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Beautiful Cactus Plants

This plant in the senior high school of dawarblandong 1 is very unique, named Cactus
with the type of cereus tretagonus. the shape of this cactus resembles the castle above. so it's
suitable to be placed as a long plant towering up. Cactus plants in schools can live longer without
water. Spiny cactus stems and cactus plants have leaves that have short stems and also have a
large size, the function of the leaves as a lot of water. Cereus tetragonus itself is originally a
cactus originating from America, where the height can reach 6 feet or almost 2 meters. pests and
diseases that generally attack the cactus are caused by bacteria and fungi. Infection due to
bacteria and fungi can spread quickly so it is necessary to remove the infected part and then do
the grafting. from the cactus can also be caused by burning the tissue due to sunlight If the cactus
that is usually placed in the shade is suddenly transferred to a location that is exposed to direct
sunlight, it will cause color changes to white or brown in the part exposed to sunlight.

Name: Millenia Nur Fadhillah R.


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