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Challenges in the Treatment of Chronic Wounds

Robert G. Frykberg* and Jaminelli Banks

Phoenix VA Health Care System, Phoenix, Arizona.

Significance: Chronic wounds include, but are not limited, to diabetic foot
ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and pressure ulcers. They are a challenge to wound
care professionals and consume a great deal of healthcare resources around
the globe. This review discusses the pathophysiology of complex chronic
wounds and the means and modalities currently available to achieve healing
in such patients.
Recent Advances: Although often difficult to treat, an understanding of the
underlying pathophysiology and specific attention toward managing these
perturbations can often lead to successful healing.
Robert G. Frykberg, DPM, MPH Critical Issues: Overcoming the factors that contribute to delayed healing are
key components of a comprehensive approach to wound care and present the
Submitted for publication January 23, 2015. primary challenges to the treatment of chronic wounds. When wounds fail to
Accepted in revised form May 4, 2015.
*Correspondence: Phoenix VA Health Care
achieve sufficient healing after 4 weeks of standard care, reassessment of
System, 650 East Indian School Road, Phoenix, underlying pathology and consideration of the need for advanced therapeutic
AZ 85012 (e-mail: robert.frykberg@va.gov). agents should be undertaken. However, selection of an appropriate therapy is
often not evidence based.
Future Directions: Basic tenets of care need to be routinely followed, and a
systematic evaluation of patients and their wounds will also facilitate appro-
priate care. Underlying pathologies, which result in the failure of these
wounds to heal, differ among various types of chronic wounds. A better un-
derstanding of the differences between various types of chronic wounds at the
molecular and cellular levels should improve our treatment approaches,
leading to better healing rates, and facilitate the development of new more
effective therapies. More evidence for the efficacy of current and future ad-
vanced wound therapies is required for their appropriate use.

SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE or diabetes and are attributed to

Chronic lower extremity ulcers chronic venous insufficiency, arterial
are those that do not progress disease, prolonged pressure, or neu-
through the healing process in a ropathy.2 These ulcers last on aver-
timely manner and have become a age 12 to 13 months, recur in up to
major challenge to healthcare sys- 60% to 70% of patients, can lead to
tems worldwide. In the United States loss of function and decreased quality
alone, these wounds affect an esti- of life, and are a significant cause of
mated 2.4–4.5 million people.1,2 morbidity.2,3 Predominantly a con-
Chronic leg and foot ulcers occur in dition of the elderly, chronic wounds
many adults with vascular disease are becoming more prevalent and

ª Robert G. Frykberg and Jaminelli Banks 2015; Published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. This Open
Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits any noncommercial use, dis-
tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.


DOI: 10.1089/wound.2015.0635

more difficult to treat and are associated with high DISCUSSION

treatment costs.4 The care of chronic wounds has Physiology of wound healing
become its own specialty, with providers often us- The physiological process of wound healing is
ing advanced therapies, including growth factors, achieved through four temporarily and spatially
extracellular matrices (ECMs), engineered skin, overlapping phases: hemostasis, inflammation,
and negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT).5 proliferation, and remodeling phases.12,13 Im-
Care for such conditions has been reported to cost mediately after injury, hemostasis occurs and is
2% to 3% of the healthcare budgets in developed characterized by vasoconstriction and blood clot-
countries.2,3 ting, which prevents blood loss and provides the
Chronic wounds can be classified as vascular ul- provisional matrix for cell migration. Platelets se-
cers (e.g., venous and arterial ulcers), diabetic ulcers, crete growth factors and cytokines attract fibro-
and pressure ulcers (PUs).6 Some common features blasts, endothelial cells, and immune cells to
shared by each of these wounds include prolonged or initiate the healing process. The subsequent in-
excessive inflammation, persistent infections, for- flammation phase lasts up to 7 days. The predom-
mation of drug-resistant microbial biofilms, and the inant cells at work in this phase are phagocytic
inability of dermal and/or epidermal cells to respond cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages. Neu-
to reparative stimuli.7–11 In aggregate, these path- trophils release reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
ophysiologic phenomena result in the failure of these proteases that prevent bacterial contamination
wounds to heal. The underlying pathologies, how- and cleanse the wound of cellular debris. Blood
ever, differ among various types of chronic wounds. monocytes arrive at the wound site and differenti-
This review provides a brief overview of the path- ate into tissue macrophages. The latter not only
ophysiology of chronic wound healing and discusses remove bacteria and nonviable tissue by phagocy-
the established tenets and advanced treatment of tosis but also release various growth factors and
chronic wounds, with an emphasis on diabetic foot cytokines recruiting fibroblasts, endothelial cells,
ulcers (DFUs). Overcoming the factors that contrib- and keratinocytes to repair the damaged blood
ute to delayed healing is a part of the comprehensive vessels. As the inflammatory phase subsides ac-
approach to wound care and presents the primary companied by apoptosis of immune cells, the pro-
challenges to the treatment of chronic wounds. liferation phase begins. This phase is primarily
characterized by tissue granulation, formation of
TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE new blood vessels (angiogenesis), and epithelial-
This review provides researchers with a com- ization. The last phase occurs once the wound has
prehensive discussion of the pathophysiology and closed and may last 1–2 years or longer. During
approaches for the evaluation and treatment of this phase, the provisional matrix is remodeled into
chronic wounds from the perspective of an experi- organized collagen bundles.14,15
enced wound care physician. A better understand-
Pathophysiology of chronic wounds
ing of the challenges physicians face currently with
Chronic wounds are defined as wounds that fail
chronic wounds should facilitate the development of
to proceed through the normal phases of wound
new wound care products.
healing in an orderly and timely manner. Often,
This review also demonstrates the lack of
chronic wounds stall in the inflammation phase
available evidence demonstrating efficacy for a
of healing. Despite differences in etiology at the
majority of existing advanced wound care products.
molecular level, chronic wounds share certain
This fact should be taken into consideration by
common features, including excessive levels of
researchers during the development of clinical
proinflammatory cytokines, proteases, ROS, and
programs for wound care products.
senescent cells, as well as the existence of persis-
tent infection, and a deficiency of stem cells that
CLINICAL RELEVANCE are often also dysfunctional (Fig. 1).
Understanding and addressing the challenges in Due to repeated tissue injury, microorganisms
the treatment of chronic wounds will lead to a and platelet-derived factors, such as transforming
better clinical outcome (faster and more durable growth factor-b (TGF-b) or ECM fragment mole-
wound closure), resulting in improved patient cules, stimulate the constant influx of immune
quality of life and reduced healthcare costs. This cells; the proinflammatory cytokine cascade
review provides a current expert opinion and can therefore becomes amplified and persists for a
be used as a guideline for evaluation and appro- prolonged time, leading to elevated levels of pro-
priate treatment selection for nonhealing wounds. teases. In acute wounds, proteases are tightly

Figure 1. Molecular and cellular deficiencies in chronic wounds (red circles) and factors required to overcome them (green rectangles). Nonhealing ulcers
and wounds represent a failure to achieve complete reepithelialization in the appropriate temporal sequence of tissue repair. Such wounds are characterized
by excessive inflammation (including elevated levels of proteases, ROS, and inflammatory cytokines), by senescent cell populations with impaired proliferative
and secretory capacities, and by defective MSCs. Excessive inflammation leads to degradation of newly synthesized growth factors and ECM. There is a need
to restore the proper balance of cytokines, growth factors, and proteases, to recruit functional cells (epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells) to the
wound area, and to deliver healthy functional MSCs directly to the wound to compensate for the patient’s own dysfunctional stem cells. ECM, extracellular
matrix; MSCs, mesenchymal stem cells; ROS, reactive oxygen species.

regulated by their inhibitors. In chronic wounds, animal model that application of strong antioxi-
protease levels exceed that of their respective in- dants reduces ROS to normal levels, which results
hibitors, leading to destruction of ECM and deg- in the reverse of the chronicity of wounds and im-
radation of growth factors and their receptors. The proves healing.18
proteolytic destruction of ECM not only prevents Furthermore, chronic wounds are characterized
the wound from moving forward into the prolifer- by senescent cell populations with impaired pro-
ative phase but also attracts more inflammatory liferative and secretory capacities, rendering them
cells, thus amplifying the inflammation cycle.16 unresponsive to typical wound healing signals.15 It
Immune cells produce ROS, which in low con- has been reported that fibroblasts from venous and
centrations provides defense against microorgan- PUs are senescent and have a diminished ability to
isms. In chronic wounds, however, the predominant proliferate. This diminished proliferative capacity
hypoxic and inflammatory environment increases is directly correlated with the failure of a wound to
ROS production, which damages ECM proteins and heal.19–21 Accumulated data also indicate that
causes cell damage. This sequence of events leads to chronic wounds contain senescent keratinocytes,
an enhanced stimulation of proteases and inflam- endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and macrophages.22–25
matory cytokines.17 It has been suggested in an The senescent phenotype of cells in chronic wounds

is attributed to oxidative stress that leads to DNA thorough patient and wound assessment. Factors
damage-related cell cycle arrest or to abnormal contributing to the development or recalcitrance
metabolic changes in diabetic patients, which re- of the wounds are then addressed accordingly.
sults in defects in intracellular biochemical path- Concurrent with the management of associated
ways such as the GSK-3b/Fyn/Nrf2 pathway.24,26 complications or etiologic factors, wound bed prep-
In recent years, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) aration plays a key role in encouraging the proper
have been shown to play an important role in environment in which tissue repair can take place.
wound healing.27 These cells can be recruited into Of course, appropriate diagnosis is mandatory to
the circulation in response to injury. Subsequently, establish the etiology of the nonhealing wound.
they are found to engraft into the remodeling mi- DFUs, venous leg ulcers (VLUs), PUs, post surgical
crovasculature. Nonetheless, it has also been wounds, and wound dehiscences are the most com-
shown that stem cells in animals and patients with monly seen wounds in wound care practice. Atypical
diabetes or chronic wounds are both deficient and wounds such as pyoderma gangrenosum can also be
defective.27–29 Thus, these patients may require a very challenging. Each has its own underlying
direct delivery of healthy donor-derived functional etiopathogenesis that must be addressed upon ini-
MSCs to overcome this deficiency and achieve tial presentation. Nonetheless, the clinician must be
wound healing.30 diligent in taking care to rule out the presence of
Nonhealing ulcers and wounds represent a fail- malignancy in the wound either secondarily due to
ure to achieve complete reepithelialization in the malignant degeneration as in the case of squamous
appropriate temporal sequence of tissue repair.31 cell carcinoma or as a primary lesion (Fig. 2A). Aside
Understanding the underlying molecular and from neoplastic lesions, the basic tenets of wound
physiologic perturbations of nonhealing wounds, one assessment and care as presented in Table 1 serve
can appreciate the necessity to modify these wounds as a guide to facilitate the management of most
toward the characteristics of an acute healing chronic wounds.
wound. The need to restore the proper balance of
cytokines, growth factors, proteases, and metaboli- Patient assessment. Patient assessment must
cally competent cells is illustrated in Fig. 1.15 start with a thorough patient history to determine
medical comorbidities, contributing factors possi-
Patient and wound assessment bly leading to the chronic wound, prior trauma,
The care for chronic wounds therefore relies upon prior history of wounds, current medications, and
basic tenets that aim to not only remove or amelio- allergies. Obviously, the presence of diabetes mel-
rate the etiologic causes but also to address under- litus with neuropathy will be important to note for
lying systemic and metabolic perturbations such as those patients presenting with a DFU as will a
infection or peripheral arterial disease. Proper care history of deep venous thrombosis for those pre-
of the wound is facilitated initially by employing senting with a suspected VLU. The importance of

Figure 2. (A) Recurrent plantar ulcer not responsive to offloading. Biopsy revealed amelanotic melanoma. The clinician must be diligent in taking care to rule out
the presence of malignancy in the wound either secondarily due to malignant degeneration as in the case of squamous cell carcinoma or as a primary lesion. (B)
Cellulitis from infected digital wound with associated ischemia. Significant erythema can indicate cellulitis or infection requiring immediate hospitalization or might
be an indicator of significant ischemia (dependent rubor). (C) Probe-to-bone test. If the bone is directly appreciated at the base of a wound, osteomyelitis is likely.
A positive probe-to-bone test has a high predictive value for underlying osteomyelitis, even in the absence of acute signs of deep infection.

Table 1. Basic tenets of wound care Obvious necrosis or gangrene portends a much
Patient assessment more serious complexity, while a healthy granular
Medical comorbidities/history appearance might preclude a wound complicated
Diabetes, chronic kidney disease, coronary artery disease, by significant ischemia. Significant erythema, on
congestive heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, alcohol, etc.
Obesity, functional status, smoking
the other hand, can indicate cellulitis or infection
Medications—steroids, warfarin, antibiotics, etc. requiring immediate hospitalization or might be an
Laboratory parameters/vital signs indicator of significant ischemia (dependent rubor)
Glucose, hemoglobin A1c, creatinine, complete blood count, albumin, (Fig. 2B). Nonetheless, an initial visual impression
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, etc.
of the wound provides important clues not only to
Reliability the etiology of the lesion but also to its complexity.
Wound assessment Depth, extent (size), location, general appear-
Wound diagnosis—DFU, VLU, PU, postsurgical, etc. ance, odor, and notation of exudates are all essen-
Shoes, high plantar pressure, injury
tial components of wound evaluation and need to be
Depth, extent, area, location, appearance, temp., odor recorded at baseline.33 Probing the wound will de-
Neurological—10 G monofilament, deep tendon reflexes, vibration termine its depth of penetration and any tracking
perception threshold along tendon sheaths or tissue planes. A posi-
Vascular—pulses (ABI, toe blood pressure, transcutaneous oximetry,
arteriography prn)
tive probe-to-bone (PTB) test has a high predictive
Infection—probe for depth and abscess, tissue culture PRN value for underlying osteomyelitis even in the ab-
Classify, determine presence of osteomyelitis sence of acute signs of deep infection (Fig. 2C).34,35
X-ray (MRI, scans, computed tomography, PRN) A neurological evaluation should be performed to
Structural deformities
Charcot, hammertoes, bunions, prior amps
assess the presence and extent of neuropathy since
Treatment this factor not only predisposes a patient to DFUs
Medical management but is also a major risk factor for diabetes-related
Vascular—revascularization (endovascular vs. BPG) restore pulse. lower extremity amputation.36–38
Hyperbaric O2. Topical O2.
Infection—drain abscesses, debride osteomyelitis, antibiotics
A vascular examination is important for any
Wound care type of chronic wound, but assessment of arterial
Debridement perfusion is especially important for DFU patients
Wound bed preparation since this parameter will drive all subsequent
Therapeutic agents
therapies and outcomes. Palpation of pulses com-
Surgery mences initially, recognizing that this assessment
can be highly variable among different clini-
ABI, ankle–brachial indices; BPG, bypass graft; DFU, diabetic foot ulcer;
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PRN, as necessary; PU, pressure ulcer; cians.39,40 Medial arterial calcification renders
VLU, venous leg ulcer. pulse palpation to be difficult even in the presence
of adequate perfusion to the foot. Nonetheless,
taking a medical history cannot be overemphasized. ankle–brachial indices (ABI) should be obtained at
Laboratory studies at the time of presentation, baseline for most patients for whom there is any
including hematology, serum chemistries, and nu- question of a pulse deficit. Despite the falsely ele-
tritional parameters, will also provide useful infor- vated ABI levels that medial arterial calcification
mation to supplement initial impressions.32 An produces, the American Diabetes Association has
assessment of the patients’ living situation and recommended that this diagnostic test be per-
their likely reliability in following prescribed treat- formed on diabetic patients over 50 years of age and
ments is important in the actual determination of whenever clinical circumstances (such as in the
which therapies should be employed to manage the case of DFU) dictate this evaluation.39 Regardless,
wound(s). when the ABI is below 0.9, the patient should be
considered to have impaired arterial perfusion. To
Wound assessment. Assessment of the wound augment ankle–brachial studies, toe blood pres-
actually begins during the initial encounter with sure readings, pulse volume recordings, transcu-
the patient, whereby his/her general appearance is taneous oxygen measurements, and skin perfusion
noted as well as that of the wound itself. Morbid pressure measurements have been recommended
obesity or, conversely, a painfully thin patient body as valid benchmarks for the prediction of wound
habitus is a clue to nutritional status that will have healing.41,42 Whenever peripheral arterial disease
a bearing on treatment protocols as well as possibly is suspected or confirmed by the noninvasive tests
on outcomes. A visual inspection of the wound will above, a referral to a vascular surgeon or inter-
immediately identify very important attributes ventionist is indicated for angiography and revas-
that will guide further evaluation and treatment. cularization. Limb salvage rates have been

reported as high as 80% for ischemic foot ulcers the wounds must be ascertained and thereby re-
undergoing revascularization.43–46 moved to successfully administer treatment. Foot
Venous ulcers are obviously different from arte- ulcers are often the result of shoe pressure, repet-
rial wounds and require a different series of diag- itive plantar stress, or injury, while VLUs are ob-
nostic testing to confirm superficial or deep venous viously the result of increased venous pressure and
reflux, perforator incompetence, and chronic (or valvular incompetency.
acute) venous thrombosis. Venous duplex ultra- Chronic wounds, following their systematic as-
sound, plethysmography, and other venous reflux sessment, should be classified according to one of
tests are the mainstays of diagnosis.47,48 Notwith- the published (and preferably validated) classifi-
standing, mixed arterial and venous disease is al- cation systems. For DFUs, the Wagner, University
ways a concern for management that requires a of Texas, and PEDIS classification systems each
combination of both arterial and venous noninva- have their place and have been embraced by the
sive testing.49 wound care community.52–54 VLUs are classified by
Ascertainment of infection and determination of the CEAP classification system and PUs by the
its severity are also critical for appropriate wound NPUAP classification schemes.55,56 Classification
management and classification.33 As previously can ultimately guide treatment by prompting sys-
mentioned, a positive PTB test is a good indicator of tematic evaluation of important underlying com-
underlying bone infection, especially in the pres- ponents and, furthermore, can predict outcomes
ence of acute signs of infection.35 When signs of based on the severity of the disease.57
infection at the wound are present, tissue cultures Imaging is a valuable method for assessment of
are indicated to guide specific antimicrobial treat- the wound healing process. Biopsy of wound tissue
ment. In contrast, clinically uninfected wounds is considered the gold standard for measuring tis-
should not be cultured since such cultures will sue morphological changes. The usual analysis in-
yield growth of contaminants that need not be volves tissue staining with hematoxylin and eosin,
treated.50 Unfortunately, osteomyelitis can exist at which is examined under light microscopy. How-
the base of a wound without clinical signs of in- ever, it is an invasive and time-consuming method.
fection. Therefore, plain radiographs are necessary The invasiveness of the method is the primary
to rule out underlying bone changes or foreign reason for the development and implementation of
bodies (or gas when clinical infection is present). noninvasive optical imaging techniques. Cur-
However, the specificity (75–83%) of plain radio- rently, there are many different noninvasive
graphs for the detection of osteomyelitis is higher methods, including laser Doppler imaging, in-
than its sensitivity (43–75%); because of this, the docyanine green videoangiography, near-infrared
use of other imaging methods are often required.51 spectroscopy, in vivo capillary microscopy, orthog-
Serial plain radiography taken every 2–4 weeks is onal polarization spectral imaging, reflectance-
more useful than a single plain image due to delayed mode confocal microscopy, hyperspectral imaging,
changes associated with infection progression. Se- optical coherence tomography, laser speckle imag-
rial plain radiography has greater sensitivity and ing, photoacoustic microscopy, and others. Al-
specificity and is recommended when access to ad- though the majority of these methods have more
vanced imaging is limited.50 Again, exposure of bone utility in basic research, several noninvasive im-
or a positive PTB test should prompt suspicion for aging techniques are already in use for assessment
bone infection and warrant further diagnostic test- of burns and chronic wounds.58–62 These published
ing. When X-rays are negative, but suspicion is high reports show the potential utility of noninvasive
for bone infection, advanced imaging, such as nu- imaging as diagnostic and prognostic tools of the
clear medicine scans, magnetic resonance imaging, future to prevent the incidence of ulceration, diag-
or computed tomography, is indicated to confirm the nose infections, monitor complications and progress
diagnosis and the extent of involvement.33,50 of treatment, and predict treatment outcomes.
Important for determining the etiology of foot
wounds as well as for long-term management, Basic tenets of treatment of chronic wounds
structural deformities must be identified. Ham- Managing chronic wounds, although often times
mertoes, bunions, and especially Charcot defor- challenging, need not be considered a daunting
mities are important determinants of DFUs in task if basic principles of care are routinely fol-
association with neuropathy; these deformities are lowed. A thorough assessment of the patient and
sites of increased pressure that must be amelio- wound will guide subsequent treatment by eluci-
rated to provide for subsequent healing and pre- dating underlying areas of concern that need to
vention of recurrence.33 Similarly, the etiology of be specifically addressed. Therefore, a systematic

approach to both assessment and treatment should wounds are easily diagnosed, neuropathy can mask
most often lead to favorable outcomes. Due to the the presence of deep infections or abscess. Hence,
frequent complexity of patients and wounds, a clinical suspicion must remain high when insen-
multidisciplinary approach to management has sate patients complain of pain or flu-like symp-
been proven highly successful and is widely re- toms. Once diagnosed, infection complicating
commended.33,63,64 chronic wounds must be treated aggressively. This
Medical/holistic management of the patient must includes thorough debridement, surgical drainage
commence concurrently with wound management. of abscesses, debridement of infected bone, and
Diabetic patients frequently need improved control tissue culture-guided antimicrobial therapy. As
of their hyperglycemia, renal insufficiency, nutri- previously mentioned, clinically noninfected ulcers
tion, and other associated medical comorbidities should not be cultured nor treated with systemic
that may adversely affect the healing of their antimicrobial therapy.50 However, if osteomyelitis
wound(s). Patients with a VLU might often have is suspected, bone culture, followed by specific an-
hemodynamic perturbations requiring improved timicrobial therapy (and perhaps surgery), is war-
medical management, while PU patients, often ranted for this recalcitrant infection.76
bedridden from intercurrent illness, will have sig- Specific wound care or wound bed preparation
nificant nutritional deficits that need to be corrected commences concurrently with the aforementioned
to optimize tissue repair.65,66 interventions when feasible.15,75,77 Revasculariza-
The vascular examination performed during the tion, however, often follows control of infection and
wound assessment will have determined the need initiation of wound care procedures. The acronym
for necessary interventions.40 Since many DFUs TIME has been used over the last decade or so to
have a component of vascular insufficiency, refer- facilitate an organized approach to wound bed
ral to a vascular surgeon or vascular interven- preparation and has been summarized nicely by
tionist for arterial imaging (angiography, duplex Leaper et al.78–80 This acronym refers to Tissue as-
scanning, etc.) and subsequent revascularization sessment and management, Infection/Inflammation
need to take place early in the course of treatment. management, Moisture imbalance management,
The exact roles of endovascular and open bypass and Edge of wound observation and management
procedures are still evolving, but are primarily (Table 2). The TIME principles are an integral, al-
determined by arterial anatomy, wound severity, though incomplete, part of this discussion and in-
and patient comorbidities.67,68 The ultimate goal is corporate the basic tenets of wound care that are
to restore a palpable pulse in the affected foot. In critical for managing chronic wounds.
some limited cases where revascularization has Debridement has long been recognized as a
failed or is not feasible, hyperbaric oxygen therapy critical component for wound care and has been
(HBOT) might be indicated.69,70 Topical oxygen shown by several investigators to expedite heal-
therapy, long criticized as having no role in this ing.81,82 Sharp debridement removes nonviable
regard, is emerging again as an adjunctive mea- tissue and slough along with bacterial biofilms that
sure to improve tissue oxygenation.71,72 In con- prolong the inflammatory response in the chronic
trast, venous insufficiency must be addressed wound.75 In effect, thorough debridement converts
initially with adequate compression wrapping with the chronic wound from one that is excessively in-
or without intermittent pneumatic compression to flamed, as previously described, to more of an acute
counteract the detrimental effects of the venous profile that can jump-start the wound toward a
hypertension causing associated VLUs.49 Where healing trajectory.15,77 While sharp debridement is
compression therapy is ineffective or for recurrent considered to be the most efficient way to debride a
VLUs due to significant venous disease, surgical
intervention on the superficial, deep, and/or in- Table 2. TIME principles of wound bed preparation
competent perforators is indicated.47,49 Again, care Tissue: assessment and debridement of nonviable or foreign material (including
must be taken to identify mixed arterial and venous host necrotic tissue, adherent dressing material, multiple organism-related
disease in such circumstances since the associated biofilm, or slough, exudate, and debris) on the surface of the wound.
arterial insufficiency complicates customary treat- Infection/inflammation: assessment of the etiology of each wound, need for topical
antiseptic and/or systemic antibiotic use to control infection, and management
ment protocols for venous ulcerations. of inappropriate inflammation unrelated to infection.
Infection is similarly an important risk factor for Moisture imbalance: assessment of the etiology and management of wound
wound healing failure and, in the case of DFUs, for exudate.
subsequent lower extremity amputation.73,74 Even Edge of wound: assessment of nonadvancing or undermined wound edges
(and state of the surrounding skin).
excessive bioburden can inhibit normal progres-
sion to wound healing.75 While acutely infected Revised based on Leaper et al.78

wound (with scalpel, curette, tissue nippers, etc.), hypertension is at the source of these lesions, hy-
hydrosurgical or ultrasonic debridement can also drostatic pressure into the skin and subcutane-
be used in this regard.77 The term ulcerectomy has ous tissues underlying venous ulcers must be
been used to denote complete excision of ulcers mitigated by external compression.49 Different
down to healthy bleeding tissue, resulting in ex- modalities, such as the classic Unna’s boot, three-
pedited healing of DFUs.83 Maintenance debride- or four-layer compression bandages, and short
ment with enzymes (collagenase) is frequently stretch compression bandages, have long been used
used between clinic visits to gently remove slough in this setting.94 For ulcerated patients with sig-
or to enzymatically debride thick crusts (especially nificant venous insufficiency and associated chronic
in neuroischemic wounds).75,84 Biodebridement lymphedema, intermittent pneumatic compression
with maggots has been used for many years in pa- pump therapy can also be recommended. While not
tients not suitable for surgical debridement and has supplanting the need for directly applied compres-
shown some promise in removing slough and ne- sion wraps, pump therapy will augment their effect
crotic tissue while promoting granulation tissue and assist in maintaining long-term control of pe-
development.85,86 Simple hydrogels or hydrocolloid ripheral edema and lymphedema.49,95
dressings can provide for slow autolytic debridement Surgical offloading is a term that (as its name
of slough and dried crusts, especially in ischemic implies) refers to the surgical management of foot
patients or those who cannot undergo surgical de- deformities causing high pressures resulting in
bridement. Regardless of the method used, effective chronic ulcerations.96–98 While not generally con-
debridement of chronic wounds is accepted as an sidered a primary treatment for most neuropathic
essential component of care throughout the wound DFUs, those that prove to be recalcitrant to stan-
healing continuum.15,33,64,87 Nonetheless, healing dard wound bed preparation and effective off-
can be delayed if debridement is performed too fre- loading should be considered for surgical internal
quently and/or extensively. Development of diag- decompression. Many such procedures have been
nostic tools, including biomarker analysis and reported as effective over the last several de-
noninvasive imaging, is necessary to better distin- cades.99–102 Metatarsal head osteotomies or re-
guish viable from nonviable tissues in the wound sections, sesamoidectomies, hammertoe repair,
and guide debridement practices.88 bunionectomies, first metatarsal phalangeal joint
The importance of offloading the chronic wound arthroplasties, plantar exostectomies, arthrodeses,
cannot be overemphasized.89 In fact, when this and partial calcanectomies have all been described
component of wound care is neglected, the chances for the management of noninfected as well as in-
of a successful outcome are extremely low. When fected chronic foot ulcers. Soft tissue tendon bal-
one recognizes that most wounds, especially DFUs, ancing procedures, such as tenotomies, tendon
have excessive pressure as their proximate cause, transfers, and lengthening procedures, including
it is quite understandable that the high pressures tendo-Achilles lengthening and gastrocnemius-
must be ameliorated before healing can take place. soleus recession, can be done as isolated procedures
For nonplantar wounds caused by tight shoes, it is or in concert with osseous procedures to reduce
imperative that the source of offending pressures deformities and high forefoot plantar pressures.103,104
be eliminated. A number of studies and reviews Several authors have proposed a validated classi-
have confirmed the essential role of offloading in fication scheme for such operations based on the
this regard.90–92 For DFUs, the total contact cast presence or absence of wounds as well as their
has long been considered as the gold standard for acuity.97,105 Elective procedures are done in the
offloading by virtue of its pressure redistribution absence of neuropathy, while Prophylactic opera-
properties as well as irremovability. Numerous tions are performed in neuropathic individuals to
additional offloading modalities have been re- prevent initial ulceration over deformities or to
ported for DFUs, including braces, removable cast prevent their recurrence. Curative procedures
walkers, irremovable cast walkers (often referred are undertaken to internally decompress chronic
to as instant total contact casts), half shoes, modi- wounds, reduce high plantar pressures, or to re-
fied surgical shoes, foot casts, and various felt or move foci of bone infection/osteomyelitis to en-
foam dressings.89,90,93 While each device has its gender final healing. Emergent operations, often
own advantages for any given patient, almost any including amputations, must be performed to con-
offloading modality is superior to no offloading for trol acute infection as limb or life-threatening
the management of DFUs. measures. As has been validated, this classification
Along the same lines, compression therapy for trends toward an increasing need for hospitaliza-
chronic VLUs is equally important. Since venous tion and frequency of amputation in the progres-

sion from elective through emergent procedures.105 use of such standard measures for an initial period
Of course, residual postoperative wounds in these of 4 weeks, after which an assessment of wound
patients must be treated with the same tenets of area reduction should be made. While the 1999
wound care as discussed above until final healing American Diabetes Association publication was
occurs.96 one of the first consensus documents on DFU as-
sessment and treatment, it only mentioned that
Topical wound therapies/dressings
wounds failing to heal by 4 weeks were associated
While there are a myriad of topical therapies/
with worse outcomes, including amputation.110 In
antimicrobials and dressings available to the cli-
2003, however, Sheehan et al. published the often
nician, very few have prospective data to support
quoted article supporting the ability of the 4-week
their effectiveness in promoting wound repair.
healing rate to predict complete healing by 12
Nonetheless, many therapies can indeed be useful,
weeks.111 Using data from another large, multi-
despite reliance on anecdotal experience. Hence,
center randomized controlled trial (RCT), it was
clinicians tend to use what they are accustomed to
determined that the midpoint (median) percent
or what seems to be effective based on personal
wound area reduction from baseline at 4 weeks
experience. Topically applied agents for wounds
between those that healed and those that remained
run the gamut from sterile saline or hydrogel to
unhealed at 12 weeks was 53%.112 Those who ex-
povidone–iodine solutions, cadexomer iodine, hy-
ceeded this midpoint healed in 58% of cases by 12
pochlorous acid, honey, and collagenase. One top-
weeks. In contrast, those that did not achieve 53%
ical antimicrobial agent, superoxidized solution,
wound area reduction by 4 weeks only healed in 9%
has recently been formally studied for efficacy in
of cases ( p < 0.001). Even more striking, the mean
healing DFUs and was found to be effective in this
4-week percent change in ulcer area was 82% in
regard.106 Similarly, the inexhaustible availability
healers versus 25% in the nonhealing group re-
of dressings can make selection of the appropriate
gardless of the treatment arm. Subsequently, the
wound covering somewhat daunting. While stan-
4-week 50% wound area reduction has been widely
dard cotton gauze dressings have long been con-
adopted and confirmed as a robust indicator for
sidered standard of care (even in clinical trials),
predicting healing at 3 months.33,38,64,87,109,113–115
many other primary and secondary dressings are
Consistent with this premise, wounds failing to
commercially available. Highly absorbent and
achieve a 50% area reduction at this time point
moisture-retaining foam dressings, acrylics, algi-
need to be reassessed and subsequently considered
nates, hydrofibers, hydrocolloids, honey alginates,
for advanced therapies in the absence of underly-
oxidized regenerated cellulose, micronized colla-
ing disease or nonadherence to prescribed basic
gen, and many others can be considered as cir-
treatment.33,64 Figure 3 illustrates a fairly common
cumstances warrant. Many of the aforementioned
algorithm for DFU treatment incorporating these
products also are available with silver for control
principles. Figure 4 similarly illustrates an algo-
of bacterial overburden. While the use of silver-
rithm for VLU treatment.
containing products is widespread, misuse of this
Once it is determined that the patient might
antibacterial element for prolonged periods is also
benefit from an advanced therapeutic agent, there
common. While its primary use is for the reduction
are a number of options currently available.64,116–118
of bacterial colonization, there are little data to
While there have been several key RCTs published
support its efficacy as a wound healing agent.107,108
on advanced wound care agents for chronic wounds,
It cannot be emphasized enough that standard
most such products do not have the benefit of high-
dressings and topical therapies never supplant the
level evidence or even nonrandomized prospective
need for debridement, effective offloading, and ap-
studies to attest to their efficacy. Advanced wound
propriate management of infection and ischemia.
therapies can best be discussed by broadly cate-
Advanced therapies gorizing them according to their specific technol-
All currently published guidelines and consen- ogies or engineering, tissue types, cell types, or
sus reviews on the management of chronic DFUs, protein content (i.e., growth factors). Even this
VLUs, and PUs support the belief that all such scheme will not capture the myriad products, pro-
wounds should initially be treated with stan- teins, and molecules that have undergone trials
dard wound care principles as have been dis- and failed to demonstrate superiority over stan-
cussed.33,49,56,64,109 In most cases, these basic dard of care treatment. While not exhaustive,
tenets of wound care should be carried out before Table 3 provides a listing of the more common
consideration of the use of more advanced thera- wound care technologies currently in use in the
pies. Most wound care protocols now advocate the United States and abroad.

Table 3. Wound care technologies

Negative pressure wound therapy

Standard electrically powered—VAC
Mechanically powered—SNaP
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Topical oxygen therapy
Electrical stimulation, diathermy, pulsed electromagnetic fields
Pulsed radiofrequency energy
Low-frequency noncontact ultrasound—MIST
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy–DermaPACE
Growth factors
Becaplermin—platelet-derived growth factor—Regranex
Fibroblast growth factor ( Japan)
Epidermal growth factor (Cuba)
Platelet-rich plasma
Acellular matrix tissues
Xenograft dermis
Primatrix—bovine neonatal dermis
Integra—bovine collagen
Matriderm—bovine dermis
Xenograft acellular matrices
Oasis—small intestine submucosa
Matristem— porcine urinary bladder matrix
Ovine forestomach—Endoform
Figure 3. Simplified algorithm for diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) treatment. Equine pericardium
Human dermis
Negative pressure wound therapy
Since its introduction in the mid 1990s, negative Human pericardium
pressure therapy has assumed a major role in the Placental tissues
management of traumatic, acute, and chronic Amniotic tissues/amniotic fluid
Umbilical cord
wounds, as well as for stabilizing skin grafts, flaps,
Dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane (dHACM)—Epifix
and surgical incisions.119–123 Since the early stud- Bioengineered allogeneic cellular therapies
ies of Morykwas et al. and Argenta and Morykwas Bilayered skin equivalent—Apligraf
that demonstrated the numerous attributes of Dermal replacement therapy—Dermagraft
Stem cell therapies
NPWT, a very large body of evidence has been
Autogenous—bone marrow-derived stem cells
published supporting the clinical efficacy of this Allogeneic—amniotic matrix with mesenchymal stem cells—Grafix
Hyalomatrix (Hyaluronan)

very important biophysical modality.121,124–129

Clinical trials have been conducted in the ensuing
years that have proven the superiority of NPWT
over standard therapy for managing open ampu-
tation wounds, DFUs, VLUs, and other
wounds.130–132 As an adjunct to standard chronic
wound care, NPWT very efficiently manages
wound drainage and can provide expedited gran-
ulation tissue development, wound area contrac-
tion/reduction, preparation for delayed closure or
grafting, or primary healing.133,134 NPWT is also
quite useful as a bolster to enhance the incorpora-
tion of skin grafts onto recipient wound beds.135
Application techniques are important, however,
Figure 4. Simplified algorithm for venous leg ulcer (VLU) treatment. ABI,
since inappropriate placement of tubing can po-
ankle–brachial indices.
tentially cause skin pressure lesions. Therefore, a

bridging method that provides for suction tubing HBOT with rigorously designed adequately pow-
placement away from plantar surfaces has become ered trials to assess efficacy in healing chronic
an important application technique. More recently, wounds.
these electrically powered devices have added the Since the very poorly conducted 14-day study by
ability to instill saline or other antimicrobial Leslie et al. in 1988, the use of topical wound oxy-
agents to assist in the cleansing of the wounds gen for DFUs and VLUs has been considered as
concurrent with providing the aforementioned highly controversial, especially by advocates of
benefits of NPWT.128,136–138 A mechanically pow- HBOT.71 The lack of a formal study in this regard
ered, ultralight, and portable NPWT device has has been offset by several reviews, case series, and
also been introduced in recent years.135,139,140 Two experimental studies on the effect of topically ad-
articles comparing this device with the traditional ministered oxygen at the wound surface that seem
electrically powered device in a prospective RCT to indicate a benefit in promoting wound re-
have shown equivalent DFU healing outcomes pair.154,159–169 While several RCTs with different
with faster application times and a high degree of devices have been ongoing, there have been no
patient satisfaction.141,142 Clinicians have also publications to date comparing 12-week healing
combined NPWT with other advanced therapies rates with those of standard care.
such as acellular and cellular matrices.143 Such
multimodal therapies can be administered con- Biophysical modalities
currently or sequentially as wound characteristics Electrical stimulation has been the most studied
change to provide the optimum therapy for any biophysical device for healing chronic wounds to
given wound. date, primarily utilized by physical therapists and
physiatrists.170–173 An abundance of studies advo-
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy cates the beneficial healing effect of electrical stim-
HBOT has been advocated as being beneficial for ulation at various modes and frequencies for a
a wide variety of chronic wounds for over two de- variety of chronic wounds.174–177 Other nonthermal
cades.144–150 While there are numerous retrospec- forms of electromagnetic energy have also been used
tive and prospective studies, case series, cohort for wound healing, including pulsed radiofrequency
studies, and several trials indicating the efficacy of energy (PRFE), pulsed shortwave diathermy, and
HBOT for the treatment of DFUs and VLUs, the pulsed electromagnetic fields.173,178,179 One in vitro
general quality of these studies is not robust since study of PRFE effects on cultured dermal fibroblasts
inclusion criteria and outcomes are highly vari- and keratinocytes found this electromagnetic field
able.69,144,145,150–156 While the recent Cochrane to upregulate expression of a variety of genes in-
review in 2012 indicated significant short-term volved in modulating the inflammatory stage of
improvement for healing DFUs over controls at 6 wound healing.180 In general, by interacting with
weeks (relative risk [RR] 5.20; p = 0.02), this benefit endogenous bioelectric currents, electromagnetic
was not evident at 1 year or longer.157 While there fields indirectly upregulate the production of nitric
was a suggestion that HBOT may decrease the oxide and multiple growth factors, resulting in cel-
major amputation rate in DFU patients, pooled lular mobilization, angiogenesis, and expedited
analysis of the data did not yield a significant es- wound repair.173,176
timate for this association (RR 0.36, 95% confidence Ultrasound, most frequently used for diagnostic
interval 0.11 to 1.18, p = 0.08). The 2010 RCT by and musculoskeletal therapy purposes, has also
Londahl et al. reported favorable outcomes at 1 assumed a role in wound management. Several
year for HBOT in those patients with Wagner lower frequency devices are currently available for
grade 2, 3, or 4 DFUs failing prior standard inter- debridement that use the delivery of sound waves
ventions for >3 months (52% vs. 29%, p = 0.03).69 to generate cavitation at the wound bed.173,181
Unfortunately, the heterogeneity of the patients Wounds with thick fibrinous slough and necrosis
and time to reported outcomes (9 months or 1 year) can thereby be very aggressively debrided with
make comparisons with other DFU trials difficult. low-frequency ultrasound (LFU) devices, although
A more recent review of HBOT in a large observa- trials to show improved healing rates have not been
tional cohort study by Margolis found that the use conclusive.181–183 Noncontact LFU using a saline
of HBOT neither improved the likelihood that a droplet carrier to the wound surface has been pro-
wound would heal nor prevented amputation in posed as another LFU device that can improve
patients with adequate lower limb arterial perfu- healing rates of chronic ulcers, including those
sion.158 This review and the aforementioned Co- complicated by ischemia.170,184–188 While this
chrane review both called for a reevaluation of noncontact LFU modality can assist with wound

bed preparation, it cannot aggressively debride platelets during the centrifugation of whole
wounds as well as the aforementioned units. Sev- blood.193–195 Several small trials and retrospective
eral retrospective observational studies and one reviews have affirmed the potential efficacy of to-
low quality RCT suggested improvements in heal- pically applied, activated, autologous platelet su-
ing rates over standard of care comparators, but pernatants for expedited healing of chronic lower
confirmatory prospective studies have not been extremity wounds.196–199 After recognizing the
forthcoming.184–186,188 potential benefit of topically applied PDGF to
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has chronic wounds, becaplermin gel (rhPDGF) was
been used for a number of years for a variety of studied in the setting of chronic neuropathic DFUs
musculoskeletal conditions and has recently been and became the first commercially available ad-
adapted for the treatment of cutaneous wounds. vanced therapy for the management of these diffi-
ESWT is defined as a series of high-energy acoustic cult wounds (and the only growth factor approved
pulses delivered to tissues by electrohydraulic, for use in the United States).200–202 In the 20-week
electromagnetic, and piezoelectric sources.189 The phase III clinical trial by Wieman leading to its
pressure pulses generated promote a cascade of approval, topically applied rhPDGF gel was found
cytokine and growth factor upregulation leading to to significantly increase the incidence of complete
enhanced neovascularization, anti-inflammatory wound closure by 43% and decrease the time to
response, and tissue regeneration.190,191 Several healing by 32% over placebo-controlled standard
recent reviews and one study comparing ESWT wound care.203 The efficacy of the single topically
with HBOT on DFU healing support its potential applied growth factor was corroborated as being
role in expediting wound repair.189–191 None- beneficial to the healing of chronic nonischemic foot
theless, RCTs are still required to evaluate the ulcers when combined with good standard wound
clinical efficacy of this modality in healing chronic care in several other studies pooling data from
wounds of different etiologies. multiple sources.200,202,204
rhEGF is perhaps the best studied growth factor
Biological and bioengineered therapies for cutaneous ulcers and wounds, but is not avail-
Concurrent with the explosive growth of nega- able in the United States.205–212 Applied as a topi-
tive pressure therapies and HBOT for the man- cal cream, or more commonly, by intralesional
agement of chronic wounds in the last two decades, injections, EGF has been found also to expedite the
there has been an enormous amount of research healing of a variety of types of cutaneous wounds.
and interest in advanced biological therapies. In Several small trials have been published from Asia
this regard, biological therapies refer to tissue- and Cuba attesting to the healing benefits of EGF
based treatments (acellular and cellular), autologous compared with controls.207–209,213 However, the
platelet-rich plasma (PRP), as well as recombinant heterogeneity of wounds, applications, patient
human growth factor therapies. While the latter management protocols, and outcomes has not lead
can be considered as a category unto themselves to clinical trials in the United States nor to wide-
due to the enormous amount of preclinical re- spread global adoption of this therapy.
search on cytokine and growth factor-mediated FGF has been studied primarily in Asia for a
wound repair, there are currently only several such variety of chronic wounds, including DFUs, VLUs,
therapies commercially available to clinicians— and PUs, and is approved in Japan for this use.214–218
recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor FGF, considered a potent angiogenic growth fac-
(rhPDGF), fibroblast growth factor (rhFGF), and tor, also has an isoform (FGF-10) commonly known
epidermal growth factor (rhEGF). Numerous other as keratinocyte growth factor-2 or repifermin.192,217
growth factors have been isolated and investi- This agent has been studied in the United States
gated, such as vascular endothelial growth factor for chronic VLUs as a topical spray. Repifermin
(VEGF), keratinocyte growth factor-2, TGF-b, and was shown to accelerate wound healing with sig-
granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating fac- nificantly more patients achieving 75% wound
tor, but these currently are not approved for use in closure with repifermin than with placebo after 12
wound care.192 weeks. The treatment effect appeared more marked
for a subgroup of patients with initial wound areas
Platelet-rich plasma and growth factors. The £15 cm2 and wound ages of £18 months.217 Un-
clinical interest in growth factor therapies over the fortunately, there were no significant differences
last 25 years actually stemmed from the early work between the study and control groups for the pri-
of Knighton et al. on autologous PRP and the cas- mary outcome (healing at 12 weeks), likely due
cade of growth factors released from activated to methodological issues in the study protocol.

Neither repifermin nor FGF has been approved in products, the dermal matrices serve as scaffolds for
the United States for wound management. cellular repopulation and angiogenesis, with vary-
ing degrees of incorporation into the recipient wound
Acellular therapies. The most common types of bed.246,247 One of these cryopreserved dermal allo-
advanced biological therapies for chronic wounds grafts, referred to as a human skin allograft, claims
can generally be classified as acellular therapies— that both the extracellular and cellular components
those dermal, amniotic, or collagen-based tissues are preserved during the minimal processing.242,243
(human or animal) that have been decellularized Two of the available dermal regenerative matrices
during their processing. Often referred to as acel- have successfully undergone small RCTs (Graft-
lular and/or ECMs, these biological products serve jacket; KCI, San Antonio, TX and TheraSkin;
as substrates into which cells can migrate and Soluble Systems, Newport News, VA), while a third
initiate angiogenesis, thereby promoting granula- is currently undergoing a clinical trial for DFUs
tion tissue development and tissue regenera- (dCell; Tissue Regenix, San Antonio, TX).240,243
tion.116 Once considered only as inert structural Available data suggest that acellular dermal matri-
collagen tissue providing a scaffold for cellular in- ces, in addition to basic wound care principles, may
growth, ECMs are now known to play an active provide an effective technique for tissue regenera-
part in tissue regeneration through a dynamic in- tion in deep and cutaneous extremity wounds.221,246
teraction with growth factors and host cells.219–221 Amniotic membranes (AMs) and umbilical cord
ECMs contain not only structural collagen but also tissues have been used for many years for corneal
glycosaminoglycans (including hyaluronan), pro- ulcers and were actually the earliest reported bio-
teoglycans, and glycoproteins—all essential com- materials used for wound repair. In recent years,
ponents to replace the defective ECM of injured there has been a greatly expanded interest in these
tissues.222,223 Currently available nonhuman ECM tissues for chronic wounds, likely due to the wide
products with clinical data to support their efficacy availability of placental tissues after cesarean de-
include porcine-derived small intestinal submu- liveries. Due to their rich cellular content in the
cosa, porcine urinary bladder matrix, bovine der- native state, AMs contain a number of cytokines and
mis, equine pericardium, and sheep (ovine) growth factors bound to the ECM after decellular-
bladder.224–233 Another matrix dressing (Hyalo- ization and preparation that remain available to
matrix; Anika Therapeutics, Inc., Bedford, MA) augment angiogenesis and tissue repair when im-
comprising primarily hyaluronan, one of the main planted into chronic wounds.248–251 AMs are avail-
constituents of ECM, has also been studied in able in the cryopreserved state or as dehydrated
Europe as a dermal substitute for use in burns, products for direct implantation.250,252,253 Several
VLUs, and DFUs.234–237 Integra bilayer wound products are also available in a micronized formu-
matrix (Integra LifeSciences, Plainsboro, NJ) is a lation that can be applied topically or hydrated for
dermal regeneration template in this category injection into wounds or other inflamed tissues
(bovine collagen, glycosaminoglycans, and silicone (tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, etc.) to augment heal-
layer) that has primarily been used in burns for a ing.254 Amniotic fluid with granulized amniotic
number of years, but is being more frequently used matrix is also available for the management of
in lower extremity chronic wounds and foot ul- chronic wounds.255 While several retrospective and
cers.238,239 Although there are few published pro- prospective studies have supported the benefit of
spective studies to support their efficacy, most of amniotic matrix products for chronic wound repair,
these products are commercially available in the the only published randomized and comparative
United States at relatively low cost and are ap- studies to date have utilized the dehydrated human
proved for use in multiple chronic wound types. amnion/chorion membrane (dHACM).255–262 In the
Human dermal allografts have become increas- initial small RCT of just 25 DFU patients in a single
ingly popular in recent years for augmenting tissue center, Zelen et al. reported a 92% healing rate after
regeneration in chronic lower extremity wounds and 6 weeks in the dHACM (Epifix; Mimedix Group,
have been formally studied in DFUs and VLUs. Marietta, GA) group compared with 8% in the
These are defined by the Food and Drug Adminis- standard of care group ( p < 0.001).261 In a crossover
tration as human cellular and tissue-based products. study of unhealed patients in the control arm of
The allografts are harvested from screened donors, the RCT, 91% healed by 12 weeks with biweekly
and each is prepared with proprietary processes to dHCAM application.259 Subsequent studies ascer-
decellularize and cryopreserve the dermis while tained that weekly applications of this allograft
maintaining the natural structure of the collagen provided more rapid healing of DFUs than biweekly
and ECM.240–245 As with the aforementioned ECM application and that healing frequency with the

amnion/chorion product was significantly higher 12 weeks compared with the standard wound care
than patients assigned to either a bilayered skin group (30% vs. 18.3%, p = 0.023). Despite the os-
substitute or to standard of care treatment in an- tensibly low overall healing rate, the study group
other comparative trial.260,262 Many of the afore- achieved a 64% increased healing compared with
mentioned studies, however, were sponsored by a the standard care group. This was a greater margin
single company with a single product and the same of effect than reported in any previous trial. De-
investigative group. Since a number of other AM spite the failure to achieve superiority in its pri-
products are now commercially available, further mary outcome of complete healing in a large VLU
studies should be forthcoming to determine if there trial, significant differences in complete healing
is a distinction between different amniotic matrices were achieved for a subgroup of ulcers £12 months
pertaining to efficacy in wound repair. in duration ( p = 0.029).273 Other authors have re-
ported success with the dermal substitute in a va-
Bioengineered cellular therapies. For more riety of lower extremity wounds, often used in
than a decade, two allogeneic bioengineered skin concert with other wound healing modalities.274–
replacement therapies utilizing neonatal expanded A recent study investigated the incidence of
cells have been available in the United States amputations and bone resections within the two
market to address chronic wounds. Both products arms of the DFU pivotal trial and found a de-
underwent formal, controlled clinical trials before creased incidence of these complications in the
their approval for use. The first cellular product HFDS group, likely related to a lower incidence of
(Apligraf; Organogenesis, Canton, MA) is a bi- infection and faster healing in the investigational
layered construct consisting of a bovine collagen treatment group.278
matrix seeded with living human neonatal fibro-
blasts and a neonatal keratinocyte neoepidermis. It Stem cell therapies. Perhaps the most recent
is approved for both chronic VLUs as well as DFUs. advancements for wound care therapies are that of
This living skin equivalent not only addresses the stem cell therapies, primarily bone marrow de-
deficient ECM of chronic wounds by adding a col- rived, and most recently, placental-derived stem
lagen matrix but also introduces immune-privileged cells. Both sources are considered as adult stem
living cells that proliferate and actively synthesize cells, and the cell lineage of interest are the MSCs.
growth factors, cytokines, and ECM products.263–265 Briefly, MSCs are multipotent progenitor cells that
In the pivotal, multicenter, 12-week clinical trial, can directly differentiate into mesenchymal tis-
patients randomized to the Apligraf group achieved sues, such as bone, tendon, and cartilage. Their
complete healing in 56% of cases compared with ability to affect cutaneous repair, however, is
38% in the control group ( p = 0.0042).266 With an through an indirect paracrine function (trophic
average of four applications, the bilayered skin activity), whereby they synthesize essential
equivalent also healed the chronic DFUs signifi- growth factors and cytokines that affect cell mi-
cantly faster than those patients treated with gration, proliferation, and metabolic activity of
standard care (65 vs. 90 days, p = 0.0026). Other host cells and tissues.30,279,280 In this manner,
subsequent investigations found similar efficacy of MSCs play an active role in the inflammatory,
this bioengineered product for healing chronic dia- proliferative, and remodeling phases of wound re-
betic foot wounds as well as VLUs.267,268 pair.281 Interestingly, MSCs can respond to the
Dermagraft (Organogenesis, Canton, MA) is a host environment by upregulating anti-inflamma-
human fibroblast-derived dermal substitute (HFDS) tory cytokines in the presence of inflammation and
comprising a cryopreserved, absorbable, three- respond to hypoxic environments by upregulating
dimensional polyglactin mesh substrate seeded the release of VEGF to induce angiogenesis. Dur-
with living neonatal dermal fibroblasts.269 Similar ing the remodeling phase, MSCs produce growth
to the bilayered skin replacement, these cells se- factors, such as TGF-b3, to limit excessive scarring
crete a host of growth factors, cytokines, matrix as well as modulate the balance between matrix
proteins, and glycosaminoglycans that induce tis- metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of me-
sue regeneration through the development of talloproteinases while regulating collagen deposi-
granulation tissue and ingrowth of host fibroblasts tion. Important for allogeneic implantation, MSCs
and keratinocytes.270,271 This dermal substitute are characterized as being immune privileged since
was proven effective in healing chronic DFUs in they lack cell surface antigens that would typically
the pivotal trial by Marston et al. in 2003.272 In this engender a foreign body reaction.281
multicenter clinical trial, those patients assigned Bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSCs) have
to the HFDS group healed significantly faster after been of interest for some time now and studies have

indicated their ability to augment repair

or regeneration of numerous tissues, in-
 Chronic wounds require a systematic approach, including both patient
cluding cardiac, bone, cartilage, blood
and wound assessment, no matter what the underlying etiology of the
vessels, and skin.30,282,283 Although much wound.
interest has focused on orthopedic and
critical limb ischemia applications,  The care of chronic wounds relies upon basic tenets that aim to remove
or ameliorate the etiological causes and to address systemic and met-
BMSCs are increasingly being studied for
abolic perturbations.
use in enhancing chronic wound and cu-
taneous repair. 118,284–291
Several articles  Basic tenets include vascular examination, followed by appropriate in-
and clinical studies have specifically fo- terventions, management of wound-related infection, wound debride-
cused on DFU management. 292–294
One of ment, and offloading.
the earlier studies by Yamaguchi et al.  Wound bed preparation plays a key role in providing the proper envi-
took a novel approach by decorticating ronment in which tissue repair can take place.
exposed bone at the base of the ulcer to  In addition to offloading with the purpose of eliminating excessive
locally release bone marrow cells directly pressure, the term surgical offloading has been introduced, meaning the
into the wound.290 This was followed sev- surgical management of foot deformities underlying chronic ulcerations.
eral weeks later by application of autolo-  Most wound care protocols advocate the use of advanced therapies after
gous epidermal grafts, resulting in 4 weeks for nonhealed wounds.
significantly improved healing compared  There are a number of advanced therapies for chronic wounds. However,
with standard wound care ( p < 0.0001). In most do not have a high level of evidence or even nonrandomized
another small case series by Rogers et al., prospective studies assessing their efficacy. Selection of advanced
BMSCs were harvested from the ipsilat- therapies should be based on the evidence available.
eral distal tibial metaphysis, and the as-
pirate was applied topically or by
peripheral injection under the debrided wounds recent years. This human MSC-rich wound matrix
with good results.287 Large randomized studies contains viable cells, including fibroblasts and epi-
have not yet been published comparing wounds thelial cells, in addition to MSCs and a natural
treated with BMSCs with standard care. Another ECM.281 In a single-center retrospective study of 67
issue for consideration in such trials will be stan- chronic lower extremity wounds, including VLUs
dardizing methods for obtaining and processing the and DFUs, this viable wound matrix in association
marrow aspirates, as well as potential complications with good standard wound care was found to close
associated with this surgical procedure. 76.1% of wounds at 12 weeks with a mean time to
Placental tissues—including the umbilical cord, healing of 5.8 weeks.296 A subsequent 12-week RCT
the amnion, and the chorion—are a rich source of comparing the efficacy of Grafix to standard of care
MSCs and are readily available without the ethical for the healing of DFUs was published in 2014.297 In
concerns of embryonic stem cells. Further- this pivotal trial where the primary outcome was
more, the MSCs in these tissues do not suffer from complete wound healing at 12 weeks, those patients
the age-related effects nor decreased cell counts as assigned to weekly applications of the viable human
found in MSCs harvested from adult patients matrix healed significantly more DFUs than those in
with comorbid diseases.279,293,295 Placental-derived the control group (62% vs. 21%, p = 0.0001). The me-
MSCs show minimal differences from those ob- dian time to healing was also significantly faster in
tained from different sites, and yet retain all of the the study group (42 vs. 69.5 days, p = 0.019). Of par-
metabolic, paracrine, and immunomodulative ticular interest, those unhealed patients in the con-
properties previously described while maintaining trol group were allowed to crossover to receive up to
their immune-privileged status.281 Traditionally, 12 weeks of viable stem cell matrix therapy. The
placental or amniotic tissues used for wound repair probability for closure in these patients was 67.8%
were prepared from fresh cesarean section donors. with a mean time to closure of 42 days.297 The results
One small modern study investigated the efficacy of of this study represent a margin of effect between
fresh AM on the healing of chronic VLUs and found active and control groups of 191%, higher than any
a positive effect on pain reduction and a significant other published study to date.
clinical response (20% completely healed) within the
3-month follow-up period.257 Overcoming the diffi-
culties of fresh transplantation, a new cryopreserved SUMMARY
AM product (Grafix; Osiris Therapeutics, Inc., Co- Complex wounds represent a major challenge for
lumbia, MD) has become commercially available in the clinician and wound care specialist. Despite all

the recent advances in wound care therapies and lifornia College of Podiatric Medicine in 1976 be-
our understanding of the pathophysiology under- fore completing his residency in podiatric surgery
lying chronic wounds, nothing can supplant the at the New England Deaconess Hospital/Harvard
need for adhering to the basic tenets of wound care: Medical School, Boston, in 1978. In 1994, he re-
thorough assessment with medical and nutritional ceived his Master of Public Health degree from the
optimization, debridement (including surgery), Harvard School of Public Health with a concen-
offloading (or compression), management of ische- tration in quantitative methods. He was an at-
mia, management of infection, and appropriate tending physician at the Deaconess Hospital for 21
wound bed preparation. Following these principles years before accepting a position as the Dean for
and established wound care guidelines should of- Clinical Affairs in the College of Podiatric Medicine
ten lead to satisfactory outcomes. In addition, the at Des Moines University in 1999. Dr. Frykberg
rational use of advanced wound care therapies is currently holds the position of Chief of the Podiatry
encouraged when wounds do not respond suffi- section and Podiatric Residency Director at the Carl
ciently to good standard care after 4 weeks or T. Hayden Veterans Affairs Medical Center in
sooner as circumstances dictate. In most cases, Phoenix, Arizona, and is an Adjunct Professor,
selection of advanced therapies should be based on Midwestern University Program in Podiatric Med-
the evidence available to help facilitate their most icine. Dr. Frykberg’s practice is devoted primarily to
appropriate use. patients with high-risk foot problems. His research
and writing interests are in diabetic foot disorders,
including ulcers, infections, and the Charcot foot,
VLUs, peripheral arterial disease, and wound care.
He has written numerous peer-reviewed articles
The authors thank Alla Danilkovitch, PhD, for and text chapters and has published several text-
her review and thoughtful suggestions. No com- books on diabetic foot disorders. He is the former
peting financial interests exist. Chair of the Foot Care Council of the American
Diabetes Association and a Past President of the
AUTHOR DISCLOSURE American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. He
AND GHOSTWRITING was the 2011 recipient of the prestigious Roger Pe-
The opinions expressed are those of the authors coraro Award from the Foot Care Council of the
and do not represent those of the Department of American Diabetes Association. Jaminelli Banks,
Veterans Affairs or the United States Government. DPM, is a research fellow and clinical research co-
No ghostwriters were used to write this article. ordinator at the Phoenix VA Medical Center. She
attended Temple University School of Podiatric
Medicine in Philadelphia, PA. Her previous re-
ABOUT THE AUTHORS search affiliations include Temple University Gait
Robert G. Frykberg, DPM, MPH, received his Lab, National Institutes of Health, and Lovelace
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree from the Ca- Respiratory Research Institute.

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