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A Review of Patient Satisfaction: 1. Concepts of Satisfaction

Article  in  British dental journal · March 1999

DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4800052 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Gillian H. Wright
Manchester Metropolitan University


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patient management

A review of patient satisfaction:

1. Concepts of satisfaction
P. R. H. Newsome,1 and G. H. Wright,2

practitioners, are to deliver quality care

Against a background of growing consumerism, satisfying and succeed in today’s rapidly changing
patients has become a key task for all healthcare providers. business and economic environment.
This paper reviews current conceptual models of consumer Part 1 of this paper presents an overview
satisfaction, including the one most dominant in the marketing of the way user satisfaction is presented in
the marketing literature and wider
literature — disconfirmation theory.
healthcare literatures. Part 2 then reviews
recent literature dealing specifically with
dental patient satisfaction.
Virtually every organisation is nowadays recognition as a measure of quality, espe-
concerned with satisfying the users of its cially since the publication of the 1983 Consumer satisfaction —
products or services be they known as NHS Management Inquiry and its call for the marketing perspective
clients, customers, consumers or patients. the collation of user opinion.4 This has The marketing literature originally saw
The subject of satisfaction has been stud- arisen partly because of the desire for consumer satisfaction as being an out-
ied extensively in the fields of sociology, greater involvement of the consumer in come resulting from the consumption
psychology, marketing and healthcare the healthcare process and partly because experience:
management and while the particular of the links demonstrated to exist between ‘The buyer’s cognitive state of being ade-
focus of interest in each individual disci- satisfaction and patient compliance in quately or inadequately rewarded for the
pline tends to be quite distinct, common areas such as appointment keeping, sacrifices he has undergone’.7
themes do exist, especially in the intentions to comply with recommended More recent definitions, however, see
approach to satisfaction found in the treatment and medication use.5 Since satisfaction as a complex evaluative
‘younger’ discipline of marketing which high quality clinical outcome is depen- process:
draws on conceptual developments pre- dent on compliance which, in turn, is ‘An evaluation rendered that the (con-
sented in the sociology and psychology dependent on patient satisfaction the lat- sumption) experience was at least as good
literatures. Indeed consumer satisfaction ter has come to be seen as a legitimate as it was supposed to be’.8
is at the very core of modern marketing health care goal and therefore a prerequi- This latter approach is now much more
theory and practice which is based on the site of quality care: widely accepted since, compared to the
notion that organisations survive and ‘Put simply, care cannot be high quality outcome-oriented approach, it takes into
prosper through meeting the needs of unless the patient is satisfied’. 6 account the social-psychological determi-
customers. Ever since the first satisfaction This review therefore assumes that sat- nants of satisfaction, that is the percep-
studies of the 1960s,1 there has been a isfying patients is a fundamentally sound tions, evaluations and comparisons
proliferation of research on the subject principle and that an understanding of which precede an evaluation.
with an estimated 15,000 academic and the nature of satisfaction is desirable if
trade articles published on consumer sat- healthcare providers, not least dental Disconfirmation theory
isfaction during the past two decades By far the most dominant of the concep-
alone.2 This interest is due primarily to tual models of consumer satisfaction
the fact that for a business to be successful In brief ‘disconfirmation’ — proposes that the
in the long run it must satisfy customers, ● Consumer satisfaction, in its widest consumer compares his or her percep-
while simultaneously satisfying its own sense, is seen as being a complex tions of the product or service against a
objectives: process balancing consumer ‘pre-purchase’ comparison level or stan-
‘The satisfied customer is an indispens- expectations with perceptions of the dard, the most widely researched being
able means of creating a sustainable service or product in question. consumer expectations.9 Satisfaction is
advantage in the competitive environ- ● The ‘zone of tolerance’ theory explains then mediated by the size and direction of
ment of the 1990s’.3 how consumers are able to recognise that disconfirmation — the difference
service performance may vary along with
Consumer satisfaction with healthcare between an individual’s pre-purchase
the extent to which they are willing to
has, in recent years, gained widespread accept this variation.
expectations and the performance or
● Similar mechanisms appear to play a
quality of the product or service. As far as
1Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Dentistry, University of role in the determination of patient services are concerned this quality assess-
Hong Kong, 34 Hospital Road, Hong Kong; 2Senior satisfaction with healthcare, although this ment comprises consumer perceptions of
Lecturer, Management Centre, University of review suggests that the process is far a number of service attributes:10
Bradford, Emm Lane, Bradford BD9 4JL, UK from being a simplistic comparison
• Reliability: ability to perform the
Received 24.02.98; accepted 08.07.98 between expectations and perceptions. promised service dependably and accu-
© British Dental Journal 1999; 186: 161–165 rately


patient management

• Responsiveness: willingness to help cus- deliberately underpromising the service ‘expectations’, realising that consumers
tomers and provide prompt service to increase the likelihood of meeting or can and do hold several different types of
• Assurance: employees’ knowledge and exceeding customer expectations.14 Zei- expectation and that these are charac-
courtesy and their ability to inspire thaml and Bitner12 argue, however, that terised by a range of levels, rather than a
trust and confidence while underpromising makes expecta- single level. As LaTour and Peat have
• Empathy: caring, individualised atten- tions more realistic, thereby narrowing observed, using expectations only in the
tion given to customers the gap between expectations and percep- sense of ‘what will happen’ leads to logical
• Tangibles: appearance of physical facili- tions, it may also reduce the competitive inconsistencies such as predicting that a
ties, equipment, personnel, and written appeal of the offer. Research also indicates consumer who expects, and subsequently
materials. that underpromising may have the inad- receives, poor performance will somehow
The terms ‘satisfaction’ and ‘quality vertent effect of lowering customer per- be satisfied.23
assessment’ are often used interchangeably ceptions, especially in situations where In terms of services, Zeithaml and Bit-
and while they have certain things in com- consumers have little experience with a ner12 distinguish between three types of
mon, satisfaction is generally seen to be the product or service.15 In addition, there is expectation. The first is desired service,
broader concept and one that can be evidence to suggest that raising expecta- defined as the level of service the cus-
viewed either at the individual service tions prior to use often results in tomer hopes to receive, the ‘wished for’
encounter (transaction) level or at a more increased perceptions about performance level of performance blending what the
global level, encompassing all experiences even though the product or service may customer believes ‘can be’ and ‘should
with an organisation.11 Perceived quality is have performed poorly.16 In this latter be’. Customers hope to achieve their ser-
just one of a number of antecedent factors instance expectations are influencing sat- vice desires but recognise that this is not
driving satisfaction.11 This can be illus- isfaction independently of perceptions, always possible and for this reason they
trated by the observation that quality per- an effect which has been explained by the hold a second, lower level expectation,
ceptions can occur in the absence of actual assimilation-contrast theory. This theory adequate service, representing the ‘mini-
experience with an organisation:12 ‘I know combines elements of Festinger’s theory mum tolerable expectation’ or bottom
Dr X provides a high quality service, even of cognitive dissonance17 which holds level of acceptable performance. Finally,
though I have never been treated by him’ that when an individual receives two ideas predicted service is the level of service
whereas consumer satisfaction or dissatis- which are dissonant, he or she attempts to customers believe they are likely to get
faction can only arise following an actual reduce this mental discomfort by chang- and implies some objective calculation
experience with the organisation: ‘I cannot ing or distorting one or both of the ideas of the probability of performance.
tell you how satisfied I am with Dr X to make them more consonant. Discon- Zeithaml and Bitner argue that cus-
because I have never been treated by him’. firmation theory suggests that when per- tomers recognise that service perfor-
It is also important to stress that it is per- ceptions of attribute performance differ mance may vary and that the extent to
ceived quality that is important: only slightly from expectations, there is a which they recognise and are willing to
‘The notion of ‘objective’ performance is tendency for people to displace their per- accept this variation is called the zone of
an indefinable state in most cases. All ceptions toward their expectations — the tolerance.12 In theory predicted service
attribute performance will be judged by a assimilation effect. There comes a point could equate with either adequate or
service user in perceptual terms. Even either side of this range though where desired service but is most likely to fall
with an apparently objective measure, people can no longer effect displacement between the two and hence within the
such as waiting time, it is not so much the and instead they begin to exaggerate the zone of tolerance. The zone of tolerance
absolute time but the evaluation of it, as increasingly large variation between per- is seen as the range or window in which
being long/short, or acceptable/unaccept- ceptions and expectations — the contrast customers do not particularly notice
able, which will always be subjective, effect. A number of studies have also service performance. When perfor-
dependent on the evaluator’. 13 found that the effects of expectations mance falls outside the range (either
Disconfirmation theory proposes that, differ under different conditions, between very high or very low) the customer
all things being equal, the higher one’s consumer groups, across different prod- expresses satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
expectations, the less likely that service or uct categories (high against low con- Customer tolerance zones are thought
product performance can meet or exceed sumer-involvement products), and to vary for different service attributes
them, the result being reduced satisfac- between products and services.18–22 and the more important the factor, the
tion or even dissatisfaction; the higher the narrower the zone of tolerance is likely
perceived level of performance, the more Types of expectation to be.24 Figure 1 shows the tolerance
likely that expectations will be exceeded, In an attempt to explain more fully these zone concept and portrays the likely dif-
resulting in increased satisfaction. This differences and contradictions, researchers ference between the most important
has led some observers to recommend are taking a broader view of the term (eg service outcome — the result of the


patient management

service) and the least important factors

(eg service process — the way the service
is delivered).

Other influences
In addition to expectations, themes such
as equity and attribution have also been
proposed as determinants of consumer
satisfaction. Social equity theory is par-
ticularly relevant to satisfaction with ser-
Fig. 1 The zone of tolerance for different service dimensions
vices and asserts that individuals
compare their gains (the balance of what
they put in and what they get out) with other hand, are affective in nature (referring including the role of expectations as a
those of other consumers and with those to the process of emotion) and are charac- central component of the satisfaction
of the service provider.25 Satisfaction is terised by a general evaluation or feeling of process. Oliver, for example, examined
thought to exist when an individual per- favorableness or unfavourableness toward flu shots and found that positive discon-
ceives that the outcome-to-input rations the object. As far as satisfaction is con- firmation (ie perceived performance
are fair. Fisk and Young explored equity cerned, the expectation formation process, above that expected) increased con-
theory in the setting of an airline and the comparison of performance to expecta- sumer satisfaction, while negative dis-
found that inequitable waiting and pric- tions or desires, and judgments based on confirmation (ie perceived performance
ing (ie detrimental to the consumer) led equity and attribution are mostly conscious, below that expected) decreased con-
to consumer dissatisfaction.26 Perhaps overt activities and therefore primarily cog- sumer satisfaction.9 A growing number
not surprisingly positive inequity (ie nitive in nature. The role that affective of researchers, however, are of the opin-
beneficial to the consumer) was seen to responses, not under conscious control, play ion that patient satisfaction and con-
be fair or satisfactory by consumers. The in the satisfaction process is less well devel- sumer satisfaction are not one and the
concept of equity relates to the theory of oped. However, it is now accepted that a same thing, and that the marketing-
social comparison27 which spells out the variety of emotional responses, including oriented conceptual model does not eas-
way social comparisons influence the such affects as joy, excitement, pride, anger, ily fit, or is simply inappropriate for,
formation and evaluation of opinions — sadness and guilt do play a significant, many common medical scenarios. What
people ascertaining whether their opin- complimentary, role in determining satis- follows is a discussion of the reasons
ions and evaluations are correct by com- faction.30 Indeed satisfaction (or dissatis- why satisfaction with healthcare might
paring themselves with other people. faction) can be viewed as a positive (or be different.
Attribution theory, on the other hand, negative) affective response. Blending
comes into play when products or ser- these various theories results in the con- Healthcare studies
vices fail to meet consumer expectations ceptual model of consumer satisfaction The most commonly-cited reservation
and assumes that people search for shown in figure 2. concerns the role that expectations,
causes of events, such causes being either which are central to the consumer
buyer-related or seller-related. Buyer and Patient satisfaction — model, play in determining satisfaction
seller may infer different reasons for fail- the healthcare perspective with healthcare. The work of Linder-
ure so leading to conflict which results in In a seminal paper on the subject of Peltz33,34 on the interaction between
dissatisfaction.28 patient satisfaction Locker,31 noted that patient expectations and perceptions is
The marketing approach to conceptual- the preoccupation of most researchers at seen to be particularly influential in this
ising satisfaction draws heavily on the that time was with identifying socio- respect. Data concerning patients’
work of Fishbein and Ajzen into beliefs demographic correlates of satisfaction healthcare values, expectations and
and attitudes.29 Central to this approach is rather than developing a solid socio- sense of entitlement to care were col-
the notion that satisfaction arises out of an psychological theoretical understanding. lected from 125 first-time patients at a
interplay between cognitive and affective Since then a number of studies have primary care clinic, immediately before
processes. According to Fishbein and been conducted to find out more about seeing a physician. Post-visit satisfaction
Ajzen perceptions,29 including beliefs, are how patients evaluate the care they with a number of dimensions of care
cognitive in nature (referring to the process receive and to develop conceptual mod- was also recorded. Two findings from
of knowing or thinking) and represent the els of patient satisfaction. The majority this research suggest that disconfirma-
information an individual has about the of these models have been reviewed tion theory might not be an entirely
object in question while attitudes, on the extensively by Pascoe,32 with most appropriate model for the healthcare


patient management

effectiveness of the outcome — is not

easy to judge. The patient may never
know for sure whether the service was
performed correctly or even if it was
needed in the first place. For example,
Williams has observed that the greater the
perceived esoteric or technical nature of
treatment the more likely it is that many
service users will not believe in the legiti-
macy of holding their own expectations,
or of their evaluations.36 In addition, if a
service user is coming into contact with
the system for the first time then expecta-
tions, which for many have been formed
through past experience, might be wait-
ing formation. In both cases a patient
Fig. 2 A composite Cognition-Affect model of satisfaction as proposed by Oliver.30
Cognitive antecedents include expectations, performance, disconfirmation, attribution
might wish for the health professional to
and equity/inequity. Expectations and performance may exert a direct effect upon adopt a paternalistic role in the relation-
satisfaction or may be mediated indirectly through the process of disconfirmation. ship (‘doctor knows best’) while they
Affect, both positive and negative, is seen as another intermediary between both themselves remain a passive partner.
performance and attribution. Equity is postulated as a further distinct contributor to
satisfaction, unrelated to affect or other cognitive components
Donabedian sees quality of healthcare
as a trilogy comprising ‘structure,
process and outcome’.37 Zeithaml et
setting. The first is that, in spite of being doctor conduct implies that clinic staff — al.,35 however, argue that service users
the most important antecedent social- and particularly doctors themselves — can who cannot judge the technical quality
psychological variable, patient expecta- ensure the satisfaction (favourable rat- of the outcome effectively will base their
tions could only account for 8% of the ings) of their clients by engendering posi- quality judgements on structure and
variance in satisfaction and, together tive expectations. With regard to health process dimensions such as physical set-
with values and perceptions (of the ser- services research, this finding suggests that tings, the ability to solve problems, to
vice received), only 10% of the varia- knowledge of patients’ expectations can empathise, time-keeping, courtesy and
tion. This suggests that while there is tell a great deal about how they will later so on. Shaw concurs with this view in a
evidence that patient’s expectations and rate the visit.’ review of satisfaction studies of the
values are involved in evaluations they This is not to say that expressions of social services:38
do not appear to be related in any sim- satisfaction have little to do with the ‘Client evaluations are relative to con-
plistic fashion. According to this study qualities of the service provided or the text, to knowledge of services, to expecta-
there is little evidence to suggest that sat- care offered and clearly ‘engendering tions, to help received from other services, to
isfaction is largely the result of fulfilled positive expectations’ must not be con- perceptions of the ‘pleasantness’ of the social
expectations and values. fused with raising false hopes which worker. Unless such factors are taken into
Linder-Peltz’s second important find- deliberately mislead patients, neverthe- account, we can never be sure whether the
ing is that expectations have an effect on less the assumption that satisfaction is high rate of client satisfaction is related
satisfaction independent of other variables entirely the product of an evaluation per more to factors like knowledge or limited
(ie irrespective of their fulfilment) leading se may not apply in all situations. In this expectations, than the actual helpfulness of
the author to conclude that:34 regard Zeithaml et al.,35 have noted that the social service contact.’
‘...beliefs about doctor conduct prior to while consumers ultimately judge the The zone of tolerance concept seems to
an encounter play a significant role in quality of services on their perceptions of be particularly applicable to the health-
determining subsequent evaluations of the the technical outcome provided and how care setting and could explain the find-
doctor conduct, irrespective of what (s)he that outcome was delivered (process ings of a study looking at the effect of
actually did or was perceived to have done. quality), many professional services are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ surprises on satisfaction
It suggests that patients are likely to highly complex and a clear outcome is levels.39 The study was particularly con-
express satisfaction no matter what care not always evident. This is certainly true cerned with the effect of social norms
the doctor gives, at least in the setting of the of many healthcare scenarios where the which the user might only become con-
present study. Practically, the independent technical quality of the service— the scious of when transgressed; ‘good sur-
effect of expectations on satisfaction with actual competence of the provider or prises’ being defined as care going well


patient management

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