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Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing
The lesson was about finding multiplies and factors using multiplication scheme and timetable.
Understand the relationship between factors and multiplies.

Describe (D):
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson? Teaching the students how to find factors and multiplies
of timetable 6-7-8-9.

What did the students do? The students wrote the multiplies of each timetable on the circle paper then
they glue it to create a caterpillar.

Analyze (A):
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? I think because most of them were
struggling in finding the multiplies without table and they just used their hand to count.

How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding? The lesson about multiplication
and division and they are learning in each lesson methods to find the output of operations.

How well did you engage the students? Through working in groups.

Appraise (A):
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? Yes, I choose students centered activities where the students
are working with their group members.

Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future? Through implementing
differentiation in my activities and managing lesson time.
What are the implications for your professional practice? I understand that differentiation is something
important for the activities because its let the student to do work in their levels.

Using activities that are excited and match students interest to engage them more.

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