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This chapter is presents findings of the analyzing for listening task and the

explanation derived from the analysis. Workbook (LKS) Aspirasi has three chapters,

each chapter has different quantity of listening tasks which are the total number of tasks

are nine tasks. Every tasks of listening in the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi are made based

on syllabus and also has indicators for each task as the learning objective. This chapter

presents the relevancy between syllabus and listening task in the workbook (LKS)

Aspirasi. Therefore, listening task in the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi has different types

of listening and it is found that there are two types of listening, there are focused

listening and attentive listening.

4.1 Findings

Workbook (LKS) Aspirasi of KTSP for senior high school at tenth grade in

odd semester.

Chapter 1 of workbook (LKS) Aspirasi has four listening tasks which were each

of listening task has different task activities and types. The analysis of listening tasks

in chapter one would be explained by the table:

Table 4.1.1
(The analysis of listening tasks in chapter one)

The relevancy
Chapter Indicator Listening task Type of listening
 X

1  Mengidentifikasi  Task 2  Focused 

makna tindak (fill in the listening
tutur berkenalan blank and
answer the
 Task 6  Focused 
(listen to the listening
short text then
answer the

 Merespon tindak  Task 10  Attentive

tutur berkenalan. (listen and listening
answer the

 Task 1  Attentive 
(listen to your listening
teacher and

 Task 4  Attentive 
(listen to your listening
teacher and

 Mengidentifikasi X
makna tindak
tutur menyetujui

 Merespon tindak X
tutur menyetujui

 Mengidentifikasi (The task is in
makna tindak chapter 3)
tutur menerima

 Merespon tindak (The task is in

tutur menerima chapter 3)

 Mengidentifikasi (The task is in

makna tindak chapter 3)

 Merespon tindak (The task is in

tutur chapter 3)

Based on the table above, in the chapter 1 of the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi the

researcher only found some tasks about the expression of greeting which were each of

the task has different listening task activities and instructions of the task. There were

Task 1, the instruction of the task was to listen and to repeat the teacher about

expression of greeting someone. Task 2, the instruction of the task in this chapter were

to listen the dialogue and fill in the blank space and answer the questions about

expression of greeting someone. Task 4, the instruction of the task was listen and repeat

your teacher about self-introduction. Task 6, the instruction of the task was work with

your partner, listen to the short text then answer the questions about the expression of

self-introduction. The last one, task 10, the instruction was listen and answer the

questions about expressing introducing other people.

Task 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10 refers to competence standard number 1 and also basic

competence 1.1 about response the expression of greeting, introducing, accepting and

declining the invitation, and accepting and cancelling appointment. Task 1 and 4 have

the same activities which were the students expected to reach the indicator to response

the expression of greeting and introducing. Afterwards, task 2, 6 and 10 also refers to

competence standard number 1 and basic competence 1.1 about response the

expression of greeting, introducing, accepting and declining the invitation, and

accepting and cancelling appointment. Task 2, 6 and 10 have the same activities which

were the students expected to reach the indicator to identify the expression of greeting

and introducing.

The type of listening in task 1 and 4 were attentive listening because in these

tasks, the students were required to response and to repeat the teacher’s talk about

expression of greeting and introducing and this kind of tasks were suitable with

attentive listening type. Meanwhile, the type of listening in tasks 2, 6 and 10 were

focused listening because the students were required to listen the dialogue, fill in the

blank space, listen to the short text and also answer the questions which were the

students have to find specific information about the text that they have heard.

Furthermore, there was no task about accepting and declining invitation. It implies that

only four tasks were relevant with the indicator of basic competence 1.1 in the syllabus.

Chapter 2 of the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi has two listening tasks which were

each of listening task has different task activities and types.

Table 4.1.2
(The analysis of listening tasks in chapter two)

The relevancy
Chapter Indicator Type of listening
task  X

2  Mengidentifikasi X
makna tindak tutur
perasaan bahagia.
 Merespon tindak X
perasaan bahagia.

 Mengidentifikasi
makna tindak tutur

 Merespon tindak
tutur menunjukkan

 Mengidentifikasi  Task 3  Focused 

makna tindak tutur (listen and listening
menunjukkan answer the
perhatian. questions)

 Merespon tindak  Task 1  Attentive

tutur menunjukkan 
(listen to listening
perhatian. your
teacher and
answer the


 Mengidentifikasi
makna tindak tutur
memberi instruksi.

 Merespon tindak
tutur memberi X

Based on the table above, in the chapter 2 of the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi the

researcher only found two tasks about the expression of showing concern/unconcern

which were each of the task has different listening task activities and instructions of

the task. Task 1, the instruction of the task was to listen and to answer the questions

orally about showing concern/unconcern. The students were required to answer the

questions orally. Task 3, the instruction of the task in this chapter was to listen and

answer the questions about showing concern/unconcern.

Task 1 and 3 in the chapter 2 of the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi refers to

competence standard number 1 and basic competence 1.2 about showing expression of

happiness, concern, sympathy, and giving instruction. In the task 1 the students were

expected to reach the indicator to response the expression of showing concern.

Whereas, in the task 3 the students were expected to reach the indicator to identify the

meaning of expression of showing concern/unconcern.

The type of listening in task 1 is attentive listening because the students were

have to response and answer the questions by the teacher orally. Subsequently, the

listening type in task 3 was focused listening because the students were required to

grasp the specific information by listening to the dialogue and then answer the

questions. Furthermore, the researcher only found the task about expression of showing

concern/unconcern while there were no tasks about expression of showing happiness,

sympathy, and giving instruction. It implies that only two tasks were relevant with the

indicator of basic competence 1.2 in the syllabus.

Chapter 3 of the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi is the last chapter on this

workbook. It has three listening tasks which were each of listening tasks has different

task activities and types.

Table 4.1.3
(The analysis of listening tasks in chapter three)

The relevancy
Chapter Indicator Listening task Type of listening
 X

3  Mengidentifikasi (The task is in

makna tindak chapter 1)
tutur berkenalan

 Merespon tindak (The task is in

tutur berkenalan. chapter 1)

 Mengidentifikasi X
makna tindak
tutur menyetujui


 Merespon tindak X
tutur menyetujui

 Mengidentifikasi  Task 6  Focused

makna tindak (listen to the listening
tutur menerima dialog and
janji answer the
Mengidentifikasi questions)
makna tindak

 Merespon tindak  Task 4  Attentive 

tutur menerima (listen to your listening
janji. teacher and
Merespon tindak repeat)
 Mengidentifikasi  Task 1  Focused 
bahan yang (listen to the listening
digunakan dalam dialog and
then fill in the
teks procedure
blank space)
yang didengar

Based on the table above, in the chapter 3 of the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi the

researcher found out two tasks about the expression of accepting and cancelling

appointment and a task about procedure text which were each of the task has different

listening task activities and instructions of the task. Task 1, the instruction of the task

is listen to the dialog and then fill in the blank space about how to make

something/procedure text. Task 6, the instruction is listen to the dialog and answer the

questions. The last one, Task 4, the instruction of the task in this chapter was listen and

repeat after the teacher and the material was about expression of accepting and

cancelling appointment.

Task 4, and 6 refers to competence standard number 1 and also basic

competence 1.1 about response the expression of greeting, introducing, accepting and

declining the invitation, and accepting and cancelling appointment. In the task 6 the

students were expected to reach the indicator to identify the expression of accepting

and cancelling appointment. Afterwards, task 4 also refers to competence standard

number 1 and basic competence 1.1 about response the expression of greeting,

introducing, accepting and declining the invitation, and accepting and cancelling

appointment. In the task 4 the students were expected to reach the indicator to response

the expression of accepting and cancelling appointment. Whereas, task 1 refers to

competence standard number 2 and basic competence 2.2 about response the meaning

in a simple monologue text of recount, narrative, and procedure text. In the task 1 the

students were expected to reach the indicator to identify the ingredients which is used

in the procedure text.

The type of listening in task 1 and 6 were focused listening because the

students are required to listen the dialogue, fill in the blank space and also answer the

questions which were the students have to find specific information about the text that

they have heard. Meanwhile, the type of listening in tasks 4 was attentive listening

because in the task the students were required to response and repeat the teacher’s talk

about expression of accepting and cancelling appointment and this kind of tasks were

suitable with attentive listening type. Furthermore, the researcher only found the task

about expression of accepting and cancelling appointment while there was no task

about expression of accepting and declining invitation and a task about procedure text

while there were no single task about recount and narrative text. It implies that there

are two task (task 4 and 6) were relevant with the indicator of basic competence 1.1

and a task (task 1) relevant with the indicator of basic competence 2.2 about procedure


4.2 Discussion

Based on the data above, the researcher tried to analyze the relevancy between

syllabus and listening task in the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi.

According to the analysis in the chapter 1, the researcher only found some

tasks about the expression of greeting. For the example, in chapter one, the students

were given an activity about expression of greeting and this task was relevant with

basic competence 1.1 and indicators 1.1 “Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam

percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi

dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat,

lancar, dan berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan yang melibatkan tindak tutur:

berkenalan, bertemu/perpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/undangan, menerima janji,

dan membatalkan janji.” mentioned in the syllabus. However, the researcher did not

found any listening task of expression of accepting and declining invitation. It means

that the chapter one of workbook (LKS) Aspirasi cannot be reach the competence

standard number 1, basic competence 1.1 mentioned in syllabus.

In the chapter 2, the researcher only found two tasks about the expression of

showing concern/unconcern. For the example, in chapter one, the students were given

an activity about the expression showing concern/unconcern and this task was relevant

with basic competence 1.2 and indicator which are: 1.2 “Merespon makna dalam

percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi

dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan

yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengungkapkan perasaan bahagia, menunjukkan

perhatian, menunjukkan simpati, memberi instruksi” mentioned in syllabus. However,

there were no tasks about expression of showing happiness, sympathy, and giving

instruction. It means that the chapter two of workbook (LKS) Aspirasi cannot be reach

the competence standard number 1, basic competence 1.2 mentioned in syllabus.

Based on the analysis in the last chapter three, the researcher found out

inappropriateness between listening tasks in the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi with

indicators mentioned in syllabus. For the example, in the chapter three, the students

were given an activity about the expression of accepting and cancelling appointment

and this task was relevant with basic competence 1.1 and indicator which are: 1.1

“Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done)

dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam

bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima menggunakan ragam

bahasa lisan yang melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/perpisah, menyetujui

ajakan/tawaran/undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji.” mentioned in

syllabus. On the other hand, there was a task which was relevant with basic competence

2.2 and indicator which are: 2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam

berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks: recount, narrative, dan

procedure. Whereas, there were no task about expression of accepting and declining

invitation in basic competence 1.1 and also there were no task about recount and

narrative text in basic competence 2.2. It implies that two tasks in this chapter were

relevant with the indicator of basic competence 1.1 in the syllabus and a task which

was relevant with basic competence 2.2.

Therefore, it can be concluded that from chapter 1 until chapter 3 there are ten

listening tasks in workbook (LKS) Aspirasi were relevant with the syllabus while there

were some tasks related to syllabus did not include in the workbook (LKS) Aspirasi.


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