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Your Name: Aurora Quinonez Genre of the Book: Historical Fiction

Book Title: Joining the Boston Tea Party Author: Diane Stanley

Publisher: Joanna Cotler Books Date: 2001

1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade/Nevada Core Standards:

P.PK.3 Explore what happens to objects in relation to other forces

2. Objectives:
SWBAT: Make their own ice cream.

3. Materials/Equipment: 1-cup milk, 2 tablespoons sugar, ¼-teaspoon vanilla, 6 cups of ice

cubes, ½ cup normal table salt, 1 Ziploc sandwich bag, 1 Ziploc gallon size bag, spoons, and a

4. Teaching:
Interest Hook: Who likes ice cream? What flavor ice cream do you like? Does anyone know
how to make ice cream?
Today we will read a book about a boy and girl who visit their grandmother who has a
magical hat to travel back in time.
Ok, let’s begin the story. Watch carefully and see anything that they used back in that time. Do
not shout out the answer or point until you are called on.
1. Read the book and pause before turning the page and identify anything that is particular to
that time frame.
2. Ask 1-2 children to point out what they have not seen today in age.
a. Give clues of what we no longer have because of technological advancements.
3. There is 17 sets of two page illustrations with multiple items we no longer use. Ask
children to point and guess what the item is named. (some of the items; frilly caps,
powdered wigs, candles for light, water in a bowl to wash face, butter churner, horses
pulling trailers)

At the end of the story, ask the children: Who would like to make ice cream?

Today we are going to make our own ice cream.

1. First, we will pass out the Ziploc sandwich bags to each of the students.
2. All the students will line up and open their own bag
3. Each student will pass by a station where an adult will the ingredients that go
inside the sandwich bag. (1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons sugar and ¼ teaspoon vanilla)
4. An adult will ensure the students Ziploc bag is completely closed
5. The children will then place their Ziploc bag inside the gallon size Ziploc bag
which already has 6 cups of ice cubes and ½ cup table salt.
6. An adult will ensure the large Ziploc bag is completely closed
7. The students will be instructed to mash the bag for about 10 min which is
monitored using the timer
8. Pass out spoons to each student and have them eat their ice cream.

4. Closure:
a. Ask the children to name what they made.
b. Do they like the ice cream they made or store ice cream better?
c. Now pass out the recipe and instructions on making ice cream to each
student to share with their family.

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