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Queer Alliance Constitution

Queer Alliance at UCLA was formed to provide a bridge between all progressive LGBTQ+ organizations dealing
with issues that affect people who are traditionally disadvantaged on the basis of sexual orientation, romantic
attraction, gender expression, and/or gender identity. Queer Alliance recognizes the existence of past conflicts and
tension among groups of various cultures and seeks to address these issues by serving as a bastion of greater
understanding to which all interested parties can look towards as an example of the true spirit of cooperation
through facilitation. The alliance looks forward to maintaining its commitment to respect, understanding, equity,
and equality while underscoring the need for the complete eradication of heteronormativity, queerphobia, and
cisheterosexism outside and within the community at UCLA.

Article I Purpose

Section 1.1 Vision

Queer Alliance aims to create a self-sustaining community that supports all queer and trans
(QT) undergraduate students at UCLA. Queer Alliance also aims to work with communities
of color to create a more intersectional queer community in order to support and uplift

Section 1.2 Mission

Queer Alliance’s goals are to create and maintain sustainable access and retention programs,
create opportunities for any QT person to critically engage the community through meetings,
programming, advocacy to administrators, and dialogue around topics of queerness and

Section 1.3 Credit to Samahang Pilipino

Queer Alliance would like to thank and recognize that a majority of this constitution and
restructuring is modeled after Samahang Pilipino at UCLA’s constitution and structure.

Article II Organization

Section 2.1 Name

The organization from this point onwards will be known as Queer Alliance (QA) at UCLA.

Section 2.2 General Members

1. General members are those who one of the following must apply
a. A UCLA student who has attended and signed into three monthly General
Member meetings in the current academic school year. They must sign in
according to the methods provided by the General Member coordinators.
b. A UCLA student who is a leader of an Alliance organization and has attended
at least two monthly General Member meetings and signed into the meetings
in the current academic school year.
c. A UCLA student who is part of an Alliance Project and has attended at least
two monthly General Member meetings and signed into the meeting.
d. A current member of the executive board or staff in a staff group.

Section 2.3 General Member Powers and Responsibilities

1. General members:
a. Shall the be core of the organization.
b. Shall vote upon the next Executive Board during elections.
c. Shall be able to join in events, committees, and projects.
d. Shall provide relevant information to their respective Alliance organizations,
projects, and Committees.

Section 2.4 General Meetings

1. General Meetings:
a. Shall be held monthly.
b. Shall be planned by General Membership Coordinator, Internal Director, and
Education Coordinator in tandem (making sure to delegate tasks to appropriate
c. The plan for any General Meeting shall be approved by the Executive Board
before the meeting itself takes place.

Section 2.5 Record Keeping

1. A record shall be kept of all active members of QA. Committees shall be responsible
for supplying the Executive Board with records (including names, university emails,
and UIDs; hereafter “records”) of their current and active members, as well as
ensuring that their members meet the requirements for general membership through
communication with the Administrative Coordinator.
2. The Ourstorian Coordinator shall receive these records in order to keep an accurate
record of past and current members of QA.
3. The Administrative and General Membership Coordinators shall receive these records
for development and documentation purposes. The Administrative Coordinator shall
be responsible for verifying that reported QA Committee members meet general
membership requirements (i.e., cross-checking Committee lists with attendance

Article III Alliance Organizations

Section 3.1 Alliance Organizations

1. An organization will maintain its membership under Queer Alliance if:
a. It sends a representative to the Caucus meetings
b. It has consistent programs and/or meetings (as defined in their own
c. Alliance Organizations must present the executive board with its governing
documents. This statement will be kept in the Queer Alliance records with the
intention of club sustainability. These records can only be viewed by members
of this organization, future students looking to revive this club, and others the
executive board sees fit. The executive board and clubs leaders have complete
access to these forms and can, at any time, restrict others from viewing them to
protect the safety of Queer Alliance members. This is a form, and on this form
the organization must include:
i. The club’s name
ii. The club's vision & mission statement
iii. A set of club goals
iv. How often your club wished to meet (not including big events ie.
weekly, biweekly, monthly etc.)
v. What is the commitment level you are expecting from members
1. Can you be a casual member to be part of this club, or are
meetings mandatory to be a part of this club
vi. Brief outline of a format/agenda for your clubs meetings
1. Include: Stakeholders, history of organization
vii. Other information you find important or necessary to sustaining your
d. Alliance orgs should send their most updated constitution, this is part of
helping sustain the club in the future, and will be kept on record with the same
protections and access as the form

Section 3.2 Caucus

1. The purpose of the Caucus is to allow a direct way for Alliance Organizations to voice
themselves to the executive board through the Alliance Organizations Director as well
as allow the opportunity for collaborative efforts.
2. The Caucus will meet bi-weekly
3. The structure of the Caucus meetings will be decided by the Alliance Organizations
4. Each organization is entitled to 1 vote regardless of general membership size
a. The Alliance Organizations Director can only vote in the case of a tie
5. Caucus meetings are open to all, but voting powers in the Caucus are reserved for
those that are representing an Alliance Organization

Article IV Executive Board

Section 4.1 The Executive Board of Queer Alliance is an entity dedicated to overseeing the overall
development and operations of Queer Alliance. They shall make decisions on behalf of the
organization since the general members gave them the power to do so.

Section 4.2 Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities

0. The Elected Board
a. The Board shall have the power to review, discuss, and vote upon proposals
when the number of elected Board members meet or exceed quorum.
i. Quorum of The Board shall be defined as one more than half of the
elected board members.
b. All decisions of the elected Board shall be approved with a simple majority
c. All elected board members shall have the power to vote with the elections by
the General Members AND with the affirmations by the Alliance
i. After the elections, the board members shall be “interrim” with full
operations of being a board member except voting power.
1. Only after the affirmations into the positions by the Alliance
Organizations, the board members shall have full voting
2. The only exception would be the Alliance Organizations
Director which would be directly elected and affirmed by the
Alliance Organizations.
ii. When conducting business, every board member shall get one vote to
support, decline, or abstain the question on the table.
d. The Director, Internal Director, and External Director will be three of the main
positions representing the organization. Along with the Alliance Organizations
Director being the fourth main position, they will collectively be known as The
Executives on The Board.
e. Signatory status shall be awarded to The Director, The Internal Director, and
The Administrative Coordinator
1. Executive Director
a. Shall serve as the one of the four main representatives of Queer Alliance.
b. Shall support the operations, development, and direction of the organization.
i. Shall support the Internal Director to facilitate the development of the
leadership and operations of Queer Alliance.
c. Shall support establishing connections and facilitating activities with off and
on campus entities.
i. Shall support the External Director in representing the organization in
coalitional spaces.
d. Shall run, organize, and delegate responsibilities to the executive board and
their meetings.
2. Internal Director
a. Shall serve as the one of the four main representatives of Queer Alliance.
b. Shall be in charge of the operations, development, and direction of the
i. Shall be the primary coordinator in charge of developing board and
c. Shall assist in fulfilling the administrative and financial responsibilities of
Administrative and Financial coordinators.
3. External Director
a. Shall serve as the one of the four main representatives of Queer Alliance.
b. Shall communicate with alumni and community based organizations.
c. Shall be in charge of establishing connections and facilitating activities with
off and on campus entities.
i. Shall represent Queer Alliance in the MO Coalition, USAC, queer orgs
across southern California and widely across the nation.
ii. If the Mother Organization Coalition is not active, the External Director
of Queer Alliance is obligated to reach out to the Coalition to restart
weekly meetings.
4. Alliance Organizations Director
a. Shall be appointed by the Alliance Organizations representatives.
b. Shall coordinate meetings with the Alliance Organization representatives and
serves to be the official voice of concerns of The Alliance to the Queer
Alliance Board.
i. Shall be the main person in charge of facilitating the meetings and the
Internal Director will support or take over when the Alliance
Organizations Director is unavailable.
c. Shall take the initiative to organize and develop the leadership of the Alliance
d. Shall hold Queer Alliance accountable to the Alliance Organizations.
5. Administrative Coordinator
a. Shall help keep documentation of general membership such as sign in sheets,
general membership rosters, etc.
b. Shall manage the Queer Student Center
c. Shall oversee the social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, our
own website, etc.) of Queer Alliance.
d. Shall take care of logistical forms and tasks.
e. Shall reserve rooms for the organization.
i. Shall be a signatory of Queer Alliance to reserve rooms.
f. Shall take and maintain records of Board Meetings with the Internal Director
and General Meetings with the General Membership Coordinator.
6. Retention Coordinator
a. Shall be the Queer Alliance Sustaining Academics and Retention (QuASAR)
liaison by going to their meetings and developing the project.
b. Shall be the official liaison to the LGBT Campus Resource Center to
coordinate on behalf of the retention project and the Campus Retention
Committee, hereby known as “CRC.”
c. Shall work with QuASAR and Board to fulfill all responsibilities
7. Access Coordinator
a. Shall be the Project 1 liaison by going to their meetings and developing the
b. Shall be the official liaison to the LGBT Campus Resource Center to
coordinate on behalf of the access project and the Student Initiated Outreach
Committee, hereby known as the “SIOC.”
c. Shall work with P1 and Board to fulfill all responsibilities
8. Financial Coordinator
a. Shall be knowledgeable on the funds Queer Alliance currently has, how the
funds can be used, and advice on funding.
i. Create a budget for the academic year
b. Shall be responsible for submitting funding applications.
c. Shall plan and coordinate fundraisers.
9. General Membership Coordinator
a. Shall coordinate the creation of General Meetings for board to facilitate.
b. Shall create programs and development for general members.
c. Shall develop the general members with the help of the Internal Director and
Education Coordinator.
10. Education Coordinator
a. Shall coordinate the discussion between the LGBTQ and Gender Studies
departments with Queer Alliance.
b. Shall coordinate the QA Board Internship with the Internal Director .
i. Shall also have the agency to facilitate the appointment of an Internship
Coordinator, if necessary.
11. Queer Trans People of Color Coordinator
a. Shall create a safe environment for Queer and Trans people of color for the
b. Shall develop programs, workshops, and spaces for the development of
QTPOC and accomplices.
i. Shall coordinate with the QTPOC Alliance Organizations regularly.
ii. Work with the External Director to send delegations to QTPOC
c. Shall ensure that Queer Alliance is accountable to QTPOC and their specific

Section 4.3 Board Responsibilities

On top of the individual responsibilities of their board positions and being General Members,
all members of The Board must also:
A. Attend a majority of general meetings, board meetings, and board retreats.
B. Aid in preparing and facilitating general meetings, board meetings, and all Queer
Alliance activities.

Section 4.4 Signatory Status

The following positions will be listed down as signatories of Queer Alliance: Executive
Director, Internal Director, and Administrative Coordinator.

Section 4.5 Terms of Service

1. All elected or appointed officials shall be UCLA students.
2. Each elected or appointed official shall serve QA for the duration of one academic
year, beginning in summer sessions. A transition period after elections in the spring
quarter will be observed, in which newly elected or appointed officials shall acclimate
to their posts.
a. There shall be no cap to amount of terms served by any official.
b. A single person shall hold no more than one official position, except in
extenuating circumstances. In this case, the Executive Board shall convene and
approve the dual officialship by a quorum. The official in question shall
abstain from the vote.
c. No member of the executive board shall hold any leadership positions in
Alliance groups, Projects, Boards, or Committees in addition to their executive

Section 4.6 Committees

1. Committee guidelines
a. The original committee chair (directly after forming the committee) will be
appointed by the executive board
i. The appointed committee chair can be any general member
b. Once a committee is formed they must submit their chair(s) names and purpose
to the executive board in writing
c. Committees can be initiated by any executive board member and can be
appointed initially by the executive board, however once a chair(s) is put into
place, all further members of said committee should be appointed by the
d. All committee members are required to check in with each other at least once
every two weeks to ensure that the committee is working towards its stated
e. Additionally, in-person meetings will be decided by the chair(s)
f. If at any point the goals/mission/function change or there is change to the
chair(s) this must be reported to the Executive Board.
2. Forming Additional Committees
a. These can be formed at any time by any member of the executive board.
b. Every member of the executive board must be informed when a new
committee is made.
3. Disbanding Additional Committees
a. At any time the chair(s) can request to disband an additional committee
b. Request of disbandment must be presented to the Executive Board to be voted
on at the next Executive Board meeting. Majority of the executive board must
vote in favor of the committee being disbanded
i. This is in place in order to keep the executive board informed on what
committees are still in place.
c. If the executive board feels that the committee is no longer upholding the
values of Queer Alliance then a meeting will be held between the executive
board, and the entire committee. If after the meeting the board still feels the
committee is not aligned with Queer Alliance they can disband the committee
by unanimous vote excluding the chair of the committee (if that committee
member is an executive board member)
4. Request for disbanding the committee denied
a. If the executive board votes to keep the committee, then the board needs to
inform the committee what goals they are hoping to accomplish by keeping the
b. The committee must re-evaluate their function and re-submit it to the board at
the next committee meeting
c. If the chair decides to step down from the committee and there is no co-chair
then the executive board members must appoint a new chair, this new chair can
be any general member.
5. Committee Structure
a. Each committee will have:
b. Chairperson or co-chair people
i. In charge of running the committee meetings
ii. Decides how often in person meetings will take place, and
where they will take place
1. Availability of all members must be taken into account
when deciding dates and times to try and ensure member
iii. Make sure the committee is working towards its goals at the
iv. Able to delegate work as needed
v. Decides the formality, or informality of the meetings, as well as
required or non required attendance, depending on their goals
and urgency of completing those goals.
c. Corresponder:
i. This person must be the, or one of the, chair people.
ii. If possible, this person should be an executive board member
iii. They are in charge or either taking notes on the meeting or
acquiring notes taken at committee meeting
iv. They must report the status of the committees to the executive
board every week
d. Additional committee positions can be made at any time and appointed
by the chair(s), and the roles of these new positions will be determined
by the chair(s).
i. Executive board can also request for additional positions to be
added to the committee, however this must be approved by the

Article V Appointed Board

Section 5.1 Purpose of Appointed Board

These are leadership positions filled by Queer Alliance members to help support the executive
board. Their positions are essential to keep Queer Alliance running programs, and
representing the voice of the Queer community to the best of their ability. Appointed board
groups are formed to delegate responsibilities to form programs to support queer students. All
appointed board members shall not have voting powers in the board space

Elected board shall also have the discretion to create new appointed board positions should
the needs to create a new position arise.

Section 5.2 Appointed Positions

1. Alumni Coordinator
a. Shall keep an updated record of queer alliance alumni on a spreadsheet
b. Shall create and maintain a LinkedIn group for queer/trans students and alumni
c. Shall create events that introduce current students to alumni such as: alumni
mixers, socials, etc.
d. Shall create professional development events and other resources not available
to the queer trans community such as: resume and company workshops
e. Shall keep contact with the UCLA Lambda Alumni association
2. Ourstorian Coordinator
a. Shall keep accurate records of history of Queer Alliance, including its
formation, and various events etc.
b. Shall keep record of the current functions within Queer Alliance, this includes
having a copy of minutes, agendas, program outlines, plans, documentation of
member reviews of Queer Alliance programs
c. Shall keep copies of all forms submitted by Alliance Organizations, including
their Organization statement, constitutions etc.
3. Projects Coordinator
a. Shall be in charge of the logistics and development behind the access and
retention projects.
b. Shall work alongside the Access and Retention Coordinators to assess the
vision, goals, and directions of the projects.
c. Shall meet with other Project Coordinators to collaborate and create a sense of
community building with other Access and Retention projects.
d. Shall act as a representative of the projects to administrative spaces such as the
LGBTCRC and other external spaces.
4. Signature Programs Coordinator
a. Shall be in charge of NCOW, Pride Week, Queer Cafe, Queer Welcome Week,
Queer Culture Night, Lavender Graduation, and other signature programs.
5. Freshmen PAW Coordinator
a. Shall be in charge of planning yield events for incoming Freshmen
b. Shall be able to create committees and attend yield meetings put on during the
end of fall quarter until the beginning of spring quarter
6. Transfer PAW Coordinator
a. Shall be in charge of planning yield events for Queer/Trans transfers
b. Shall be able to create committees and attend yield meetings put on during the
end of fall quarter until the beginning of spring quarter

Section 5.3 Standing Committees

1. Executive Committee
a. Shall be the committee that oversees the entire organization in terms of
logistics, development, campaigns, etc.
b. Headed by the Executive Director
c. Members: Internal Director, External Director, Alliance Organizations
2. Academic Committee
a. Shall be the committee that specializes in streamlining and overseeing the
development/curriculum of the organization, leadership, and general members.
b. Headed by Internal Director and Alliance Organizations Director
c. Members: Education Coordinator, Access Coordinator, Retention Coordinator
3. Political Committee
a. Shall be the committee that researches and discusses the historical and political
environments for Queer and Trans student of color.
b. Headed by External Director
4. Activities Committee
a. Shall be the committee that plans, delegates, and executes programs on behalf
of the organization.
b. Headed by General Membership Coordinator
c. Members: Signature Programs Coordinator, Financial Coordinator, Education
5. QTPOC Committee
a. Shall be the committee that highlights the struggles that QTPOC, specifically,
b. Headed by QTPOC Coordinator
6. Projects Committee
a. Shall be the committee that coordinates the progress, development, and work
that the projects put on to further streamline the process of working together.
b. Headed by Projects Coordinator, Access Coordinator, Retention Coordinator
c. Members: Freshman PAW Coordinator, Transfer PAW Coordinator
7. Administrative Committee
a. Shall be the committee that is in charge of the social media, graphics, website,
and any other logistical tasks of the organization.
b. Headed by Administrative Coordinator

Section 5.4 Standing Committee Responsibilities

1. Executive Committee
a. Shall be responsible of making sure that QA is following through with the
mission statement as well as making sure that they are working towards
addressing all issues that may be brought up by the community.
2. Academic Committee
a. Shall coordinate the curriculum and development of the organization.
b. Shall be in charge of holding workshops and events to inform students about
the history and struggle of LGBTQ+ students.
3. Political Committee
a. Shall be in charge of voicing the LGBTQ+ community as well as informing
students about current events that impact the community.
4. Activities Committee
a. Shall be in charge of hosting events and workshops to build involvement and
community within LGBTQ+ students.
5. QTPOC Committee
a. Shall be in charge of helping inform students about the history of all QTPOC.
6. Projects Committee
a. Shall be in charge of supporting QA projects and making sure that they are
functional and effective.
7. Administrative Committee
a. Shall make sure that all is functioning well within the QA board including
general meetings, executive board meetings, and caucus meetings.

Section 5.5 Committee Guidelines

1. Selection Process
a. Would apply through online applications, which are to be reviewed and chosen
by current exec board members.
b. If more than one person applies, the favored candidate needs simple majority

Article VI Elections

Section 6.1 General Elections

1. The general elections will include voting in the following:
a. Executive board positions: Executive Director, Internal Director, External
Director, Administrative Coordinator, Access Coordinator, Retention
Coordinator, Financial Coordinator, General Membership Coordinator,
Education Coordinator, Queer Trans People of Color Coordinator.
2. Candidates
a. Any general member can be a candidate but they must be nominated for
candidacy by two general members.
b. Candidates must be nominated for their positions no earlier than week six of
winter quarter, and accept no later than week nine of winter quarter.
c. Candidates must decide on their platforms and publicly announce them by
week nine of winter quarter.
d. All candidates must explicitly state one of the general members that nominated
them and the nominator must confirm it.
3. Elections General Meeting
a. A meeting for elections must be hosted by the General Membership
Coordinator during the second week of spring quarter.
i. If the General Membership Coordinator is a candidate, someone else
from their committee will host.
ii. This meeting must start off with candidate introductions, where every
position and their roles will be read out/introduced to all of the general
members present. Then for each position accordingly the nominator of
the candidate will have thirty seconds to speak on behalf of why they
chose to nominate the candidate. The candidate will then have sixty
seconds to introduce themselves and their platforms. This will continue
for each candidate under each position.
iii. All candidates that are not present can have a person that nominated
them speak on their behalf for sixty seconds.
iv. Then questions will be opened up to the audience, town hall style.
1. All candidates under a single position will come up at once, and
have 30 seconds each to answer each question asked to or about
the position.
b. After every candidate for every position has been introduced to the general
members then candidates must leave the rooms for elections.
c. The voting form must then be publicly released to the general members, this
form must include
i. A place for a general member to input their UCLA ID number.
ii. Each candidates name must be listed under the position they are
running for and general members shall rank each candidate. A ranking
of one being their first choice and two being their second choice and so
1. Not all candidates need to be ranked, it is up to the discretion of
the general member
d. The voting will be in the style of runoff
i. In this method of election, a rank one (1) vote is assigned to the
candidates to the voter’s first (1st) preference and so on. A candidate is
declared elected when their vote total is at least a majority of the valid
votes. If a voter’s preference is on a candidate with the lowest accrued
vote total, and no one has been elected, their vote is transferred with
full value to the next preferred candidate still in the running.
1. Credit for this explanation (section 6.1 line 3.d.i) of the runoff
method goes to UCLA’s USAC constitution
e. A voting ballot will be considered invalid if the UCLA ID number that appears
of the form is not one of the numbers that previously approved. It will also be
considered invalid if a UCLA ID number appears on more than one balate
i. General member meeting coordinator must email those who have had
invalid voting ballots to offer them a chance to re-vote within 24 hours,
and resolve the issue or have their vote void.
f. General members will be able to vote from the date of the elections candidate
meeting and the following seven days. After seven days the ballot will be
closed for the year.
4. Results of the elections will be publicly released Friday of third week.

Section 6.2 Voting power of the general members

1. Every general member will be approved by email to vote by week one of spring
quarter, and using their UCLA ID number they will be able to complete one valid
balot, where they can vote on candidates.
2. This balot and the way the member voted will be accurately recorded to contribute to
the final candidate, following the runoff system.

Section 6.3 Voting power of the Caucus

1. All of The Alliance Organization representatives come together to form a voting
caucus to handle voting on the Alliance Organizations Director
2. Process of voting on Alliance Organizations Director
a. The caucus must first meet with the candidates for the position during the first
weeks of fall quarter
b. After having a chance to meet all the candidates the caucus must meet a second
time to discuss who will best support all of the alliance organizations
i. There should be time between the caucus meeting and the final vote so
that the alliance organization representatives can also discuss the
candidates with their individual organizations
c. A third meeting must happen in week three of fall quarter. Where all
representatives will have one vote. The vote will be overseen and recorded by
the internal director. The new candidate with the majority vote wins and will
be the alliance liason the following year
1. The internal director will have no vote in this caucus
d. Replacing the current Alliance Organizations Director can occur at any time if
the representatives feel that they are not longer being properly represented and
supported, or the coordinator is otherwise not fulfilling their role as outlined in
the constitution
e. To vote someone out the Alliance Organization representatives must first
contact the executive board to let them know of the situation
i. An emergency caucus can then be set where all the representatives and the
internal director of Queer Alliance will meet
ii. The internal director of Queer Alliance will only facilitate and record the vote,
they will not have a vote in this caucus
iii. The representatives must vote out the current Alliance Organizations Director
with a majority vote
iv. Then they must elect by majority vote one of the representatives in the Senet to
fill in the position
b. Electing a replacement liaison
i. The Caucus representatives must decide on best course of action following the
removal of the AO Director. They can choose to have the previously voted on
representative continue being the AO Director for the remainder of the year or
they can choose to host re-elections for a new director who is not a
ii. The re-elections should occur in a successive two week process
1. Week 1: the representatives must meet the candidates then discuss
amongst the representatives who they feel would best represent all the
alliance organizations
2. Week 2: representatives must hold a caucus facilitated and recorded by
the internal director. Where majority vote picks the new coordinator
3. The Caucus shall affirm the board members into their positions by simple majority
vote so that the board members may have voting power in the board space.
4. The Caucus shall also be able to ratify the constitutions and amendments to the
constitutions by a two thirds vote.
a. Each Alliance organization will have one vote and it will be recorded and
tallied by the acting General Member Coordinator.

Article VII Constitutional Provisions

Section 7.1 Non-discriminatory Clause

1. The Queer Alliance, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and
University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
religion, sex, physical or mental disability, age, medical condition (cancer related or
genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or
status as a Vietnam era veteran or special disabled veteran. The Queer Alliance also
prohibits sexual harassment. This non-discrimination policy covers organization
membership, access to organization programs and activities, and the general treatment
of members in the organization.

Section 7.2 Impeachment

1. If a director is deemed to be incapable of carrying out their duties, options for removal
or reassessment are:
a. Emergency Caucus: all member orgs meet and decide if a director is of
questionable authority (can also be done at the bi-weekly Alliance
Organizations meetings)
i. Once a majority vote is decided whether to investigate a director, a list
of grievances will be created and presented at a meeting with the
director in question.
ii. The director then has the ability to make their case.
iii. A strict limit of 30 minutes will be given to questions (not including
time to ask a question).
iv. The member orgs will then vote whether or not to remove the director.
A ¾ vote is required.
2. If an Executive Board member is deemed to be incapable of carrying out their duties,
options for removal or reassessment are:
a. Submissions of grievances must be sent to the Executive Director
i. A 1:1 meeting with the Executive Director will occur to discuss
grievances with the Executive Board member
ii. The Executive Board member will be given 30 days to correct the
grievances and re-meet with the Executive Director who will decide if
termination is necessary
1. Re-hiring a vacant Executive Board position is reserved to the
Executive Director who in the meantime will be overseeing the
vacant position and the Executive Director may appoint people
in the manner they wish to do so but cannot create new positions
2. If at least 15 days through the probationary period, the
Executive Board Member in question is not making any notable
changes to such grievances against them, the Executive Director
and the Executive Board Member in question will meet again by
which the end of this meeting the Executive Director can decide
whether or not to terminate the Executive Board Member.
3. Appointed Board
a. Removing Appointed Board members is left to the discretion of the Executive
Board and officiated by a ⅔ vote.
b. Replacement of a vacant Appointed Board position is left to the discretion of
the Executive Board and officiated by a simple majority vote.
4. Filling Vacant Positions
a. If an executive position becomes vacant, but the executive director remains, the
executive director will delegate out the duties to themselves and other board
members until they can appoint/elect someone else.
b. If the Executive Director position becomes vacant, the Internal and External
Director will assume the Executive Director position. The line of succession
will follow constitutional order of the board positions.
Section 7.3 Conflict Resolution Clause

In the event of an internal conflict within Queer Alliance the following options are highly
encouraged (but not mandatory) to be taken to resolve the issue fairly and efficiently:

1. If the conflict is isolated within the three directors, executive board, appointed board,
and/or the Caucus, UCLA Ombuds Services will be reached out to by the executive
director in order to facilitate conflict resolution dialogue. The LGBT Center and Queer
Alliance’s SOLE advisor will also be informed of the conflict immediately by the
executive director. The involvement in conflict resolution by the LGBT Center or
Queer Alliance’s SOLE advisor is left solely to the discretion of said entities.
a. If the executive director fails to initiate contact with UCLA Ombuds Services
within 1 week of the conflict, ​any​ general member, regardless of position, may
petition the LGBT Center to assist in outreach and conflict resolution.
2. If the conflict is beyond the scope of UCLA Ombuds Services (e.g. Title IX offenses),
the proper entities will be contacted. The entities listed below are recommendations
but is not exhaustive of all possible routes one may take toward conflict resolution.
a. Conflicts in regards to sexual violence: UCLA Title IX Office
b. Conflicts regarding legal matters: UCLA Student Legal Services
c. Conflicts regarding violation of Article VII Section 7.1: UCLA Dean of
Students Office
3. If the conflict is between the three directors, executive board, appointed board, and/or
the Caucus AND a general member(s), UCLA Ombuds Services will be contacted by
the executive director and the LGBT Center and Queer Alliance’s SOLE Advisor will
be informed of the conflict immediately. The involvement in conflict resolution by the
LGBT Center or Queer Alliance’s SOLE advisor is left solely to the discretion of said
4. If the conflict is isolated between general members that do not hold positions in the
directorship, executive board, appointed board, and/or the Caucus:
a. The General Membership Coordinator will be the first point of contact and will
decide if the conflict is within the scope of the conflict resolution process
detailed in this clause.
i. If the conflict is not within the scope, The General Membership
Coordinator shall refer the general members to entities that can assist in
conflict resolution.
ii. If the conflict is within the scope, The General Membership
Coordinator will have 1 week from being informed of the conflict to
contact UCLA Ombuds Services about conflict resolution dialogue and
may report the conflict to the Executive Director, LGBT Center, and
Queer Alliance’s SOLE Advisor only with the written and verbal
consent of ALL participating parties in the general member conflict.
1. If the General Membership Coordinator fails to initiate contact
with UCLA Ombuds Services within 1 week of the conflict, any
general member, regardless of position, may petition the LGBT
Center to assist in outreach and conflict resolution.

Section 7.4 Provision to Make Financial Records Available

Queer Alliance will make financial records available to university administrators upon request
within a week after said request.

Article VIII Amendments

Section 8.1 Amending the Constitution

1. Amendments to the Constitution can be brought up by anyone in the general
membership, leadership, or in the Alliance Organizations.
2. Following the needs to create amendments to the Constitution, The Board will create a
Constitutional Restructuring Committee headed by board members.
a. This committee shall look over the Constitution and make amendments as
b. This committee shall present it’s changes to the general membership first.
3. General Membership gets to change and restructure the Constitution as needed, but
will need a ⅔ rds majority vote to pass the constitution.
4. Then, the newly passed constitution will be brought up to the Alliance Organizations
Caucus where they will be given the power to ratify the Constitution by majority vote.

Article IX The Projects

Section 9.1 Purpose of the Projects

In order to ensure the ability of students within our communities to be able to go to four year
universities and be able to sustain themselves when they get there, Queer Alliance must create
access and retention projects to meet these needs.

Section 9.2 Project 1 (P1) - Queer Alliance’s Access Project

An access program to local middle and high schools. P1 hopes to encourage a link between
high schools and UCLA such as other projects. In the future, P1 may also link PAW and
Queer/Trans Youth Empowerment Day with the schools they work with.

Section 9.3 Queer Alliance Sustaining Academics and Retention (QuASAR) - Queer Alliance’s Retention

QuASAR shall be an on campus retention program for Queer and Trans students of color.
QuASAR aims to achieve the 100% graduation rate of Queer/Trans people of color at UCLA.
This project will create a mentorship program, train peer counselors, and facilitate
professional development workshops.

Queer Trans Academy (Queertorship Program)

This is the mentorship program underneath QuASAR.

Article X Enabling Act

Section 10.1 This newest Constitution of Queer Alliance shall be ratified and in effect by the two-thirds
vote of the currently named Member Organizations. If the Member Organizations refuses to
ratify the Constitution in its entirety, then amendments will be proposed by sections and then
line-by-line, if necessary. If the Constitution is ratified for the 2018-2019 school year, all
Articles but Article VI (Elections) will be in effect immediately.

Board Members Signature Date

Programming Director

External Director

Outreach Manager

Pride Admit Weekend Director

Queer Trans Academy Director

QA Organizations Liaison

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