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How to Coach…

1. Average Talk Time –

1. Monitor your agent’s calls real time and offer advice VIA IM or side by side – there is no substitute
for TL/Agent face time!
2. Ask your agent what they think is driving their Talk time. TL understanding is the first step to
addressing any issue.
3. Pair agents with poor & strong AHTs to communicate BPP (Best Personal Practices).
1. TL to receive feedback from both agents after the session to review with the struggling
4. Role play with agent to have them practice listening/talking/typing at the same time.
5. Agents should communicate names of KBs and processes that drive long calls.
6. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
2. Average Wrap Time –
1. Role play with agent to have them practice listening/talking/typing at the same time.
2. Ask your agent what they think is driving their Wrap time. TL understanding is the first step to
addressing any issue.
3. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
3. Ticket to Call –
1. Have your agent write down/type all customer User IDs that they processed from the current day &
compare to ticket creation.
2. Create all tickets at the beginning of calls (without varying).
3. TL pulls daily reports for those who are not meeting goal to provide feedback.
4. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
4. First Tier Closure –
1. Follow the KB all the way through.
2. Use non-KB resources if allowed.
3. TL to complete or review ticket/call audits to see where the agent may be missing opportunities.
4. Use KB Problem report if there are KB’s that direct escalation when not necessary.
5. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
5. Attendance –
1. TALK TO YOUR AGENT!! Understand what they are going through and assist where you can. Is a
schedule change an option?
2. Follow up E-mail after each occurrence to let technicians know where they stand.
3. Follow up on overall attendance in every one/one. Remember – you can help your agent but
ultimately they own their own performance.
4. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
6. Adherence –
1. Follow break & lunch schedules – if your agent is delayed by a call, they must communicate that to
the Duty Team Leader (DTL) or their TL.
2. Immediate follow-up from queue manager when possible.
3. Work with agents to reduce restroom breaks.
4. TL to review their agent’s stats in Insight Performance Manager each day.
5. Show the agent how to open up requests for exceptions VIA IEX TotalView Agent WebStation.
6. TLs audit agent requests to ensure the process is being followed accurately
7. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
7. Tardiness –
1. Work with agents to realize how punctuality benefits the business and personal career objectives.
2. Follow up E-mail after each incident to let the agent know there is a trend
3. Follow up on timeliness in every one/one.
4. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
8. Professionalism –
1. Record calls and let the agent hear them.
2. Show examples of poor and strong documentation.
3. TLs show agents how simple documentation can be and still meet standards.
4. Review the Employee handbook with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
9. Quality concerns –
1. Follow the KB all the way through.
2. Follow up on QA/QIN concerns more frequently.
3. Overview of quality in every one/one.
4. Aggressive action plans and DWOP for those not meeting quality standards – quality should be our
strong area!
5. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.
10. Customer Survey/Feedback –
1. Respect your customer – Keep a smile in your voice.
2. Communicate what you are doing with your customer and do what you say you will do.
3. When you tell your customer you will do more research and get back to them, establish how that will
take place.
4. Review the documented process with your agent & explain the hows and whys as to why this metric
is important to them.

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