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Creativity is the lifeblood of successful entrepreneurs.

It breeds new ideas, fosters new relationships and,

day by day, changes the world. However, in an era of constant stimulation, it's easy to get stuck in a
creative rut.

Extracurricular activities as science fairs always encourage students to pursue knowledge as the learners
engage in learning outside the classroom as a key, integrated element of their experience.

Imagination is the key. Everyone is a scientist, however a scientist is always driven by his/ her
unquenchable thirst for knowledge,” shared Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Khan.

The goal of the science fair is to excite kids about science. Ithan’s science fair is a great opportunity for
families to have fun learning science together. We encourage siblings and friends to work together on a
single project. Please do not be intimidated, often the simplest ideas make the best projects.

Today, embarking on the theme "Imbibing

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