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Learnings in CST in church and immersion and impact or influence to your person.

The Catholic Social Teachings such as Rerum Novarum, Dignitatis Humanae,

Populorum Progressio, Mater et Magistra, Laborem Excercens, Octogesima Anno, and
more, have taught me a lot about social justice, human dignity, and common good.
A just person is one who is in right relationship with his workers, his neighbors,
the piece of the earth that he inhabits. In contrast, an unjust person is one who
neglects those around him. Social justice is the idea of equal distribution of resources.
The basic representation of injustice is poverty. The definition of poverty traditionally
was limited to the level of monetary income and expenditure. However, it extended
to include not necessarily just income but deprivation as well. Deprivation is
associated with not being able to access one's choice of material goods, freedom,
capabilities, and opportunities. Lack of social justice means a lack of equality and
morality in society. To avoid conflicts, social justice should be practiced to promote
the rights and duties in basic institutions and define the appropriate distribution of
benefits and burdens in social cooperation.
The common good is not only the total of particular interests but involves
assessment and incorporation of those interests based on a balanced hierarchy of
values; ultimately, it demands a correct understanding of the dignity and the rights
of the person". In other words, it is not simply what people want to happen, but what
would be generally good for people, the social conditions that enable human
However, the common good, is not the greatest good but it helps the society
to reach ultimate good with fairness and equality. The ultimate fulfillment of every
human person is only in God. Therefore, if social conditions appear that people are
being prevented from being able to love God and neighbor, then the common good
has not been realized.
Lastly, workers are not machines, which are used only as means of production.
They should be respected and given the right to opportunity to form unions for the
security of tenure. As a right laid down by Bill of Rights, the formation of unions
cannot be prohibited by the state because the state is bound to protect natural rights,
not to destroy them; and if it forbids its citizens to form associations, it contradicts
the very principle of its own existence".

As for immersion, I have learned the value of the family. Love your family
especially during the hard times because the problems will only come to pass, and
another blessing or hope will always come after the struggles.

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