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FORTY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE s oOo vU -L PROPOSED By Dr. BALTHASAR WALTER, AND ANSWERED By JACOB BEH MEN, the Teutonic Theofopher. IN THE ANSWER tothe FIRST QUESTION Is THE PHILOSOPHIC GLOBE, oR Wonpen-Eve of ETERNITY, or Looxio-Guass of WISDOM, (Which in ite contains all Myfteries) with an Explanation of it. oA a PREFACE TO THE R E A D E R. ‘with an inward fenfibity, tbe anfwer to Cbrift's Queftion, when be faidy Wat foall Bud ‘profit a man io gain the whole world and lofe bis own Sox? Or cebat foall a man AGL give in excbange for bis foul? The foul is fo precious, that nothing can truly be alued at fo bigh a Rate. To fave it is the greateh gain, 10 lof itis the great ifs then Tobe will not bigbly prize the Pudy and underflanding of the way t0 fave it? Chrif faith, He Ghat evil fave bis fou! pall lofe it, and be shat will lofe bis oul foall fave ts But obo under~ fiends this? We kxecw'it is the def of every foul tobe faved, and tobe happy and glorious, bot Je way is very wsknocun t0 us poor fallen foils, for we can hardly fuppsfe, that Iefing sill be the faving of ourfelves: Chrip alo taught, that tbe way to Glary awas through many Tribulae Jinks and Deaths this woay be entered into Glory, and fo bave all the blefed from the beginning ofthe world, and can no etberaifeto tbe and of it. But becw foall a foul cw the way t lee Bed deny iil, fo vbat it ray afferedly attain Eternal Salvation ? Let it lite, in its Heart Gnd Covfience, incoardly t0 tbat Teacher, which it foall find there, wwho is God binjelf we Gave the Topinony of Moles for this, «cbo told the Ifraclites, The Word, the Commandment feeb thee, in thy Leart ad in thy mouth, not the outward, but tbe lrward beart and W antbs as alle tbe Apople Paul faith to the Romans, that Chrif the Eternal Eifetial word Of Ged, the gcord of Frith whic they, the Apafiles, preached is nigh us, in our bearts and J eur mcurbry and is anctber place be faith, Do you not know that Chrift is in you, exceps Son be poft reproch, sSencas improbi? And the Apafle John faiths that Ged is Love, and Jeu bal leveth, Gd dvelitsh in bim, ard be in God, swbich wwe all perceive is true, for in Dim, ave lives and move, and bave eur being, And this mey be known, though the Apehle se ad nol [aid it, for ove of the Pets of old Jpoke aekat be knew, and faid, We are all Dis Offprings as tbe Apefle mentions it: Nay we all nsw, that be that doth well js the fervant of Grd, but be that detb evil isthe forvant of tbe Devil eke rultb in bis heart : Jer ibuuth there is none tbat datb goed, no wot oney nor can do of bimfilfy yet tbrengh Chr Sa bin, ke can defie to do well, and be Jerry when be has been drawen acvay to. do eit ibe luis of bis oz beart, by sobich the Decil tempts us todo evils dat if see ill roi the “A2 . EDGY F ee knee the precon nature ‘and value of our own fouls, swe foould acknorwledge KI PREFACE to the READER. Devil, be will fy from uss if wwe will eave of t0 do evil, and dofre, try, and learn tx do well, without doubt we foall be able, through God that dwelieth in us, and then be will beach us all things, and lead us into all trusb by bis opirit. All this-wwe ball fully underfland, cand all Myfteries, eben Ged foall manifep bimjelf in us, if twe earnefily defrre it with all bu- mility, felf-deviah, lofng of cur fouls, and being nothing im ourfelves 5 for then Ged will be All in All, and nothing ts impefible with God : Ail this, and much more, bas the Author of WAs Anfecer to thefe Queftions concerning the foul feund trues and out of bis inward Myftery be bas manifefied many things in this, and ctber Writings, the knowledge of which twill be exceeding ufeful in prometing the falvation of every foul. But as be is fo deep in bis writings, fo we have need to defre that our fouls may be put into fuch a condition as bis was iny elfe they cannot be fully underftced 5 Lut the fame Ged that fatisfied bis éefires, will fatisfy. ours, if toe caft ourfelves upon bim in our foids, and let bim do with us cobat be pleafes. Thus cur troubled doubting Souls way receive much comfort leading to that inweard Pedce which paffth all underfanding s ard all the difturbing Seils and Hersfes arifing from the Darknefs and Malice of Men and Devils; will be made to vanify, and ceafe iy that under Aanding, sobich may be kindled in thers from it. They that rule, cill xnderpiand bow to ‘ffetl all their gocd purpofes, to tke joy and bappine)s of thle that are fubjeéled to their go~ vernment 5 and Subjetts will learn 10 chey. So God frail be glorified ly all men’s love to one another, and peace fleurifo over all the Earth. Uf fome foould think it fo bard to attain the underpfanding of this Ausbir, cclen they read the anfuwer to the frft Quelion (

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