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Gaining Perspective on Different

Jamaica & South Korea
Explore Oregon State University’s website by following the link. Then answer the following questions:
1. What is culture? What makes a culture unique? (5 points)

2. List three reasons why it is important to learn and accept other’s cultures (5 points)
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________

History of Jamaica History, Language, and Culture. Follow the link to answer the following questions. 
3. What was Jamaica’s original name? (1 point)

4. What significant event put Jamaica on the map? (2 points)

5. Historical Events: What happened? (3 points)

a. 1655: ___________________________________________________________________________
b. 1920s: __________________________________________________________________________
c. 1962: ___________________________________________________________________________
6. What language(s) is spoken in Jamaica? (1 point)
Focus on the section: Social Conventions in Jamaica. Follow the link then answer the following 
questions. https://www.worldtravelguide.net/guides/caribbean/jamaica/history­language­culture/ 
7. Compare the similarities & differences to that of your own culture. (3 points)

8. What similarities and/or differences surprises you the most? Give a thoughtful and in depth response. Be
considerate in your response. (3 points)
History of South Korea, Language, and Culture. Follow the link to explore South Korea’s History.
9. What empire initially formed South Korea? (1 point)

10. Briefly describe the reason Korea spilt into North and South? (2 points)

11. History Events: What happened? (3 points)

a. AD 870: ________________________________________________________________________
b. 1950: __________________________________________________________________________
c. 2010: __________________________________________________________________________
12. What language(s) is spoken in South Korea? (1 point)

Focus on the section: Social Conventions in South Korea. Follow the link then answer the following
questions. https://www.worldtravelguide.net/guides/asia/south­korea/history­language­culture/
13. Compare the similarities & differences to that of your own culture. (3 points)

14. What similarities and/or differences surprises you the most? Give a thoughtful and in depth response. Be
considerate in your response. (3 points)

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon. Follow the link to read her interview here with the Huffington
Post. Then answer the following questions. Please provide in depth and consider responses.
15. Explain why it is important to include different perspectives. (5 points)

16. After reading the article, why is important to conduct research before writing a novel? (3 points)

Diversity in YA. Follow the link to read the article here and consider the following questions.
17. Why is it important to include diverse books? (3 points)
18. Why do you believe it is important to read diverse books? (3 points)

19. Define my concept: Windows and Mirrors. How does it pertain to you when reading? Think about books
we have read: which books do you connect with and which creates insight and understanding of a culture that
you are not aware of? (5 points)

Consider the following quote found on Weneeddiversebooks.org:

“Imagine a world in which all children can see themselves in the pages of a book.” – unknown.

20. In a paragraph response, spend time addressing the following: (15 points)
a. How does this quote make you feel?
b. How would you feel if there is a book that you could connect too?
c. Are you already able to connect to books being read in classes?
d. Why should others be able to connect to novels?
e. Why is it important to read books that are not about your own culture?

Use the backside to continue.

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