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Cell Structures Descriptions Functions

1. CYTOPLASM  Surrounded by cell  Living substance of the

2. ENDOPLASMIC membrane cell
RETICULUM  “Circulatory System” of  Moves materials around
the cell in cell
 Smooth ER: lacks
 Rough ER: ribosomes
embedded in surface
3. RIBOSOMES  Found on ribosomes &  Make Proteins
floating throughout the
4. MITOCHONDRIA  “Powerhouse” of the cell  Produces energy
 Controls level of water
and other materials in
 Recycles and
decomposes proteins,
fats, and carbohydrates

5. GOLGI BODIES  Protein 'packaging plant  Move materials within

the cell

 Move materials out of

the cell
6. LYSOSOME  Digestive 'plant' for  Transports undigested
proteins, fats, and material to cell
carbohydrates membrane for removal

 Cell breaks down if

lysosome explodes
7. VACUOLES  Membrane-bound sacs  Contains water solution
for storage, digestion,
and waste removal  Help plants maintain
8. MICROTUBULES  For cell form  For intracellular
9. CENTRIOLES  Organizing center for  Play a role in the
microtubules formation of spindle
fibers during cell division
10. NUCLEAR MEMBRANE  Surrounds nucleus  Made of two layers

 Openings allow material

to enter and leave

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