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/ Spelunky SD
A Spelunky Classic mod
by YellowAfterlife

This is a modification and expansion of "Spelunky Classic" by Derek Yu.

It changes and improves a number of things in the game, most notably adding
2-player cooperative online multi-player support.

Useful links:
Me: http://twitter.com/yellowafterlife
Spelunky: http://spelunkyworld.com

/ Controls

By default, controls are as following:

> Arrows: Move around
> Z: Jump
> X: Attack/Use
> Down+X: Pick up
> C: Item
> Esc: Pause
> A: Rope
> F: Bomb
> Shift: Run
> Space: Buy, enter doors
> Enter: Chat/enter commands
> Tab: See inventory of second player and level time
If needed, you can change controls configuration via /map command (see below).

Misc controls (non-configurable):

> F1..F4: Set screen scale
> F5: Toggle music
> F6: Toggle sounds
> Enter: Chat/console

/ Online multi-player

After starting the game and advancing from introduction screen, you will be
presented with a menu including several options, being:
> Local
> Host
> Join

`Local` is common single-player mode. Multiple of changes and additions also

span over single-player games, so it may be worth checking out also.

`Join` is used to connect to other player hosting a server. After picking this
mode, you will be prompted to enter IP (watch out for spaces if pasting) and
port. Game will attempt to establish a connection afterwards, not requiring
further investigations on your part.

`Host` is used to host a server that other player could join. To do so, you
will need to forward a TCP port of your choice (by default, 5394). Otherwise,
you can use a service such as Hamachi to simulate local area network with other
player, lifting the need for port forwarding.
Once second player is connected, you can see the current latency (half of ping),
start the game, or manually adjust latency limit.
Latency limit determines, how high the latency can get, before the game will
pause to wait for lagging player to "catch up". Here it also determines, how
long it will take, before the game will respond to input. The best choice is
to adjust this to be as high as average latency gets. Unless changed manually
(via left/right keys), game will attempt to adjust this automatically. Perceived
latency values span roughly as following:
> 33ms: Perfect; close to local multi-player experience.
> 66ms: Great; this is the recommended limit for fast-paced playthroughs.
> 100ms: Good; minor planning ahead may be required.
> 133ms: Average; still playable, but delay is noticeable.
> 166+ms: Laggy. Not recommended.

If the game is behaving laggy, you can restart it and try setting latency limit
to a higher value manually. For example, if latency is jumping between 50 and
80, game may automatically set it to 66, causing micro-freezes whenever latency
exceeds 66. Manually setting latency to 100, however, will keep the game smooth
at all times (at price of minimally lowered input responsibility split between
both players). So make sure to experiment and find what works best for you.

/ In-game

Spelunky SD gameplay remains fairly similar to that of original game:

> Various items can be picked up by pressing [Attack]+[Down] while standing near
> Some items are used instantly, while others can be used/thrown via [Attack].
> Crates and chests can be opened by standing by (or holding them) and pressing
[Attack]+[Up]. Crates contain items, while chests contain treasures (mostly).
> Crouching (not running) to the edge will make the player hang over the edge.
> Damsels can be found through levels and brought to exit to replenish health
and revive dead players (see /rl for adjusting behaviour).
> Bombs can be thrown either via [Bomb] key, or by picking them with [Item] key,
pressing [Attack] to set them off, and then throwing them by pressing [Attack]
> Ropes can be similarly thrown via [Rope] key or by picking item. Using a rope
while crouching near the edge will throw it downwards.
> Level is considered complete once all alive players have left the level.
> Leaving the level or dying allows one to spectate actions of other player.
> On default game mode, only money and few special/unique items are shared
between the players (see /em and /jl for different game modes).
> You can buy items from shop by picking the item up to view price, and press
[Buy] key to confirm purchase or put down them item to deny.
> There's always more to explore, so make sure to try different things.

/ Chat commands (general)

Both in single-player and multi-player, a number of chat commands can be used:

/sound [level]
Sets sound volume, in %

/music [level]
Sets music volume, in %

/opacity [value]
Sets chat opacity/alpha when not active, in %.

/scale [value]
Sets scale (1..8). Game will not exceed screen size even if scale is higher.
/cap [frames]
/cap [frames] [post-death frames]
Enables frame capturing upon pressing the "capture" key (set via Controls menu).
If the second parameter is provided, the game will also automatically start
a capture after the given number of frames past player death.
Every second of game is equal to 30 frames.
Frame sets are stored in AppData/Local/SpelunkySD/captures and named based on
capture time and reason (user-initiated or cause of death).
Captures can be easily assembled into GIFs with help of ImageMagick by executing
the following command in the capture' directory:
convert -delay 3 *.png _capture.gif

/em [index]
Changes "empathy" mode. This affects, how lives and items are shared between
players. Values are as following:
> 0: Default; only money and core items (udjat eye, hedjet, ankh, ...)
are shared between players.
> 1: Everything is shared between players, including lives (and deaths).
Stands for an interesting challenge, boosting stupid death effects.
> 2: "Modifier" items are shared, but lives/bombs/ropes aren't.
Somewhat lowers the difficulty, requiring fewer items to be obtained.
> 3: Everything is shared, except lives.
Similar to above, except you can at least waste shared bombs/ropes.
Due to principles of inner workings, empathy can only be changed while on title
screen (one containing Spelunky logo).

Enables/disables PVP. Both players must vote for PVP to be enabled.
When PVP is enabled, players can stun and damage each other easier.

/rl [count]
Changes number of lives players are granted on a second chance (after damsel is
successfully escorted). Defaults to 2, max 4, set to 0 for permadeath.

/t, /time
Displays total session time. Also shows separate times (for current and previous
successfully completed levels) if jack[s] mode is enabled.

Kill yourself (as alternative to pause menu option)

/style [index]
Changes player style. Currently the following values are supported:
> spelunker: Default; Spelunker
> damsel: Damsel
> tunnelman: Tunnelman (does not change the weapon to mattock)
> qpod: Quadropod (primarily intended for damsels, see below)

/color [color]
Changes player color. Do not specify color to disable color overlay.
Accepts both names (red, blue, ..) and hex colors (#fd5, #ff6040, ..).

/dstyle [index]
Similar to /style, but changes appearance of damsels.

/dcolor [color]
Same as /color, but for damsels.
/jl [count]
Enables jack[s] mode with given number of lives. While active, restarting after
all players have died will regenerate current level, reviving players and giving
certain penalties on bombs/ropes/money/items.
This can be particularly useful for practice runs, races, or just messing around
Setting JL to zero re-enables normal game mode.

/jb [count]
Sets the number of bombs players respawn with in jack[s] mode.
Set to -1 to not reset.

/jr [count]
Sets the number of bombs players respawn with in jack[s] mode.
Set to -1 to not reset.

/jm [count]
Sets the money penalty for jack[s] mode.
Fractional values [0..1] set multiplier (e.g. 0.5 to half the funds each death).
Negative values set fixed penalty (e.g. -20000 to subtract 20K per death).

/jt [seconds]
Sets the time penalty for jack[s] mode.
Time penalty is added to player's time (see /t) if they are dead at the moment
of level completion.

/ Chat commands (cheats)

The following subset of commands is added primarily for debugging purposes,

but may be also used for entertainment.

Vote for enabling/disabling cheat commands. Cheats only get enabled if all
players have voted for them (to prevent abuse).

/lives [count]
Sets the current number of lives

/bombs [count]
Sets the current number of bombs

/ropes [count]
Sets the current number of ropes

/protect [ticks]
Sets player invulnerability timer for given number of steps.

/favor [value]
Sets Kali favor value.

/spawn [object]
/spawn [object] [y]
/spawn [object] [x] [y]
/spawn [object] [x] [y] [count]
/spawn [object] [x] [y] [count] [chance]
Spawns a object by name (e.g. "yeti"). x/y parameters indicate relative position
to player. Some objects will require offsetting position by -8, 8 to be spawned
at correct positions. If known, source-level object names (e.g. "oYeti") can be
used. It is also worth a mention, that spawning certain entities may cause the
game to glitch or crash, so use uncommon objects at your own risk here.
List of common object names is available in OBJECTS.txt

/ospawn ...
Similar to /spawn, but creates objects relative to other player.
Yes, this is evil.

/mspawn [object1] [object2]

/mspawn [object1] [object2] [chance]
/mspawn [object1] [object2] [x] [y]
/mspawn [object1] [object2] [x] [y] [chance]
/mspawn [object1] [object2] [x] [y] [count] [chance]
Spawns object2 relative to each object1.

/count [object]
Displays number of given object type.

/replace [object1] [object2]

/replace [object1] [object2] [chance]
/replace [object1] [object2] [x] [y]
/replace [object1] [object2] [x] [y] [chance]
/replace [object1] [object2] [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2]
/replace [object1] [object2] [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] [chance]
Replaces all instances of first object by second.
Chance is optional and is specified in %.
Coordinates allow to specify relative point or region to replace in.
Note: This can be very buggy. Use at your own risk.

/oreplace ...
Same as /replace, but replaces objects at coordinates relative to other player.

/mreplace [context] ...

Same as /replace, but replaces objects around the provided object type.

/remove [object]
Destroys all instances of given object. Good for cases of cleaning up.
/remove [object] [chance]
/remove [object] [x] [y]
/remove [object] [x] [y] [chance]
/remove [object] [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2]
/remove [object] [x1] [y1] [x2] [y2] [chance]
Variants of command with extra parameters, similar to /replace.

/oremove ...
Same as /remove, but removes objects at coordinates relative to other player.

/mremove [context] ...

Same as /remove, but removes objects at coordinates relative to provided object

/snap [object]
/snap [object] [x] [y]
Teleports you to other player or object at choice.
Teleports other player to your location.

/osnap ...
Same as /snap, but teleports other player.
/msnap [object1] [object2]
/msnap [object1] [object2] [x] [y]
Teleports given object towards other object.

/swap ...
/oswap ...
/mswap ...
Same as /snap commands, but swaps positions of objects instead.

/goto [name]
Transits to given level. Supported options are
> caves: Level 1
> jungle: Level 5
> dark: Level 9
> temple: Level 13
> gold: City of Gold
> olmec: Level 16
> market: Black market (clamps level to 5..8)
> [index]: Changes level with given number (1..16)

/ Chat commands (queue)
The following set of commands permit creating lists of commands to execute.
Note: While powerful, it is also very easy to crash the game with these.
if things go wrong, feel free to blame yourself.

/qadd [name]
/qq [name]
Creates a new queue with given name.

/qdestroy [name]
/qz [name]
Destroys a queue with given name.

/qpush [name] [command]

/qc [name] [command]
Adds a command to the end of given queue.

/qpop [name]
/qb [name]
Removes a command from the end of given queue.

/qrun [name]
/qr [name]
Runs given queue.

/qshow [name]
/qv [name]
Displays contents of given queue.

/qset [name] [index] [command]

/qs [name] [index] [command]
Changes n-th command in given queue.

/qins [name] [index] [command]

/qi [name] [index] [command]
Inserts a command before position in given queue.

/qdel [name] [index]

/qd [name] [index]
Removes a command from position in given queue.

/qauto [name]
/qa [name]
Enables/disables auto-execution of given queue at level start.

/delay [ticks] [command]

/d [ticks] [command]
Executes a command after a number of ticks/steps (each step is 1/30 of second).

Example of usage (spawning 2 rocks to sides of player):

/qq q1
/qc q1 spawn rock -12 0
/qc q1 spawn rock 12 0
(and then to run it):
/qr q1

/ Troubleshooting

Game may sometimes crash. If that does happen, it normally displays an error
message including a fair of not-quite-humanly-readable text enclosed in a
text field. It's generally recommended that you send me text from such errors,
as well as few words on what have you done preceding to such behaviour.

Multiplayer system may sometimes fail, displaying a "desync" message in corner

of screen. In such case game may behave unexpectedly, and no longer act equally
for both players. This mostly happens because of either data corruption (/lossy
connection), or because of latency staying above the set limit for too long
(until the point when "late" data builds up so much that game can't compensate).
An algorithm to resolve such errors is currently in the works, but until then
you can try re-hosting the game with a higher latency limit (or reduce number
of applications possibly impacting connection quality for the game).

There also may be bugs. Bugs, in general, are pieces of certainly unintended
behaviour, such as web gun failing to fire projectiles, or HUD disappearing
after using an ankh (those particular two are obviously fixed though). Depending
on complexity, it's best that you provide an explanation or capture of process
required to reproduce the bug.

If you have suggestions, you can also direct them at me, but keep in mind, that
I do not consist of free time entirely :)

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