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English Language
Scheme of Work
Secondary Form 3

Secondary Form 3
Scheme of Work
Content Overview
1. Content and organisation of the Secondary Form 3 Scheme of Work
2. Scheme of Work Template: Supporting Information
3. Differentiation strategies for Secondary pupils
4. Glossary of terms in Form 3
5. Scheme of Work: Lessons 1 – 112
Secondary Form 3 Scheme of Work Content Overview
The purpose of this document is to provide teachers with support and information on planning, creating and deliverin
In this Scheme of Work document, teachers will find the following information:
1. Content and organisation of the Scheme of Work
This section provides teachers with an introduction to the Scheme of Work and an explanation of how the textbook-b
2. Supporting information
This section provides teachers with an explanation of the information contained within the Scheme of Work template
3. Differentiation strategies for secondary pupils
This section provides teachers with a number of suggested differentiation strategies that teachers may wish to use w
4. Glossary of terms in the Form 3 Curriculum Framework
Teachers should refer to the Content and Learning Standards contained within the Scheme of Work. These Content
This section provides teachers with supporting explanations for some of these Content and Learning Standards. It a
5. Scheme of Work (Lessons 1 – 112)
This is the main section of the scheme of work. It provides teachers with details for the textbook-based and non-text
1. Content and organisation of the Secondary Form 3 Scheme of Work
What is the Secondary Form 3 Scheme of Work and how can it help teachers?
The Scheme of Work gives teachers an overview of the Content and Learning Standards to be covered within each
will assist teachers in their daily, weekly and longer-term planning of lessons.
What does the Secondary Form 3 Scheme of Work consist of?
The Scheme of Work consists of 112 lessons with each lesson lasting a total of 60 minutes. If lessons are organise
teachers will need to plan and adapt their lessons accordingly. Each lesson in the Scheme of Work is numbered from
The Scheme of Work consists of the following two types of lesson:
1. Textbook-Based Lessons: The materials for these lessons include learning activities from the selected Form 3
Close-up and Form 3 will cover the content from Unit 1 to Unit 11 of this textbook.
2. Non-Textbook-Based Lessons: For this type of lesson, teachers will be responsible for developing the lesson c
Project-Based Learning Lessons and one Writing lesson (lesson 108)
How are the Secondary Form 3 Scheme of Work lessons organised?
Almost all the lessons in the Scheme of Work are textbook-based lessons, with the exception of the Literature in Act
111 and 112).
Typical lesson cycles
Each unit (units 1-11) of Close-Up will provide teachers with enough materials for 9 lessons (with a few exceptions, s
below). Together with the non-textbook-based Literature in Action lesson, each unit of Close-Up corresponds with a
Lesson Lesson Skill/Focus Time
2 Lessons Reading 120 minutes
1 Lesson Language Awareness 60 minutes
2 Lessons Listening 120 minutes
2 Lessons Speaking 120 minutes
2 Lessons Writing 120 minutes
1 Lesson Literature in Action 60 minutes
Teachers should note the following:
 Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing will mainly cover a total of two lessons (i.e. 120 minutes) in each cycle
 Language Awareness Lessons will focus on learning a specific grammatical structure or function (e.g. learn and
 Literature in Action (LiA): There are no specific materials in the Student’s Book (Close-up) to support this lesson
 Revision Lessons are available in two cycles, see below for more information.
 The final two lessons (Lessons 111 and 112) provide teachers with the opportunity to create Project-Based Learn
It is strongly recommended that teachers follow the above structure in the order that it is presented within the Schem
each unit of the Student’s Book follows on logically and/or developmentally from the previous activity, unless the Sch
Teachers are expected to use both the Student’s Book and Teacher’s Book when preparing textbook-based lessons
access it, even if only periodically.
Exam Close-up and Exam Task:
The Close-up Student’s Book contains Exam Close-up and Exam Task sections in every skill-based lesson. The exa
language skills that are valuable for current and future language learning and assessment.
Revision Lessons
Some lessons are planned in the Scheme of Work for revising, reviewing and consolidating learning. These are less
the textbook or from other sources.
Teachers will develop these revision lessons either individually or by working together to pool their expertise and exp
Learning Communities (PLC) within their schools. The lessons will respond to the needs of the pupils as identified b
2. Scheme of Work Template: Supporting Information
1. Lesson
Each lesson within the Scheme of Work is given a number followed by the lesson type (e.g. Lesson 1 Reading; Less
2. Main Skill Focus
Each lesson will have one main skill focus.
3. Theme
The four given themes are:
 People and Culture
 Health and Environment
 Science and Technology
 Consumerism and Financial Awareness
Each cycle of ten lessons has been assigned a specific theme. This is to ensure that all of the above themes are ad
4. Topic
Topics are taken from the textbook.
5. Cross Curricular Elements
Each cycle of lessons has been assigned a specific Cross Curricular Element. Teachers will need to refer to the sec
Teachers are encouraged to link to other Cross Curricular Elements within a lesson cycle, in addition to the suggeste
6. Language/Grammar Focus
This will be related to a grammatical structure/function (e.g. Present Simple versus Present Continuous).
7. Content Standards and Learning Standards
The given Content and Learning Standards are taken from the Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessme
8. Main Skill and Complementary Skill
Each lesson within the Scheme of Work focuses on one main skill and one complementary skill. To ensure that pupi
Teachers should also be aware that the main skill and complementary skill should not however be given equal time a
9. Learning Outline
The Learning Outline provides guidance to teachers for the delivery of a lesson. Three main stages of every lesson
Each cycle of ten lessons includes Pre-lesson, Lesson delivery and Post-lesson; some of these activities are not act
short activity as an opportunity for pupils to share what they already know about the lesson topic. Post-lesson activit
10. Materials / References
The relevant page numbers of the Student’s Book and Teacher’s Book have been given for the textbook-based lesso
11. Differentiation Strategies
Suggestions for differentiation are given in the Scheme of Work. For the Reading, Language Awareness and Writing
from different dynamics.
However, teachers will need to select additional differentiation strategies that are suitable in relation to the materials
Differentiation strategies for secondary pupils).
3. Differentiation strategies for Secondary pupils
Strategy 1: Differentiate by instruction and feedback
Use classroom management techniques to support differentiation.
1. Ensure that pupils who are finding particular tasks in English challenging still have a chance to contribute in clas
i) Ask them to read instructions aloud.
ii) Monitor and check that pupils having difficulty with the task have completed the first few questions correctly
iii) Prompt and support during group work if a pupil is having difficulty with the task or does not feel confident e
iv) Choose them to be ‘group leaders’ for games or activities, e.g. count the points for team games, ensuring t
v) Choose them to ‘report back’ after group work – this means they will repeat what the group has done even
vi) Ask them to take responsibility for classroom tasks, e.g. helping hand out copies so they are involved even
vii) Ask them to write answers up on the board while other pupils call out the answers.
2. Before checking answers with the whole group, always allow pupils to do a peer check (comparing their answers
3. When getting feedback, do not go around the class picking pupils in order. Ask pupils randomly (making a note if
4. Monitor closely – this will allow you to check that everyone has understood and is doing the task successfully an
5. Always do an example for each task. This provides a clear instruction for everybody. Those finding the task easy
Strategy 2: Differentiate by the task pupils are given
It is possible to use the same source material and expected outcomes but to adapt and differentiate the way the task
Examples of task differentiation include the following:
i) Give pupils standard ‘gap fill’ tasks but add in multiple-choice options for the less proficient pupils. For example (
 I 1. (think) that identical twins are fascinating. They 2. (have) the same DNA, but they…
 I 1. think/am thinking that identical twins are fascinating. They 2. have/are having the same DNA, but they…
ii) For grammar analysis boxes where the use of a grammar form has to be completed or matched to a reason (Clo
iii) For activities involving filling in a table or categorising (Close-up page 20, activity A), add some items into the tab
iv) For a standard writing activity, pupils write an email using the prompts provided (Close-up page 14, activity G) bu
Sometimes, you can also give different tasks to more proficient and less proficient groups of pupils according to thei
Another way to differentiate by task, if using the same task for the whole class, is to include some open-ended item
Tasks might include:
 brainstorming lists
 creating mind maps
 thinking of examples
 playing games requiring personalised answers, e.g. about their families / favourite food
 doing a presentation of information
Open-ended discussion tasks (e.g. Tell me about life in cities and life in the country, or What will happen next?) al
Project work is particularly good for differentiating tasks. You can give slightly different tasks to less and more profic
group may be asked to create a booklet and presentation on historical places in Malaysia; less proficient pupils migh
Strategy 3: Differentiate by the type and amount of support provided
The teacher can support pupils to understand and use language with:
i) your own ‘teacher talk’ (e.g. ‘Look at the words in the box. Which one is a number?’)
ii) with gestures or mime
iii) utilising more proficient pupils to reinforce, e.g. you set an instruction or clarify a new word - to check the instruc
iv) with visuals (e.g. flashcards on the board to help pupils understand or use vocabulary),
v) with written words (e.g. written words on a worksheet to help pupils with spelling)
vi) when giving tasks, have two worksheets – add in a clarification of important and/or difficult vocabulary in basic E
vii) where pupils are doing project work, encourage more proficient pupils to do more, e.g. research content themsel
Different types and amount of support can be given to less proficient pupils, depending on their needs, or can be us
Strategy 4: Differentiate by the outcome expected from pupils
You may expect more language from some pupils, and less from others. The main aim is that every pupil says or wr
i. Compulsory plus optional
Here, you set pupils targets such as With your partner, write 2 sentences or more, or In your group use tw
target (2 sentences, 2 new words) is compulsory, and everyone needs to achieve this to be successful. B
practice, they will soon get the idea of going beyond the minimum target. This can be simple, e.g. ‘There are
ii. Remember and share
If pupils are asked to remember and share, they have to tell you words or ideas they learned in a previous le
iii. Add on
Monitor during tasks, e.g. reading or listening questions. Where pupils have done well, have a few extension
iv. Project outcome
If pupils are doing project work, encourage more proficient pupils to do more – either produce a greater qua
summary only.
Strategy 5: Differentiate by the time pupils are given to complete a task.
Some pupils need longer than others to complete tasks, especially when writing is involved. When it’s appropriate, th
If pupils are doing group work, match fast finishers with other fast finishers to do additional work, e.g. Think of three
Rewarding fast finishers with something ‘fun’ to do (such as playing a game or using digital applications) should be a
Strategy 6: Differentiate by supporting individual learning preferences and needs
When appropriate, you can support preferences by letting pupils make choices about what they do and how they
Different pairings and groupings will allow pupils to work in different ways – you can sometimes pair up pupils wh
In some tasks, pupils can be assigned different roles to do, for example a group manager, writer or artist. You shou
You can support needs by setting individual tasks and targets for pupils based on assessment. This works well fo
it or not etc.). This works well as more proficient pupils can include much more detail and record greater numbers of
Strategy 7: Differentiate by the types of question asked
Closed questions are questions in which the choice of possible answers is very limited. They often involve very sho
Asking open questions to more proficient pupils (e.g. What should we do if there was a natural disaster like a fl
challenge. As less proficient pupils grow in confidence and competence, you can ask them more open questions. So
Strategy 8: Differentiate by the feedback given
Feedback given to pupils should be varied according to their ability to act on the feedback. For example, if a pupil wh
You can use a correction code for written tasks, e.g. have a set of symbols or letters which identify errors (T - mistak
be able to respond to the extension challenge built into this feedback. The same principle could also apply to giving
It is extremely important that teachers are aware that a pupil’s proficiency in English is not fixed and because a pupi
on the ‘growth mindset’ can be found at: https://www.mindsetworks.com/science/


g, creating and delivering their lessons throughout the year. Teachers will need to refer to this document when planning and de

on of how the textbook-based lessons and the non- textbook-based lessons are organised within the Scheme of Work.

cheme of Work template. This section also gives teachers advice on completing the Scheme of Work template for their own non

chers may wish to use within their classes.

of Work. These Content and Learning Standards come from the Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment Document (DSK
Learning Standards. It also provides explanations of important terms used in some of the lessons. These terms are mainly foun

ook-based and non-textbook-based lessons.

be covered within each lesson. The Scheme of Work

If lessons are organised into 30-minute lessons,

f Work is numbered from Lesson 1 to Lesson 112.

om the selected Form 3 textbook. This textbook is

developing the lesson content and creating the necessary learning materials. There are four types of non-textbook-based lesso

n of the Literature in Action Lessons (see lesson cycle below), Revision Lessons (Lessons 106 (Listening), 109, and 110), Writi

(with a few exceptions, see revision lessons section

-Up corresponds with a 10-lesson cycle consisting of the following typical lesson sequence:
0 minutes) in each cycle due to the amount of material available for these lesson types in Close-Up. There are occasional exce
function (e.g. learn and review the difference between the use of the Present Simple and Present Continuous). Teachers can c
p) to support this lesson type. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to create their own lessons by incorporating materials from t

ate Project-Based Learning Lessons (PBL). This will be one project over the two lessons. Teachers will also have the opportun

sented within the Scheme of Work. Each activity in

s activity, unless the Scheme of Work states a different order. In this case, follow the order in the Scheme of Work.
extbook-based lessons. If teachers do not have regular access to the Teacher’s Book they should prepare a few lessons in adv

l-based lesson. The exam tips and activities are generally in line with Form 3 assessment objectives. However, please be awar

earning. These are lessons 56 and 57, which take place mid-way through cycle 6 (Unit 6 of the textbook) and lessons 106, 109

l their expertise and experience via the Professional

he pupils as identified by teachers.

Lesson 1 Reading; Lesson 3 Language Awareness etc.).

he above themes are adequately covered throughout the course of Form 3.

need to refer to the section on the Cross Curricular Elements in Standards-Based Curriculum and Assessment Document (DSK
addition to the suggested one given, if they identify opportunities where relevant cross-curricular connections can be made.


riculum and Assessment Document (DSKP) and the Curriculum Framework Document.
skill. To ensure that pupils receive sufficient exposure to and practice in every Learning Standard within the Curriculum Framew
ver be given equal time and attention within the lesson. Teachers will need to ensure that the complementary skill is covered, bu

stages of every lesson are highlighted: Pre-lesson, Lesson delivery and Post-lesson. Teachers will also need to refer to the Tea
ese activities are not activities taken from the textbook. Pre-lesson activities activate and review pupils’ prior knowledge by, for e
opic. Post-lesson activities take place at the end of lessons to review and consolidate the learning from a lesson.

he textbook-based lessons.

Awareness and Writing lessons, the suggestions focus on differentiating the time pupils are allotted to complete each task. Fas

relation to the materials used and the specific needs of their pupils. Teachers are provided with detailed explanations of a

nce to contribute in class in order to develop their confidence. You can do this in a number of ways. The following are a few exa

t few questions correctly and when going through feedback with the whole class, choose them to answer the first one or two qu
does not feel confident enough then indicate and praise them when they have done well. When you check answers with the wh
team games, ensuring the group completes the work.
e group has done even if they did not come up with ideas themselves.
they are involved even if they are struggling with questions.

comparing their answers in pairs or small groups). This encourages confidence, as there is a shared responsibility for any error
ndomly (making a note if it helps to ensure you ask different pupils each time over a few lessons). Choose the respondent acco
the task successfully and to provide extension questions to those finding the task easy.
se finding the task easy can help supply the example to increase the challenge.

rentiate the way the task works for pupils. This takes slightly more preparation for the teacher but the tasks can often be reused

nt pupils. For example (Close-up page 9, activity F):

e DNA, but they…
he same DNA, but they…
matched to a reason (Close-up page 9, activity A), give the activity as it is to all pupils but give the correct answers to less profic
some items into the table in advance for less proficient pupils but leave other pupils to do all the items themselves, and add so
p page 14, activity G) but give less proficient pupils a skeleton or an outline to help them organise their ideas. Ask more proficie
pupils according to their needs and interests: see strategy 6 for more on this.
some open-ended items which allow for a large number of correct responses. This can vary in terms of the amount pupils prod
hat will happen next?) allow more proficient pupils to contribute with more unusual words, more complex language, or more orig
s to less and more proficient pupils, e.g. a stronger
ss proficient pupils might be asked to create the same for one historical place. (See also additional ideas in Strategy 4).

rd - to check the instruction or reinforce the word, then choose a more proficient pupil to repeat or explain again. This will enco

ult vocabulary in basic English or mother tongue.

esearch content themselves. Support less proficient pupils with input, e.g. give them handouts of information to start using rathe
heir needs, or can be used to provide extension challenge for more proficient pupils.

at every pupil says or writes something, so that they feel successful. Four useful strategies here are:

, or In your group use two new words. The minimum

this to be successful. But the ‘or more’ is optional, and gives a chance for more proficient pupils to challenge themselves. Som
e simple, e.g. ‘There are 10 true and false questions for the reading. You have 5 minutes. You must do 5 questions – you can c

y learned in a previous lesson or task. (E.g. Look at the classroom objects on my table. In one minute, I’ll cover them… Now, sh

ell, have a few extension questions to hand and ask them. Alternatively ask them to rewrite sentences or think of their own addi

r produce a greater quantity of output or produce more complex outcomes. For example, if pupils are doing a project on the env

When it’s appropriate, these pupils should be given a little more time to finish. Extension tasks for pupils who complete the task
work, e.g. Think of three more questions and ask your new partner.
applications) should be avoided, as this will encourage pupils to work quickly, rather than to work carefully at their own speed. E

t they do and how they do it. Sometimes, for example, pupils decide for themselves which tasks they want to do (e.g. the type
etimes pair up pupils who can help and support each other (e.g. one who can write and one who cannot yet write well) or who e
writer or artist. You should make sure to vary pairing and grouping over time.
ment. This works well for reading and writing work in particular. For example, you might decide on a writing target for each child
cord greater numbers of texts.

ey often involve very short responses. Open questions usually have more possible answers, and longer responses. Asking clos
natural disaster like a flood?) provides extension
more open questions. Sometimes there are also good reasons for asking more proficient pupils easier questions, as this involve
or example, if a pupil who is currently less proficient at writing has tried hard and produces work with a number of misspellings,
dentify errors (T - mistake with tense; Sp - mistake with spelling, WW – mistake with word choice etc.). More proficient pupils co
uld also apply to giving feedback on pupils’ speaking.

xed and because a pupil is currently less proficient in English, this does not mean in any way that this will remain true throughou
when planning and delivering their textbook-based lessons and creating their own non- textbook-based lessons.

heme of Work.

mplate for their own non-textbook-based lessons.

ssment Document (DSKP) and the Curriculum Framework document.

e terms are mainly found in the Learning Outline section (see the first table in the Glossary of Terms).

on-textbook-based lessons in Form 3 Scheme of Work; Literature in Action, Revision,

g), 109, and 110), Writing Lesson (108) and two Project-Based Learning Lessons (Lessons
ere are occasional exceptions when Speaking and Writing lessons are replaced with revision lessons: see the revision lessons s
nuous). Teachers can cover the vocabulary sections in the Student’s Book units as part of the lessons (Reading, Listening, Spe
orating materials from the Literature Component textbooks provided by the Ministry of Education.

also have the opportunity to select appropriate Content and Learning Standards for these two Project-Based Learning lessons

are a few lessons in advance as necessary. If access to the Teacher’s Book is very limited, teachers are advised to be proactive

owever, please be aware that they may not mirror exactly the actual assessment tasks in the Form 3 final exam. While there are

) and lessons 106, 109 and 110, as part of cycle 11 (Unit 11 of the textbook). This means that lessons in cycles 6 and 11 do no

ssment Document (DSKP) for further guidance.

ctions can be made.
he Curriculum Framework, each Learning Standard appears at least once within the Scheme of Work. Learning Standards may
ntary skill is covered, but the degree of attention this complementary skill receives in comparison to the main skill will be up to th

need to refer to the Teacher’s Book, which provides detailed information about the delivery of the textbook activities for the text
prior knowledge by, for example, reviewing relevant learning from a previous lesson or using a

complete each task. Fast finishers can be moved on to the next activity in the sequence of learning in the Reading, Language A

led explanations of a number of differentiation strategies that they can use (see Section 3

following are a few examples:

r the first one or two questions which you know they have done correctly.
ck answers with the whole group you will then ask them to do the question you have just seen them answer.

ponsibility for any errors. It also allows peer to peer teaching – some pupils can clarify and those struggling with the tasks will g
se the respondent according to the level of the task and what you know about your pupils.

sks can often be reused for more than one class.

t answers to less proficient pupils and add additional, clear examples that they match to the analysis. Give more proficient pupil
hemselves, and add some additional items for more proficient pupils.
deas. Ask more proficient pupils to write responses to other proficient pupils’ emails.

the amount pupils produce or the complexity of their answers.

language, or more original ideas.

s in Strategy 4).

in again. This will encourage more proficient pupils to produce language and add challenge for them and the repetition will also

tion to start using rather than expect them to find this themselves.

enge themselves. Some pupils will stop at the minimum target at first, but with more
5 questions – you can choose any 5. If you have time you can do more.’ This will allow pupils to do more or less and also to cho

l cover them… Now, share with your group what you remember and then tell me). This task allows all pupils to make successfu

think of their own additional questions to ask other more proficient pupils.

ing a project on the environment, more proficient pupils can research and produce a written report and do a class presentation;

who complete the task early should also be provided (e.g. Write three more sentences using the same new words; Label the p

y at their own speed. Extension tasks should extend and enrich learning.

ant to do (e.g. the type of writing task they complete or a revision game), depending on the ways they prefer to learn or topics th
yet write well) or who enjoy working together. It is good to avoid grouping more proficient pupils and less proficient pupils togeth

ng target for each child; if a pupil is not yet a proficient writer, you can provide them with different tasks from those pupils who c

responses. Asking closed questions to less proficient pupils (e.g. Why did dinosaurs die? A disease or a natural disaster?) give

uestions, as this involves them in the lesson and can help the pace of the lesson too.
number of misspellings, feedback can be given on what they did well, and only 1 – 3 misspellings of common or important word
More proficient pupils could use the correction key and find their errors. These pupils should

ll remain true throughout a pupil’s secondary education. It is important that all pupils are challenged and given equal opportunity
-based lessons.
ons: see the revision lessons section for further information on these lessons.
ons (Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing) if possible or as part of homework. Teachers are encouraged to complete the m

ject-Based Learning lessons depending on the specific needs and interests of their pupils. These lessons are not based on the

rs are advised to be proactive and collaborative by planning together and consulting with the English Head or a senior teacher

m 3 final exam. While there are differences in the tasks used, the underlying principles are often similar, and both have been dev

sons in cycles 6 and 11 do not follow the usual ten-lesson cycle, because one of the speaking lessons from the sequence is rep
Work. Learning Standards may be covered as a main skill or as a complementary skill. It is therefore critical that teachers ensure
o the main skill will be up to the teacher’s own professional judgement as they will know better the specific learning needs of th

textbook activities for the textbook-based-lessons. The learning outline states in bold which activities from the textbook will be t

g in the Reading, Language Awareness and Writing lessons, and suggestions for extension tasks for fast finishers in these less

struggling with the tasks will gain extension support.

sis. Give more proficient pupils sentence writing, e.g. requiring them to write new sentences based on the prompts a-d (habits,
em and the repetition will also support less proficient pupils.

o more or less and also to choose the questions they find easiest.

s all pupils to make successful contributions.

t and do a class presentation; less proficient pupils can be given materials to use for ideas and produce a short illustrated

same new words; Label the picture in the textbook and check any you don’t know in the dictionary; Talk with your friend in Eng

hey prefer to learn or topics they find interesting.

nd less proficient pupils together all the time. Vary the interactions as this will allow all pupils to benefit from different dynamics.

tasks from those pupils who can already write effectively. If a few pupils are proficient writers, they could be given extension tas

se or a natural disaster?) gives them a chance to produce accurate answers, as they are usually easier to answer than open qu
of common or important words highlighted. The pupil should respond to this feedback because the suggested improvement is a

ed and given equal opportunity to develop over time. There has been a considerable amount of research recently into the subje
encouraged to complete the majority of these vocabulary sections to help pupils practise and revise new vocabulary in the unit.

lessons are not based on the

ish Head or a senior teacher at their school. It is important that teachers obtain the correct answers from the answer key sectio

milar, and both have been developed with extensive reference to the CEFR. Exam Close-ups and Exam Tasks are therefore us

sons from the sequence is replaced by a revision lesson (units 6 and 11) and one writing lesson is replaced by a revision lesson
re critical that teachers ensure that both the main skill and the complementary skill are covered in each lesson. The compleme
e specific learning needs of their pupils.

ties from the textbook will be the focus for that lesson. The learning outline also indicates which activities are related to the main

for fast finishers in these lessons are also included. For Listening and Speaking lessons, the suggested differentiation strategy

d on the prompts a-d (habits, scientific facts, etc.) using the present simple.
oduce a short illustrated

y; Talk with your friend in English: You choose what to talk about).

nefit from different dynamics. Sometimes you might want to mix girls and boys, or have single-sex pairs/groups.

y could be given extension tasks. For reading, pupils can be encouraged to keep a reading log (including notes on what they ha

easier to answer than open questions.

e suggested improvement is achievable for them. If a more proficient pupil writes well and makes 2 misspellings, you can tell th

search recently into the subject of the ‘growth mindset’ which looks at, amongst other things, how teacher feedback can impact
se new vocabulary in the unit.

rs from the answer key sections available in the Teacher’s Book. The Teacher’s Book also provides a lot of guidance and ideas

Exam Tasks are therefore useful for practising for the final exam and for developing

replaced by a revision lesson (unit 11 only). Also the second Listening lesson in cycle 11 (lesson 106) is dedicated to revising l
n each lesson. The complementary skill is not an optional skill that can be ignored or dropped from the lesson. Doing this may m

ctivities are related to the main skill and which activities are related to the complementary skill.

gested differentiation strategy focuses on using differentiated support that addresses individual learning preferences and needs
x pairs/groups.

cluding notes on what they have read, the content of the text, whether they enjoyed
2 misspellings, you can tell them the lines in which the misspellings are, and ask them to find and correct them.

teacher feedback can impact on a pupil’s development over time. Further information
es a lot of guidance and ideas, background information and the listening script. Therefore, it would be useful for all teachers to

106) is dedicated to revising listening skills based on pupils’ needs. For lesson 106, teachers can either re-use listening materia
m the lesson. Doing this may mean that pupils do not receive adequate practice in and exposure to all the given Learning Stand

arning preferences and needs. Pupils can be paired up in these lessons to help and support each other (for example, a more ab
correct them.
be useful for all teachers to

either re-use listening material from

o all the given Learning Standards within the Curriculum Framework. When teachers are planning their lessons they mus

other (for example, a more able pupil with a less able one). In Speaking lessons especially, different groupings can help to vary
ning their lessons they must therefore ensure that both the main skill and complementary skill are each assigned a suita

ent groupings can help to vary the interactions and will allow pupils to benefit
skill are each assigned a suitable learning objective.
4. Glossary of terms in Form 3
Each lesson in the Scheme of Work includes a Learning Outline with guidance for delivering the lesson. Teachers m
explanations of important terms used in Learning Outlines.
Term in Form 3 Scheme of
Work Meani

fast finishers Pupils who are able to work at a faster pace on a specific task than the majority of pu
the majority of pupils.

peer-assessment Involving pupils in the process of assessment by asking pupils to give feedback to a p
of a piece of work. For example, when a pupil gives feedback to another pupil on an
good (stars) and one area for improvement (wish).

post-lesson Activity at the end of a lesson to review and consolidate the learning.

pre-lesson Activity at the beginning of a lesson to activate pupils’ prior knowledge.

prior knowledge Knowledge and skills which pupils already have, possibly acquired from previous less

probing questions Questions that aim to dig deeper than the surface (e.g. Is there a different way to say
agree/disagree with that? Why?)

self-assessment Involving pupils in the process of assessment by asking pupils to self-assess specific
areas that need clarification or specific skills that need further development

talk partners Providing pupils with an opportunity to talk through their ideas with a partner or in a s
or in a small group, they can assume that everyone in the class is ready to provide an

wait time The time given between asking a question and expecting a response to it.
includes a Learning Outline with guidance for delivering the lesson. Teachers may find useful the following
ed in Learning Outlines.


Pupils who are able to work at a faster pace on a specific task than the majority of pupils in a class. They are therefore ready to move on
the majority of pupils.

Involving pupils in the process of assessment by asking pupils to give feedback to a peer on specific aspects of their learning, such as a
of a piece of work. For example, when a pupil gives feedback to another pupil on an aspect of their learning, the feedback takes the form
good (stars) and one area for improvement (wish).

Activity at the end of a lesson to review and consolidate the learning.

Activity at the beginning of a lesson to activate pupils’ prior knowledge.

Knowledge and skills which pupils already have, possibly acquired from previous lessons or previous years.

Questions that aim to dig deeper than the surface (e.g. Is there a different way to say the same thing? / What would you say instead (of…
agree/disagree with that? Why?)

Involving pupils in the process of assessment by asking pupils to self-assess specific aspects of their learning. For example, learning dia
areas that need clarification or specific skills that need further development

Providing pupils with an opportunity to talk through their ideas with a partner or in a small group. When teachers give pupils time to discu
or in a small group, they can assume that everyone in the class is ready to provide an answer.

The time given between asking a question and expecting a response to it.
xt task sooner than

spect of the quality

ings that were

s anyone

by pupils can reveal

eas with a partner

Each lesson in the Scheme of Work contains specific Content and Learning Standards. Teachers may find useful the
some of the terms used.
Term in Form 3 Curriculum

Listening 1.1.1
Understand independently the main ideas in simple
longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics
See also
 Listening 1.1.2
 Listening 1.1.3
 Listening 1.1.4
 Listening 1.1.5
 Listening 1.1.6
 Listening 1.2.1
 Listening 1.3
 Reading 3.1.1
 Reading 3.1.2
 Reading 3.1.3
 Reading 3.1.4
 Reading 3.1.5
 Reading 3.2
 Writing 4.1.5
 Writing 4.2.3

Listening 1.1.3
Recognise with little or no support attitudes or opinions
in longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics

Listening 1.1.4
Understand independently longer sequences of
classroom instructions
See also
 Listening 1.1.2
 Listening 1.1.5
 Listening 1.1.6

Listening 1.1.5
Understand independently more complex questions
Listening 1.1.6
Understand independently longer simple narratives on a
range of familiar topics
ns specific Content and Learning Standards. Teachers may find useful the following explanations of



understand independently
Pupils who can understand the main idea of a text independently can understand the main idea without any help from the teach
simple texts
Simple texts are texts in which content is organised clearly, and which contain language and ideas that pupils can understand.
longer texts
Longer texts for a B1 low learner are usually more than 150 words and up to approximately 400 words long.
Teachers should use their own judgment on simple longer texts, based on the level and interest of the pupils they teach.
increased range of familiar topics
The increased range of topics that pupils are exposed to in Form 3 means that this range must increase in comparison with For
are topics that pupils know. Examples include the topics covered in the Close-Up textbook, such as family, food, nature, sport a
However, pupils in rural or remote areas and pupils who live in cities may be familiar with different topics. Teachers should use t

little or no support
Little support means that pupils may sometimes need a small amount of help to understand main ideas. No support means that
main ideas without any help.
If pupils need help, this can come from the teacher, from classmates, from pictures, examples or explanations in their textbook
resource, such as a dictionary.

longer sequences of classroom instructions

Longer sequences of classroom instructions usually contain 3 sequences or more in the task that pupils do (e.g. First, match th
pictures, then underline the false sentence, explain to your partner why it is wrong, and then write the true sentence together.’)
Teachers should use their own judgment on longer sequences of classroom instructions based on the language level and backg
the pupils they teach.

more complex questions

A more complex question is a question that contains more than one clause (e.g. Why did the author travel to Argentina to write
complex question is also a probing question (questions that aim to dig
deeper than the surface).
longer simple narratives
Longer simple narratives are stories which are usually more than 150 words and up to approximately 400 words long. The simp
language and ideas that pupils can understand. Teachers should use their own judgment on longer simple narratives, based on
of the pupils they teach.
a range of familiar topics
Familiar topics are topics that pupils know. A range of familiar topics means a variety of topics which pupils know. Examples inc
covered in the Close-Up textbook, such as family, food, nature, sport and entertainment.
However, pupils in rural or remote areas and pupils who live in cities may be familiar with different topics. Teachers should use t
r or their peers.

m 2. Familiar topics
nd entertainment.
eir own judgment

hey can understand

r from a reference

sentences and

ound knowledge of

s novel?). A more
e narratives contain
he level and interest

de the topics

eir own judgment

Term in Form 3 Curriculum
Listening 1.3.1
Recognise with support typical features
at word, sentence and text levels of a
small number of spoken genres
See also
 Reading 3.1.5
 Reading 3.1.6


Speaking 2.1.1
Paraphrase short simple texts

Speaking 2.1.2
Ask about and explain simple processes
See also
 Writing 4.1.2

Speaking Content Standard 2.2 Focus

Use register appropriately in familiar contexts
See also
 Speaking 2.3
 Writing 4.2.3
Speaking 2.2.1
Use formal and informal registers appropriately in some
familiar contexts
See also
 Writing 4.2.4

Speaking 2.3.1
Keep interaction going in longer exchanges by asking a
speaker to slow down, speak up or to repeat what they
have said


Reading 3.1.6
Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence
and text levels of a range of genres


Writing 4.2.1
Punctuate written work with
moderate accuracy
See also
 Writing 4.2.2

Writing 4.2.3
Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
modify this appropriately independently
Writing 4.2.4
Begin to use formal and informal registers appropriate to
the target audience in familiar situations

Literature in Action

Literature in Action 5.2.1

Identify key stylistic features of a text and explain briefly
why the author uses them

with support
With support means with help. This help can come from the teacher, a classmate, from pictures, examples or explanations in th
reference resource, such as a dictionary.
features at word, sentence and text levels
Features at word, sentence and text levels refers to the organisation and uses of language at different levels: at a word level me
vocabulary and chunks (connected groups of words); at a sentence level refers to the use of syntactical features and the ways
constructed; at a text level looks at the ways in which the text as a whole is structured and organised.

Genres are distinctive text types. Spoken genres include: conversations, interviews, speeches, presentations, debates, poems

a small number of spoken genres

Form 3 pupils will listen to a limited number of spoken genres suitable for their proficiency level. These are usually
conversations, interviews and presentations.


Pupils paraphrase by rewording a written or spoken text using their own words which are different to those used in the original t

short simple texts

Short simple texts are usually up to approximately 150 words long.
ask about
Pupils can ask about a simple process by using questions that ask for elaboration (e.g. Tell me more about…?), clarification (e.
by…?) and repetition (e.g. Can you explain that to me again?).
explain simple processes
Examples of simple processes are: preparing food; painting a picture in art; creating a plan for a writing task. The language ass
explaining a simple process includes: linking words to show a cause (because, due to, since); linking words to show effect (so,
therefore); listing words (firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally);
conditionals or ‘if’ statements (if you boil water, it evaporates).

Appropriately refers to the successful communication of a message. The message itself may not necessarily be 100% accurate
communicated his or her meaning successfully.
formal and informal registers
Register refers to style of speaking/writing according to the communicative purpose and social context.
Formal register is usually associated with situations that are serious or involve people who are older or with whom the speaker/
Formal register includes the language of politeness (qualifiers, softeners, negative question forms) and passive structures. A for
common in presentations, applications, letters and formal emails.
Informal register is commonly used in situations that are relaxed or involve people well-known to the speaker/writer. Informal reg
by contractions, relative clauses without a relative pronoun and ellipses, and is common among siblings and friends and freque
networks and informal emails.
some familiar contexts
Familiar contexts are communicative situations that pupils know. Examples include interactions that are related to topics covere
textbook, such as conversations with family members and friends, speaking with teachers, communicating in shops and restaur
However, pupils in rural or remote areas and pupils who live in cities may be familiar with different contexts. Teachers should us

longer exchanges
Longer exchanges are usually interactions in which each pupil has more than 4 speaking turns.


Genres are distinctive text types. Written genres include: articles, adverts, blog posts, brochures, leaflets, news reports, recipes
and text messages.
range of genres
Pupils are expected to be able to link, with support, the reading texts they will come across (at word, sentence and
text levels) with the different types of texts included in Form 3. The range of texts is listed in the Scheme of Works and includes
Close-up textbook and the Literature Component textbook.


moderate accuracy
Moderate accuracy means that punctuation in written work is mostly accurate, but sometimes contains mistakes. Such mistake

modify this appropriately independently

Pupils who can modify a plan or draft appropriately independently know what to look for in their written work (for example, spell
punctuation errors, as well as the structure of the writing) in order to improve their
work without always needing feedback from the teacher. The result is a second draft of their work that is easier to understand a
fewer language errors than the first draft.
target audience in familiar situations
The target audience for written texts is the expected reader whom the text is meant to address. When pupils write an email they
whom they are writing for, i.e. their target audience. They should consider what the reader expects to read in terms of the genre
text format (e.g. beginning and end) and content (e.g. thriller story, invitation).
Pupils are expected to write about familiar situations (e.g. holiday, reply to invitation) and address an audience they are already
friends, teachers).
However, pupils in rural or remote areas and pupils who live in cities may be familiar with different contexts. Teachers should us

Literature in Action

key stylistic features

Stylistic features are the ways in which words and sentences are arranged and how they affect meaning. Stylistic features can d
of individual authors. Particular text types are associated with the use of particular stylistic features, for example, alliteration is c
with poetry. The key stylistic features for Form 3 are metaphor and simile.
5. Scheme of Work: Lessons 1 – 112
LESSON 1 (Reading 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading




Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand the Activate prior knowledge in this lesson using the ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book. Aim
variety of texts by using a main points in longer texts cover the first three stages only of the described activity. For each stage of the activity
range of appropriate on an increased range of ensure that pupils have an opportunity to discuss their ideas with talk partner(s) before
reading strategies to familiar topics collecting responses. Use Activity A to elicit vocabulary relevant to the topic of the less
construct meaning Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own This lesson focuses on Activity C and Ideas Focus. See Teacher’s Book for detaile
Speaking 2.1 point of view guidance. Note that in Activity C pupils are asked to scan the text for the main points i
Communicate the text.
information, ideas, Understanding the main points in a text is applying reading for gist skill.
opinions and feelings Activity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Ideas Focus focuses on
intelligibly on familiar complementary skill.
topics Post-lesson
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to identify with their ta
partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they have learned in relation to the
topic Family Ties. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a w
LL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture

CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Family-related vocabulary, including

collocations and expressions


Close-Up Student’s Book, p.5-7 For additional differentiation strategies,
this lesson using the ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book. Aim to Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.8-9 please refer to the provided list of
only of the described activity. For each stage of the activity, differentiation strategies and select
opportunity to discuss their ideas with talk partner(s) before appropriate strategy
ctivity A to elicit vocabulary relevant to the topic of the lesson. /strategies based on the needs of the
ctivity C and Ideas Focus. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ty C pupils are asked to scan the text for the main points in

nts in a text is applying reading for gist skill.

oping the main skill for this lesson. Ideas Focus focuses on the

arning in this lesson by getting them to identify with their talk

word or expression that they have learned in relation to the
pils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a whole
LESSON 2 (Reading 2)

TOPIC: Family Ties



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.2 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand specific Activate prior knowledge in this lesson using ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book. Use sta
variety of texts by using a details and information in four and five that ask pupils to look at the picture on p. 5 of their Student’s Book. Ensu
range of appropriate longer texts on an increased that pupils have an opportunity to practise their answers with their talk partner(s) befo
reading strategies to range of familiar topics collecting their responses.
construct meaning Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.3 Guess the This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Reading 3.1 Understand meaning of unfamiliar words guidance. Do not include the suggested first stage described in the Teacher’s Book fo
a variety of texts by using from clues provided by other Activity F (asking pupils to make their own family tree about their own families, which
a range of appropriate words and by context on an be used instead as a possible fast finisher task).
reading strategies to increased range of familiar Activities D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F focuses
construct meaning topics the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to close their textboo
and then to recall with their talk partner(s) the exam tips they read on p. 7 (‘Exam Clos
Up’). When pupils are ready, collect and share ideas as a whole class. Write ideas on
board, checking that all five tips have been included.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Family-related vocabulary, includ

collocations and expressions


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.5-7
vate prior knowledge in this lesson using ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book. Use stages Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.9
and five that ask pupils to look at the picture on p. 5 of their Student’s Book. Ensure
pupils have an opportunity to practise their answers with their talk partner(s) before
cting their responses.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Do not include the suggested first stage described in the Teacher’s Book for
vity F (asking pupils to make their own family tree about their own families, which can
sed instead as a possible fast finisher task).
vities D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F focuses on
complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to close their textbooks
then to recall with their talk partner(s) the exam tips they read on p. 7 (‘Exam Close-
When pupils are ready, collect and share ideas as a whole class. Write ideas on the
d, checking that all five tips have been included.

MAR FOCUS: Family-related vocabulary, including


Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity F,
fast finishers can be given the ‘Ideas
Focus’ tasks on p. 7 of the Student’s
book as either speaking or writing tasks
(if not used in previous lesson).
An alternative fast finisher task is to ask
pupils to make their own family tree
about their own families.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
WEEK: LESSON 3 (Language Awareness 1)

TOPIC: Family Ties


Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- focused This is a grammar- focused Activate prior knowledge in this lesson by following the introductory notes on page 1
lesson so listening, lesson so listening, the Teacher’s Book (under Grammar heading).
speaking, reading and speaking, reading and Lesson delivery
writing skills are not writing skills are not This lesson focuses on Grammar Activities A to G. See Teacher’s Book for deta
explicitly covered. explicitly covered. guidance. Note that pupils have encountered the present simple and present contin
in Form 2. When going through answers for Grammar Activity C, explain that stative
are verbs that are only used in the present simple and provide examples (e.g. ‘Pete
hates his new school’ not ‘Peter is hating his new school’).
Ask pupils to write two sentences using vocabulary introduced in the unit. One sent
using a stative verb and the other using an action verb in the present continuous. Al
peer assessment and give individuals feedback as you move between pupils’ desks
Remind pupils that they can find more information about today’s lesson in the Gram
Focus section at the end of the Student’s Book (p.162).
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present simple, present continuo

and stative verbs.
e-lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.9
ctivate prior knowledge in this lesson by following the introductory notes on page 10 in Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.10-
e Teacher’s Book (under Grammar heading). 11
esson delivery
his lesson focuses on Grammar Activities A to G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
idance. Note that pupils have encountered the present simple and present continuous
Form 2. When going through answers for Grammar Activity C, explain that stative verbs
e verbs that are only used in the present simple and provide examples (e.g. ‘Peter
tes his new school’ not ‘Peter is hating his new school’).
sk pupils to write two sentences using vocabulary introduced in the unit. One sentence
ing a stative verb and the other using an action verb in the present continuous. Allow
er assessment and give individuals feedback as you move between pupils’ desks.
emind pupils that they can find more information about today’s lesson in the Grammar
ocus section at the end of the Student’s Book (p.162).

AR FOCUS: Present simple, present continuous

See p.13 in Student’s Book for further
grammar activities that can be used as
extension tasks with fast finishers
and/or homework.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based
on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 4 (Listening 1)

TOPIC: Family Ties



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Use Activity A as a pre-lesson activity. For this activity pupils look at pictures and dis
meaning in a variety of independently the main their talk partner(s). Note that Activity A uses how? where? and who? as questions to st
familiar contexts ideas in simple longer discussion. For example, ask “when do we play the violin, watch TV, ride a bicycle?” Elic
Complementary Skill texts on an increased that they do these activities during their free time. Then ask how do they spend their fre
Speaking 2.3 Use range of familiar topics the question on the board, then ask pupils to discuss the question with talk partner(s) be
appropriate Complementary Skill responses. Facilitate remaining categories in the same way (where and who questions)
communication strategies Speaking 2.3.1 Keep Lesson delivery
interaction going in longer This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
exchanges by asking a B, ensure all pupils understand the instructions and explain that they match the sentenc
speaker to slow down, categories (not to a particular picture as they still haven’t heard the recording). For Activ
speak up or to repeat what the opportunity to listen to the recording at least twice. After the listening task, ask pupils
they have said discuss their answers in small groups. Draw attention to working on the complementary
these discussions.
Activities A and B do not address the main skill in this lesson, but they help to prepare p
C. Activity C focuses on developing the main and complementary skill for this lesson.
Review pupils’ learning in this lesson with Tell me three things…
• You have learnt today
• You have done well
• Your talk partner has done well
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture



Close-Up Student’s
A as a pre-lesson activity. For this activity pupils look at pictures and discuss them with Book, p.10
er(s). Note that Activity A uses how? where? and who? as questions to stimulate Close-Up Teacher’s
or example, ask “when do we play the violin, watch TV, ride a bicycle?” Elicit from pupils Book, p.11-12
ese activities during their free time. Then ask how do they spend their free time and write Student’s Book Audio
n the board, then ask pupils to discuss the question with talk partner(s) before collecting CD
cilitate remaining categories in the same way (where and who questions).
ocuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. For Activity
pupils understand the instructions and explain that they match the sentences to the
t to a particular picture as they still haven’t heard the recording). For Activity C, give pupils
y to listen to the recording at least twice. After the listening task, ask pupils to check and
answers in small groups. Draw attention to working on the complementary skill during
d B do not address the main skill in this lesson, but they help to prepare pupils for Activity
ocuses on developing the main and complementary skill for this lesson.

’ learning in this lesson with Tell me three things…

learnt today
done well
partner has done well
ple and Culture

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Family-related vocabulary


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a more

proficient pupil can help and support a less
proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during the pre-lesson activity, depending on their
For example, by providing vocabulary to use in a
speaking task, or sentence starters and model
sentence constructions to help the pupil produce
To support less confident pupils, pause the listening
track at selected intervals to allow thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific intervals
from the audio script in the Teacher’s Book if it
helps less proficient pupils to listen to your voice
rather than that of a native speaker. Play the track
from the CD when pupils feel more confident.
For additional differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation strategies and
select appropriate strategy/ strategies based on the
needs of the pupils.
LESSON 5 (Listening 2)

TOPIC: Family Ties



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.2 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Activate prior knowledge in this lesson using ABCD cards for multiple-choice question
meaning in a variety of independently specific that have four choices. Each pupil has four cards, each with one letter (A, B, C, or D)
familiar contexts information and details in which corresponds to the four choices. The pupils use one of the cards to show their
Complementary Skill longer texts on an increased response to a series of questions that check pupils’ understanding of the meaning of
Writing 4.1 range of familiar topics family-related vocabulary from previous lessons.
Communicate intelligibly Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
through print and digital Writing 4.1.1 Explain simple This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
media on familiar topics content from what they have guidance.
read or heard Note that in Activity D pupils are asked to make notes about the differences, similaritie
connections between the pictures. During Activity E the recording can be paused in or
to allow pupils to discuss their answers with a talk partner. The final stage to Activity E
allows pupils to discuss their answers as a class and for individual pupils to explain or
justify their answers. Activity F gives pupils the opportunity to listen to the recording a
second time and to check the correct answers (see Teacher’s Book for answers).
Activities E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D focuses
the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to close their textboo
and then to recall with their talk partner(s) the exam tips they read on p. 10 (‘Exam Clo
Up’). When pupils are ready, collect and share ideas as a whole class. Write ideas on
board, checking that all three tips have been included.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture



lesson Close-Up
vate prior knowledge in this lesson using ABCD cards for multiple-choice questions Student’s Book, p.10
have four choices. Each pupil has four cards, each with one letter (A, B, C, or D) Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
h corresponds to the four choices. The pupils use one of the cards to show their p.12
onse to a series of questions that check pupils’ understanding of the meaning of Student’s Book Audio CD
y-related vocabulary from previous lessons.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
that in Activity D pupils are asked to make notes about the differences, similarities or
nections between the pictures. During Activity E the recording can be paused in order
ow pupils to discuss their answers with a talk partner. The final stage to Activity E
ws pupils to discuss their answers as a class and for individual pupils to explain or
y their answers. Activity F gives pupils the opportunity to listen to the recording a
nd time and to check the correct answers (see Teacher’s Book for answers).
vities E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D focuses on
complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to close their textbooks
then to recall with their talk partner(s) the exam tips they read on p. 10 (‘Exam Close-
When pupils are ready, collect and share ideas as a whole class. Write ideas on the
d, checking that all three tips have been included.
ple and Culture

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Family-related vocabulary


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a

more proficient pupil can help and support a
less proficient pupil.
To support less confident pupils, pause the
listening track at selected intervals to allow
thinking time. Alternatively, read and pause at
specific intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient pupils
to listen to your voice rather than that of a
native speaker. Play the track from the CD
when pupils feel more confident.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during Activity D, by providing vocabulary to use
in the writing task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the pupil
produce sentences.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 6 (Speaking 1)

TOPIC: Family Ties



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.5 Pre-lesson
Communicate Express and Activate prior knowledge in this lesson by asking pupils to write down words and expres
information, ideas, respond to common emotions such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and interest. Allow pupils to discuss th
opinions and feelings feelings such as happiness, partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class. Write the pupils’ ideas on the board and dr
intelligibly on familiar sadness, surprise, and when necessary. Some of these words/expressions can be used in Activity A.
topics interest Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.2 Spell written questions to encourage the use of words that express feelings. For example, after ques
Communicate with work with moderate you like how big/small your family is? Why/why not? or after question 2: describe what
appropriate language, accuracy your free time. You can write the extension questions on the board for all to refer to whe
form and style Encourage pupils to follow up with more questions to extend the conversation. Allow p
with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class. Invite pupils to provide follow
include the words from the pre-lesson activity.
Note that the Teacher’s Book suggests that pupils read the ‘Useful Expressions’ before
complementary skill in Activity C, after filling in the gaps, ask pupils to close their books
to write. The teacher reads out the completed sentences and pupils write them while en
words correctly. When everyone has finished, pupils can sit in pairs to check and give f
phase of this suggested activity (in which pupils write sentences using the useful expre
fast finisher task.
Activity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity C focuses on the
Ask pupils to review their learning by giving a one-minute verbal summary of the
lesson. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) and then choose pup
summaries with the class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture

/ Prepositions of position


sson Close-Up Student’s
te prior knowledge in this lesson by asking pupils to write down words and expressions for showing Book, p.11
ons such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and interest. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk Close-Up Teacher’s
er(s) before collecting ideas as a class. Write the pupils’ ideas on the board and draw attention to spelling Book, p.12
necessary. Some of these words/expressions can be used in Activity A.
on delivery
esson focuses on Activities A and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Extend Activity A
ons to encourage the use of words that express feelings. For example, after question 1 you could ask: Do
ke how big/small your family is? Why/why not? or after question 2: describe what you do with your family in
ree time. You can write the extension questions on the board for all to refer to when they work in pairs.
urage pupils to follow up with more questions to extend the conversation. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas
heir talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class. Invite pupils to provide follow-up responses that
e the words from the pre-lesson activity.
hat the Teacher’s Book suggests that pupils read the ‘Useful Expressions’ before Activity C. To develop the
ementary skill in Activity C, after filling in the gaps, ask pupils to close their books and use their notebooks
e. The teacher reads out the completed sentences and pupils write them while ensuring that they spell the
correctly. When everyone has finished, pupils can sit in pairs to check and give feedback. The second
of this suggested activity (in which pupils write sentences using the useful expressions) could be used as a
nisher task.
y A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity C focuses on the complementary skill.
upils to review their learning by giving a one-minute verbal summary of the
n. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) and then choose pupils to share their
aries with the class.
CUS: Words and expressions for showing emotions

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help
and support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less
proficient pupils during the post-
lesson activity, depending on their
For additional differentiation
strategies, please refer to the
provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/ strategies based on the
needs of the pupils.
LESSON 7 (Speaking 2)

TOPIC: Family Ties



Main Skill Speaking 2.2 Main Skill Speaking 2.2.1 Pre-lesson
Use register Use formal and Activate prior knowledge in this lesson with a True/False activity. Give pupils red and g
appropriately informal registers (red to show False, green to show True). Start the lesson verbally or with a series of s
Complementary Skill appropriately in some on the whiteboard and each pupil has to tell whether they think each statement is True
Speaking 2.1 familiar contexts using their cards. For example, the statements might focus on specific aspects of lang
Communicate Complementary Skill or understanding of grammar from previous lessons.
information, ideas, Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own Lesson delivery
opinions and feelings point of view This lesson focuses on Activity B, D and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for d
intelligibly on familiar guidance. Activity B does not address the main skill in this lesson, but it helps to prepa
topics for the following activities. It also helps the teacher to check if the pupils do not know a
words listed (e.g. board game, indoors) and explain them.
Pupils can use informal register to complete Activity D. They do not need to talk about
informal register at this point in the lesson.
Use the ‘Ideas Focus’, second question, as small-group discussion activities (groups
pupils). Before the discussions start ensure the pupils understand the speaking skill th
learning: using an informal register. Discuss with the class the appropriate phrases an
expressions to use in the discussion.
Activity D and ‘Ideas Focus’ focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. ‘Ideas F
focuses on the complementary skill. Activity B helps pupils practise vocabulary releva
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting pupils to write down what w
most important thing they learned in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Language of description, including

prepositions of position and adjectives; language for formal register


lesson Close-Up
vate prior knowledge in this lesson with a True/False activity. Give pupils red and green cards Student’s Book, p.11
to show False, green to show True). Start the lesson verbally or with a series of statements Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
he whiteboard and each pupil has to tell whether they think each statement is True or False p.12-13
g their cards. For example, the statements might focus on specific aspects of language use
nderstanding of grammar from previous lessons.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activity B, D and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Activity B does not address the main skill in this lesson, but it helps to prepare pupils
he following activities. It also helps the teacher to check if the pupils do not know any of the
ds listed (e.g. board game, indoors) and explain them.
ls can use informal register to complete Activity D. They do not need to talk about what is an
mal register at this point in the lesson.
the ‘Ideas Focus’, second question, as small-group discussion activities (groups of 3 or 4
s). Before the discussions start ensure the pupils understand the speaking skill that they are
ning: using an informal register. Discuss with the class the appropriate phrases and
essions to use in the discussion.
vity D and ‘Ideas Focus’ focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. ‘Ideas Focus’ also
ses on the complementary skill. Activity B helps pupils practise vocabulary relevant to the
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting pupils to write down what was the
t important thing they learned in the lesson.

OCUS: Language of description, including

adjectives; language for formal register

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing vocabulary to use in a
speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the
pupil produce sentences for Activity D
and the ‘Ideas
Focus’ activity.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
WEEK: LESSON 8 (Writing 1)

TOPIC: Family Ties


Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.1 Pre-lesson
Communicate Punctuate written Explain what is meant by the term ‘abbreviation’ and provide one or two examples tha
with appropriate work with moderate the board. Activate prior knowledge in this lesson by then asking pupils to identify abb
language, form and style accuracy they already know. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before c
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill as a class. Write the pupils’ ideas on the board and then compare
Reading 3.1 Understand Reading 3.1.2 Understand them with the abbreviations in the ‘Learning Focus’ on p.14 of the Student’s Book. No
a variety of texts by using specific details and abbreviations here do not refer to abbreviations commonly used in text messages or o
a range of appropriate information in longer texts (like ur, @, thx).
reading strategies to on an increased range of Lesson delivery
construct meaning familiar topics This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
not do the first stage described in the Teacher’s Book for Activity A since this is covere
lesson. Extend Activity B to write answers to questions 1-3. Help pupils to punctuate th
Note that sentence 5 in activity A answer key (p.15) should have a full stop at the end.
The email is a short text, but it is intended to prepare pupils to understand specific det
Activities A and B focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities C and D
complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in
how they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their
ideas with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: People and Culture



esson Close-Up Student’s
ain what is meant by the term ‘abbreviation’ and provide one or two examples that are written on Book, p.14-15
oard. Activate prior knowledge in this lesson by then asking pupils to identify abbreviations that Close-Up Teacher’s
already know. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas Book, p.15
class. Write the pupils’ ideas on the board and then compare
with the abbreviations in the ‘Learning Focus’ on p.14 of the Student’s Book. Note that
eviations here do not refer to abbreviations commonly used in text messages or on social media
ur, @, thx).
on delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Do
o the first stage described in the Teacher’s Book for Activity A since this is covered in the pre-
on. Extend Activity B to write answers to questions 1-3. Help pupils to punctuate the sentences
that sentence 5 in activity A answer key (p.15) should have a full stop at the end.
email is a short text, but it is intended to prepare pupils to understand specific details.
ities A and B focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities C and D focus on the
plementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in the lesson and
they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their
s with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.

MAR FOCUS: Abbreviations

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity E,
fast finishers can be given extension
activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 12-13 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity
that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
and that will help pupils develop further
the main and/or complementary skill for
this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based
on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 9 (Writing 2)

TOPIC: Family Ties



Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.5 Pre-lesson Activate prior knowledge in this lesson by asking pupils to explain how the
Communicate Organise, sequence will go about planning a piece of writing. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their t
intelligibly through print and develop ideas within partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class. This pre-lesson activity is an opportunity
and digital media on short texts on familiar topics link to the previous lesson (see Activity E).
familiar topics Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.3 Describe This lesson focuses on Activities F and G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Speaking 2.1 future plans and ambitions Note that for Activity F there is a suggested plan in the Teacher’s Book. This can also
Communicate used as a skeleton or outline that provides a structure for those pupils who may need
information, ideas, extra support. Activity F also includes a speaking practice element (practising the use
opinions and feelings expressions). Note that the Teacher’s Book includes a suggested answer for Activity G
intelligibly on familiar This can be given to pupils as an exemplar for them to compare their own written wor
topics with.
Activity F and G focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. The speaking pract
element in Activity F provides an opportunity for developing the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what wen
well in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
cards and use them for
planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 2.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for an invitati



lesson Activate prior knowledge in this lesson by asking pupils to explain how they Close-Up Student’s Book, p.15
go about planning a piece of writing. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.16
ner(s) before collecting ideas as a class. This pre-lesson activity is an opportunity to
o the previous lesson (see Activity E).
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities F and G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that for Activity F there is a suggested plan in the Teacher’s Book. This can also be
d as a skeleton or outline that provides a structure for those pupils who may need
a support. Activity F also includes a speaking practice element (practising the useful
essions). Note that the Teacher’s Book includes a suggested answer for Activity G.
can be given to pupils as an exemplar for them to compare their own written work

vity F and G focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. The speaking practice
ment in Activity F provides an opportunity for developing the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what went
in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
s and use them for
ning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 2.

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for an invitation

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity G,
they can be given extension activities
from the Vocabulary and Grammar
activities on p. 12-13 of the Student’s
Book. Alternatively, choose another
appropriate extension activity that better
suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will
help pupils develop further the main
and/or complementary skill for this
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 10 (Literature in Action 1) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action 5.1.1 books.
5.1 Explain why a part or aspect Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Engage with, respond to of a text interests them learning standard specified for this lesson.
and interpret a variety of
literary text types
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 11 (Reading 3)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.6 Pre-lesson
Understand a Recognise with See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Ensure that pupils have an
variety of texts by using a support typical features at opportunity to speak in small groups or with talk partners before collecting their respo
range of appropriate word, sentence and text See also the ‘Background Information’ in Teacher’s Book about the image used for thi
reading strategies to levels of a range of genres activity.
construct meaning Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.2 Spell written This lesson focuses on Activities D, F and G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guid
Writing 4.2 work with moderate Note that this reading lesson begins from Activity D to ensure the activities are organi
Communicate with accuracy logically.
appropriate language, Note that in Activity D pupils must write sentences on their own using the key words in
form and style activity (final point in Activity D in the Teacher’s Book). Ask pupils to write sentences fo
and ‘disease’ only (the other words are above B1 level). Ask pupils to check each othe
sentences and give feedback on spelling and language accuracy.
Activities F and G focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D focuses
complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
have learned in relation to the topic. Collect and share words/expressions as a whole
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture




lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Ensure that pupils have an p.17-19
ortunity to speak in small groups or with talk partners before collecting their responses. Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
also the ‘Background Information’ in Teacher’s Book about the image used for this p.18-19
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, F and G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that this reading lesson begins from Activity D to ensure the activities are organised
that in Activity D pupils must write sentences on their own using the key words in this
ity (final point in Activity D in the Teacher’s Book). Ask pupils to write sentences for ‘liquid’
‘disease’ only (the other words are above B1 level). Ask pupils to check each other’s
ences and give feedback on spelling and language accuracy.
vities F and G focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D focuses on the
plementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they
e learned in relation to the topic. Collect and share words/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Food related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. Choose
appropriate extension
activities that suit pupils’ needs/interests
and that will help pupils develop further
the main and/or complementary skill for
this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 12 (Reading 4)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Reading 3.2 Main Skill Reading 3.2.1 Pre-lesson
Explore and Read enjoy and Ask pupils to keep their textbooks closed. Write the words in red in the ‘Word Focus’ o
expand ideas for give a personal response to the Student’s Book on the board. Ask pupils to discuss with their talk partner the mean
personal development by fiction / non-fiction and other each word. Then ask pupils to look at these same words in red in the text and to chec
reading independently suitable print and digital by looking carefully at the sentence each word is found in. Then ask pupils
and widely texts of interest to read the ‘Word Focus’ box and compare their definitions with those given. Draw pup
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill attention to the main skill for this lesson. See ‘Word Focus’ guidance in Teacher’s Boo
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 Express and additional suggestions.
Communicate respond to common feelings Lesson delivery
information, ideas, such as happiness, sadness, This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C, E and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Boo
opinions and feelings surprise, and interest detailed guidance.
intelligibly on familiar Note that for the ‘Ideas Focus’ activity pupils discuss in small groups. When pupils are
topics collect and share responses to the discussions as a whole class. Draw attention to foo
vocabulary that is used by pupils. Encourage pupils to express feelings such as happ
sadness, surprise, or interest.
Activities A, B and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. ‘Ideas Focus’ a
focuses on the complementary skill.
Put pupils in small groups and ask them to tell each other about what
they had for dinner last night. Ask them to stick to English only during their conversati
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture




lesson Close-Up
pupils to keep their textbooks closed. Write the words in red in the ‘Word Focus’ on p.18 of Student’s Book, p.18-19
Student’s Book on the board. Ask pupils to discuss with their talk partner the meaning of Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
h word. Then ask pupils to look at these same words in red in the text and to check meaning p.18-19
oking carefully at the sentence each word is found in. Then ask pupils
ad the ‘Word Focus’ box and compare their definitions with those given. Draw pupils’
ntion to the main skill for this lesson. See ‘Word Focus’ guidance in Teacher’s Book for
tional suggestions.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C, E and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for
iled guidance.
that for the ‘Ideas Focus’ activity pupils discuss in small groups. When pupils are ready,
ct and share responses to the discussions as a whole class. Draw attention to food related
bulary that is used by pupils. Encourage pupils to express feelings such as happiness,
ness, surprise, or interest.
vities A, B and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. ‘Ideas Focus’ activity
ses on the complementary skill.
pupils in small groups and ask them to tell each other about what
had for dinner last night. Ask them to stick to English only during their conversation.

MAR FOCUS: Food related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity G,
fast finishers can be given the Grammar
tasks on p.25 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 13 (Language Awareness 2)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- This is a grammar- focused Ask questions to pupils (or write questions on the board) to elicit responses using eith
focused lesson so lesson so listening, simple or past continuous (see questions in the pre-grammar lesson activity guidance
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and the Teacher’s Book). Ensure pupils have appropriate wait time and/or opportunities to
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly their responses with talk partners.
are not explicitly covered. covered. Lesson delivery
This lesson focuses on Grammar Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book fo
guidance. Note that in activities C and D there is an opportunity to link back to Unit 1 w
stative verbs.
Ask pupils to think of different questions that will elicit responses using either the past
past continuous. Pupils then share and respond to their questions in small groups. Mo
assist to check correct usage of the two different tenses.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Global LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past continuous vs. past simple


lesson Close-Up
questions to pupils (or write questions on the board) to elicit responses using either the past Student’s Book, p.21
le or past continuous (see questions in the pre-grammar lesson activity guidance on p.20 of Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
Teacher’s Book). Ensure pupils have appropriate wait time and/or opportunities to discuss p.20-21
responses with talk partners.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Grammar Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in activities C and D there is an opportunity to link back to Unit 1 work on
ve verbs.
pupils to think of different questions that will elicit responses using either the past simple or
continuous. Pupils then share and respond to their questions in small groups. Monitor and
st to check correct usage of the two different tenses.

MAR FOCUS: Past continuous vs. past simple

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity D, fast finishers can be given
other activities in the textbook not
covered in the Learning Outline (i.e.
activities E-G).
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 14 (Listening 3)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.4 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand independently Play a game to review food related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, ch
meaning in a variety of longer sequences of another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and tha
familiar contexts classroom instructions review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Writing 4.2 Writing 4.2.1 Punctuate This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Communicate with written work with moderate Ask pupils to keep the Student’s Book closed. Provide each pupil with a handout that
appropriate language, accuracy the options in Activity A and B but without the instruction. Read out the instruction in A
form and style and follow relevant details from the Teacher’s Book. Read out instruction in Activity B,
relevant details from the Teacher’s Book.
Activities A and B focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B also inc
opportunities for pupils to practise the complementary skill. Ensure that pupils punctua
sentences with a question mark. Ask pupils to check each other’s sentences and give
on spelling and language accuracy.
Ask pupils to write down questions to ask other pupils about their learning in this lesso
give one question as an example. Collect questions and select pupils for responses. E
pupils have
appropriate wait time.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture




lesson Close-Up
a game to review food related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose Student’s Book, p.22
her appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
ew language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.21-22
son delivery Student’s Book Audio CD
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
pupils to keep the Student’s Book closed. Provide each pupil with a handout that contains
options in Activity A and B but without the instruction. Read out the instruction in Activity A,
follow relevant details from the Teacher’s Book. Read out instruction in Activity B, and follow
vant details from the Teacher’s Book.
vities A and B focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B also includes
ortunities for pupils to practise the complementary skill. Ensure that pupils punctuate their
ences with a question mark. Ask pupils to check each other’s sentences and give feedback
pelling and language accuracy.
pupils to write down questions to ask other pupils about their learning in this lesson. You can
one question as an example. Collect questions and select pupils for responses. Ensure
s have
opriate wait time.

MAR FOCUS: Food related vocabulary

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
To support less confident pupils, pause
the listening track at selected intervals to
allow thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific
intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient
pupils to listen to your voice rather than
that of a native speaker. Play the track
from the CD when pupils feel more
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 15 (Listening 4)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.2 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review food related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, ch
meaning in a variety of independently specific another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and tha
familiar contexts information and details in review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Complementary Skill longer texts on an increased Lesson delivery
Reading 3.1 Understand range of familiar topics This lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guid
a variety of texts by using Complementary Skill The reading text type in this lesson is instruction and a quiz. The reading skill (i.e. und
a range of appropriate Reading 3.1.2 Understand specific details) is meant to support the listening tasks in Activities D and E.
reading strategies to specific details and Activities D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity C focuses
construct meaning information in longer texts on complementary skill.
an increased range of Post-lesson
familiar topics Ask pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance (in pairs or small gr
using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one area for improv
(wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback to share (anony
with the whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture




lesson Close-Up
a game to review food related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose Student’s Book, p.22
her appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
ew language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.22
son delivery Student’s Book Audio CD
lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
reading text type in this lesson is instruction and a quiz. The reading skill (i.e. understand
ific details) is meant to support the listening tasks in Activities D and E.
vities D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity C focuses on the
plementary skill.
pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance (in pairs or small groups)
g two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one area for improvement
h). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback to share (anonymously)
the whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Food related vocabulary

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
To support less confident pupils, pause
the listening track at selected intervals to
allow thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific
intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient
pupils to listen to your voice rather than
that of a native speaker. Play the track
from the CD when pupils feel more
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 16 (Speaking 3)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Speaking 2.3 Main Skill Speaking 2.3.1 Pre-lesson
Use appropriate Keep interaction Play a game to review adjectives (pupils have learned about adjectives, including com
communication strategies going in longer exchanges and superlatives, in Form 2). Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson act
Complementary Skill by asking a speaker to slow better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary an
Listening 1.1 down, speak up or to repeat the pupils for the lesson.
Understand meaning in a what they have said Lesson delivery
variety of familiar Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
contexts Listening 1.1.5 Understand that in Activity A pupils work in pairs and need to help each other to keep the interactio
independently more complex (avoiding one word answers). They can also be encouraged to ask each other follow-
questions questions.
Activity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A also focuses o
complementary skill.
Ask pupils to write out the alphabet (e.g. in their notebooks or on flip chart paper). Ne
letter pupils must write an adjective that starts with that letter. Pupils may work with a
in small groups. When ready, share words with the whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture




lesson Close-Up
a game to review adjectives (pupils have learned about adjectives, including comparatives Student’s Book, p.23
superlatives, in Form 2). Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
er suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare p.22
pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note
in Activity A pupils work in pairs and need to help each other to keep the interaction going
iding one word answers). They can also be encouraged to ask each other follow-up
vity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A also focuses on the
plementary skill.
pupils to write out the alphabet (e.g. in their notebooks or on flip chart paper). Next to each
r pupils must write an adjective that starts with that letter. Pupils may work with a partner or
mall groups. When ready, share words with the whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Using adjectives

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 17 (Speaking 4)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain own point of Play a game to review adjectives (pupils have learned about adjectives, including com
information, ideas, view and superlatives, in Form 2). Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson act
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary an
intelligibly on familiar Speaking 2.3.1 Keep pupils for the lesson.
topics interaction going in longer Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill exchanges by asking a This lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Speaking 2.3 Use speaker to slow down, speak in Activity D pupils are provided with some useful expressions. As a follow-on activity
appropriate up or to repeat what they pose the following question to the class: Do you think it’s important to know where our
communication strategies have said from? Why? / Why not? Ask pupils to discuss in groups. Monitor discussions and prov
for any problems with form or pronunciation. Provide comments and feedback to the w
on points that came up in the discussions.
Explain how this topic can be linked with the cross-curricular element (global sustaina
Activities C and D focus on developing the main and complementary skills.
Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity that suits pupils’ needs/interests and that w
learning in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture




lesson Close-Up
a game to review adjectives (pupils have learned about adjectives, including comparatives Student’s Book, p.23
superlatives, in Form 2). Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that Close-Up Teacher’s
er suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the Book, p.22-23
s for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that
ctivity D pupils are provided with some useful expressions. As a follow-on activity to Activity D,
e the following question to the class: Do you think it’s important to know where our food comes
? Why? / Why not? Ask pupils to discuss in groups. Monitor discussions and provide support
ny problems with form or pronunciation. Provide comments and feedback to the whole class
oints that came up in the discussions.
ain how this topic can be linked with the cross-curricular element (global sustainability).
vities C and D focus on developing the main and complementary skills.
ose an appropriate post-lesson activity that suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review
ning in the lesson.

MAR FOCUS: Using adjectives

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the post-lesson activity,
depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 18 (Writing 3)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.1 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain simple Use the pre writing a review activity on p.25 of the Teacher’s Book. Note that the word
intelligibly through print content from what they have activity (colourful, tasty, traditional, trendy and brightly-coloured) have not been introd
and digital media on read or heard pupils in previous lessons and will need to be explained (they are in a vocabulary acti
familiar topics Complementary Skill of the Student’s Book which has not been covered).
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.2 Understand Lesson delivery
Reading 3.1 Understand specific details and This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed g
a variety of texts by using information in longer texts on For Activity D pupils must write down answers in order to address the main skill.
a range of appropriate an increased range of The reading text type in this lesson is a quiz (Activities A-C). The reading skill (i.e. und
reading strategies to familiar topics specific details) is meant to support the writing, especially for Activity D and lesson 19
construct meaning 4).
Activity D focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities A-C focus on
complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
learned in relation to the topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expres
whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Global LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Food related vocabulary and usin
Sustainability adjectives


lesson Close-Up
the pre writing a review activity on p.25 of the Teacher’s Book. Note that the words for this Student’s Book, p.26-27
ity (colourful, tasty, traditional, trendy and brightly-coloured) have not been introduced to Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
s in previous lessons and will need to be explained (they are in a vocabulary activity on p.24 p.25
e Student’s Book which has not been covered).
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
Activity D pupils must write down answers in order to address the main skill.
reading text type in this lesson is a quiz (Activities A-C). The reading skill (i.e. understand
ific details) is meant to support the writing, especially for Activity D and lesson 19 (Writing

vity D focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities A-C focus on the
plementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they have
ned in relation to the topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a
e class.

MAR FOCUS: Food related vocabulary and using

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity D,
fast finishers can be given activities from
the Vocabulary activities on p.20 and
p.24 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
Use the exit cards from Lesson 9 (‘what
went well in your learning?’ and ‘even
better if…’ to identify any individual
needs in this lesson and the next.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 19 (Writing 4)

TOPIC: Food, Food, Food!



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.3 Pre-lesson
Communicate Produce a plan or Play a game to review food related vocabulary and adjectives from previous lessons.
with appropriate draft of two paragraphs or Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
language, form and style more and modify this needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
Complementary Skill appropriately independently the lesson.
Listening 1.1 Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Understand meaning in a Listening 1.1.4 Understand This lesson focuses on Activities E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
variety of familiar independently longer guidance. Give pupils some time to go through the text from Activity C in order to
contexts sequences of classroom complete Activity E.
instructions Note that in Activity F pupils must be asked to shut their textbooks and listen to the
teacher reading aloud the ‘Exam Task’ instruction and ‘Exam Close-up’ tips in order to
address the complementary skill. The writing task can be completed as homework if
Activities E, G and H focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F (don
listening not reading) focuses on the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in
lesson and how they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner
before collecting ideas as a class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: People and Culture


Sustainability adjectives; using past simple and past continuous


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.27
a game to review food related vocabulary and adjectives from previous lessons. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.25-
natively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’ 26
ds/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Give pupils some time to go through the text from Activity C in order to
plete Activity E.
that in Activity F pupils must be asked to shut their textbooks and listen to the
her reading aloud the ‘Exam Task’ instruction and ‘Exam Close-up’ tips in order to
ess the complementary skill. The writing task can be completed as homework if
vities E, G and H focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F (done as
ning not reading) focuses on the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in the
on and how they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s)
re collecting ideas as a class.

MAR FOCUS: Food related vocabulary; using

t simple and past continuous

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity H,
fast finishers can be given activities from
the Vocabulary activities on p.20 and
p.24 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
The Teacher’s Book includes an
exemplar restaurant review (see
‘Suggested answers’, p. 26), which can
be used as support for less proficient
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 20 (Literature in Action 2) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action 5.1 Literature in Action 5.1.2 books.
Engage with, respond to Explain briefly the Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
and interpret a variety of development of plot, learning standard specified for this lesson.
literary text types characters and themes in a Focus on the development of plot only.
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
ment of plot only.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 21 (Reading 5)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.6 Pre-lesson
Understand a Recognise with See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. At each stage of the activit
variety of texts by using a support typical features at ensure that pupils have an opportunity to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s)
range of appropriate word, sentence and text before collecting their responses.
reading strategies to levels of a range of genres Lesson delivery
construct meaning Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.1 Paraphrase guidance. Include the ‘Word Focus’ activity on p. 31 of the Teacher’s Book. Note that i
Speaking 2.1 short simple texts Activity C pupils are asked to scan the text. To address the main skill with Activity C,
Communicate ensure that pupils are given additional guidance, if necessary, about the word, senten
information, ideas, and text level features of informational texts. To address the complementary skill, ask
opinions and feelings pupils to shut their textbooks after Activity C. They then take it in turns with a partner o
intelligibly on familiar small groups to paraphrase the text they have read quickly in Activity C by using their
topics words.
Activity A is required in order to introduce text types. Activities B and C focus on
developing the main skill for this lesson. The follow-on activity to Activity C addresses
complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the topic. When
pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Environment related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.31-
‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. At each stage of the activity, 32
ure that pupils have an opportunity to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.30-
re collecting their responses. 31
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Include the ‘Word Focus’ activity on p. 31 of the Teacher’s Book. Note that in
vity C pupils are asked to scan the text. To address the main skill with Activity C,
ure that pupils are given additional guidance, if necessary, about the word, sentence
text level features of informational texts. To address the complementary skill, ask
s to shut their textbooks after Activity C. They then take it in turns with a partner or in
l groups to paraphrase the text they have read quickly in Activity C by using their own
vity A is required in order to introduce text types. Activities B and C focus on
eloping the main skill for this lesson. The follow-on activity to Activity C addresses the
plementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the topic. When
s are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Environment related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity C,
fast finishers can be given the ‘Ideas
Focus’ tasks on p.33 of the Student’s
Book as either speaking or writing tasks.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 22 (Reading 6)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand the Activate prior knowledge in this lesson by asking pupils to recall with their talk partner
variety of texts by using a main points in longer texts the new vocabulary they have learnt from the previous lesson. When pupils are ready
range of appropriate on a range of familiar topics collect and share ideas as a whole class. Write the words on the board. Ensure that th
reading strategies to Complementary Skill words in the ‘Word Focus’ box on p.33 of the Student’s Book are included (add these
construct meaning Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own the pupils’ words if necessary).
Complementary Skill point of view Lesson delivery
Speaking 2.1 This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Communicate guidance. Note that in Activity F pupils may need support with useful expressions.
information, ideas, Activities D, E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F provi
opinions and feelings an opportunity for developing the complementary skill.
intelligibly on familiar Post-lesson
topics Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to close their textboo
and then to recall with their talk partner(s) the exam tips they read on p.33 of the
Student’s Book (‘Exam Close- Up’). When pupils are ready, collect and share ideas as
whole class. Write ideas on the board, checking that all four tips have been included.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Environment related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.32-
vate prior knowledge in this lesson by asking pupils to recall with their talk partner(s) 33
new vocabulary they have learnt from the previous lesson. When pupils are ready, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.31
ct and share ideas as a whole class. Write the words on the board. Ensure that the
ds in the ‘Word Focus’ box on p.33 of the Student’s Book are included (add these to
pupils’ words if necessary).
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity F pupils may need support with useful expressions.
vities D, E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F provides
pportunity for developing the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to close their textbooks
then to recall with their talk partner(s) the exam tips they read on p.33 of the
ent’s Book (‘Exam Close- Up’). When pupils are ready, collect and share ideas as a
e class. Write ideas on the board, checking that all four tips have been included.

MAR FOCUS: Environment related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity F,
fast finishers can be given the ‘Ideas
Focus’ tasks on p.33 of the Student’s
Book as either speaking or writing tasks
(if not used in previous lesson).
An alternative fast finisher task is to ask
pupils to work on the Vocabulary
activities on p. 34 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 23 (Language Awareness 3)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- This is a grammar- focused Write two sentences on the board to illustrate each tense (see the pre-grammar lesso
focused lesson so lesson so listening, activity guidance on p.32 of the Teacher’s Book). Go through the affirmative, negative
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and question forms and short answers of the two tenses (see ‘Grammar Focus’ on p.163-
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly of Student’s Book).
are not explicitly covered. covered. Lesson delivery
This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
guidance. Note that after Activity D there is an opportunity to go through the Grammar
Focus’ again on p.163-164 of Student’s Book, which will help to consolidate learning.
Remind pupils that using contracted forms for the negative is suitable for speaking an
less formal writing.
Ask pupils to write down sentences of their own using each tense. When ready, collec
examples. This activity can be extended by asking pupils to write down their own
examples of affirmative, negative, question forms and short answers for each tense.
Pupils can do Activities E-G as homework (fast finishers who may have already done
these activities during the lesson can be given homework activities from the Vocabula
and Grammar activities on
p. 38-39 of the Student’s Book.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Present perfect continuous vs. pr
perfect simple


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.35,
e two sentences on the board to illustrate each tense (see the pre-grammar lesson p.163-4
ity guidance on p.32 of the Teacher’s Book). Go through the affirmative, negative, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.32-
stion forms and short answers of the two tenses (see ‘Grammar Focus’ on p.163- 164 33
udent’s Book).
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that after Activity D there is an opportunity to go through the Grammar
us’ again on p.163-164 of Student’s Book, which will help to consolidate learning.
ind pupils that using contracted forms for the negative is suitable for speaking and
formal writing.
pupils to write down sentences of their own using each tense. When ready, collect
mples. This activity can be extended by asking pupils to write down their own
mples of affirmative, negative, question forms and short answers for each tense.
ls can do Activities E-G as homework (fast finishers who may have already done
e activities during the lesson can be given homework activities from the Vocabulary
Grammar activities on
8-39 of the Student’s Book.

MAR FOCUS: Present perfect continuous vs. present

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity D, fast finishers can be given
other activities in the textbook not
covered in the Learning Outline (i.e.
activities E-G).
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 24 (Listening 5)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Listening 1.2 Main Skill Listening 1.2.1 Pre-lesson
Use appropriate Guess the meaning Activate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-listening lesson activity on p.33 of
listening strategies in a of unfamiliar words from Teacher’s Book. Pupils look at the image on
variety of contexts clues provided by other p.36 of the Student’s Book and discuss with their talk partner(s) what they know abou
Complementary Skill words and by context on an Great White Sharks.
Speaking 2.1 increased range of familiar Lesson delivery
Communicate topics This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
information, ideas, Complementary Skill After listening more than once to the track (Activity B), ask pupils to make a note of an
opinions and feelings Speaking 2.1.1 Ask about words which they are not sure about their meaning. They can check in pairs before
intelligibly on familiar and explain key information sharing with the rest of the class. You can write these words on the board for all to see
topics from simple texts a follow-on discussion activity, ask pupils to talk with their talk partner(s) about someth
interesting they found out about Great White Sharks from listening to the talk in Activit
When ready, collect responses from pupils as a class.
Activities A and B focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. The follow-on
discussion activity to Activity B provides an opportunity for developing the complemen
Choose a post-lesson activity based on your pupils’ ability and interests.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Environment related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up
vate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-listening lesson activity on p.33 of the Student’s Book, p.36
her’s Book. Pupils look at the image on Close-Up Teacher’s
of the Student’s Book and discuss with their talk partner(s) what they know about Book, p.33-34
at White Sharks. Student’s Book Audio
son delivery CD
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
listening more than once to the track (Activity B), ask pupils to make a note of any
ds which they are not sure about their meaning. They can check in pairs before
ing with the rest of the class. You can write these words on the board for all to see. As
ow-on discussion activity, ask pupils to talk with their talk partner(s) about something
esting they found out about Great White Sharks from listening to the talk in Activity B.
n ready, collect responses from pupils as a class.
vities A and B focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. The follow-on
ussion activity to Activity B provides an opportunity for developing the complementary

ose a post-lesson activity based on your pupils’ ability and interests.
ealth and Environment

E/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Environment related vocabulary


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a more

proficient pupil can help and support a less
proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during the discussion activities, depending on
their needs. For example, by providing vocabulary
to use in a speaking task, or sentence starters
and model sentence constructions to help the
pupil produce sentences.
To support less confident pupils, pause the
listening track at selected intervals to allow
thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific intervals
from the audio script in the Teacher’s Book if it
helps less proficient pupils to listen to your voice
rather than that of a native speaker. Play the track
from the CD when pupils feel more confident.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 25 (Listening 6)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Listening 1.3 Main Skill Listening 1.3.1 Pre-lesson
Recognise Recognise with Play a game to review environment related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or
features of spoken support typical features at pupils have learned about Great White Sharks. Alternatively, choose another appropri
genres on familiar topics word, sentence and text pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review languag
Complementary Skill levels of a small number of and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Speaking 2.1 spoken genres Lesson delivery
Communicate Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
information, ideas, Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own guidance. To address the main skill with Activity C, ensure that pupils are given additio
opinions and feelings point of view guidance, if necessary, about word level features of the language of science. As a foll
intelligibly on familiar on discussion activity, pose the following question to the class: Do you think it’s impor
topics to protect sharks from extinction? Why? / Why not? Ask pupils to discuss in groups.
Monitor discussions and provide support for any problems with form or pronunciation.
Provide comments and feedback to the whole class on points that came up in the
discussions. Explain how this topic can be linked with the cross curricular element
(environmental sustainability).
Activities C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. The follow-on
discussion activity provides an opportunity for developing the complementary skill.
Choose a post-lesson activity based on your pupils’ ability and interests.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Environment related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up
a game to review environment related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or what Student’s Book, p.36
s have learned about Great White Sharks. Alternatively, choose another appropriate Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
esson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language p.34
or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Student’s Book Audio CD
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. To address the main skill with Activity C, ensure that pupils are given additional
ance, if necessary, about word level features of the language of science. As a follow-
iscussion activity, pose the following question to the class: Do you think it’s important
otect sharks from extinction? Why? / Why not? Ask pupils to discuss in groups.
itor discussions and provide support for any problems with form or pronunciation.
ide comments and feedback to the whole class on points that came up in the
ussions. Explain how this topic can be linked with the cross curricular element
ironmental sustainability).
vities C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. The follow-on
ussion activity provides an opportunity for developing the complementary skill.
ose a post-lesson activity based on your pupils’ ability and interests.
th and Environment

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Environment related vocabulary


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a

more proficient pupil can help and support a
less proficient pupil.
You can pause the track at selected intervals to
allow pupils to think and complete a gap in
D. Alternatively, read and pause at specific
intervals from the audio script in the Teacher’s
Book if it helps less proficient pupils to listen to
your voice rather than that of a native speaker.
Play the track from the CD when pupils feel
more confident.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during the post- lesson activity, depending on
their needs. For example, by providing
vocabulary to use in a speaking task, or
sentence starters and model sentence
constructions to help the pupil produce
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 26 (Speaking 5)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.2 Pre-lesson
Communicate Ask about and Activate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-speaking lesson activity on p.34 o
information, ideas, explain simple processes Teacher’s Book. Pupils look at the image in the top right-hand corner of p.37 of the
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill Student’s Book and predict what the lesson is going to be about. Pupils then write dow
intelligibly on familiar Listening 1.1.4 Understand examples of environmental problems and consequences, which are then shared as a
topics independently longer class.
Complementary Skill sequences of classroom Lesson delivery
Listening 1.1 instructions This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Understand meaning in a Note that the pre-lesson activity helps to prepare pupils for Activity A. To address the m
variety of familiar skill with Activity A, ensure that pupils are given support for explaining processes (e.g.
contexts processes of environmental damage) such as useful words/expressions for describing
cause and effect. In Activity B pupils are asked to listen to the ‘Exam Task’ instruction
Student’s Book Audio CD).
Activity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B focuses on the
complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
words/expressions as a whole class. Draw attention to words/expressions for explaini
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for explaining


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.37
vate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-speaking lesson activity on p.34 of the Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.34-
her’s Book. Pupils look at the image in the top right-hand corner of p.37 of the 35
ent’s Book and predict what the lesson is going to be about. Pupils then write down Student’s Book Audio CD
mples of environmental problems and consequences, which are then shared as a
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that the pre-lesson activity helps to prepare pupils for Activity A. To address the main
with Activity A, ensure that pupils are given support for explaining processes (e.g.
esses of environmental damage) such as useful words/expressions for describing
e and effect. In Activity B pupils are asked to listen to the ‘Exam Task’ instruction (see
ent’s Book Audio CD).
vity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B focuses on the
plementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class. Draw attention to words/expressions for explaining

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for explaining

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the Activity A speaking task,
depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 27 (Speaking 6)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain own point of Play a game to review useful expressions for discussions. Alternatively, choose anoth
information, ideas, view appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will rev
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
intelligibly on familiar Reading 3.1.3 Guess the Lesson delivery
topics meaning of unfamiliar words This lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Complementary Skill from clues provided by other that in Activity C pupils are asked to match words (i.e. make a relevant phrase). They
Reading 3.1 Understand words and by context on an for these words from this activity in the ‘Exam Task’ (the pictures and captions about w
a variety of texts by using increased range of familiar protect the environment). Note that not all of the words from Activity C can be found in
a range of appropriate topic Task written captions, in which case pupils need to look for a match with a picture.
reading strategies to Activities C and D focus on developing the main skill. Activity C also focuses on the
construct meaning complementary skill.
Ask pupils to discuss in small groups the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions on p. 37 of the Stud
Monitor discussions and provide support for any problems with form or pronunciation.
comments and feedback to the whole class on their use of expressions in the discuss
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for discussion


lesson Close-Up
a game to review useful expressions for discussions. Alternatively, choose another Student’s Book, p.37
opriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.35
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note
in Activity C pupils are asked to match words (i.e. make a relevant phrase). They then look
hese words from this activity in the ‘Exam Task’ (the pictures and captions about ways to
ect the environment). Note that not all of the words from Activity C can be found in the Exam
written captions, in which case pupils need to look for a match with a picture.
vities C and D focus on developing the main skill. Activity C also focuses on the
plementary skill.
pupils to discuss in small groups the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions on p. 37 of the Student’s Book.
itor discussions and provide support for any problems with form or pronunciation. Provide
ments and feedback to the whole class on their use of expressions in the discussions.

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for discussions

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the speaking tasks,
depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 28 (Writing 5)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.4 Pre-lesson
Communicate Begin to use formal Activate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-writing lesson activity on p.37 of th
with appropriate and informal registers Teacher’s Book. Pupils discuss the three pictures on p. 40-41 of the Student’s Book. S
language, form and style appropriate to the target Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
Complementary Skill audience in familiar Lesson delivery
Reading 3.1 Understand situations This lesson focuses on Learning Focus on Activities A, B and
a variety of texts by using Complementary Skill C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that in Activity B pupils are asked t
a range of appropriate Reading 3.1.2 Understand scan the text for main points in the text.
reading strategies to specific details and The reading text type in this lesson is instruction (Learning Focus) and an email (Activ
construct meaning information in longer texts on A). The reading skill (i.e. understand specific details) is meant to support writing.
an increased range of Activity B focuses on developing the main skill. Learning Focus and Activity A focus on
familiar topics complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to identify with their ta
partner(s) as many different useful expressions for an informal email that they can thin
of. Ensure that they have closed their textbooks. When pupils are ready, collect and s
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for an informa


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.40-
vate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-writing lesson activity on p.37 of the 41
her’s Book. Pupils discuss the three pictures on p. 40-41 of the Student’s Book. See Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.37-
her’s Book for detailed guidance. 38
son delivery
lesson focuses on Learning Focus on Activities A, B and
ee Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that in Activity B pupils are asked to
the text for main points in the text.
reading text type in this lesson is instruction (Learning Focus) and an email (Activity
The reading skill (i.e. understand specific details) is meant to support writing.
vity B focuses on developing the main skill. Learning Focus and Activity A focus on the
plementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by getting them to identify with their talk
ner(s) as many different useful expressions for an informal email that they can think
nsure that they have closed their textbooks. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for an informal

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity C,
fast finishers can be given extension
activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 38-39 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity
that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
and that will help pupils develop further
the main and/or complementary skill for
this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 29 (Writing 6)

TOPIC: The Wonders of Nature



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.3 Pre-lesson
Communicate Produce a plan or Play a game to review useful expressions for an informal email. Alternatively, choose
with appropriate draft of two paragraphs or another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and tha
language, form and style more and modify this review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Complementary Skill appropriately independently Lesson delivery
Writing 4.2 Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Communicate with Writing 4.2.1 Punctuate guidance. Note that Activity D refers to the example email on p. 40 of the Student’s Bo
appropriate language, written work with moderate Also, note that in Activity E the pupils need to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box, which he
form and style accuracy them with the main skill for this lesson.
Ask pupils to pay attention to punctuation when they write their email.
Pupils can either check each other’s emails or the teacher can collect their work and g
Activities D, E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F also
focuses on the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what wen
well in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
cards and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 4.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Environmental Sustainability LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for an informa


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
a game to review useful expressions for an informal email. Alternatively, choose p.41
her appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
ew language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.38
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that Activity D refers to the example email on p. 40 of the Student’s Book.
, note that in Activity E the pupils need to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box, which helps
m with the main skill for this lesson.
pupils to pay attention to punctuation when they write their email.
ls can either check each other’s emails or the teacher can collect their work and give
vities D, E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F also
ses on the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what went
in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
s and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 4.
and Environment

RAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for an informal

Fast finishers can move on to the next activity
in the sequence.
After Activity F, fast finishers can be given
extension activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 38-39 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose another
appropriate extension activity that better suits
pupils’ needs/interests and that will help
pupils develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
for the planning work in this lesson, such as a
mind map or a writing frame, depending on
their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 30 (Literature in Action 3) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action 5.1.2 books.
5.1 Explain briefly the Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Engage with, respond to development of plot, learning standard specified for this lesson.
and interpret a variety of characters and themes in a Focus on characters.
literary text types text
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 31 (Reading 7)

TOPIC: Special Relationships



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand the See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils discuss in small
variety of texts by using a main points in longer texts groups any special relationships that they have. Pupils then look at the picture on p. 4
range of appropriate on an increased range of of the Student’s Book and discuss their reaction to it.
reading strategies to familiar topics Lesson delivery
construct meaning Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own guidance. Note that in Activity C pupils are asked to skim through the text to find the
Speaking 2.1 point of view answer to the question.
Communicate Activity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities A, B and C
information, ideas, provide opportunities to practise the complementary skill.
opinions and feelings Post-lesson
intelligibly on familiar Ask pupils to review their learning by giving a one-minute verbal summary of the lesso
topics Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) and then to choose pupils
share their summaries with the class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to the topic of



lesson Close-Up
‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils discuss in small Student’s Book, p.43-45
ps any special relationships that they have. Pupils then look at the picture on p. 43 Close-Up Teacher’s
e Student’s Book and discuss their reaction to it. Book, p.40
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity C pupils are asked to skim through the text to find the
wer to the question.
vity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities A, B and C
ide opportunities to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning by giving a one-minute verbal summary of the lesson.
w pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) and then to choose pupils to
e their summaries with the class.
ealth and Environment

E/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to the topic of



Since there are several opportunities for pupils to

interact in this lesson, organise talk partners or
grouping so that a more proficient pupil can help
and support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during the speaking activities, depending on their
Fast finishers can move on to the next activity in
the sequence. After Activity C, fast finishers can
be given the Vocabulary activities on p.46 of
the Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose another
appropriate extension activity that better suits
pupils’ needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or complementary
skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 32 (Reading 8)

TOPIC: Special Relationships



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.2 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand specific Play a game to review vocabulary from the previous lesson. Include the words in the ‘
variety of texts by using a details and information in Focus’ box on p. 44 of the Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose another appropriate p
range of appropriate longer texts on an increased lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language an
reading strategies to range of familiar topics vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
construct meaning Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.3 Guess the This lesson focuses on Activities D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Reading 3.1 Understand meaning of unfamiliar words Note that in Activity D the pupils need to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box, which helps th
a variety of texts by using from clues provided by other with the main skill for this lesson. Also note that in Activity D pupils do the task individu
a range of appropriate words and by context on an but answers should then be discussed in small groups before checking answers as a
reading strategies to increased range of familiar Activity D focuses on developing the main skill. . Activity E focuses on the complemen
construct meaning topics skill.
Ask pupils to discuss in small groups the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions on
p.45 of the Student’s Book. Monitor discussions and provide support for any problems
form or pronunciation. Provide comments and feedback to the whole class on their us
vocabulary related to the topic of relationships.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to the topic of



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
a game to review vocabulary from the previous lesson. Include the words in the ‘Word p.44-45
us’ box on p. 44 of the Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre- Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
on activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or p.40-41
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity D the pupils need to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box, which helps them
the main skill for this lesson. Also note that in Activity D pupils do the task individually
answers should then be discussed in small groups before checking answers as a class.
vity D focuses on developing the main skill. . Activity E focuses on the complementary

pupils to discuss in small groups the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions on
of the Student’s Book. Monitor discussions and provide support for any problems with
or pronunciation. Provide comments and feedback to the whole class on their use of
bulary related to the topic of relationships.

MMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to the topic of

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity E,
fast finishers can be given the
Vocabulary activities on p.46 and/or p. 50
of the Student’s Book. Alternatively,
choose another appropriate extension
activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
WEEK: LESSON 33 (Language Awareness 4)

TOPIC: Special Relationships


Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- This is a grammar- focused Activate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-grammar lesson activity on p.42 o
focused lesson so lesson so listening, Teacher’s Book. Pupils are asked questions that contain relative clauses.
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and Lesson delivery
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
are not explicitly covered. covered. guidance.
Review pupils’ learning in this lesson with Tell me three things…
• You have learnt today
• You have done well
• Your talk partner has done well
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: Health and Environment



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.47
vate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-grammar lesson activity on p.42 of the Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.42
her’s Book. Pupils are asked questions that contain relative clauses.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ew pupils’ learning in this lesson with Tell me three things…
You have learnt today
You have done well
Your talk partner has done well

MAR FOCUS: Relative clauses

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity C, fast finishers can be given
other activities in the textbook not
covered in the Learning Outline (i.e.
activities E-G).
See also p.50-51 in Student’s Book for
further vocabulary and grammar activities
that can be used as extension tasks
and/or homework.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 34 (Listening 7)

TOPIC: Special Relationships



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.3 Pre-lesson
Understand Recognise with little Play a game to review vocabulary and/or grammar from previous lessons. Alternative
meaning in a variety of or no support attitudes or choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
familiar contexts opinions in longer texts on that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Complementary Skill an increased range of Lesson delivery
Speaking 2.3 Use familiar topics This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
appropriate Complementary Skill Note that in Activity A pupils are asked to work with partners taking it in turns to descri
communication strategies Speaking 2.3.1 Keep pictures on p.48 of the
interaction going in longer Student’s Book. This activity addresses the complementary skill and works best if the
exchanges by asking a who is listening shuts their textbook so they cannot see the picture described to them
speaker to slow down, speak pupil who is listening must be encouraged to keep interaction going by asking their pa
up or to repeat what they to repeat or clarify what they have said.
have said Activity B focuses on developing the main skill. Activity A focuses on the complementa
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
have learned in relation to the lesson topic.
When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to the topic of



lesson Close-Up
a game to review vocabulary and/or grammar from previous lessons. Alternatively, Student’s Book, p.48
ose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and Close-Up Teacher’s
will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Book, p.44
son delivery Student’s Book Audio
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. CD
that in Activity A pupils are asked to work with partners taking it in turns to describe the
res on p.48 of the
ent’s Book. This activity addresses the complementary skill and works best if the pupil
is listening shuts their textbook so they cannot see the picture described to them. The
who is listening must be encouraged to keep interaction going by asking their partner
peat or clarify what they have said.
vity B focuses on developing the main skill. Activity A focuses on the complementary

pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they
e learned in relation to the lesson topic.
n pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a whole class.
lth and Environment

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to the topic of


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a

more proficient pupil can help and support a
less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during Activity A, depending on their needs. For
example, by providing vocabulary to use during
the speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the pupil
produce sentences.
To support less confident pupils, pause the
listening track at selected intervals to allow
thinking time. Alternatively, read and pause at
specific intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient pupils
to listen to your voice rather than that of a
native speaker. Play the track from the CD
when pupils feel more confident.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 35 (Listening 8)

TOPIC: Special Relationships



Main Skill Listening 1.2 Main Skill Listening 1.2.1 Pre-lesson
Use appropriate Guess the meaning Play a game to review vocabulary and/or grammar from previous lessons. Alternative
listening strategies in a of unfamiliar words from choose another appropriate pre-lesson
variety of contexts clues provided by other activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
Complementary Skill words and by context on an vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Speaking 2.1 increased range of familiar Lesson delivery
Communicate topics This lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
information, ideas, Complementary Skill guidance. Note that in Activity C the pupils need to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box, whi
opinions and feelings Speaking 2.1.1 Paraphrase helps them with the main skill for this lesson. The listening text does not match the ex
intelligibly on familiar short simple texts task word for word, so pupils should try to listen for similar words. Extend Activity E to
topics include asking pupils to summarise what they have heard using their own words.
Activities C, D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Extension to
Activity E provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to the topic of



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.48
a game to review vocabulary and/or grammar from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.45
ose another appropriate pre-lesson Student’s Book Audio CD
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity C the pupils need to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box, which
s them with the main skill for this lesson. The listening text does not match the exam
word for word, so pupils should try to listen for similar words. Extend Activity E to
de asking pupils to summarise what they have heard using their own words.
vities C, D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Extension to
vity E provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to the topic of

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
To support less confident pupils, pause
the listening track at selected intervals to
allow thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific
intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient
pupils to listen to your voice rather than
that of a native speaker. Play the track
from the CD when pupils feel more
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 36 (Speaking 7)

TOPIC: Special Relationships



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain own point of Play a game to review vocabulary and/or grammar from previous lessons. Alternative
information, ideas, view choose another appropriate pre-lesson
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
intelligibly on familiar Listening 1.1.3 Recognise vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
topics with little or no support Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill attitudes or opinions in This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Listening 1.1 longer texts on an increased Note that in Activity B pupils are asked to identify if a sentence gives advice, an order
Understand meaning in a range of familiar topics makes suggestions. Pupils therefore need to recognise the speaker’s attitude.
variety of familiar Activity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B focuses on the
contexts complementary skill.
Ask pupils to write down different sentences that give advice, orders or suggestions. A
pupils to share their sentences with talk partner(s) before collecting examples as a cla
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for giving adv


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.49
a game to review vocabulary and/or grammar from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.44
ose another appropriate pre-lesson Student’s Book Audio CD
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity B pupils are asked to identify if a sentence gives advice, an order or
es suggestions. Pupils therefore need to recognise the speaker’s attitude.
vity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B focuses on the
plementary skill.
pupils to write down different sentences that give advice, orders or suggestions. Allow
s to share their sentences with talk partner(s) before collecting examples as a class.

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for giving advice

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the post-lesson activity,
depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 37 (Speaking 8)

TOPIC: Special Relationships



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.3 Pre-lesson
Communicate Describe future Play a game to review useful expressions for giving advice. Alternatively, choose anot
information, ideas, plans and ambitions appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will rev
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
intelligibly on familiar Listening 1.1.4 Understand Lesson delivery
topics independently longer This lesson focuses on Activity C and the ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for
Complementary Skill sequences of classroom detailed guidance. Note that in Activity C pupils need to use phrases in the ‘Useful
Listening 1.1 instructions Expressions’ box on p.49 as these phrases are used to give advice about a future pla
Understand meaning in a (whether or not to go to a party the night before an exam) and this practises the main
variety of familiar for this lesson. In Activity C pupils are also asked to listen to the teacher reading out th
contexts ‘Exam Close-up’ tips, which is how the complementary skill is addressed. It is also
important to emphasize to pupils that there are no right or wrong answers in Activity C
Activity C addresses the main skill for this lesson. Activity C also provides an opportun
to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what
they have learnt in the lesson and how they learnt it. Allow pupils to
discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for giving adv


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.49
a game to review useful expressions for giving advice. Alternatively, choose another Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.44-
opriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review 45
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activity C and the ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for
iled guidance. Note that in Activity C pupils need to use phrases in the ‘Useful
essions’ box on p.49 as these phrases are used to give advice about a future plan
ether or not to go to a party the night before an exam) and this practises the main skill
his lesson. In Activity C pupils are also asked to listen to the teacher reading out the
m Close-up’ tips, which is how the complementary skill is addressed. It is also
ortant to emphasize to pupils that there are no right or wrong answers in Activity C.
vity C addresses the main skill for this lesson. Activity C also provides an opportunity
actise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what
have learnt in the lesson and how they learnt it. Allow pupils to
uss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for giving advice

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing vocabulary to use in a
speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the
pupil produce sentences.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 38 (Writing 7)

TOPIC: Special Relationships



Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.3 Pre-lesson
Communicate Summarise the Activate prior knowledge in this lesson by asking pupils to discuss with their talk partn
intelligibly through print main points and explain key how they think a story needs to be organised/structured. Ensure that textbooks are ke
and digital media on details of a story, text or plot closed during these discussions. Then ask pupils to open the Student’s Book and to
familiar topics Complementary Skill compare their ideas with the ideas in the ‘Learning Focus’ box on
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.1 Understand p.52. Elicit questions from the pupils to check their understanding of what they have r
Reading 3.1 Understand the main points in longer Lesson delivery
a variety of texts by using texts on an increased range This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
a range of appropriate of familiar topics guidance. Note that activities C and D must be extended in order to address the main
reading strategies to for this lesson. After completing Activity D, pupils should write a short summary in thei
construct meaning own words of the main points in the story that they have read. Ask pupils to focus on t
main events and leave out the description of the characters (e.g. adjectives describing
Molly) and secondary details (e.g. Before Molly turned into her street…).
Activities A-D (with the extension activity described above) focus on the main skill for
lesson. Activities C and D also provide an opportunity to practise the complementary s
Ask pupils to review their learning by telling what they learned in this lesson and how
lesson went as a story. Pupils need to re-use vocabulary from the lesson (e.g. the wor
in yellow in Activity A).
Allow pupils to practise telling their story to a talk partner before selecting pupils to tel
their story to the class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Values LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Words/expressions for telling a s


lesson Close-Up
vate prior knowledge in this lesson by asking pupils to discuss with their talk partner(s) Student’s Book, p.52
they think a story needs to be organised/structured. Ensure that textbooks are kept Close-Up Teacher’s
ed during these discussions. Then ask pupils to open the Student’s Book and to Book, p.46-47
pare their ideas with the ideas in the ‘Learning Focus’ box on
. Elicit questions from the pupils to check their understanding of what they have read.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that activities C and D must be extended in order to address the main skill
his lesson. After completing Activity D, pupils should write a short summary in their
words of the main points in the story that they have read. Ask pupils to focus on the
n events and leave out the description of the characters (e.g. adjectives describing
y) and secondary details (e.g. Before Molly turned into her street…).
vities A-D (with the extension activity described above) focus on the main skill for this
on. Activities C and D also provide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning by telling what they learned in this lesson and how the
on went as a story. Pupils need to re-use vocabulary from the lesson (e.g. the words
llow in Activity A).
w pupils to practise telling their story to a talk partner before selecting pupils to tell
story to the class.
ealth and Environment

E/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Words/expressions for telling a story


Fast finishers can move on to the next activity in

the sequence. After Activity D, fast finishers can
be given activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 50-51 of the Student’s
Book. Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils develop
further the main and/or complementary skill for
this lesson.
Use the exit cards from Lesson 29 (‘what went
well in your learning?’ and ‘even better if…’ to
identify any individual needs in this lesson and the
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
depending on their needs, such as by providing
vocabulary to use in the post-lesson activity, or
sentence starters and model sentence
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
WEEK: LESSON 39 (Writing 8)

TOPIC: Special Relationships


Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.5 Pre-lesson
Communicate Organise, sequence Play a game to review expressions for telling a story. Alternatively, choose another
intelligibly through print and develop ideas within appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will rev
and digital media on short texts on familiar topics language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
familiar topics Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.2 Ask about This lesson focuses on Activities E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Speaking 2.1 and explain simple guidance. Note that in Activity G pupils are asked to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ tips, wh
Communicate processes helps them to practise the main skill. There is also an opportunity for pupils to think ab
information, ideas, the language of explaining processes used in the ‘Exam Close-up’ tips (e.g. use of the
opinions and feelings imperative). In Activity G, pupils discuss with a talk partner their ideas for a story, and
intelligibly on familiar discussion should include ideas for the sequencing of events in the story, which is als
topics practise for the complementary skill. Provide examples of language for the pupils to u
these discussions that focuses on sequencing (e.g. first, next, finally).
Activities G and H focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activity G provides an
opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what wen
well in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
cards and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 5.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Health and Environment



lesson Close-Up
a game to review expressions for telling a story. Alternatively, choose another Student’s Book, p.53
opriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.47
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity G pupils are asked to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ tips, which
s them to practise the main skill. There is also an opportunity for pupils to think about
anguage of explaining processes used in the ‘Exam Close-up’ tips (e.g. use of the
erative). In Activity G, pupils discuss with a talk partner their ideas for a story, and this
ussion should include ideas for the sequencing of events in the story, which is also
tise for the complementary skill. Provide examples of language for the pupils to use in
e discussions that focuses on sequencing (e.g. first, next, finally).
vities G and H focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activity G provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what went
in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
s and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 5.
th and Environment

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Using adjectives


Fast finishers can move on to the next activity

in the sequence. After Activity H, fast finishers
can be given activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 50-51 of the Student’s
Book. Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils develop
further the main and/or complementary skill for
this lesson.
Use the exit cards from Lesson 29 (‘what went
well in your learning?’ and ‘even better if…’ to
identify any individual needs in this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
depending on their needs, such as by providing
a writing frame to use in Activity H (e.g.
sentence starters and/or model sentence
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 40 (Literature in Action 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action 5.1.2 books.
5.1 Explain briefly the Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Engage with, respond to development of plot, learning standard specified for this lesson.
and interpret a variety of characters and themes in a Focus on themes.
literary text types text
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 41 (Reading 9)

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.4 Pre-lesson
Understand a Use independently See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils brainstorm words th
variety of texts by using a familiar print and digital associate with the word ‘home’. Pupils then look at the picture on p. 57 of the Student
range of appropriate resources to check meaning and work with their talk partner to describe the picture.
reading strategies to and extend understanding Lesson delivery
construct meaning Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own that in all activities (including pre-lesson) pupils need to be supplied with dictionaries (
Speaking 2.1 point of view digital) to practise the main skill for this lesson. In Activity B, for example, pupils can u
Communicate dictionaries to find more job titles. The final phase to Activity B (pupils explaining their
information, ideas, answers) addresses the complementary skill.
opinions and feelings Activities A and B focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides an opportu
intelligibly on familiar practise the complementary skill.
topics Post-lesson
Play a dictionary game to review the main skill for this lesson. Alternatively, choose an
appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’ understanding of grammar and/
vocabulary from the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Science and Technology




lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils brainstorm words they p.57-58
ciate with the word ‘home’. Pupils then look at the picture on p. 57 of the Student’s Book Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
work with their talk partner to describe the picture. p.51
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note
in all activities (including pre-lesson) pupils need to be supplied with dictionaries (print or
al) to practise the main skill for this lesson. In Activity B, for example, pupils can use
onaries to find more job titles. The final phase to Activity B (pupils explaining their
wers) addresses the complementary skill.
vities A and B focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides an opportunity to
tise the complementary skill.
a dictionary game to review the main skill for this lesson. Alternatively, choose another
opriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’ understanding of grammar and/or
bulary from the lesson.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Home related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity B,
fast finishers can be given the
Vocabulary activities on p.60 of the
Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 42 (Reading 10)

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.2 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand specific Play a game to review home-related vocabulary from the previous lesson. Alternativel
variety of texts by using a details and information in choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
range of appropriate longer texts on an increased will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
reading strategies to range of familiar topics Lesson delivery
construct meaning Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities C, D and Ideas Focus. See Teacher’s Book for d
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own guidance. Note that in Activity D the answers are checked as a class.
Speaking 2.1 point of view Activities C and D focus on the main skill for this lesson. ‘Idea Focus’ focuses on the
Communicate complementary skill.
information, ideas, Post-lesson
opinions and feelings Choose a post-lesson activity that summarises the learning achieved so far.
intelligibly on familiar
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Science and Technology




lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
a game to review home-related vocabulary from the previous lesson. Alternatively, p.59
ose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
eview language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.51-52
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C, D and Ideas Focus. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity D the answers are checked as a class.
vities C and D focus on the main skill for this lesson. ‘Idea Focus’ focuses on the
plementary skill.
ose a post-lesson activity that summarises the learning achieved so far.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity D,
fast finishers can be given Vocabulary
activities on p.60 and p.64 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity
that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
and that will help pupils develop further
the main and/or complementary skill for
this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 43 (Language Awareness 5)

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- This is a grammar- focused Activate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-grammar lesson activity on p.53 o
focused lesson so lesson so listening, Teacher’s Book. Pupils look at the picture in the top right-hand corner of p.61 of the
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and Student’s Book. Working with their talk partner, they talk about what they might be abl
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly see and do there.
are not explicitly covered. covered. Lesson delivery
This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Ask pupils to write their own sentences using the future forms practised in this lesson
Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’
understanding of grammar and/or vocabulary from the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Future forms (will, be going to)


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.61
vate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-grammar lesson activity on p.53 of the Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.53
her’s Book. Pupils look at the picture in the top right-hand corner of p.61 of the
ent’s Book. Working with their talk partner, they talk about what they might be able to
and do there.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
pupils to write their own sentences using the future forms practised in this lesson.
natively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’
erstanding of grammar and/or vocabulary from the lesson.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Future forms (will, be going to)

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity D, fast finishers can be given
other activities in the textbook not
covered in the Learning Outline (i.e.
activities E-G).
See also p.64-65 in Student’s Book for
further vocabulary and grammar activities
that can be used as extension tasks
and/or homework.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 44 (Listening 9)

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home



Main Skill Listening 1.2 Main Skill Listening 1.2.1 Pre-lesson
Use appropriate Guess the meaning Play a game to review home-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively,
listening strategies in a of unfamiliar words from choose another appropriate pre-lesson
variety of contexts clues provided by other activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
Complementary Skill words and by context on an vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Reading 3.1 Understand increased range of familiar Lesson delivery
a variety of texts by using topics This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
a range of appropriate Complementary Skill guidance. Note that this lesson provides an opportunity for pupils to see how the main
reading strategies to Reading 3.1.3 Guess the (listening) skill connects with an identical complementary skill (for reading).
construct meaning meaning of unfamiliar words Activities B and C focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activities B and C also provid
from clues provided by other opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
words and by context on an Post-lesson
increased range of familiar Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
topic they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Science and Technology




lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.62
a game to review home-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.53-
ose another appropriate pre-lesson 54
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or Student’s Book Audio CD
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that this lesson provides an opportunity for pupils to see how the main
ning) skill connects with an identical complementary skill (for reading).
vities B and C focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activities B and C also provide an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
To support less confident pupils, pause
the listening track at selected intervals to
allow thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific
intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient
pupils to listen to your voice rather than
that of a native speaker. Play the track
from the CD when pupils feel more
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 45 (Listening 10)

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home



Main Skill Listening 1.3 Main Skill Listening 1.3.1 Pre-lesson
Recognise Recognise with Play a game to review home-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively,
features of spoken support typical features at choose another appropriate pre-lesson
genres on familiar topics word, sentence and text activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
Complementary Skill levels of a small number of vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Speaking 2.1 spoken genres Lesson delivery
Communicate Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities D, E, F and ‘Ideas Focus’ (on
information, ideas, Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own p.60 of the Student’s Book). See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that in
opinions and feelings point of view Activity D pupils are asked to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box. This also provides an
intelligibly on familiar opportunity to draw pupils’ attention to the use of technical words as a language featu
topics science and technology information texts. Use the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions on p.60 of
Student’s Book for small group discussions. Pose each question to the class and ask
pupils to discuss in their groups. Monitor discussions and provide support for any
problems with form or pronunciation.
Activities D, E and F focus on the main skill for this lesson. The
‘Ideas Focus’ provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Choose an appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’ understanding of
grammar and/or vocabulary from the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Science and Technology




lesson Close-Up
a game to review home-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Student’s Book,
ose another appropriate pre-lesson p.60 and p.62
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.54
son delivery Student’s Book Audio CD
lesson focuses on Activities D, E, F and ‘Ideas Focus’ (on
of the Student’s Book). See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that in
vity D pupils are asked to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box. This also provides an
ortunity to draw pupils’ attention to the use of technical words as a language feature of
nce and technology information texts. Use the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions on p.60 of the
ent’s Book for small group discussions. Pose each question to the class and ask
s to discuss in their groups. Monitor discussions and provide support for any
lems with form or pronunciation.
vities D, E and F focus on the main skill for this lesson. The
as Focus’ provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
ose an appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’ understanding of
mmar and/or vocabulary from the lesson.
nce and Technology

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a

more proficient pupil can help and support a
less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
depending on their needs, such as by providing
vocabulary to use in the post- lesson speaking
task, or sentence starters and model sentence
constructions to help the pupil produce
To support less confident pupils, pause the
listening track at selected intervals to allow
thinking time. Alternatively, read and pause at
specific intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient pupils
to listen to your voice rather than that of a
native speaker. Play the track from the CD
when pupils feel more confident.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 46 (Speaking 9)

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain own point of Play a game to review home-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively,
information, ideas, view choose another appropriate pre-lesson
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
intelligibly on familiar Speaking 2.3.1 Keep vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
topics interaction going in longer Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill exchanges by asking a This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s
Speaking 2.3 Use speaker to slow down, speak Book for detailed guidance. Note that pupils need to read the ‘Useful Expressions’ bef
appropriate up or to repeat what they doing Activity A.
communication strategies have said Activities A and B focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activity C provides an opportu
to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance in the lesson (in pai
small groups) using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one a
for improvement (wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback
share (anonymously) with the whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary and

Technology expressions


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.63
a game to review home-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.54
ose another appropriate pre-lesson
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s
k for detailed guidance. Note that pupils need to read the ‘Useful Expressions’ before
g Activity A.
vities A and B focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activity C provides an opportunity
actise the complementary skill.
pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance in the lesson (in pairs or
l groups) using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one area
mprovement (wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback to
e (anonymously) with the whole class.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary and

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing vocabulary to use in a
speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the
pupil produce sentences.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 47 (Speaking 10) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science and




Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.5 Pre-lesson
Communicate Express and Play a game to review home-related vocabulary and expressions from previous lesso
information, ideas, respond to common feelings Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’
opinions and feelings such as happiness, sadness, needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
intelligibly on familiar surprise, and interest for the lesson.
topics Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.3.1 Keep This lesson focuses on Activities D, E. and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for
Speaking 2.3 Use interaction going in longer detailed guidance.
appropriate exchanges by asking a Activities D, E and ‘Ideas Focus’ focus on the main skill for this lesson. These activitie
communication strategies speaker to slow down, speak provide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill as well.
up or to repeat what they Post-lesson
have said Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in
lesson and how they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner
before collecting ideas as a class.
LL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Science and Technology

CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary and

gy expressions


Close-Up Student’s Book, p.63 Organise talk partners or grouping so
e-related vocabulary and expressions from previous lessons. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.55 that a more proficient pupil can help and
er appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ support a less proficient pupil.
review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing vocabulary to use in a
ctivities D, E. and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the
ocus’ focus on the main skill for this lesson. These activities all pupil produce sentences.
actise the complementary skill as well. For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
arning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in the differentiation strategies and select
it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
class. the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 48 (Writing 9)

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home



Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.5 Pre-lesson
Communicate Organise, sequence Activate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-writing lesson activity on p.57 of th
intelligibly through print and develop ideas within Teacher’s Book. Pupils discuss their previous experiences of sending letters to friends
and digital media on short texts on familiar topics and what kind of things they write about. Share ideas as a whole class. If pupils have
familiar topics Complementary Skill prior experience of writing letters to friends then ask them to think about other ways th
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.1 Understand communicate with friends (e.g. email, social media etc.).
Reading 3.1 Understand the main points in longer Lesson delivery
a variety of texts by using texts on an increased range This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
a range of appropriate of familiar topics guidance.
reading strategies to In this lesson, pupils are beginning to prepare for writing a letter to respond to a friend
construct meaning Pupils will start actual writing in lesson 49 (Writing 10).
Activity A and C focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activities B, C and D provide an
opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. Encourage pupils to focus on
words/expressions that can be used for writing an informal letter to a friend. When pu
are ready,
collect and share words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary and

Technology expressions


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.66-
vate prior knowledge in this lesson with the pre-writing lesson activity on p.57 of the 67
her’s Book. Pupils discuss their previous experiences of sending letters to friends Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.57
what kind of things they write about. Share ideas as a whole class. If pupils have no
experience of writing letters to friends then ask them to think about other ways they
municate with friends (e.g. email, social media etc.).
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
is lesson, pupils are beginning to prepare for writing a letter to respond to a friend.
ls will start actual writing in lesson 49 (Writing 10).
vity A and C focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activities B, C and D provide an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. Encourage pupils to focus on
ds/expressions that can be used for writing an informal letter to a friend. When pupils
ct and share words/expressions as a whole class.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary and

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity D,
fast finishers can be given extension
activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 64-65 of the
Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 49 (Writing 10)

TOPIC: A Place to Call Home



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.4 Pre-lesson
Communicate Begin to use formal Play a game to review home-related vocabulary and expressions from previous lesso
with appropriate and informal registers Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’
language, form and style appropriate to the target needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
Complementary Skill audience in familiar the lesson.
Reading 3.1 Understand situations Lesson delivery
a variety of texts by using Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
a range of appropriate Reading 3.1.2 Understand guidance. Note that in Activity G pupils are asked to read the ‘Useful Expressions’ box
reading strategies to specific details and which provides support for the writing task.
construct meaning information in longer texts on The reading text type in this lesson is a letter (reference to Activity D). The reading sk
an increased range of (i.e. understand specific details) is meant to support the writing.
familiar topics Activities G and H focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activities E- G provide an
opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what wen
well in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
cards and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 6.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Science and LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary and

Technology expressions


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.67
a game to review home-related vocabulary and expressions from previous lessons. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.57-
natively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ 58
ds/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity G pupils are asked to read the ‘Useful Expressions’ box,
h provides support for the writing task.
reading text type in this lesson is a letter (reference to Activity D). The reading skill
understand specific details) is meant to support the writing.
vities G and H focus on the main skill for this lesson. Activities E- G provide an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what went
in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
s and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 6.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Home-related vocabulary and

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity H,
fast finishers can be given extension
activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 64-65 of the
Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 50 (Literature in Action 5) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action 5.1.2 books.
5.1 Explain briefly the Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Engage with, respond to development of plot, learning standard specified for this lesson.
and interpret a variety of characters and themes in a Focus on the themes.
literary text types text
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 51 (Reading 11)

TOPIC: Ready, Steady, Go!



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.5 Pre-lesson
Understand a Recognise with See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that pupils may need
variety of texts by using a support the attitude or prompts to identify when they would hear the phrase ready, steady, go! (stage one of
range of appropriate opinion of the writer in opener). In stage two of the activity pupils describe the picture on p. 69 of the Student
reading strategies to simple longer texts on an Book and discuss as a class how they feel about the image.
construct meaning increased range of familiar Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill topics This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Speaking 2.1 Complementary Skill guidance. Note that in Activity A pupils are asked to discuss their ideas with a talk par
Communicate Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own In Activity C pupils read the ‘Exam Task’ box on p.71 and are asked to recognise
information, ideas, point of view attitudes/opinions in this text.
opinions and feelings Activity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The discussion stages
intelligibly on familiar Activity A provide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
topics Post-lesson
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.69 -
‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that pupils may need 71
mpts to identify when they would hear the phrase ready, steady, go! (stage one of the Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.60
ner). In stage two of the activity pupils describe the picture on p. 69 of the Student’s
k and discuss as a class how they feel about the image.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity A pupils are asked to discuss their ideas with a talk partner.
ctivity C pupils read the ‘Exam Task’ box on p.71 and are asked to recognise
udes/opinions in this text.
vity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The discussion stages in
vity A provide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity C,
fast finishers can be given the ‘Ideas
Focus’ tasks on p. 71 of the Student’s
Book as either speaking or writing tasks.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 52 (Reading 12)

TOPIC: Ready, Steady, Go!



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.3 Pre-lesson
Understand a Guess the meaning Play a game to review sport related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, c
variety of texts by using a of unfamiliar words from another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and tha
range of appropriate clues provided by other review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
reading strategies to words and by context on an Lesson delivery
construct meaning increased range of familiar This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guid
Complementary Skill topics Note that in Activity E the class discussion of the answers provides an opportunity for
Speaking 2.1 Complementary Skill paraphrase sections of
Communicate Speaking 2.1.1 Paraphrase the text. See also the ‘Background Information’ box on p.61 of the Teacher’s Book for
information, ideas, short simple texts information about each sport mentioned in the text. In Activity F pupils read the text to
opinions and feelings words to complete gaps in sentences. Other forms of the words are given in the yellow
intelligibly on familiar bank. Draw attention to the method of looking at word formation as a strategy for gues
topics meaning of words.
Activity F focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The class discussion st
Activity E provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up
a game to review sport related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose Student’s Book, p.71
her appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will Close-Up Teacher’s
ew language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Book, p.61
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity E the class discussion of the answers provides an opportunity for pupils to
phrase sections of
ext. See also the ‘Background Information’ box on p.61 of the Teacher’s Book for further
mation about each sport mentioned in the text. In Activity F pupils read the text to find
ds to complete gaps in sentences. Other forms of the words are given in the yellow word
k. Draw attention to the method of looking at word formation as a strategy for guessing the
ning of words.
vity F focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The class discussion stage in
vity E provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they
e learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.
and Environment

RAMMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary

Organise talk partners or grouping so that a
more proficient pupil can help and support a
less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during Activity E depending on their needs.
For example, useful expressions for
paraphrasing can be made available.
Fast finishers can move on to the next activity
in the sequence.
After Activity F, fast finishers can be given the
Vocabulary tasks on
p.72 of the Student’s Book. Alternatively,
choose another appropriate extension activity
that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 53 (Language Awareness 6)

TOPIC: Ready, Steady, Go!



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- This is a grammar- focused Ask ‘if’ sentence questions to pupils (or write questions on the board) and elicit respon
focused lesson so lesson so listening, (see questions in the pre-Grammar lesson activity guidance on p.62 of the Teacher’s
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and Book). Explain that the questions use conditionals.
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly Lesson delivery
are not explicitly covered. covered. This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Ask pupils to think of different ‘if’ sentence questions to ask their peers. Pupils then sh
and respond to their questions in small groups. Monitor and assist to check correct us
of the conditionals (including use of the comma to separate clauses).
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Zero and First Conditional


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.73
‘if’ sentence questions to pupils (or write questions on the board) and elicit responses Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.62-
questions in the pre-Grammar lesson activity guidance on p.62 of the Teacher’s 63
k). Explain that the questions use conditionals.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
pupils to think of different ‘if’ sentence questions to ask their peers. Pupils then share
respond to their questions in small groups. Monitor and assist to check correct usage
e conditionals (including use of the comma to separate clauses).

MAR FOCUS: Zero and First Conditional

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity D, fast finishers can be given
Vocabulary activities on p.72 and p.76
and/or Grammar activities on p.77.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 54 (Listening 11)

TOPIC: Ready, Steady, Go!



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.5 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review sport related vocabulary from previous lessons.
meaning in a variety of independently more complex Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’
familiar contexts questions needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill the lesson.
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.5 Express and Lesson delivery
Communicate respond to common feelings This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
information, ideas, such as happiness, sadness, Note that in Activity A pupils need to listen to the questions read out by the teacher in
opinions and feelings surprise, and interest to practise the main skill (the questions in the Student’s Book can be covered to emph
intelligibly on familiar this). Read the questions out one at a time and give pupils wait time before
topics selecting pupils for their response to the question. Do not include the activity in
‘Teaching Tip’ box on p.63 of the Teacher’s Book (this activity is covered in the next le
Activity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities A and B provid
opportunities to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in
lesson and how they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner
before collecting ideas as a class. Draw attention to connections between the pupils’ i
and the main and complementary skills.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/languag
expressing emotions


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.74
a game to review sport related vocabulary from previous lessons. Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
natively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ p.63
ds/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity A pupils need to listen to the questions read out by the teacher in order
actise the main skill (the questions in the Student’s Book can be covered to emphasize
. Read the questions out one at a time and give pupils wait time before
cting pupils for their response to the question. Do not include the activity in the
ching Tip’ box on p.63 of the Teacher’s Book (this activity is covered in the next lesson).
vity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities A and B provide
ortunities to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in the
on and how they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s)
re collecting ideas as a class. Draw attention to connections between the pupils’ ideas
the main and complementary skills.

MMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/language for


Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Fast finishers can be given Vocabulary
activities on p.72 and p.76 and/or
Grammar activities on p.77.
To support less confident pupils, pause
the listening track at selected intervals to
allow thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific
intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient
pupils to listen to your voice rather than
that of a native speaker. Play the track
from CD when pupils feel more confident.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 55 (Listening 12)

TOPIC: Ready, Steady, Go!



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review sport related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively,
meaning in a variety of independently the main choose another appropriate pre-lesson
familiar contexts ideas in simple longer texts activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
Complementary Skill on an increased range of vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Speaking 2.1 familiar topics Lesson delivery
Communicate Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
information, ideas, Speaking 2.1.5 Express and Note that in Activity C pupils are asked to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box and identify
opinions and feelings respond to common feelings words they expect to hear that will express certain emotions (this is practice for both
intelligibly on familiar such as happiness, sadness, listening and speaking) as well as the ‘Exam Task’ text.
topics surprise, and interest Activities C and D focus on developing the main and complementary skills.
Ask pupils to practise with their talk partner(s) saying the sentences and expressing th
emotions mentioned in Activity B on p.74 of the Student’s Book — see the ‘Teaching T
box on p.63 of the Teacher’s Book. When ready, select pupils to demonstrate express
the different emotions.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/languag
expressing emotions


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.74
a game to review sport related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.63-
ose another appropriate pre-lesson 64
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or Student’s Book Audio CD
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity C pupils are asked to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box and identify
ds they expect to hear that will express certain emotions (this is practice for both
ning and speaking) as well as the ‘Exam Task’ text.
vities C and D focus on developing the main and complementary skills.
pupils to practise with their talk partner(s) saying the sentences and expressing the
tions mentioned in Activity B on p.74 of the Student’s Book — see the ‘Teaching Tip’
on p.63 of the Teacher’s Book. When ready, select pupils to demonstrate expressing
different emotions.

MAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/language for

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
To support less confident pupils, pause
the listening track at selected intervals to
allow thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific
intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient
pupils to listen to your voice rather than
that of a native speaker. Play the track
from the CD when pupils feel more
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
WEEK: LESSON 56-57 (Revision lessons 1 & 2)



Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will need to develop their own lesson based on the needs of their pupils.
This is a revision lesson This is a revision lesson so Relevant revision materials from the Student’s Book include: Review 1 (p. 29-30); Rev
so more than one skill more than one skill can be 2 (p. 55-56); Review 3 (p. 81-82).
can be covered. covered.



hers will need to develop their own lesson based on the needs of their pupils. Teacher to select
vant revision materials from the Student’s Book include: Review 1 (p. 29-30); Review
55-56); Review 3 (p. 81-82).
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 58 (Speaking 11)

TOPIC: Ready, Steady, Go!



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain own point of Play a game to review sport related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively,
information, ideas, view choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
intelligibly on familiar Speaking 2.1.5 Express and Lesson delivery
topics respond to common feelings This lesson focuses on Activities A, C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Complementary Skill such as happiness, sadness, guidance. Ensure that Activity A is a short discussion activity in order to have suitable
Speaking 2.1 surprise, and interest for Activities D and E.
Communicate Activities A, C, D and E focus on developing the main and complementary skill for this
information, ideas, lesson.
opinions and feelings Post-lesson
intelligibly on familiar Pose the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions to the class (see also Teacher’s Book for detailed
topics guidance). Ask pupils to discuss the questions in groups. Monitor discussions and pro
support for any problems with form or pronunciation. Provide comments and feedback
the whole class on points that came up in the discussions, as well as any structural
mistakes that were made (without saying who made them). Pupils can be asked to
provide corrections.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/languag
giving opinions


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.75
a game to review sport related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.64
ose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and
will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Ensure that Activity A is a short discussion activity in order to have suitable time
ctivities D and E.
vities A, C, D and E focus on developing the main and complementary skill for this
e the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions to the class (see also Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance). Ask pupils to discuss the questions in groups. Monitor discussions and provide
port for any problems with form or pronunciation. Provide comments and feedback to
whole class on points that came up in the discussions, as well as any structural
akes that were made (without saying who made them). Pupils can be asked to
ide corrections.

MAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/language for

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the speaking activities and
post- lesson activity, depending on their
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 59 (Writing 11)

TOPIC: Ready, Steady, Go!



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.2 Pre-lesson
Communicate Spell written work See the pre-Writing lesson activity in Teacher’s Book. Read through the ‘Learning Foc
with appropriate on a range of text types with p.78 of the Student’s Book and then ask pupils to look at the pictures on p.78-79. Pup
language, form and style reasonable accuracy discuss with talk partner(s) the skills needed for the different sports, using clauses of p
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Listening 1.1 Listening 1.1.4 Understand This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed g
Understand meaning in a independently longer Note that in Activity D, pupils work in pairs: one pupil reads a sentence from Activity C
variety of familiar sequences of classroom other writes it. After they have finished, they check their spelling and correct their erro
contexts instructions B ask pupils to close their books and listen to the teacher reading the instruction in or
address the complementary skill.
Activity A is intended to enhance pupils’ writing skills.
Activity D and the follow-up activity focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. A
provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to write down sentences that contain clauses of purpose. Use a sentence s
on the lesson topic (e.g. ‘We play sport…’). Monitor and provide support for any probl
form or punctuation. When ready, select pupils to read out their sentences. Alternative
another appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and th
language and/or vocabulary from this
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/clauses


lesson Close-Up
the pre-Writing lesson activity in Teacher’s Book. Read through the ‘Learning Focus’ box on Student’s Book, p.78-79
of the Student’s Book and then ask pupils to look at the pictures on p.78-79. Pupils then Close-Up Teacher’s
uss with talk partner(s) the skills needed for the different sports, using clauses of purpose. Book, p.66-67
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity D, pupils work in pairs: one pupil reads a sentence from Activity C and the
r writes it. After they have finished, they check their spelling and correct their errors. In Activity
k pupils to close their books and listen to the teacher reading the instruction in order to
ess the complementary skill.
vity A is intended to enhance pupils’ writing skills.
vity D and the follow-up activity focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B
ides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to write down sentences that contain clauses of purpose. Use a sentence starter based
he lesson topic (e.g. ‘We play sport…’). Monitor and provide support for any problems with
or punctuation. When ready, select pupils to read out their sentences. Alternatively, choose
her appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review
uage and/or vocabulary from this

MAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/clauses of

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity D,
fast finishers can be given activities from
the Vocabulary and Grammar activities
on p. 76-77 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the pre-lesson speaking
activity, depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 60 (Writing 12)

TOPIC: Ready, Steady, Go!



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.2 Pre-lesson
Communicate Spell written work Play a game to review clauses of purpose covered in the previous lesson. Alternativel
with appropriate with moderate accuracy choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
language, form and style Complementary Skill that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.2 Understand Lesson delivery
Reading 3.1 Understand specific details and This lesson focuses on Activities E, F and G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
a variety of texts by using information in longer texts on guidance. Note that in Activity G pupils must complete the sentences by writing them
a range of appropriate an increased range of their books. Focus attention on correct spelling during this activity. Also draw attention
reading strategies to familiar topics how possible word type (verb, noun, preposition, adverb or adjective) for the gaps in t
construct meaning sentences in Activity G is based on position in the sentence.
The text type in this lesson is instruction and a quiz. The reading skill (i.e. understand
specific details) is meant to support the listening tasks in Activities F and G.
Activity G focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities F and G provi
an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to write down sentences that contain the words they found for the gaps in t
sentences they completed for Activity G. Monitor and provide support for any problem
with form or spelling. When ready, select pupils to read out their sentences. Alternativ
choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interest
and that will review language and/or vocabulary from this lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/clauses


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.79
a game to review clauses of purpose covered in the previous lesson. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.67
ose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and
will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities E, F and G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity G pupils must complete the sentences by writing them in
books. Focus attention on correct spelling during this activity. Also draw attention to
possible word type (verb, noun, preposition, adverb or adjective) for the gaps in the
ences in Activity G is based on position in the sentence.
text type in this lesson is instruction and a quiz. The reading skill (i.e. understand
ific details) is meant to support the listening tasks in Activities F and G.
vity G focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities F and G provide
pportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to write down sentences that contain the words they found for the gaps in the
ences they completed for Activity G. Monitor and provide support for any problems
form or spelling. When ready, select pupils to read out their sentences. Alternatively,
ose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
that will review language and/or vocabulary from this lesson.

MAR FOCUS: Sport related vocabulary/clauses of

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity G,
fast finishers can be given activities from
the Vocabulary and Grammar activities
on p. 76-77 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
Use the exit cards from Lesson 49 (‘what
went well in your learning?’ and ‘even
better if…’ to identify any individual
needs in this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 61 (Literature in Action 6) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action books.
5.2 5.2.1 Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Analyse and evaluate a Identify key stylistic features learning standard specified for this lesson.
variety of literary text of a text and explain briefly
types why the author uses them
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 62 (Reading 13)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand the See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils brainstorm words th
variety of texts by using a main points in longer texts know that can be associated with extreme situations. They then look at the picture on
range of appropriate on a range of familiar topics and describe to their talk partner(s) what they think is happening in the picture.
reading strategies to Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
construct meaning Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Complementary Skill point of view Note that in Activity A pupils are asked to discuss their answers in small groups.
Speaking 2.1 Activities A and B focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A provides
Communicate opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
information, ideas, Post-lesson
opinions and feelings Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
intelligibly on familiar they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
topics words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p. 83-
‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils brainstorm words they 85
w that can be associated with extreme situations. They then look at the picture on p.83 Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.71
describe to their talk partner(s) what they think is happening in the picture.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity A pupils are asked to discuss their answers in small groups.
vities A and B focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity B,
fast finishers can be given the ‘Ideas
Focus’ tasks on p.85 of the Student’s
Book as either speaking or writing tasks.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 63 (Reading 14)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand the Play a game to review vocabulary related to extreme situations from the previous less
variety of texts by using a main points in longer texts Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
range of appropriate on an increased range of needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
reading strategies to familiar topics the lesson.
construct meaning Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.4 Use This lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Reading 3.1 Understand independently familiar print guidance. Note that in Activity C pupils read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box and this provide
a variety of texts by using and digital resources to opportunity to link the skills that are explained in this box to the main skill. In order to
a range of appropriate check meaning and extend address the complementary skill, in Activity D pupils must be
reading strategies to understanding allowed to use dictionaries (print and/or online) to help them find the meaning of the w
construct meaning in the yellow word bank.
Activity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D provides an
opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
If you have time, cover Activity E or assign it as homework.
Play a dictionary game to review the main skill for this lesson. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate post-lesson activity that
will check pupils’ understanding of grammar and/or vocabulary from the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.85
a game to review vocabulary related to extreme situations from the previous lesson. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.71-
natively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’ 72
ds/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity C pupils read the ‘Exam Close-up’ box and this provides an
ortunity to link the skills that are explained in this box to the main skill. In order to
ess the complementary skill, in Activity D pupils must be
wed to use dictionaries (print and/or online) to help them find the meaning of the words
e yellow word bank.
vity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
u have time, cover Activity E or assign it as homework.
a dictionary game to review the main skill for this lesson. Alternatively, choose
her appropriate post-lesson activity that
check pupils’ understanding of grammar and/or vocabulary from the lesson.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity E,
fast finishers can be given the
Vocabulary activities on p.86 of the
Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
WEEK: LESSON 64 (Language Awareness 7)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations


Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar This is a grammar focused See pre-Grammar lesson activity on p.73 in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Ask
focused lesson so lesson so listening, pupils questions using the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous.
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and Lesson delivery
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detaile
are not explicitly covered. covered. guidance.
Ask pupils to write their own sentences using the tenses practised in this lesson.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’
understanding of grammar and/or vocabulary from the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Past perfect simple vs. past perfe
lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.87
pre-Grammar lesson activity on p.73 in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Ask Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.73-
s questions using the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous. 74
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
pupils to write their own sentences using the tenses practised in this lesson.
natively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’
erstanding of grammar and/or vocabulary from the lesson.

MAR FOCUS: Past perfect simple vs. past perfect

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity E, fast finishers can be given
other activities in the textbook not
covered in the Learning Outline (i.e.
activities F-H).
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 65 (Listening 13)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.4 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand See pre-Listening lesson activity on p.74 in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Ask
meaning in a variety of independently longer pupils to look at the picture on p.88 of the Student’s Book and to come up with as man
familiar contexts sequences of classroom ideas as possible about why people might be walking across the desert. Allow pupils
Complementary Skill instructions to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.
Reading 3.1 Understand Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
a variety of texts by using Reading 3.1.3 Guess the This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
a range of appropriate meaning of unfamiliar words Note that in Activity B pupils must be asked to close the Student’s Book and to listen t
reading strategies to from clues provided by other the classroom instruction and task read aloud by the teacher in order to address the m
construct meaning words and by context on an skill. Repeat or paraphrase instruction to make sure pupils understand what they shou
increased range of familiar do in Activity B.
topic In activity A, some pupils may find a few of the highlighted words difficult. While
completing the sentences, they can guess their meaning and decide if they fit in the g
They can then check their guesses during feedback.
Activity B focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson (including the teacher
reading instruction). Activity A provides an opportunity to practise the complementary
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.88
pre-Listening lesson activity on p.74 in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Ask Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p. 74-
s to look at the picture on p.88 of the Student’s Book and to come up with as many 75
s as possible about why people might be walking across the desert. Allow pupils Student’s Book Audio CD
scuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity B pupils must be asked to close the Student’s Book and to listen to
classroom instruction and task read aloud by the teacher in order to address the main
Repeat or paraphrase instruction to make sure pupils understand what they should
n Activity B.
ctivity A, some pupils may find a few of the highlighted words difficult. While
pleting the sentences, they can guess their meaning and decide if they fit in the gap.
y can then check their guesses during feedback.
vity B focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson (including the teacher
ing instruction). Activity A provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
To support less confident pupils, pause
the listening track at selected intervals to
allow thinking time.
Alternatively, read and pause at specific
intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient
pupils to listen to your voice rather than
that of a native speaker. Play the track
from the CD when pupils feel more
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 66 (Listening 14)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.2 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose anothe
meaning in a variety of independently specific appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will rev
familiar contexts information and details in language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Complementary Skill longer texts on an increased Lesson delivery
Writing 4.2 range of familiar topics This lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Communicate with Complementary Skill guidance. Note that in Activity D and E pupils are asked to pay attention to their spelli
appropriate language, Writing 4.2.2 Spell written (see also the ‘Exam Close- up’ box).
form and style work with moderate Activities C, D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities D an
accuracy provide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.88
a game to review vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose another Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.75
opriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review Student’s Book Audio CD
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity D and E pupils are asked to pay attention to their spelling
also the ‘Exam Close- up’ box).
vities C, D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities D and E
ide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
You can pause the track at selected
intervals to allow pupils to think and
complete an activity. Alternatively, read
and pause at specific intervals from the
audio script in the Teacher’s Book if it
helps less proficient pupils to listen to
your voice rather than that of a native
speaker. Play the track from the CD
when pupils feel more confident.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 67 (Speaking 12)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations



Main Skill Speaking 2.3 Main Skill Speaking 2.3.1 Pre-lesson
Use appropriate Keep interaction Play a game to review vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose anothe
communication strategies going in longer exchanges appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will rev
Complementary Skill by asking a speaker to slow language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Reading 3.1 Understand down, speak up or to repeat Lesson delivery
a variety of texts by using what they have said This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
a range of appropriate Complementary Skill Note that in Activity A pupils must be encouraged to keep the interaction going for as l
reading strategies to Reading 3.1.3 Guess the as possible. In Activity B pupils must guess the meaning of any unfamiliar words in the
construct meaning meaning of unfamiliar words sentences they read by using strategies for guessing meaning that have been covere
from clues provided by other previous lessons (pupils may need to be reminded of these strategies).
words and by context on an Activity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides an
increased range of familiar opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
topics Post-lesson
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the topic of the lesson. When pupils are ready, collect
share words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.89
a game to review vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose another Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.75
opriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity A pupils must be encouraged to keep the interaction going for as long
ossible. In Activity B pupils must guess the meaning of any unfamiliar words in the
ences they read by using strategies for guessing meaning that have been covered in
ious lessons (pupils may need to be reminded of these strategies).
vity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the topic of the lesson. When pupils are ready, collect and
e words/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during Activity A depending on
their needs.
Fast finishers can move on to the ‘Ideas
Focus’ tasks.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 68 (Speaking 13)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.1 Pre-lesson
Communicate Paraphrase short Play a game to review vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose anothe
information, ideas, simple texts appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will rev
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
intelligibly on familiar Speaking 2.3.1 Keep Lesson delivery
topics interaction going in longer This lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Complementary Skill exchanges by asking a Note that in Activity C pupils are asked to read the ‘Useful Expressions’ before
Speaking 2.3 Use speaker to slow down, speak undertaking the task.
appropriate up or to repeat what they Extend activity C by preparing two texts (approximately 150 words each); Text A abou
communication strategies have said rock climbing and text B is about working in the arctic. Give half the pupils text A and t
other half text B. Put the pupils in pairs (Text A and Text B) and ask them to read their
silently, then paraphrase to their talk partner.
In Activity D pupils listen to their descriptions of the photographs.
Activity C and its extension focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D
provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance in the lesson (in pai
small groups) using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one a
for improvement (wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback
share (anonymously) with the whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for paraphras


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.89
a game to review vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, choose another Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.75-
opriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review 76
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that in Activity C pupils are asked to read the ‘Useful Expressions’ before
ertaking the task.
nd activity C by preparing two texts (approximately 150 words each); Text A about
climbing and text B is about working in the arctic. Give half the pupils text A and the
r half text B. Put the pupils in pairs (Text A and Text B) and ask them to read their text
tly, then paraphrase to their talk partner.
ctivity D pupils listen to their descriptions of the photographs.
vity C and its extension focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D
ides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance in the lesson (in pairs or
l groups) using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one area
mprovement (wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback to
e (anonymously) with the whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for paraphrasing

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the speaking activities,
depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 69 (Writing 13)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.2 Pre-lesson
Communicate Spell written work Play a game to review the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous and/or vocab
with appropriate with moderate accuracy previous lessons. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that bette
language, form and style Complementary Skill needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.2 Lesson delivery
Reading 3.1 Understand Understand specific This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
a variety of texts by using details and information in before starting Activity A, pupils must read
a range of appropriate longer texts on an through the ‘Learning Focus’ box — see pre-Writing lesson activity on p.78 in Teacher’s
reading strategies to increased range of familiar Activity C pupils must demonstrate understanding of specific details in the story by reco
construct meaning topics correct use of past tenses. As a follow-up activity to Activity C, and to practise the main s
lesson, read out the correct answers for Activity C and ask pupils to write these words d
closing the textbook). Then check correct spelling.
The text type in this lesson is instruction and a quiz. The reading skill (i.e. understand sp
is meant to support the writing activities.
Activity A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Learning Focus and Activi
an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Pose the following question to the class: What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever don
was it exciting? Ask pupils to discuss in groups. Monitor discussions and provide suppor
problems with form or pronunciation. Provide comments and feedback to the whole clas
that came up in the discussions and explain how these ideas can be linked with the cros
element (entrepreneurship): for example, willingness
to take risks or to try out something new; use of imagination etc.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

situations/past perfect simple and past perfect continuous.


sson Close-Up
game to review the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous and/or vocabulary from Student’s Book, p.92
s lessons. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ Close-Up Teacher’s
nterests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Book, p.78
n delivery
sson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that
starting Activity A, pupils must read
h the ‘Learning Focus’ box — see pre-Writing lesson activity on p.78 in Teacher’s Book. In
C pupils must demonstrate understanding of specific details in the story by recognising the
use of past tenses. As a follow-up activity to Activity C, and to practise the main skill for this
read out the correct answers for Activity C and ask pupils to write these words down (after
the textbook). Then check correct spelling.
xt type in this lesson is instruction and a quiz. The reading skill (i.e. understand specific details)
nt to support the writing activities.
A focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Learning Focus and Activity C provide
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
he following question to the class: What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done and why
exciting? Ask pupils to discuss in groups. Monitor discussions and provide support for any
ms with form or pronunciation. Provide comments and feedback to the whole class on points
me up in the discussions and explain how these ideas can be linked with the cross curricular
t (entrepreneurship): for example, willingness
risks or to try out something new; use of imagination etc.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

ct simple and past perfect continuous.

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity C,
fast finishers can be given extension
activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 90-91 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity
that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
and that will help pupils develop further
the main and/or complementary skill for
this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 70 (Writing 14)

TOPIC: Extreme Situations



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.3 Pre-lesson
Communicate Produce a plan or Use Activity D as a lesson starter. Pupils need to read the model story again to do this
with appropriate draft of two paragraphs or activity. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
language, form and style more and modify this Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill appropriately independently This lesson focuses on Activities E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Reading 3.1 Understand Complementary Skill guidance. Note that in Activity F pupils need to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
a variety of texts by using Speaking 3.1.3 Guess the matching parts of sentences. For Activity H pupils should be encouraged to use the pa
a range of appropriate meaning of unfamiliar words perfect simple and past perfect continuous in their stories.
reading strategies to from clues provided by other Activities E and G focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F provide
construct meaning words and by context on an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
increased range of familiar Post-lesson
topics Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what wen
well in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
cards and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 8.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Health and Environment

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Entrepreneurship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

situations/past perfect simple and past perfect continuous.


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.93
Activity D as a lesson starter. Pupils need to read the model story again to do this Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
ity. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. p.78-79
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity F pupils need to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by
ching parts of sentences. For Activity H pupils should be encouraged to use the past
ect simple and past perfect continuous in their stories.
vities E and G focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity F provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what went
in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’ Collect the
s and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 8.
nd Environment

AMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to extreme

fect simple and past perfect continuous.

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity H,
fast finishers can be given extension
activities from the Vocabulary and
Grammar activities on p. 90-91 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity that
better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that
will help pupils develop further the main
and/or complementary skill for this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils for the planning work in this lesson,
such as producing a mind map or a writing
frame, depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 71 (Literature in Action 7) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action books.
5.2 5.2.1 Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Analyse and evaluate a Identify key stylistic features learning standard specified for this lesson.
variety of literary text of a text and explain briefly
types why the author uses them
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: Teacher to select



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.

MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 72 (Reading 15)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Reading 3.2 Main Skill Reading 3.2.1 Pre-lesson
Explore and Read enjoy and Use ‘Unit opener’ in the Teacher’s Book as a lesson starter. Pupils discuss in small
expand ideas for give a personal response to groups the picture on p.95 of their Student’s Book.
personal development by fiction / non-fiction and other Lesson delivery
reading independently suitable print and digital This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
and widely texts of interest guidance. As a follow-up activity to Activity C, and to practise further the main skill for
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill lesson, give pupils in small groups (of 3 or 4) one section of the text to read and ask t
Speaking 2.1 Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own to discuss what they find most interesting in their reading. Collect some responses as
Communicate point of view whole class.
information, ideas, Activity C and the follow-up activity focus on developing the main skill for this lesson.
opinions and feelings Activities A, B and C provide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
intelligibly on familiar Post-lesson
topics Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to free time


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.95-
‘Unit opener’ in the Teacher’s Book as a lesson starter. Pupils discuss in small 96
ps the picture on p.95 of their Student’s Book. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.81
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. As a follow-up activity to Activity C, and to practise further the main skill for this
on, give pupils in small groups (of 3 or 4) one section of the text to read and ask them
scuss what they find most interesting in their reading. Collect some responses as a
e class.
vity C and the follow-up activity focus on developing the main skill for this lesson.
vities A, B and C provide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to free time

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity C,
fast finishers can be given the ‘Ideas
Focus’ activities on
p.97 of the Student’s Book as either
speaking or writing tasks. Alternatively,
choose another appropriate extension
activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 73 (Reading 16)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.3 Pre-lesson
Understand a Guess the Play a game to review vocabulary related to free time from the previous lesson. Alternat
variety of texts by using a meaning of unfamiliar another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that w
range of appropriate words from clues provided language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
reading strategies to by other words and by Lesson delivery
construct meaning context on an increased This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Complementary Skill range of familiar topics Activity D the pupils read the ‘Exam Close-up’ advice, which helps with practising the ma
Writing 4.2 Complementary Skill Activity E the word options that pupils need for the task are in the Teacher’s Book (p. 82
Communicate with Writing 4.2.2 Spell written E and F pupils should be instructed to write down the words they choose to fill the gaps,
appropriate language, work with moderate mark the correct letter standing for each word as
form and style accuracy indicated in the ‘Exam Task’ instruction) and for Activities D, E and F attention must be d
correct spelling of the words pupils choose.
Activities D, E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities D, E an
an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that t
learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/e
whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better su
needs/interests and that will review learning in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to free time


sson Close-Up
game to review vocabulary related to free time from the previous lesson. Alternatively, choose Student’s Book, p.97
r appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
ge and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.81-82
n delivery
sson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that in
D the pupils read the ‘Exam Close-up’ advice, which helps with practising the main skill. In
E the word options that pupils need for the task are in the Teacher’s Book (p. 82). For Activities
F pupils should be instructed to write down the words they choose to fill the gaps, (not just to
he correct letter standing for each word as
ed in the ‘Exam Task’ instruction) and for Activities D, E and F attention must be drawn to the
spelling of the words pupils choose.
es D, E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities D, E and F also provide
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they have
d in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a
class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits pupils’
nterests and that will review learning in the lesson.

R FOCUS: Vocabulary related to free time

Fast finishers can move on to the
next activity in the sequence. After
Activity F, fast finishers can be given
Vocabulary activities on p.98 of the
Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another
appropriate extension activity that
better suits pupils’ needs/interests
and that will help pupils develop
further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation
strategies, please refer to the
provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the
needs of the pupils.
LESSON 74 (Language Awareness 8)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- This is a grammar- focused See pre-Grammar lesson activity on p.83 in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Ask
focused lesson so lesson so listening, pupils questions that contain modal verbs.
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and Lesson delivery
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
are not explicitly covered. covered. guidance.
Use Activity D to check pupils’ learning. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Modals and semi- modals


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.99
pre-Grammar lesson activity on p.83 in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Ask Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.83
s questions that contain modal verbs.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Activity D to check pupils’ learning. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.

MAR FOCUS: Modals and semi- modals

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity C, fast finishers can be given
Vocabulary and/or Grammar activities on
p. 98 and/or p.102-103.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 75 (Listening 15)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review vocabulary related to free time and/or modal verbs. Alternative
meaning in a variety of independently the main choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity
familiar contexts ideas in simple longer texts that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabular
Complementary Skill on an increased range of and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Speaking 2.1 familiar topics Lesson delivery
Communicate Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
information, ideas, Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own guidance. Note that in Activity A pupils do not need to name the objects or places, but
opinions and feelings point of view must say how they are connected. In Activity B pupils can name the objects or places
intelligibly on familiar Activity B pupils are asked to think about the words that could be used to talk about e
topics of the connected pictures. The listening task in Activity C refers back to the pictures in
Activity A.
Activity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides an
opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in t
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to free time


lesson Close-Up
a game to review vocabulary related to free time and/or modal verbs. Alternatively, Student’s Book, p.100
ose another appropriate pre-lesson activity Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary p.84
prepare the pupils for the lesson. Student’s Book Audio CD
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity A pupils do not need to name the objects or places, but
t say how they are connected. In Activity B pupils can name the objects or places. In
vity B pupils are asked to think about the words that could be used to talk about each
e connected pictures. The listening task in Activity C refers back to the pictures in
vity A.
vity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
on activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in the
ple and Culture

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to free time


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a

more proficient pupil can help and support a
less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during Activity B, depending on their needs. For
example, by providing vocabulary to use during
the speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the pupil
produce sentences.
To support less confident pupils, pause the
listening track at selected intervals to allow
thinking time. Alternatively, read and pause at
specific intervals from the audio script in the
Teacher’s Book if it helps less proficient pupils
to listen to your voice rather than that of a
native speaker. Play the track from the CD
when pupils feel more confident.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 76 (Listening 16)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.2 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review vocabulary related to free time and/or modal verbs. Alternative
meaning in a variety of independently specific choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity
familiar contexts information and details in that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabular
Complementary Skill longer texts on an increased and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Writing 4.2 range of familiar topics Lesson delivery
Communicate with Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
appropriate language, Writing 4.2.2 Spell written Note that as part of Activity D pupils are asked to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ advice, wh
form and style work with moderate helps with practising the main skill. In Activity D pupils are then asked to write down w
accuracy they think they might hear to do with the pictures Attention also needs to be given to t
spelling of these words. For Activity E exam conditions can be simulated by asking pu
to do the activity on their own, and to listen to the recording twice. Then go through
answers as a class and listen again to the recording to check pupils’ understanding.
Activity D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D provides
opportunity to practise the complementary skill, see the instructions in the Teacher’s B
Ask pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance (in pairs or small
groups) using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one area fo
improvement (wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback to
share (anonymously) with the whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to free time


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.100
a game to review vocabulary related to free time and/or modal verbs. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.84
ose another appropriate pre-lesson activity Student’s Book Audio CD
better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary
prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that as part of Activity D pupils are asked to read the ‘Exam Close-up’ advice, which
s with practising the main skill. In Activity D pupils are then asked to write down words
think they might hear to do with the pictures Attention also needs to be given to the
ing of these words. For Activity E exam conditions can be simulated by asking pupils
o the activity on their own, and to listen to the recording twice. Then go through
wers as a class and listen again to the recording to check pupils’ understanding.
vity D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill, see the instructions in the Teacher’s Book.
pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance (in pairs or small
ps) using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one area for
ovement (wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback to
e (anonymously) with the whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to free time

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Read and pause in between recordings
from the audio script in the Teacher’s
Book if it helps less proficient pupils to
listen to your voice rather than that of a
native speaker. Play the track from the
CD when pupils feel more confident.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 77 (Speaking 14)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.5 Pre-lesson
Communicate Express and Play a game to review vocabulary related to free time and/or modal verbs. Alternative
information, ideas, respond to common feelings another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and tha
opinions and feelings such as happiness, sadness, language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
intelligibly on familiar surprise, and interest Lesson delivery
topics Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own Activity A pupils are asked to work in pairs and take turns answering the questions. As
Speaking 2.1 point of view expressing their feelings in response to the questions, pupils can also be encouraged
Communicate their responses to each other’s answers to the questions. In addition, during the moni
information, ideas, A, and as part of the answer check as a class for Activity B, check that pupils explain
opinions and feelings or opinions of their talk partner. For Activity B pupils compare and justify their answers
intelligibly on familiar partner and this provides a further opportunity to practise the main skill.
topics Activities A and B focus on developing the main and complementary skills.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in
how they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas
with their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions to talk about


lesson Close-Up
a game to review vocabulary related to free time and/or modal verbs. Alternatively, choose Student’s Book, p.101
her appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review Close-Up Teacher’s
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Book, p.84-85
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A and B. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that in
vity A pupils are asked to work in pairs and take turns answering the questions. As well as
essing their feelings in response to the questions, pupils can also be encouraged to express
responses to each other’s answers to the questions. In addition, during the monitoring of Activity
nd as part of the answer check as a class for Activity B, check that pupils explain their attitudes
pinions of their talk partner. For Activity B pupils compare and justify their answers with a talk
ner and this provides a further opportunity to practise the main skill.
vities A and B focus on developing the main and complementary skills.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in the lesson and
they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas
their talk partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.

AR FOCUS: Useful expressions to talk about

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help
and support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the speaking tasks,
depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based
on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 78 (Speaking 15)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.3 Pre-lesson
Communicate Describe future Play a game to review vocabulary related to free time and/or modal verbs. Alternative
information, ideas, plans and ambitions choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
intelligibly on familiar Speaking 2.3.1 Keep Lesson delivery
topics interaction going in longer This lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
Complementary Skill exchanges by asking a that in Activity C pupils should look at the ‘Useful Expressions’ box that contains phras
Speaking 2.3 Use speaker to slow down, speak use in Activity D.
appropriate up or to repeat what they Activities C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D provide
communication strategies have said opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to discuss in small groups the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions on p. 101 of the Stu
Book. Monitor discussions and provide support for any problems with form or pronunc
Provide comments and feedback to the whole class on their use of expressions for ta
about possibility.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions to talk about


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
a game to review vocabulary related to free time and/or modal verbs. Alternatively, p.101
ose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
eview language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. p.84-85
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note
in Activity C pupils should look at the ‘Useful Expressions’ box that contains phrases to
n Activity D.
vities C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to discuss in small groups the ‘Ideas Focus’ questions on p. 101 of the Student’s
k. Monitor discussions and provide support for any problems with form or pronunciation.
ide comments and feedback to the whole class on their use of expressions for talking
ut possibility.

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions to talk about

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing vocabulary to use in a
speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the
pupil produce sentences.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 79 (Writing 15)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.5 Pre-lesson
Communicate Organise, sequence Use the pre-Writing lesson activity on p.86 in Teacher’s Book. Pupils discuss writing
intelligibly through print and develop ideas within postcards. They then look at the image in the top right- hand corner of p.104 and iden
and digital media on short texts on familiar topics they could write in a postcard about this picture.
familiar topics Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.2 Spell written This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guid
Writing 4.2 work with moderate This lesson focuses on recognising linking words and phrases (in activities A and C).
Communicate with accuracy important to explain to pupils that they will need to use these linking words and phrase
appropriate language, their own writing when they want to organise, sequence and develop ideas.
form and style Activities A and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides
opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning by writing a postcard about their learning in this les
postcard can be addressed to an imagined friend in another class or school). Pupils n
re-use linking words and phrases from the lesson. Allow pupils to practise reading the
postcard to a talk partner before selecting pupils to read their postcard to the class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Linking words and phrases


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
the pre-Writing lesson activity on p.86 in Teacher’s Book. Pupils discuss writing p.104
cards. They then look at the image in the top right- hand corner of p.104 and identify what Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
could write in a postcard about this picture. p.86-87
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
lesson focuses on recognising linking words and phrases (in activities A and C). It is
ortant to explain to pupils that they will need to use these linking words and phrases in
own writing when they want to organise, sequence and develop ideas.
vities A and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning by writing a postcard about their learning in this lesson (the
card can be addressed to an imagined friend in another class or school). Pupils need to
se linking words and phrases from the lesson. Allow pupils to practise reading their
card to a talk partner before selecting pupils to read their postcard to the class.

MAR FOCUS: Linking words and phrases

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity C,
fast finishers can be given activities from
the Vocabulary and Grammar activities
on p.102-103 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
Use the exit cards from Lesson 70 (‘what
went well in your learning?’ and ‘even
better if…’ to identify any individual
needs in this lesson and the next.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 80 (Writing 16)

TOPIC: Time to Spare



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.1 Pre-lesson
Communicate Punctuate written Play a game to review linking words and phrases. Alternatively, choose another
with appropriate work with moderate appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will
language, form and style accuracy review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Writing 4.1 Writing 4.1.5 Organise, This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Communicate intelligibly sequence and develop ideas guidance. Note that in Activities E and F pupils must pay attention to punctuation.
through print and digital within short texts on familiar Monitor pupils’ written work and provide support for any problems with punctuation. If
media on familiar topics topics necessary, provide comments and feedback to the whole class on punctuation.
Activities E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity E
provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what
went well in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’
Collect the cards and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 9.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Linking words and phrases


lesson Close-Up
a game to review linking words and phrases. Alternatively, choose another Student’s Book, p.105
opriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will Close-Up Teacher’s
ew language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Book, p.87
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activities E and F pupils must pay attention to punctuation.
itor pupils’ written work and provide support for any problems with punctuation. If
essary, provide comments and feedback to the whole class on punctuation.
vities E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity E
ides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to review their learning in this lesson by completing an exit card: ‘what
well in your learning?’ and ‘your learning would have been even better if…’
ect the cards and use them for planning the writing lessons in lesson cycle 9.
E: People and Culture

UAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Linking words and phrases


Fast finishers can move on to the next activity in the

sequence. After ActivityF, fast finishers can be given
activities from the Vocabulary and Grammar activities
on p.102-103 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate extension
activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that
will help pupils develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
Use the exit cards from Lesson 70
(‘what went well in your learning?’ and ‘even better
if…’ to identify any individual needs in this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
depending on their needs, such as by providing
vocabulary, sentence starters and model sentence
constructions to use in the writing task (in addition to
the support provided in
the ‘Useful Expressions’ box on p.105 of the Student’s
For additional differentiation strategies, please refer to
the provided list of differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 81 (Literature in Action 8) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action books.
5.3 5.3.1 Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Express an imaginative Respond imaginatively and learning standard specified for this lesson.
response to literary texts intelligibly through creating Focus on PowerPoint presentation and visuals.
power points, visuals,
posters, blogs and
Other imaginative responses
as appropriate
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
presentation and visuals.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 82 (Reading 17)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.5 Pre-lesson
Understand a Recognise with See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils look at the picture o
variety of texts by using a support the attitude or of the Student’s Book and discuss this picture with a talk partner. See also ‘Backgroun
range of appropriate opinion of the writer in Information’ on p.91 of the Teacher’s Book.
reading strategies to simple longer texts on an Lesson delivery
construct meaning increased range of familiar This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed g
Complementary Skill topics Note that for Activity B pupils must quickly read the text. Set a strict time limit for this a
Speaking 2.1 Complementary Skill order to have sufficient time for Activities C and D. Ensure that support and guidance
Communicate Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own to pupils during Activity B and when going through the answers, so that pupils are pra
information, ideas, point of view the main learning standard within the set time limit. In Activity C pupils are asked to re
opinions and feelings ‘Exam Close-up’ guidance, which also helps them with the main skill.
intelligibly on familiar Activities B, C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A provi
topics opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
have learned in relation to the topic for the lesson. When pupils are ready, collect and
words/expressions as a whole
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils look at the picture on p.109 p.109-111
e Student’s Book and discuss this picture with a talk partner. See also ‘Background Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
mation’ on p.91 of the Teacher’s Book. p.91-92
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
that for Activity B pupils must quickly read the text. Set a strict time limit for this activity in
r to have sufficient time for Activities C and D. Ensure that support and guidance is given
upils during Activity B and when going through the answers, so that pupils are practising
main learning standard within the set time limit. In Activity C pupils are asked to read the
m Close-up’ guidance, which also helps them with the main skill.
vities B, C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A provides an
ortunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they
e learned in relation to the topic for the lesson. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity D,
fast finishers can be given the
Vocabulary activities on p.112 of the
Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 83 (Reading 18)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.4 Pre-lesson
Understand a Use independently Play a game to review technology-related vocabulary from the previous lesson.
variety of texts by using a familiar print and digital Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
range of appropriate resources to check meaning needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
reading strategies to and extend understanding the lesson.
construct meaning Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own This lesson focuses on Activity E and the ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for
Speaking 2.1 point of view detailed guidance. Note that in this lesson pupils need to be supplied with dictionaries
Communicate (print or digital) to practise the main skill for this lesson. In Activity E pupils must re-rea
information, ideas, the same text used in the previous lesson. There is an opportunity to develop the ‘Ide
opinions and feelings Focus’ questions into a class debate.
intelligibly on familiar Activity E focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The
topics ‘Ideas Focus’ provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Play a dictionary game to review the main skill for this lesson. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’ understanding of gramm
and/or vocabulary from the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.111
a game to review technology-related vocabulary from the previous lesson. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.92
natively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
ds/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activity E and the ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for
iled guidance. Note that in this lesson pupils need to be supplied with dictionaries
t or digital) to practise the main skill for this lesson. In Activity E pupils must re-read
same text used in the previous lesson. There is an opportunity to develop the ‘Ideas
us’ questions into a class debate.
vity E focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The
as Focus’ provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
a dictionary game to review the main skill for this lesson. Alternatively, choose
her appropriate post-lesson activity that will check pupils’ understanding of grammar
or vocabulary from the lesson.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity E,
fast finishers can be given Vocabulary
activities on p.112 and/or p.116 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity
that better suits pupils’ needs/interests
and that will help pupils develop further
the main and/or complementary skill for
this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 84 (Language Awareness 9)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- This is a grammar- focused Use the pre-Grammar lesson activity on p.93 in Teacher’s Book. Ask pupils questions
focused lesson so lesson so listening, are constructed using the passive voice.
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and Lesson delivery
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
are not explicitly covered. covered. guidance. Note that in Activity D pupils are asked to look back at the text used in the
previous reading lessons (on p.110-111 of the Student’s Book). In Activity D pupils als
encounter the passive voice constructed using the present perfect simple (has been
cleaned), past perfect simple (had been put in) and future simple (will be shown). See
p.169-170 of Student’s Book for further support with the passive voice.
Ask pupils to look at the picture in the top right-hand corner of p.113 of the Student’s
Book. Pupils then write questions about the picture using the passive voice. Ask pupil
practise asking and answering their questions with talk partner(s) before selecting
questions (and answers to the questions) from pupils as a class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: The passive voice


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.113
the pre-Grammar lesson activity on p.93 in Teacher’s Book. Ask pupils questions that Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.93
constructed using the passive voice.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity D pupils are asked to look back at the text used in the
ious reading lessons (on p.110-111 of the Student’s Book). In Activity D pupils also
ounter the passive voice constructed using the present perfect simple (has been
ned), past perfect simple (had been put in) and future simple (will be shown). See
9-170 of Student’s Book for further support with the passive voice.
pupils to look at the picture in the top right-hand corner of p.113 of the Student’s
k. Pupils then write questions about the picture using the passive voice. Ask pupils to
tise asking and answering their questions with talk partner(s) before selecting
stions (and answers to the questions) from pupils as a class.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: The passive voice

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity D, fast finishers can be given
other activities in the textbook not
covered in the Learning Outline (i.e.
activities E-F).
See also p.116 in Student’s Book for
further vocabulary activities that can be
used as extension tasks and/or
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 85 (Listening 17)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review technology-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternati
meaning in a variety of independently the main choose another appropriate pre-lesson
familiar contexts ideas in simple longer texts activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
Complementary Skill on an increased range of vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Speaking 2.1 familiar topics Lesson delivery
Communicate Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on the pre-Listening lesson activity and Activities A and B.
information, ideas, Speaking 2.1.3 Describe Note that in the pre-Listening activity (on p.94 in Teacher’s Book) pupils take it in turns
opinions and feelings future plans and ambitions describe to a talk partner
intelligibly on familiar the picture on p.114 of the Student’s Book. Pupils are then able to discuss why scient
topics make robots and how robots might help us in the future. Attention needs to be given t
future tenses for this activity in order to practise the complementary skill.
Activity B focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The pre-Listening activi
(on p.94 in Teacher’s Book) and Activity B provide an opportunity to practise the
complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review
learning in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.114
a game to review technology-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.94
ose another appropriate pre-lesson Student’s Book Audio CD
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on the pre-Listening lesson activity and Activities A and B.
that in the pre-Listening activity (on p.94 in Teacher’s Book) pupils take it in turns to
ribe to a talk partner
picture on p.114 of the Student’s Book. Pupils are then able to discuss why scientists
e robots and how robots might help us in the future. Attention needs to be given to
e tenses for this activity in order to practise the complementary skill.
vity B focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The pre-Listening activity
p.94 in Teacher’s Book) and Activity B provide an opportunity to practise the
plementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
on activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review
ning in the lesson.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils for the pre- Listening activity
depending on their needs, such as by
providing sentence starters and model
sentence constructions using future
tenses, to help the pupil produce
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 86 (Listening 18)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.6 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review technology-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternati
meaning in a variety of independently longer simple choose another appropriate pre-lesson
familiar contexts narratives on a range of activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
Complementary Skill familiar topics vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Reading 3.1 Understand Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
a variety of texts by using Reading 3.1.2 Understand This lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
a range of appropriate specific details and guidance. Note that in Activity C pupils read the ‘Exam Close-up’ guidance. In Activity
reading strategies to information in longer texts on pupils also read and underline the key words in the ‘Exam Task’.
construct meaning an increased range of The text type in this lesson is instruction and a quiz.
familiar topics Activities C, D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity C also
provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the topic for the lesson. When pupils are ready, collec
share words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate
lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in t
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.114
a game to review technology-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.94-
ose another appropriate pre-lesson 95
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or Student’s Book Audio CD
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities C, D and E. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity C pupils read the ‘Exam Close-up’ guidance. In Activity C
s also read and underline the key words in the ‘Exam Task’.
text type in this lesson is instruction and a quiz.
vities C, D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity C also
ides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the topic for the lesson. When pupils are ready, collect and
e words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
on activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in the
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Pause the listening track at selected
intervals to allow pupils to think and
complete an activity. For additional
differentiation strategies, please refer to
the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 87 (Speaking 16)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Speaking 2.3 Main Skill Speaking 2.3.1 Pre-lesson
Use appropriate Keep interaction Play a game to review technology-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternati
communication strategies going in longer exchanges choose another appropriate pre-lesson
Complementary Skill by asking a speaker to slow activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
Listening 1.1 down, speak up or to repeat vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Understand meaning in a what they have said Lesson delivery
variety of familiar Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
contexts Listening 1.1.5 Understand guidance. Note that in Activity A pupils should be asked to listen to the questions read
independently more complex by the teacher, before they read them on their own, in order to practise the
questions complementary skill. In Activity B pupils are asked to compare answers with their talk
partner and to discuss any differences in their answers before the answers are checke
as a class. In Activity C pupils must then agree with their partner on a combined answ
In all three activities in this lesson it is important to remind pupils that they need to kee
their interaction going and to draw attention to how they can do this.
Activities A, B and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A provi
an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) how they kept the interaction going in th
discussion activities in this lesson. When
pupils are ready, collect and share ideas as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.115
a game to review technology-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.95
ose another appropriate pre-lesson
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity A pupils should be asked to listen to the questions read out
he teacher, before they read them on their own, in order to practise the
plementary skill. In Activity B pupils are asked to compare answers with their talk
ner and to discuss any differences in their answers before the answers are checked
class. In Activity C pupils must then agree with their partner on a combined answer.
three activities in this lesson it is important to remind pupils that they need to keep
interaction going and to draw attention to how they can do this.
vities A, B and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A provides
pportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) how they kept the interaction going in the
ussion activities in this lesson. When
s are ready, collect and share ideas as a whole class.
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Technology-related vocabulary

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing vocabulary to use in a
speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the
pupil produce sentences.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 88 (Speaking 17)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Speaking 2.3 Main Skill Speaking 2.3.1 Pre-lesson
Use appropriate Keep interaction Play a game to review technology-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternati
communication strategies going in longer exchanges choose another appropriate pre-lesson
Complementary Skill by asking a speaker to slow activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
Speaking 2.1 down, speak up or to repeat vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Communicate what they have said Lesson delivery
information, ideas, Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activity D and the ‘Ideas Focus’. Note in Activity D pupils
opinions and feelings Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own read the ‘Useful Expressions’, which they need to use in their group discussions. For
intelligibly on familiar point of view ‘Ideas Focus’ discussions pupils should be asked to reach a group answer to each
topics question.
Activity D and ‘Ideas Focus’ both focus on developing the main complementary skills
this lesson.
Ask pupils to shut their textbooks and to write down useful expressions for reaching
decisions in a group discussion. Monitor and provide support for any problems with
spelling. When ready, select pupils to read out their ideas and, if necessary, provide
additional expressions. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity t
better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary fro
this lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for making
Technology decisions


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.115
a game to review technology-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Alternatively, Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.95-
ose another appropriate pre-lesson 96
ity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activity D and the ‘Ideas Focus’. Note in Activity D pupils must
the ‘Useful Expressions’, which they need to use in their group discussions. For the
as Focus’ discussions pupils should be asked to reach a group answer to each
vity D and ‘Ideas Focus’ both focus on developing the main complementary skills for
pupils to shut their textbooks and to write down useful expressions for reaching
sions in a group discussion. Monitor and provide support for any problems with
ing. When ready, select pupils to read out their ideas and, if necessary, provide
tional expressions. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that
er suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary from
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for making

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the discussion activities,
depending on their needs.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 89 (Writing 17)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.1 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain simple Use the pre-Writing lesson activity on p.97 in the Teacher’s Book to activate prior
intelligibly through print content from what they have knowledge. Ask pupils to read the ‘Learning Focus’ box and then to think of further
and digital media on read or heard examples of collocations. Allow pupils time to discuss their ideas with their talk partne
familiar topics Complementary Skill before collecting ideas as a class.
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.2 Spell written Lesson delivery
Writing 4.2 work with moderate This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Communicate with accuracy guidance. Note that in Activity C pupils must be asked to write down their answers as
appropriate language, complete sentences in order to practise the main skill.
form and style Activity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B focuses on
developing the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in t
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Technology-related

Technology vocabulary/collocations


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
the pre-Writing lesson activity on p.97 in the Teacher’s Book to activate prior p.118
wledge. Ask pupils to read the ‘Learning Focus’ box and then to think of further Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
mples of collocations. Allow pupils time to discuss their ideas with their talk partner(s) p.97-98
re collecting ideas as a class.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity C pupils must be asked to write down their answers as
plete sentences in order to practise the main skill.
vity C focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B focuses on
eloping the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
on activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in the
e and Technology

RAMMAR FOCUS: Technology-related


Fast finishers can move on to the next activity
in the sequence.
After Activity C, fast finishers can be given
activities from the Grammar activities on
p.117 of
the Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity that
better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that
will help pupils develop further the main
and/or complementary skill for this lesson.
Use the exit cards from Lesson 80 (‘what
went well in your learning?’ and ‘even better
if…’) to identify any individual needs in this
lesson and the next.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 90 (Writing 18)

TOPIC: High-Tech World



Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.2 Pre-lesson
Communicate Spell written work Play a game to review technology-related vocabulary and/or collocations from the
with appropriate with moderate accuracy previous lesson. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that bett
language, form and style Complementary Skill suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prep
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own the pupils for the lesson.
Speaking 2.1 point of view. Lesson delivery
Communicate This lesson focuses on Activities D, E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
information, ideas, guidance. Note that in Activity D pupils are asked to speculate on why certain words in
opinions and feelings writing task have been underlined. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with talk partner
intelligibly on familiar before collecting opinions as a class. In activities E, F and H pupils must pay attention
topics spelling.
Activities E, F and H focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D provi
an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in t
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Science and Technology

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Information and Communications LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Technology-related

Technology vocabulary/collocations


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.118-
a game to review technology-related vocabulary and/or collocations from the 119
ious lesson. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.98
pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare
pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E, F, G and H. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity D pupils are asked to speculate on why certain words in the
ng task have been underlined. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with talk partner(s)
re collecting opinions as a class. In activities E, F and H pupils must pay attention to
vities E, F and H focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D provides
pportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
on activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in the
d Technology

MAR FOCUS: Technology-related


Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity H,
fast finishers can be given activities from
the Grammar activities on p.117 of the
Student’s Book and/or the ‘Ideas Focus’
questions on
p.120 of the Student’s Book as writing
tasks. Alternatively, choose another
appropriate extension activity that better
suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will
help pupils develop further the main
and/or complementary skill for this
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 91 (Literature in Action 9) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action books.
5.3 5.3.1 Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Express an imaginative Respond imaginatively and learning standard specified for this lesson.
response to literary texts intelligibly through creating Focus on Posters and visuals.
power points, visuals,
posters, blogs and
Other imaginative responses
as appropriate
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 92 (Reading 19)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.1 Pre-lesson
Understand a Understand the See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils discuss the picture on
variety of texts by using a main points in longer texts Student’s Book.
range of appropriate on an increased range of Lesson delivery
reading strategies to familiar topics This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidan
construct meaning Complementary Skill Activity B pupils are asked to skim read the texts. Activity C is preparation for the Exam
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain D, which pupils complete in the next lesson. Pupils read the ‘Exam Close-up’ guidance a
Speaking 2.1 own point of view Activity C. In Activity C it is important to activate pupils’ prior knowledge of text types, pa
Communicate short texts (e.g. email, text message, advert), before pupils identify the five text types in
information, ideas, all activities ensure that pupils have opportunities to discuss their answers with talk part
opinions and feelings checking answers as a class, in order to practise the complementary skill.
intelligibly on familiar Activities B and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities A, B and C
topics opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that t
learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/e
whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better su
needs/interests and that will review learning in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Entertainment related vocabulary


sson Close-Up
nit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils discuss the picture on p.121 of the Student’s Book, p.121-
t’s Book. 123
n delivery Close-Up Teacher’s
sson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Note that in Book, p.100-101
B pupils are asked to skim read the texts. Activity C is preparation for the Exam Task in Activity
h pupils complete in the next lesson. Pupils read the ‘Exam Close-up’ guidance as part of
C. In Activity C it is important to activate pupils’ prior knowledge of text types, particularly of
exts (e.g. email, text message, advert), before pupils identify the five text types in the activity. For
vities ensure that pupils have opportunities to discuss their answers with talk partner(s) before
ng answers as a class, in order to practise the complementary skill.
es B and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activities A, B and C provide an
unity to practise the complementary skill.
pils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they have
d in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a
class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits pupils’
nterests and that will review learning in the lesson.

AR FOCUS: Entertainment related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity C, fast
finishers can be given the Vocabulary
activities on p.124 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity that
better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that
will help pupils develop further the main
and/or complementary skill for this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils for the pre- lesson activity depending
on their needs, such as by providing
sentence starters and model sentence
constructions, to help the pupil produce
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy /strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 93 (Reading 20)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.3 Pre-lesson
Understand a Guess the meaning Play a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from the previous lesson.
variety of texts by using a of unfamiliar words from Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
range of appropriate clues provided by other needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
reading strategies to words and by context on an the lesson.
construct meaning increased range of familiar Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill topics This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for
Speaking 2.3 Use Complementary Skill detailed guidance. Note that in Activity D pupils should re-read the ‘Exam Close-up’
appropriate Speaking 2.3.1 Keep guidance (this was done as part of Activity C in previous lesson).
communication strategies interaction going in longer Activities D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. The ‘Ideas Focus
exchanges by asking a provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
speaker to slow down, speak Post-lesson
up or to repeat what they Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
have said they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in t
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Entertainment related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.123
a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from the previous lesson. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.101
natively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
ds/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for
iled guidance. Note that in Activity D pupils should re-read the ‘Exam Close-up’
ance (this was done as part of Activity C in previous lesson).
vities D and E focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. The ‘Ideas Focus’
ides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
on activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in the

MAR FOCUS: Entertainment related vocabulary

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After the ‘Ideas
Focus’ activity, fast finishers can be given
the Vocabulary activities on p.124 and/or
p. 128 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy
/strategies based on the needs of the
LESSON 94 (Language Awareness 10)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a grammar- This is a grammar- focused Play a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lesson.
focused lesson so lesson so listening, Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
listening, speaking, speaking, reading and needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
reading and writing skills writing skills are not explicitly the lesson.
are not explicitly covered. covered. Lesson delivery
This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
guidance. Note that further support and explanation of the grammar in this lesson is
available on p.170-171 of the Student’s Book.
Ask pupils to write sentences that report on what other pupils have said in this lesson
pupils to show these to their talk partner(s), to practise saying the sentences and to
receive peer feedback on them, before selecting pupils to read out their sentences to
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Reported speech


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.125
a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lesson. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.102
natively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
ds/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that further support and explanation of the grammar in this lesson is
able on p.170-171 of the Student’s Book.
pupils to write sentences that report on what other pupils have said in this lesson. Ask
s to show these to their talk partner(s), to practise saying the sentences and to
ive peer feedback on them, before selecting pupils to read out their sentences to the

MAR FOCUS: Reported speech

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity D, fast finishers can be given
other activities in the textbook not
covered in the Learning Outline (i.e.
activities E-F).
See also p.129 in Student’s Book for
further grammar activities that can be
used as extension tasks and/or
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 95 (Listening 19)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.4 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Use pre-Listening lesson activity on p.103 in Teacher’s Book. Ask pupils if they have e
meaning in a variety of independently longer acted in a play or been behind the scenes in a theatre. Ask them what it was like. If th
familiar contexts sequences of classroom have not had these experiences, ask them what they imagine it would be like.
Complementary Skill instructions Lesson delivery
Speaking 2.1 Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Communicate Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own guidance. Note that in Activity B the word ‘props’ refers to any objects used on the sta
information, ideas, point of view by actors during a performance. In all activities pupils must be asked to listen to the
opinions and feelings activity instruction, in order to practise the main skill. Ask pupils to close their textbook
intelligibly on familiar while giving instruction and check for pupils’ understanding of instructions before they
topics open their books again.
Activities A, B and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provi
an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Entertainment related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up
pre-Listening lesson activity on p.103 in Teacher’s Book. Ask pupils if they have ever Student’s Book, p.126
d in a play or been behind the scenes in a theatre. Ask them what it was like. If they Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
e not had these experiences, ask them what they imagine it would be like. p.103
son delivery Student’s Book Audio CD
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity B the word ‘props’ refers to any objects used on the stage
ctors during a performance. In all activities pupils must be asked to listen to the
ity instruction, in order to practise the main skill. Ask pupils to close their textbooks
e giving instruction and check for pupils’ understanding of instructions before they
n their books again.
vities A, B and C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides
pportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.
ple and Culture

GRAMMAR FOCUS: Entertainment related vocabulary


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a

more proficient pupil can help and support a
less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient pupils
during Activity B, depending on their needs. For
example, by providing vocabulary to use during
the speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the pupil
produce sentences.
To support less confident pupils, pause the
listening track at selected intervals to allow
thinking time.
For additional differentiation strategies, please
refer to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate strategy/
strategies based on the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 96 (Listening 20)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.2 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Play a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lessons.
meaning in a variety of independently specific Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’
familiar contexts information and details in needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupi
Complementary Skill longer texts on an increased the lesson.
Reading 3.1 Understand range of familiar topics Lesson delivery
a variety of texts by using Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
a range of appropriate Reading 3.1.3 Guess the guidance. Note that in Activity D pupils are asked to think of words that could fit in eac
reading strategies to meaning of unfamiliar words gap in the Exam Task text, which is practice for the complementary skill.
construct meaning from clues provided by other Activities D, E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D also
words and by context on an provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
increased range of familiar Post-lesson
topics Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and sh
words/expressions as a whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Entertainment related vocabulary


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.126
a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lessons. Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.103
natively, choose another appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’ Student’s Book Audio CD
ds/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity D pupils are asked to think of words that could fit in each
in the Exam Task text, which is practice for the complementary skill.
vities D, E and F focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity D also
ides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share
ds/expressions as a whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Entertainment related vocabulary

Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
To support less confident pupils, pause
the listening track at selected intervals to
allow thinking time.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 97 (Speaking 18)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Speaking 2.3 Main Skill Speaking 2.3.1 Pre-lesson
Use appropriate Keep interaction Play a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or
communication strategies going in longer exchanges expressions for describing people, places or things. Alternatively, choose another app
Complementary Skill by asking a speaker to slow pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review languag
Speaking 2.1 down, speak up or to repeat vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Communicate what they have said Lesson delivery
information, ideas, Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guid
opinions and feelings Speaking 2.1.5 Express Activate pupils’ prior knowledge of useful expressions for describing people, places or
intelligibly on familiar and respond to common Activities A, Band C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A also p
topics feelings such as happiness, an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
sadness, surprise, and Post-lesson
interest Ask pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance in the lesson (in pai
small groups) using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one a
improvement (wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback to
(anonymously) with the whole class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for describing
people, places or things


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book,
a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or useful p.127
essions for describing people, places or things. Alternatively, choose another appropriate Close-Up Teacher’s Book,
esson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or p.104
bulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
vate pupils’ prior knowledge of useful expressions for describing people, places or things.
vities A, Band C focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity A also provides
pportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to provide peer feedback on each other’s performance in the lesson (in pairs or
l groups) using two stars and a wish: two things that were good (stars) and one area for
ovement (wish). While monitoring the activity collect examples of the feedback to share
nymously) with the whole class.

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for describing


Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing vocabulary to use in a
speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the
pupil produce sentences.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 98 (Speaking 19)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.5 Pre-lesson
Communicate Express and Play a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or
information, ideas, respond to common feelings useful expressions for describing people, places or things. Alternatively, choose anoth
opinions and feelings such as happiness, sadness, appropriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will re
intelligibly on familiar surprise, and interest language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
topics Complementary Skill Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.3.1 Keep This lesson focuses on Activity D and the ‘Ideas Focus’. The ‘Ideas Focus’ focuse
Speaking 2.3 Use interaction going in longer developing the main skill for this lesson.
appropriate exchanges by asking a Both Activity D and ‘Ideas Focus’ provide an opportunity to practise the complementar
communication strategies speaker to slow down, speak skill.
up or to repeat what they Post-lesson
have said Review pupils’ learning in this lesson with Tell me three things…
• You have learnt today
• You have done well
• Your talk partner has done well
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for describing
people, places or things


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.127
a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.104
ul expressions for describing people, places or things. Alternatively, choose another
opriate pre- lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activity D and the ‘Ideas Focus’. The ‘Ideas Focus’ focuses on
eloping the main skill for this lesson.
Activity D and ‘Ideas Focus’ provide an opportunity to practise the complementary

ew pupils’ learning in this lesson with Tell me three things…
You have learnt today
You have done well
Your talk partner has done well

MAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for describing


Organise talk partners or grouping so
that a more proficient pupil can help and
support a less proficient pupil.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing vocabulary to use in a
speaking task, or sentence starters and
model sentence constructions to help the
pupil produce sentences.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 99 (Writing 19)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.2 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain simple Use pre-Writing lesson activity on p.106 in Teacher’s Book. Read
intelligibly through print processes the ‘Learning Focus’ information. Ask pupils to complete a sentence using the phrase
and digital media on Complementary Skill ordering ideas. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
familiar topics Reading 3.1.1 Understand Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill the main points in longer This lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Reading 3.1 Understand texts on an increased range guidance. As a follow-up activity to Activity A, and to practise further the main skill for
a variety of texts by using of familiar topics lesson, ask pupils to write an explanation of a simple process (e.g. how to make a cup
a range of appropriate tea or change a bicycle tire) using phrases for ordering ideas.
reading strategies to The text type in this lesson is instruction and a letter.
construct meaning Activity A and the follow-up activity focus on developing the main skill for this lesson.
Activity C and ‘Learning Focus’ provide an opportunity to practise the complementary
Activity B prepares the pupils to do Activity C in preparation for the writing task in the n
writing lesson.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the topic of the lesson. When pupils are ready, collect
share words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate
lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will
review learning in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Entertainment related

vocabulary/phrases for ordering ideas


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.130
pre-Writing lesson activity on p.106 in Teacher’s Book. Read Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.106-
Learning Focus’ information. Ask pupils to complete a sentence using the phrases for 107
ring ideas. See Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B and C. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. As a follow-up activity to Activity A, and to practise further the main skill for this
on, ask pupils to write an explanation of a simple process (e.g. how to make a cup of
or change a bicycle tire) using phrases for ordering ideas.
text type in this lesson is instruction and a letter.
vity A and the follow-up activity focus on developing the main skill for this lesson.
vity C and ‘Learning Focus’ provide an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
vity B prepares the pupils to do Activity C in preparation for the writing task in the next
ng lesson.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the topic of the lesson. When pupils are ready, collect and
e words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-
on activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will
ew learning in the lesson.

MAR FOCUS: Entertainment related

or ordering ideas

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity C,
fast finishers can be given activities from
the Vocabulary and Grammar activities
on p. 128-129 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 100 (Writing 20)

TOPIC: That’s Entertainment



Main Skill Writing 4.1 Main Skill Writing 4.1.5
Communicate Organise, sequence Play a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or
intelligibly through print phrases for ordering ideas. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activi
and develop ideas within
and digital media on that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabular
short texts on familiar
familiar topics and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
Complementary Skill topics Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities D, E, F and G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Writing 4.2
Writing 4.2.3 Produce a guidance. Note that in Activity G pupils should be given time to plan their letter or stor
Communicate with
appropriate language, plan or draft of two the lesson. The writing task can then be set as homework if necessary. There is additi
form and style paragraphs or more and support for the writing task in the Student’s Book: for writing letters on p.177; for writin
modify this appropriately stories on p.179.
independently Activities D-G focus on developing the main and complementary skills for this lesson.
Ask pupils to review their learning by telling a story about their learning in this lesson.
Pupils need to re-use the phrases for ordering ideas that they learnt in this lesson and
previous lesson. Allow pupils to practise telling their story to a talk partner before sele
pupils to tell their story to the class.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Creativity and Innovation LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Entertainment related

vocabulary/phrases for ordering ideas


lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.131
a game to review entertainment-related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.107
ses for ordering ideas. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity
better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary
prepare the pupils for the lesson.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities D, E, F and G. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that in Activity G pupils should be given time to plan their letter or story in
esson. The writing task can then be set as homework if necessary. There is additional
port for the writing task in the Student’s Book: for writing letters on p.177; for writing
es on p.179.
vities D-G focus on developing the main and complementary skills for this lesson.
pupils to review their learning by telling a story about their learning in this lesson.
ls need to re-use the phrases for ordering ideas that they learnt in this lesson and the
ious lesson. Allow pupils to practise telling their story to a talk partner before selecting
s to tell their story to the class.

MAR FOCUS: Entertainment related

or ordering ideas

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Activity G,
fast finishers can be given activities from
the Vocabulary and Grammar activities
on p. 128-129 of the Student’s Book.
Alternatively, choose another appropriate
extension activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will help pupils
develop further the main and/or
complementary skill for this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils depending on their needs, such as
by providing a writing frame to use in
Activity G (e.g. sentence starters and/or
model sentence constructions).
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 101 (Literature in Action 10) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the Literature Componen
Literature in Action Literature in Action books.
5.3 5.3.1 Teachers should ensure that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and
Express an imaginative Respond imaginatively and learning standard specified for this lesson.
response to literary texts intelligibly through creating Focus on blogs and webpages.
power points, visuals,
posters, blogs and
Other imaginative responses
as appropriate
N SKILL FOCUS: Literature in Action THEME: n/a



their own lesson using materials from the Literature Component Teacher to select

re that their lesson covers the Literature in Action content and

cified for this lesson.
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 102 (Reading 21)

TOPIC: Lessons to Learn



Main Skill Reading 3.2 Main Skill Reading Pre-lesson
Explore and 3.2.1 See ‘Unit opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils write down in one minute
expand ideas for Read, enjoy and words and phrases they know related to education. They then look at the picture on p.135
personal development by give a personal Student’s Book and describe what they think the boy in the picture is feeling.
reading independently response to fiction / Lesson delivery
and widely non- fiction and other This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for de
Complementary Skill suitable print and digital guidance. Note that in Activity C pupils are asked to scan the texts, this is to address ‘read
Speaking 2.1 texts of interest Pupils’ answer which courses are creative and non-creative. After Activity C, ask pupils to d
Communicate Complementary Skill small groups the first question in the ‘Ideas Focus’ activity (‘Are you interested in any of the
information, ideas, Speaking 2.1.4 Explain mentioned in the texts? Which ones?’).Encourage pupils to give a personal response in th
opinions and feelings own point of view order to practise the main skill for the lesson.
intelligibly on familiar Activity C and ‘Ideas Focus’ discussion activity focuses on developing the main skill for thi
topics Activities A and B provide opportunities to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that the
in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions
class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits pupils’
needs/interests and that will review learning in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to education


on Close-Up Student’s
opener’ in Teacher’s Book for detailed guidance. Pupils write down in one minute as many Book, p.135- 137
d phrases they know related to education. They then look at the picture on p.135 of the Close-Up Teacher’s
s Book and describe what they think the boy in the picture is feeling. Book, p.111- 112
son focuses on Activities A, B, C and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
. Note that in Activity C pupils are asked to scan the texts, this is to address ‘reading’ in 3.2.1.
nswer which courses are creative and non-creative. After Activity C, ask pupils to discuss in
ups the first question in the ‘Ideas Focus’ activity (‘Are you interested in any of the activities
d in the texts? Which ones?’).Encourage pupils to give a personal response in the discussion in
practise the main skill for the lesson.
C and ‘Ideas Focus’ discussion activity focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson.
A and B provide opportunities to practise the complementary skill.
s to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they have learned
n to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions as a whole
ernatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits pupils’
erests and that will review learning in the lesson.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to education

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After the ‘Ideas
Focus’ discussion, fast finishers can be
given the Vocabulary activities on p.138 of
the Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity
that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and
that will help pupils develop further the main
and/or complementary skill for this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the speaking elements of
activities, depending on their needs, such
as by providing vocabulary to use or
sentence starters and model sentence
constructions to help the pupil produce
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 103 (Reading 22)

TOPIC: Lessons to Learn



Main Skill Reading 3.1 Main Skill Reading 3.1.6 Pre-lesson
Understand a Recognise with Play a game to review education-related vocabulary from the previous lesson. Alterna
variety of texts by using a support typical features at another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and tha
range of appropriate word, sentence and text language and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
reading strategies to levels of a range of genres Lesson delivery
construct meaning Complementary Skill This lesson focuses on Activities D, E, F and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book f
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Explain own guidance. Note that Activity E requires the
Speaking 2.1 point of view following additional phase: explain to the pupils what the term ‘persuasion’ means; as
Communicate look for word and sentence level features in the adverts that help persuade the reade
information, ideas, rhetorical questions that the advert answers and attention-grabbing adjectives); ask p
opinions and feelings explain how these features persuade the reader. For the ‘Ideas Focus’ discussion, pu
intelligibly on familiar the second and third question (the first question is covered in the previous lesson).
topics Activity E (with the added phase) focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson.
Focus’ provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words
as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that be
pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Reading THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to education


lesson Close-Up
a game to review education-related vocabulary from the previous lesson. Alternatively, choose Student’s Book, p.136-
her appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review 137
uage and/or vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Close-Up Teacher’s
son delivery Book, p.111-112
lesson focuses on Activities D, E, F and ‘Ideas Focus’. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
ance. Note that Activity E requires the
wing additional phase: explain to the pupils what the term ‘persuasion’ means; ask pupils to
for word and sentence level features in the adverts that help persuade the reader (such as
orical questions that the advert answers and attention-grabbing adjectives); ask pupils to
ain how these features persuade the reader. For the ‘Ideas Focus’ discussion, pupils discuss
second and third question (the first question is covered in the previous lesson).
vity E (with the added phase) focuses on developing the main skill for this lesson. The ‘Ideas
us’ provides an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that they have
ned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and share words/expressions
whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate post-lesson activity that better suits
s’ needs/interests and that will review learning in the lesson.

MAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to education

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After the ‘Ideas
Focus’ discussion, fast finishers can be
given the Vocabulary activities on p.138
and/or p.142 of the
Student’s Book. Alternatively, choose
another appropriate extension activity that
better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that
will help pupils develop further the main
and/or complementary skill for this lesson.
Support can be given to less proficient
pupils during the
‘Ideas Focus’ discussions, depending on
their needs, such as by providing vocabulary
to use or sentence starters and model
sentence constructions to help the pupil
produce sentences.
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on the
needs of the pupils.
LESSON 104 (Language Awareness 11)

TOPIC: Lessons to Learn



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson
This is a vocabulary and This is a vocabulary and Use the pre-Grammar lesson activity on p.116 in Teacher’s Book. Pose the questions
grammar focused lesson grammar focused lesson so pupils and collect responses. Explain that the questions use gerunds and infinitives an
so listening, speaking, listening, speaking, reading explain what these are.
reading and writing skills and writing skills are not Lesson delivery
are not explicitly covered. explicitly covered. This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C, D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for deta
Complementary Skill Complementary Skill guidance.
This is a vocabulary and This is a vocabulary and Post-lesson
grammar focused lesson grammar focused lesson so Ask pupils to write questions that use gerunds and infinitives. Allow pupils to practise
so listening, speaking, listening, speaking, reading asking and answering questions with a talk partner before selecting pupils to ask
reading and writing skills and writing skills are not questions to the class.
are not explicitly covered. explicitly covered.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Language Awareness THEME: People and Culture



lesson Close-Up Student’s Book, p.143
the pre-Grammar lesson activity on p.116 in Teacher’s Book. Pose the questions to Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.116
s and collect responses. Explain that the questions use gerunds and infinitives and
ain what these are.
son delivery
lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C, D, E and F. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
pupils to write questions that use gerunds and infinitives. Allow pupils to practise
ng and answering questions with a talk partner before selecting pupils to ask
stions to the class.

MAR FOCUS: Gerunds and infinitives

Fast finishers can move on to the next
activity in the sequence. After Grammar
Activity F, fast finishers can be given
other activities in the textbook not
covered in the Learning Outline (i.e.
activities G-K).
For additional differentiation strategies,
please refer to the provided list of
differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on
the needs of the pupils
LESSON 105 (Listening 21)

TOPIC: Lessons to Learn



Main Skill Listening 1.1 Main Skill Listening 1.1.6 Pre-lesson
Understand Understand Use the pre-Listening lesson activity on p.114 in Teacher’s Book. Pupils discuss the
meaning in a variety of independently longer simple picture in the bottom half of p.140 of the
familiar contexts narratives on a range of Student’s Book.
Complementary Skill familiar topics Lesson delivery
Listening 1.1 Complementary Skill This lesson focuses Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Understand meaning in a Listening 1.1.4 Understand guidance.
variety of familiar independently longer For Activity B, pupils close their books and listen to the teacher’s explanation of the
contexts sequences of classroom content of Exam Close-up. The teacher’s explanation should be clear. Respond to all
instructions pupils’ questions before they return to the task. Then pupils can open their books and
underline the key words in the Exam Task.
Note that in Activity C pupils are asked to work with a partner and compare the words
they underlined in Activity B.
Activities C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provide
an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
Ask pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression tha
they have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and
share words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate
post- lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learnin
in the lesson.
MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening THEME: People and Culture

CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to education


esson Close-Up Student’s
the pre-Listening lesson activity on p.114 in Teacher’s Book. Pupils discuss the Book, p.140- 141
re in the bottom half of p.140 of the Close-Up Teacher’s
ent’s Book. Book, p.114
on delivery Student’s Book Audio
lesson focuses Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed CD
Activity B, pupils close their books and listen to the teacher’s explanation of the
ent of Exam Close-up. The teacher’s explanation should be clear. Respond to all
s’ questions before they return to the task. Then pupils can open their books and
rline the key words in the Exam Task.
that in Activity C pupils are asked to work with a partner and compare the words
underlined in Activity B.
ities C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides
pportunity to practise the complementary skill.
pupils to identify with their talk partner(s) at least one new word or expression that
have learned in relation to the lesson topic. When pupils are ready, collect and
e words/expressions as a whole class. Alternatively, choose another appropriate
lesson activity that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review learning
e lesson.
: People and Culture

AGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Vocabulary related to education


Organise talk partners or grouping so that a more

proficient pupil can help and support a less proficient
You can pause the track at selected intervals to allow
pupils to think and complete an activity.
For additional differentiation strategies, please refer to
the provided list of differentiation strategies and select
appropriate strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 106 (Revision 3 - Listening) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening



Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will need to develop their own lesson based on the needs of their pupils.
This is a listening review This is a listening review Prepare materials to practise listening skills that need further consolidation and/or use
lesson so teacher to lesson so teacher to choose listening activities from previous units that pupils would benefit from practising again.
choose from the listening from the listening learning
learning standards standards
g THEME: Teacher to select

ENT: Teacher to select LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Teacher to select


ased on the needs of their pupils. Teacher to select For differentiation strategies, please refer to the
need further consolidation and/or use provided list of differentiation strategies and
would benefit from practising again. select appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
the needs of the pupils.
LESSON 107 (Speaking 20) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Speaking

TOPIC: Lessons to Learn CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship



Main Skill Speaking 2.1 Main Skill Speaking 2.1.4 Pre-lesson
Communicate Explain own point of Play a game to review education-related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or use
information, ideas, view expressions for discussions. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson acti
opinions and feelings Complementary Skill that better suits pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or vocabular
intelligibly on familiar Reading 3.1.3 Guess the and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
topics meaning of unfamiliar words Lesson delivery
Complementary Skill from clues provided by other This lesson focuses on Activities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed
Reading 3.1 Understand words and by context on an guidance. Note that time will need to be closely monitored for Activities A, B and C in
a variety of texts by using increased range of familiar order to have sufficient time for Activity D.
a range of appropriate topics Activities A, C and D focus on developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provi
reading strategies to an opportunity to practise the complementary skill.
construct meaning Post-lesson
Ask pupils to review their learning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in
the lesson and how they learnt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk
partner(s) before collecting ideas as a class.
L FOCUS: Speaking THEME: People and Culture

URRICULAR ELEMENT: Patriotism and Citizenship LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Useful expressions for discussions


Close-Up Student’s Book, p.141 Organise talk partners or grouping so
ion-related vocabulary from previous lessons and/or useful Close-Up Teacher’s Book, p.114- that a more proficient pupil can help and
Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-lesson activity 115 support a less proficient pupil.
/interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary Support can be given to less proficient
lesson. pupils during the speaking tasks,
depending on their needs.
ivities A, B, C and D. See Teacher’s Book for detailed For additional differentiation strategies,
need to be closely monitored for Activities A, B and C in please refer to the provided list of
or Activity D. differentiation strategies and select
developing the main skill for this lesson. Activity B provides appropriate strategy/ strategies based on
complementary skill. the needs of the pupils.

ning in this lesson by describing what they have learnt in

nt it. Allow pupils to discuss their ideas with their talk
eas as a class.
LESSON 108 (Writing 21) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Writing

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Main Skill Writing 4.2 Main Skill Writing 4.2.3 Teachers will need to develop their own lesson based on the main and complementar
Communicate Produce a plan or learning standards in this lesson. The writing lessons content in the textbook (p144-14
with appropriate draft of two paragraphs or focuses on report writing which is not part of Form 3 learning.
language, form and style more and modify this
Complementary Skill appropriately independently
Writing 4.1 Complementary Skill
Communicate intelligibly Writing 4.1.5 Organise,
through print and digital sequence and develop ideas
media on familiar topics within short texts on familiar
N SKILL FOCUS: Writing THEME: Teacher to select



develop their own lesson based on the main and complementary Teachers to select their own
his lesson. The writing lessons content in the textbook (p144-145) materials
ng which is not part of Form 3 learning.

MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 109 (Revision 4) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Revision



Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will need to develop their own lesson based on the needs of their pupils.
This is a revision lesson This is a revision lesson so Relevant revision materials from the Student’s Book include: Review 4 (p.107-108);
so several skills will be several skills will be covered. Review 5 (p.133-134); Review 6 (p.159-160).
L FOCUS: Revision THEME: N/A

URRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Teacher to select


their own lesson based on the needs of their pupils. Teacher to select For differentiation strategies, please refer
om the Student’s Book include: Review 4 (p.107-108); to the provided list of differentiation
w 6 (p.159-160). strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSON 110 (Revision 5) MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Revision



Main Skill Main Skill Teachers will need to develop their own lesson based on the needs of their pupils.
This is a revision lesson This is a revision lesson so Relevant revision materials from the Student’s Book include: Review 4 (p.107-108);
so several skills will be several skills will be covered. Review 5 (p.133-134); Review 6 (p.159-160).



need to develop their own lesson based on the needs of their pupils. Teacher to select
sion materials from the Student’s Book include: Review 4 (p.107-108);
133-134); Review 6 (p.159-160).
MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.
LESSONS 111-112 (Project-Based Learning 1 MAIN SKILL FOCUS: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
& 2)

TOPIC: Teacher to select CROSS-CURRICULAR ELEMENT: Teacher to select


Teachers to select an Teachers to select an Teachers will need to develop their own lessons based on topic/themes and resource
appropriate main skill and appropriate main skill and that they select. Ideas for projects should be based on the needs and interests of the
complementary skill complementary skill based pupils.
based on the needs and on the needs and interest of
interest of the pupils, the pupils,

Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

Aras 4-8, Blok E9, Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E,
62604 W.P. Putrajaya
Tel: 03-8884 2000 Fax: 03-8888 9917
N SKILL FOCUS: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing THEME: Teacher to select



develop their own lessons based on topic/themes and resources Teacher to select their own
s for projects should be based on the needs and interests of the materials

enterian Pendidikan Malaysia


MAR FOCUS: Teacher to select

For differentiation strategies, please refer
to the provided list of differentiation
strategies and select appropriate
strategy/strategies based on the needs of
the pupils.

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