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Prezentul simplu. Present tense simple.

Folosim acest timp pentru a exprima:

O acţiune generală, repetabilă: I read daily.

Adevăruri general valabile: The Earth spins around

O acţiune regulată, obişnuită, în perioada prezentă: what do you do? I am a student.; What time do you
usually have breakfast?

Acţiuni viitoare, planificate ca urmare a unui program oficial sau prestabilit: The plane takes off at 7:35.

Conjugare. Ex. – to work.

Afirmativ. (A) I work, you work, he/she/ it works, we work, you work, they work.

Negativ ( N) I do not ( don’t) work, you do not ( don’t) work, he/she/it does not ( doesn’t) work, we do
not ( don’t) work, you do not ( don’t) work, they do not ( don’t) work.

Interogativ (I)Do I work?, do you work? Does he/she/it work ? do we work?, do you work? Do they work?

Cu Present Simple Tense folosim adverbe cum ar fi : always, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, on
Saturdays ( or on ***days), rarely, never, every day, etc.

Past Tense Simple

PTS arata o actiune trecuta, terminate, efectuata intr-o perioada de timp trecuta, terminate. Este timpul
naratiunii. Se traduce, de obicei, cu perfectul compus din limba romana.

Ex. Yesterday I went for a walk – ieri am mers la plimbare.

Last year I traveled to England. Anul trecut am calatorit in Anglia.


(A) I/he/she/it/we/they worked

(N) I/you/he/she/it/we/they/ did not work.

(I) Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they work?

Forma prescurtata a lui did not este didn’t. I didn’t work.

Verbele limbii engleze sunt regulate sau neregulate.

In cazul celor regulate PTS se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei ed. To work -> worked.
Daca verbul este neregulat PTS trebuie invatat din tabelul de verbe neregulate care indica cele trei
forme de baza ale verbului: forma I –infinitiv, forma II-a – Past Tense, forma a III-a- participial trecut.

Ex : to speak, spoked, spoken. I spoked with him about you. Am vorbit cu el despre tine.

To do, did, done. – I didn’t see the play last year

La go > ai go, went, gone…He went on holiday in August. A mers in vacant in august.

Cele mai folosite adverbe pentru PTS sunt: yesterday, last (month, year, week), ago ( two days ago, two
months ago, two years ago ), on…., in…. ( on Monday, in 1987 )

Future Tense Simple – Timpul viitor simplu

Viitorul simplu, FTS, exprima un eveniment, o actiune care are loc intr-un moment viitor, apropiat de
momentul vorbirii.

Ex. I will visit him tomorrow. Il voi vizita maine sau O s ail vizitez maine.

We shall overcome. Vom invinge. In engleza moderna forma shall este foarte putin utilizata.

In engleza vorbita si scrisa se foloseste prescurtarea lui will, sub forma ‘ll.

You’ll spend the holiday in the mountains. Voi veti petrece vacanta la munte.

Forma negativa se formeaza cu will not sau cu won’t in fata verbului principal la prezent.

I will not ( won’t) drink wine. Nu voi bea vin.


(A) I/you/he/she/it/we/they will work.

(N) I/you/he/she/it/we/they will not work.

(I) will I/you/she/it/we/they work?

Adverbele cele mai utilizate pentru a exprima o actiune cu FTS sunt: tomorrow, next ( month, year).

I’ll finish this report tomorrow – voi termina acest raport maine,

Will he come next week? – va veni el saptamana viitoare?

Present Perfect – Prezentul perfect.

Se compune cu auxiliarul have, cu formele lui de conjugare, plus Past Tense Simple al verbului de baza
sau forma a doua a verbului de baza, daca este neregulat.

I have lived – eu am locuit,

I have been – eu am fost,

I have gone – eu am mers

I have had – eu am avut,

She has been – ea a fost, she has gone – ea a mers, she has not gone-hasn’t gone – ea nu a mers,

She has taught – ea a predate, they have lived – ei au locuit, they have been- ei au fost, I have enjoyed-
mi-a placut.

PP exprima o stare care a inceput in trecut si care inca se continua. We’ve been friends for a long time-
Suntem prieteni de mult timp.

Exprima o stare terminata in trecut, pentru care momentul cand a avut loc nu prezinta interes, accentul
este pus pe experienta in sine traita prin actiunea respective.

Ex. I’ve never been to China/ N-am fost niciodata in China.

Exprima o actiune trecuta al carei rezultat este vizibil in prezent.

He’s broken his arm – Si-a rupt bratul.


(A) I/you/we/they have worked

(N) I/you/we/they have not worked ( haven’t work)

He/she/it has not worked (hasn’t worked)

(I) Have I/you/we//they worked?

Has he/she/it worked?

Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Perfect Simplu:

Already – He has already finished his classes , a terminat déjà orele,

Just - Tom has just spoken on the phone with Mary. Tom tocmai a vorbit la telefon cu Maria.

Yet- They haven’t written the exercise yet. Ei nu au scris exercitiul inca.

Never- I have never heard such a thing. Nu am mai auzit niciodata un astfel de lucru.
Ever- have you ever read this news? Ai citit vreodata stirea aceasta?

Often – I have often traveled by car to the countryside. Am calatorit adesea cu masina la tara.

Ever and before. Have you ever heard this song before? Ai mai auzit vreodata cantecul acesta?

For – I’ve had my own car for four years. Am avut propria mea masina timp de patru ani.

Since- She has been ill since yesterday. Este bolnava de ieri.

Up to now – I haven’t had any Math problems up to now. Nu am mai avut probleme la matematica pana

So far- So far, he hasn’t complain about his wage. Pana acum nu s-a plans de salariul sau.

Until now- Until now, I haven’t heard about this English singer. Pana acum nu am mai auzit de acest
cantaret englez.

Past Perfect Simple

Asta corespunde timpului mai mult ca perfect in limba romana.

Exprima o actiune anterioara altei actiuni din trecut sau anterioara unui moment din trecut.

Se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have ( had/has) plus forma a doua a verbelor sau forma la past tense simple

She has taught – ea predase ( engleza)

They had lived – ei locuisera,

They had been – ei fusesera.

I had enjoyed – imi placuse.

The little boy said that he had seen a fairy in the garden. Baietelul a spus ca vazuse o zana in gradina.

Mai exprima o dorinta nerealizata

I wish/wished I hadn’t miss the flight. Imi doresc sa nu fi pierdut avionul (zborul cu…)

Exprima o actiune anterioara altei actiuni.

Tom said that he would go to France after he had learned French a little bit. Tom a spus ca s-ar duce in
Franta dupa ce va fi invatat putina franceza.


(A) I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they had worked

(N) I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they hadn’t worked.

(I) had I/yoy/he/she/it/we/you/they worked?

Expresii cu care se foloseste PPS

Before- You had studied English before you moved to New York – studiasei engleza inainte sa te muti la

Never- I had never seen such a beautiful girl before I met Mary- nu vazusem niciodata o fata asa de
frumoasa pana nu am intalnit pe Mary.

Ever- Had Susan ever studied Chinese before she moved to China? Studiase Susan vreodata chineza pana
sa se mute in China?

Present Tense Continuous

-primesc terminatia ing

Exprima o actiune desfasurata care are loc in momentul vorbirii fara a se fi incheiat

I am writing now. Eu scriu acum. I’m studying English in this moment.

Exprima o actiune temporara care are loc in prezent ca o exceptie de la regula

I usually wake up early but today I am waking up late. De obicei ma trezesc devreme dar azi ma trezesc

Exprima o actiune obisnuita care enerveaza.

She is always telling lies. Ea minte intotdeauna.


(A) I am working, // you/we/you/they are working/// he/she/it is working.

(N) I am not working// you/we/you/they are not working (aren’t)// he/she/it is not working (isn’t)

(I) Am I working? Are you/we/you/they working? Is he/she/it working?

Cele mai des utilizate adverbe cu prezentul continuu sunt

Now- She is sending emails right now to all her friends. Ea trimite e-mailuri acum tututor prietenilor sai.

In this moment- We are not working in this moment, we are on strike. Nu lucram in acest moment,
suntem in greva.
Always – She’s always coming in when we talk something important. Ea intotdeauna intra in camera chiar
atunci cand vorbim ceva important.

Past Tense Continuous

Este echivalentul imperfectului, in limba romana. Se formeaza cu auxiliarul was/were plus verbul
principal care primeste terminatia ing ( I was living in Rome, eu locuiam in Roma)

Se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune care inca se continua la momentul la care facem referinta, dar
care s-a desfasurat intr-un moment bine definit in trecut.

While she was watching Tv yesterday, her friend came to see her. Pe cand se uita la televizor, ieri,
prietenul ei a venit sa o vada.


(A) I was working/ you/we/you/they were working/ he/she/it was working

(N) I was not working/ you/we/you/they were not working/ he/she/it was not working.

(I) was I working? / were you/we/you/they working? Was he/she/ it working?

Expresii utilizate des cu PTC

At **time yesterday – At seven o ‘ clock yesterday morning I was in the bathroom. La ora sapte ieri
dimineata eram in baie.

This time last week- This time last week you were reading the magazine- pe vremea aceasta saptamana
trecuta tu citeai revista.

This time last ***(year, month, day, etc) This time last year I was swimming in the ocean. Pe vremea asta
anul trecut inotam in ocean.

Future Continuous

Se formeaza cu will be/ will not be si forma continua a verbului la prezent. I will be working. Se mai
foloseste expresia shall be , shall not be, mai rar, pentru pers I-a singular si plural.


(A) I/we shall/will be working// you/he/she/it/they will be working

(N) I/we shall/ will not be working // you/he/she/it/they will not be working.

(I) Shall/will I be working? Will you/he/she/it/they be working?

Exprima o actiune in desfasurare in viitor, posterior momentului vorbirii.

I shall/will be walking at two o’ clock tomorrow

Eu ma voi plimba la ora doua maine

/at this time next week

in aceste momente, saptamana viitoare.

Exprima o actiune in desfasurare , intrerupta de o actiune momentana

When he comes , I will be eating. Cand va veni eu tocmai voi servi masa ( voi manca)

Exprima o actiune in desfasurare in viitor in paralel cu o alta actiune de asemenea in desfasurare, tot in

She will be walking while I am sleeping. Ea se va plimba in timp ce eu voi dormi.

Adverbe des utilizate sunt

When – I will be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight. O voi astepta cand avionul ei va ateriza
asta seara

While – I will be watching Tv while she’ll be coocking, eu ma voi uita la tv cata vreme ea va gati

Next week, month, year *etc – Next week I will be in London and I ‘ll write you a letter. Saptamana
viitoare voi fi in Londra si o sa iti scriu o scrisoare.

Present Perfect Continuous

Se formeaza cu auxiliarul have/has plus forma a treia a verbului a fi – been plus forma continua a
verbului principal. I have been living with my husband at the countryside for 5 years. Traiesc la tara cu
sotul meu , de cinci ani de zile.

Exprima o actiune care s-a desfasurat pana acum si va continua probabil si in viitor

I have been working in the garden all day long – Am muncit in gradina toata ziua.

They have been playing tennis for half an hour – Ei joaca tenis de jumatate de ora.

Exprima o actiune repetata frecvent, intr-o perioada de timp care se intinde din trecut pana in prezent.

She has been writing poems since she was a child. Ea scrie poezii de cand era copila.

Exprima o actiune trecuta, incheiata recent, care este cauza unui efect simtit in prezent.

My hands are dirty because I’ve been repairing my bike. Imi sunt mainile murdare pentru ca mi-am
reparat bicicleta.

(A) I/you/we/they have been working. // he/she/it has been working.

(N) I /you/we/they have not been working ( haven’t been)/ he/she/it has not been working (hasn’t

(I) Have I/you/we/they been working? Has he/she/it been working?

Past Perfect Continuous – Trecutul Perfect Continuu

Se formeaza c u auxiliarul had/has plus participiul verbului a fi – been plus forma prezent continuu a
verbului principal. Ex . I had been living at the countryside/in a lie. Eu locuisem la tara/traisem intr-o

Past Perfect Continuous exprima o actiune in curs pana la un moment dat din trecut, cand a fost
oprita de o alta actiune ale carei urmari continua si astazi.

They had been working on the new house before the fire destroyed it. Ei lucrasera la casa cea noua
inainte ca focul sa o fi distrus.


(A) i/you/he/she/it/we/you/they/ had been working.

(N) I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they hadn’t been working ( had not been working),

(I) Had I/you/he/she/it/we/you/we/they been working?

Se foloseste adesea cu expresii gen ‘for five minutes’, ‘ for two weeks’, etc.

You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived. N-o asteptasei de mai
mult de doua ore cand ea a ajuns in final.

Future Perfect Continuous

Ia forma will plus auxiliarul have plus participiul been plus verbul principal.

I will have been living – eu voi fi locuit….la tara


(A) I /you/he/she/it/we/ they will have been working

(N) I/you he/she/it/ we/ they will not have been working
(I) will I/you/he/she/it/we/they have been working?

Este un timp care se foloseste rar in vorbire, fiind o forma caracteristica mai mult limbii scrise si pune mai
mult accentual pe perioada lunga de timp decat pe ideea de viitor continuu. Se traduce tot prin “voi fi
lucrat” si ca toate formele de timpuri continue implica o actiune in derulare.

By 2010 he will have been working for 40 years. In anul 2010 el va fi lucrat de 40 de ani.

Cel mai des utilizat adverb cu forma asta este for.

By six o’ clock pm, she will have been selling blouses for eight hours. Pana la ora sase seara ea va fi
vandut bluze timp de opt ore.

Morfologia – Verbul – Diateza

Diateza activa – verbul este la diateza active cand subiectul grammatical savarseste actiunea, care se
rasfrange asupra subiectului ( in cazul verbelor transitive).

Ex. Lucy has written a letter. Lucy a scris o scrisoare.

Diateza pasiva – verbul este la diateza pasiva cand subiectul gramatical sufera efectul actiunii savarsite de

Ex. This letter has been written by Lucy. Aceasta scrioare a fost scrisa de Lucia.

Diateza pasiva se remarca prin: utilizarea verbului be sau get, complementul de agent introdus
prin prepozitia by. Ex. She was met at the station by my brother. A fost asteptata la gara de
fratele meu.

Conjugarea unui verb la diateza pasiva.

Aspectul simplu ( to see/seen)

Present simple. I am seen/ he is seen/ we are seen/

Past simple. I was seen/ we were seen.

Present perfect. I have been seen/ he has been seen.

Past perfect. I had been seen.

Future. I shall be seen. We will be seen.

Future Perfect. I shall have been seen. He will have been seen. ( eu voi fi vazut*de altii*, el va fi
vazut **).

1.Pune urmatoarele propozitii la diateza pasiva, transformand complementul persoanei in


Exemplu. The guide is showing them the museum.

They are being shown the museum by the guide.


They have appointed him president.

She has given me a good dictionary.

They will tell you what time the bus leaves.

I’ll pay the carpenter for his work.

He promised them new bicycles.

2.Tradu in engleza folosind verbe la diateza pasiva.

Ex. Aceasta problema trebuie analizata. This problem must be looked into.


Nu s-a dormit in acest pat.

Copiii au fost bine ingrijiti.

Cainele a fost calcat de un autobus.

Vor rade de tine daca vei purta pantalonii astia.

Persoana si Numarul

In engleza, verbul are foarte putini indicatori formali care sa marcheze persoana si numarul.
Singura desinenta specifica este : -s/es pentru persoana a III-a singular, indicative prezent.

I play, you play, he plays, she plays, we play, you play, they play.

I wash, you wash, he washes, she washes, we wash, you wash, they wash.


pune pronumele personal correct.

Ex: ……….. often reads books ( Lisa).> She often reads books.
………..is dreaming ( George)

………...is green. ( the blackboard )

………are on the wall ( the posters)

………..is running ( the cat)

…….are watching TV ( my Mom and I)

………..are in the garden ( the flowers)

…….is riding his horse ( Marc)

MODUL – The Mood

1.Modul Indicativ ( The Indicative Mood)

MI prezinta actiunea, starea, etc, exprimata de verb ca reala, indeplinita chiar.

Ex. He returned the book to the library after he had read it. A inapoiat cartea la biblioteca dupa
ce a citit-o.

I can return the book now. I have read it. Pot sa inapoiez cartea acum. Am citit-o.

He will return the book to the library next Monday. He will have read it by then. Va inapoia
cartea la biblioteca lunea viitoare. O va fi citit pana atunci.

2.Modul Subjonctiv. ( The Subjunctive Mood)

Subjonctivul prezinta actiunea ca posibila, cand actiunea este proiectata in viitor, sau ireala,
cand actiunea trebuia sa aibe loc in trecut.

a. Subjonctivul Prezent

exprima o actiune considerate posibila, deci nu contrara realitatii.

Ex. It is necessary that he be here. Este necesar ca el sa fie aici.

- come in time. Este necesar ca el sa vina la timp.

b.Subjonctivul Trecut.

Coincide ca forma cu Past Tense Simple.

Ex. I wish he/they told the truth. As dori ca el/ei sa spuna adevarul.
Observatie . verbul be are forma unica pentru toate persoanele: were.

I wish he/they were here.

c.Subjonctivul analitic.

Exprima o actiune posibila, presupusa, pentru a sublinia ideea de actiune si nu actiunea propriu-
zisa sau indeplinirea ei, care sunt redate cu indicativul.

Exemplu. The idea is that sport facilities should be improved ( subjonctiv)

The fact is that sport facilities will be improved ( indicativ )



1.It is very important that all employees ……………………. in their proper uniforms before
6.30 a.m.

a. are dressed, b. will be dressed, c. be dressed

2.I wish my sister ………………. here. a.were, b. was

3.Mary hoped that the meeting……………………. . a. was adjourned, b. be adjourned.

4.Her employees treated Mrs. Smith as though she ……………… a queen.

a.were, b. was.

5.I wish I………..better today. a.feel, b.felt.

3.INFINITIVUL – The Infinitive

To+verb= infinitive.

Infinitivul are doua forme: infinitivul lung ( The Long Infinitive), marcat de particula to si
infinitivul scurt ( The Short Infinitive) , fara particula to.

Acesta se foloseste de obicei dupa verbe de perceptie: hear, see, watch, notice, observe, perceive,
sau dupa have, let, make.

Ex. To err is human. A gresi este omeneste

I made her work harder. Am facut-o sa munceasca mai mult.

4. GERUNZIUL – The Gerund

Gerunziul, are terminatia –ing, fiind un substantive format dintr-un verb la care se adauga
terminatia –ing.

I adore reading your books. Aici reading este substantive cu functia de complement.

I detest going to supermarkets. I quit smoking.

a.Gerunziul are categoriile gramaticale de timp si diateza.

*Diateza activa

Gerunziu: I enjoy learning English. Traducerea mot-a-mot ar fi ‘imi place invatarea englezei’, in
traducere libera- imi place sa invat engleza.

Gerunziu Perfect ( Perfect Gerund): He denies having taken the books. Neaga ca a luat cartile.

*Diateza pasiva

Gerunziu ( Gerund): He can’t stand being interrupted. Nu suporta sa fie interupt.

Gerunziu Perfect: He denies having been invited. Neaga ca ar fi fost invitat.

b.Gerunziul are si caracteristici substantivale

Ex. The sound of a loud knocking at the door interrupted us.

* her coming in interrupted us

* a baby’s crying interrupted us.

ExercitU. Pune verbul la gerunziu sau infinitivul lung

Ex. They go on read the book =They go on reading the book.

I can’t imagine Peter go by bike

He agreed buy a new washing machine

The question is easy answer

The man asked me how get to the railway station

I look forward to see you at the weekend

Are you thinking of visit Paris?

We decided run through the dark forest

The teacher expected Sarah study hard

She doesn’t mind work the night shift

I learned ride the bike at the age of 3.

5.PARTICIPIUL TRECUT – Past Participle

Este forma nepersonala a verbului care denumeste actiunea ca rezultat. Se formeaza de la

infinitive + ed, in cazul verbelor regulate si forma a III-a in cazul verbelor neregulate.

He is an aged man. He is a learned man. He is a drunken man.

Ca sa ne lamurim cu ‘learn’

Conjugation of 'To Learn'

Base Form: Learn

Past Simple: Learnt/Learned
Past Participle: Learnt/Learned
3rd Person Singular: Learns
Present Participle/Gerund: Learning

ExercitU. Pune forma la participiu trecut a verbului

The (lose) son

An (interest) audience

A (break) leg

An (empty) bottle

A (close) door

A ( decorate) room

Two ( pack) bags

The (write) letters

The (sell) car

The (buy) apples



-sunt golite de sens lexical: I shall leave after he comes. Voi pleca dupa ce vine el.

-inlocuiesc verbele notionale in raspunsuri scurte si intrebari disjunctive:

Do you like this book? Yes, I do

He has written a good composition, hasn’t he?

-apar adesea sub forme reduse:

I’ve got a book – I have got a book.

I haven’t got a book – I have not got a book.

He’s come – He has come

He’s here – He is here.

Verbele auxiliare sunt:

1. be/was/were/been
2. have/had/had
3. shall/should
4. will/would
5. may/might
6. let
7. do/does


1.Infinitive: be reading

Present: He is reading

Past: he was reading

Future: he will be reading

Conditional: he would be reading

Infinitive Perfect: Have been reading

Present Perfect : He has been reading

Past Perfect: he had been reading

Future Perfect: He will have been reading

Conditional Perfect: He would have been reading.

2.Perfect Infinitive: have read

Perfect Gerund: having read

Present Perfect : he has read

Past Perfect: he had read

Future Perfect: He will have read

Conditional Perfect: He would have read.

3.Future: I shall give

Future Perfect: I shall have given

Conditional: I should give

Conditional Perfect : I should have given

4.Future: I will give

Future Perfect: I will have given

Conditional: I would give

Conditional Perfect: I would have given

5.Hurry up, so that we may arrive in time- grabeste-te ca sa putem ajunge la timp

They hurried so that we might arrive in time – ei s-au grabit pentru ca noi sa putem ajunge la

6.Let me think – lasa-ma sa ma gandesc.

7. Do you live in this town? Locuiesti in acest oras?

Does he work here? lucreaza aici?

Did he attend this school? A urmat aceasta scoala?

I don’t like it. Nu imi place (asta, acesta,aceasta)

ExercitU pune auxiliarul potrivit

What ……………you done?

I……………………..not like this song

……………..she know that you are here?

The lesson……………………not started yet

…………….you drink milk?

Who…………..eaten my biscuits?

It………….not matter

They……………..not want to play outside

We………………not seen you for a long time

My friend……………………sent me some photos

The train……………just arrived

……………….you understand?

They………………been learning English for two years

…………………you heard that?

My uncle…………..not eat fish

I……………not leave here

………………..anybody rung up for me?

She…………….not play the piano

How……………….we get there?

Where…………….he live?


Verbele can, may, must, ought to, shall, will si partial need si dare formeaza grupul de verbe
modale. Aceste verbe nu formeaza infinitivul cu particula ‘to’

Can - a putea, cu sensul de a fi in stare. In vorbirea curenta, indeosebi in intrebari se foloseste in

locul lui may . ( a nu se confunda cu substantivul can, conserva, totodata exista si verbul to can
– a face (pune la ) conserva.

May – a putea, cu sensul de a avea voie. Se mai foloseste si in urari, cu sensul de ‘sa fie’. A nu se
confunda cu numele lunii mai, care este substantiv propriu.

Must – a trebui, a fi necesar. Rareori, in functie de context, poate fi tradus si cu sensul de

‘probabil ca’, ‘trebuie ca’. ( I guess it must have been following us for several hours – banuiesc
ca probabil ne urmarea de cateva ore/ trebuie sa ne fi urmarit de cateva ore)

Ought to – ar trebui, ar fi cazul.

Shall – este o intarire a unui ordin, daca este spus apasat. Altfel, formeaza viitorul persoanei I-a,
dar, adeseori in acest caz este inlocuit cu ‘will’.

Will – formeaza viitorul, particular ‘voi’, in romaneste- I will come, voi veni. Se foloseste la
formarea diferitelor tipuri de timp viitor. Ca substantiv inseamna si ‘testament’ si ‘vointa’.

Need- a trebui, in sensul de a avea nevoie. You need to have a bath – ai nevoie sa faci o baie.

Dare – a indrazni, a provoca pe cineva. I dare you to cross this line – te provoc sa treci de linia


I know I can – stiu ca pot.

May I have this dance? Pot ( in sensul de a-mi acorda) sa am acest dans/ imi acordati acest dans?

May the Force be with you – Forta fie cu tine! 

If you must, you must – daca trebuie, trebuie ( daca e musai e musai, spune olteanu’ )

I must be dreaming – Trebuie ca visez/Probabil ca visez.

You ought to stop smoking – Ar fi cazul/ar trebui/ e necesar sa te lasi de fumat.

You shall not kill – Sa nu omori.

I will survive – Voi supravietui

Need I go on? E nevoie sa continui?

How dare you talk like this? Cum indraznesti sa vorbesti asa?

Caracteristici generale ale verbelor modale

-nu accepta particular ‘to’ pentru infinitive, nu au participiu si nici forma cu ‘-ing’. Astfel ca nici
nu au multe timpuri. De remarcat ca verbul care urmeaza unui verb modal nu are ‘to’ in fata

Ex. I must eat, trebuie sa mananc ( nu I must ‘to’ eat)

-forma negativa nu cere ‘do’. In cazul celorlalte verbe se pune ‘do not’ sau ‘does not’ ori formele
lor prescurtate pentru negatie.

Exemplu. I eat meat. Mananc carne. Daca folosim verbul do, care nu este modal se spune

I do not ( don’t) eat meat. Eu nu mananc carne.

Daca folosim un verb modal nu mai punem ‘do’. I can not ( can’t) eat meat. Eu nu pot sa
mananc carne.

-forma interogativa nu cere ‘do’

Do you eat meat? Mananci carne?

Can you eat meat? Poti sa mananci carne?

Must you eat meat? Trebuie sa mananci carne?

-aceste verbe nu se schimba dupa persoana, persoana a III-a singular nu primeste ‘-s’ la final:

I can/you can/, he/she can, etc…

-aceste verbe se pot contracta cu particular ‘not’ din propozitiile negative: can’t = can not,

mustn’t = must not, won’t = will not, aceste trei verbe folosesc cel mai mult aceasta regula,
comparative cu celelalte, ex need not= needn’t.

-pentru formarea celebrului ‘nu-i asa?’ din engleza e necesara folosirea acestor verbe. Forma
acestei expresii depinde de verbul modal folosit in prima parte a intrebarii. I can go, can’t I?

Pot sa ma duc, nu-I asa?, he will go, won’t he? Va merge, nu-I asa?

CAN/COULD exprima

-capacitatea fizica sau intelectuala.

He can speak three foreign languages. El stie trei limbi straine/poate vorbi
She could run faster than you last year. Ea putea sa alerge mai repede decat tine, anul trecut.

Viitor : I’ll be able to skate next year

Conditional : would you be able to manage by yourself if it was necessary? / Could you manage
by yourself if it was necessary? Te-ai putea descurca singur daca ar fi nevoie?

De remarcat ca diferenta de sens dintre ‘could’ si ‘was/were able to’ se pierde la negative cu
verbe de perceptie:

I couldn’t swim yesterday as the weather was very bad.

I wasn’t able to swim yesterday as th weather was very bad

I couldn’t see him in the dark

I wasn’t able to see him in the dark.

-exprima permisiunea

Can I borrow your pen? Of course you can

-exprima permisiunea in trecut.

On Sundays we could stay in bed until ten o’clock. Duminica puteam (aveam voie) sa stam in pat
pana la ora 10.

In acest sens can/could poate fi inlocuit cu ‘be allowed to, be permitted to’: On Sundays we
were allowed to stay in bed until ten o’clock.

ExercitU Pune verbul modal potrivit in situatiile urmatoare.

Ex. Mike’s flight from Paris took more than 7 hours. He….(must be)….quite exhausted after
such a long flight.

The books are optional. My teacher said we………………..read them if we needed extra credit.
But we………………..read them if we don’t want to.

Daniel……………..hear a word because the crowd was cheering so loudly.

The refrigerator isn’t working. It………………………damaged during the move.

Q.Mike: …………….you hold your breath for more than a minute?

A. Jack: No, ………………….

You ……………………be rich and famous. Some of the most successful people I know haven’t
got a penny.

-Este folosit pentru a cere (a) sau a acorda ( b) permisiunea ( in mod mai oficial decat verbul

a.May I go? Pot sa merg?

b.You may go. Poti sa mergi/pleci.

-Exprima o cerere, o rugaminte politicoasa ( may este mai politicos si oficial decat can/could):

May I use your phone? Imi permiteti sa folosesc telefonul?

-Exprima o posibilitate prezenta sau viitoare

He may come today. (El) ar putea veni azi.

*MIGHT este folosit in cereri insistente sau atunci cand vorbitorul este iritat de neindeplinirea
unei actiuni.

You might give me an answer! Ai putea ( in sens iritat, peiorativ, dar reclamativ) sa imi dai un



Must se foloseste pentru a exprima:

1.obligatia. they must stop because the traffic light is red now. Ei trebuie sa opreasca pentru ca
semaforul are culoare rosie acum.

Must, cand exprima obligatia poate fi inlocuit cu ‘have to’ sau ‘(I)‘ve got to’

2.deductia logica: She must be at home. She left two hours ago. Ea trebuie sa fie acasa. Ea a
plecat acum doua ore.


Intre MUST si HAVE TO exista urmatoarele diferente de sens:

a.must exprima o obligatie impusa de catre vorbitor, pe cand have to exprima o obligatie impusa
din exterior.

I must go . Trebuie sa plec ( e decizia mea)

We have to go, because the shop is closing. Trebuie sa plecam, pentru ca magazinul se inchide.
b.must exprima o obligatie importanta,urgenta.

I must be at the hospital at two. It’s most important. Trebuie sa fiu la spital la ora doua. Este
foarte important.

Have to – exprima o obligatie obisnuita, repetata ( habitual obligation)

I have to be at the hospital at seven o’clock every morning. I begin work at seven. Trebuie sa fiu
la spital la ora sapte in fiecare dimineata. Incep munca la sapte.

Prezent: you must stay home for a few days. You’ve got the flu.trebuie sa stai acasa pentru cateva
zile. Ai facut gripa.

You have to stay home when you have the flu. Trebuie sa stai acasa cand ai gripa.

Past Tense: He had to stay home last week. He was quite ill. A trebuit sa stea acasa saptamana
trecuta. A fost chiar destul de bolnav.

Viitor: you must stay home tomorrow if you don’t feel better. Trebuie ( va trebui) sa stai acasa
maine daca nu te simti mai bine.

You’ll have to stay home when you feel feverish again. Va trebui sa stai acasa daca vei
simti ca te apuca febra din nou.


In vorbirea familiar se adauga ‘got’ la ‘have to’,iar ‘have’ se contrage obtinandu-se:

I’ve got/ I haven’t got to phone her. Am apucat /n-am apucat sa o sun ( uneori cu sensul de a
exprima necesitatea – I’ve got to go / trebuie sa plec )


-folosit pentru a exprima lipsa obligativitatii:

You needn’t come to work early=You don’t have to come early at work ( nu era nevoie sa vii
devreme la munca)


-shall este folosit pentru a exprima o obligatie in stil si mod oficial ( acte, regulamente, etc, la
persoana a II-a si a III-a )

The employer shall supply the necessary documents in due time.

Angajatorul va furniza documentele necesare in timp util. ( este obligatia lui)

-este folosit in propozitii interrogative, la persoana I singular sau plural:

a. pentru a cere un sfat, o sugestie, un ordin:

where shall we put the flowers? Unde sa punem florile?

Shall we go to the cinema tonight? ( ce spui) sa mergem la cinema diseara?

What shall we do? Ce trebuie sa facem?

b.pentru a face o oferta: shall I help you? Sa te ajut?

-should este folosit pentru a exprima:

a.obligatia, necesitatea logica de infaptuire a unei actiuni, de obicei sub forma de sfat de catre

the novel is very interesting. You should read it. Romanul este foarte interesant. Ar trebui sa il

He shouldn’t tell lies. N-ar trebui sa minta.

b.o presupunere: he should be there now. Ar trebui sa fi ajuns acolo deja.


-la fel ca si should, ought to exprima obligatia sau datoria, de obicei sub forma unui sfat dat de
care vorbitor.

You ought to start packing before 12 o’clock to make the check out. Ar trebui sa incepi sa
impachetezi inainte de ora 12 ca sa te poti prezenta la aeroport.


-exprima o comanda: You will do that immediately! Vei face asta imediat!

-exprima insistenta, perseverenta,determinarea: He will work as a doctor, no matter what! El va

lucra ca doctor, indifferent ce!

-exprima o invitatie: Will you have another slice of pizza? Mai servesti o felie de pizza ?

-exprima o cerere, o rugaminte: Will you sign the papers, please? O sa semnezi actele, te rog?

-exprima o rugaminte foarte politicoasa, cu forma ‘would’ : Would you make me a favor? Ai
putea sa imi faci o favoare?

-exprima insistent, hotararea de a efectua ceva, in trecut:

He would continue writing for hours,no matter what I said. El continua sa scrie, cu orele,
indiferent ce spuneam eu. * continua este la trecut, fara ă la final.
-exprima probabilitatea: That would be his pen. Acela ar fi stiloul sau ( probabil)


-exprima o actiune repetata, un obicei trecut care nu mai este repetat in present

I used to call him when I was a student, I don’t do that anymore.

Obisnuiam sa il sun cand eram student, nu mai fac asta acum.

-exprima o actiune repetata, un obicei trecut care este inca repetat in present:

They used to go there every year and it is likely to find them there, too.

Obisnuiau sa mearga acolo in fiecare an si este posibil sa ii gasesti acolo si acum.


Este folosit pentru a exprima:

-o comanda sau instructiuni intr-un mod impersonal:

He is to stay in the building till midnight.

Trebuie/ va sta/ urmeaza sa stea in cladire pana la miezul noptii.

-o actiune planificata: The meeting is to start at 7:30. Intalnirea urmeaza sa inceapa la ora 7:30.

Mai exact: este [programata] sa inceapa


Este folosit cu sensul de a indrazni, a avea curajul, mai ales in propozitii interrogative:

How dare you say that? Cum indraznesti sa spui asta?


Pune must sau have to, la formele potrivite de afirmativ sau negativ.

1.I …………….be at the meeting at 10:00. I will probably have to take a taxi if I want to be on
2.You……………….submit the application if it has not been completely filled out. If the form is
not complete, you will be rejected and you…………….reapply at a later date.

3.Tina: Look at these flowers – they’re beautiful! But there’s no card. Who could have sent

Stephanie: It ………………….David. He’s the only one who would send you flowers, you

4.You…………………forget to pay the rent. Mr. Daniel is very strict about paying on time.

5. You…………………..be like this! Why don’t you try saying “please” once in a while?

Alege varianta corecta de raspuns:

1.We……………………..go to the party. We’re going to a wedding.

a.won’t be able to, b. will can’t, c. couldn’t, d. want be able to.

2.He…………….pass the exam if he studied harder.

a. can, b. will be able to, c. would be able to

3.I……………………..remember his name.

a. I’m not able to, b. can’t, c. wishing to

4. They………………………go. The weather was too bad.

a. weren’t able to, b. can’t, c. couldn’t.


Definitie Substantivul:

a.denumeste obiecte in sens foarte larg, adica finite, lucruri, fenomene ( woman, rain, desk,

b.are categorii gramaticale de gen, numar si caz

c.poate indeplini in propozitie functiile de subiect, nume predicativ, atribut, apozitie,

complement, element predicative suplimentar, ori poate fi echivalentul unei propozitii sau fraze.

a.substantive simple: boy, meal, day

b.substantive formate prin derivare cu sufixe sau prefixe: childhood, disgust, unhappiness

c.substantive formate prin compunere ( substantive compuse) : schoolboy

d.substantive formate prin conversiune, din alte parti de vorbire:

-adjective: the good, the evil, the rich, the poor,

-verbe la infinitive: cook, fall

-verbe la Gerunziu ( Gerund) : reading, boxing

-verbe la participiul trecut: the injured.

e.substantive formate prin contragere: ad – advertisement, fridge – refrigerator, gym –

gymnasium, gymnastic, lab- laboratory, liv- livingroom, poly – polytechnic, pub- public house

f.abrevieri: MP – Member of Parliament, Dr. – doctor, Mr. Brown – Dl. Brown, Mrs. Brown
( doamna Brown, mai ales daca e casatorita), Miss Brown –domnisoara Brown, Ms Brown –
apelativ feminin, indifferent de starea sociala, casatorita au ba

g.substantive comune si substantive proprii.

Substantivele comune pot fi:

-substantive colective, care denumesc obiecte constand in mai multe elemente de acelasi fel:
family, people,

-substantive concrete, care denumesc obiecte sau substanta constitutiva a unor obiecte: table,
wood, steel, stone,

-substantive abstracte, care denumesc abstractiuni: difficulty, worry, peace.

Substantivele proprii ( Numele proprii)

Au capacitatea de a individualiza un obiect dintr-o categorie de obiecte de acelasi fel, denumind

in principiu un singur element dintr-o categorie.

In limba engleza substantivele proprii denumesc:

-nume de persoane: John, Larry, Daniel,

-nume de localitati: London, Paris, Babadag,

-nume de tari si continente: Romania, France, Africa,

-nume de ape si munti: London River, The Carpathians Mountains

-diviziuni temporale: lunile anului – January, February, March, April, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December; zilele saptamanii: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday; nume de sarbatori: Halloween, Easter, Christmass; nume de
carti, ziare, reviste: The English Magazine, Vogue, Elle; nume de institutii: The Parliament, The

Numarul substantivelor

Avem I. – substantive numarabile si II.- substantive nenumarabile

I.Substantivele numarabile – Count nouns, denumesc notiunile ca unitati separate, care pot fi
numerate: a boy, two boys, a few boys, etc. Au urmatoarele caracteristici:

a.sunt variabile ca forma, avand atat numar singular cat si numar plural : museum-museums,
child- children,

b.pot fi precedate de numerale cardinal sau cuantificatori: one book, three books, several apples,
a lot of brushes,

c. la numarul singular se acorda cu verbe la singular: The book is on the table/ The apples are in
the basket.

Formarea pluralului substantivelor numarabile:

Au doua forme de plural –

A.regulate- cand pluralul se formeaza prin adaugarea desinentei ‘-s’ la forma singular: book /

B.neregulate- cand pluralul se formeaza in alte moduri:

-Substantivele terminate in ‘-s’, ‘-z’, ‘-x’, ‘-ch’, ‘-sh’ primesc ‘es’ la final: bus – buses, glass-
glasses, buzz- buzzes, box- boxes, watch- watches, brush- brushes

-Cand ‘-o’ e precedat de o vocala se primeste ‘s’:cuckoos, kangaroos, radios, scenarios, studios,

-Cand ‘-o’ e precedat de consoana, se primeste ‘-es’:echoes, heroes, mosquitoes, tomatoes,


-Substantivele terminate in ‘-y’ precedat de o consoana transforma pe ‘y’ in ‘i’ si adauga ‘es’:
city-cities, factory- factories, baby- babies.Aceasta transformare nu are loc cand ‘y’ este precedat
de o vocala: boy- boys, play- plays

-Terminatia ‘-th’ devine ‘ths’: bath- baths, mouth-mouths, path-paths,

-Terminatia ‘-f(e) [f] primeste la plural terminatia ‘-ves’ [vz]:calf – calves, elf-elves, half-halves,
knife-knives, leafe-leaves, life-lives, loaf-loafes, self-selves, shelf-shelves,

-Terminatia ‘-se’[s] devine ‘ses’ [ziz]: house- houses

II.Substantivele nenumarabile –Mass nouns

-denumesc notiuni vazute ca un intreg,

-pot fi concrete: sugar, coal, steel, dar pot fi si abstracte: beauty, kindness.

Au urmatoarele caracteristici:

a.sunt invariabile ca forma: tea, information, cattle

b. neavand contrastul singular-plural, ele nu pot fi numarate cu ajutorul numeralelor sau al altor
cuantificatori: I need (some) tea. I need (some) information. I need (some) scissors.

c.se acorda cu verbul singular. Chinesse tea is very good. Ca exceptie, cele care sunt privative
de singular, adica au doar forma plural se acorda la plural: The scissors are on the table. Foarfeca
este pe masa.

d.unele substantive englezesti fac parte atat din clasa substantivelor numarabile cat si din cea a
celor nenumarabile, cu diferente de sens: She is a beauty . (Ea) este o frumusete./ Beauty is to be
admired – Frumusetea trebuie admirata.

She has got a new iron- are un nou fier de calcat/ This tool is made from iron – Unealta aceasta
este facuta din fier.

De remarcat ca in limba engleza fac parte din clasa substantivelor invariabile la singular unele
substantive care sunt numarabile sau invariabile la plural in limba romana:

-advice, business, furniture, homework, income, information, knowledge, luggage, merchandise,

money, etc.

Ex. He always gives me good advice. Totdeauna imi da sfaturi bune.

You must do your homework carefully. Trebuie sa iti faci cu atentie lectiile

I need further information. Am nevoie de informatii suplimentare,

His knowledge of English is great. Cunostintele lui de engleza sunt grozave.

Numarul substantivelor invariabile

Substantivele invariabile nu au opozitia singular-plural. Ele au numai singular: gold, sau numai
plural: the police, cattle, scissors, etc,

Cuantificarea substantivelor invariabile la singular se poate realiza cu ajutorul unor cuvinte ca: a piece of,
an item of, a bar of, a bag of, a loaf of.., etc

Substantive concrete: Substantive abstracte:

A piece of bacon A piece of advice
A slice of cake A word of advice
A piece of bread A piece of information
A loaf of bread An item of news
A strip of land An item of business
A piece of furniture A bit of business
An article of furniture A piece of work
A bit of grass A bit of work
A blade of grass A word of abuse
A piece of paper A fit of passion
A sheet of paper An attack of fever


Pune forma de plural pentru urmatoarele substantive: half, kilo, mouth, foot, sheep, penny, bus,
day, fish.

Completeaza spatiile cu urmatoarele cuvinte, in mod corect:

advice, chocolate, jam, lemonade, meat, milk, oil, rice, tea, tennis.

1.A piece of…………………………, 2. A packet of…………………….3. A bar

of……………………4.A glass of………………….., 5. A cup of…………………..,

6. A bottle of…………………………, 7. A slice of……………….., 8. A barrel of…………..

9. A game of……………………………… 10. A jar of……………………….

Creaza substantive nenumarabile din literele de mai jos. Exemplu: ira=air.

aet, ikn, fgo, eber, einw, doow, acek, aclo, ahir.

Genul substantivelor – Gender of Nouns

-genul este marcat formal: boy – girl, lion – lioness,

-se poate identifica de obicei cu ajutorul pronumelor care se refera la substantive si care au forme
diferite de gen.

The librarian is at his desk. He is writing something ( el)/ “/………….”. She is writing
something ( ea)


A.substantive nume de persoane, B. substantive nume de animale, C. substantive nume de


A. ex: brother-sister, earl/countess, father/mother, king/queen, lord/lady, man/woman/ uncle/aunt.

-cu terminatia ‘-ess’: actor/actress, count/countess, god/goddess, master/mistress/


-cu terminatia ‘-ine’: hero/heroine,

-cu terminatia ‘-er’ : widow/widower

-cu terminatia ‘-groom’: bride/bridegroom

Mai sunt substantive nume de persoane care au o singura forma atat pentru masculin cat pentru
feminine. Ele apartin genului comun: artist, chairman, cook, cousin, doctor, foreigner, friend,
quest, musician, parent, teacher, writer. Apartenenta la genul masculin sau feminin se precizeaza
in context.

B. horse: stallion/mare, ox: bull/cow, sheep: ram/ewe, pig: boar/sow, deer: stag/hind. Mai avem
foarte multe, cum ar fi lion/lioness, tiger/tigress, cock/hen, dog/bitch, drake/duck, cock sparrow/
hen sparrow, he goat/ she goat, Tom cat/she cat. De remarcat ca sunt substantive care dau
denumirea generala pentru specie ca in cazurile aratate la inceput, dar si substantive care
particularizeaza sexul fiecarui membru al speciei – horse: stallion/mare, etc
C. sunt masculine substantivele care denumesc:

-pasiuni intense si actiuni violente: anger, fear, murder,

-fenomene naturale puternice : lightning ( fulger), dar si forme de relief massive: ocean, river,
elemente ale naturii: sun

-nume de fluvii: The Danube, The Thames

-nume de munti: The Carpathians, The Cheviot

Sunt feminine

-substantivele care sugereaza o caracteristica feminina, un caracter bland, afectuos, cele care
indica fertilitatea: affection, devotion, faith, hope, justice,

-substantive care denumesc trasaturi negative de caracter , in sens larg spus – ambition, folly,
jealousy, revenge, vanity

-substantive abstracte : fortune, liberty, mercy, nature, peace, science…

Cazul substantivelor

In engleza, categoria gramaticala a cazului este marcata prin

-desinenţă: the child’s book – cartea copilului,

-topica: The man (N) opened the window ( Ac) – barbatul a deschis fereastra,

-prepozitii: I bought it for Mary – Am cumparat-o pentru Mary .

CAZUL NOMINATIV ( The Nominative Case)

The girl is waiting for her friend – fata isi asteapta prietenul/na

CAZUL ACUZATIV (The Acusative Case)

I ate a pizza an hour ago – am mancat o pizza acum o ora

CAZUL DATIV ( The Dative Case)

In engleza dativul este marcat de prepozitia to sau for ori prin topica:

She gave some sweets to the children – Le-a dat niste dulciuri copiilor,
I bought a present for my mother – am cumparat un cadou pentru mama mea.

I lent her (D) a book (Ac)- i-am imprumutat o carte.

CAZUL GENITIV (The Genitive Case). Substantivul in cazul genitive exprima in principal idea
de posesiune:

Marc’s car is new – masina lui marc este noua; alte ex: the girl’s dress, the pupil’s question –
rochia fetei, intrebarea elevului

Mai avem si cazuri abstracte: for goodness’ sake, for convenience’ sake – pentru numele lui
dumnezeu- de dragul lui dumnezeu; de dragul comoditatii.

Observatie: apostroful nu mai este necesar in acest caz.

Apostroful singur, fara desinenta –s se adauga:

-la forma de plural a substantivelor regulate: the boys’ bicycles ( bicicletele baietilor), the
drivers’ attention – atentia soferilor,

-la substantivele nume de persoane terminate in –s: Dickens’ life ( viata lui Dickens), Charles’
books ( cartile lui Charlie)

Observatie: la numele proprii terminate cu –s, se poate intalni si genitivul cu ‘s:

Dickens’s novels – romanele lui Dickens.



I had hoped we’d have a word first before we start work. You walked away from me last night
and did something very foolish to a man who’s temper you can no longer afford to provoke. And
what did that accomplish? You can never forget who these men are.They are not our friends.They
are not our subjects. They want your father’s business. That’s the only reason we do not find
their knives at our throats. Tell me you understand.


Determinantii propriu zisi ai substantivului

Articolul hotarat – the child

Articolul nehotarat- a child, an elephant

Articolul zero – men, books, scools, dreams

Adjectivul demonstrativ - this tree, that tree, these trees, those trees,

Adjectivul posesiv – my, your, his, her, our, your, their car, its tail

Adjectivul interogativ – what/which/whose car do you want?

Adjectivul nehotarat – each person, every person, either side, some notebooks, any idea, no
idea, neither student

Articolul nu poate fi o parte de vorbire independent, el contribuind doar la determinarea unica

sau individuala a substantivului pe care il insoteste.

Articolul este redat prin articolul hotarat ‘the’, articolul nehotarat ‘a’ sau ‘an’ sau prin articolul

Aceste articole se folosesc pentru a realiza:

1) referinta unica ( unique reference) si 2) referinta individuala ( individual reference)

1)The girl was running very fast – fata alerga foarter repede.

2)Where are the books I gave you? Unde sunt cartile pe care ti le-am dat?

There is a pen on the table. There is an orange on the table. There are (some) books on the table.


a.articolul hotarat ‘the’,articolul nehotarat ‘a(n)’ sau articolul zero pentru substantive numarabile:

the cow gives milk, a cow gives milk, cow give us milk

b.articolul zero pentru substantivele nenumarabile:

Milk is good for our health.

Articolul hotarat ( The Definite Article)

În limba engleză articolul hotărât este scris the și se pronunță [ðə] înaintea unui substnativ care
începe cu o consoană – the boy [ðə bɔi] sau [ði] înaintea unui substnativ care începe cu o vocală
– the apple [ði ˈæp.l].
Articolul hotărât se folosește:1. când substantivul determinat a fost menționat înainte: This is a
house. The house is red.

2. cu substantive formate din alte părți de vorbire: the good, the rich, the “yes”, the unemployed
(șomerii), the beautiful

3. cu substantive denumind unicități: the Sun, the Moon, the Earth

4. cu naționalități considerate ca un grup unitar: the English, the Romanians

5. pentru a defini o categorie anume: The lion is the king of the jungle. The cat is mammmal.

6. cu date, denumiri istorice: the Renaissance, the Tudors, the Middle Ages

7. cu punctele cardinale: the East, the West, the South, the North

8. cu anumite categorii de substantive proprii care denumesc:

 râuri și canale: the Danube, the Thames, the Panama Channel, the English Channel
 lanțuri muntoase: the Carpathians

 mări și oceane: the Atlantic, the Black Sea

 insule și arhipeleaguri: the Barbados, the Phillipines

 nume de publicații: The New York Times, The Sunday Times

 instituții (compuse sau nu cu of): The University of Oxford (dar Oxford University), The
Tate Gallery, the Romanian Embassy

 hoteluri și restaurante: The Hilton, The Savoy

 nume de familie la plural: the Johnsons, the Bills

Articolul nehotarat ( The Indefinite Article)

Articolul nehotarat are doua forme: ‘a’ si ‘an’. Ex: a story, a magazine ( magazine=revista), a
water melon ( pepene), a year; an architect, an egg, an hour, an heir, an honest man.

Articolul nehotărât se folosește:

1. cu un substantiv menționat pentru prima dată: This is a car.

2. cu un substantiv care denumește ocupația, religia, naționalitatea, etc. în propoziții cu verbele

to be, to become, to remain: He is a doctor. She is an actress.
3. în propoziții exclamative precedat de what sau such: What a great movie! He’s such an idiot!

4. cu substantive comune pentru a denumi o categorie: An employer is someone who…

5. în locul numeralului one: a hundred dollars.

Articolul zero ( The Zero Article)

In unele cazuri, substantivele nenumarabile, substantivele numarabile la plural si numele proprii

par neinsotite de articol:

She drinks tea every day. Clothes do not make the man.

In astfel de cazuri, absenta articolului echivaleaza ca functie cu prezenta unui articol – acesta este
de obicei numit articolul zero.

Articolul zero, inseamnă, paradoxal, lipsa articolului, dar nu omisiunea lui. Cu alte cuvinte,
articolul zero inseamnă de fapt imposibilitatea folosirii unui articol exprimat, evident – the, a, an.
Așa cum vom vedea mai jos, articolul zero are funcții precise, schimbarea lui cu un articol
exprimat ducând la modificări de sens în propoziție. Pe de altă parte, omisiunea articolului
înseamnă că articolul lipsește cu totul, el putând fi dedus din sensul propoziției și inclus în
aceasta dacă se dorește, sensul rămânând neschimbat.

Articolul zero se folosește:

1. în enumerări: He bought books, CDs, flowers and bread.

2. cu generalități: Verbs are parts of speech. Man is a rational being. Dinner is an evening meal.

3. Legi științifice, adevăruri universal valabile: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Oil is lighter
than water.

4. substantive nenumărabile: Milk is good for health. Mumps is contagious.

5. cu majoritatea substantivelor proprii: Africa, Germany, Washington, Asia, Yorkshire

6. cu denumirile anotimpurilor, lunilor anului și a zilelor: Spring, March, Friday

7. cu titluri de noblețe și de politețe: Earl John, Professor Spikes

8. în adresarea directă: Can I help you, sir?

9. în anumite expresii fixe: by train, by car, hand in hand, step by step

Omisiunea articolului ( The Ellipse of the Article)

Ex: a) I like honey. Imi place mierea. (articolul zero = functia generica). I like the honey they sell
here. Imi place mierea pe care o vand aici ( articolul hotarat ‘the’).

Trebuie făcută o deosebire clară între omisiunea articolului și articolul zero (sau absența
articolului). Omisiunea articolului nu este decât o eliminare a articolului din propoziție, fără
schimbări de sens. Articolul omis poate fi adăugat oricând fără a afecta sensul general al
propoziției. De obicei omisiunea articolului apare:

1. exprimarea poetică, artistică: “Dog of my own once…” (Ch. Dickens) – I had a dog of my own

2. în exprimarea științifică, unde exprimarea concisă este preferată: atom is the smallest element
– the atom is the smallest element

3. în titluri de ziar, de știri, etc. – Hero rescues little girl – A hero rescues a little girl.

4. în indicații scenice: Hercules approaches door left – Hercules approaches the door on the left


Pune articolul potrivit ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ sau articolul zero

This coat was designet by …………….famous New York artist. Can you tell me how to get
to………..bank from here? …………..city museum is closed today. He is one
of………….smartest people I know. I recommend you eat…………apple pie at this restaurant.//
………milk is good for you. Would you like to see………….movie? //………..apple a day
keeps…………doctor away. I can’t believe I failed……………….yesterday’s test! Do you
have……………dictionary that I can borrow?

Traduceti propozitiile exercitiului in romana.


Adjectivul demonstrativ ( The Demonstrative Adjective)

This – acesta, aceasta, That – acela, aceea, These – acestia, acestea, Those – aceia, acelea.

This house is more expensive than that one – aceasta casa este mai scumpa decat aceea.

Exe: completeaza cu this/that/these/those

……………….beach was quite empty last year. /…………………exhibition will be open until
the end of May./…………..people come from that hotel over there./ What does…………..notice
say?/ ………………exhibition closed a month ago./ Do you see…………..birds at the top of the
tree?/ ………..are the old classrooms. Those are the new ones./ ………….is my cousin, Jessica./
Wasn’t………………..a horrible thing to say?

Adjectivul posesiv ( The Posesive Adjective)

 inlocuieste posesorul si determina numele obiectului posedat: Peter’s bike is excellent for
him to keep fit. His bike is excellent….

Adjectivul posesiv se acorda in gen si numar cu numele obiectului posedat: her book, cartea ei,
his bike – bicicleta lui, their toys – jucariile lor.

Uite o comparative cu pronumele posesiv, ca sa nu le confunzi intre ele:

Adjectiv posesiv Pronume posesiv

This is my book This book is mine

That is your book that book is yours

That is her/his/its food the food is her/his

This is our classroom this classroom is ours

That is their classroom that classroom is theirs

Exe: pune adjective posesive:

He’s from Spain. ………………name’s Alberto/ They’re married……………..children’s names

are Mihai and Sebastian. / We’re brothers. …………….parents are French./ She’s
eight…………..brother is nine./

Adjectivul interogativ ( The Interrogative Adjective)

*determina numele obiectului asupra caruia se cer informatii.

Who are forme diferite, flexibile, pentru diverse cazuri.

Which si what sunt invariabile indiferent de caz.

Si avem
Caz Pronume

( Who, what, which)

Nominativ who, what, which

Genitiv whose, what, which

Dativ to whom ( forma literara), who…..to ( vorbire curenta) what, which

Acuzativ whom ( forma literara), who( vorbire curenta) what, which

Ex: what film did you see last night? Ce film ai vazut aseara?

Exe: pune adjectival interogativ potrivit

……………………..time is the flight?/………………..girl has a red bag?/ …………..mother is

a nurse?/…………………….subject do you like?/……………………..books are these?

Adjectivul nehotarat. ( The Indefinite Adjective)

*determina substantivul intr-un mod global ( all the pens, every child) sau partial ( each pupil,
either side)

Si avem:

-some: ceva, niste, putina, unele, cativa, cateva, vreun, vreo, se foloseste in propozitii afirmative
si arata existent unui numar restrains de lucruri, finite, a unei cantitati restranse.

There are some books on his desk.

-any: vreun, vreo, nici un(ul), nici o, nici una, se foloseste : a. in propozitii afirmative cu sensul
de = oricare, orice = Any student in your class could answer the question/// si b. in propozitii
interrogative si negative = There isn’t any milk in the cup.

-every: fiecare ( se refera la membrii unui grup fara a-i individualiza) Every woman in the room
has the right to speak.

-each: fiecare ( se refera la membrii unui grup, luati individual) Each pupil must bring some
plants to school.

Exe: completeaza cu ‘any’, ‘some’, ‘no’, or ‘none’

Exemplu- are there any onions? No, there aren’t any.

Do………….black people work in your company? Yes there are………….// She
hasn’t………………..clothes to wear to the party. No problem, I can give her…………….. //

Mary, there is…………..gas in the car. Oh, no, we had better get…………………//

Are there…………..good movies this weekend? No, there are…………………// I want to take a
shower, is there………………hot water? I’m sorry, there is…………………..hot water.


*este partea de vorbire care exprima un numar, determinarea numerica a obiectelor ( numeralul
cardinal) sau ordinea obiectelor prin numarare ( numeralul ordinal)

a.numeralul cardinal: one, two, three, etc

b.numeralul ordinal: the first, the second, the third, the fourth, etc

a. numeralul cardinal

avem numerele simple: de la zero la zece: la zero se mai spune sin ought. Dupa zece avem
denumiri special pentru 11 si 12 – eleven and twelve, dar si 13 – thirteen. Restul se formeaza
plecand de la denumirea cifrei plus sufixul ‘teen’ : fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen
(cu un singur t) nineteen.

Grupa zecilor este ten, twenty, thirty, forty ( nu avem u) fifty ( cu f, nu cu v, ca in five), sixty,
seventy, eighty, ninety

Sutele sunt cu ‘numar’ plus ‘hundred’ – one hundred, two, three…nine hundred

Miile sunt la fel one thousand.

La fel si pentru celelalte : one hundred thousand, one million, one hundred millions, etc.

b.numeralul ordinal

zeroth sau noughth, first, second,third, fourth…..

0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th,6th,…..

Avem pentru urmatoarele: eleventh 11th, twelfth 12th,etc………..twentieth 20th,…..ninetieth 90th

Deci ordinalele care exprima zecile devin cu ‘ieth’ la urma, exceptand pe 10 care este tenth 10th

c.Numeralul fractionar ( The Fractional Numeral)

*sunt redate sub forma unor fractii. Numarul fractiei este exprimat printr-un numeral cardinal, iar
numitorul printr-un numeral ordinal: ½= a/one half, o jumatate,o doime; 1/3 = a/one third , o
treime, dar si 1.5 = one point five , 1.05 = one point nought five

d.Numeralul colectiv ( The Collective Numeral)

*arata ca obiectele sunt considerate in grup si nu izolat

Numeralele colective sunt: couple, pair, team, dozen, several, scores ( cantitati mari de ceva),
yoke, piles ( gramajoare), heaps ( movilite), loads ( incarcaturi)

Yoke se foloseste foarte rar si de regula cu privire la animale, exceptand cand are sensuri figurate,
inseamna pereche , literal yoke inseamna jug, yoked animals se refera la doua animale trangand
la jug.

Ex: two dozen of eggs, / several ( cativa, cateva) pair(s) of shoes,

e.Numeralul multiplicative ( The Multiplicative Numeral)

once – o data, twice- de doua ori, three times – de trei ori, four times – de patru ori, five times –
de cinci ori, ten times, a hundred times, a hundred and twenty three times etc..

f.Numeralul Distributiv ( The Distributive Numeral)

exprima gruparea numerica a obiectelor.

Ex: two at a time,cate doi; two by two, doi cate doi, two and two, doi cate doi, in tows , in
perechi, in pairs, in perechi.

The pupils left the classroom two by two/in tows. Elevii au parasit clasa doi cate doi/ in perechi.

g.Numeralul Adverbial ( The Adverbial Numeral)

arata ori de cate ori are loc o actiune : once, twice, three (thrice) times; ten times, a hundred
times, once more ( o data in plus), once again ( inca o data), twice as fast ( de doua ori)

They have French twice a week. Au franceza de doua ori pe saptamana.

Exe. Pune numeralul potrivit.

C is the…………letter of the alphabet. (3)

The experiment will last for one hundred day . today is the……………….day (98)

Next week we are going to study the…………lesson. ( 8)

He wrote a …………..report (5000 de cuvinte)


-poate inlocui substantivele: the man is here = he is here

-desemneaza direct vorbitorul si ascultatorul (I, you) sau desemneaza global sau partial obiecte
sau fenomene ( all, each)

-are categoriile gramaticale de persoana, gen, numar si caz.

Clasificarea pronumelor:

Pronume: personal, reflexiv, posesiv, relativ, interogativ, demonstrativ, nehotarat.

Cel nehotarat suporta subclasificari: pozitiv universal: each, all, every; afirmativ: many, few,
little, several, enough, one, seria some; neafirmativ: seria any, either; negativ: seria no, neither.

Pronumele personal:

nominativ dativ/acuzativ

I me

You you

He him

She her

It it

We us ( acum stii cand se foloseste we si cand us, este pers I, pl. , difera cazul)

They them

Exemplu: you like me and I like you. Tie iti place de mine si mie imi place de tine.

Pronumele reflexiv

-are terminatia ‘self’ la singular si ‘selves’ la plural.

Persoana Singular Plural

I myself ourselves

a II-a yourself yourselves

a III-a himself (masc)

herself (fem) themselves

itself ( neutru)

Exemplu: He looked at himself in the mirror. S-a uitat la el insusi in oglinda.

Pronumele posesiv

-inlocuieste atat numele obiectului posedat cat si al posesorului. Formele lui sunt:


I singular mine

I pl ours

a II-a sing/pl yours

a III-a masculin sing. his

pl. theirs

feminin sing. hers

pl. theirs

Ex. Is this his pen? No, it’s not ours. Ask Irina if it’s hers. Is this yours, Irina?

Acesta este stiloul lui? Nu, nu este al nostru. Intreab-o pe Irina daca este al ei. Este al tau, Irina?

Uite si o diferentiere intre adjective posesive, pronume posesive si pronume personale

Adjective posesive Pronume posesive Pronume personal

It’s my food It’s mine It belongs to me

It’s your food It’s yours It belongs to you

It’s his food It’s his It belongs to him

It’s her food It’s hers It belongs to her

It’s its food /////////// It belongs to it

It’s our food it’s ours It belongs to us

It’s your food It’s yours It belongs to you

It’s their food It’s theirs It belongs to them.

Unde their, them, lor, a(l) lor, dupa caz. Este mancarea lor. Este a lor. (acest lucru) apartine lor.

Pronumele interogativ

who- este folosit pentru finite

what – pentru lucruri

which – pentru fiinte si lucruri

how much – pentru cantitati

how many – pentru numar

what kind of ( ce fel de ) – pentru calitati, etc.

Ex: Who are they waiting for? Pe cine asteapta ei. What did hi tell you? Ce ti-a spus. What time
it is? Cat este ceasul? Which of these books do you prefer? Pe care din aceste carti o preferi?

From what country does he come from? Din ce tara vine?

Pronumele relative

-se refera la un substantiv sau inlocuitor al acestuia mentionat anterior si care face legatura intre
propozitia in care se afla sic ea pe care o insoteste:

I know people who don’t like this kind of food. Cunosc persoane carora nu le place acest gen de

I know people that don’t like this kind of music.

Strict vorbind, pronumele relative sunt: who, which si that.

Nominativ Dativ/Acuzativ Genitiv

Who who(m) whose

Tine minte ca la acuzativ ai forma whom, iar la genitive, whose. whom – care, whose- al cui,
caruia, careia

I don’t know whose car is this . Nu stiu a cui este masina aceasta.

Whoever-oricine. Whoever speaks must translate. Oricine vorbeste trebuie sa traduca.

Whichever- oricare. He will take whichever is his. O/il va lua pe oricare este a/al lui.

Pronumele nehotarat.

-desemneaza global (all) sau partial ( each, either), obiecte sau fenomene

Some= ceva, niste, putin, putina, unii, unele, cativa, cateva, vreun, vreo; se foloseste in propozitii
affirmative, interrogative, cu scopul de a pune accentul pe ceva.

Ex. She brought some (vegetables, fruits, different items,etc.) Did you visit some of the museum
we spoke about?

Any= vreun, vreo, niciun(ul), nici o, nici una, se foloseste:

in propozitii affirmative cu sensul: oricare, orice: Any of you could answer the question,

in propozitii interrogative si negative: Have you got any? I haven’t got any.

*Compusii lui some, any si no:

somebody/somenone, anybody/anyone, nobody/ no one, none.

something –anything-nothing.


I saw somebody in your room, I saw something/nobody/nothing in your room.

Each= fiecare, each of them= fiecare dintre ei.

Either ( forma negative – neither) : fiecare, vreunul, oricare, (neither-nici unul, nici una din

Have you seen either of them? L-ai vazut pe vreunul dintre ei?
Every= fiecare. Every pupil must do his homework.

All = tot, toata, toti, toate. I’ve seen them all. Le-am vazut pe toate.

One= un, unul, una, cineva: There were two children in the room, one was good and one was
bad. Erau doi copii in camera, unul era bun si unul era rau.

Pronumele negative

Nobody, no one ( nimeni), none ( nici unul), neither ( nici unul din doi), nothing ( nimic).

Ex. Neither of them is right. Nici unul dintre ei ( doi) nu are dreptate.

What have you bought? Nothing. Ce-ai cumparat? Nimic.


 pune pronumele personal potrivit. Ex:…………often reads books (Lisa) = She often
reads books.

………….is dreaming(George)./ …………..is green ( the blackboard)./………..are on the wall

( the posters)./ …………..is running( the dog)./……………………are watching TV ( my mother
and I).

 pune pronumele posesiv corect. Ex: I have got a pet. ________name is Cookies.= I have
got a pet. Its name is Cookies.

Hi Daniel

--------name is John. This is …………friend Jason. He’s 32. _______sister is 34 and

______workplace is very near. Jason and I work in the same office. There are 150 employees in

 Pune pronumele reflexive correct ( myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves,
yourselves, themselves).

Tobin made this T-shirt…………..// Lisa did the homework…………….// we helped

…………………….with some cola at the party.// Emma, did you take the photo all
by………….?/ I wrote this poem …………// He cut……………with the knife while he was
doing the dishes.// the lion can defend…………….// My mother often talks to…………..//
Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help………………….// Alice and Doris collected the

 Pune pronumele relative corect: which, who, whose.

I talked to the boy……….car had broken down in front of the building. Mr. John,
…………..is a taxi driver, lives near by. We often visit our aunt in Bucharest………is in the
capital of Romania. This is the boy…………….comes to France. That’s Irene, the
girl……………..has just arrived at the airport. Thank you very much for your e-
mail………………..was very interesting. The man, ……………father is a professor, forgot
his umbrella. The children………….shouted out in the street are not from our school. The
car……………driver is a young man is from England. What did you do with the
money…………your parents lent you?


Workers in Australia, have a new hotline they can call when they feel stressed and overworked. The
new counselling service, called Talk2Me, will charge its users $2,97 per minute to talk to a counsellor
who promises to “just listen” to their work complaints. Of course, the service offers more than just a
friendly ear: the counsellors have special skills. It’s not the same as just talking to a friend. For one
thing, they do not interrupt with their own tales. Just make sure you don’t talk for too long, otherwise
you could end up more stressed when you get the bill. Would you use this service?

Hotline- telephone service

Stressed- under stress
Overworked- working too much
Launched- started
Charge- ask for payment
Complaints- problems, criticisms
End up- become (in the end)
Bill- invoice
Friendly ear- a kind person to listen to you
Skills- abilities
Tales- stories


-este partea de vorbire care: A). Exprima o calitate a unui obiect ( an interesting class, a
young man), B). are categoria gramaticala a comparatiei: He is taller than his sister.

Comparatia adjectivelor ( The Comparison of Adjectives)

1.adjectivele monosilabice primesc –‘(e)r’ la comparativ si the –‘(e)st’ la superlativ:

Small-smaller-the smallest – mic, mai mic, cel mai mic.

Short-shorter-the shortest- scurt, mai scurt, cel mai scurt

Observatie: la ortografiere pot aparea unele mici modificari, adica se pot dubla consoane, cel mai
adesea. : big – bigger- the biggest, mare, mai mare, cel mai mare/ hot, hotter, the hottest –
fiebinte, mai fierbinte, cel mai fierbinte, fat – fatter- the fattest – gras, mai gras, cel mai gras,
thin- thinner-the thinnest, subtire, mai subtire, cel mai subtire, happy-happier-the happiest ,
fericit, mai fericit, cel mai fericit, angry- angrier- the angriest – nervos/suparat- mai nervos, cel
mai nervos…

2.adjectivele formate din doua sau mai multe silabe formeaza comparativul si superlativul cu
ajutorul lui ‘more’ si ‘the most’ (mai mult, mai, si cel mai)

Careful- more careful- the most careful – grijuliu, mai grijuliu, cel mai grijuliu

Difficult- more difficult- the most difficult – dificil, mai dificil, cel mai dificil.

3.Adjectivele compuse formeaza gradele de comparatie in felul urmator:

a.cand primul element este un adjectiv care isi pastreaza sensul, acesta se schimba la comparativ
si superlative: well-known ( bine cunoscut, bine stiut) – better-known ( mai bine stiut), the best-
known( cel/cea mai bine stiut/a).; ill-paid ( prost platit) – worse-paid ( mai rau/prost platit)- the
worst-paid ( cel mai prost platit); intelligent-looking ( cu aspect inteligent)- more intelligent
looking, the most intelligent-looking.

b.cand cele doua elemente formeaza un tot din punct de vedere al sensului comparatia se
realizeaza cu ajutorul lui ‘more’ si ‘the most’:

heart-broken – more heart-broken- the most heart-broken

Comparativul de egalitate si inferioritate :

La egalitate folosim ‘as…..as’, cel mai adesea

My room is as large as hers. Camera mea este la fel de mare precum a ei. Se foloseste ‘as’

In limbajul current se foloseste ‘the same …as’, la fel ca. My coat is the same as hers- haina mea
e la fel ca a ei. Alte expresii sunt ‘like’, in sensul de ‘ca’, ‘alike’ in sensul de asemenea.
We are alike – noi ne asemanam. He is just like you. El e chiar ca tine.

Pentru inferioritate putem nega expresia pozitiva a calitatii respective ‘not as’ dar putem folosi
si adjective de inferioritate cum ar fi less…si expresia comparativa ‘than’

Deci am avea pentru inferioritate : ‘not as…as’//si, dupa caz ‘less….than’

My homework is not as easy as yours. Tema mea nu e la fel de usoara ca a ta.

The film is less interesting than the previous one. Filmul este mai putin interesant decat cel

Superlativul absolute se construieste cu ajutorul adverbelor: very, too, highly, extremely, utterly

The film was very amusing. It is extremely difficult to make such a film.

4.adjectivele neregulate.

Good-better-the best ,bun , mai bun, cel mai bun

Bad-worse-the worst, rau, mai rau, cel mai rau

Much-more-the most, mult , mai mult, cel mai mult.

Old-elder-the eldest- in varsta, mai in varsta, cel mai in varsta,

Old – older- the oldest- batran, mai batran cel mai batran ( sau vechi)

Little-less-the least- putin,mai putin, cel mai putin

Far-farther-the farthest- departat- mai departat –cel mai departat/departe.

Avem derivatia : further- the further – inaintat, in sensul de departare, distanta, eventual progress
al unei actiuni intr-o secventa, si the furthest

The further I go, the better I see the image. Cu cat merg mai departe cu atat mai bine pot sa vad
imaginea….in sensul ca ma apropii de ea….


-arata o caracteristica a unei actiuni, stari sau calitati;

-poate avea categoria gramaticala a comparatiei;

-indeplineste functia sintactica de complement circumstantial.

Exemplu: Is this idea really good?

Locutiuni adverbiale

as a rule= de obicei, de regula; by the way= a propos; as a matter of fact= de fapt; at once=
imediat; once in a while, now and then= din cand in cand; to and fro= incoace si incolo….etc

Adverbele de mod sau de timp se formeaza prin adaugarea sufixului ‘-ly’ la forma adjectivului:

slow-slowly, week-weekly.

Sunt si exceptii, care au la baza regulile de constructie fonetica: true- truly, due-duly, whole-
wholly, beautifully….etc

Adverbele de mod ( Adverbs of Manner) Indica modalitatea propriu-zisa : well, badly, quickly,
slowly, etc.

Ele mai pot fi adverbe:

-de intarire – actually ( de fapt), certainly ( cu siguranta), obviously ( evident), really ( chiar, intr-

-de amplificare- absolutely, completely, greatly, barely ( de-abia), hardly, definitely ( categoric)

-de afirmatie sau negatie: yes, no, of course, not at all;

-de probabilitate: maybe, perhaps, probably

Adverbele de loc ( Adverbs of Place)

Unele adverbe de loc indica locul propriu –zis: here, there, somewhere.

Altele indica directia: aside ( in laturi, la o parte, pe langa) forward(s), backward(s), right, left.

Majoritatea adverbelor de loc sunt folosite pentru a exprima atat locul, cat si directia:

Loc: He doesn’t live far ( nu locuieste departe)

Directie: He didn’t go far ( nu s-a dus departe).

Adverbele de timp ( Adverbs of Time). Ele indica:

-momentul actiunii: now, nowadays ( in zilele noastre), today, then ( atunci),

-succesiunea in timp: afterwards ( dupa aceea, dupa asta), before, eventually, formerly,
previously ( anterior, in prealabil), soon.
-durata: lately, recently, since, still, yet, - yet si still cu sensul de ‘inca’

-frecventa: definita: weekly, three times a day, monthly, dayly,

: nedefinita: often ( adesea), usually ( de obicei), seldom ( rar, cand si cand), once in a
while ( cateodata)

Comparatia adverbelor:

Comparativ: fast-faster, early-earlier, quickly- more quickly, carefully- more carefully

Comparativul de egalitate: She dances on ice as quickly as her brother.

Comparativul de inferioritate: She dances on ice less carefully than her brother.

Superlativul absolut: se formeaza cu ajutorul unor adverbe ca very, quite, most, care preced
adverbul respective.

Superlativul relativ: ( the) most intelligently ( of all)

(the) least + adverb

Comparatia neregulata a adverbelor:

Gradul pozitiv gradul comparativ gradul superlativ

Well ( bine) better ( mai bine) (the) best ( cel mai bine)

Badly ( rau) worse ( mai rau) (the) worst ( cel mai rau)

Much ( mult) more ( mai mult) (the) most ( cel mai mult)

Exe. Gaseste adjectival din prima propozitie si pune adverbul corespunzator in propozitia

Joanne is happy. She smiles happily.

Her English is fluent. She speaks English…………../ Our mum was angry. She spoke to
us……………/ My neighbor is a careless driver. He drives…………………// She is a good
dancer. She dances really…………..// So, Mary, this exercise is simple. You…………….have to
put one word in each space. 


-leaga parti de vorbire diferite: substantive, adjective, verbe sau adverbe de substantive sau
substitute ale acestora: In the picture I can see a woman who is sitting at a table. She is sitting
on a chair. There is another chair next to the woman.

Unele cuvinte sunt urmate obligatoriu de anumite prepozitii:


-interest, progress, satisfaction +in,

-cause, chance, opportunity +of

-exception, invitation, kindness +to


-anxious, enthusiastic+about,

-alarmed, amazed, astonished, clever, good+at,

-bound, eager, famos, fit, sorry+ for,

-disappointed, rich, successful+in,

-afraid, ashamed, aware, characteristic, fond, full, jealous, proud, sure, tired, typical, worthy+of,

-affectionate, appropriate, attendive, contrary, cruel, deaf, indifferent, kind, parallel, polite, rude,
thankful +to,

-angry, busy, charmed, consistent, delighted, dizzy, faint, identical, pale, satisfied, stiff, wet+with


-aim, arrive, fire, gaze, glance, look +at

-account, ask, blame, die, care, leave, long +for

-conceal, die, differ, escape, hide, prevent, protect+from

-abound, believe, end, fail, originate, succeed(ing) +in,

-accuse, boast, cure, deprive, die, remind, take care +of,

-agree, comment, concentrate, congratulate, meditate+ on,

-adapt, ajust, apply, attribute, belong, cling, conform, consent, link, listen, prefer, reduce, refer,
report, sell, sail, subscribe, turn+to

-complete, flush, glow, shake, shiver, side, subscribe, supply, threaten, tremble+ with

Is multe situatii si multe verbe, am dat doar asa exemple.


Prepozitii Exemple

In in the kitchen, in London, in the book, in the car, in a taxi,

At at the door, at the station, at the table, at the concert, at 45,

On on the table, on the left, on the first door, on the bus

By, next to, beside Jane is standing by/next to/ beside the car

Under the bag is under the table

Below the fish are below the surface

Over Put a jacket over your shirt/ she is over 16 years of age

Above a path above the fields

Across walk across the bridge, across the country, swim across the lake

Through drive through the tunnel

To go to the cinema, go to London, go to bed,

Into go into the kitchen,/ into the house

Towards go 5 steps towards the house

Onto jump onto the table

From a flower from the garden, a present from Jane

Of a page of the book, the picture of a palace

By a book by Mark Twain

Off get off the train

Out of get out of the taxi

By by cars, by bus, by myself

About I am talking about you

Dupa intrebuintarea lor, avem mai multe tipuri de prepozitii: de loc, de mod, de directie, de
referinta, de cauzalitate, de concesie, de timp, etc

Prepositions of place: at, in, within, by, beside, next to, near, close to, against, over, above, on,
top of, under, beneath, below, underneath, in front of, before, behind, after, between, among

Prepositions of time: at, on, in, by, before, after, from….to, till/until, during, for, (all)
through/throughout, over

Prepositions of manner: with ( cu), without ( fara), in….manner/way

Prepositions of direction: to, into, onto, towards, through, across, over, up, down, past, by,
about, around, off, out of, from,

Prepositions of reference: as to, as for, regarding, in regard to, concerning ( formal), about, on
( despre)

Prepositions of cause: because of, on account of ( formal), from, out of, for, though ( din cauza
de )

Prepositions of concession: in spite, despite ( formal), for all, with all ( familiar) ( in ciuda, cu

Prepositions of time: at (5 o’clock) in (a week, in the afternoon, in the afterlife), etc, depinde de
sensul frazei, expresiei, dupa cum vezi.

Exercitii: pune prepozitia corecta, is toate de loc

We live………..London/ Would you like to go………the cinema tonight? No thanks. I

was…………the cinema yesterday. We are going……………..holiday next week. There is a
bridge ……………….the river. The flight………….Bucharest……………Lecce
was………….Berlin. The town lies 530 metters……………………sea level.

Si cateva cu prepozitii de timp

What are you doing………………the weekend? I don’t know yet. Maybe I’ll go to the
cinema………….Saturday. That’s interesting. I haven’t been to the cinema…………..so many
years. We could go there together……………..the afternoon. That would be great. But I would
prefere to go there………………the evening. I am visiting my grandma……………Saturday.


Denumirea vine din lat. Conjunction = con ( cu, impreuna), junctio ( legatura). Is mai multe
tipuri de conjunctii.

Conjunctiile coordonatoare:

a.copulative: and – si; as well as- precum; both…and – atat….cat si; not only…but also- nu
numai ….dar si;

b.disjunctive: or – sau, ori; either….or- sau….sau; neither…nor- nici…nici;

c.adversative: but – dar, ci

conjunctiile subordonatoare:

-universale: that – că, if, whether- daca

-specializate . acestea sunt de mai multe feluri:

a. de loc- where – unde, wherever- oriunde,

b. de timp – when- cand, since – de cand, till/until – pana cand, while/as – in timp ce, before –
inainte ca, after – dupa ce

c.de mod – (exactly) as; (just) as – (asa) cum, (exact ) cum.

d.de cauza: as, since, because – deoarece, fiindca,

e. de scop: so that, in order that/so (that) ( e mai formala exprimarea) – pentru ca , cu scopul ca

f. conditionale: if – daca, provided (that)/on condition (that) , as long as/so long as – cu

conditia sa, unless – doar daca nu, numai daca nu, exceptand daca

g. consecutive: so that – incat, so ( familiar) – incat, so /such….that – asa/ astfel …incat

h.concesive: though, although ( mai formal) – while, whereas ( formal), even if, though – desi,
cu toate ca, chiar daca,
i. comparative: as…as – mai (mult, mare, etc)….decat, as if/ as though – ca si cum, de parca.

Exercitiu: pune conjunctiva coordonatoare potrivita- and, but, or, so

Daniel was cold,……….he put on a coat. Maria tried to translate the text,………it was too
difficult for her. I bought a bottle of wine, …………..we drank it together. The teacher was not
very nice,……….the mark was good. ( mark in sensul de nota). I went to buy my favorite CD,
………..the shop didn’t have it. Irina needed some money……she took a part-time job.

Si de aici, pune conjunctia subordonatoare potrivita

Daniel couldn’t buy any presents………he didn’t have any money. //a. even though, b. because

I don’t drink coffee………….it makes me nervous.// a. as, b. although.

……………it was snowing, I wasn’t cold.// a. although, b. because.

……………she doesn’t speak English, she can’t translate the text.// a. whereas, b. since.



Cu ajutorul interjectiilor se exteriorizeaza:

1.senzatii si sentimente:

a.bucurie: ah, ooh, jipee, hurray….

b.surpriza – oh, wow

c. mirare: oh, dear! Dear me! Indeed!

d. admiratie: wow, whew, how beautiful she is

e. intelegere: aha, a,

f. dispret: Fie! Pshaw! What a shame. Fie upon you.

g.dezgust: ugh, yeaks

h. aprobare: well done! Congratulations!,

i.dezaprobare: nonsense! What a nuisance! Prostii, ce pacoste

j. regret: ah, oh, what a pity

k.durere: ouch,etc

2.manifestari de vointa:

a.o rugaminte, un indemn: oh, help!, ssst, hush! Silence!

b.o incurajare: cheer up!, come on!

c. o avertizare: Look out!

3. se reproduce sunete si zgomote din mediul inconjurator: booom, meow, buzz, bzzz, click,
crash, splash!


Astea se clasifica in

1.parti principale – adica Subiectul si Predicatul

2.parti secundare- complementul direct, indirect, prepositional, elementul predicativ suplimentar

, complementele circumstantiale ( timp, loc, mod, cauza, etc, ) si atributul.


Este partea principal de propozitie despre care se spune ceva cu ajutorul predicatului.

He is a really nice guy. My dog attacked the burglar ( = talhar, hot ). David plays the piano.

The police interviwed all the witnesses.

Poate fi:

Simplu: he is a really nice guy.

Complex: the man who had followed us inside the bar walked over the telephone. Barbatul care
ne-a urmat in bar s-a indreptat inspre telefon.

Complus: the man and the woman walked over the telephone. Barbatul si femeia s-au indreptat
spre telefon ( au mers spre telefon).


-ESTE partea principal de propozitie care atribuie subiectului o actiune, stare, insusire.

Predicatul nominal este alcatuit din : verb copulative + nume predicativ.

Verbe copulative:

a.verbul ‘to be’ – He is clever. El este destept.

b.verbe ale devenirii: become, get, grow, turn: This little worm will become a butterfly. Her hair
has turned grey, She is getting old. I am growing old.

c.verbe ale continuarii in aceeasi stare: continue, keep, remain, hold, stay.

Ex. He kept silent. El tacea ( tinea tacerea).

d.verbe ale aparentei: appear, look, seem. She seemed ill ( parea bolnava). He looks nice.

Numele predicativ este exprimat:

a.printr-un substantive sau echivalent al acestuia – my nephew has become a doctor.

b.printr-un adjectiv, singur, sau cu o complinire: He was happy. She was eager to come.

c.printr-un participiu trecut: The village seemed deserted.


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