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Apostila de recuperação - Inglês



Student:__________________________________________________________ nº:______ Grade / Class:________

Text I 3. (R) (W) It is correct to conclude that racism in football

isn’t something new.
4. (R) (W) Since its foundation, Fluminense is a very
popular team among the masses.
5. (R) (W) In Brazil, football has been an amateur sport
since Charles Miller introduced it to the country.
6. (R) (W) Only in the 20th century, Brazilian black
players began gaining ground in football.
When Charles Miller returned to his native São
Paulo in 1894 from boarding school in England, he
02) Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence
carried two soccer balls and a set of rules in his suitcase.
Thus, the so-called "father of football" in Brazil insert
I think Bob and Tony _________________ to your party.
motion a passion for a sport that soon became popular
They have to study for the test.
among the masses.
To eradicate a latent racism evident since the
A. ( ) will going
sport's inception in the country, the Rio de Janeiro based
B. ( ) won go
Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama broke ground in 1904 in
C. ( ) not will go
being the first club to elect a “mulatto” president, Cândido
D. ( ) will not go
José de Araújo. He also instituted a non-discriminatory
Comic I
policy by allowing players of any color, creed or social
class. Even the club's colors of black, white and red
symbolized the country's main ethnic groups.
Vasco was one of the few, though. Legend has it
that Carlos Alberto, a player who was mulatto, once used
rice powder on his face to "whiten" it, so as to play for
Fluminense, considered an "elitist" club. As the match
proceeded, sweat melted away the rice powder. Rival fans
from America started chanting "pó-de-arroz," or rice
powder, on Fluminense supporters. And to this day, rivals
insult Fluminense with "pó-de-arroz". 03) According to the cartoon above, we can conclude that
In the 1930s, as the clubs and leagues sentences using will indicate:
professionalized, Brazilian black players began gaining
ground in the sport that was soon to become ingrained in A. ( ) A possibility in the future.
the fabric of society. That stage was set for the 1950 B. ( ) Something that we are sure that is going to happen.
World Cup that the country hosted. C. ( ) Actions that are happening right now.
Source:< D. ( ) Something that happened in the past
Accessed on Feb. 12th.(adapted). 04)Complete the statements with used to or didn’t use to.
Boarding school – internato
1. Sarah_______________________ tennis when I was
Rules – regras
Thus – então nine. (not / play)
Powder – pó 2. When my brother was younger,
01) According to the text, judge the items in right (R) or he_________________________ his bike. (ride)
wrong (W). 3. Michael ______________________________ rock
music.. (not / like)
1. (R) (W) It is correct to affirm that football arrived in
Brazil at the end of the 19th century. 4. In the past, Carla
2. (R) (W) The word “mulatto”, presented in the 2nd ________________________________ tango. (dance)
paragraph, represents a person of mixed ethnicity.
Comic II 6. (R) (W) The auxiliar verb “did” is used only in the 3rd
singular person.

Comic IV

Source: http://comicstripszits.com//
Access on Marchr, 22nd (adapted)

05) Based on comic I and the studies in the class, judge

the items below.

1. (R) (W) The first sentence in the comic is in the Disponível em: <https://comics.com> Acesso em fevereiro de 2017
Simple Present tense. (Adaptado)
2. (R) (W) The clause “I’ll don’t nevert forget his last
words.” is the correct negative form of the sentence 07) O gerund é uma forma verbal caracterizada pela
“I’ll never forget his last words”. terminação “ing”. De acordo com as informações acerca
3. (R) (W) In the clause “I’ll never forget his last do assunto, na frase: “If we enjoy doing that...” o uso do
words?” the underlined word can be substituted by “I gerund é justificado pois:
will” with no problem to the sentence meaning.
4. (R) (W) The words“He” and “ I ” are examples of A. É o objeto direto do verbo que o antecede.
object pronoun. B. Ele complementa informações sobre o sujeito da
5. (R) (W) There are no examples of possessive oração.
adjectives on the comic. C. É precedido de uma preposição.
D. Exerce função de sujeito da oração.
Comic III E. Acompanha um adjetivo.

Text II
Katherine: Your majesty; I cannot speak your English.
King Henry: Oh dear Katherine, if you love me soundly
with your French heart, I will be glad to hear you confess
it brokenly with your English tongue. Do you like me,
Katherine: I’m sorry, I cannot tell you what is “like me”.
King Henry: An angel is like you, Kate and you are like
an angel.
Disponível em: www.readersdigest.ca. Acesso em: 19 fev. 2017.

06) According to the comic 1, judge the items in right (R) 08) O diálogo acima adaptado de Henry V, de
or wrong (W). (0,6) Shakespeare, mostra um diálogo entre Henry, rei da
Inglaterra, e Katherine, filha do rei da França. Após ler o
1. (R) (W) We have no examples of regular verbs in this trecho é correto afirmar que:
2. (R) (W) The interrogative form of clause “I relaxed.” A. King Henry está ensinando francês a Katherine.
is “ relaxed I ?” B. Katherine não domina o inglês.
3. (R) (W) In the clause “ Did you enjoy your vacation?” C. Katherine entende e responde ao galanteio de Henry.
it is possible to substitute “did” by “does” with no D. Na oração “I will be glad to hear you confess...” a
problem to the sentence meaning. palavra grifada exerce função de sujeito da oração.
4. (R) (W) The negative form of the clause “ I had a E. O diálogo não apresenta exemplos de verbos no
great time! ” is “ I had not a great time!” infinitivo.
5. (R) (W) The verb “had” is an example of an irregular

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