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Magnesium-Air Batteries www.advenergymat.de

Current Progress on Rechargeable Magnesium–Air Battery

Chun-Sheng Li, Yan Sun,* Florian Gebert, and Shu-Lei Chou*

in reversible oxidation/reduction reaction

Rechargeable Mg–air batteries are a promising alternative to Li–air cells to achieve a high energy density. (ii) Fast
owing to the safety, low price originating from the abundant resource on the charge transport and high exchanging
earth, and high theoretical volumetric density (3832 A h L−1 for Mg anode current density of materials dramatically
reduce the polarization and further pro-
vs 2062 A h L−1 for Li). Only a few works are related to the highly reversible
vide a high power density. (iii) Uniform
Mg–air batteries. The fundamental scientific difficulties hindering the rapid micro/nanostructures are associated with
development of secondary Mg–air cells are attributed to the poor thermody- increased specific surfaces areas and
namics and kinetics properties mainly owing to the MgO or MgO2 insulating decreased ionic diffusion over distance
film as the initial discharge product on air–breathing cathode, contributing and time, resulting in a long lifetime and
a good cycling stability.
to the increase of a large overpotential and a high polarization. Very recently,
Among various energy sources in his-
remarkable progress on rechargeable Mg–air batteries is trying to overcome tory, rechargeable cells are lead (Pb)–acid,
the major limitations in organic electrolytes via the combination of the nickel–chromium (Ni–Cr), nickel–metal
first–principle calculation and experimental study. Therefore, this progress hydride (Ni–MH), redox flow, lithium–
report highlights a comprehensive and concise survey of the major progress ion, fuel cells and metal–air batteries.[2]
in the history of secondary Mg–air batteries, and the detailed illustrations of In particular, rechargeable metal–air bat-
teries have received great interest due to
corresponding reaction mechanisms. The overview is devoted to open up a
a huge theoretical specific energy density,
new area for manipulating the nanostructures to control the ideal reaction deriving from a unique cell structure. In
pathway in novel cell configuration and to fully understand the future Mg–air this system, only the metal (Li, Na, Mg,
battery with improved energy density and cycling ability. Al, Zn, Si, Fe, Sn, etc.) anode is assem-
bled in the cell, while the active cathode
material is oxygen (O2), directly obtained
1. Introduction from the atmosphere.[12–17] Figure 1a presents a summary of
basic theoretical properties and electrochemical reactions in
With increasingly serious problems from the worldwide typical metal–air batteries. For instance, rechargeable Li–air
energy crisis for fossil fuels and the air pollutions, renewable batteries can provide a theoretical cell voltage of 2.96 V and a
clean energy storage and conversion in rechargeable batteries theoretical specific energy density of 3.4 kW h kg−1. In this par-
will be urgently needed in the coming decades.[1–5] Desirable ticular battery, the decomposition of lithium peroxide (Li2O2),
rechargeable batteries are electrochemical devices in stable elec- despite being an explosive and poisonous compound, plays a
trolytes that efficiently convert chemical energy into electrical vital role in the improved charge transport because it demon-
energy during discharge, and then convert electrical energy strates a highly reversible reaction between the discharge and
into chemical energy during charging.[6–11] The key electrode charge process.[18,19] The maximum specific capacity of sec-
materials should satisfy three strict requirements[2,3,12–15]: (i) A ondary Li–air batteries reaches an initial discharge capacity
large voltage gap between anode and cathode potentials delivers of 14000 mA h g−1 at a current density of 140 mA g−1, using
an effective discharge plateau, while the electrodes composed Co3O4/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites as electrocata-
of lightweight elements operate multiple electrons transferred lysts.[20] Unfortunately, although they are the focus of numerous
investigations, lithium–air batteries are still accompanied by
the major drawbacks of the high price of metallic lithium (The
Prof. C.-S. Li, Prof. Y. Sun USD $160000–180000/ton as of May 2017) and safety issues in
College of Chemical Engineering an organic electrolyte.
North China University of Science and Technology
Tangshan City, Hebei Province 063009, P. R. China
Magnesium provides a number of improvements com-
E-mail: juzi147@mail.nankai.edu.cn pared to metallic Li, including its abundance in the earth’s
F. Gebert, Dr. S.-L. Chou crust (2.08% for Mg vs 0.0065% for Li) and environmental
Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials friendliness. Moreover, rechargeable Mg–O2 battery allows a
University of Wollongong theoretical volumetric density and a specific energy density of
Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia 14 kW h L−1 and 3.9 kW h kg−1, respectively, assuming MgO
E-mail: shulei@uow.edu.au
is formed as the discharge product.[21,22] These values are
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.201700869.
much larger than those of Li–O2 cells on the basis of Li2O2
(8.0 kW h L−1 and 3.4 kW h kg−1). Though a great number
DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201700869 of efforts have focused on the widespread studies of Li–air

Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1700869 1700869  (1 of 11) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.advenergymat.de

Chunsheng Li received his

M.S. and Ph.D. degree from
the Institute of New Energy
Materials Chemistry in
Nankai University (Tianjin,
China) in 2007 and 2010,
respectively. He is currently a
Professor at the North China
University of Science and
Technology, Hebei Province,
since 2017. He is mainly
engaged in nanostructured
materials for the advanced applications in metal-air
batteries, such as Mg-air batteries, Zn-air batteries, and
Al-air batteries.

Yan Sun obtained her B.S.

degree from the Liaoning
Normal University in 2004,
M.S. degree from Wenzhou
University in 2007, and
Ph.D. degree from Nankai
University (China) in 2010.
She was promoted to a full
Professor in North China
University of Science and
Technology in 2017. She led
a research team interesting
on functional micro/nanomaterials and their clean energy
storage and conversion in metal-air batteries, lithium-ion
batteries, and sodium-ion batteries.

Shu-Lei Chou is a senior

research fellow in ISEM at
University of Wollongong
(UOW). He obtained his
Figure 1. a) A comparison of theoretical specific energy densities of Bachelor (1999) and
typical metal–air batteries as a function of prices of corresponding anode
Master degree (2004) in
metals. The energy densities are calculated values reported in the litera-
ture and include oxygen,[27–30] while the prices are obtained in May 2017 Nankai University, China.
from https://www.metalprices.com and http://www.shmet.com. b) Sche- His research has been
matic cell configurations of proposed secondary Mg−air cells with hybrid focused on energy storage
electrolytes, illustrating the development of electrochemical catalysts. materials for battery
applications, especially
on novel composite
batteries, only a few works address the highly reversible Mg–air materials, new binders, and new electrolytes for Li/Na
batteries.[21–25] The fundamental scientific difficulties hindering batteries.
the rapid development of secondary Mg–air cells in traditional
aqueous electrolytes are: (1) The poor thermodynamics and
kinetics properties of MgO or MgO2 films lead to a large polari-
zation and a highly irreversible capacity, which are formed the enhancement of energy conversion efficiency and high–rate
during the initial discharge process. Moreover, the MgO and stability in rechargeable Mg–air batteries. To overcome these
MgO2 as insulating products are electrochemically inert and issues, D. J. Siegel’s group investigated the chemical reaction
difficult to convert back into metallic Mg under moderate elec- pathways according to the thermodynamic parameters via
trochemical conditions. (2) The synergetic combination of the first–principle calculations, aiming to thoroughly understand
efficient electrocatalysts for 4e oxygen reduction reaction in an the free energy evolutions of secondary Mg–air batteries.[21,22]
air cathode, the novel organic electrolyte with a high ionic con- From the results, the MgO intermediate shows very low round-
ductivity, and micro/nanoscale Mg anode is urgent to facilitate trip efficiencies, associated with large overvoltage drops. With

Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1700869 1700869  (2 of 11) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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magnesium peroxide (MgO2) as the intermediate, however, the reversible air batteries due to the following reasons: (a) The
Mg–air batteries might achieve a 90% round–trip efficiencies self-corrosion of Mg results in the formation of insulating
and a low polarization. Mg(OH)2 product, passivating further anode reactions. (b) The
Some outstanding reviews have been published in recent H2 gas production from parasitic reactions destroys the pres-
years on primary Mg–air batteries,[16,26] covering the spec- sure balance in the sealed cell space and dramatically increases
trum from principle studies to practical applications. Never- the cell polarization. (c) Superior electrocatalysts for oxygen
theless, inspired by other secondary batteries, improvements reduction with good electrocatalytic activity are needed for long
on rechargeable Mg–air batteries are sought to resolve the lifespans. As early as 1958, Hoey’s group first studied the cor-
remaining problems at the present time (Figure 1b). This rosion behavior of a polarized Mg anode in aqueous NaCl solu-
progress report offers a comprehensive and concise survey of tion, proposing a plausible mechanism of Mg dissolution and a
the major developments in the history of secondary Mg–air hydrogen embrittlement theory of cathodic corrosion.[31] From
batteries and detailed illustrations of corresponding reaction 2006 to 2014, Chen and his colleagues found that Mg spheres,
mechanisms. The close relationships between the Mg anode, plates, nanorods and sea urchin–like nanostructures were
organic electrolyte and air cathode with electrocatalysts for successfully fabricated through a physical vapor deposition
oxygen reduction are also discussed. The report is intended to process by modulating the flow–rates of Ar carrier gas.[32]
pave the way for future study and improvements in the design In these morphologies, the Mg sea urchin shape, composed
of novel cell configurations with excellent energy density and of numerous nanoneedles, exhibited a high anode current
enhanced cycling retention performance. density of 136 mA cm−2 and a reasonable power density of
565 W h kg−1, attributed to the porous micro/nanomaterials
with high chemical activity and low Mg polarization/cor-
2. The Rapid Development of Rechargeable rosion rate in Mg(NO3)2–NaNO2 aqueous electrolyte for a
high–rate discharge. He also reviewed the current status of
Mg–Air Batteries
outstanding primary Mg–air batteries, focusing on the critical
2.1. The History of Rechargeable Mg–Air Batteries role of Mg nanomaterials in advanced applications in high-
energy storage and reversible conversion.[16,26] Inspired by
Based on a comprehensive survey, the development history of these works, porous Mg thin films (100 nm in thickness) and
Mg–air batteries can be divided into four steps as illustrated Mg–Al–Pb–Ce–Y alloys have been explored to improve the
in, Figure 2: the primary Mg–air battery, the rechargeable anodic efficiency.[33–35]
Mg2Ni–air battery, the rechargeable Mg–air battery in an For the electrolyte, much research of ionic liquids as useful
organic electrolyte, and the future rechargeable Mg–air cells additives took place from 2011 to 2014 in order to obtain high
with hybrid electrolytes. anode potentials and energy densities.[36–38] In addition, chi-
tosan−choline nitrate (CS−[Ch][NO3]) thin–film polymer elec-
trolytes have been found to deliver a high ionic conductivity of
2.2. The Recent Progress of Primary Mg–Air Batteries 8.9 × 10−3 S cm−1 and a volumetric power density of 3.9 W L−1
for Mg–air cells.[39] Reported in 2015, water soluble graphene in
The preliminary era of primary Mg–air batteries involved the NaCl solution displays a 1030.71 mA h g−1 discharge capacity,
fundamental scientific challenges of novel Mg anodes with a which is advantageous in reducing the anodic self–discharge
high electrochemical activity, a neutral electrolyte, and a bifunc- rate.[40] In particular, McCloskey and Luntz reported that 0.5 m
tional air cathode. Table 1 summarizes the significant break- NaNO3 allows 50% higher anode utilization by decreasing the
throughs of primary Mg–air batteries in recent years. However, H2 corrosion and 60% higher discharge capacity than that of
in an aqueous electrolyte, Mg electrodes are not suitable for 0.5 m NaCl solution.[41]

Figure 2.  The history of rechargeable Mg–air batteries and its major developments.

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Table 1.  The important developments of primary Mg–air batteries during very recent years.

Materials Morphology Synthesizing method Discharge performance Literatures Published

Mg anode Mg–Al–Pb–Ce–Y alloy Mg sheets Electromagnetic Mg–Al–Pb–Ce–Y alloy provides 60.5±0.2% [35] 2016
induction anodic efficiency at 10 mA cm−2, better than
pure Mg, AZ31,a) Mg–Al–Pb, Mg–Al–Zn (AZ)
and Mg–Al–Mn (AM) alloys.
Mg–air bioelectric batteries Thin film Chemical deposition A discharge capacity of 3.79 mA h cm−2 at a [46] 2016
composed of silk fibroin– and polymerization current of 10 µA cm−2 and a specific energy
polypyrrole film density of 4.70 mW h cm−2.
Mg-Al-Pb and Mg-Al-Pb-In Sheets Electromagnetic Mg-Al-Pb-In anode delivers a power density [34] 2014
alloy induction of 94.5 mW cm−2.
Porous Mg thin films Mg films with 100 nm Magnetron Mg–air battery displays an open-circuit voltage [33] 2013
thickness sputtering of 1.41 V, a plateau of 0.8–1.0 V, and a specific
discharge capacity of 821 mA h g−1.
Mico/nano Mg structures Spheres, plates, nanorods and Physical vapor 565 W h kg−1 at 5 mA cm−2 for [32] 2006
seaurchin-like nanostructures deposition Mg seaurchin.
Electrolyte Mg anode corrosion Mg sheets — NaNO3 solution provides 50% higher Mg [41] 2016
oxidation faradaic efficiency and 60% larger
discharge capacity than that of NaCl electrolyte.
Water-soluble graphene as A flake-like structure Solution preparation 1030.71 mA h g−1 specific discharge capacity [40] 2015
electrolyte additive in of Mg–air battery.
NaCl solution
Chitosan−choline nitrate — A casting method The polymer electrolyte shows a high ionic [39] 2014
(CS−[Ch][NO3]) thin-film conductivity of 8.9 × 10−3 S cm−1 and a volu-
electrolytes metric power density of 3.9 W L−1 for the cell.
Ionic-liquid-based non- — Electrochemical A mechanism of EtMgBr is reported for Mg–air [38] 2014
aqueous electrolyte synthesis of EtMgBr cells with high energy density.
Grignard reagent
[P6,6,6,14][Cl] based ionic liquid — — [P6,6,6,14][Cl] based electrolyte obtains a [36,37] 2014, 2011
electrolyte high Mg potential (−1.6 V vs Ag|AgCl) and
a stable high current density.
Solid-state oxygen shuttle film — Mg–air batteries observed a higher open-circuit [43] 2015
metal-air battery of 1.81 V and Mg utilization of 52%.
Cathode SmMn2O5 electrocatalyst Nanoparticles Co–precipitation and Discharge 300 min at 1 mA cm−2 in [44] 2016
heat–treatment 1 m NaCl electrolyte.
Ultrafine Mn3O4 nanowires/ Electrocatalysts for air cathode Microwave 3D catalysts have an electron transfer number of [45] 2016
three–dimensional gra- irradiation 3.95 (at 0.60 V vs Ag/AgCl) and kinetic current
phene/single–walled carbon density of 21.7–28.8 mA cm−2. Mg/air batteries
nanotube composites demonstrate a high cell open circuit voltage
(1.49 V), a high plateau voltage (1.34 V), and
a long discharge time (4177 min) at 0.2 mA cm−1.
PTFE/carbon fiber felts Super–hydrophobic porous Template method 73.3 mW cm−2 with 30% regular pores at [42] 2015
gas diffusion layers current density of 125 mA cm−1.

a)The composition of the AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet is 96% Mg, 3% Al, and 1% Zn. Mg-Al-Pb alloy is Mg-6 wt% Al-5 wt% Pb. Mg-Al-Pb-In alloy is Mg-6 wt% Al-5 wt% Pb-1 wt% In.

For the air cathode, Miao and Liu stated that PTFE/carbon oxygen–shuttle cell is unsuited as a rechargeable system due
fiber felts as super–hydrophobic gas diffusion layers contrib- to the clear increase of O2 pressure in the anode chamber,
uted 30% regular pores for a fast O2 supply and rapid kinetic greatly increasing the electrode resistance even after the initial
reactions.[42] To diminish the negative effects of evaporation discharge as shown in Figure 3 c–d. Recently, Wang and Yao
and decomposition of the electrolyte, Inoishi’s group invented et al. reported in 2016 that a SmMn2O5 electrocatalyst exhib-
a solid–state metal–air cell employing Ca–stabilized ZrO2 ion– ited catalytic activity via a fast 4e transfer reaction and superior
conducting shuttle as the electrolyte (Figure 3a).[43] Mg–air and stability in 1 m NaCl electrolyte for Mg–air battery, owing to the
Li–air oxygen–shuttle batteries displayed a higher open-circuit Mn–O* bonding strength of p-d hybridization in the mullite
(OCV) of 1.81 V compared with other mildly reducing anodes structure.[44] In addition, our previous work in 2016 described
(Zn, Fe, Si, and Sn), resulting from the excellent electrochem- that ultrafine Mn3O4 nanowires/three–dimensional graphene/
ical activity of Li and Mg metals and the high electron/ionic single–walled carbon nanotube (3D GN/SWCNT) composites
conductivity of the shuttle (Figure 3 b). However, the Mg–air demonstrated an electron transfer number of 3.95 (at 0.60 V vs

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Figure 3.  Solid–state oxygen shuttle rechargeable metal–air battery: a) Schematic of the oxygen shuttle concept.b) First discharge curves for a selection
of metal–air batteries with various metals as anodes. Impedance plots of the metal–air oxygen shuttle battery before and after discharge: c) Zn–air cell,
and d) Mg–air cell. Reproduced with permission.[43] Copyright 2015, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

Ag/AgCl) and a kinetic current density of 21.7–28.8 mA cm−2 (−) MH + OH− ↔ M + H2O + e − (1)
(52% of the Pt/C values) as illustrated in Figure 4, which were
synthesized by high–efficient microwave irradiation.[45] In our (+) NiOOH + H2O + e − ↔ Ni (OH)2 + OH− (2)
work, the Mg–air batteries assembled from the 3D electrocata-
lysts demonstrate a high cell open circuit voltage (1.49 V), a high Overall reaction : MH + NiOOH ↔ M + Ni (OH)2 (3)
plateau voltage (1.34 V), and a long operating life (4177 min) at
0.2 mA cm−1. However, the nominal capacity of the overall Ni–MH bat-
tery limited by the positive electrode, implying that most of the
cell volume in the sealed system is occupied by the Ni(OH)2
2.3. Metal Hydride–Air Battery electrode. Thus, it is expedient to replace the heavy Ni(OH)2
cathode by a much lighter air–breathing cathode in order to sig-
The second step was the development of a rechargeable nificantly raise the theoretical energy capacity of the cell. This
Mg2Ni–air battery. The metal hydride–air (MH–air) battery, inspired the novel concept of the rechargeable metal hydride–
a new cell configuration, is the combination of the recharge- air battery. The actual mechanism occurred in the MH–air cell
able Ni–MH battery and the metal–air battery in the strongly is described in reactions 4 to 6, and the intermediate species of
alkaline electrolyte.[27,47–54] As we know, Ni–MH secondary Mg2NiH4 produced during the cycles.
batteries with low self–discharge properties, consisting of a
hydrogen storage alloy as the anode and Ni(OH)2 as the cathode (−) 4OH− ↔ O2 + 2H2O + 4e − (4)
in KOH solution, have seen extensive application in cam-
eras, notebook computers, mobile phones, and hybrid electric (+) Mg 2Ni + 4H2O + 4e − ↔ Mg 2NiH4 + 4OH− (5)
vehicles following their commercialization in 1990. The great
virtues of the Ni–MH power source are its safety during long Overall reaction : Mg 2Ni + 2H2O ↔ Mg 2NiH4 + O2 (6)
charge–discharge periods and its reliability at a moderate power
density. The electrochemical reactions during charge–discharge The rare–earth based AB5–type and Mg–based A2B–type
cycles in the Ni–MH battery can be expressed as follows: hydrogen–storage alloys, as representative anode materials for

Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1700869 1700869  (5 of 11) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.advenergymat.de

Figure 4.  a) Typical XRD patterns of (I) Sample 1, commercial 3D GN/SWCNT sandwiches, (II) Sample 2, Mn3O4 nanosquares/3D GN/SWCNT com-
posite, and (III) Sample 3, ultrafine Mn3O4 nanowires/3D GN/SWCNT composite. b–e) SEM and TEM/HRTEM images of Mn3O4 nanostructures/3D
GN/SWCNT: b) Commercial pure 3D GN/SWCNT sandwiches for Sample 1, c) Well–defined Mn3O4 nanowires/3D GN/SWCNT composite for Sample
3. Representative TEM/HRTEM images d–e) of a single–stranded Mn3O4 nanowire. f) Rotating–disk voltammograms of Mn3O4 nanowires/3D GN/
SWCNT composite (Sample 3) in O2–saturated 0.1 m KOH at a sweep rate of 10 mV s−1 and different rotation rates. g) Typical discharge curves of
the Mg–air batteries measured with a current density of 0.2 mA cm−2 for ultrafine Mn3O4 nanowires/3D GN/SWCNT composite in the electrolyte of
a mixed electrolyte of Mg(NO3)2 (2.6 m) and NaNO2 (3.6 m) with an additive of 1.0 wt% [P6,6,6,14][Cl] ionic liquid. Reproduced with permission.[45]
Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.

reversible Ni–MH batteries, can be also used in MH–air bat- alloy, so that the discharge capacity gradually increases in the fol-
teries. For instance, AB5–type hydrogen–storage alloys exhibit a lowing two cycles (Figure 5 b). According to the phase and shape
low hydrogen storage capacity (1.37 wt% by forming LaNi5H6), evolutions before and after cycling, the degradation in capacity
an electrochemical equivalent of alloy (372 mA h g−1) and good over 62 cycles is mainly attributed to the oxidation of Mg2Ni,
corrosion resistance. In the AB5 composition, the A stands which forms an insulating Mg(OH)2 film on the electrode/
for the mixed elements of rare–earth metals from ore extrac- electrolyte interface, seriously damaging the morphology of the
tion, and the B is a complex component (including Ni, Co, Al, alloy anode and inhibits further cell reactions. This phenom-
Mn, Ce, Sn metals) to give a protective function for the stable enon was strongly supported by Wang HB et al. in 2009, who
hydrogen storage efficiency. LaNi5–based alloys have been found that a part of the Mg2NiH4 formed in reaction 5 spon-
reported as anodes in MH–air batteries in recent decades,[47–52] taneously decomposes into Mg2Ni and H2 gas via the parasitic
but obvious problems should still be addressed for promising reaction 7.[55] At the same time, the active Mg2Ni undergoes a
applications, such as the high cost of rare–earth metals and possible hydrolysis as written in reaction 8. Thus, the combined
the relatively low hydrogen storage density of heavy elements. self-corrosion reactions of Mg2NiH4 produce Mg(OH)2, metallic
To solve these critical issues, Mg2Ni, as one of the most impor- Ni and H2 gas as indicated in reaction 9. From the viewpoint
tant A2B–type hydrogen–storage alloys, has been developed as of thermodynamic theory, the hydrolysis of Mg2NiH4 is much
an attractive substitute for alloy anodes in MH–air batteries, easier than that of Mg2Ni, since ΔGfθMg2NiH4 (–64.4 kJ mol−1) <
owing to the low cost of abundant Mg, a high hydrogen storage ΔGfθMg2Ni (–51.9 kJ mol−1). Additionally, the bifunctional air elec-
capacity (3.61 wt% calculated from Mg2NiH4) and theoretical trodes are easily destroyed at the charging stage.[52] Therefore,
gravimetric energy density (999 mA h g–1). For example, Arof practical rechargeable Mg2Ni–air batteries for implementation
et al. reported polycrystalline Mg2Ni alloy powders fabricated in portable devices, assuming an acceptable high energy den-
using a mechanical alloying strategy.[27] The MH–air battery sity, should satisfy several strict requirements: (i) Mg2Ni micro/
comprises a Mg2Ni anode (to be converted to Mg2NiH4), an air nanostructures, which generally govern the hydrogen diffusion
cathode using manganese as an electrocatalyst and a 6 m KOH rate from the active surface to the interior of MH electrode, and
electrolyte, as illustrated in Figure 5a. The study concluded that tend to balance the anode expansion during hydriding/dehy-
the Mg2Ni alloy is helpful for improving open–circuit voltage driding process, (ii) an electrolyte with a low self–discharge
compared with the LaNi5–based alloys. In addition, the first dis- rate or alloy corrosion, and (iii) powerful electrocatalysts for the
charge–charge cycle of this MH–air battery activates the Mg2Ni oxygen reduction reaction to realize high–rate capabilities.

Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1700869 1700869  (6 of 11) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 5.  a) Cross-sectional view of an MH–air battery and its components. b) Charge–discharge curves of a Mg2Ni|6 m KOH|O2 battery. The inset in
b) is the scanning electron micrographs of Mg2Ni–graphite–PVA anode after cycling. Reproduced with permission.[27] Copyright 2003, Elsevier.

The self-corrosion reactions of Mg2NiH4 are given as: electrolyte, when Mg–O2 cells discharge, O2 is catalytically
reduced to O2– at the bifunctional air cathode to generate solid
(1st step ) : Mg 2NiH4 (s) → Mg 2Ni (s) + 2H2 (g ) (7) MgO2 and MgO. The ΔGfθ of MgO and MgO2 are –568.9 and
–567.8 kJ mol−1, respectively. The Gibbs free energy for the
(2nd step ) : Mg 2Ni (s) + 4H2O ( l ) → 2Mg (OH)2 (s) (8)
decomposition of MgO2 is slightly lower than that of MgO
+ Ni + 2H2 ( g ) on the cathode surface. Interestingly, a similar phenomenon
is observed in rechargeable Li–O2 and Na–O2 batteries, and
(Overall reaction ) : Mg 2NiH4 (s) + 4H2O ( l ) → 2Mg (OH)2 (s) it is clear that Li2O2 and Na2O2 with low Gibbs free energy
(9) barriers undergo an efficiently reversible complexation and
+ Ni + 4H2 ( g )
decomposition, in good agreement with the reported refer-
ences.[12–15,18–20] Thus, we make a prediction that it is a more
2.4. Rechargeable Mg-O2 Battery formidable challenge to develop a rechargeable Al–O2 battery,
because both Al2O3 (ΔGfθ: –1582.3 kJ mol−1) and Al(OH)3 (ΔGfθ:
Rechargeable metal–air batteries for alternative energy storage –1306.0 kJ mol−1) present very large obstacles based on ther-
technologies are considered a top priority to reduce the con- modynamic energy data.[56] For the reasons mentioned above,
sumption of fossil fuels and minimize air pollution. Among passive Al(OH)3 film always suffers from the poor interfacial
these technologies, the secondary Li–O2 battery has achieved kinetics of further dissolution of the Al anode.[29] These types of
particular attention in recent years because it provides fasci- analyses will greatly deepen our understanding of the thermo-
nating theoretical performances.[12,15,18–20] However, a major dynamics and kinetics of rechargeable metal–O2 batteries.
problem still remains in Li–O2 cells in that a large quantity To oxidize MgO precipitate, Shiga et al. established a catalytic
of hazardous Li2O2 is deposited on the air cathode during cycle for novel rechargeable Mg–air batteries, utilizing the iodine
discharging, which decomposes at high charging potentials (I2)–dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)[23] and the 2,2,6,6–tetramethylpi-
(3.1 V vs Li+/Li). More importantly, Li2O2, as a highly explo- peridine-oxyl (TEMPO)−anion complexes[24] as electrocatalysts
sive material, is too dangerous for the safety demands of prac- for air cathodes in 2013–2014 (Figure 6). MgO is easily pre-
tical commercial applications. Fortunately, the rechargeable pared by combining Mg2+ and reduced oxygen in nonaqueous
Mg–air battery demonstrates an outstanding theoretical volu- solution at room temperature (Mg2+ + 1/2O2 + 2e− → MgO).
metric density of 14 kW h L−1 and a superior theoretical energy During discharge, MgO is deposited on the O2−cathode/elec-
capacity of 3.9 kW h kg−1, exceeding the corresponding theo- trolyte interface, and greatly diminishes the current density of
retical data of Li–O2 cells. In the organic electrolyte, the MgO the electrocatalytic layer. However, MgO is very hard to reduce
that is precipitated upon discharging is environmentally benign to metallic Mg by cell charging, as shown by its high Gibbs free
but does not easily react further even at high charging voltages. energy of MgO (– 568.9 kJ mol−1), signifying high thermody-
Therefore, high–efficiency catalysts to increase the reactivity of namic stability. However, the I2–DMSO complex has the ability
MgO during charging in suitable nonaqueous electrolytes are to catalyze the oxidization of MgO. Experimental results con-
urgently needed for the scientific exploitation of this battery. firmed that the concentration of dissolved Mg ions originating
The discharge products are vital for secondary metal–O2 from MgO rises proportionally to increased concentrations of
cells since the reaction pathways associating the chemical I2, corresponding to the reaction kinetics point of view. The
reactions depend on them. In the primary Mg–O2 battery, proposed reaction pathway can be written as: MgO + I2 + 2e− →
Mg(OH)2 is combined with Mg2+ ions in the aqueous electro- Mg2+ + 2I− + 1/2O2. The charging mechanism via catalyzed
lyte and OH– is reduced using O2 in porous cathodes upon oxidization of MgO is proposed in Figure 6a. First, MgI2
discharge. The overall reaction can be expressed as follows: obtained from cathodic discharge is reduced to I2 by charging,
2Mg + O2 + 2H2O → 2Mg(OH)2. The standard Gibbs free after which I2 reacts with DMSO to produce I2–DMSO to fur-
energy of Mg(OH)2 (ΔGfθ −833.7 kJ mol−1) establishes a high ther oxidize MgO precipitate into a Mg2+ ion and O2 gas. Sub-
energy barrier, leading to the Mg anode being operated as an sequently, the catalyzing cycle continuously repeats until the
irreversible electrode in aqueous solution. In nonaqueous MgO disappears from the cathode surface, reflecting the 2.0 V

Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1700869 1700869  (7 of 11) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 6.  a) A proposed catalytic mechanism employing I2–DMSO for the charging process. b) Discharge–charge curves of the non-aqueous Mg–O2
battery with iodine at 60 °C. The black, pink, green, and red lines correspond to the first, second, third and fourth cycles, respectively. The blue line
represents a discharging–charging profile in the absence of iodine. Reproduced with permission.[23] Copyright 2013, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
c) Catalytic cycle for the TEMPO−anion complex during decomposition of metal oxide compounds, MxOy. The inset photographs show TEMPO+ClO4−
(upper) and TEMPO (lower). d) Cyclic performance of a nonaqueous Mg−O2 battery incorporating PTMA in the cathode at 60°C. Reproduced with
permission.[24] Copyright 2014, American Chemical Society.

charge plateau curve. The Mg–O2 battery provides a discharge n-butanol (BuOH).[57] The reaction kinetics for the dissolution
capacity of 2131 mA h g−1-cathode and a reversible capacity of Li2O2 in the novel I2–BuOH electrolyte was 70 times faster than
1590 mA h g−1 during the initial cycling at 60°C (Figure 6b). that of I2–DMSO for the solvation of Li2O2. The Li2O2 depos-
Similarly, the TEMPO–anion complex (PTMA+ClO4–) also ited on cathode surface is thoroughly disappeared below 3.6 V
electrochemically catalyzes the oxidization of MgO to enable (vs lithiated graphite electrode) during cell charging, which is
secondary Mg–O2 batteries via an analogous mechanism mainly influent by the reactive selectivity of BuOH with strong
(Figure 6c). At the charging stage, TEMPO reacts with an anion hydrogen bonds. The idea could help to further pursue the
to generate a TEMPO–anion complex. The complex immedi- pathway to significantly enhance the cycling ability of sec-
ately dissolves the solid MgO, and the TEMPO is regenerated. ondary Mg–O2 cells.
TEMPO+X– can subsequently be recycled by associating the The discharge species and reaction mechanism of the recharge-
regenerated TEMPO and another anion during cell charging. able Mg–O2 battery, obtained from both experimental investiga-
Note that the TEMPO redox couple serves as a bridge for MgO tions and theoretical simulation, were reported by Siegel et al.
oxidization. As shown in Figure 6d, the potential profiles of Figure 7a illustrates the half–reaction potentials for representa-
nonaqueous Mg–O2 battery demonstrate an initial discharging tive alkali metal–O2 cells. In Figure 7a line I–IV, the open–circuit
capacity of 737 mA h g–1 and corresponding charge capacity potentials (OCP) of these metal–O2 cells are based on the theoret-
of 460 mA h g–1. The charging capacity was determined by ical potential voltage, mainly derived from negative half–reactions
the dissolution of MgO via a catalytic process and the compl- of the active metal anode (Li, Na, K, and Mg) with O2 (dissolved
exation of PTMA+ClO4–. The irreversible capacity underwent in tetrahydrofuran (THF)–based electrolyte) to form MxOy com-
serious fading after the second cycle, attributed to the residual pounds. Nevertheless, they are highly similar to the half–reac-
MgO and the degeneration of the PTMA electrocatalyst in the tion potentials involving superoxide formation (O2 + e– ↔ O2–).
cathode. Nevertheless, these studies, exploiting the catalytic In particular, in the Mg–O2 battery, the superoxide (O2–) reaction
capability of the complex in an air cathode, open up a new (Figure 7a line V) processes a 0.9 V lower potential gap compared
route to design rechargeable Mg–O2 batteries. with the direct formation of MgO (Figure 7a line IV). It is there-
Generally, the catalyzing efficiency of cell intermediates in fore essential to identify a plausible reaction mechanism based
the liquid phase is greatly depended on the nature of electro- on the thermodynamics. The phenomenon can be explained by
lyte solvents. In lithium–air batteries, Huang and Shen’s group the “electrochemical–chemical–chemical” mechanism, which is
developed an effective method to catalyze the discharge product reported in the literature on Li–O2 batteries:[21,58–60] O2–, formed
Li2O2, using I2 as a redox mediator in the electrolyte solvent of by a one–electron oxygen reduction reaction, appears in the

Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1700869 1700869  (8 of 11) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 7.  The investigation of reaction pathway for a secondary Mg–O2 battery: a) Cell potentials and half-reaction potentials for several metal–O2
battery chemistries. The dashed red line corresponds to the potential at which O2 reduces to superoxide. b) Discharge/recharge cycles for a room-
temperature Mg–O2 cell at 5 µA cm−2 (superficial). Curves are labeled with the corresponding cycle numbers. Reproduced with permission.[21] Copyright
2015, American Chemical Society. c) Calculated free energy diagram for discharge and charging of a Mg–O2 cell using first-principles calculations,
for single-step reactions occurring on the oxygen rich MgO2 (111) “Orich-1” (black curve) and MgO2 (100) “Orich-3” (blue curve) surfaces. Energies
are plotted assuming the application of a potential, U, equal to the theoretical cell potential, U = U0. Reproduced with permission.[22] Copyright 2015,
American Chemical Society.

initial discharge step. MgO2 is formed by the reaction of Mg2+ 3. Conclusion and Outlook
ion and O2–, after which it decomposes into MgO and O2.[21,61]
Figure 7b exhibits the initial three cycles of a secondary Mg–O2 This progress report is devoted to summarizing the development
battery, using phenylmagnesium chloride:aluminum phenoxide history and current progress of rechargeable Mg–air batteries.
((PhMgCl)4−Al(OPh)3) in THF as the electrolyte. The discharge/ The rechargeable Mg–air battery, as one of the outstanding
charge capacity and the coulombic efficiency of the initial cycle candidates for the next generation of renewable power sources,
are relatively low, presumably as a result of the low solubility and has been the focus of intensive research. In fact, its volumetric
mass transport of dissolved O2 in THF solvent.[21] The O2 perme- density surpasses the value of Li–air batteries. However, only a
ation through the nonaqueous electrolyte determines the overall few reports have been released on the fundamental research on
cell capacity at a high rate. Based on a series ex−situ characteriza- secondary Mg–air cells in the last four years, even though pri-
tions (SEM, EDS, AES, XRD, and RS), the discharge product is mary Mg–air batteries have triggered widespread interest in Mg
composed of 30% amorphous MgO2 and 70% MgO by volume. micro/nanostructures and electrocatalysis in aqueous solution.
More importantly, MgO2 preferentially decomposes during cell The most significant breakthroughs towards the secondary bat-
charging due to the fast kinetics and favorable thermodynamics teries can be divided into two categories: first, I2–DMSO and
(MgO2 ΔGfθ –567.8 kJ mol−1 vs MgO ΔGfθ –568.9 kJ mol−1). TEMPO−anion complexes in air-breathing cathodes are able
Using first–principle calculations, Siegel et al. also studied the to catalytically decompose MgO precipitate into Mg2+ ions and
diverse reaction mechanisms related to the two discharging prod- reduced oxygen during cell charging. The cells achieve a high
ucts, MgO and MgO2. MgO2 as an intermediate is recommended, initial discharge capacity (737−2131 mA h g–1), but the irrevers-
rather than MgO, to decrease the overvoltages and dramatically ible capacities undergo serious fading upon cycling, which is
elevate the round–trip efficiencies to near 90% (Figure 7c). The associated with the residual MgO on the cathode surface and
simulation results are in exact agreement with the above experi- the degeneration of partial complex electrocatalysts. These com-
mental data. Therefore, research should aim to reveal the super- plex redox couples serve as a bridge to successfully manipulate
oxide–controlled discharging mechanism for secondary Mg–O2 the cycle process in nonaqueous multivalent Mg−O2 systems.
cells,[62,63] encouraging extensive efforts to design novel high–effi- For another, based on the combination of first–principles calcu-
cient stable catalysts. lations and experimental study, the MgO2–controlled reaction

Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1700869 1700869  (9 of 11) © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.advenergymat.de

mechanism of rechargeable Mg–O2 battery is preferred, as this Province (B2017209250), and the Doctoral Foundation of North China
pathway may decrease the thermodynamic overvoltages and University of Science and Technology (GP201310). The work is also
supported by the Australian Research Council through a Linkage Project
dramatically elevate the round–trip efficiencies to near 90%.
(LP120200432). The authors also acknowledge Dr. Tania Silver for
Although certain literature exists addressing the reaction scientific discussions and critical reading of the manuscript.
pathway and the catalytic cycle properties in secondary Mg–air
cells, many themes in the field still remain. Some significant
topics for future investigations are:
Conflict of Interest
1. Previous studies illustrated in the progress report demon- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
strate complex electrocatalysts for decomposing MgO during
the discharging stage; however, the sluggish kinetic efficien-
cy must also be urgently improved, because residual MgO on
the cathode after complete charging favors large cell polari­
zation and overvoltage, leading to reversible capacity fade air cathode, electrolyte, Mg anode, rechargeable magnesium–air batteries
and poor cyclability. A sufficiently stable catalyst for revers-
Received: March 30, 2017
ible formation–decomposition of MgO2 and MgO is required
Revised: May 4, 2017
to achieve long lifetimes. For instance, the nanocomposite Published online:
of graphene/Mn-based oxides/organic complex sustainably
operates as a functional catalyst for highly reversible charge/
discharge at a high current density.
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