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Argentine Slang Phrases

While living in Buenos Aires, you are going to hear a whole lot
of Spanishthat you never learned in your Spanish class and some that
you can’t find in the dictionary. Argentine Spanish, or rather Rioplatenese
Spanish is loaded with Slang that will take you years to understand. This
guide should make it a little bit easier for you.

The translations below are not literal; rather they are translated to their
English equivalent in terms of significance. If you are interested in the
literal translations, you could probably pop these phrases in a translator,
or you might be able to translate them on your own! Enjoy!

“no le llega auga al tanque” = he’s not there

“a las chapas” = to go really fast

“arrastar el ala” = to make a romantic advance on someone

“lo atamos con alambre” = to jerry-rig it, MacGyver-it

“bajá un cambio!” = Chill Out! Relax!

“cara rota” = a shameless person

“caer como peludo de regalo” = a way to say a unwanted guest shows

up unexpectedly

“calavera no chilla” = you get what you deserve

“calienta la pava pero no ceba los mates” = he or she is a tease

“cerrado como culo de muñeca” = closed like a doll’s ass

“faltan cinco pa’l peso” = to come up short

“echar panza” = to let go of yourself, to settle down and get fat

“comerse un huesito” = to sleep with a hot babe

“echar un polvo” = to fuck

“no dejar titere con cabeza” = to take no prisoners

“estar en el horno” = to be stressed out or in a bad situation

“dejate de joder” = get out of town! You gotta be joking!

“echar un cloro” = take a piss

“más loco que una cabra con pollitos” = crazier than a goat with

“le faltan algunos jugadores” = he is out of his mind, he is dumb

“medio pelo” = mediocre

“hacer gancho” = to play matchmaker, to set to lover’s up

“meter la mula” = to rip someone off

“hablar hasta por los codos” = to talk someone’s ear off

“la verdad de la milanesa” = the real deal

“hacerse la mosquita muerta” = to act innocently after doing something


“mojar la chaucha” = to get laid

“hasta las manos” = to be busy, have your hands full

“ni a ganchos!” = no way

“ni a palos!” = no way

“mala leche” = bad luck

“no dá” = sorry, unacceptable, that doesn’t fly

“más dificil que cagar en un frasquito” = more difficult than shitting in

a little jar

“la noche está en pañales” = the night is young

“ponerse la camiseta” = to be a team player

“que parte la tierra! = wow what a beautiful woman!

“me pica el bagre” = I’m hungry

“qué pica toca?” = What is his story? Whats up with him?

“un pelo de la concha tira mas que una yunta de bueyes” = one
pussy hair pulls more than a team of oxen

“al pedo como teta de monja” = useless like tits on a nun

“me quema la cabeza” = it blows my mind

“tirame las agujas” = give me some time

“la sacaste barata” = you were lucky

“tener una vena” = to be super pissed off

“saltar la ficha” = to blow a fuse

“tirame la goma” = suck my dick

“tomátela! = fuck you!

“tomalo con soda” = calm down, take it easy

“tirar los galgos” = to flirt or hit on someone

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