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How to Get Your Acceptance for Value to Work?

Why Doesn’t My A4V Work?

UPDATED: Dec 12, 2016

Q: Why Didn’t My Accepted For Value process work to eliminate my debt?
A: Probably because you don’t understand how to use it and are not doing it correctly, and in fact no
offense but you may not even understand what Accepted for Value is, due to misinformation, if you wish
to hear what we have found so that you can get a result, then keep on reading.

Q: What is the Result of Accepting for Value a Document?

A: Discharging the legal effect of a notice, demand, document, or invoice.

Q: What is the Definition of “Accepted For Value” ?

A: Claim ownership over a document after you have a common law copyright document and are a
secured party creditor.

Listen to The “Why Doesn’t My A4V Work / What Is Acceptance for Value” Audio Lesson Here (If
You’d Prefer To Listen Instead of Read This Article:

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What Is Accepted For Value and How To Get It To Work – DOWNLOAD LINK

Q: Does Accepting for Value Discharge the Debt?

A: No, but it can be used as part of a process to do a discharge, so that there is no acceptance through
no response of any new “offers” and “demands” to pay, you can not remain silent and accept a bill or
invoice that you are trying to discharge.

Q: Are there any requirements to Accepting for Value if I intend to discharge a debt?
A: Yes in our experience it doesn’t get a success unless you become a Secured Party Creditor first.

Q: Can you Accept for Value without being a Secured Party Creditor?
A: No, not consistently in our experience.

Q: So if I become a Secured Party Creditor I can discharge all my debt and bills, and buy things?
A: No, you can only discharge debt that already exist, with financial institutions, courts, and corporations;
not with private individuals, unless you want to stiff those individuals who will be out the money?

Q: So whoever I do the A4V/etc discharge process with once I am a secured party creditor won’t actually
get any funds, money, units, USD, or other currency at all deposited or sent to them?
A: No.

Q: So, I can’t pay UCL or my friend or ex-spouse or child support or other party with Accepted for Value?
A: No, no one ever gets “paid” because Accepting for Value a document does not create any value in the
document, and there is no USD or any other currency that is transferred during the act of doing so or any
process associated with it.

Q: OK can I use any of this discharge or setoff or HJR 192 remedy as Credits to pay anybody?
A: No, because there is no units of USD or other currency sent to the party you discharge your debt of.

Q: OK so it’s only ethical to discharge it with corporations who are guilty of price gouging, usury, receiving
bailout money without most taxpayers agreement, and/or creating money out of thin air based on our
signature and then charging us interest penalties and fees hoping we don’t catch on?
A: That’s pretty much why I do find it ethical to use it, again only against corporations but not to pay
private parties who are owed the money.

Q: So if I Accept for Value all documents from a company trying to invoice me, is that all I have to do?
A: No you should also wish to officially get it “discharged” so that it is done away with or terminated
entirely, and never comes up again.

Q: So What is it to “Become a Secured Party Creditor”?

A: A secured party creditor is a UCC term, based on a transaction. One can be the secured party creditor
over an auto lien or mechanics lien on your home, and you may see this language on the millions of UCC
forms filed throughout the country every month week or year, around the USA and the world. However, in
OUR CONTEXT of discussion of the Secured Party Creditor, we are talking about your Birth Certificate
Name and you the living man or woman being the Secured Party Creditor and Priority Security Interest
Holder and Holder in Due Course over your BC/Legal Name/Ens Legis/Strawman Trust.

Q: Wow that is a mouthful! Please explain more, what is a Secured Party Creditor over your Birth
Certificate Name and what does it accomplish? Why do people look to do this procedure? Who can
become a Secured Party Creditor over their BC Name?
A: Who can do it is simple – anyone who was a U.S. Citizen and has a U.S. birth certificate or Certificate
of Citizenship (if born abroad), or permanent resident who has a green card and social security number.
One who is doing it is execution officially express acts such as voiding and canceling the contracts
creating the U.S. Citizen/Resident, and replaced them with a Private Citizen status who also has taken
control of their LEGAL NAME trust. One can operate in private without harming others without as much
liability, unless of course you injure another man or commit fraud, theft, neglect, violence, breach of
peace/breach of contract, etc. But, you can also discharge debts or deal with court actions differently as
well. They will not lay out the red carpet for you making it easy so you still need to dedicate yourself to
becoming educated.

Q: When and How do people become SPC’s?

A: After discovering the fraud and scam that the government is really a private corporation and a
voluntary society, and desiring to become sovereign and free, and fully comprehending/studying for a
period of time. At the time when this man or woman feels they are ready, they can do a process of
paperwork filings that has: 1. privatized their legal name trust, and 2. recorded the necessary UCC filings
(there are 33 pages), and 3. opened up their Treasury Direct Account to put an order with the Secretary
of Treasury to discharge accounts that you send to them later on which involves setting up a mandatory
discharge fiduciary contract with said Office; and 5. gotten the consent of the Secretary’s of State of
various state’s,Washington D.C., and other department; through tacit acquiesence that you are in control
and have a prima face position within the courts for being sovereign.

Q: How many pages are required to be posted on a UCC to be “fully completed”?

A: Approximately 30-33 pages or so, mostly 10 or 12 affidavits we feel are important to post publicly on
the UCC.

Q: And what happens to my birth certificate?

A: Technically it is discharged, although you can still use it for ID and stuff without it being fraud, you are
not killing it off entirely so that it doesn’t exist, but you have taken away it’s original legal effect, replaced it
with your amendments and clarifications about what it means. You are the trustee of your LEGAL NAME
ALL CAPS TRUST, therefore you determine what any documents means. Obviously you determine that
your BC does not make you a “subject/slave/property/citizen”. You are the one in control that sets the
rules of what means what. You make your own private code so to speak. You still need/want to be
peaceful and not get into any trouble because you are not invincible and if someone thinks you are being
a damage or danger or are guilty of harming others they may still try to put you in jail, however we know
countless people who have averted the most serious consequences by asserting their rights as an SPC.
It does get more complicated than just telling them you are an SPC however.
Q: So when you say that I am in control and set my own private code, how do I do that?
A: In your trust declaration and meeting minutes, write down whatever you want as long as it’s not
harming others or raising anyone else’s eyebrows, you can do what you want in your own privacy.

Q: Does the SPC process include the Common Law Copyright document?
A: Yes, that’s covered and our version is 2 pages out of the 33 pages we post in the collateral
attachments on your UCC.

Q: What Happens if I filed a UCC-1 already?

A: If it’s correct but you don’t have all the other affidavits and documents posted, you can always amend,
fix/add, correct, or erase anything on your UCC-1 by posting a UCC-3 attached to the original UCC-1
filing number. Sometimes, it’s better to just terminate the old filing and re-do a new one, especially if you
learned from other teachers who are not as comprehensive as us, but what you choose to do is up to you.
But I would probably re-do it all over if you know you only have 1 or 2 pages posted and you haven’t
recorded or even executed the 10 or 12 affidavits needed. Also if you haven’t had the trust meeting and
minutes, haven’t sent notices to secretary of state of your birth state and Washington D.C., then your
process was never completed comprehensively, in my view.

Q: How do you come up with what you say is a “comprehensive process”?

A: After getting hundreds of emails and calls, over the past 5 years since the UCL website has been
active, and even before then, we have the chance to monitor various processes and meet many people.
This was started to pursue R&D, there are some things we are still working on but what we have seen
done over and over, correctly, we don’t want to change it so we are very precise about our SPC process
being done “our way”. We won’t accept a client to do any post-spc process unless they have their filings
exactly “correct”.

Q: So what do you do with the Certificate of Live Births?

A: You put the Accepted for Value stamp over it, and you state that it’s accepted for value on your UCC’s.
You can even include a copy of it with the stamp and signatures over it on your UCC, but some SOS
Region’s will not post it as a protection against identity theft. This is why you need to state it in the
language on your UCC as well. In fact, it’s one of the first and most important things you do or state on
your UCC. By that I mean, it’s one of the first lines in your Collateral (usually Box 4), that you accept for
value all Certificate(s) of Birth document XYZ 123 or whatever the set(s) of number and/or letter(s)
sequence is.

Q:Does it matter the significance of the numbers I use that are on the BC?
A: Yes, you need a Certificate of Live Birth or in some places it’s only a Certification or Certificate of Birth,
but you can NOT use the “Transcript of Vital Record” or “Abstract of Birth” and also you NEED to include
the two sets of serial numbers, usually the “State File Number” and there is a serial number on the lower
left, lower right, and/or reverse side of the CLB.

Q: What if someone is born abroad and is a German or French citizen, etc.

A: Do they have a U.S. Social Security Number?

Q: Let’s say Yes.

A: If they have a U.S. social security number, then yes they can become an SPC. They do everything the
same only use the Certificate of Citizenship document in place of the full instruction of what to do with the
Certificate of Live Birth.

Q: Let’s say No.

A: If they have no U.S. CLB and have no U.S. SSN? Then I can’t help them, I do not do SPC’s in foreign
countries, others elsewhere in those countries are doing that, you can do our Status Correction Course
and try to piecemeal the process in your own nation, some have success but I can’t keep up with them
I’m just too busy. We only discharge through the U.S. Treasury so I can’t duplicate or have success
discharging someone’s debt who has lived there whole life in China or India, or Sweden. Maybe in the
future, if we get enough support and keep growing, in time, I’d like it as a goal to offer help and guidance
to people worldwide. We have to be practical now, we are a small organization.
Q: So if I just copyright my name, that’s the foundation I need required before I can ‘Accept for Value”?
A: No you have to actually take control of your own legal name / BC Name / Trust name first, before you
can execute a copyright against it, right now the government is the legal titleholder/trustee/administrator
of your legal name and you are only a beneficiary so you can not execute legal control over it without their
consent and permission for everything – can’t you see this is why you need a license or permission to do
anything and everything and are required to pay so many various kinds of taxes and fees for everything
you do with your legal name in life? So in fact, in our belief you need to do an entire “Secured Party
Creditor” Process not just the copyright. We don’t offer help for people who do just a fraction of the entire
spc process, it’s just not duplicatible. When you run an organization, you try to keep a reputation and a
certain track record, and you care very deeply about people getting success, and not wasting their time
and your time only to fail. This is why we may sound a little harsh on refusing to take people who refuse
to do the full spc process, but it’s done out of love and the desire to win and not fail to get the intended

Q: What does the Copyright notice say and do?

A: It basically says that you have privatized your name, as an example the main part on the document
and all that is needed really a document signed that states something like the following, “Copyright of
trade-name/trademark JOHN HENRY DOE © TRUST including any and all derivatives and variations in
the spelling, i.e. NOT limited to all capitalized names: or any derivatives thereof are under Copyright
[INSERT THE 18TH BIRTHDAY YEAR, NOT Full Birthdate]. Said common-law/trade-name/trademark,
JOHN HENRY DOE © TRUST may neither be used not reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, in any
manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and acknowledgment of Trustee/Trust in

Q: And why might I want to do that?

A: Because your Legal Name is part of a Public Trust, and there are other people right now as trustees,
only the trustee would be able to do that, or you would need there permission.

Q: What do you mean by “Privatize My Legal Name”?

A: Your Legal Name is an “entity” and has a legal identity of it’s own – it can sue and be sued as distinctly
apart from another entity or person. It’s sort of like a corporation but not exactly it is more accurately
described as a trust, most people are unfamiliar with trusts but they have grantors (creators of the trust
who put property into it), trustees (those who own legal title, control, make decisions and basically run the
trust), and beneficiaries (the ones who at the end of the day, at least on paper or in theory get the end
result benefit of the trust during it’s existence and/or when the trust is dissolved or completed). Privatizing
your legal name is taking this entity that you use, in your control with you as the trustee. As opposed to
now, by default, you have left this to the government who acted kind of like you are familiar with a parent
or guardian signing legal documents for you, holding money set aside for you, and doing things for you at
it’s discretion and/or when you ask permission. When you privatize your legal name, you collapse this
trust relationship with what we call the “Public” which is our way of just saying the “Public Government
Agencies” who control/look out for everyone by default to the people who do not claim their BC

Q: OK I understand so is that an entire process that you can teach me?

A: Yes either call us, visit our website, or sign up for our Status Correction Course to learn more, unless
of course you have already studied this for a while already and wish to move fwd then sign up for our
SPC DONE WITH U process where we will prepare the documents and then walk you through it and
teach you, for further understanding in depth with dozens of recording webinar training videos and
supporting documentation, you can do the SPC-DONE-WITH-U <i>as well as</i> the Status Correction
Course, if you have enough money for both.

Q: What is the first step in the SPC process?

A: Re-organizing your Legal Name Trust, see this audio here, but in a nutshell you need to hold a
meeting and declare your independence and yourself as a trustee, age of majority, and competent, and
affirm or “Swear in” to be a good trustee over your own trust assets/property, and also we recommend
appointing a 2nd trustee who can be there for you if you ever need them – and vice versa if they are
becoming an SPC too.
Q: How does that meeting go I have no clue what to do or say?
A: Well it’s basically a trust party you invite your friend who you propose as your 2nd trustee, but we offer
a sample of how the meeting will go, and a sample of the minutes you will type up (or have prepared for
you , as a sample), to keep to document that this meeting did in fact occur and on which date.

Q: So If I Do the UCC-1 Process I can Become a Secured Party Creditor?

A: Yes, but make sure you take control and re-organize your own Birth Certificate Name (Legal Name
Trust) first, before you do your UCCs.

Q: This sounds overwhelming, can I have this all done for me?
A: Yes! See our “SPC DONE WITH U” service here.

Q: Is there any Bank Account Accounts or USD Credits available

A: Nope but the government has the obligation to discharge debts, when you send them notice. To
tighten it up you can make an express fiduciary contract and remind them what their obligation is, as well
as show them that you accepted for value or privatized all documents your debt collector has sent you, so
that you have nullified the legal effect of those “offers” and are acting in control as trustee of your ALL

Q: Do they actually do it?

A: Yes, there is a way we discovered to do it that is repeatable. It also requires ensuring you have
necessary background information on the accounts (Securitization Audits, for example) so that you can
prevent the debt from being passed around and “new debts” created out of it. If you fail to do this, it’s
possible your debt may pop up again, bought by someone else, (another company), trying to contact you.
How can they do this you say? Because a new company with new account numbers, is not the “same
debt” per se, it is a legal way they can get around violating the law and still coming after you and trying to
make some money by selling the commercial paper to someone else. But if you discharge it and fully “kill
it”, this can not happen again.

Q: Can you post this process on the internet for free showing us how to do it?
A: No because we want to make sure it’s done correctly and works for you, and also so that it’s all done
properly so they don’t stop honoring or delaying correct processes. Thousands of people trying something
and many doing it sloppy and wrong, has led to the delay and ceasing of prior “less involved” processes
working in the past, and we do not wish to re-create a cessation of this working.

Q: What is Age of Majority Mean?

A: When you become 18 or older you are (in law) considered “legally competent” to contract.

Q: Why is This Significant?

A: Because you can Terminate, Amend, or Change your Birth Certificate Constructive/Implied Trust like
we discussed you do with the SPC process.

Q: Can You Discharge Debt that you owe another man or woman in the common law?
A: No, we believe you need to pay back any debts you owe to others. We don’t assist people doing this.

Q: When do you show your opponent the A4V documents?

A: As Exhibits at the appropriate time, along with other notices and demands. You hit up the treasury
department to order a discharge, wait a time period, then write to the company asking what they have on
you for this account, then if they admit it, then you hit them up with the proof you discharged it. Or if they
sell it to someone else, you can contact that new party and get them to admit they are the account holder,
then you show them proof you discharged it. They may not agree with you at first or try to trick you, but
usually on the second or third time around they will stop because you make an administrative record that
moves towards suing them if they don’t comply.

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This Article Was About:

Why Doesn’t My A4V Work

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