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(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Need)

I. In this era of globalization, phone use is very important for everyone but
using the phone while driving causes accidents
A. Acknowledging that texting while driving is a danger,
1. driving while sending a message proving to lead to
accidents involving high mortality cases.
a. New preliminary 2016 data shared Wednesday
from the National Safety Council estimates that
as many as 40,000 people died in motor
vehicles crashes last year, a 6% rise from 2015.
If those numbers bear out, it would be a 14%
increase in deaths since 2014

B. there is a study, Responding to messages through the WhatsApp

application while driving is among the contributors of road accident risk

1. reply to the messages via the WhatsApp application

while driving becomes a habit to some users, though
the received WhatsApp message is not an emergency
or something important this is among the contributors of
road accident risk
a. According to Dr Wong,a driver can lose doubling
the focus if driving while using a mobile phone.
2. Another study by Marc Green & John Senders in their
study titled Human Error in Road Accidents. in his study
of accident events
a. He said the cause of the accident, is lost focus
or failure to focus fully, although drivers
managed to detect critical stimuli while driving.
i. For example use a cell phone or sleepy.
this may cause accidents caused by the
driver's fault

C. One of the reasons for the accident is the attitude of the driver himself

1. In the relationship of human negligence alleged to be

the cause of road traffic accident, it is considered a fate
and its fate is also due to negligence and bad attitude
(Transition: So what’s the solution?)

(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Satisfaction)

II. you can control these risks by making simple changes in the way you
avoid using the phone while driving
A. when you first get into your car, place your phone far from you
1. If you receive a call or text message, do not respond to
the phone. Just let it ring or make a sound until you get
to where you can retract and respond to calls and texts.
B. If the conversation is very important to stop the car at the crossroads
before you make a call or receive a call.

(Transition: Your health can be protected if you make these adjustments to the way
you use your cell phones.)

(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Visualization)

III. There is a risk that you are using the phone while driving
A. Using the phone while driving brings you closer to the risk of accident
1. texting while driving led to an accident, these habits
need to be removed to ensure your safety.

2. you will avoid accidents if anada throw tabit transmit

messages while driving.
i. He dangers of driving while texting, you
should reduce the risk of using a phone
while driving, so you need to make
changes in yourself.t

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