University 1

How to assume a
beginner’s mindset:
Don’t judge.
Observe and engage users without the
influence of value judgments on their
actions, circumstances, decisions,
or “issues.”

Question everything.
Even (and especially) the things you
think you already understand. Ask
questions to learn about the world
from the user’s perspective.

Be truly curious.
Strive to assume a posture of wonder
and curiosity, both in circumstances
that seem either familiar or

Find patterns.
Look for interesting threads and
themes that emerge across user

Listen. Really.
Ditch any agendas and let the scene
soak into your psyche. Absorb what
users say to you, and how they say
it, without thinking about how you’re
going to respond.

d.school at Stanford University

Concrete Emotional


What? How? Why?

What? How? Why? is a tool to help you
reach deeper levels of observation. It’s
a simple scaffolding to move you from
concrete observations of a particular
situation to the more abstract emotions
and motives at play behind the scenes.

This is particularly powerful when

analyzing photos that your team took in
the field, both for synthesis purposes,
and to direct your team to future areas
of need-finding.

d.school at Stanford University 2

How to use What? How? Why?
Divide a sheet into three sections:
What?, How?, and Why?

Start with concrete observations.

What is the user doing in a situation
or photograph? Notice and write down
objective details. Don’t make
assumptions just yet.

Move to understanding.
How is the user doing what they’re doing?
Does it require effort? Do they appear
rushed? Does the activity appear to be
a negative or positive experience? Use
phrases packed with adjectives.

Step out on a limb of interpretation.

Why is the user doing what they’re
doing in the particular way they’re
doing it? Make informed guesses
regarding motivation and emotions.
This step reveals assumptions you
should test with users, and often
uncovers unexpected insights.

d.school at Stanford University

Jennifer Hennesy

Time with users is precious so you have
to make the most of it. You should
definitely allow room for spontaneous
user-guided conversations, but you should
never abandon your responsibility to
prepare for interviews. Especially when
following up with users (after testing),
it’s essential to plan your discussions
ahead of time. You may not get to every
question you prepare, but you should come
in with a plan for engagement.

d.school at Stanford University 3

How to prepare
for an interview:
Brainstorm questions.
Write down as many potential questions
as your team can generate. Build
on each other’s ideas to flesh out
meaningful subject areas.

Identify and order themes.

Identify themes or subject areas into
which most questions fall. Then,
determine the order of questions that
will allow the conversation to flow
most fluidly. This will decrease the
potential for a scattershot interaction
with users.

Refine questions.
Once you’ve grouped your questions,
you may find redundancies, or questions
that seem strangely out of place.
Cut them. Also, be sure to include
plenty of “why?” questions, plenty
of “tell me about the last time you
_______?” questions, and plenty of
questions directed at how the user
FEELS. Remember, open ended questions
allow for stories and stories lead to
insights for design solutions.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Interview for
We interview to gain empathy. By
interviewing users you will begin
to better understand a person’s
behaviors, choices, and needs. We
suggest interviewing in-person and
in pairs so that one person can
converse while the other captures.

d.school at Stanford University 4

How to interview
for empathy:
Ask why.
Even when you think you know the answer.

Never say “usually” when

asking a question.
Instead, ask about a specific
occurrence. “Tell me about the last
time you ____.”

Encourage stories.
Stories reveal how users think about
the world.

Look for inconsistencies.

What users say and do can be different.
These inconsistencies often hide
interesting insights.

Pay attention to nonverbal cues.

Be aware of body language and emotions.

Don’t be afraid of silence.

When you allow for silence, you give
users time to reflect on their answers—
which may lead to deeper responses.

Ask questions neutrally and

don’t suggest answers.
“What do you think about buying gifts
for your spouse?” is better than “Don’t
you think shopping is great?”

d.school at Stanford University

Jennifer Hennesy

Extreme Users
As a designer, you engage users (people!)
to understand their needs and gain
insights into their lives. You also draw
inspiration from their work-arounds and
frameworks. When you speak with and
observe extreme users, their amplified
needs and work-arounds come to light.
This helps reveal meaningful needs that
may not pop when engaging with the middle
of the bell curve. And the needs of
extreme users often coincide with the
needs of a wider population.

d.school at Stanford University 5

How to engage with
extreme users:
Determine who’s extreme.
First identify the aspects of your
design challenge you want to explore
to an extreme. Then think of extreme
users within those facets. If you’re
designing a grocery store, you might
consider how groceries are gathered
or how payment is made as aspects
to explore. Honing in on gathering
groceries, extreme users might include
people who gather recyclables with
shopping carts or product pullers for
online buyers.

Observe and interview extreme users
just like other folks. Look for work-
arounds (or other extreme behaviors)
to spark inspiration and uncover

Look at the extreme in all of us.

Look to extreme users to spur wild
ideas. Then narrow in on what resonates
with the primary users that you’re
designing for.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Story Share-
After interviewing people, bring your
team together to share stories that
you heard. A story share serves a
few purposes. First, it allows team
members to get up to speed on what
others gathered in the field. Even if
everyone was present for the fieldwork,
comparing how each person experienced
it is valuable. Second, in listening
and probing for more information, team
members tend to draw out nuance and
meaning that wasn’t initially realized.
This starts the synthesis process.

d.school at Stanford University 6

How to story
Unpack observations and share stories
that stick out from your team’s empathy
fieldwork. While each team member
shares notes and user stories, others
should headline quotes, surprises, and
interesting tidbits—one headline per

The post-its can be physically grouped

and re-grouped on the board to
illuminate themes and patterns.

The end goal is to understand what’s

really going on with each user to
discover who your users are and what
they need in regard to your design

d.school at Stanford University

First Next Then

Journey Map
A journey map is a tool to dissect
a process into its moving parts to
illuminate areas of potential insights.
Don't forget the details when gaining
empathy and understanding for a user and
their experience. Creating a journey map
is an excellent way to systematically
think about those detailed steps or
milestones. Journey maps can be used for
your own empathy work, or to communicate
your findings to others.

d.school at Stanford University 7

How to use a journey map:
Choose a process to examine.
For example, your user’s morning
breakfast routine. Then create a map
of that process that captures every
step. Organize the data in a way that
makes sense: a timeline of events, a
series of pictures, a stack of cards.
You can create a journey map based on
observation and interview, or a user
can draw their own.

Be comprehensive.
Don’t overlook the opening of window
shades during the morning breakfast
routine. What seems meaningless could
be the nugget that develops into a
stunning insight.

Look for patterns and anomalies.

Push yourself to connect individual
events to a larger framework. It’s
often the pairing of an observation
with prior knowledge that yields a
meaningful insight.

d.school at Stanford University

Soleil Summer

Powers of Ten
Powers of Ten is a reframing technique
used as a synthesis or ideation method.
It allows your design team to consider
the challenge at hand through frames of
various magnitudes.

d.school at Stanford University 8

How to use Powers of Ten:
Consider increasing and decreasing
magnitudes of context to reveal
connections and insights.

Powers of ten for insight development.

Imagine you’re designing a checkout
experience. You already observed
that users read customer reviews
before purchasing, and developed the
insight that users value peer opinions
when shopping. Now imagine the user
is shopping for items over a wide
magnitude of costs—from mints, to a
bed, to a house. Does this alter user
behavior? Probe for nuances in your
insight. Note where it breaks down.

Powers of ten for ideation.

Add constraints that alter the
magnitude of the solution space. “What
if it had to cost more than a million
dollars to implement?” “Or less than
25 cents?” “What if it was larger than
this room?” “Or smaller than a wallet?”

d.school at Stanford University

High Quality

Natural Synthetic

Low Quality

2x2 Matrix
A 2x2 matrix is a tool to scaffold
information about users and your
design space to reveal relationships.
The hope is to uncover insights or
areas to explore more deeply. A 2x2
matrix is also a great way to visually
communicate a relationship you want to
convey to others.

d.school at Stanford University 9

How to use a 2x2 matrix:
Draw a 2x2 matrix (x-axis and y-axis),
pick a spectrum for each axis (opposites
on either end), and plot items on the
map. You can explore any group of things—
products, motivations, users.

You might place products on a matrix of

perceived quality (low to high) versus
use of natural materials (all-natural to
all-synthetic). Where do groups form?
Notice full or empty quadrants. Where
does the assumed correlation break down?

You may have to try various combinations

of spectra to find one that’s meaningful.
Often the discussion spurred by filling
in the matrix is more valuable than
the map itself. You can also use a 2x2
matrix to create a competitive landscape.
An empty quadrant may signal a market
opportunity (or a very bad idea).

d.school at Stanford University

Why? How?

Why? How?


Why-How Laddering
Use why-how laddering to flesh out
varying user needs and find a middle
ground that’s both meaningful and

As a general rule, asking “why” yields

abstract statements and asking “how”
yields specific statements. Often times
abstract statements are more meaningful,
but not as actionable. The opposite is
true of more specific statements.

d.school at Stanford University 10

How to why-how ladder:
Step 1
Identify a few meaningful user needs
and write them at the bottom of a piece
of paper.

Step 2
Ladder up from that need, asking “why?”
For example, why would a user “need to
see a link between a product and the
process that creates it?” because the
user, “needs confidence that it won’t
harm their health by understanding its

Step 3
Ask why again, and continue to ladder
from that same need. At a certain point,
you’ll reach a very common, abstract
need such as, “the need to be healthy.”
This is the top of the ladder.

Step 4
Climb back down the ladder asking “how?”
This will give you ideas for how to
address the needs.

d.school at Stanford University

______ ______
1. We met:______
sed to
2. We were surpri _________
this means:
3. We wonder if _________
4. It would be ga _________

Point of View (POV)

A Point of View framework helps
outline your design challenge into an
actionable problem statement so that
you can begin brainstorming solutions.
Most importantly, your POV anchors
your design thinking project and helps
you to articulate your challenge

d.school at Stanford University 11

How to write a Point of
View (POV) statement:
After you’ve interpreted your user
empathy interviews, try different ways
of stating the problem.

POV framework.
Start by describing your user in
colorful language, including pertinent
details. Then, choose your favorite
surprise/insight that represents
the most powerful shift in your own
perspective. Last, articulate what would
be game-changing for your user, assuming
your insight is correct.

POV musts.
· Make sure your POV flows sensically
(so a stranger could comprehend it).
· Specifies an insight that’s focused
on a specific user (rather than a
· Articulates a game-changing direction,
without dictating a particular

d.school at Stanford University

Jennifer Hennesy

Design Guidelines
Design guidelines, also known as design
directives, are written statements that
articulate a strategy for how you will
solve your design challenge, independent
of a specific solution. They translate
your findings—user needs and insights—
into actionable design directives.

d.school at Stanford University 12

How to use design
You can translate your insights and
observations into design guidelines
by stating your findings in terms of
solutions rather than observations
about the user. For example, a user’s
“need to feel instrumental in creating
a gift” becomes “involve the user in
creating a gift.”

You can also work backwards from a

potential solution to create design
guidelines. Ask yourself what aspects
of the solution resonates with
users, and makes those aspects into

Design guidelines should be independent

of a solution—that is, they should
be useful regardless of the design
solution. You may know you’re designing
a gift product, but unsure if it’s
physical, digital, or experiential. The
design guideline above (“involve the
gift-giver in creating the final gift”)
is still helpful even though you don’t
yet know the ultimate design solution.

d.school at Stanford University

Jennifer Hennesy

“How Might We”

“How might we” (HMW) questions are short
questions that launch ideation. They’re
broad enough to include a wide range of
solutions but narrow enough to impose
helpful boundaries.

Between the too narrow “HMW create an ice

cream cone that doesn’t drip” and the
too broad “HMW redesign dessert”, is the
properly scoped “HMW redesign ice cream
to be more portable.”

d.school at Stanford University 13

How to write “how might we”
(HMW) questions:
Start with your design challenge and
Point of View statement (see card #11).
Then break down the larger challenge into
smaller actionable bits and ask questions
that open up the solution space.

Redesign the airport waiting space.

Point of View
A frenzied mother of three rushes to her
gate to find out her flight is delayed.
She has to entertain her playful children
to avoid irritating already-frustrated
fellow passengers.

How Might We
Alleviate tension: HMW separate the kids
from fellow passengers?

Explore the opposite: HMW make the wait

the most exciting part of the trip?

Question an assumption: HMW remove wait

time altogether?

Create an analogy from need to context:

HMW make the airport like a spa? Like a

Change a status quo: HMW make playful,

loud kids less annoying?

d.school at Stanford University

Felix Talkin

Stoke activities loosen up and energize
teams—both mentally and physically.
Use stoke activities to wake up in the
morning, launch a meeting, or begin a
brainstorm. They should be brief and
highly active.

d.school at Stanford University 14

How to stoke:
Category, category, out!
Line folks up, name a category (breakfast
cereals, vegetables, cars), and point
at people in rapid succession, skipping
around the group. The player pointed at
must name something in the category. If
they don’t, everyone yells “Out!” and
they’re out for the rest of the round.

Sound ball.
Stand in a circle and throw an imaginary
ball to each other. Make eye contact and
make a noise as you throw it. The catcher
must repeat the noise of the thrower and
make a new noise as she throws to the
next person. Try increasing the speed or
adding a second ball.

Yes, Let’s!
Everyone walk around the room randomly.
One person voices an instruction: “let’s
act like we’re at a cocktail party” or
“let’s act like there’s no gravity.”
Everyone shouts back, “Yes, let’s!” and
acts it out. At anytime someone can yell
the next instruction. The answer is
always, “Yes, let’s!”

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Brainstorming conjures tons of ideas
all at once. A brainstorm is a distinct
segment of time when you amp up the
generative part of your brain and turn
down the evaluative part. The intention
is to leverage the collective thinking
of the group. Brainstorming can be used
throughout the design process: to plan
empathy work, to assess products and
services, and to come up with design

d.school at Stanford University 15

How to brainstorm:
Your team’s sole goal is to generate
as many ideas as possible, without
judgment. Gather in front of a
whiteboard and spend 15 to 30 minutes
in high engagement “brainstorm mode.”

Be sure to capture every idea,

regardless of your feelings about
them. You can either assign a scribe
to capture ideas as they’re called out
or go all-in, each person shares their
ideas out loud and puts them on the
board themself. Either way, use post-its
and stick them up quickly.

You can use How Might We questions

to launch a brainstorm (see card #13).
“How might we give each shopper a
personal checkout experience?”

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Facilitate a
Good facilitation is key to a generative
brainstorm. Brainstorming spawns many,
wide-ranging (and sometimes left field)
ideas. A good facilitator sets the
stage for open, active, and constructive

d.school at Stanford University 16

How to facilitate
a brainstorm:
As facilitator, it’s your task to
keep ideas flowing. Be sure to write
a compelling question to kick off the
brainstorm. If the team slows or gets
stuck, add a variation to the prompt to
shake things up (prepare options ahead
of time).

Add solution constraints to spark new
ideas. “What if it had to be round?”
“How would superman do it?” Or create
process constraints, such as shooting
for 50 ideas in 20 minutes.

Be mindful of where you brainstorm. Find
a room with lots of vertical work space.
Make sure all participants are standing
and have supplies in hand—post-its and
a sharpie.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Brainstorm selection
Your brainstorm should generate many,
wide-ranging ideas. That’s the easy part.
The hard part is selecting which ideas
to act on. Brainstorm selection may be
straight forward for some brainstorms
(simply pick a few standout ideas), but
selecting design solutions may take more

Don’t pick just one and don’t settle on

safe choices. Select a range of ideas to
carry forward into prototyping, aiming
to preserve the breadth of solutions
generated by the group.

d.school at Stanford University 17

How to select
brainstorm ideas:
Don’t narrow down ideas too fast. An
implausible idea may spark a useful or
meaningful insight. Hang onto ideas
that excite, amuse, or intrigue the
team. Consider these three selection

Post-it voting.
Each team member gets three votes.
The post-its with the most marks get

Four categories.
Elect one or two ideas within each
category: the rational choice, the most
likely to delight, the darling, and the
long shot.

Pick one or two ideas that inspire a
physical prototype, a digital prototype,
and an experience prototype.

If an idea is so far out there that

it seems pointless to test, ask what
attracted you to it, then test that
aspect or integrate it into a new

d.school at Stanford University

Soleil Summer

Impose Constraints
It’s a bit counterintuitive, yet imposing
constraints (with intention) can actually
increase creative potential.

Try it:
Think of as many silver things
as you can in ten seconds.

Now think of silver things in your


Which prompt sparked more ideas?

d.school at Stanford University 18

How to impose constraints:
It’s important to be conscious of
when and what constraints you impose.
Imposing a constraint during idea
generation is different than rejecting
ideas due to preconceived notions about
users. Consider these three constraint

During a brainstorm, temporarily add a
solution constraint. “What if it were
made for babies?” “How would McDonald’s
do it?”

Constrain materials to build quicker,
lower resolution prototypes. Developing
a checkout service? Prototype it with
cardboard, post-its, and a sharpie.
Designing soccer cleats? Your shoe, tape
and thumb tacks. Or, impose solution
constraints. How might you design it for
blind users? Without plastic?

Constrain time to force output. Make two
prototypes in an hour. Spend three hours
with users by Friday.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Prototype for
When you’re creating a prototype, consider
the people who will be interacting with
this object/experience. Develop the
prototype or design the experience,
specifically to gain empathy. You don’t
necessarily need to seek solutions when
testing prototypes with users.

In the same way a solution-driven

prototype reveals new information about
the idea you’re testing, an empathy-
seeking prototype helps you gain
understanding about people and the space
you're designing for.

d.school at Stanford University 19

How to prototype
for empathy:
Prototype for empathy to dig deeper
into user needs or probe an insight
you’re developing. You can create
empathy prototypes to test with users
or with your design team. Consider
these examples.

Ask users to draw something and talk
about it afterward. “Draw how you get
to work.”

Create a game to probe issues you want
to explore. Use a simple card game to
force users to make choices related to
your design challenge.

Simulate an aspect of the user
experience to better understand it
yourself. If users garden while
carrying a baby, put on a sling and
carry ten pounds while gardening.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Improvise to Life
Teams often get stuck in "analysis
paralysis" when deciding what to build
for user testing. Improvising your
idea to life is a tool to jump-start
your team into action.

d.school at Stanford University 20

How to improvise to life:
Act it out, to figure it out. Quickly
assign roles to the team to bring your
concept to life. Pick someone to be
the user. Someone else to play the
“technology”, or the solution you’ve
envisioned. If you’re designing a
checkout experience, other roles might
include shoppers in the store. Be sure
to assign observers to watch and tag in
when someone gets stuck.

Really dive into it. Now and then, break

the scene to discuss what’s working,
what’s not, and to swap in observers
(new “technology” role players should
perform the function in a different
way, to see how it affects the user’s

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

A great way to prepare to test your
prototype in the field (with real users)
is to use the Scenes/Props/Roles tool.
This improv-inspired tool helps you
understand where and how you will test
your prototype, and the roles of each
team member who join you in the field.

d.school at Stanford University 21

How to use the scenes/
props/roles tool:
Gather a team to test with you in the
field. Then, figure out:

Where should a user ideally encounter

your concept?
This is the “scene” that you want to
test in, or, at the very least, recreate
in your own space.

What props do you need to build?

These are the bare minimum physical
artifacts necessary to suspend disbelief
for the user and imagine that they’re
experiencing your concept.

What roles do you need to play?

Who’s going to source and host users?
Who’s going to be actively engaged
in the prototype (either directly
interacting with the user, or performing
some function in the background)? Who’s
going to observe and take notes?

d.school at Stanford University

Soleil Summer

Testing with Users

Testing with users is a fundamental part
of human-centered design. You test with
users to not only refine your solution,
but to better understand the people
you’re designing for. When you test
prototypes, consider both what you can
learn about your solution and what you
can learn about your user—you can always
use more empathy.

d.school at Stanford University 22

How to test with users:
Let your user experience the prototype.
Show don’t tell. Put your prototype
in the user’s hands (or your user in
the prototype) and give only the basic
context they need to understand what to

Have them talk through their

Use prompts. “Tell me what you’re
thinking as you do this.”

Actively observe.
Don’t immediately “correct” your user.
Watch how they use (and misuse) your

Follow up with questions.

This is often the most valuable part.
“Show me why this would (not) work for
you.” “Can you tell me how this made
you feel?” “Why?” Answer questions with
questions. “Well, what do you think that
button does?”

d.school at Stanford University

Kim West

Prototype to Decide
During the design process, it can
be unclear how to proceed forward,
particularly when team members have mixed
opinions. The best way to resolve team
conflicts about design elements is to
prototype and evaluate them with users.
If a prototype is received well, it’s
a good sign it’s worth pursuing further.

d.school at Stanford University 23

How to prototype to decide:
If the team is stuck between multiple
opinions, build out multiple prototypes
(for agility purposes, limit the team
to 3-5 prototypes). Develop models of
potential design candidates.

Be sure to distill the design problem

down to discrete elements, isolating the
variable you’re testing.

Build as quickly and low-resolution as

possible. Then test your prototypes on
the team, outsider peers, or, better yet,
test your prototypes on real users. Be
sure to capture feedback.

d.school at Stanford University

Kim West

Identify a Variable
Rather than prototype a complete mock-
up of a solution, it’s more productive
to single out and test a specific
variable. Identifying a variable not
only saves time and money (you don’t
need to create all facets of a complex
solution), it gives you the opportunity
to test multiple prototypes, each
varying in the one property. This
encourages the user to make nuanced
comparisons between prototypes and
choose one option over another.

d.school at Stanford University 24

How to identify a variable:
Prototype with a purpose. Based on
user needs and insights, identify one
variable of your concept to flesh out
and test. Then build a few iterations.
Keep prototypes as low resolution as

Remember, a prototype doesn’t have to

be, or even look like the solution. You
might want to know how heavy a device
should be. Create prototypes of varied
weight, without making them operable.
You may want to find out if users
prefer delivery versus pick up. Build
boxes for each service, without filling

By selecting one variable to test, you

can bring resolution to that aspect of
your concept and slide one step closer
to a design solution.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

User-driven prototypes are created by
users, rather than developed by you.
When users create aspects of the design
themselves, they reveal assumptions and
desires that otherwise remain unmined.

Your goal is not to integrate their

ideas into your design, but to better
understand their thinking and reveal
undetected needs and insights.

d.school at Stanford University 25

How to create a user-
driven prototype:
Strike a balance between how much you
provide and how much you ask users to
create. The ideal prototype should be
scaffolded enough to spur generative
thinking, but open enough to broaden
user understanding.

Some user-driven prototypes ask users

to draw something (“draw going to
the doctor”), make an object (“make
a diaper bag with this paper and
tape”), or compile artifacts (“tear
out magazine pictures that depict your
ideal mall shopping experience”).

If you were designing a website for

users to create custom t-shirts, a
traditional prototype might be a
mockup of the website. A user-driven
prototype might be a blank piece of
paper for users to draw their own
website. Scaffolding to get users
going might include empty boxes on the
page for them to fill in with content.

d.school at Stanford University

Jennifer Hennesy

Wizard of Oz
A wizard of Oz prototype fakes
functionality that you want to test with
users, saving you the time and money
of actually creating it. Wizard of Oz
prototypes often refer to prototypes of
digital systems, in which the user thinks
the response is computer-driven, when in
fact it’s human-controlled.

d.school at Stanford University 26

How to create a Wizard of
Oz prototype:
Determine what you want to test.
Then figure out how to fake that
functionality and still give users an
authentic experience.

You can combine existing tools

(tablets, email systems, Powerpoint)
with human intervention to create the
illusion of functionality.

The company Aardvark needed to test

user reactions to their online
interface for connecting people with
questions to qualified people with
answers. Instead of coding, they used
an instant messaging system and team
members behind the scenes to physically
route questions and answers to the
right people.

Wizard of Oz prototypes can be extended

beyond the digital realm, to physical
prototypes. You could prototype a
vending machine without building the
mechanics behind it—using a person
hidden inside to deliver purchases.

d.school at Stanford University


Feedback Capture
Feedback capture matrices facilitate
real-time capture of feedback on
presentations and prototypes. You
can use a feedback capture matrix
either to give feedback on progress
within the design team or to capture
user feedback. The matrix itself
arranges thoughts and ideas into four
categories for easy assessment.

d.school at Stanford University 27

How to use a feedback
capture matrix:
Section off a blank page or whiteboard
into quadrants. Draw a plus sign in the
upper left quadrant, a delta sign in
the upper right quadrant, a question
mark in the lower left quadrant, and a
light bulb in the lower right quadrant.

Fill in the matrix as you give or

receive feedback. Place things one
likes or finds notable in the upper
left (plus sign). Constructive
criticism goes in the upper right
(delta sign). Questions raised go in
the lower left (question mark). And
new ideas spurred go in the lower
right (light bulb). If you’re giving
feedback, strive to give input in each
quadrant (especially the upper two:
“likes” and “wishes”).

d.school at Stanford University

Felix Talkin

A well-told story—filled with rich
detail, surprising meaning, and universal
emotion affects both the brain and the
heart. Stories are a great way to connect
people with ideas, at a human level. If
you want to make an impression on your
audience (teammates, clients, investors),
tell a great user-centered story.

d.school at Stanford University 28

How to tell stories:
Follow the structure of a story spine
to flesh out the narrative arc of your
user-centered story:

Once upon a time...

And every day...
Until one day...
Because of that...
And because of that...
Until finally...
And ever since that day...
And the moral is...

Remember, your user is the hero of your

story, not your concept. Your concept
contributes to the transformation of
your character, and to the relief of
dramatic tension, but it’s not the main

Once you’ve finished your story, remove

the stems from the story spine prompts.
Don’t say “once upon a time,” for
example, when you tell your story to an
actual audience. Just like scaffolding
for painters, the story spine prompts
get removed once they serve their
purpose. What remains should be a
believable, compelling user story.

Story spine developed by Kenn Adams

d.school at Stanford University

Jennifer Hennesy

I Like, I Wish, What If

As a designer, you must rely on personal
communication and, particularly,
feedback, during design work. Colleagues
give feedback on design frameworks.
Users give feedback on solution concepts.
I like, I wish, What if (IL/IW/WI) is a
simple tool to encourage open feedback.

d.school at Stanford University 29

How to use I like, I wish,
what if:
IL/IW/WI is almost too simple to
write down, but it’s too useful not
to mention. Meet as a group. Team
members chime in by expressing “likes,”
“wishes,” or “what ifs” as succinct

“I like how we broke our team into

pairs.” “I wish we had discussed our
plan before testing.” “What if we tried
one more prototype?”

Share dozens of headlines in a session

(be sure to pick someone to capture).
You don’t need to respond to every one.
Let the team decide which topics to
discuss as they arise.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Empathetic Data
The difficulty with many new ideas
is that they’re hard to empirically
prove, leaving key decision makers no
basis for comparison. The good news
is, designers can create data through
simple prototyping.

If you’re struggling to get buy-in

from key stakeholders due to lack
of hard data, consider building an
empathetic data set, derived from
real user prototype testing.

d.school at Stanford University 30

How to gather
empathetic data:
Take your prototype (it doesn’t need to
be perfect, just usable) and place it
in a context where your users currently
experience your product or service.
Bonus points if you can find a setting
that allows users to test the current
offering and the new offering.

Extra bonus points if that setting

is low pressure, so customers feel
comfortable giving open and honest
feedback. For example, d.school alum,
Bill Pacheco, tested exercise machine
prototypes in a real gym with actual

During your test, capture usage counts,

quotes, and reactions via notes or
video. Create a sizable data sample to
support and refine your prototype.

Pro tip: bring your decision makers

along to watch and interact with users.

d.school at Stanford University

Shallow insight

Incremental Breakthrough
innovation innovation

Deep insight

Review Your Portfolio

Sustaining/incremental innovations and
disruptive innovations are what make up
your innovation portfolio. Reviewing
where various concepts fall in the
portfolio helps you understand where to
focus your energy.

d.school at Stanford University 31

How to review your
Create a simple 2x2 matrix. Plot
“depth of insight” on the x-axis, from
shallow to deep. Shallow insights are
things the team knew before the project
started. Deep insights expose the
problem in a brand new light.

Plot “disruptiveness of concept”

on the y-axis, from incremental to
breakthrough. Incremental concepts are
simple builds on existing products or
services (or things the organization
has tried before). Breakthrough
concepts have never been tried—they
might even be new to the industry.

It’s easier to move a deep insight

up to breakthrough territory than it
is to move a shallow insight. When
reviewing your portfolio, ask “which
concepts address problems we’ve never
considered?” These concepts are easier
to “Yes, And!” into breakthrough

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Empathy Probe
It can be tricky to elicit emotion-
rich conversations with users (sometimes
total strangers!). It can also be tough
to decide where to direct early empathy
interviews. Empathy probes help reduce
friction by giving users something to
do and create space for them to speak
their mind. It also gives you plenty
of opportunity to observe users before
choosing where to engage more deeply.

d.school at Stanford University 32

How to conduct an
empathy probe:
Create a probe.
A probe is a prompt that users engage
with while you interview them. We often
create probes in the form of a set of
cards: one question card and 7 answer
cards, that the user sorts through. A
probe sparks interaction and provokes
storytelling on the part of the user.

Engage users.
Ask them to share their thoughts aloud.
If your probe asks users to consider
a particular experience, find out the
exact experience they’re considering
before they begin the sorting activity.

Follow up on interesting comments,

movements, and pauses.
Always start with what you noticed. “You
mentioned that you ____. Could you tell
me a little more about that?” “I noticed
when you read that card, you said ____.
What were you thinking?” Pay special
attention to rich emotional material.

Seek stories relevant to the emotions

you uncover.
Spend the majority of your time here.
Steer stories toward specificity. You
need specifics to fuel your design
work. “Is there a specific time you can
remember feeling / doing that?”

d.school at Stanford University

Jennifer Hennesy

Describe Your
Many brainstorms end with a team
realizing they don’t fully understand
the idea they selected to act on. The
Describe Your Concept tool helps you
distill down what resonated with the
team from the original concept, and
understand exactly what they need to
create during prototyping.

d.school at Stanford University 33

How to describe your
Select an idea from your brainstorm
and flesh out the concept while it’s
fresh in your team’s mind. What would
you name it? Who is it for? What does
it accomplish for them? How does it
accomplish this? Here, your team can
really specify how your product or
service does what it does. Make it your
goal to articulate a single function
that your concept performs in order to
achieve the desired user impact.

Pro tip: If your concept either

1) doesn’t relate to your user or
2) doesn’t bring you to a game-changing
idea, don’t worry, you’ve made a common
mistake. Revisit your brainstorm and
pick another idea that’s more user-

d.school at Stanford University

Jennifer Hennesy

Design teams often have trouble
articulating the “nuggets” they
discover during empathy work. The
Surprise-to-Insights leap helps teams
get out of their heads and explore
various interpretations of surprising
user behavior.

d.school at Stanford University 34

How to make the surprise-
to-insights leap:
Place a few surprising observations
from your empathy work on the left hand
side of the board. Pick one to start
and ask your team to interpret the
behavior by finishing the sentence,
“I wonder if this means that the user
_____.” Everyone writes down their
interpretation, then reads aloud (one
by one), and places it on the right
hand side of the board, across from the

If an interpretation sparks new ideas

from the team, feel free to craft
more interpretations and add them to
the board. Continue the same process
with the rest of your surprising

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Yes, And! Brainstorm

Brainstorming can often feel frenetic
and irrational. It can also leave less
extroverted folks feeling left out. The
Yes, And! brainstorm provides a little
structure for guiding brainstorms, and
creating space for each team member to
contribute and build on others’ ideas.

d.school at Stanford University 35

How to conduct a Yes, And!
Write down a game-changing idea on a
whiteboard. (“It would be game changing
to ____.”) Give team members a couple
minutes to write down (on a post-it)
one novel approach to accomplishing the
“game changer”. Have them briefly share
their novel ideas and place them on the

Then lead the team through a series

of “Yes, And!” brainstorms for each
idea. Ask team members to build on the
ideas by saying “yes, and” before they
contribute. Make sure every team member
builds on the idea before moving on to
the next one.

If some of the builds spark other ideas,

feel free to capture those too. Repeat
the process until everyone’s idea has
been built upon by everyone else at
least once.

d.school at Stanford University

Kim West

Analogous Empathy
When teams (particularly intact teams)
struggle to innovate it’s often because
they neglect to look outside their
organization for inspiration. Unlike
competitive research, analogies push
teams to consider radically different
industries and offerings to apply
a fresh perspective on a familiar

d.school at Stanford University 36

How to use analogies:
Identify and explore specific aspects
of your design challenge in new ways!

Gather a team to talk about what

aspects of your challenge you’d like
to explore further. For example,
if you’re designing for hospital
technicians, and you’re interested in
understanding extreme time pressures
or high stakes decisions, brainstorm
spaces that are tangential to the
design challenge that share enough
attributes where there may be insight

For the hospital challenge you might

explore extreme time pressures at an
airport, or for high stakes decisions,
a police training academy or fire
station. Observe and interview people
in these analogous locations.

Make an analogous inspiration board.

Saturate a space with photos and

quotes from your analogous space; this
can help the team share inspiration,
or bring in the analogous insight
later in the process.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Shooting Video
Video is a powerful medium for
communicating ideas, insights and
stories. The frame is your medium—be
aggressive. If it’s not in the frame,
it doesn’t exist.

d.school at Stanford University 37

How to shoot video:
1. Know your intention. What’s the one
thing you want your audience to
leave with?

2. Get a tight frame of your subject

at all times.

3. Be conscious of light sources and

shadows on your subject.

4. Overshoot! Get more than you think

you need. Editing is where the
storytelling begins. Remember to
get longer takes. They allow you
some wiggle room for transitions.

5. Keep mic close to the subject

(boom mic preferred).

6. Point mic away from undesired noise.

d.school at Stanford University

Patrick Beaudouin

Editing Video
At its core, editing is storytelling.
The medium where your narrative comes
to life. Being meticulous in your
editing is crucial to delivering the
best, clearest narrative.

d.school at Stanford University 38

How to edit video:
To edit quickly and create compelling
videos, follow these guidelines:

During the process, ensure an audience

will understand your visual narrative.
Remember, it’s better to be clear than

Make an initial rough cut of the whole

film. Block out the beginning, middle
and end.

Kill the darlings. Remain focused on what

will tell your story best.

What you hear is equally important

to what you see. Ensure any music
compliments your visuals and doesn't

Before exporting your video, know where

it will live. If to be played off your
computer, use minimal compression to
ensure quality. For social media or
video hosting sites, consult their
listed guidelines.

d.school at Stanford University

Many thanks to the early Bootleg
designers including: Dave Baggeroer,
Thomas Both, Scott Doorley, Corey Ford,
Erica Estrada, Caroline O’Connor,
Lia Ramirez, Jeremy Utley, and
Scott Witthoft.

Bootleg 2018 written and produced by:

Scott Doorley, Sarah Holcomb, Perry Klebahn,
Kathryn Segovia, and Jeremy Utley.

Photography by: Patrick Beaudouin

Illustrations by: Jennifer Hennesy,

Soleil Summer, Felix Talkin and Kim West.

Graphic design and Art direction:

Jennifer Hennesy

Copy writing and editing: Eli Elbogen

Typefaces used: Styrene, Commercial Type

and Vulf Mono, OHno Type Co.

Special edition cover printed by: All Gold

Cards Printed by: Greener Printer on 100%

recycled paper with ecological inks.

Yes, And! special thanks to all of YOU
for utilizing and providing inspiration
for our design! Now go play responsibly!

d.school at Stanford University

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