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Optimal Drilling and Completion of Deep

ERD Wells

Christian Bue

Petroleum Geoscience and Engineering (2 year)

Submission date: December 2013
Supervisor: John-Morten Godhavn, IPT

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics
Master Description


Today most wells in deep waters are drilled vertically, while many wells in the North Sea
are highly deviated. Studies have shown that recovery can be increased significantly if
highly deviated extended reach wells can be drilled and completed also in deep waters.

Work Description

1. Literature study: Describe different completion solutions used in deepwater drilling.

2. Case study: Use Statoil regulations (technical requirements and guidelines) to de-
sign a production well. Use Landmark’s WellCat to simulate the demands for the
material. Then, simulate drilling and completing of the reservoir section using ma-
terials that meet the demands. If such a material does not exist, suggest material
specifications that needs to be present (With help from Auristela C. V. Quintero at
Statoil). Investigate different scenarios, including gas kick and full gas displacement.
3. If possible, try to optimize the use of liner and wellpath in regards to weight/strength
and pressure demands.
4. Discussion

Supervisor: John-Morten Godhavn, Statoil ASA

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics

Master of Science

Optimal Drilling and Completion of Deep ERD Wells

by Christian Bue

In this Master Thesis well design for deepwater ERD wells have been reviewed. These wells
present new challenges for the industry, which creates high demands for well design and
materials. The constant push for “deeper” deepwater wells makes optimization critical.
A literature study on deepwater completions has been done.
Factors impacting the well design have been investigated through simulations in Land-
mark’s WellCat. The design has been based on Statoil design requirements and API
calculation theory. A self-built model has been developed to simulate the well perfor-
mance for a well located in the Gulf of Mexico. The chosen well has a water depth of
2,300 m and a reservoir pressure above 1,350 bar (20,000 psi). It is thus classified as a
High-Pressure High-Temperature well. The well is designed as an Extended Reach Well.
Well design is dependent on several factors, such as: pressure and temperature, produc-
tion plans (e.g. gas lift), water depth, present formations and their hydrocarbon content.
Different requirements exist depending on where in the world the well is located, and
for different expectancies for hydrocarbons in the different sections. These factors and
requirements influence on well design have been studied. The study showed that the
two requirement documents available were not modified for deepwater wells. Gaps in the
present technology were identified and, where possible, suggestions for improved perfor-
mance were made.
A WellCat model was implemented to simulate the loads in the given well. A drillability
study was done for the reservoir section. Some parameters were varied to investigate the
changes in the well design. Based on these results a final well design for the given well
was found. Two new pipes would have to be made to handle the high pressures in the

Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet

Fakultet for Ingeniørvitenskap og Teknologi
Institutt for Petroleumsteknologi og anvendt geofysikk

Master i teknologi

Optimal Boring og Komplettering av Djupe Høgavviksbrønnar

av Christian Bue

I denne masteroppåva er formgjeving av høgavviksbrønnar i djupt vatn undersøkt. Desse

brønnane introduserer nye utfordringar for industrien, og sett høge krav til brønndesign og
til materiala som blir brukt. Den konstante utviklinga mot djupare djupvassbrønnar gjer
optimalisering høgst nødvendig. Eit litteraturstudie på kompletteringsløysingar i djupt
vatn er gjennomført.
Faktorar som påverkar brønnformgjevinga er undersøkt. Dette er gjort ved hjelp av Land-
mark si programvare, WellCat. Formgjevinga er basert på Statoil sine “designkrav”, samt
teori for API-kalkuleringar. Ein sjølvbygd model laga for å simulere lastene i ein brønn i
Mexicogulfen. Den valgte brønnen har eit vassdjup på 2300 m, og eit reservoartrykk på
over 1350 bar (20000 psi). Dette er klassifisert som ein høg-trykk høg-temperatur-brønn.
Brønnen er bygd som ein høgavviksbrønn.
Brønnutforming er avhengig av fleire faktorar. Dette inkluderer; trykk og temperatur, pro-
duksjonsplanar (t.d. gassløft), vassdjup, formasjonane i brønnen og hydrokarboninnhaldet
i desse. Ulike krav er gjeldande etter kvar i verda brønnen er lokalisert, og for ulike for-
ventingar til om hyrdokarboner er venta i dei ulike seksjonane. Inverknaden frå desse
faktorane og krava er undersøkt. Studiet viste at dei to tilgjengelege formgjevingskrava
(designkrava) ikkje er tilpassa djupvassbrønnar. Det er prøvd å identifisere eventuelle hol
i noverande teknologi. Der det var mogleg blei forslag for forbetringar føreslått.
Ein sjølvbygd modell blei brukt for å simuelere lastene i den valgte brønnen. Eit studie
på om brønnen kunne borast og kompletterast er gjort for reservoarseksjonen. Variering
av nokre parameter blei gjort for å sjå kva innverknad dei hadde på brønnformgjevinga.
Basert på desse resultata blei eit endeleg forslag til brønnoppbygging føreslått. To nye
røyr må lagast for å kunne takle dei høge trykka i brønnen.


This Master Thesis is written in the fulfilment of Master of Science through the course
“TPG4910 Drilling Engineering, Master Thesis” at the Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU). The title is ’Optimal Drilling and Completion of Deep ERD
Wells’ and the thesis is written by Christian Bue. Where work or publications from others
are referred to, or help and guidance has been given, this is clearly stated. The thesis
is written in co-operation with professor John-Morten Godhavn and Statoil, represented
by Ketil Inderberg and Auristela C. V. Quintero. Good advice on Statoil regulations
were given by Dag Johan Eiane in Statoil. The thesis is handed in with gratitude to the
above-mentioned supervisors.
A specialization project on Wellpath Optimization for ERD Wells in Deep Waters was
carried out in the spring of 2013. This project raised new questions regarding the com-
pletion aspect and it was decided it would be interesting to carry out a Master on the
I would like to give a special thanks to Harald Røstad and Alasdair Fleming at Lyngaas
TMC. Without their guidance and help through the process, the thesis would not have
been finished in time.

Table of Content
Abstract i
Samandrag iii
Preface v
1 Introduction 1
2 Completions in Deep Water 2
2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Lower Well Completions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Sand Exclusion Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 Completions for Special Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5 Optimal Completion in Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3 Stress Analysis 35
3.1 Stress Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2 Design Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4 Results 47
4.1 Well Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.2 Drillability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.3 Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5 Discussion and Evaluation 61
5.1 Deepwater Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.2 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.3 Design Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.4 Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.5 Model Evaluation, Source of Errors and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
6 Conclusion 76
Bibliography 77
Abbreviations 81
Nomenclature 82
List of Figures 85
List of Tables 89

viii Table of Content


A Stress Analysis Equations A-1

A.1 Burst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
A.2 Collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
A.3 Triaxial Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
A.4 Equations and Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
B System Description A-8
B.1 System Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
B.2 WellCat Setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-11
B.3 WellPlan Setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-12
C Simulation Modelling Procedures A-15
C.1 WellCat Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-15
C.2 Load Case Setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-23
D Simulations A-29
D.1 Well Design - 9 7/8” liner and Tieback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-29
D.2 Well Design - Base Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-39
D.3 WellPlan Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-46
D.4 Sensitivity Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-49
E Literature Study - Additional Information A-50
F Software A-55
F.1 CompassTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-55
F.2 WellplanTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-55
F.3 WellCatTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-55
Chapter 1

The constant push for deeper deepwater operations makes optimization critical. This push
involves both deeper water and depth. Due to the deep water, wells in GoM are usually
drilled with little or no hole deviation. However, knowing that horizontal and multilateral
solutions will give the highest net present value, an incentive exist to optimize the well
design for such deep, advanced ERD wells. As the reservoir depth only represents the
starting point for lower completions, this introduces new challenges to the drilling arena.
New developments are therefore needed in ERD technology, including drilling systems,
fluid systems and string components. A study on drilling and well design in deepwater
wells is therefore considered interesting to investigate the demands in these wells.
One of the challenges that has risen from this drive to go deeper is that existing casings
cannot handle the pressure and/or temperatures from the reservoirs. Therefore, new
casings have to be developed with the necessary grade and strength. Heavier casings
further increase the demand for rig capacity and drilling/running procedures. This forms
the basis for this study, which is looking into details regarding well design and the resulting
casing requirements in such wells.
Understanding and establishing a good model to simulate the performance of a production
well in these environments is therefore critical. The following items were listed as goals
for this thesis.
• Perform a literature study on completions in deepwater environments.
• Design a production well based on Statoil requirements. Use Landmark’s WellCat
to simulate the demands for the material.
• If the demands cannot be met by present technology, identify the gap. If possible,
suggest specifications for improved performance.
• Evaluate the present requirements and suggest improvements with the goal of more
general requirements for deep waters.
To answer these questions a search in literature was carried out to find field experience and
theoretical work on deepwater completions. Thereafter, a model was built based on the
requirements from Statoil. The model was applied on a specific well in the Gulf of Mexico
to investigate the demands based on present requirements. The formation pressure in the
well was close to 1,400 bar (20,000 psi), which provides an excellent base for investigating
general requirements for deepwater HPHT-like wells.

Chapter 2

Completions in Deep Water

Once drilled, evaluated, cased and cemented, a well has to be completed. This is done
by inserting equipment, designed to optimize production, into the hole. Completing a
well does not always include tubing or a Christmas tree, or any other piece of equipment.
It may, for example, be possible to produce up the casing from an open hole. However,
as the industry moves into more hostile environments such as deepwater or the Arctic,
the challenges mount and completions become more complex. Whichever complexity, all
completions are driven by the goal of recovering as large a percentage of the Original Oil
in Place (OOIP) as possible, at a reasonable cost.

2.1 General
Variations of the completions deployed in shallow wells are also used in deepwater wells.
With exception to tension leg or spar type platforms, most deepwater wells are subsea.
The biggest difference with deepwater completions is driven by economics. (Wetzel et al.,
1999) Most of the immense costs of drilling and completing deepwater wells is associated
with the rig time. They require large-diameter tubing and often artificial lift systems to
be able to produce them. (Bellarby, 2009)
The length and complexity of the landing string, and the time required to run this, impose
a great challenge when installing deepwater subsea completions. Along with the high rig
rates, this sums up to be expensive if done wrong. Using horizontal trees avoids the
complexity of a dual landing string for a hanger vertical tree. (Bellarby, 2009)
Deepwater wells include long, large-diameter risers which are particularly difficult to clean.
Many of the operational problems associated with completions is related to debris form
the riser BOP or from milling operations. (Bellarby, 2009)
In the following sections, different solutions for completing a well will be presented. They
will be described in general terms to give an overview of the different solutions. In most
cases, deep details will not be provided, as such depth would require more time and would
not be applicable for the thesis objective. In addition, a short introduction will be made to
deepwater characteristics and challenges associated with completing wells in deep waters.

2.1.1 Deepwater Operations and Challenges

The petroleum industry are moving into increasingly deep waters, which demands increas-
ingly efficient execution. The water temperature at the seabed is low, with a non-linear
temperature gradient. All these deepwater characteristics add further challenges to the
already difficult issues in drilling. They impact every aspect of the well construction.

Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 3

In this section, a short description will be given of deepwater characteristics and the
challenges that follows.
Deep water is in this thesis defined as deeper than 500 m (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004). Ultra-
deep water is defined as water depth above 1,500 m. (Rocha et al., 2003b) One of the
main characteristics of deep waters are the low temperature. Figure 2.1 shows a typical
temperature profile for deepwater areas such as the Gulf of Mexico (GoM).

Figure 2.1: Temperature versus depth in deep water. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)

The temperature is close to 0 ◦ C at the mudline - some waters even have below 0 ◦ C, but do
not freeze due the high salinities and high pressures. Due to these low temperatures, flow
assurance are often necessary. This includes preventing wax and hydrates. In addition, it
has implications for stimulation, completion fluid density, cementing and stress analysis.
(Bellarby, 2009) The enormous body of cold water lowers the temperature of the rock
strata. This effect may go as deep as 500 m below the seabed, and create temperatures
much lower than the ones predicted by normal geothermal gradients. (Rae and Di Lullo,
The most recognized deepwater challenge is probably the narrow pressure window while
drilling. This is caused by the high water column which lower the overburden stress,
resulting consequently in a relatively low stress regime and a smaller tolerance between
pore pressure and fracture pressure gradient. The rock becomes structurally weak, low
compacted, with high portions of unconsolidated sediments (mainly in the shallow portion
of the underground). (Rocha et al., 2003b) Figure 2.2 shows the pore and fracture pressure
gradients as a function of depth for two different water depth scenarios. The fracture
pressure gradient in deep water decreases more than in shallow water due to reduction
in overburden pressure gradient. As the water depth increases, the operational window
will decrease. (Rocha et al., 2003b) ECD control is critical to maintain wellbore stability,
since loss of mud often is seen. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, b) One way of overcoming the
narrow pressure window is by using a dual-gradient system and lightweight additives.
Lightweight Solid Additives (LWSA) are used to reduce the density of drilling fluid within
4 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

the riser. Drilling with LWSA reduce the number of casing strings required, the tension
load requirements on the riser, and the mud storage requirements on the drilling vessel.
This reduce the demand for size of drillships or increase depth capability of existing
vessels. (Watson et al., 2005)

Figure 2.2: Pressure window (Rocha et al., 2003b)

The sediments that are located in the shallow parts of the seabed are young and has low
overburden. This results in low compaction and cohesion. Collapse and other mechanical
failures during drilling is therefore highly likely. To avoid losses, low mud weights must
be used, sometimes even as low as seawater. Since low mud weights often is required to
avoid losses, the risk is increased if shallow gas is encountered. Shallow gas is however
less of a problem in deep waters due to the high backpressure provided by the long water
column. This high pressure limits the expansion in or around the well. Gas will un-
dergo approximately 2.5 % volumetric expansion in a 1,250 m (4,100 ft) well with 1,200 m
(4,000 ft) water column (50 m sub-seabed). Compared with a typical shallow water well
of 100 m (350 ft) with a 60 m (200 ft) water column, the gas will expand approximately
33 %. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)
Shallow gas should not be confused with shallow water flows, which is a much more
dangerous geohazard in deep waters. This is due to the very high permeability and
the over-pressured layers, which, together, can create enormous flow rates in the under-
compacted rock. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004) Water-bearing sands are typically located in
the first 600 m below the mudline and are highly permeable. As this section often is drilled
in riserless mode, stopping the flow is difficult, and often include pumping thousands of
barrels of weighted WBM that returns to the sea floor. (Offshore Magazine, 2000)
The low temperatures at the seabed decreases the cement hydration rate as temperature
decreases. This causes the cement to set more slowly as water depth increases. It also
exist a great salt water and gas flow potential at these depths. If the cement does not
develop adequate gel strength in the early stages of hydration, it can cause fluid influx in
shallow zones. The slurry hydration temperature and the density is limited by the seabed
temperature and the low fracture gradient. The narrow pressure window between the
pore pressure and the fracture gradient often limits the circulation rates that are ideal for
hole cleaning and cement placement. In addition, the annulus size is often large, causing
reduced velocity. All these limitations calls for optimization in order to achieve efficient
hole cleaning and cement placement. (Ravi et al., 1999)
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 5

The long water column creates high hydrostatic pressure at the mudline. In addition to the
cold temperatures, this creates significant challenges for production. This is particularly
an issue in start-ups and shutdowns. Most of them are associated with the subsea flowlines
and facilities. There are however some associated with the completion. The combination
of low temperature and high pressure drives the hydrate envelope down the well. This
affects the setting depths of safety valves and their control system.
The long risers needed to cover the long distance between the rig and the sea floor intro-
duces a significant increase in weight of steel. In addition, the casing strings required for
these wells have substantial weight, and typically does not allow much overpull during
casing running operations. The large volumes in the riser is another challenge. Circula-
tion becomes more time consuming and mud swaps become logistically difficult. (Watson
et al., 2005) The aspect of hydraulics in these deep waters are also a complex issue. The
long distance causes large friction losses, which cause the hydraulics performance to de-
grade considerably. Additional pump power and pump rates are often required to keep
the well and the riser clean. (Rocha et al., 2003a) The subsea equipment is commonly
controlled by hydraulic pressure in control lines, which run from the rig down to the equip-
ment. This means that, in deep water, the time it takes for a command to be executed is
much longer than in shallow waters.
Extended reach wells may be needed in deepwater drilling to reach target reservoirs.
The ratio between horizontal displacement and TVD (DTVD) is often used to classify
directional wells. Well classification could be as presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Well Classification (Rocha et al., 2003a)

From To
0 2 Conventional Directional Well (Non-ERW)
2 3 Extended Reach Well (ERW)
3 - Severe Extended Reach Well (S-ERW)

Hole cleaning is critical in high angle sections, especially in sections with inclination
between 40◦ and 65◦ (due to cutting beds and sliding). With inclination above this, the
cuttings will slide and accumulate just above the BHA, which can cause packoff and stuck
pipe situations. Due to the low fracture pressure gradients in deep waters, the normal
procedures used in ERW, including higher flow rates, mud viscosities and pipe rotation,
may not always be applicable. The solution may be to decrease the rate of penetration
to avoid excessive ECD’s. (Rocha et al., 2003a)
Deepwater and ultra-deepwater wells face challenges in all drilling phases. In the shallow
section, where soft soil is the main characteristic, a move from conventional drilling,
to jetting the conductor pipe in place, has been required. This is to avoid sinking of
the wellhead. In the deeper sections, the narrow pressure window is the main problem.
Circulation loss and well bore instability is always an issue, and often limits the length of
the well.
6 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

2.1.2 Well Barriers

Every well operation includes a well control envelope. Completions are usually part of
this envelope, and will remain so through the life of the well. A general rule for well
control is that “at least two tested independent barriers between hydrocarbonds in the
reservoir and the environment shall be present at all times”. (Bellarby, 2009) The two
barriers can be divided into “primary” and “secondary” barrier. The primary is defined
as “the barrier that initially prevents hydrocarbons from escaping”. This may include the
mud, the Christmas tree or the tubing. The secondary barrier is defined as “the backup to
the primary barrier - it is not normally in use until the primary barrier fails”. (Bellarby,
Strong regulations to testing and maintaining of the barriers exist. These regulations
can be found in the Norwegian standard, NORSOK D-010. Examples of barrier systems
during various phases of well construction and operation are shown in Table E.1.

2.1.3 Cementing
The characteristics of deep waters add further challenges to the design of cementing
operations. In particular, challenges regarding the properties of cement slurry - such as
heat of hydration. In this section, cementing will be presented.
To get the best protection from the outside, as well as permanently positioning the casing
into place, it is cemented in place. This consist of pumping cement slurry into the well,
displace the drilling fluid and fill the space between the casing and the actual sides of
the well. The cement can consist of an easy mix of water and bulk cement, or include a
special mixture of additives. This is to obtain different properties, such as hardening time,
chemical reaction, etc. (Rigzone, n.d., b) Cement requires short thickening time, rapid
development of mechanical properties, cope with the risk of influx and provide a long term
hydraulic seal, amongst other things. The low temperatures and other aspects of deep
waters makes this difficult for the cement. This has driven the research and development
of cementing systems. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)
The objectives when cementing in deep waters differ little from other cementing opera-
tions conducted in shallower waters. The difference lies in the seabed environment. The
overall objectives are to avoid influx of formation fluids, develop strength in the shortest
time possible (to achieve economic objectives) and be placed without being lost to the
formation. (Ravi et al., 1999)
Due to the small margin between pore pressure and fracture pressure only lightweight
cements can be used. Most lightweight cements do not meet the specifications needed to
get a successful cement job. They normally have higher water:cement ratios than normal
density cement. In addition, they take longer to set and gain strength. To cope with
this, a number of approaches have been developed. A short description of these are given
below. They include (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004):

• Foamed cement. • Reactive lightweight aggregate ce-

• Microsphere cement.
• Liquid colloidal aggregate cement.
• Optimized particle size distribution
(OPSD) cement.
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 7

Foamed Cement (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)

This type consists of a conventional “base” cement, which is pumped with gas, typically
nitrogen. The gas is then compressed under hydrostatic pressure. As the gas has low
density it enables the foam slurries to have good quality and be relatively dense. This
assures good setting characteristics and excellent mechanical properties once set. It is
compressible, rather viscous and tend to resist flow. The first mentioned provides a
measure against the volumetric changes caused by leakoff and cement hydration since it
expands slightly. Finally, foamed cement is rather ductile when set, which is beneficial
when the stresses induced by thermal effects can comprise bonding and sheath integrity.

Microsphere Cement
Blending low density, hollow microspheres into the cement provides a strong, lightweight
cement. These microspheres are typically composed of a silica shell and contain nitrogen
or CO2 . This makes it possible to prepare slurries with very low densities. However, at
such low densities, very large amounts of the microspheres are needed. This requires large
storage capacities when mixed as a dry blend. Gravity segregation is also very likely. One
way of eliminating such problems is to add the microspheres to the mix water, instead of
blending them dry first. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)

Optimized Particle Size Distribution (OPSD) Cement

This method involves preparing blends of cement with a variety of specifically-sized
lightweight aggregates. The distribution of particles is carefully selected, giving the final
blend a high final solid content, volumetrically. Due to the lower-than-normal porosity,
systems with this formulation have low innate permeability, and due to the low water/high
solids content, they have significantly higher strength. A disadvantage by using OPSD ce-
ment is that it is very inflexible. By definition, it requires a specific solid volume fraction.
It can therefore only be mixed in a very narrow density range. This creates problems if
for example the pore pressure is higher than expected. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)

Reactive Lightweight Aggregate Cement

Most lightweight cement slurries have less strength than neat systems. This is due to the
extra water, along with the diluting effect of the aggregates. However, some lightweight
aggregates react chemically with the cement slurry components, to generate new cemen-
titious materials. This adds to the final strength of the set product. These reactive
lightweight aggregates must in most cases be blended in dry form, and thus, they are
limited by the same problems as the OPSD systems. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)

Liquid Colloidal Aggregate Cement

To improve the efficiency of chemical reactions, their accessibility to one other is improved.
Techniques to enhance mixing and mass transfer, or using catalysts to selectively bring
reactants in close proximity, is therefore used in many chemical processes. Using colloidal
particles maximizes the contact area between reactants. This aqueous suspension in which
the particles of the dispersed phase are very small, with typical surface area ranging from
a few square metres per gram up to many hundred of square metres per gram. They
make slurries more stable with excellent properties. As they are administered as colloidal
liquids, the design can be varied across a wide range of densities, which provides a great
advantage. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)
8 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

Due to the low seabed temperature and the effect of this on cement hydration kinetics,
conventional lightweight cement slurries that are based on Class G or Class H cements,
are generally unsuitable for use in deep water. However, not all deepwater wells require
these special cement systems. In some areas, traditional cement systems are used with
good success. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004)

2.1.4 Completion Equipment Tree and Tubing Hanger
After the well has been drilled, the production tubing and the Christmas tree are installed.
All naturally flowing wells, in addition to artificial lifted wells uses a Christmas tree. This
is to provide the primary method of closing in a well, be able to connect a flowline and
to provide access for well intervention. (Bellarby, 2009)
There are two types of Christmas trees; conventional (vertical) and horizontal trees. The
main difference between these is the position of the valves. In a horizontal tree, the master
valves are horizontal and away from the production bore, whilst in a vertical tree, they
are in a vertical position and in line with the tubing. The installation sequence is also
different. (Sangesland, 2012)
When using a horizontal X-mas tree the completion is run after installing the tree. The
BOP is put on top of the X-mas tree. When removing the BOP, tree-plugs are required
before it can be removed. These are placed inside the tubing hanger. (Bellarby, 2009)
Using horizontal trees makes it possible to replace the tubing without retrieving the tree.
(Sangesland, 2012) Figure 2.3 shows both types of Christmas trees.

Figure 2.3: Horizontal and vertical Christmas tree. (Hachana, 2012)

Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 9

In vertical trees, the tubing hanger and tree are dual bore. This involves an annulus
access bore for controlling the “A-annulus”. Since this type of tree requires access to both
the production and annulus bores to remove the plugs, a dual-bore riser must be used.
Horizontal trees only require a single-bore riser. (Bellarby, 2009) Subsurface Safety Valves

Subsurface Safety Valves (SSVs) are valves designed to prevent an uncontrolled flow of
hydrocarbons from the well. This type of valves are normally hydraulically controlled,
and work as a backup system to the tree. The valves should not be tied to the shut-
down system. This keeps the valves open during most shut-downs except complete loss
of power. (Bellarby, 2009)
There are several types of SSVs. The most used in modern completions are tubing retriev-
able valves, which are more reliable than wireline retrievable versions. (Bellarby, 2009)
Figure 2.4 shows a figure of these two types.

(a) Tubing retrievable safety valve. (b) Wireline retrievable safety valve.
Figure 2.4: Downhole safety valves. (Bellarby, 2009) Packers
Packers have two purposes; (1) provide a structural purpose and (2) provide a sealing
purpose. They are used to isolate the annulus or isolate different production zones. In
addition, they may be used to isolate gravel and sand. Different packers exist for the
different purposes. A gravel pack packer is for instance unsuitable as production packer,
although there are some developed for a multipurpose service. (Bellarby, 2009)
Packers are often set hydraulically, although they can be set mechanically as well. If it
is set hydraulically, it is done with a differential pressure between the annulus and the
tubing. Figure 2.5 shows a hydraulic set production packer.
10 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

Packers can be permanent or retrievable. Retrievable packers are replaced by a straight

pull, whilst permanent packers requires the upper part to be milled down to the slips.
Packers are discussed more in Secion on page 15. Figure 2.6 shows different
configurations for packers.

Figure 2.5: Typical hydraulic set production packer. (Bellarby, 2009)

Figure 2.6: Packer configurations. (Bellarby, 2009)

Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 11 Landing Nipples, Locks and Sleeves

When wireline (and occasionally coiled tubing) tools are deployed into the completion,
some kind of system must be used to lock and seal it off. Such applications include
plugs for pressure testing, check valves, deployment of downhole chokes, to mention some.
These devices can be landed by two approaches; (1) using a pre-installed nipple profile
in the completion, and running a lock into this. A blanking plug, standing valve, gauge,
etc, can be attached to the lock. (2) A packer deployed on a wireline, which can be
set anywhere in the tubing. A plug, standing valve, gauge, or similar is attached to the
packer. (Bellarby, 2009) Figure 2.7 shows an example of a nipple profile and associated

Figure 2.7: Nipple profile and lock. (Bellarby, 2009)

The no-go is present for positive depth control. It is for location only, not load bearing.
The landing nipples can be positioned on different locations. Examples are; in the tubing
hanger, as part of a downhole safety valve, mid position of tubing, sliding sleeve and
above/below a packer or seal. (Bellarby, 2009) Mandrels and Gauges

Mandrels allows for connection of valves and gauges to the completion. It is a permanent
attachment to the side of the completion. Side pocket mandrels can be used in gas lift
wells, and are either round or oval in cross-section. They may also be used for circulation
purposes. Mandrels can according to Bellarby (2009) be used for downhole gauges. Be-
cause of the complexity, the gauge is permanently connected to the mandrel. Figure 2.8b
shows and example of this.
Permanent downhole gauges are used for many reasons; assessing well connectivity, de-
termination of connectivity to a gas cap or aquifer, quantification of formation damage,
and several more. (Bellarby, 2009)
12 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

(a) Sliding sleeves. (b) Permanent downhole gauge.

Figure 2.8: Mandrel and gauge. (Bellarby, 2009)

2.2 Lower Well Completions

“Completion” refers to the process of finishing a well. The selection of which system to
use is directly influenced by a number of factors. Firstly, whether the well is to be a
producer or an injector. Oil, gas and water can be produced, water, steam and waste
products - such as carbon dioxide and sulphur - can be injected. More than one purpose
can be present, and the number of possibilities is thus large.
Completions are often split into two groups; (1) reservoir or lower completion, and (2)
upper completion. The lower completion is the connection between the reservoir and the
well. The upper completion is the conduit from reservoir completion to surface facilities.
The major decisions that needs to made in regards to reservoir completion are; open hole
versus cased hole, sand control requirement and type of sand control, stimulation and
single or multi-zone. Choices for upper completions; artificial lift and type, tubing size,
single or dual completion and tubing isolation or not (packer or equivalent). (Bellarby,
In the following sections an introduction will be made to the different solutions for lower
well completion. Upper well completions will only be shortly mentioned in this thesis.
Figure 2.10 and Figure 2.9 shows some of the main solutions for reservoir completions
and upper completions, respectively.
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 13

Figure 2.9: Upper completion methods. (Bellarby, 2009)

Figure 2.10: Reservoir completion methods. (Bellarby, 2009)

14 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

2.2.1 Openhole Completion

This is the most basic type of completion. It consists of simply running the production
casing down to the top of the reservoir, leaving the formation section uncased. Since this
leaves the end of the piping open without any other protective filter, it is mostly used in
formations that are unlikely to cave in. This way of completion removes control of flow of
fluids from the formation, and is thus unsuitable for weak formations which may require
sad control. (Rigzone, n.d., b)
There are several varieties in the term open hole completions; barefoot completions, pre-
drilled and pre-slotted liners and open hole sand control techniques. In addition, many
of the simpler multilateral systems use open hole reservoir techniques.
All open hole completions avoid the cost and complexity of perforating. Open hole (and
cased hole) sand control is covered in Section 2.3 on page 18. Multilateral systems are
covered in Section 2.4.2 on page 26. Barefoot completions

Barefoot completions are common in competent formations such as naturally fractured
limestones and dolomites. There are several advantages involved using this technique
beyond the obvious low cost and maximum pay zone exposure (Bellarby, 2009);
• Well deepening and sidetracking are easier to perform without equipment such as
screens present. They are particularly well suited to techniques such as Through-
Tubing Rotary Drilling (TTRD).
• The technique is naturally used in simple multilateral wells such as a TAML level
1 or the branches of a level 2 system.
• Decreased drawdown. (Rigzone, n.d., b)
• Less formation damage. (Rigzone, n.d., b)
The main disadvantage is the lack of control over gas and water production, inability to
plug of water or gas zones, inability to selectively stimulate the separate zones within the
productive interval. (Rigzone, n.d., b) See Figure 2.10 for a basic sketch of a barefoot
completion. Pre-drilled and pre-slotted liner

In pre-drilled liners the liner is pre-holed with multiple small holes. It is inserted into the
zone of production when doubt exist to the wellbore stability. Pre-drilled or pre-slotted
liners are not typically used as a sand control measurement as it is difficult to make
the slots small enough to stop sand. The purposes of using this type are to stop hole
collapse and allow zonal isolation packers to be deployed within the reservoir completion.
(Bellarby, 2009) Examples of such packers are swelling elastomers, mechanical packers
and external casing packers. (Danilovic et al., 2006)
Slotted liners are an alternative to pre-drilled liners. These include multiple longitudinal
slots, for example 2 mm X 50 mm, spread across the length and circumference of each
Technology Advancement of MultiLaterals (TAML) is discussed in Section 2.4.2 on page 26
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 15

joint. The compressional strength is affected by the slots as the rigidity is reduced. The
tensile strength is not severely affected. (Bellarby, 2009) Figure 2.11 shows a slotted liner.

Figure 2.11: Pre-slotted liner. (Bellarby, 2009)

Pre-drilled liners are generally preferred to pre-slotted liners as they have much larger
inflow are and are stronger. Problems such as pressure drops through the holes and
plugging are therefore not a concern. (Bellarby, 2009)
Installing a pre-drilled or pre-slotted liner is done with or without a washpipe. When
sand control is not required, the liner is usually installed in mud. This removes some of
the concerns about surge and swab or mechanical abrasion. The whole mud and filter
cake is then produced through the liner. (Bellarby, 2009) Zonal Isolation Techniques

The difficulty with zonal isolation is one of the key disadvantages with any open hole
completion. Although pre-drilled liners can be used with gel and cement treatments, the
chance of success is low. To cope with this, additional equipment has to be installed
with the liner. External Casing Packers (ECPs) and swellable elastomer packers are most
commonly used for this. (Bellarby, 2009)

External Casing Packers (ECPs)

The potential isolating horizons - usually shales - dictate which ECPs to be used. It is
paramount to get the liner to the required depth to use this equipment. Once the liner
hanger has been set and the washpipe pulled back to the ECP depth, the ECP is inflated
via the washpipe. Mud is used to inflate the packer. (Bellarby, 2009)
There are two challenges wiht ECPs; (1) they rely on the full integrity of elastomers
under downhole conditions, (2) there will be movement, which causes potential abrasion.
Cement could be used instead of mud to mitigate some of these concerns. ECPs do
not anchor to the formation, while conventional packers do. Pressure testing is also
difficult. Due to these challenges, other types of packers are preferred. Swellable elastomer
packers are becoming more common, as well as mechanical open hole packers (similar to
production packers), which are now becoming available. (Bellarby, 2009) Figure 2.12
shows an external casing packer.
16 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

Figure 2.12: External casing packer. (Bellarby, 2009)

Swellable Elastomer Packers

This type of packer is relatively new technology. The elastomer is bounded to the out-
side of the pipe through vulcanization2 . Since elastomers swell in the presence of oil or
water, the packer is run in an inert fluid. Previously, this property was considered a
disadvantage. Now, however, it is used as a sealing mechanism. Since there is no need
for specialized installation equipment, swellable elastomer packers have an advantage over
the ECPs. Further, they do not need inflating, they can be run with screens or with pre-
drilled or pre-slotted liners. Even further applications include cased hole and barefoot
workovers, underbalanced completions and combinations with expandable solid tubulars.
Their application is wide and is becoming increasingly attractive. (Bellarby, 2009)
The swelling takes some time to reach full expansion, up to 40 days, and can more than
double the packer volume. Some packers swell in the presence of reservoir oils and are
therefore well suited for use with completion brine. Packers used in gas wells may need
circulation in a base oil. The swelling often becomes more effective in high temperatures.
(Bellarby, 2009) Figure 2.13 shows a swellable elastomer packer.

Figure 2.13: Swellable elastomer packer. (Bellarby, 2009)

Vulcanization is a chemical process for converting rubber into more durable materials via the addition
of sulphur or other equivalent “curatives”. (Vulcanization, n.d.)
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 17

2.2.2 Cased and Perforated Completions

Cased and perforated completions are used extensively in offshore areas. (Bellarby, 2009)
The use for sand control with cased hole gravel packs and frac packs are discussed in
Section 2.3 on page 18.
Several advantages exists of the cased and perforated completion over the open hole
completion. Some of them are mentioned below (Bellarby, 2009):
• Ability to shut-off water, gas or sand.
• Excellent productivity. Drilling-related formation damage can usually be bypassed.
• Suitable for fracture stimulation.
• Reduced sanding potential through perforations being smaller than a wellbore.
• Ability to add zones at a later stage.
However, it has increased costs. This is especially the case for high angles or long intervals.
(Bellarby, 2009) Perforation
The majority of perforated wells use a shaped charge. There are still some that use the
bullet perforator, however as a niche application. The shaped charge creates a very high
pressure, which is focused in one direction by the conical case. It is designed to penetrate
the casing, the cement and the formation. Figure 2.14a shows the components of the
shaped charge, while Figure 2.14b shows the typical configuration inside a perforation
gun. (Bellarby, 2009)

(a) Shaped charge. (b) Carrier gun arrangement.

Figure 2.14: Perforation. (Bellarby, 2009)

In most cased and perforated completions the aim is to generate the maximum perfora-
tion length. This is achieved by using shaped charges that have relatively tight conical
geometry. Many choices can be made in regards to types of explosives, geometry and size.
This will not be discussed in detail in this thesis.
18 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

2.3 Sand Exclusion Completion

Formations that are poorly consolidated may contain loose formation grains and other
fine particles. This may require a filtration system to keep the wellstream clear of sand,
without sacrificing productivity or flow control. These completion systems are designed
to allow flow of hydrocarbons, but at the same time prevent sand from entering the well.
This is done by including a screening or filtering system. These systems may be either
a type of screen hung inside the casing, or a layer of specially-sized gravel outside the
casing. Both of these can be used in open holes and perforated completions. Techniques
like these must be matched to the physical characteristics of the reservoir. (Natural Gas,
According to Walton et al., 2002, 90 % of hydrocarbon wells are in sandstone reservoirs,
and around 30 % of these sandstones may be weak enough to produce sand. If production
of sand is unexpected, it could lead to loss of integrity, erosion and be detrimental to the
productivity of the well. The ability to predict whether sand control equipment is needed
or not is therefore fundamental to design a successful well. Details in rock strength and
and production prediction will not be discussed in this thesis.
Sand exclusion methods often reduce well productivity, which gives great incentive to de-
velop new techniques for sand control. One of these new techniques involves sophisticated
oriented-perforating techniques that can aid in the work against sand production.

2.3.1 Sand Control Screen Types

The vast amount of commercially available screens can be subdivided into three main
types: Wire-Wrapped Screens (WWS), Pre-Packed Screens (PPS) and premium screens
(sometimes called mesh or woven screens). As mentioned in Section, slotted liners
can also be used for sand control. However, it it is difficult to get slots small enough to
stop smaller items but the coarsest of formations. (Bellarby, 2009)
All forms of screen have a optimum environment, although they could be run in either
cased hole or open hole well - with or without gravel packing. If additional installation
protection is needed, screens can also be run into open hole with a pre-installed, pre-drilled
liner. (Bellarby, 2009) Wire-wrapped Screens

These screens make a base pipe with holes, longitudinal rods and a single wedge-shaped
wire wrapped and spot-welded to the rods as shown in Figure 2.15a. They are frequently
used in gravel pack and standalone completions. The wire is wedge shaped, ensuring that
particles bridge off against the wire or pass right through for production. Due to this
shape the wire provides a degree of self-cleaning. The inflow area is dictated by the slot
width, the wire thickness and the percentage of screen joint that comprises slots. When
used in gravel pack completions, the WWS stops the gravel, which in turn may stop the
fine materials. (Bellarby, 2009)
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 19 Pre-packed Screens

PPS and WWS are constructed in almost the same way, PPS with two screens instead of
one. Figure 2.15b shows a picture of a PPS. The slots are designed to prevent the escape
of gravel packed between the screens. Gravel packs has the fundamental advantage that
they prevent sand failure and stand transport by removing the annulus between the screen
and formation. A PPS does neither of these and must therefore not be confused. Gravel
packs will be discussed in Section 2.3.2. PPS can be installed with an outer shroud to
provide some installation protection and jetting resistance. This will however increase the
thickness. PPS has past its time of greatness, but still remain in use in some parts of the

(a) Wire-wrapped screen. (b) Pre-packed screen.

Figure 2.15: Two type of screens. (Bellarby, 2009) Premium Screens

Premium screens include woven mesh and some form of shroud for protection. Figure 2.16a
and Figure 2.16b shows two different designs. They include multiple woven layers. This
type of screens are thinner than PPS and thicker than WWS. They typically have an inflow
of around 30 %. Robust construction makes them very suitable for harsh installation
environments such as long, horizontal, open hole wells.

(a) Example of premium screen. (b) Typical construction.

Figure 2.16: Premium Screens (Bellarby, 2009)
20 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

2.3.2 Standalone Screens

Standalone Screens (SAS) are simplistic in use and has low installation costs. The afore-
mentioned WWS, PPS and premium screens are all used as standalone screens. Blank
sections of pipe and external casing packers are often incorporated when using these
screens. Sometimes they are the only form of sand control possible to use in Extended
Reach Wells (ERW) or in many types of multilateral wells. Mud is usually conditioned
or replaced prior to running the screens. Washpipe inside the screen is therefore not
required. (Bellarby, 2009)
Annular flow is believed to effect the SAS reliability. ECPs and swellable elastomer
packers are therefore often used to reduce annular flow. (Bennett et al., 2000)

2.3.3 Open Hole Gravel Packs

Open hole gravel packs are very common in deviated and horizontal wells. They require
no perforation, and present a good option in highly productive deepwater completions.
(Schlumberger, 2007) The basis of this method is to pack the annular space with gravel,
keeping the sand from being produced. The gravel has to be sized in the right way for this
to be effective, as well as sizing the screen to prevent the gravel from escaping. The gravel
is round natural or synthetic material that is small enough to exclude formation grains and
particles from production, but large enough to be held in place by screens. (Schlumberger,
2007) They are operationally challenging to install, however, when successfully installed,
they prevent the formation from collapsing. (Bellarby, 2009)
Skin effects is a general problem for gravel packs (both open hole and cased hole). This
dimensionless factor is calculated to determine the efficiency of the production by compar-
ing the actual conditions with the theoretical conditions. A positive skin value means that
it exist some kind of effect that is impairing the well productivity, while a negative value
means enhanced productivity. Placement of gravel-packs can lead to high positive skin
values in a well. This is often due to problems in packing the perforation tunnels, which
may lead to a detrimental pressure drop between the formation and the well. (Schlum-
berger, 2007) Open hole gravel packs can be subdivided into two main forms: circulating
packs and alternate path (shunt tubes). Both can be used with PPS, WWS and premium
screens. (Bellarby, 2009) Figure 2.17 shows a schematic of an openhole gravel pack.

Figure 2.17: Openhole gravel pack (Schlumberger, 2007)

Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 21 Circulating Packs

This method is widely used - especially in areas such as offshore Brazil. Figure 2.18 shows
a typical sequence for a horizontal well. There exist many variations of this sequence,
although with a common fundamental requirement; a hydraulically isolated formation,
which means that the filter cake must remain intact during the gravel packing. If this
requirement is not present, the gravel pack fluid will be dehydrated by the losses causing
the alpha wave to stall. This creates a sand bridge between the formation and screen,
thus preventing gravel from packing downstream of the bridge. (Bellarby, 2009)
Water-based muds is preferred when using circulating packs. However, in some cases, oil-
based mud has to be used to overcome challenges in the well. Alternate path pack may
be more suited in these environments as these are more capable of dealing with severe
hole stability and losses. (Bellarby, 2009)
The main argument for switching to alternate path pack, which is more complex, is the
requirement to avoid losses when using circulating packs. (Bellarby, 2009)

Figure 2.18: Circulating pack sequence. (Bellarby, 2009)

22 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water Alternate Path Gravel Packs

Alternate path gravel packs are used where losses or annular blockages cannot be avoided,
and are thus more flexible than circulating packs. The differences between the two types
are presented in Table E.3 in Appendix E. There are however some fundamental differences
worth mentioning: (Bellarby, 2009)
• A viscous fluid is used to transport the gravel. More chemicals are required - but
pump duration and liquid volumes are shorter.
• Full returns are not required. Damaging the filter cake may, in some cases, be
encouraged to help cleaning the well.
• Dehydration of the carrier fluid is still a concern. To prevent gravel bridges or hole
collapse, the slurry gets an alternate path via shunt tubes. These tubes provide a
high-velocity bypass around obstructions. They are attached to, or are incorporated
into, the screens. Figure 2.19 shows an alternate path gravel packing with shunts.

Figure 2.19: Alternate path gravel packing with shunts. (Bellarby, 2009)

The shunt tubes can be designed in a number of ways - but usually they are rectangular
or crescent in cross-section. The shunts have multiple (3 to 6) alternate paths, each with
holes regularly positioned along them. To prevent blockages, these holes are at least five
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 23

times larger than the mean gravel diameter. The shunts can be organized in different
patterns such as parallel or spiral patterns. They can be both incorporated under the
screen or around the outside of the screen. (Bellarby, 2009)
Since the concern about losses is reduced in this type of packs, very difficult formations
can be successfully open hole gravel packed, which also included formations drilled with
oil-based mud. (Bellarby, 2009)

2.3.4 Cased Hole Gravel Packs and Frac Packs

Cased hole gravel packs are extensively used in the GoM and occasionally elsewhere. Their
extension to frac packing is particularly much used. According to King et al. (2003) they
provide some of the most reliable sand control completions. The disadvantage by using
this is significant demands for logistics and time, as well as operational complexity. Due
to the cost and complexity they are less attractive (but not impossible) for long reservoir
sections. (Bellarby, 2009) Cased Hole Gravel Packing

There are two basic types of cased hole gravel packing; water packing and viscous slurry
packing. They both use similar techniques to open hole gravel packing. This includes
using similar tools, similar rates and they have the same desire to be able to squeeze and
circulate. If the water pack is performed above fracture pressure it is called High-Rate
Water Pack (HRWP). This should not be confused with a frac pack. Frac packing has
the goal of fracturing the formation to stimulate the reservoir, while HRWP aim to aid
in packing the perforations with gravel. (Bellarby, 2009)
In cased hole gravel packs it is desired to be able to squeeze and circulate. If pure
circulation is done, it will lead to the perforations not being packed. To achieve squeezing,
the BOP is closed to restrict the return flow. However, circulation will assist in getting the
gravel to the toe of the interval for long intervals. Further, pre-packing the perforations
prior to running the screens can aid in the placing of gravel into the perforations. Tubing
conveyed guns in the hole can be used for pre-packing. Figure 2.20 shows an overview of
cased hole gravel packing.

(a) Cased hole gravel pack. (Schlum- (b) Typical system for cased hole gravel
berger, 2007) packing. (Rigzone, n.d., b)
Figure 2.20: Cased hole gravel pack overview.
24 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

HRWP produces a short and relatively thin fracture using water pumped above the frac-
turing pressure or the formation. Both screens and gravel is in place when pumping
is carried out. (Schlumberger, 2007) Advantages, such as multiple fractures, minimal
fracture growth (making risk of fracturing up into gas caps small) and low operational
complexity, makes this a good option. (Bellarby, 2009) Frac Packing

Frac packing involves the simultaneous hydraulic fracturing of a reservoir and the place-
ment of a gravel pack, and provides a viable option to conventional gravel packing. High-
viscosity fluids are pumped at a pressure above fracturing pressure to create the fractures.
Screens are in place at the time of pumping, with gravel placed outside the casing/screen
annulus. The fractures helps to boost production rates, while the gravel pack prevents
formations sand from being produced. This, in addition to the associated screens stopping
the gravel from entering the produced fluid, combines the production improvement from
hydraulic fracturing with the sand control provided by gravel packing. (Schlumberger,
2007) Frac packs provide high-conductivity channels that penetrate deeply into the for-
mation, leaving the gravel near the wellbore and in the perforations clean and undamaged.
Frac-pack methods may bring skin values down to zero. More than 65 % of sand control
completions in the GoM now use frac-pack systems. (Schlumberger, 2007)

2.3.5 Expandable Screens

Expandable screens are relatively new in the industry. They avoid the open annulus that
historically caused failure to many standalone screen completions. As these have similar
performance to open hole gravel packs, and are additionally easier and cheaper to install,
they are slowly displacing open hole and cased hole gravel packs in some areas. New
techniques are evolving where expandable screens may be used with expandable solid
liners. This offers the opportunity for zonal isolation in a much simpler way than with
the alternatives requiring pumping of gravel. (Bellarby, 2009)
There are two types of expandable screen in use today; one using overlapping woven
sheets, the other uses a screen that can be expanded itself. In the first mentioned the
mesh itself does not expand, only the sheets move past each other as the screen expands.
To do this, a metal base pipe and an outer shroud protects the mesh, which are both
expandable. “Hinges” at the ends of the slots will plastically deform. This means that
the pipe does not yield. (Bellarby, 2009) Figure 2.21 shows how the overlapped mesh
design works, and an expanded screen.

(a) Overlapping mesh design. (b) Expanded

Figure 2.21: Expandable screens (Bellarby, 2009)
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 25

In the other approach, where the screen itself expands, woven screens are used. Figure 2.22
shows a woven mesh used for this. The weave (“weft”) wires expand tangentially whilst
the warm wires do note expand. Although expanded, the gap is unchanged, and provide
filtration of sand. The arrangement shown here is for clarity, and would be prone to
variable gaps between the wires. Multiple layers are typically used. (Bellarby, 2009)

Figure 2.22: Woven mesh for expandable screens. (Bellarby, 2009)

Figure 2.23 shows different expansion methods used. They will not be discussed in further

Figure 2.23: Expansion methods. (Bellarby, 2009)

26 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

2.4 Completions for Special Applications

2.4.1 HPHT Completions
High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) wells are defined as wells with pressure higher
than 10,000 psia (689 bara) and with temperatures higher than 300 ◦ F (149 ◦ C). (McSpad-
den and Glover, 2008) These high pressures and temperatures are usually connected to
deep wells, but can however be generated from isolated “rafts” of sediments. In these
HPHT wells, wet gas and condensates predominate. (Bellarby, 2009)
Combining the high stress in HPHT wells with high drawdowns and depletion, sand
production can be an issue. Sand control is discussed in Secion 2.3. It is although worth
noting a few extra demanding properties of sand control in HPHT wells (Maldonado et al.,
• High erosion risk due to gassy, high-velocity fluids.
• The application of frac packs may be restricted by high formation stresses due to
high surface pressures.
• Gravel pack fluids are challenging.
• May require complex geomechanical models due to rock movement dominated by
plastic deformation.
• Exotic brines (with compatibility issues) or high solids loadings (screen plugging
issues) are often used in HPHT muds.
For HPHT wells that need stimulation, this is mostly left until productivity declines due
to depletion. This brings surface pressures to more manageable levels. (Bellarby, 2009)
When it comes to material selection for HPHT wells, the demands are high for tubulars.
During a shut-in scenario (3.2.4 on page 42) the high pressures and gassy fluids create high
burst loads, which set the requirements for high-strength tubulars. The depth combined
with these gassy fluids may also create high collapse tubing loads above the packer.
(Bellarby, 2009)

2.4.2 Multilateral Completions

A multilateral completion makes it possible to drill and complete multiple wells within
a single wellbore. Such well systems combine the ability to reach multiple target zones
with the advantages of horizontal-drilling techniques. Depending on which design is used,
different target zones can be produced independently or simultaneously. (PetroWiki SPE,
2006, a)
The Technology Advancement of MultiLaterals (TAML) system is used to categorise the
various degrees of multilateral systems. This is based on the amount and type of support
provided at the lateral junction. The system has six levels; complexity and cost increases
with increasing level. The different levels will be described in short in the following
paragraphs. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a)
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 27 TAML Level 1

This is the most fundamental multilateral system. It consist of an openhole main bore
with multiple drainage legs, leaving the junction with no mechanical support or hydraulic
isolation. A slotted liner may be used in the lateral or the main bore to help keep the
hole open during production. It is not possible with zonal isolation or selective control
of production with this type of lateral system. Figure 2.24a shows a Level 1 lateral.
(PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a) TAML Level 2

As seen in Figure 2.24b, Level 2 is similar to Level 1. The exception is that the laterals
are drilled off of a cased and cemented main bore. This provides a means of hydraulic
isolation and minimizes the chance of borehole collapse. There is no mechanical support
of the lateral junction; however, as with Level 1, a slotted liner can be run into the lateral
to maintain borehole stability. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a) TAML Level 3

Here, the main bore is cased and cemented with an openhole lateral. Figure 2.24c shows
an example of this. The main difference in this design is, however, the lateral is completed
with a slotted liner or screen which is anchored back into the main bore. This enables
mechanical support of the lateral junction. The disadvantage with this system is that
zonal isolation is not possible. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a)

(a) TAML Level 1. (b) TAML Level 2. (c) TAML Level 3.

Figure 2.24: TAML Level 1, 2 and 3. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a) TAML Level 4

In level 4, the main bore and lateral are both cased and cemented. The mechanical
support in the lateral is therefore excellent, although pressure integrity at the junction is
not gained from the cement. Packers can be installed above and below the junction in the
main bore to achieve zonal isolation. Coiled tubing intervention is possible both in the
main bore and lateral. Figure 2.25a shows a sketch of a level 4 system. (PetroWiki SPE,
2006, a)
28 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water TAML Level 5

As seen in Figure 2.25b, level 5 is similar to level 4 in that they are both cased and
cemented in the main bore and lateral. However, in level 5, tubing strings and packers are
used to isolate the junction and achieve pressure integrity. A dual-string isolation packer is
located above the junction, enabling independent production if needed. (PetroWiki SPE,
2006, a) TAML Level 6

Level 6 wells use casing to seal the junction. The junction is premanufactured, either
reforming the junction downhole, or drilling two separate wells out of a single main bore
and assembling the premanufactured junction downhole. Figure 2.25c shows an example
of this. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a)

(a) TAML Level 4. (b) TAML Level 5. (c) TAML Level 6.

Figure 2.25: TAML Level 4, 5 and 6. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a)

2.4.3 Dual Completions

Dual completions are used where independent production or injection is required. They
are most common in stacked reservoir sequences, often in shallow water wells with low
to moderate rate. Independent production or injection can be needed for a number of
reasons (Bellarby, 2009):
• Different pressure regimes
• Incompatible fluids (e.g. scales)
• Regulatory requirements
• Multipurpose wells
Figure 2.26 shows a typical dual completion. The typical setup of a dual completion are
with 3 21 ” or 2 78 ” tubing inside 9 58 ” casing. (Bellarby, 2009)
Dual completion is a complex process. The installation steps are complex, sand control
integration is difficult and the upper interval is difficult to perforate.
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 29

Figure 2.26: Parallel-string dual-zone completion. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a)

2.4.4 Multipurpose Completions

Using this type of completion creates the opportunity for separate flow streams with-
out a dual completion system. An example is injection of water down the annulus,
while simultaneously producing up the tubing. Several types exists; single string com-
pletion with packer or with crossover packer, and multipurpose multilateral completions.
(PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a)
The single string completion with packer is the simplest of the multipurpose systems.
Here, the flows goes through the wellhead valves and through perforations above a single
packer. In the second type, the flow crossover packer is used to divert flow between the
upper tubing and lower annulus and the upper annulus and lower tubing, as shown in
Figure 2.27b. Figure 2.27c shows a multipurpose, multilateral system. These are quite
complex, although they can be made simpler if giving up injection interval intervention.
(PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a)

(a) With single packer. (b) With a flow crossover (c) Multilateral multipurpose
(PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a) packer. (Bellarby, 2009) completion. (Bellarby, 2009)
Figure 2.27: Multipurpose completions.
30 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

2.4.5 Underbalance Completions and Through Tubing Drilling

Underbalance completions are used if the reservoir is drilled underbalanced. This is
done with the main intention of reducing formation damage. When using this type of
completion, a barefoot solution, or one with a pre-drilled liner is chosen. Gravel packing
is not possible. (Bellarby, 2009)
The general way of doing this is by using surface pressure while deploying the reservoir
completion. The reservoir completion is hydraulically isolated by a valve or plug when
the the upper completion is run (Figure 2.28).

Figure 2.28: Completing an underbalance drilled well. (Bellarby, 2009)

Systems to deploy screens or pre-drilled liners exist - but, such systems are rarely used due
to availability issues of large enough sizes. Another technique, often used for through tub-
ing sidetracks, is done by installing the completion prior to drilling the reservoir section.
(Bellarby, 2009) This is also well suited to multilaterals. (Venhaus et al., 2008)
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 31

2.4.6 Coiled Tubing and Insert Completions

This technique is used in small-diameter applications to reduce operation time and the
requirement for a conventional rig. These completions could be run underbalanced, how-
ever, they are usually run in conventional completion fluids. (Bellarby, 2009)
It can be done either with the same OD for the completion equipment as the coiled tubing,
or it can be conventional size and connected to the coil as the completion is run. An issue
with coiled tubing completions is that they do not have 13Cr metallurgy. Meaning, they
will quickly corrode if exposed to environments containing CO2 . (Bellarby, 2009)

2.4.7 Expandable tubulars

In deepwater environments hole size at
TD can be challenging. Problems such as
salt and sub-salt zones, narrow pressure
window and over-pressured and depleted
sands are usually present. Expandable
technology has developed as an answer
to the restrains given by inner diameter
when sidetracking out of an existing well-
bore. Many examples exist where the ID
has been a challenge at TD. If for in-
stance the 9 58 ” casing is set high, a 7 58 ”
X 9 85 ” expandable system can be installed
Figure 2.29: Typical deepwater setup in the
to cope with this (Figure 2.29). (Rigzone,
GoM, below 20,000 ft. (Rigzone, n.d., c)
n.d., c)

2.4.8 Lifting and Well Treatment Hydraulic Fracturing
Basic techniques of fracturing is covered in this section. Aspects such as fluid selection,
planning and pumping operations are mentioned, not discussed in depth.
Fracturing has mainly been used for onshore wells, but in the past years the technique
has been used on some offshore wells. Onshore, as much as 50-60 % of all wells completed
in North America are fracture stimulated. (Bellarby, 2009)
The basic idea behind fracturing is pumping a fluid at a high enough pressure down the
wellbore. After this, solids is used to force the fracture open to maintain conductivity.
The tensile strength of the rock has to be overcome to open a fracture. The pressure
will overcome the minimum stress, and the fracture will propagate perpendicular to the
minimum stress. Fracturing is done to provide an easier route for fluids to flow into the
wellbore.(Bellarby, 2009) The different stresses will not be discussed in this thesis.
The stimulation process can be done by using coiled tubing, through a permanent com-
pletion or a temporary string (frac string). Due to high pressures and cold fluids, tubing
stress analysis is critical for all methods. (Bellarby, 2009)
32 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water Acid Fracturing

Acid fracturing use much of the same theory as for hydraulic fracturing, especially re-
garding fracture initiation and propagation. Acids dissolve acid-soluble rocks, such as
limestones and chalks, to enhance productivity. Hydrochloric acid is most common, which
reacts with the calcium carbonate found in limestones and chalks. The reaction goes as
CaCO3 + 2 HCl −−→ CaCl2 + CO2 + H2 O (2.1)

Several factors needs to be considered when choosing acid systems and additives; corro-
sion inhibitors, emulsion and sludge prevention, iron precipitates, friction reducers and
surfactants are some of them. (Bellarby, 2009)
When the acid reacts with the fracture, it etches uneven channels along the fracture face.
The goal is to limit leak-off and hence promote acid penetration. Acid treatments do not
use solids, which is an advantage over hydraulic fracturing. Artificial Lift

Artificial lift is used to increase the flow rate by adding energy to the flow stream within the
completion. A short description will be given below of the different techniques available.

Gas Lift
This is the only approach of artificial lift that does not require a downhole pump. It
is widely used offshore and on subsea wells. It provides a flexible approach to artificial
lift and is well suited for wells with uncertainties to productivity or pressures. However,
it does not help in low bottom hole pressures, unlike a pump, and is not as efficient.
(Bellarby, 2009) This is a wide topic, but will not be discussed in more detail in this

Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs): These are much used where high rates are required.
However, they have high failure rates due to the hostile downhole environment and the
use of electrical and moving part components. (Bellarby, 2009)
Turbine-Driven Submersible Pumps: This type of pumps operate in a similar way of ESPs,
by using multi-stage centrifugal pumps, however, with a downhole turbine to power the
pump. They do not need electrical connections or downhole electronics. The disadvantage
by using this type is that it needs a power fluid to be pumped downhole. (Bellarby, 2009)
Jet Pumps: This is the only approach to artificial lift that do not require downhole moving
parts. It is typically used in low to moderate-rate wells. They are compact and reliable
and ideal for remote areas due to the possibility of installing it by wireline. (Bellarby,
Progressive Cavity Pumps: This is a positive displacement pump, unlike jet pumps, ESPs
and HSPs. They are mostly used in moderate-rate wells onshore. (Bellarby, 2009)
Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water 33

2.5 Optimal Completion in Theory

Optimizing deepwater wells involves such an extensive process, including a wide range of
decisions, that it can not be summed up into one simple recommendation. Formations,
challenges, equipment access, weather/environment, all impose great varieties from place
to place. All completions must therefore be evaluated individually. However, there are
some general ideas/principles that seems to be valid for a a wide range of cases. Some of
these will be presented in the following section. Figure 2.30 shows a simple completion
optimization scheme. Figure E.2 on page A-53 shows a more complex scheme.

Figure 2.30: Completion options. (Schlumberger, 2007)

2.5.1 Common Decisions

If multiples pay zones are encountered, analyses and economic evaluations are needed
to determine whether the zones should be completed and produced simultaneously or
independently. From a mechanical point of view, it is better to produce from the lowest
zone first (to its economic limit) and then recomplete in the upper zone. However, seen
from an economic perspective, the upper zone is often selected as the initial completion.
To achieve this, a sliding sleeve is often used. The main disadvantage by producing the
upper zone first it the possibility of failure in the isolation devices at a later stage. (Dyson
et al., 1999)

2.5.2 General recommendations

The choice of completion method is highly based on the competence of the formations en-
countered. Non-sand control completions are best for competent formations, due to fewer
components, little risk and low installation cost. If the formations is poorly consolidated,
sand control are required. They are more exposed to failure and intervention is expensive.
If a fluid interface such as an oil-water contact is present, horizontal completions are best
suited. (Dyson et al., 1999)
Multiple zone completions require more equipment than single zone completions. This
includes packers, gravel packs, etc. The chance of failure decreases for sliding sleeves if
not relied upon for upper sands prior to lower sands. (Dyson et al., 1999)
34 Chapter 2. Completions in Deep Water

Due to the characteristics of deep waters along with the challenges, slurry properties such
as density and hydration characteristics must be optimized for the well parameters. Low
fracture gradient formations can for instance not use a high-density slurry that has strong
hydration characteristics due to the high cement content. In addition, a fast setting
cement slurry would increase placement/mixing pumping difficulties, although it could
reduce the wait on cement time. Due to the increased problems, it may not offset the
gain in the reduced Wating on Cement (WOC) time. (Ravi et al., 1999) Optimization of
the completion process is therefore crucial for the success of the well completion.
Properly executed cased holed frac packing appears to be more stable and long-lasting
solution for sand control than openhole gravel packing, sand screens, or high-rate water-
packing techniques (Figure 2.31).

Figure 2.31: Completion life comparison for different sand control options. (Schlum-
berger, 2007)

Frac packs require more complex fluids, larger volumes and higher pump rates than cases
hole gravel packs. However, such equipment is easily available in areas such as the GoM.
The additional cost then becomes small in comparison to the benefit. Frac packs are
therefore used as the primary cased hole sand control technique in these areas. (Furgier
et al., 2007) Frac packs cannot be used in reservoir with a gas cap and often not in
reservoirs with no effective barrier between the reservoir zones and the underlying aquifers.
(Schlumberger, 2007)
The high pressure and temperature in deepwater HPHT wells creates extreme loads in
the well. New, stronger casings may therefore be needed. In the following, a study of a
deepwater well has been done. Casing configuration and casing strength has been simu-
lated for different loads, and tried optimalized. Some new casing material specifications
have been found needed.
Chapter 3

Stress Analysis
3.1 Stress Analysis
In this chapter some background theory on stress analysis is presented. Additional equa-
tions and theory are presented in Appendix A. In addition, the project description and
some general specifications are presented at the end.

3.1.1 Purpose of Stress Analysis

Most completion designs require a well and tubing stress analysis. Especially when moving
into deeper waters and hotter reservoirs, the requirements increases. When simulating the
different load cases, the goal is to find the worst case so that the design is safe for the life
of the well. The basics for a casing design is assessment of burst, collapse and tensional
loads on the string. In this thesis, reasons for doing such a study include (Bellarby, 2009):
• Defining the grade and weight of the completion;
• Ensuring that the selected casings will withstand all projected loads for the life of
the well;
• Ensuring that the casings can be run into the well;
• Defining loads for casing stress analysis.

3.1.2 Stress, Strain and Grades

Loads experienced in the well may come from many sources including temperature, pres-
sure and pipe weight. These loads can act axially (compression and tension) or radially
(burst and collapse). An understanding of these loads and how the metals behave under
the loads is fundamental when designing a well. Stress quantifies the loads, and is defined
as force per unit area:
σ = F/Ax (3.1)
σ = Stress
F = Force
Ax = Unit area
Casings subjected to stress will elongate or stretch. Strain describes this and is dimen-
sionless. It is defined as the fractional length:
ε = ∆L/L (3.2)

36 Chapter 3. Stress Analysis

ε = Strain
∆L = Length change
L = Length
Figure 3.1 shows a typical stress-strain relationship. Initially, a linear relationship exist
between stress and strain. The slope of this straight line is called the modulus of elasticity
(E) or Young’s modulus. (Bellarby, 2009)

Figure 3.1: Stress-strain relationship. (Bellarby, 2009)

Casing is graded on the basis of its minimum yield strength. The API1 defines the yield
strength as “the minimum stress required to elongate the pipe by 0.5 % for all grades up
to T95, 0.6 % for grade P110 and 0.65 % for grade Q125.” (Bellarby, 2009) Table E.2 in
Appendix X shows API grades and strengths.

3.1.3 Axial Loads

Axial load are loads along the length of the casing. They can be tensile (positive forces)
or compressive (negative). Factors such as temperature, pressure and the weight of the
casing affect these loads. (Bellarby, 2009) The theory behind these loads is extensive and
will only be discussed briefly in this thesis.
The axial strength is defined as the “maximum axial force before exceeding the yield
stress” (Bellarby, 2009):
Fa,max = Ax · Yp (3.3)
Fa,max = Axial strength
Ax = Pipe cross-sectional area (in.2 )
Yp = Yield stress (psi)

The American Petroleum Institute
Chapter 3. Stress Analysis 37

The expansion of metal when it is heated can be described as in Equation 3.4. Heating
will cause a compressive force if the casing is fixed at both ends, and a tensile force if
cooled. (Bellarby, 2009) These forces are generally caused by production of hot fluids,
and are thus very applicable for deepwater wells.
∆LT = CT · ∆T · L (3.4)
∆LT = Expansion
CT = Coefficient of thermal expansion deg F −1
∆T = Average change in temperature deg F
L = Length
Additional loads defined as axial loads include weight of casing, piston forces (buoyancy,
expansion devices, etc), ballooning, fluid drag, bending stresses and buckling. (Bellarby,
2009) Typically when lowering the casing through tight spots, stick-slip effects or abrupt
changes in the running speed can induce tensional shock loads. (Aadnøy, 2010)
The sum of the aforementioned forces makes up the total axial force. Most software divides
the casing into small lengths before computing the axial loads. Whether the casing is free
to move or not makes a difference for the calculations. If it is free to move, the force
applied only affects the area above where it is applied. If not, the casing is stretched until
it is back to its starting position. (Bellarby, 2009)

3.1.4 Burst
When the mechanical strength of the pipe is exceeded by difference between the internal
and external pressures, the pipe will have a tendency to burst. This is a tensile failure,
which results in a rupture along the axis of the pipe. (Aadnøy, 2010)
Barlow’s equation (Equation 3.5) describes the burst rating. The wall thickness tolerance
for API pipe is 0.875 (12.5 % reduction). In comparison to collapse and axial failures,
burst failures only requires a failure of a very small piece of the casing. This means the
burst rating is impacted by anything that affects the minimum wall thickness. (Bellarby,
2 · Yp · t
pb = T ol( ) (3.5)
pb = Burst rating
T ol = Wall thickness tolerance correction (fraction)
D = Tubing outside diameter (in.)
t = Nominal tubing thickness (in.)
Yp = Yield strength (psi)
There are several situations that may result in a bursted pipe. Many of these situations
have similar pressure pictures. Thus, some main categories can be established from a
design point of view. These are discussed more in detail in Section 3.2.4 on page 42
(Aadnøy, 2010):
38 Chapter 3. Stress Analysis

1. Gas-filled casing.
2. Leaking tubing criterion.
3. Maximum gas kick.

3.1.5 Collapse
The collapse rating is a more complex issue than the burst rating. Casing diameter
and thickness, as well as properties such as pipe ovality (harder to define) affect the
collapse rating. Four collapse modes are defined in the API Bulletin 5C3 (1999); elastic,
transitional, plastic and yield strength. Each different mode have an associated formula.
All of them are empirical in origin. The slenderness ratio (OD-to-thickness (D/t) ratio)
defines the selection of the appropriate mode. Each mode has an associated formula. The
collapse equations are presented in Appendix A. Different values for collapse modes are
shown in Table A.1. (Bellarby, 2009) Figure 3.2 shows collapse pressure as a function of
slenderness ratio.

Figure 3.2: Collapse pressure as a function of slendereness - L80 tubing. (Bellarby,


The main issue with collapse of pipe is that equipment may no longer fit through the inside
of the pipe. This occurs when the external pressure exceeds the internal pressure. Pore
pressure, drilling fluid or temperature expansion creates the external pressure, while the
hydrostatic pressure exerted by a mud or saltwater column defines the internal pressure.
During a collapse, the casing is deformed, and thus collapse is a geometric failure, not a
material failure. (Aadnøy, 2010)
There are several situations that may result in a collapsed pipe. However, the following
two criteria incorporates most of them. These are discussed more in detail in Section 3.2.4
on page 42 (Aadnøy, 2010):
1. Mud losses to a thief zone.
2. Collapse during cementing.
Chapter 3. Stress Analysis 39

3.1.6 Triaxial Analysis

Looking at pressure and axial loads in isolation is insufficient for a rigorous design. Tension
will reduce the pipe diameter, compression will balloon the casing, as will applying internal
pressure. Thus, the combination of tension/compression and external/internal pressure
will generate higher stresses than they would alone. Mathematically, this is expressed in
terms of axial stress (σa ), radial stress (σr ) and tangential stress (σt ), and combined, they
are called the triaxial stress. (Bellarby, 2009) Equations for Triaxial stress can be found
in Appendix A. Figure 3.3 shows the stress components of a triaxial analysis.

Figure 3.3: Stress components of triaxial analysis. (Bellarby, 2009)

The most used criterion for yielding is the Von Mises (VME) yield condition (Huber-
Hencky-Mises). This is based on the maximum distortion energy theory. Yielding will
occur if the VME stress exceeds the yield stress. The VME stress is not a vector addition
of the three stresses, but a combination of them. (Bellarby, 2009) This is a complex
and extensive subject. Further discussion would therefore be outside the thesis objective.
For deeper theory on the subject, Bellarby (2009) includes an informative and thorough
section on this.

3.1.7 Temperature Effects

Increased temperature causes the pipe strength to decrease. As the temperature in deep,
high pressure wells are quite high, corrections have to be applied. A strength-depth curve
is therefore made for these wells. If bottomhole temperature exceeds 100 ◦ C a derating
of the strength is required. This should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
(Aadnøy, 2010)
An additional problem resulting from temperature change is annular pressure build-up.
This is discussed further in Section on page 46.
40 Chapter 3. Stress Analysis

3.1.8 Safety Factors and Design Factors

When the potential loads are analysed, the acceptability of the design can be evaluated.
This can be done by using safety factors, which compares the loads with the rating of
the pipe. A Safety Factor (SF) greater than 1 represent a rating that is greater than the
load. Safety factors can be calculated for each of the mechanisms (burst, collapse, etc.)
(Bellarby, 2009):
SF = (3.6)
SFs greater than 1 means that the casing should remain intact. Due to uncertainties in
calculations, definition of loads, etc., the applied minimum safety factors are greater than
one. These factors are called design factors, and can be seen in Table 3.1 (NORSOK
values). They usually vary from casing to tubing. (Bellarby, 2009)

Table 3.1: NORSOK completion design factors. (Bellarby, 2009)

Failure Mode Design Factor

Burst 1.1
Collapse 1.1
Axial (tension and compression) 1.3
Triaxial 1.25

3.2 Design Basis

As this study was conducted on a specific field, it may differ some from other field in the
GoM. It was however tried to achieve as general conclusions as possible. For this specific
well, the geologists have deemed the risk of encountering gas as very little. In addition, gas
lift is though of as an interesting scenario. The main conclusions are therefore based on no
expected gas before the reservoir section and gas lift plans. Three sensitivities were done
to include the effects when hydrocarbons cannot be ruled out. The following scenarios
were therefore considered: (A) no hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section, (B)
hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set, (C) no hydrocarbons expected
and planned for gas lift (main case), and (D) hydrocarbons can not be excluded before
13 5/8” is set and planned for gas lift.
In the chosen well, a 1,000 m salt formation is present. This was included in all the
simulations. A sensitivity study was made for a case without a salt formation. Table B.4
and Figure B.2 show the setting depths. The proposed well was set up using a 18” liner,
a 16” liner, 13 5/8” casing. A 9 7/8” liner with a tieback was set at top reservoir. The
salt formation is present in the 16” section. No design calculations were performed on the
36 in conductor as such a study has own requirements beyond the scope of this thesis.
The resulting well design from the WellCat study was used for the drillability study.
The final design can be seen in Table 4.1. Drilling, liner running and cementing was
investigated. Input data to WellPlan can be found in Appendix B.3. The simulations
were only conducted for the reservoir section, as the drillability study was not part of the
Chapter 3. Stress Analysis 41

main objective in this thesis. Some comments and discussion are however made on some
of the other sections as well.
Expectations for the simulations were that ECD and cementing would be the most chal-
lenging for the chosen design. Especially cementing the 9 7/8” liner and the 13 5/8”
casing. This was based on the high loads requiring thick walls for some of the pipes. This
will create small clearances, and thus increased pressure losses. In addition, the high wall
thickness results in heavier pipe. This, along with the deep well, may create problems
with rig capacity.

3.2.1 External Pressure Profile - Burst

To create worst case scenarios for the burst loads the external pressure profile was made
as low as possible for each load case. To do this, some general actions were included.
First, pore pressure in open hole was activated for all burst loads. This prevents WellCat
from using the cement density for cement in OH (not within prior shoe), thus yielding a
worse case burst load.
Mud weight above TOC was set to the fluid used when drilling the section. Mud weight
below TOC was set to the mix-water density of cement, 1.03 sg. This assumes a hy-
drostatic column of the mix-water in cemented intervals. This is representative of the
mix-water contained in the pore space of the permeable hydrated cement, meaning that
the cement job is “bad”, thus giving a lower external pressure than the cement density
For all liners the above/below prior shoe profile was used. The external pressure profile is
then based on the Equivalent Mud Weight (EMW) corresponding to the minimum pore
pressure gradient in the open hole interval and the cement mix-water density. Below the
prior shoe, the external pressure profile was based on EM Wmin .

3.2.2 External Pressure Profile - Collapse

To create worst case scenarios for the collapse loads the external pressure profile was made
as high as possible for each load case. This was done by setting the mud weight used when
drilling the respective section as the MW both above and below TOC. Pore pressure in
open hole was not enabled. This creates the highest external pressure profile, and thus
the worst collapse scenario. Cementing - Load Case Setup

The cementing load case were identical for all sections and thus described in general in
the following section. It was added as a Green cement test in WellCat, with 0 bar pump
pressure. This is a workaround, as WellCat do not have a cementing case by default.
Using the green cement test with no pump pressure the software interprets it as the
effect of wet cement. The load case is equal to the initial conditions. For the external
pressure drilling fluid density was used both above and below TOC. This gives the most
conservative collapse load.
42 Chapter 3. Stress Analysis

3.2.3 Axial Load Case Setups

The axial load cases were similar for all sections, and will be presented in general in the
following section.
The running in hole load case was specified with a running speed of 1 m/s. When
specifying a non-zero average running speed, the effect of the pipe stopping abruptly is
included in the axial profile. This occurs if the slips close while the pipe is moving, or
the pipe hits an obstruction. The fluid was defined as the fluid present when running the
The overpull load case was specified with a 91 tons (200 kips) overpull force. This is a
Statoil regulations for GoM operations. For the Norwegian regulations the requirement
is 50 tons.
Pre-cement static load and post-cement static load was also included. These were added
as a overpull and a green cement test, respectively. This is a workaround in WellCat, as
they do not have a default load case. The pre-cement static load was specified with the
same fluid used for drilling and a 0 tons overpull. The post-cement static load was defined
with 0 bar pump pressure.

3.2.4 Load Cases

This section presents the main load cases evaluated in this thesis. It is important to have
a good understanding of the loads experienced in the well to get as close as possible to the
real life loads experienced during the life of the well. A brief discussion will be presented
on which parameters that should be incorporated into each load and how to ensure that
they represent the worst case. A detailed description on how the loads are implemented
in WellCat can be found in Appendix C. Displacement to Gas (Burst)

This load case models displacement of the mud in the casing to gas. It represents a shut-in
well after the well is completely filled with gas, and is commonly used as a worst-case
burst criterion for casings with following sections with expected hydrocarbons. It is often
called “Maximum Anticipated Surface Pressure (MASP)”. (Halliburton, b)
The formation pressure minus the weight of the gas column makes up the inside pressure
(below the wellhead), while the hydrostatic weight of the fluids behind the casing string
creates the outside pressure on the casing. The load is given by the difference between
these pressures. (Aadnøy, 2010) Normally, the internal pressure is limited to the fracture
pressure at the shoe above the open hole TD. (Halliburton, b) Gas Kick (Burst)

This load case simulates maximum pressures seen by the casing while circulating a gas
kick to the surface. (Halliburton, b)
The gas bubble will expand when moving up. This expansion is based on a modified BWR2
equation state. Pressure profiles from the wellbore as a function of gas bubble depth are
Benedict Webb Rubin equation
Chapter 3. Stress Analysis 43

obtained, and after calculating the pressure profile with the gas bubble at surface, a locus
of maximum pressures at each depth is used as the load case. (Halliburton, b)
Gas kick load case makes the following assumptions (Halliburton, b):
• Kill mud weight is the same as the initial mud weight (Driller’s Method).
• Mud density does not vary with temperature and pressure.
• Annular frictional pressure losses are ignored.
Statoil regulations require a 4 m3 gas kick volume when no gas is expected. Equations for
required bottomhole pressure (Eq. A.12) and further information on this load case can be
found in Appendix C. Pressure Test

During completion and workover, a number of pressure tests are usually performed. These
are done to check production tubing and packer for leaks, as well as confirming that the
hanger is what holding the pressure, not the formation. The maximum pressures that
may occur during completion operations should therefore be established as Section Design
Pressure (SDP) for the production casing. (Aadnøy, 2010)
The pressure test is based on the “highest pressure expected to be seen at the wellhead”,
which is usually given by a gas filled casing scenario for the burst evaluation. This should
be included in the production casing design for the drilling phase. A similar pressure will
occur if there is a tubing leak below the wellhead. (Aadnøy, 2010)
This load case applies a specified pump pressure at the surface. The pressures in the casing
and below the plug are calculated based on the density of the specified fluid. As the deeper
casings are not cemented to the wellhead, they have a drilling fluid or a completion fluid
above the top of the cement. (Halliburton, b)
The requirements states that the “differential pressure from the pressure test should at
all depths below wellhead or liner hanger be equal to or higher than any differential
pressure...”. In addition, a 15 bar bullheading margin for casings with OD ≥ 16” is added,
and a 35 bar margin for casings with OD < 16”. This is also called the kill margin. Tubing Leak

Tubing leaks at the top of the production tubing (just below the wellhead) may occur
during well testing or production. The production string is usually installed with a packer
at the bottom, which isolates the annuli above or below. In regards to the pressure across
the tubing wall, the outside pressure is caused by a completion fluid, while the inside
pressure is caused by gas. In the case of a leak, the inside tubing pressure is superimposed
on top of the casing/tubing annulus. Thus, a substantial pressure occurs in the casing
annulus due to the hydrostatic head. (Aadnøy, 2010) As the pressure is transmitted down
the annulus, it will generate collapse loads on the tubing and burst loads on the casing.
(Bellarby, 2009)
This load case is used to model a tubing leak when analysing the innermost casing.
(Halliburton, b)
44 Chapter 3. Stress Analysis Green Cement Test

This load case models a pressure test during a primary cement job after bumping the
plug, meaning that the cement is still fluid so that the shoe of the casing is not fixed.
The model is performing an internal pressure test immediately after bumping the plug
during the primary cement job. This load case often represents a worst-case tension load.
(Halliburton, b)
This load case calculates its own external pressure profile regardless of the external pres-
sure profile previously specified. It is often performed to prevent the formation of a
micro-annulus caused by applying a high-test pressure after the cement has hardened and
to save operational time. (Halliburton, b) Lost Returns with mud

Lost returns with mud is a collapse load that models pressures corresponding to a mud
drop while drilling below the shoe. This mud drop is calculated by assuming the hydro-
static column of mud in the hole equilibrates with a specific pore pressure at the specified
loss zone measured depth. (Halliburton, b) The loss zone depth chosen corresponds to
the measured depth with the lowest pore pressure (in s.g.). Meaning the depth that gives
the largest mud drop in meters.
The collapse pressure is developed by the decreasing inside pressure due to the lost mud,
while the outside pressure remains constant. (Aadnøy, 2010) Full Evacuation

This load case simulates air/gas in the casing with a zero surface pressure. Both partial
an full evacuation can be simulated. (Halliburton, b) This is often the worst collapse
load as the internal pressure becomes close to zero, while the outside pressure remains
constant. The scenario is only likely in a dry gas well, for wells with high GOR (and in
addition the fluid column stays below the last shoe, yielding only gas in the casing above)
and for gas injection wells. (Bellarby, 2009) Above/Below Packer

This load case models a scenario where communication with the reservoir and tubing is
assumed lost. In addition, the production casing/liner is filled with production fluid. If
production is tried restarted, it will fail to produce due to plugged perforations. Any
surface pressure will therefore bleed off to atmospheric column of produced fluid (the
pressure inside the casing/liner will be equal to tubing pressure below the packer). If the
assumption is made that the tubing is filled with gas, the result would be atmospheric
pressure and the load case would in reality represent a full evacuation. Overpull
This load case models tension in the string due to the air weight of the casing (or buoyed
weight in mud). An overpull force can be specified to model additional surface tension
applied to the casing. For the GoM specific demands are present. (Halliburton, b)
Chapter 3. Stress Analysis 45 Running in Hole

This load case is used to model running casing or tubing into the hole. It is an axial
load, but does not represent a load distribution seen by the pipe at one particular time.
Instead, it is constructed by calculating the maximum tension seen at each point on the
casing string while running the casing in the hole. (Halliburton, b)
The maximum tension experienced by a joint of casing is normally the tension when
picking up out of the slips immediately after making up the joint. The imputed axial
pseudo-load arising from dogleg-induced bending stress can cause the maximum tension
to occur at depths where local well curvature (dogleg severity) was defined. (Halliburton,
The buoyed weight of the casing calculated use the Annulus Fluid specified for the current
string on the Wellbore. The temperatures specified on the Initial Conditions dialog are
used as the temperature profile for the load case. Analysis of this type of load is best
done in WellPlan, which is a torque & drag simulator. Production
The main issue with production-related conditions is the thermal change to the well. As
mentioned, this may generate high-temperature loads with high or low pressures in the
tubing. The type of fluid, the pressure and the flow rates affects the temperature the
most. (Bellarby, 2009)
Most load cases for well design include short-term loads. However, for production wells,
long time effects should be considered. Some factors are: subsidence and compaction,
pore pressure reduction over time, particle settling behind the casing and corrosion below
the production packer. (Aadnøy, 2010)
The different production load cases used in this thesis are listed below. The setup in
WellCat is shown in Appendix C.

• Clean up • Late stage production

• Early stage production • Frac job
• Short shut-in • Long shut-in
• Steady-state production • Active annulus Shut-in
The long-term shut-in will be exposed to cooling and will fully cool to the geothermal
gradient, but will be less extreme than the short-term. (Bellarby, 2009)
The short-term shut-in will be the worst case, with a steady-state production scenario
followed by a quick shut-in. The result from this is high temperatures and high pressures.
It is often difficult to determine the worst case because the pressure at the wellhead
will rise as the temperature falls. (Bellarby, 2009) This is a complex scenario, involving
multiphase flow and segregation, and will not be discussed in further detail.
46 Chapter 3. Stress Analysis Annulus Pressure Build-up (APB)

During production and well testing the heat transported from the reservoir up to the
wellhead cause a higher temperature profile. This results in volume expansion of the
fluids behind the casing strings. This may cause the casing to collapse or burst if these
annuli are closed. One way of preventing this is to keep the cement level below the
previous casing shoe, ensuring contact between the well and the open hole, as seen in
Figure 3.4b. The exposed open hole section may allow for a small fluid loss, thus reducing
the pressure. The fracture gradient should act as a safety valve, and should therefore
be checked against the pressures. Figure 3.4a shows a closed annulus (provided a high
quality cement job is performed). This annulus must therefore be checked for expected
pressures. (Aadnøy, 2010)

Figure 3.4: APB situations: may/may not cause casing failure. (Aadnøy, 2010) Above/below prior shoe external pressure profile

For all burst loads for liners the above/below prior shoe external pressure profile is chosen.
This is a Statoil demand. What this does is that it finds the lowest pore pressure both
above and below the prior shoe, causing the external pressure to be as low as possible for
the two sections. This creates the worst possible case. The profile is quite conservative,
and will be discussed later in the thesis.
Chapter 4

Due to the deep water, wells in GoM are usually drilled with little or no hole deviation.
However, it is clear that horizontal wells will increase recovery significantly. This created
the basis for this study, which was looking into details regarding drilling and well design in
such wells. The objective of the study was to design a production well for a deepwater ERD
well. Both casing design and drilling were investigated with the intention of revealing gaps
in existing technology. If the demands could not be met by present technology, the gap
was tried identified. Where possible, suggestions were made for improved performance.
A well in the GoM was chosen as a base case. The formation pressure in the well was
close to 1,400 bar (20,000 psi), which provided an excellent base for investigating general
requirements for deepwater HPHT-like wells. It was of interest to check if a 5 1/2” liner
could be used, and if so, if it could be used with a 9 7/8” liner.
The data for the study was provided by Statoil. WellCatTM was used to simulate produc-
tion and casing loads in the well. Based on this, several well designs were investigated.
After the requirements for each casing were established, WellPlan was used to investigate
the drillability of the chosen well design. The well length was set to 9,660 mMD. The last
section of the well had an angle of 88.83 o . The water depth at the site was around 2,300 m
from Mean Sea Level (MSL) to the mud line, and is therefore categorised as ultradeep
water. The pore and fracture data were kept constant, as was the thermal gradient, which
was set to 2.19 ◦ C/100m. Seawater temperature at the mud line was set to 4 ◦ C.
The base case was configured as in Table B.3. Based on this different liners and casing
were changed. The mud weights, circulation rates and setting depths were kept constant
from design to design. Results and base case information can be found in Appendix B
and D. Table 4.2 shows the final well design for the base case.
Table B.3 shows the wellpath setup used in the basecase. Salt formations creates restric-
tions for kicking off, so the well had to be quite deep before kicking off. Figure B.1 shows
the well trajectory of the base case.

4.1 Well Design - Case Study

The model was built in WellCat. The procedure for building and obtaining these results
are described in Appendix C, with necessary equations in Appendix A. This chapter
presents the most important results. Simulation results can be found in Appendix D.
Table 4.1 shows the final well design for the main study. Table 4.2 shows the final well
design for the base case (using 10 3/4” liner). The lines marked with grey are pipes with
ratings not found in the two investigated vendors’ database (VAM Services and Tenaris).

48 Chapter 4. Results

Table 4.1: Final Well Design - Case Study (No HC + Gas lift)

OD [in] ID [in] Weight [ppf]Grade
Burst Collapse Axial
[bar] [bar] [tonne]
36” 33” 552 X-56 281 185 4129
22” 20” 220.84 X-80 439 267 2394
18” 16.624 128 P-110 510 195 1870
16” 14.438 128 Q-125 736 385 2117
13 5/8” 11.577 128 VM140 1270 1350 2000
9 7/8” 8.013 83 VM140 1585 1600 1000
TB 8.013 83 VM140 1585 1600 1000
5 1/2” 4.25 32.6 Q-125 1715 1735 645

Table 4.2: Final Well Design - Base Case (No HC + Gas lift)

OD [in] ID [in] Weight[ppf] Grade
Burst Collapse Axial
[bar] [bar] [tonne]
36” 33” 552 X-56 281 185 4129
22” 20” 220.84 X-80 439 267 2394
18” 16.624 128 P-110 510 195 1870
16” 14.438 128 Q-125 736 385 2117
13 5/8” 11.577 128 VM140 1270 1350 2000
10 3/4” 8.684 109 VM140 1623 1676 1125
TB 8.906 97.1 Q-125 1295 1352 1615
5 1/2” 4.25 32.6 Q-125 1715 1735 645

Simulations showed that for the four top most casings the design was the same for the
case study and the base case. For the 13 5/8” no existing casing were found that could
handle the loads for the given scenario. The same was valid for the 9 7/8” liner and the
10 3/4” liner.
The loads giving the worst differential pressures were first identified. They are presented
in Table 4.3. The maximum internal pressure is given at the hanger for each pipe. The
differential pressures represent the worst case loads. However, the pressure test is not
included in the table. The strategies and requirements for conducting and designing
pressure tests vary depending on where in the world the well is located. This is discussed
in Chapter The pressure tests were included when investigating the final design.
Calculations and pressure test data can be found in Appendix A (Table A.4 and A.5).
Chapter 4. Results 49

Table 4.3: Section Pressure Summary - Case Study (No HC + Gas lift)

OD [in] Pint,max[bar] Pdiff,max[bar] Pdiff,min[bar]

22” 372 163 -206
18” 431 123 -151
16” 477 353 -245
13 5/8” 961 595 -1047
9 7/8” 1260 240 -1296
9 7/8” TB 623 213 -1150
5 1/2” 1332 50 -1350

Different pipes were then used to verify that they could handle the resulting pressures.
If the vendor or Statoil database did not include pipes with the necessary rating, new
specifications were identified. Based on the limiting load type (burst/collapse), the nec-
essary wall thickness were calculated. The results from these calculations are shown in
Table 4.18. Figure 5.1 shows a graphical representation of the calculations. Collapse gave
the highest wall thickness for all sections. The calculations were done by Auristela C.
V. Quitero in Statoil, using a self-made code in MatCad. The code was based on the
theory presented in Appendix A. The theory only touches the surface of the subject as
the equations, and the full theory behind, involve advanced mathematics.
The burst rating for the given wall thickness was calculated using Barlow’s equation
(Eq. A.1). The weight of the pipes were estimated with a tolerance of 7.5 % on the density
(WellCat practice). The resulting design factors (absolute minimum safety factors) are
shown in Table 4.4. Figure 4.1 and 4.2 shows a graphical representation of this.

Table 4.4: Design Factors - Case Study (No HC + Gas lift)

OD [in] Burst (1.1) Collapse(1.1) Axial (1.2) Triaxial(1.25)

22” 2,614 1,217 2,008 1,850
18” 2,592 1,169 3,594 2,474
16” 2,009 1,235 3,494 2,187
13 5/8” 1,386 1,261 1,970 1,418
9 7/8” 1,949 1,179 1,537 1,381
9 7/8” TB 3,095 1,330 1,476 1,575
5 1/2” 2,454 1,213 2,707 1,385
50 Chapter 4. Results

Design Factor 3 1.3


1 1
22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 12 ” 22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 21 ”
Burst Collapse

Figure 4.1: Design Factors Case Study - Burst & Collapse

Design Factor


2 1.5

1 1
22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 12 ” 22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 21 ”
Axial Triaxial

Figure 4.2: Design Factors Case Study - Axial & Triaxial

4.2 Drilling the Well

The well design used was as described in Table 4.1. WellPlan was used as the simulation
tool. The rig specifications used was from the Maersk Developer, described in Appendix B.
The goal of this study was to establish if the casing design specified in the previous section
could be used. As this was not part of the objectives of this thesis, only the reservoir
section was investigated. The setup used in WellPlan can be found in Appendix B.3. A
liner gap of 100 m was used.
Synthetic oil-based muds are most commonly used in GoM. In WellPlan, the Herschel-
Buckley rheology model was used to best show the properties of the mud. Table B.4
shows the mud densities for each section. Figure B.7 shows the fluid setup.
Simulations showed that the section could be drilled using the setup given in Table B.6.
Simulation results can be found in Appendix D.3. Torque, tension and hook load were all
within their limits. A 1.749 sg synthetic based mud was used in this section. The running
string was built with combination of a 6 5/8” DP (58.81 ppf) and a 5 7/8” DP (23.4 ppf).
The study was done to investigate if the section was drillable.
Chapter 4. Results 51

Investigations of hole cleaning showed that the riser needed a flow rate of 2,860 L/min to
stay clean. However, this rate was not needed for the hole. Figure D.41 shows that the
minimum flow rate needed in the hole was 1,100 L/min. A booster pump was added with
an injection rate of 1,500 L/min. With a minimum of 1,360 L/min passing through the
bit and 1,500 L/min through the riser, the total flow in the riser added up to 2,860 L/min.
The minimum flow in the open hole was therefore dimensional.
Further investigations showed that the flow rate limit was at 1,800 L/min. Figure D.42
shows the resulting ECD when using this rate. Increasing the rate above this could lead
to lost circulation or reservoir damage.
The overpull margin was 92 t for this case, which is just at the limit of 91 t (GoM require-
ment). Figure D.39 shows the resulting Von Mises stress on the pipe. This can be seen
as “the sum of all stresses”. As seen in the figure, the stress is below the Stress Limit.
Simulations showed that the liner could be run using the setup given in Table B.7. Sim-
ulation results can be found in Appendix D.3. Tension and hook load were both within
their limits, torque was not. Figure 4.3 shows that at 8,042 m the pipe will fail. This is
exactly in the transition from 5 7/8” DP to the 5 1/2” liner. As a result, the liner may
not be rotated all the way down. The overpull margin was 108 t for this case, which is
well above the limit of 91 t. A 1.749 sg synthetic based mud was used in the simulations.
A combination of 6 5/8” (34 ppf) and 5 7/8” (23.4 ppf) drillpipes were used in the landing

Figure 4.3: Torque - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

Table B.8 shows the input for the cement job. The simulations showed that cementing
the liner would be possible based on ECD. Figure D.46 shows the resulting rates from the
cement job. Figure D.47 shows the resulting ECD.
52 Chapter 4. Results

4.3 Sensitivities
Several aspects affect the outcome of a well design study. During the process many as-
sumptions and considerations were made. In this chapter some of these were tested to
see what effect they had on the design. First, three different scenarios were investigated.
These included: (A) No hydrocarbons are expected before the 13 5/8” is set, (B) Hy-
drocarbons cannot be excluded and (D) Hydrocarbons cannot be excluded and gas lift is
planned. These complement the main study, which was (C) No hydrocarbons expected
and gas lift is planned. In addition, some sensitivities were investigated for the main
study. This included some WellPlan settings, running fluid for the tieback, squeezing salt
and a wall thickness comparison for different yield strengths.
Figure 4.4 shows the the maximum internal pressure for all four scenarios. This is a
graphical representation of the data found in Table 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10. Figure 4.5 shows
the maximum and minimum internal pressure.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Pressure [bar]



22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” TB 5 12 ”

Figure 4.4: Maximum Internal Pressure - Sensitivities

(A) (B) (C) (D)

600 0
Pressure [bar]

400 −500

200 −1,000

22” 18” 16” 13 85 ” 9 87 ” T B 5 21 ” 22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 12 ”

Pdiff,max Pdiff,min

Figure 4.5: Minimum and Maximum Differential Pressure - Sensitivities

Figure 4.6 shows the design factors for burst and collapse, while Figure 4.7 shows the
design factors for axial and triaxial.
Chapter 4. Results 53

(A) (B) (C) (D)


5 6
Design Factor


22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 87 ” T B 5 12 ” 22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 12 ”
Burst Collapse

Figure 4.6: Design Factors Sensitivity - Burst & Collapse

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Design Factor


2 1.5

1 1
22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 12 ” 22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 12 ”
Axial Triaxial

Figure 4.7: Design Factors Sensitivity - Axial & Triaxial

Table 4.5 to 4.7 shows the final well design for the sensitivities. Table 4.8 to 4.10 shows the
resulting pressures for each scenario, with pressures presented as worst case per section.
Table 4.11 to 4.13 shows the resulting design factors. These sensitivities are discussed in
Chapter 5.2.3.
54 Chapter 4. Results

Table 4.5: Final Well Design - Sensitivity (No HC)

OD [in] ID [in] Weight[ppf] Grade
Burst Collapse Axial
[bar] [bar] [tonne]
36” 33” 552 X-56 281 185 4129
22” 20” 220.84 X-80 439 267 2394
18” 16.624 128 P-110 510 195 1870
16” 14.438 128 Q-125 736 385 2117
13 5/8” 11.577 128 VM140 1270 1350 2000
9 7/8” 8.013 83 VM140 1585 1600 1000
9 7/8” TB 8.553 66.4 Q-125 1010 870 1090
5 1/2” 4.25 32.6 Q-125 1715 1735 645

Table 4.6: Final Well Design - Sensitivity (HC)

OD [in] ID [in] Weight[ppf] Grade
Burst Collapse Axial
[bar] [bar] [tonne]
36” 33” 552 X-56 281 185 4129
22” 20” 220.84 Q-125 686 324 3740
18” 16.624 128 P-110 510 195 1870
16” 14.438 128 Q-125 736 385 2117
13 5/8” 11.577 128 VM140 1270 1350 2000
9 7/8” 8.013 83 VM140 1585 1600 1000
9 7/8” TB 8.553 66.4 Q-125 1010 870 1090
5 1/2” 4.25 32.6 Q-125 1715 1735 645

Table 4.7: Final Well Design - Sensitivity (HC + Gas lift)

OD [in] ID [in] Weight[ppf] Grade
Burst Collapse Axial
[bar] [bar] [tonne]
36” 33” 552 X-56 281 185 4129
22” 20” 220.84 Q-125 686 324 3740
18” 16.624 128 P-110 510 195 1870
16” 14.438 128 Q-125 736 385 2117
13 5/8” 11.577 128 VM140 1270 1350 2000
9 7/8” 8.013 83 VM140 1585 1600 1000
9 7/8” 8.013 83 VM140 1585 1600 1000
5 1/2” 4.25 32.6 Q-125 1715 1735 645
Chapter 4. Results 55

Table 4.8: Section Pressure Summary - Sensitivity (No HC)

OD [in] Pint,max[bar] Pdiff,max[bar] Pdiff,min[bar]

22” 372 163 -206
18” 431 123 -151
16” 477 353 -245
13 5/8” 961 595 -74
9 7/8” 1260 240 -920
9 7/8” TB 623 213 -242
5 1/2” 1332 50 -10

Table 4.9: Section Pressure Summary - Sensitivity (HC)

OD [in] Pint,max[bar] Pdiff,max[bar] Pdiff,min[bar]

22” 758 510 -205
18” 522 187 -151
16” 803 505 -245
13 5/8” 961 595 -74
9 7/8” 1260 240 -920
9 7/8” TB 623 213 -242
5 1/2” 1332 50 -10

Table 4.10: Section Pressure Summary - Sensitivity (HC + Gas lift)

OD [in] Pint,max[bar] Pdiff,max[bar] Pdiff,min[bar]

22” 758 510 -205
18” 522 187 -151
16” 803 518 -245
13 5/8” 961 595 -1047
9 7/8” 1260 240 -1296
9 7/8” TB 623 213 -1150
5 1/2” 1332 50 -1350
56 Chapter 4. Results

Table 4.11: Design Factors - Sensitivity (No HC)

OD [in] Burst (1.1) Collapse(1.1) Axial (1.2) Triaxial(1.25)

22” 2,453 1,218 2,025 1,850
18” 2,581 1,171 3,635 2,667
16” 2,009 1,235 3,705 2,296
13 5/8” 1,386 7,449 1,970 1,489
9 7/8” 1,949 1,558 1,726 1,963
9 7/8” TB 3,844 2,127 2,383 2,888
5 1/2” 2,277 4,318 4,356 2,550

Table 4.12: Design Factors - Sensitivity (HC)

OD [in] Burst (1.1) Collapse(1.1) Axial (1.2) Triaxial(1.25)

22” 1,240 1,476 3,418 1,520
18” 2,188 1,169 3,635 2,657
16” 1,105 1,235 2,814 1,349
13 5/8” 1,386 7,457 1,970 1,668
9 7/8” 1,949 1,550 1,722 1,953
9 7/8” TB 3,890 2,127 2,407 2,899
5 1/2” 2,607 4,319 4,356 2,660

Table 4.13: Design Factors - Sensitivity (HC + Gas lift)

OD [in] Burst (1.1) Collapse(1.1) Axial (1.2) Triaxial(1.25)

22” 1,238 1,476 3,417 1,517
18” 2,358 1,169 3,635 2,461
16” 1,101 1,232 2,805 1,333
13 5/8” 1,386 1,261 1,970 1,418
9 7/8” 1,943 1,177 1,514 1,381
9 7/8” TB 6,094 1,330 1,484 1,577
5 1/2” 2,607 1,213 2,707 1,386

4.3.1 Sensitivities for the Main Study 13 5/8” TOC
As the base case setup showed that top of cement for the 13 5/8” casing only was 150 m
below the previous shoe, a sensitivity study was done to see the effects of having the TOC
inside the previous shoe (16”liner). TOC was set to 5,940 m (3 m inside the previous shoe).
Figure 4.8 shows the resulting differential pressures for the annular pressure build-up load
case (APB). As seen in the figures, cementing into the previous shoe leads to the following:
(1) for the 13 5/8” casing, it will have a collapse effect, (2) for the 16”, it will have a burst
effect. Table 4.14 shows the resulting changes in the DFs for the 16” liner (no effects were
seen on the DFs for the 13 5/8”).
Chapter 4. Results 57

(a) APB 13 5/8” (b) APB 16”

Figure 4.8: Differential pressure for APB - TOC in 16” shoe versus below shoe.

Table 4.14: Design Factors - TOC in 16” shoe versus below the shoe

OD [in] Burst (1.1) Collapse(1.1) Axial (1.2) Triaxial(1.25)

In shoe 1,752 1,235 3,451 2,178
Below shoe 2,009 1,235 3,494 2,187 Running fluid for Tieback

The fluid density for running the tieback was set to 1.749 sg, which was the density used
when drilling the reservoir section. This gave overbalance to reservoir pressure. However,
running the tieback in a lighter fluid will have and effect on the design specifications
needed for the pipe. In this study, the tieback was simulated run in a packer fluid with
density of 1.318 sg. Table 4.15 shows the resulting DFs. Figure 4.9 shows a graphical
representation of this. The burst-DF decreased, while the collapse-DF increased.

Table 4.15: Design Factors - Running Tieback in Packer Fluid (1.318 sg

OD [in] Burst (1.1) Collapse(1.1) Axial (1.2) Triaxial(1.25)

1,749 sg 3,095 1,330 1,476 1,575
1,318 sg 1,980 1,579 1,798 1,862

Burst Collapse Axial T riaxial

Design Factor

1.749 sg 1.318 sg

Figure 4.9: Design Factors - Running Tieback in Packer Fluid

58 Chapter 4. Results Triaxial Hoop

In the section for pipe specifications there is a column called triaxial hoop. This is pre-
set to 87.5 in the Statoil database. Since the API correction factor (0.875) is already
included in the triaxial safety factor, the Triaxial Hoop must be set to 100. If this is
not done, the real DF would become higher than the specified 1.25 for triaxial analysis.
Table 4.16 shows the results from the sensitivity analysis. Figure 4.10 shows a graphical
representation of this. It shows that the triaxial-SF will become to low when using 87.5.
This will be discussed in Chapter 5.2.3.

Table 4.16: Design Factors - Effect of Triaxial Hoop

Triaxial OD [in] Burst Collapse(1.1)Axial (1.2) Triaxial(1.25)

Hoop (1.1)
13 5/8” 1,386 1,261 1,970 1,418
100 9 7/8” 1,949 1,179 1,537 1,381
13 5/8” 1,386 1,261 1,970 1,244
87,5 9 7/8” 1,949 1,179 1,537 1,213

1.6 T ri.Hoop = 100

T ri.Hoop = 87.5
Design Factor



13 5/8” 9 7/8” Tieback

Figure 4.10: Triaxial Design Factors - Effect of triaxial hoop Squeezing Salt

In the chosen well, a salt formation was present in the 16” section. However, a study
were done to see the general effect of such a formation. The result of this is shown
below. Table 4.17 shows the resulting DFs with and without salt formations. The effect
were only seen on the collapse load. Figure 4.11 shows a graphical representation of this.
Figure D.48 in Appendix D shows the resulting differential pressures.

Table 4.17: Design Factors - With/Without Salt Formations

OD [in] Burst (1.1) Collapse(1.1) Axial (1.2) Triaxial(1.25)

Including Salt 2,009 1,235 3,494 2,187
No Salt 2,009 2,158 3,494 2,185
Chapter 4. Results 59

Burst Collapse Axial T riaxial

Design Factor

Salt No Salt

Figure 4.11: Design Factors - With/Without Salt Formations WT versus Yield Strength

The calculations for wall thickness were done for three yield strengths (grades). This was
done to see the effect of the YS on wall thickness, as well as providing results for the
well design. This gave the opportunity to optimize the new specifications based on both
well design and drillability aspects. Table 4.18 to 4.21 shows the calculated wall thickness
for each scenario, presented for the 13 5/8” and the 9 7/8”. Figure 5.1 shows a graphical
representation of the wall thickness calculations for the case study. As some of the casings
were used in multiple scenarios, some of the values are repeated in the tables.

Table 4.18: Wall Thickness Calculations - Case Study (No HC + Gas lift)

Based on Burst [mm] Based on Collapse [mm]

OD [in]
110ksi 125ksi 140ksi 110ksi 125ksi 140ksi
13 5/8” 15,64 13,76 12,29 31,11 27,77 26,5
9 7/8” 4,56 4,01 3,58 29,75 25,71 22,65

Table 4.19: Wall Thickness Calculations - Sensitivity ((A) NoHC)

Based on Burst [mm] Based on Collapse [mm]

OD [in]
110ksi 125ksi 140ksi 110ksi 125ksi 140ksi
13 5/8” 15,64 13,76 12,29 - - -
9 7/8” 4,56 4,01 3,58 22,55 20,13 19,2

Table 4.20: Wall Thickness Calculations - Sensitivity ((B) HC)

Based on Burst [mm] Based on Collapse [mm]

OD [in]
110ksi 125ksi 140ksi 110ksi 125ksi 140ksi
13 5/8” 15,64 13,76 12,29 - - -
9 7/8” 4,56 4,01 3,58 19,26 18,27 17,57
60 Chapter 4. Results

Table 4.21: Wall Thickness Calculations - Sensitivity ((D) HC+Gas Lift)

Based on Burst [mm] Based on Collapse [mm]

OD [in]
110ksi 125ksi 140ksi 110ksi 125ksi 140ksi
13 5/8” 15,64 13,76 12,29 31,11 27,77 26,50
9 7/8” 4,56 4,01 3,58 29,75 25,71 22,65 Friction Factors - WellPlan

A study on the effect of friction factors were done in the Project Thesis. When testing this,
no changes were made besides the friction factors. This study was done on the base case
setup for the reservoir section. Table 4.22 shows the results of the sensitivity simulations.
Figure 4.12 shows a sensitivity plot for different friction factors when tripping in.

Table 4.22: Effect of different friction factors on torque and drag

Friction Factor Surface Torque Surface Torque Max drag in Max drag out
(CH/OH) (ON Bottom) (OFF Bottom) [kN] [kN]
[kNm] [kNm]
0.17/0.20 26.0 18.4 −232 213
0.17/0.30 33.6 25.8 −345 308
0.25/0.35 39.2 31.2 −456 399
0.28/0.35 39.9 31.9 −477 416
0.32/0.36 41.6 33.5 −529 451
0.33/0.38 43.4 35.2 −577 482
0.38/0.45 49.9 41.4 −866 610

Figure 4.12: Sensitivity on friction factors when tripping in (WellPlan)

Chapter 5

Discussion and Evaluation

The foundation of this Master Thesis was to investigate well design requirements for
Deepwater ERD wells. A well in the GoM was chosen as a case study. Landmark’s WellCat
was used as simulation tool. The results were then compared with similar simulations
done by Statoil. After verifying the model behaviour, the program was used to perform
a sensitivity study on selected parameters.

5.1 Deepwater Challenges

Drilling in deepwater environments are currently drilled with low angle and limited reser-
voir penetration. However, economic development of these reserves requires drilling much
higher inclination wells. The experience with high angle wells in this environment is lim-
ited and there are uncertainties to the feasibility of this type of wells. A study on well
design and drillability was therefore of interest.
To drill and complete deepwater wells successfully, sophisticated technologies must be
applied to overcome the various challenges. The most recognized deepwater challenge is
probably the narrow pressure window while drilling. Since the fracture pressure gradient
in deep water decreases more than in shallow water, ECD control will be even more critical
to avoid damaging the formation. Several challenges creates a demand for advanced rigs
and expensive customized equipment. Techniques as such as Managed Pressure Drilling
(MPD) and Dual-Gradient Drilling (DGD) can handle many of these challenges and thus
lowering the bar. These types of techniques provide a method for manipulating the
pressure window, making the potential of implementing them huge.
Cementing and ECD management are critical aspects with regards to completion opera-
tions. Low clearance at TD, heavy cement and small pressure windows creates difficult
conditions for successful cement jobs. This will in many cases limit the length of the well
as, cementing may not be possible TD.

5.2 Simulation Results

The main result from the study were that two new casings were needed to be able to
design this well with the given requirements. This included a 13 5/8” and a 9 7/8” casing
with the specifications given in Table 4.1. Both with a yield strength of 140ksi. Using
a lower yield strength would be possible, though this might decrease the success rate of
the completion process. The drillability study showed that the chosen 5 1/2” liner could
be used and run. However, the liner could not be rotated all the way down. This might
prevent getting a successful liner job.

62 Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation

5.2.1 Well Design

The main case study was based on a well with no expected hydrocarbons until the 13
5/8” casing was set. In addition, gas lift was included. A sensitivity study were later done
where scenarios with expected hydrocarbons in the shallower sections were included, along
with gas lift. The loads were based on Statoil requirements and simulated in Landmark’s
Investigations showed that collapse was the limiting factor for all casings. This can be
seen in Figure 5.1, shown for the 13 5/8” and the 9 7/8”. The required wall thickness
for the two pipes were higher for collapse than for burst. The load type giving the
highest required wall thickness were used as the limiting factor. As seen in the figure,
the calculated WT from collapse requirements were as high as 6.5 times higher than the
resulting WTs from burst (29.75mm/4.56mm = 6.52). This caused the burst rating on
the pipes to be over-dimensioned. The calculations are discussed in Chapter 5.3.2. Based
on the high collapse loads, specifications for two new casings were identified. A weakness
with this conclusion is that only two vendors were checked (Vam Services and Tenaris).
However, the available casings at the two vendors were far from the required ratings found
in this thesis. The extreme nature of the collapse requirement is believed to be higher
than the existing majority of pipes used for “normal” wells. In addition, high collapse
pipes were not investigated. This type of pipe could present better ratings than normal

Collapse - 13 5/8”
Collapse - 9 7/8”
Wall thickness [mm]

Burst - 13 5/8”
Burst - 9 7/8”


110ksi 125ksi 140ksi

Yield Strength

Figure 5.1: Wall Thickness - Calculation Results Case Study

Figure 5.2 shows the resulting design factors for burst and collapse. This shows that the
DFs for burst are well above the limit of 1.1. The DFs for collapse are also above the
limit, though with less margin. As an extreme example, the burst-DF for the tieback
was 227 % higher than the SF limit, while the collapse-DF for the tieback was only 20 %
higher. A general discussion on design factors can be found in Chapter 5.3.2.
Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation 63

Design Factor



1 1
22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 87 ” T B 5 21 ” 22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 12 ”
Burst Collapse

Figure 5.2: Design Factors Case Study - Burst & Collapse

The specifications for the two new casings can be found in Table 4.1. The wall thickness
was calculated based on a 140ksi yield strength. This was to get the wall thickness as
low as possible, so that the clearance would be maximized for the drilling and cementing
process. Using a lower yield strength would be possible from a well design perspective,
though this might decrease the success rate of the completion process (drillability). The
weights listed in the table are an estimation based on a tolerance of 7.5 % on the density
(WellCat practice).

5.2.2 Drilling the Well

The design found in the well design study were used in the drillability study. As the
objective of this thesis was to investigate the well design with regards to pressure demands,
only the reservoir section was evaluated in the drillability study. Some observations were
made on some of the sections not investigated.
The study showed that the reservoir sections was drillable with the given specifications.
Both the rig and the chosen pipes were able to withstand the operations performed. A
booster pump had to be installed to handle the cleaning of the riser. This was somewhat
expected, as similar findings were found during the Project Thesis. The riser has over
twice as large ID as the 8 1/2” hole, so an increase in needed flow rate is intuitive. As
the minimum pump rate needed to clean the hole was found to be 1,100 L/min, and the
limit before fracturing the formations was 1,800 L/min, ECD problems were not an issue
for this well. This was somewhat unexpected. However, the low-OD liner (5 1/2”) would
normally be run in a smaller OH, so the clearance was better in this case. It is important
to have a good liner job to get the completion solution in place. For this well, a frac pack
is the main plan.
The 5 1/2” liner could not be rotated all the way down. These findings were similar to
the findings of Statoil. An explanation to this might be the limitations on DP size when
running the liner. This further limits the strength and weight of the running string. The
combination of a deep kick off and long wellpath creates high torque values, which could
cause the pipe to break if tried rotated.
64 Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation

For the cement job, a spacer was used with heavier density than the mud, and lower
density than the cement. The higher density of the cement causes the fluids to U-tube
back, thus closing the float. A cement density of 1.97 sg was used. This counts as gas
tight cement. The study showed that the liner could be cemented without exceeding the
fracture pressure. This was highly dependent on the OD of the pipes used, and the length
of the liner. This is explained by the differences in clearance, which impacts the ECD. The
authors experience with cement simulations is the main limitation of the cement analysis.
However, it is believed that the analysis shows a good picture, as similar results were
obtained by Statoil. However, it is not advised to plan a well based on these simulations.
If problems with ECD during cementing, foam cement would be a possible solution. One
possibility would be to plan for a 200 m gas tight cement at the bottom of the cement
job, with a 1.55-1.65 sg above, though this has not been simulated. The only exception
here would be that a hydrocabon zone should be covered with gas tight cement. The
differences seen in Figure D.46 on flow rate in and out are caused by U-tubing effects, e.g.
heavier fluids in free fall.
The top drive hoisting capacity is 2,500 klbs. However, the weight of the top drive
(59.5 klbs) and the crown block weight (26.5 klbs) should be subtracted from this. If
a safety factor of e.g. 1.1 is included, the resulting maximum string weight should not
exceed 2,200 klbs. This is an important note in regards to the weight of the 13 5/8” casing.
High enough grade must be used so that the density of the pipe is kept to a minimum. In
addition, the choice of grade is critical for the clearance between the 13 5/8” casing and 9
7/8” liner, as well as the clearance between the 16” and the 13 5/8” casing. A maximum
ID will create greater clearance between the pipe and the connections passing through.

5.2.3 Sensitivities
Several aspects affect the outcome of a well design study. During the process of the
simulations in this thesis many assumptions and considerations were made. A sensitivity
study was done to test the effect of some of these assumptions. First, three different
scenarios were investigated. These included: (A) No hydrocarbons are expected before
the 13 5/8” is set, (B) Hydrocarbons cannot be excluded and (D) Hydrocarbons cannot
be excluded and gas lift is planned. These complement the main study, which was (C)
No hydrocarbons expected and gas lift is planned. In addition, some sensitivities were
investigated for the main study. This included some WellCat settings, running fluid for
the tieback, squeezing salt and a wall thickness comparison for different yield strengths. Different Scenarios for HC and Gas Lift

Figure 5.3 shows the maximum internal pressure seen in the different scenarios. As ex-
pected, the pressures were identical for the 13 5/8” and smaller. The internal pressure
were governed by the worst case of gas kick, displacement to gas and tubing leak. For
the 13 5/8” casing and smaller, the requirements for which load cases simulated were the
same, yielding the same setup for all scenarios. The figure also shows that scenario A &
C and B & D had the same internal pressure for the three top most sections. This was
also expected, as A and C are both based on the assumption that no hydrocarbons were
expected until the 13 5/8” casing were set. Thus, gas kick was the worst case for both of
Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation 65

them. For scenario B and D, both were simulated expecting hydrocarbons in the shallow
sections, requiring DTG in all sections. This gave higher internal pressure, as seen in the
figure. For the 18” liner, the maximum differential pressures were significantly lower than
the pressure seen for the 22” and the 16” (for DTG). This is caused by the fact that the
18” liner is protected by the 16” liner when drilling the 17 1/2” section (for the 13 5/8”
casing). It is during this section the highest pore pressure would be seen, and thus the
highest resulting SIWHP. The simulations showed that the formation would fracture if a
GK or DTG was to occur when drilling the section for the 16” liner.

Pressure [bar]

1,000 (C)


22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” TB 5 12 ”

Figure 5.3: Maximum Internal Pressure - Sensitivities

Figure 5.4 shows the maximum and minimum differential pressures for the four scenarios
investigated. As for the internal pressure, the maximum differential pressures were equal
for the four scenarios when looking at the 13 5/8” and smaller. As the maximum dif-
ferential pressure were based on the highest internal pressure, this was a natural result.
This was expected based on the same reasoning as for the internal pressure. For the three
top most sections, scenario A and C were also here the same, as were B and D. For the
minimum differential pressure, the results were sections wise opposite of the maximum
differential pressure. The three top most sections were the same and the 13 5/8” and
smaller were divided. This is caused by the simulations requirements when including gas
lift. The requirements say that if gas lift is planned, full evacuation has to be included as
a load case. This gave the worst load case for the collapse. For A and B, where gas lift
was not included, the above/below packer gave the worst case. Both are severe collapse
loads, creating high demands for the well design.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

600 0
Pressure [bar]

400 −500

200 −1,000

22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 87 ” T B 5 21 ” 22” 18” 16” 13 58 ” 9 78 ” T B 5 12 ”

Pdiff,max Pdiff,min

Figure 5.4: Minimum and Maximum Differential Pressure - Sensitivities

66 Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation

Table 4.5 shows the final well design for scenario A with no expected hydrocarbons and no
plans for gas lift. The same casings were used for the four top most sections as were used
in the main study. As mentioned, the burst requirements regarding the 13 5/8” were the
same for all scenarios. The collapse requirements for the same casing were lower for this
scenario, where no gas lift was planned. The difference between the minimum differential
pressures was approximately 370 bar. Scenario A showed a minimum differential pressure
of 920 bar. The highest collapse rating found from the two vendors were 560 bar (Tenaris
Q-125, 105ppf). For this reason, the scenario were simulated using the proposed 13 5/8”
casing from the case study. As seen in Figure 4.6, this provided a collapse resistance that
was significantly over-dimensioned. While the collapse-DF for the cases including gas lift
was just below 2, the collapse-DF for the A and B were approximately 7,5.
The same observations for the 13 5/8” casing and 9 7/8” liner were made for scenario B,
where hydrocarbons were expected in the top sections. The main difference from scenario
A and C were that a stronger 22” casing would have to be used. Scenario A and C both
were excluding hydrocarbons in the top sections, thus only simulating a gas kick. A fully
displaced well to gas would give significantly higher SIWHP than a gas kick. This can be
seen in Table 4.8 versus Table 4.9. Figure 5.3 shows this graphically.
The same 22” casing was needed for the worst case well design, scenario D. As this scenario
included both expected hydrocarbons in the top section as well as plans for gas lift, this
clearly provides the most conservative scenario. In addition to the observations mentioned
for the two scenarios mentioned above, the new 140ksi 9 7/8” pipe would have to be run
as tieback. This is the same as the conclusion for the case study. For the two scenarios
without plans for gas lift, a lighter casing pipe could be used for the tieback. 13 5/8” TOC

As the base case setup shows that the top of cement for the 13 5/8” casing only was
approximately 150 m below prior shoe, a sensitivity study was done on the effects if the
TOC was inside the previous casing. This would remove the possibility of fracturing
the formation at the shoe, thus removing this “safety”. It would also mean that APB
would affect this annulus. The resulting differential pressures are shown in Figure 4.8. As
expected, for the 13 5/8”, the APB case caused a load more like collapse than the burst
load experienced if the TOC was below the previous shoe. For the 16”, it was opposite,
resulting in a worse burst load. For the 16” APB became the worst load for the section
(pressure test and GK before). The resulting DF are found in Table 4.14. The same pipes
could be used, as the DF were above their limits. Tieback Running Fluid

The fluid density for running the tieback was set to 1.749 sg, which was the density used
when drilling the reservoir section. This gave overbalance to reservoir pressure. One
option may be to run the tieback in a lighter fluid. This would decrease the external
pressure on the tieback, and thus reducing the collapse forces. However, this would also
increase the differential pressure from the Tubing Leak load. The requirements mention
that “Running tieback string in light fluid is only allowed.. if .. no HC bearing formation
shall be exposed behind the production liner.” However, the most conservative is running
the tieback in overbalance, using the 1.749 sg for this case. Table 4.15 shows the resulting
Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation 67

DFs. Figure 4.9 shows a graphical representation of this. As expected, it was seen that
the burst-DF decreased and the collapse-DF increased. The lower density outside the
tieback causes less resistance for burst loads, thus lowering the DF. The opposite is valid
for collapse, as the lower density provides less pressure externally, thus a higher DF. The
density of the packer fluid will also impact the resulting loads. Higher density would
approach the original simulations with the heavier mud, yielding a higher collapse load.
The opposite would be valid for a lower density. The Effect of Triaxial Hoop

In the section for pipe specifications there is a column called triaxial hoop. This is pre-set
to 87.5 in the Statoil database. The triaxial SF and the pipe limit for triaxial stress are
calculated by the Von Mises equation (Eq. A.7). In addition, an API correction factor
of 0.875 is included to included the effect of wall thickness in reality will be less than
the nominal wall thickness. Since this already is included, the Triaxial Hoop must be
set to 100. If this is not done, the real SF would be as follows: Triaxial SF/0.875. In
short, Statoil has specified the minimum triaxial SF=1.25. If triaxial hoop=0.875, the real
triaxial SF = 1.25/0.875 = 1.43, thus increasing the demands for the well to unnecessary
levels. Table 4.16 shows the results from the sensitivity analysis. Figure 4.10 shows a
graphical representation of this. It shows that the triaxial-DF will become to low when
using 87.5. Squeezing Salt

As expected the effect of the salt formation was only seen on the collapse loads. A small
change in DF was also seen in the triaxial-DF (0.09 %). This change was expected to be
slightly larger. The reason for this small effect is likely do to the equations behind triaxial
analysis (Eq. A.7). Thus, with no change in the other stresses, the resulting triaxial effect
will become small.
As seen in Table 4.17, the effect is substantial and will impact the well design. The
salt formation is added as formation description in WellCat. A study should be done,
where the salt should be implemented as a custom load. This would verify WellCats
interpretation of the salt formation. Figure D.48 in Appendix D shows the resulting
differential pressures. WT versus Yield Strength

Table 4.18 to 4.21 shows the calculated wall thickness for each scenario, presented for
the 13 5/8” and the 9 7/8”. Two observations were made; (1) the collapse loads required
the highest wall thickness when compared to burst, (2) higher yield strength gave lower
demand for wall thickness. This was expected based on the formulas used in the MatCad
script used by Statoil. Figure 5.1 shows the wall thickness calculations for the case study.
This clearly shows the two observations mentioned above. Higher grade (yield strength)
would therefore result in higher clearance. As clearance often is a problem in deepwater
wells with many casings, this is an important parameter.
68 Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation Friction Factors in WellPlan

As seen in Table 4.22 and Figure 4.12, the choice of friction factors will be an important
choice when doing simulations for these deepwater ERD wells. The factors will be im-
portant for simulating how long the reservoir section could be drilled. Discussion with
Alasdair Fleming at Lyngaas TMC have led to the recommendation on friction factors
should be between 0.25 and 0.28 for casings and 0.30 and 0.35 for OH. This is based on
his experience with similar wells and simulation results versus actual data from drilling.

5.3 Design Requirements

As one of the goals of this thesis was to look at the two different requirements, a short
evaluation of the process will follow. In addition, the requirements for the NCS is easily
misinterpreted. A clarification will therefore be needed.

5.3.1 Global vs. GoM

Two different technical requirements exist for casing design; one valid on a global basis,
and one valid in the GoM. As the water depth in the GoM are mainly deep water (ref.
Figure E.1), these requirements are specially developed for these environments. While the
global document “applies to both development and exploration purpose wells, on and off-
shore on a global basis”. Shallow water clearly present different circumstances for casing
design than deep water. Using the same requirement for them is therefore assumed to
create a bad basis for the deepwater design. Evaluating the requirements and making
a new document, specially designed for deepwater wells, is therefore recommended. An
example from the requirements is given in the following section. Section Design Pressure

The requirements for determining the section design pressure vary depending on whether
the well is located on the NCS or in the GoM. In the GoM requirements for PT, the
following is stated: “Casing extending to the wellhead: test to 70 % of the minimum burst
pressure rating of the pipe, taking into account the differential already in place; it shall
suffice for verifying the casing/liner installation. Liners: Test to the maximum of section
design pressure or maximum expected leak-off test/formation integrity test”.
In the requirements for the “global basis”: “Specify a test pressure that produces an
internal differential pressure equal to section design pressure at well head level or liner
hanger level...Differential pressure should at all depths below well head or liner hanger be
equal to or higher than any other differential pressure in order to qualify the string”.
Section Design Pressure is defined as: “the highest pressure expected to be seen at the
wellhead. This is maximum injection pressure or shut-in wellhead pressure plus a margin
that will allow killing the well by bull-heading”.
The phrase “internal differential pressure” creates some confusion for the reader, thus
increasing the threshold for setting up the simulations in the right way. A pressure test
that produce a differential pressure equal to the highest internal pressure seen from worst
case, would create an over-dimensioned test, as well as immense loads in the well. In a
Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation 69

well with shallow water above, the contribution from the external pressure would be small,
and thus the differential pressure would be close to the internal maximum. However, for
deepwater wells, the hydrostatic pressure induced by the high water column will produce
a external pressure that needs to be included.
Figure 5.5 shows the differential pressure for several interpretations of the pressure test.
It shows that the two pressure tests based on the given differential pressure (560 bar from
DTG), produce differential pressures always higher than the differential pressures for the
DTG. They also include the 35 bar margin at the WH. The PT that is based on the GoM
requirements (70 % of burst rating) shows that the differential pressure does not cover the
Pdiff from DTG at all depths. According to the global version, this would disqualify the
test. The last option added is the interpretation of having a pressure test that produces
a differential pressure equal to the internal pressure. As seen, this is substantially higher
than the load seen by the DTG. This would over-dimension the requirements for burst
rating. Pore pressure in open hole was activated for the pressure test. This is the reason
for the break in the straight line trend seen in the top. An example is given below with
the intention of clarifying how the pressure test simulations should be set up.

Figure 5.5: Pressure test using 70% of burst rating (WellCat)

Shut-in wellhead pressure (SIWHP): 900 bar (Red dashed line)
Annulus wellhead pressure (AWHP): 350 bar (Blue dashed line)
Differential pressure, displaced well to gas: 900 − 350 = 550bar@WH (Green line)
Test differential pressure: 550 + 35 = 585bar @ WH (Black line)
Test pressure: 935 bar (Blue line)



Pext DTG
Pdiff DTG
Pdiff PT
Pint DTG
Pint PT

Casing Shoe
410 500 735 910 1,085
Pressure [bar]

Figure 5.6: Section Design Pressure - Example

70 Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation

The displaced well to gas scenario are plotted with dashed lines (red-internal,blue-external),
and the resulting differential pressure as the green line, with 550 bar at WH and 410 bar
at casing shoe. To meet the demand of bullheading margin, the differential pressure at
WH must be 550 + 35 = 585bar from the pressure test. The differential pressure from
the pressure test is shown in the black line. The test fluid density in the example is set
to heavier than the fluid present in the annulus, thus yielding a non-constant differential
pressure. The internal pressure seen at the WH dould be 935 bar from the PT (blue line).
As mentioned, a PT will give different loads down the well depending on which density is
used; lighter fluid will give lower pressures down the well, thus lower loads. Higher fluids
will give higher pressure down the well, thus higher loads.

5.3.2 Design Factors

Safety Factors represent a convenient method for comparing the rating of the pipe with
the actual loads. Having a SF equal or higher 1 should therefore mean that the pipe
will hold against the loads. WellCat calculates the the minimum safety factor for each
pipe. These are called design factors (DF) in this thesis. The assumptions made for these
to be valid are that the loads are fully defined and that the manufactured pipe behaves
according to the specifications given by the vendor. These uncertainties are incorporated
through the higher-than-one SF. Burst
As mentioned in Chapter 3.1.4 and Appendix A.1, the burst rating is based on API
calculations. This involves degrading the the rating by a factor of 0.875 (12.5 %). This
allows for grinding out of tubing defects. Some pipes have a higher tolerance (from 0 %
to 10 %). If pipe of this kind is used, the burst rating would be higher. This could then
be used where higher burst ratings are required.
The hoop stress of the inner wall forms the basis for the API formula. (Ref Section A.1).
As this assumes a slenderness ratio much greater than 1, this will yield conservative
results. This is acknowledged by Adams et al. (2003), Payne (2001) and Klever and
Tamano (2006). The formula also assumes that the failure occurs at the yield point. This
is conservative, especially for low-grade tubulars. (Bellarby, 2009)
The design factors for burst were over-dimensioned for most of the sensitivities in this
thesis. This was the result from the high collapse loads, which demanded higher wall
thickness than what the burst loads required. Collapse
According to Adams et al. (2003) the API collapse formulas has long been recognized to
be conservative for modern pipe. This has lead to a revision and modernization of the
formulas (Payne, 2001). These new formulas include the effects of ovality, eccentricity and
residual stress directly into the calculations. The API 5C3 formulas used in this thesis
include a conservatism reflected in low collapse design factors or high demands for wall
thickness to handle the collapse loads with the current factor.
Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation 71

Existing collapse formulations are the API 5C3, Timoshenko Model and Tamano Model.
They are described in Appendix A.2. The basis for the API 5C3 formulas is the regression
equation fitting 2488 tests (from 1960 and older), called plastic collapse. This formula
was augmented with an elastic collapse formula for thin-walled pipe (high D/t) and a
yield collapse formula for thick-walled pipe (low D/t). (Payne, 2001)
The fact that the tests are from 1960 and older and based on the conclusions made by
Adams et al. (2003), it is assumed that the required collapse ratings found in this thesis
are to conservative. This leads to a line of results; higher wall thickness, higher weight,
higher price. In addition, the API approach is not valid for high-collapse pipes. As these
HC pipes may be a good way of dealing with the high loads in deepwater ERD wells,
this has to be re-evaluated with the new revised formulas. The Timoshenko and the
Tamano model were not used in this thesis. As the Tamano model includes other aspects
of collapse, the collapse ratings should be evaluated with this model and compared with
the new API revision.

5.4 Optimization
Optimization for the successful drilling and completions of the well centers around casing
and tubing design. Adequate room for running the casing forms the basis for choosing hole
sizes. In addition, well circulation and cementing must be evaluated. Higher ROP, solids
control costs and mud are some of the factors limiting excessive hole sizes. An important
note to remember is that the combination of hole and casing size are not governed by the
pipe OD, but by connection ODs.
As the industry keep pushing for “deeper” deepwater operations, the demands for opti-
mizations becomes critical. Limited number of casings available to reach TD and limi-
tations to run casings on available landing strings (due to excessive weigh), are factors
that creates challenges. Higher pressure and HPHT-like deepwater wells further increase
these issues. The need for more advanced design capabilities to address dimensional
optimization of the tubulars are clear and urgent.
The need for pipe optimization have long been recognized (Payne (2001)). With the
advances in inspection technology, new possibilities for inspecting and recording the spec-
ifications of a pipe is now possible. High speed ultrasonic inspection system are an example
of such Technology. A more accurate base than the 12.5 % deration would be to base the
the ratings on the minimum walls or averaged minimum walls from these UT inspections.
According to Payne (2001), a more realisic deration would be 3 %. This would yield
approximately 10 % improvement on internal pressure ratings.
Optimizing deepwater wells involves an extensive process, including a wide range of deci-
sions. Formations, challenges, equipment access, weather/environment, all impose great
varieties from place to place. All completions must therefore be evaluated individually.
Figure E.2 on page A-53 shows a completion optimization scheme.
Properly executed cased holed frac packing appears to be more stable and long-lasting
solution for sand control than openhole gravel packing, sand screens, or high-rate water-
packing techniques (Figure 2.31). Frac packs require more complex fluids, larger volumes
and higher pump rates than cases hole gravel packs. However, such equipment is easily
72 Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation

available in areas such as the GoM. The additional cost then becomes small in comparison
to the benefit. Frac packs are therefore used as the primary cased hole sand control
technique in these areas. (Furgier et al., 2007) Frac packs cannot be used in reservoir
with a gas cap and often not in reservoirs with no effective barrier between the reservoir
zones and the underlying aquifers. (Schlumberger, 2007)

5.4.1 Extending the Reservoir Section

A study on how long the reservoir section could be drilled would be very interesting.
Unfortunately, the time for such a study was not found for this thesis. Some comments
for future work are however presented below.
Several conditions must be investigated before a limit can be defined. Each of the following
may result in a different TD:
1. Adequate WOB must be available.
2. Rig limitations must be kept in mind. Heavy drillpipe may cause large weights.
91 tons (200 kips) is set as a minimum overpull margin for GoM operations. Rig
limitations also includes torque and pumping capacity.
3. Must be able to run the completion liner and the chosen completion solution.
In regards to the drilling operations, criteria for how far the section could be extended
could be: the WOB, the overpull margin, torque, pump pressure and ECD. These could
be evaluated for different string setup, e.g. the 6 5/8” DP may not be run below the WH.
This is believed to decrease the possible TD substantially. When the limits to TD for
these parameters are determined, a study on liner running for the resulting limits could
be done.
For the cementing study, it would be interesting to investigate the the TD limits in regards
to the following parameters: the rates, cement density, effect of additives/alternative
cements (e.g. foam cementing).

5.5 Model Evaluation, Source of Errors and Future

5.5.1 Evaluation Well Design
Landmark’s WellCat is a somewhat unintuitive software to work with. The loads must be
defined from scratch and many of them are added as custom loads. In short, the quality
of the designs depends on the knowledge of the well designer. Based on several sessions
Lyngaas TMC, as well as thorough comparisons with Statoil models, it is believed that
the model/simulation built in this thesis is accurately built. (Lyngaas TMC is a leading
consulting company in Norway on WellCat simulations and well design.)
The results were consistent with what Statoil has found using a 10 3/4” liner (instead of
a 9 7/8”). The resulting pressures for each section were also compared with Statoil and
Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation 73

found close to identical, with differences less +/- 2.5 %. The study on the base case (the
design Statoil was investigating) is shown in Table 4.2.
As these results were based on a HPHT well in deep water, with a reservoir pressure above
1,350 bar (20,000 psi), they are believed to be somewhat general for this type of well. The
water depth was around 2,300 m, and the TD of the well was just below 8,000 mTVD.
Requirements for gas lift was included, as well as two scenarios for the expectancy for
hydrocarbons (expected and “no chance”). Some general conclusions may therefore be
extracted from the work:
• Collapse will in general create the worst scenarios and thus the highest demand for
well performance;
• Based on the resulting collapse loads, burst ratings will tend to be over-dimensioned;
• HC pipes should be evaluated.
The APB setup presents one of the limitations of the model built in this thesis. As the
incremental pressures were found from the base case, these were not updated for the
case study. The error was noticed when running the simulations for the TOC sensitivity
(Section 4.3.1). An update for the case study was done to see the effect. It showed that
a maximum of 13 % difference could be seen in the incremental pressures. The changes
caused by this were small and not limiting for the case study. It should however be
remembered when evaluating the design. However, if the TOC for the 13 5/8” casing
is inside the previous liner, this would have a larger effect, which could be limiting for
the design. This was seen in the sensitivity study (Section In short, if TOC
lies below the previous shoe, the effect of the error would be neglectable. For TOC in
previous shoe, a new study should be done.
Another disadvantage for the conclusion is that only two vendor’s were checked when
looking for existing pipes. In addition, high-collapse pipes were not investigated.
Operations such as the frac job and possible injection operations were not included. This
was due to high uncertainties in for the pressures and rates. Another reason was to keep
the study as general as possible. If such operations are planned, additional load cases
must be added to cover all scenarios.
Some data for were assumed, such as waiting-on-cement times (WOC) and circulations
rates for the WellCat setup. According to Lyngaas TMC, these will not have large effects,
and are thus believed to present neglectable differences if changed. Drillability Study

The drillability study assumed no obstructions were met, as such analysis cannot take
account of poor hole conditions. It was expected at that the larger OD items would be
able to accept more WOB to get past the obstructions, however they also offer more
susceptibility to being stopped by obstructions as they require more space to pass. All
simulations were done in soft-string mode. This means that there were no bending stiffness
and the string follows the center line of, and is in constant contact with, the wellbore. Stiff-
string mode should be used on each case to make sure it is drillable. This includes tubular
stiffness and does not assume the string to be in constant contact with the wellbore.
74 Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation

Cementing is believed to be the bottle neck for the 9 7/8” liner and the 13 5/8” casing. A
limiting factor of the drillability study is obviously that not all sections were investigated.
The effective flowrate that the annulus fluids will have is going to be affected by the
free fall rates. So it may not be possible to completely remove ECD effects (density).
The major component of ECD at low rates is the density (so when rates are turned
down, it is an easy way of dropping the ECD). However, the job data presents options
as annular clearance, rheology (cement is pretty thick stuff, but there are ways to reduce
the ECD/freefall effect e.g. foam cement) and flow rates. If the freefall is causing the
issues, then staging up the cement density is recommended. The last option would be
to stage cement. The bottom would tehn be cemented first, and then the top of the
casing/liner through ports. Theoretically, it is believed that it is possible to stage cement
many zones, but in the same manner as a multi lateral, risk increases with each stage
added, so normally not more than 2. Worst case scenario, the shoe depth has to be moved.
Archer’s C-flex tool could be used to solve ECD problems caused by low clearance. Fig-
ure E.3 in Appendix E shows the tool. The cement job is then performed via an inner
string stung into the fload collar. While RIH with the inner string, the port collar is
opened with the cementing tool. (Archer, n.d.) The cement will then return into open
ports & annulus, as seen in the figure.
If gas lift is planned, the 13 5/8” casing would be a production barrier, with requirement
to the cement behind casing. A thorough study on the cement job should be done. It is
expected that small clearance would create problems here. Slick connections are therefore
Pipe specifications used were 90 % values - which means 81 % of the limit of elasticity of a
new pipe (0.9 · 0.9 = 0.81). This is a bit conservative, but represents a methodology that
is consistent with Ultra Deepwater operations. However, this is sometimes considered too
conservative, and is in some cases left out. This would change the results in the study,
with the result of longer wells. If left out, inspection routines and quality checking of
equipment are paramount to the feasibility of drilling these wells. Improved pipe grades
allowing stronger pipes for the same pipe weight would also likely improve the T&D
The sensitivity study showed that the friction factors have a huge effect on the results,
especially in the casing, where the side forces are highest. New techniques to improve this
area could be using the Swivel master tool (from Tercel Oilfield products). This tool allows
rotation of the drill string inside the casing whilst running strings which normally would
not be rotated. A problem with the friction factors is that they only convert a percentage
of the normal force to “resistance”, and are very affected by the well trajectory. Moreover,
friction coefficients is not really a single coefficient, but more a fudge factor that considers
several factors.
Chapter 5. Discussion and Evaluation 75

5.5.2 Source of Errors

• Errors done in the load case setup in WellCat is a possibility. Small misprints
in the setup may have been included. The WellCat setup is based on the Statoil
requirement documents. Misprints may have been included unintentionally.
• Uncertainties in the input data. These data are based on data made available from
Statoil. Any misprints or data not provided may have been included and counted
as good data.
• The friction factors were assumed when simulating in WellPlan. The sensitivity
study showed that these factors have a large effect on the drilling simulations. Sim-
ulations should therefore be compared with real drilling data to get friction factors
that matches the real well.
• Any operations involving injection was not included. Plans involving injection calls
for extra load cases in the simulations. These could create worse scenarios than
simulated in this thesis.

5.5.3 Future Work

There are still some aspects that needs to be assessed before reaching the goal of a
complete casing design for deepwater ERD wells. The WellCat simulations are somewhat
complicated, and industry requirements are not fully updated for deepwater ERD wells.
Enabling productions wells of this extreme character will involve the following steps:
• Make a tutorial for load case setup in WellCat.
• Collect vendor data for HC casings and implement these in the simulations.
• Use Timoshenko or Tamano model to investigate the differences in collapse ratings.
• An optimization algorithm/code could be made, taking the rating results from Well-
Cat, then searching a database for possible pipes. This could include an optimiza-
tions of wall thickness versus yield strength and weigh.
• Making a Finite Element Model for the well. It is believed that the available software
for well design is reaching their limit for accuracy when simulating on these extreme
• An evaluation and upgrade of Statoil requirements would ease future work with
deepwater ERD wells.
• Incorporate optimization for completion solutions/setup in such a way that one
program could take the specified well and find the optimum completion solution for
the user-specified restrictions.
• WellPlan simulations on the whole well.
Chapter 6

In this Master Thesis well design for deepwater ERD wells have been reviewed. The
factors impacting the design have been investigated in WellCat and WellPlan. Gaps in
the industry design envelope were tried identified, with some suggestions for improved
performance. The results were compared with calculations based on existing theory on
the subject. Based on the discussion in Chapter 5, the following conclusions can be made:
• Collapse loads will in general create the worst scenarios and thus the highest demand
for well performance. This will cause the burst ratings to be over-dimensioned.
• New design requirements should be developed. These should be specific for deep
waters and include a WellCat guide on how loads are set up. The loads given by
the two existing requirement documents should be evaluated for deep water and
checked if too conservative.
• For the given case study, new casing would have to be made to be able to withstand
the high loads. These are currently not existing pipes on the market.
• A self-built WellCat model was made. Some parameters were varied to investigate
the impact on the design, based on different requirements.
• A full study should be done on the drillability of the chosen design. A thorough
study on cementing would be especially important.

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DGD Dual-Gradient Drilling.
ECPs External Casing Packers.
EDM Engineer’s Data ModelTM .
EMW Equivalent Mud Weight.
ERW Extended Reach Wells.
GoM Gulf of Mexico.
HPHT High Pressure High Temperature.
HRWP High-Rate Water Pack.
LWSA Lightweight Solid Additives.
MPD Managed Pressure Drilling.
MSL Mean Sea Level.
OOIP Original Oil in Place.
PPS Pre-Packed Screens.
PT Pressure Test.
SAS Standalone Screens.
SDP Section Design Pressure.
SF Safety Factor.
SSVs Subsurface Safety Valves.
T&D Torque and Drag.
TAML Technology Advancement of MultiLaterals.
TTRD Through-Tubing Rotary Drilling.
WOC Wating on Cement.
WWS Wire-Wrapped Screens.

Ax Unit area.
CT Coefficient of thermal expansion.
D/t The slenderness ratio (OD-to-thickness (D/t) ratio).
DHanger Hanger Depth [TVD].
DW ellhead Wellhead Depth [TVD].
D Tubing outside diameter.
EM Wkickintensity Equivalent mud weigh kick intensity.
Fa,max Axial strength.
F Force.
L Unit length.
Pe Equivalent External Pressure.
Pi Internal Pressure.
Po External Pressure.
PP ump Pump Pressure for Pressure Test.
Pbh Bottomhole pressure.
Pi,max Maximum Shut-in Wellhead Pressure.
Ptest@W H Test Pressure at Wellhead.
T V DM udLevel TVD for mud after Drop.
T V Dinf luxdepth True vertical depth of influx.
T V Dpore TVD for given Depth.
T ol Wall thickness tolerance correction (fraction).
Yp Yield strength.
Yp Yield stress.
∆LT Expansion.
∆L Length change.
∆T Average change in temeprature.

84 Nomenclature

ρmud Mud density.

ρpore Pore Pressure Density [sg].
ρ Test Fluid Density.
σa Axial stress.
σr Radial stress.
σt Tangential stress.
σyield Yield strength.
σ Stress.
ε Strain.
g Gravity constant.
hmuddrop Height of Mud Drop [m].
pb Burst rating.
pe Elastic collapse rating.
t Nominal tubing thickness.
List of Figures
Chapter 2
2.1 Temperature versus depth in deep water. (Rae and Di Lullo, 2004) . . . 3
2.2 Pressure window (Rocha et al., 2003b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Horizontal and vertical Christmas tree. (Hachana, 2012) . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Downhole safety valves. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Typical hydraulic set production packer. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 Packer configurations. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7 Nipple profile and lock. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.8 Mandrel and gauge. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.9 Upper completion methods. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.10 Reservoir completion methods. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.11 Pre-slotted liner. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.12 External casing packer. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.13 Swellable elastomer packer. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.14 Perforation. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.15 Two type of screens. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.16 Premium Screens (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.17 Openhole gravel pack (Schlumberger, 2007) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.18 Circulating pack sequence. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.19 Alternate path gravel packing with shunts. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . 22
2.20 Cased hole gravel pack overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.21 Expandable screens (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.22 Woven mesh for expandable screens. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.23 Expansion methods. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.24 TAML Level 1, 2 and 3. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.25 TAML Level 4, 5 and 6. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.26 Parallel-string dual-zone completion. (PetroWiki SPE, 2006, a) . . . . . . 29
2.27 Multipurpose completions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.28 Completing an underbalance drilled well. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . 30
2.29 Typical deepwater setup in the GoM, below 20,000 ft. (Rigzone, n.d., c) . 31
2.30 Completion options. (Schlumberger, 2007) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.31 Life comparison for different sand control options. (Schlumberger, 2007) . 34
Chapter 3
3.1 Stress-strain relationship. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.2 Collapse pressure as a function of slenderness. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . 38
3.3 Stress components of triaxial analysis. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4 APB situations: may/may not cause casing failure. (Aadnøy, 2010) . . . 46
Chapter 4
4.1 Design Factors Case Study - Burst & Collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2 Design Factors Case Study - Axial & Triaxial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.3 Torque - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.4 Maximum Internal Pressure - Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

86 List of Figures

4.5 Minimum and Maximum Differential Pressure - Sensitivities . . . . . . . 52

4.6 Design Factors Sensitivity - Burst & Collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.7 Design Factors Sensitivity - Axial & Triaxial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.8 Differential pressure for APB - TOC in 16” shoe versus below shoe. . . . 57
4.9 Design Factors - Running Tieback in Packer Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.10 Triaxial Design Factors - Effect of triaxial hoop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.11 Design Factors - With/Without Salt Formations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.12 Sensitivity on friction factors when tripping in (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . 60
Chapter 5
5.1 Wall Thickness - Calculation Results Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.2 Design Factors Case Study - Burst & Collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.3 Maximum Internal Pressure - Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.4 Minimum and Maximum Differential Pressure - Sensitivities . . . . . . . 65
5.5 Pressure test using 70% of burst rating (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.6 Section Design Pressure - Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Appendix B
B.1 3D view of the base case well trajectory (Compass) . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
B.2 Well schematic - Basecase (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
B.3 Setup in the Drill Module (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
B.4 The BHA assembly (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13
B.5 Drilling Setup in WellPlan (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13
B.6 Transport Analysis Data - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . A-13
B.7 Fluid settings - 1.749 sg mud used for drilling 8 1/2” hole (WellPlan) . . A-14
Appendix C
C.1 Gas Kick setup - 22in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23
C.2 Displacement to Gas setup - 22in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23
C.3 Well Schematic - Annulus Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24
C.4 Displacement to Gas setup - 18in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24
C.5 Displacement to Gas setup - 16in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25
C.6 Differential pressure for GK and Pressure Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25
C.7 Displacement to Gas setup - 13 5/8in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25
C.8 Full Evacuation setup - 13 5/8in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26
C.9 Displacement to Gas setup - 9 7/8in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26
C.10 Tubing Leak setup - 9 7/8in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26
C.11 Full Evacuation setup - 9 7/8in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
C.12 Tubing Leak setup - 9 7/8in tieback. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
C.13 Full Evacuation setup - 9 7/8in tieback. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
C.14 DTG setup - 5 1/2in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
C.15 Tubing Leak setup - 5 1/2in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
C.16 Full Evacuation setup - 5 1/2in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
List of Figures 87

Appendix D
D.1 Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 22in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-29
D.2 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 22in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . A-30
D.3 Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 22in. (WellCat) . A-30
D.4 Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 18in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-31
D.5 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 18in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . A-32
D.6 Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 18in. (WellCat) . A-32
D.7 Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 16in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-33
D.8 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 16in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . A-33
D.9 Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 16in. (WellCat) . A-34
D.10 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 13 5/8in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-34
D.11 Differential pressure: Lost Returns versus Full Evacuation . . . . . . . . A-35
D.12 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 9 7/8in. (WellCat) . . . . . . A-36
D.13 Differential pressure: Above/below packer versus Full Evacuation . . . . A-36
D.14 Internal and differential pressure for TL - 9 7/8in tieback. (WellCat) . . A-37
D.15 Differential pressure: APB versus Full Evacuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-38
D.16 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 5 1/2in tieback. (WellCat) . A-38
D.17 Differential pressure: Lost Returns versus Full Evacuation . . . . . . . . A-39
D.18 Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 22in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-39
D.19 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 22in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . A-40
D.20 Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 22in. (WellCat) . A-40
D.21 Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 18in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-40
D.22 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 18in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . A-41
D.23 Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 18in. (WellCat) . A-41
D.24 Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 16in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-41
D.25 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 16in. (WellCat) . . . . . . . A-42
D.26 Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 16in. (WellCat) . A-42
D.27 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 13 5/8in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-42
D.28 Differential pressure: Lost Returns versus Full Evacuation . . . . . . . . A-43
D.29 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 10 3/4in. (WellCat) . . . . . A-43
D.30 Differential pressure: Above/below packer versus Full Evacuation . . . . A-43
D.31 Internal and differential pressure for TL - 10 3/4in tieback. (WellCat) . . A-44
D.32 Differential pressure: APB versus Full Evacuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44
D.33 Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 5 1/2in tieback. (WellCat) . A-44
D.34 Including Gas Lift - Full Evacuation - 5 1/2”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
D.35 Fluid temperature from production (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
D.36 Fluid pressure from production (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45
D.37 Hook Load - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
D.38 Tension - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
D.39 Von Mises Stress - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
D.40 Torque - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
D.41 Minimum Flow Rate - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . A-47
D.42 ECD using 1650lpm - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
D.43 Hook Load - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
D.44 Tension - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
D.45 ECD using 1800lpm - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . A-48
D.46 Resulting Rates - Cementing 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
88 List of Figures

D.47 ECD - Cementing 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49

D.48 Differential pressure 16” - With/without salt formations . . . . . . . . . A-49
Appendix E
E.1 Water depths in the GoM. (Rigzone, n.d., a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
E.2 Decision sheet for optimal completions. (Dyson et al., 1999) . . . . . . . A-53
E.3 C-flex tool. (Archer, n.d.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-54
List of Tables
Chapter 2
2.1 Well Classification (Rocha et al., 2003a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 3
3.1 NORSOK completion design factors. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Chapter 4
4.1 Final Well Design - Case Study (No HC + Gas lift) . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.2 Final Well Design - Base Case (No HC + Gas lift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.3 Section Pressure Summary - Case Study (No HC + Gas lift) . . . . . . . 49
4.4 Design Factors - Case Study (No HC + Gas lift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.5 Final Well Design - Sensitivity (No HC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.6 Final Well Design - Sensitivity (HC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.7 Final Well Design - Sensitivity (HC + Gas lift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.8 Section Pressure Summary - Sensitivity (No HC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.9 Section Pressure Summary - Sensitivity (HC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.10 Section Pressure Summary - Sensitivity (HC + Gas lift) . . . . . . . . . 55
4.11 Design Factors - Sensitivity (No HC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.12 Design Factors - Sensitivity (HC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.13 Design Factors - Sensitivity (HC + Gas lift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.14 Design Factors - TOC in 16” shoe versus below the shoe . . . . . . . . . 57
4.15 Design Factors - Running Tieback in Packer Fluid (1.318 sg . . . . . . . . 57
4.16 Design Factors - Effect of Triaxial Hoop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.17 Design Factors - With/Without Salt Formations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.18 Wall Thickness Calculations - Case Study (No HC + Gas lift) . . . . . . 59
4.19 Wall Thickness Calculations - Sensitivity ((A) NoHC) . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.20 Wall Thickness Calculations - Sensitivity ((B) HC) . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.21 Wall Thickness Calculations - Sensitivity ((D) HC+Gas Lift) . . . . . . . 60
4.22 Effect of different friction factors on torque and drag . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Appendix A
A.1 Collapse modes. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
A.2 Plastic collapse factors. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
A.3 Transitional collapse factors. (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
A.4 Pressure Test Data - No HC (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5
A.5 Pressure Test Data - HC (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
A.6 Mud Drop Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
Appendix B
B.1 Technical data for the Wirth TPK pumps (AkerSolutions) . . . . . . . . A-8
B.2 Maersk Developer rig specifications (MaerskDrilling) . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
B.3 Wellpath setup for the basecase (Compass) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
B.4 Well configuration - Basecase (WellCat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
B.5 Hole section - Drilling 8 1/2” (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
B.6 BHA specifications - Drilling 8 1/2” (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
B.7 Running String - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . A-13

90 List of Tables

B.8 Job Data - Cementing 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-14

Appendix E
E.1 Examples of barrier systems through the life of the well. (Bellarby, 2009) A-50
E.2 API grades and strengths from API 5CT(2005). (Bellarby, 2009) . . . . . A-51
E.3 Alternate path versus circulating open hole gravel packs. (Bellarby, 2009) A-52
Appendix A

Stress Analysis Equations

A.1 Burst
Barlow’s equation (Equation 3.5) describes the burst rating. The wall thickness tolerance
for API pipe is 0.875 (12.5 % reduction). In comparison to collapse and axial failures,
burst failures only requires a failure of a very small piece of the tubing. This means the
burst rating is impacted by anything that affects the minimum wall thickness. (Bellarby,
2 · Yp · t
pb = T ol( ) (A.1)
pb = Burst rating
T ol = Wall thickness tolerance correction (fraction)
D = Tubing outside diameter (in.)
t = Nominal tubing thickness (in.)
Yp = Yield strength (psi)

A.2 Collapse
Four collapse modes are defined in the API Bulletin 5C3 (1999); elastic, transitional,
plastic and yield strength. Each different mode have an associated formula. All of them
are empirical in origin. The slenderness ratio (OD-to-thickness (D/t) ratio) defines the
selection of the appropriate mode. Each mode has an associated formula. Different values
for collapse modes are shown in Table A.1. (Bellarby, 2009)

Table A.1: Collapse modes. (Bellarby, 2009)

A-2 Appendix A. Stress Analysis Equations

Elastic collapse:
46, 95 · 106
pe = (A.2)
(D/t)[(D/t) − 1]2
pe = Elastic collapse rating
D/t = The slenderness ratio (OD-to-thickness (D/t) ratio)
As the deformation is purely elastic, the yield stress of the tubing is irrelevant. Plastic
pp = Yp [ − B] − C (A.3)

The values for A, B and C are supplied from API 5C3 via formula or from Table A.2.

Table A.2: Plastic collapse factors. (Bellarby, 2009)

Transitional collapse:
pt = Yp [ − G] (A.4)

The values for F and G are also supplied from API 5C3 via formula or from Table A.3.

Table A.3: Transitional collapse factors. (Bellarby, 2009)

Yield collapse:
(D/t) − 1
py = 2Yp [ ] (A.5)
Appendix A. Case Study Data A-3

The yield strength collapse formula represents the external pressure that generates a stress
equivalent to the minimum yield stress on the inside wall of the tubing. (Bellarby, 2009)
There are further some complications that needs to be reviewed. For internal pressure and
tension, the API derates collapse resistance. The internal pressure effect can be expressed
through the following equation: (Bellarby, 2009)

pe = po − (1 − · pi (A.6)
Pe = Equivalent external pressure
Po = External pressure
Pi = Internal pressure
Applying internal pressure can cause this equivalent pressure. The hydrostatic pressure
increasing with depth could also cause this. Thus, even though the differential pressure
could remain the same, the collapse load will be higher with depth. (Bellarby, 2009)
According to Adams et al. (2003) the API collapse formulas has long been recognized to
be conservative for modern pipe. This has lead to a revision and modernization of the
formulas (Payne, 2001). These new formulas include the effects of ovality, eccentricity and
residual stress directly into the calculations. The API 5C3 formulas used in this thesis
include a conservatism reflected in low collapse design factors. This will be discussed in
Chapter 5.
Due to this conservatism, it results in unnecessarily expensive casings in high-pressure
wells as found in deep waters. This is especially valid for casings. To close the cap
between the API 5C3 and the revision done in 2008 (Payne (2001)), high collapse (HC)
casings can be used. The HC resistance is provided by several methods:
1. Reduction in wall thickness tolerances;
2. Special metallurgies or control of yield stress variations;
3. Reduction in eccentricity and ovality;
4. Heat treatment or reduction in residual stresses;
5. Use of hot rotary straightening;
6. Alternative formulas for collapse.
Existing collapse formulations are the API 5C3, Timoshenko Model and Tamano Model.
The basis for the API 5C3 formulas is the regression equation fitting 2488 tests, called
plastic collapse. This formula was augmented with an elastic collapse formula for thin-
walled pipe (high D/t) and a yield collapse formula for thick-walled pipe (low D/t). The
Timoshenko model describes collapse of a thin-walled, elastic pipe with an initial ovality.
In this model, the detrimental effect of ovality is greates in the transition range. It does
not describe the effect of combined loading. The Tamano Model, like the Timoshenko
model, shows the greates detrimental effect of imperfections to be in the transition range.
A-4 Appendix A. Stress Analysis Equations

However, Tamano’s model does not converge to yield collapse or elastic collapse for ex-
treme values of the D/t range. (Klever and Tamano, 2006) Equations for the mentioned
models can be found the work of Klever and Tamano (2006). An evaluation of the models
were done by Adams et al. (2003). Below are the main conclusions made on the limitations
of the existing approach (API 5C3):
• The collapse-test data which the equations are based on are now rather old (from
1960 and older). Modern production practices have improved considerably. The
equations may therefore not represent the performance of modern tubulars.
• Short specimens were used for the majority of the collapse test. This is now known
to overestimate the collapse strength of real pipe.
• The equations result in a widely varying margin between the ultimate and design
collapse strengths over the D/t range for well tubulars and, thus, also in predicted
failure probability.
• The specimens were manufactured using a wide range of production methods. Sub-
sequent work has demonstrated that both straightening and heat treatment have a
significant effect on the collapse strength.
• The API approach can not accommodate non-API grades, such as high-collapse
(HC) pipe.
For yield failure, the API 5C3 underestimates the collapse strength because failure does
not occur until “the elastoplastic boundary has penetrated some way through the wall
thickness”. The Tamano model includes this effect. (Adams et al., 2003)

A.3 Triaxial Analysis

The most used criterion for yielding is the Von Mises (VME) yield condition (Huber-
Hencky-Mises). This is based on the maximum distortion energy theory. Yielding will
occur if the VME stress exceeds the yield stress. The VME stress is not a vector addition
of the three stresses, but a combination of them. A simplified equation of the Von Mises
equation is presented below (Bellarby, 2009) :
(σa − σr )2 + (σa − σt )2 + (σr − σt )2 = 2σyield
σyield = Yield strength
σa = Axial stress
σr = Radial stress
σt = Tangential stress

A.4 Equations and Calculations

A.4.1 Calculating Pump Pressure for Pressure Test
The equations used to calculate the test pressure at the wellhead and the pump pressure
is shown below. The resulting pressures are given in Table A.4 and A.5. The worst case
Appendix A. Case Study Data A-5

burst pressures, and thus the pressure tests, are the same whether gas lift is simulated or

Ptest@W H = Pi,max − ρtest · (Dhanger − DW H ) · 0, 0981 + BHM (A.8)

Ppump = Ptest@W H − ρtest · DW H · 0, 0981 (A.9)

Ptest@W H = Test Pressure at Wellhead
Pi,max = Maximum Shut-in Wellhead Pressure
ρ = Test Fluid Density
DHanger = Hanger Depth [TVD]
DW ellhead = Wellhead Depth [TVD]
PP ump = Pump Pressure for Pressure Test
For the 22” casing pressure test (the values are rounded up):

Ptest@W H = 372bar − 1, 39sg · (2390m − 2390m) · 0, 0981 + 15bar = 390 bar

Ppump = 390 bar − 1, 39sg · 2390m · 0, 0981 = 65bar

For sections with more than one option for PT-fluid, the worst case (heaviest) is chosen
in the Table A.4.

Table A.4: Pressure Test Data - No HC (A)

Casing Max Ptest Ptest Test Ppump

Size[in] SIWHP @WH @Hanger Fluid [bar]
[bar] [bar] [bar] [sg]

22” 372 390 390 1.39 65

18” 431 345 450 1.39 18
16” 477 402 495 1.39 76
13 5/8” 961 1000 1000 1.749 591
9 7/8” 1260 574 1295 1.749 175
TB 623 660 660 1.749 250
A-6 Appendix A. Stress Analysis Equations

Table A.5: Pressure Test Data - HC (B)

Casing Max Ptest Ptest Test Ppump

Size[in] SIWHP @WH @Hanger Fluid [bar]
[bar] [bar] [bar] [sg]

22” 758 775 775 1.39 450

18” 522 451 542 1.39 108
16” 803 727 820 1.39 401
13 5/8” 961 1000 1000 1.749 591
9 7/8” 1260 574 1295 1.749 175
TB 623 660 660 1.749 250

A.4.2 Calculating Worst Mud Drop for Lost Returns

The worst mud drop is calculated using the depths and pore pressures for the OH section(s)
below the given section. For the 22” casing, mud drop is calculated for all depths below
the 22” shoe, down to TD of the 17 1/2” section. Then, the worst mud drop is found, and
the resulting depth is put as an input in the Lost Returns load case. The mud density is
the density used for the given section. The calculations are compared with Stresscheck.
T V Dpore · ρpore
T V DM udLevel = (A.10)
T V Dpore · ρpore
hM udDrop = T V Dpore − T V Dmudlevel = T V Dpore − (A.11)
T V DM udLevel = TVD for mud level after drop
T V Dpore = TVD for given depth
ρpore = Pore Pressure Density [sg] at given depth
ρmud = Mud Density used at given depth
hmuddrop = Height of Mud Drop [m]
Appendix A. Case Study Data A-7

Table A.6: Mud Drop Calculations

Casing Mud Den- TVD of Worst Mud

Size[in] sity [sg] Mud Drop [m] Drop [m]

22” 1.39 5350 1628

18” 1.39 5350 1628
16” 1.558 5943 1305
13 5/8” 1.702 6858 645
9 7/8” 1.749 7768 284
5 1/2” 1.749 7800 281

A.4.3 Other Equations

Equation for the required bottomhole pressure during kick simulations (a constant bot-
tomhole pressure is maintained while the gas influx expands) (Halliburton, b):

Pbh = g · (ρmud + EM Wkickintensity · T V Dinf luxdepth ) (A.12)

Pbh = Bottomhole Pressure
g = Gravity Constant
ρmud = Mud Density
EM Wkickintensity = Equivalent Mud Weight Kick Intensity
T V Dinf luxdepth = True Vertical Depth of Influx
Appendix B

System Description
B.1 System Specifications
Table B.1: Technical data for the Wirth TPK pumps used on Maersk Developer (Aker-

Discharge flow max 3,348 L/min
Operating pressure max 7,500 psi (517 bar)
Input power requirement 2,200 HP
Rated pump speed 110 min−1
Max. fluid line bore 7 12 ”
Stroke 14 ”
Valve size API 8
Suction connection 10 ” - 150 lb. ANSI B 16.5
WN flange
Discharge connection 4 16 ”, 10,000 psi API 8 A

Appendix B. System Description A-9

Table B.2: Maersk Developer rig specifications (MaerskDrilling)

Year of Construction 2009
Class American Bureau of Shipping
Work Area Water depths up to 3,000 m (10,000 ft)
Hull dimension 117 m x 78 m x 37 m
Rated water depth (in DP) 500 m to 3,000 m
Rated drilling depth 10,000 m
Variable load 13,500 t
Power supply Wärtsilä 8x 16 V26 - 4,960 kW
Well control equipment 18 83 ” BOP - 15,000 psi; two annular + six
ram preventers
Kingpost crane 60 t SWL; 50 m max reach
Knucle boom crane 165 t SWL; 50 m max reach
Cement pump 15,000 psi (on free placement)
Main Hoisting capacity 2,000,000 lb
Main 6,000 hp
Aux 4,600 hp
Top drive
Main 2,300 hp
Aux 1,150 hp
Mud pumps 4 × 2,200 hp
Bulk mud capacity 4 × 170 m3
Bulk cement capacity 4 × 170 m3
Liquid mud capacity 18,900 bbl
Accommodation 180 people
A-10 Appendix B. System Description

Table B.3: Wellpath setup for the basecase (Compass)

Figure B.1: 3D view of the base case well trajectory (Compass)

Table B.4: Well configuration - Basecase (WellCat)

Appendix B. System Description A-11

Figure B.2: Well schematic - Basecase (WellCat)

B.2 WellCat Setups

B.2.1 General Settings

(a) Operation times for drilling. (b) Drilling Operations.

Figure B.3: Setup in the Drill Module (WellCat)
A-12 Appendix B. System Description

B.3 WellPlan Setups

B.3.1 General Settings
The friction factors for this study was set to; 0.25 for cased hole, and 0.30 for open hole.
These values were estimated together with Alasdair Fleming, based on his work with
similar wells. These values will be discussed later in the report.
The same BHA assembly was used in every simulation. The effect on torque and drag
simulations caused by changes in BHA assembly were assumed neglectable. The assembly
was provided by Statoil. The BHA specifications are shown in Table B.6 in Appendix B.3.
The rig chosen for this thesis was the Maersk Developer. It is operated by Statoil and are
specially designed to work in deepwater environments in the Gulf of Mexico. Information
on the pump system can be found in Appendix B.
The Maersk Developer is a dynamically positioned semi-submersible drilling rig. It is
capable of drilling in water depths up to 3,000 m, and included a number of innova-
tive features which enhance the capacity and flexibility of multiple concurrent activities.
(MaerskDrilling) Table B.2 in Appendix B shows some of the specifications for the rig.

Table B.5: Hole section - Drilling 8 1/2” (WellPlan)

Table B.6: BHA specifications - Drilling 8 1/2” (WellPlan)

Appendix B. System Description A-13

Figure B.4: The BHA assembly (WellPlan)

Table B.7: Running String - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

(a) Run parameters (WellPlan) (b) Transport analysis data (WellPlan)

Figure B.5: Drilling Setup in WellPlan (WellPlan)

Figure B.6: Transport Analysis Data - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

A-14 Appendix B. System Description

Table B.8: Job Data - Cementing 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

Figure B.7: Fluid settings - 1.749 sg mud used for drilling 8 1/2” hole (WellPlan)
Appendix C

Simulation Modelling Procedures

This chapter is given for several reasons. The chapter offers a detailed description of
the modelling procedure. This will be beneficial if the work will be used in the future.
The chapter also offer additional information for readers interested in the developing
procedure. The chapter also make the program transparent and easier to understand.

C.1 WellCat Procedure

WellCat was used to simulate the loads experienced in the well. The load cases were
based on Statoil Requirements for well design.
Drilling operations were defined in the Drill module in WellCat. These were used in all
simulations. The operations times were set as default. Figure B.3 shows the setup. Three
different operations were set up for each section; (1) Drilling the section, (2) Running the
casing/liner and (3) Cementing the casing/liner. They were linked together to include the
temperature effect from operation to operation. The first drilling operations was linked
to “undisturbed”. The riser was set as present from the 18” and smaller.
Production operations were defined in the Production module in WellCat. These were
used in all simulations, with the exception of gas lift. Figure D.36 and Figure D.35 shows
the resulting pressure and temperature from the simulations.
Figure B.2 and Table B.4 shows well schematic and configuration, respectively. An under-
reamer would be used to expand the holes after drilling. This can be seen in Table B.4
in the Hole Size column, as the hole sizes for the next sections are larger or equal to the
previous casing.
(Note: As the well was to be drilled in the future, the discussion regarding the execution
of the well is written in future terms. The discussion regarding the simulations is written
in past tense.)

C.1.1 22” surface casing

The 22” casing will be run before the riser is run. The 17 1/2” section will be drilled to a
TD of 6,858 m before the 22” casing is sealed off internally. The result from this is that
the 22” casing must be able to handle all loads according to the conditions encountered
during drilling of the 17 1/2” section. The full internal and external settings are shown
in Appendix C.2.1.

C.1.1.1 Burst
The APB load was added as a custom load and was simulated for both scenarios (A and B)
mentioned below. The incremental pressures induced by the increase in temperature were

A-16 Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures

found in the multistring module in WellCat. They were presented per annuli that had
fluids exposed to heating. The internal pressure in the 22” casing will be a combination of
the incremental pressure in the C-annulus, the incremental pressure in the D-annulus, the
external pressure profile from mix-water density in the 18” section, and the hydrostatic
pressure at the wellhead from the drilling fluid used. Figure C.3 shows a schematic of the
different annuli. The external pressure will be given by the mixed-water density in the
cement and pore pressure in open hole.
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:
Statoil regulations require a 4 m3 kick when no HC are expected. As mentioned, influx
depth must be set to TD of 17 1/2” section (6858 m). Gas gravity is set as default 0.6
(air = 1.0), and the mud density was set to the 1.558 sg OBM used when drilling the 17
1/2” section. Kick intensity was set to 0. Externally, mud weight above TOC was set to
1.318 sg and 1.03 sg below.
The Pressure Test (PT) (Section Design Pressure (SDP)) was based on the “highest
pressure expected to be seen at the wellhead”, which was the pressure seen from a gas
kick. The pump pressure was found by subtracting the hydrostatic column (from RT to
the WH) from the the maximum WH pressure. The calculation is shown in Appendix A
(Eq. A.8, page A-5). The maximum wellhead pressure from a kick was 375 bar, yielding a
SDP of 375+15bar = 390bar. The mud weight used to drill the 20” section (16” liner) was
set to 1.39 sg. Since the 22” casing is exposed when the 16” liner is tested, two pressure
tests were simulated; one using 1.318 sg and one using 1.39 sg. The pressure test for the
16” liner was done to 402 bar at the WH. Since the 22” casing is exposed when the 16”
liner is tested, this test had to be simulated for the 22” as well.
(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:
The requirements states that “if hydrocarbons cannot be excluded in next section, the
SDP shall be calculated with gas filled well based on section TD/highest pore pressure and
limited to fracture strength at previous shoe. Kill margin shall be included.” The DTG
load setup is shown in Figure C.2 in Appendix C. Influx depth was set to TD of 17 1/2”
section, 6,858 m. Gas gravity was set to default 0.6. Fracture margin of error was set to
default, 0 sg.
DTG gave the highest WH pressure and formed the basis for calculating the pressure test.
The wellhead pressure from a DTG was 758 bar, meaning that the section design pressure
had to be 758 + 15bar ≈ 775bar. Since the 18” section is protected by the 16” liner, a
pressure test to the test pressure used in the 16” liner was not necessary. A 1.162 sg OBM
was used for the PT.

C.1.1.2 Collapse
The collapse loads are not dependent on whether HC are expected or not. Two collapse
loads were therefore simulated for the 22” casing; cementing and lost returns with mud
drop. The cementing load case is set up as described in Section Gas lift plans
will not impact the loads on the 22” casing, and thus left out of the following discussion.
Lost returns with mud drop was included with the worst possible mud drop. This was
found from manual calculations. The calculations and equations used are shown in Ap-
pendix A on page A-6 (Eq. A.10). To do this the lowest EMW was found from the next
Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures A-17

OH section, then the hydrostatic pressure from the mud column was calculated to balance
this pressure. This was the depth that gave the largest mud drop. The fluid was set to
the fluid used to drill the next open hole section, which was a 1.39 sg OBM. The worst
mud drop was calculated to 1,628 m. The requirements state that “a minimum 250 m mud
drop level can be used when drilling in well known fields and formations where experience
from neighbour wells document insignificant lost circulation situations.” No loss zones are
expected in this section, but the LR case was included for generality.

C.1.2 18” intermediate liner

C.1.2.1 Burst
The 18” liner is hung off in the 22” casing. In the next section the 16” liner will be
installed higher up in the 22”, and thus covering the 18” liner. The full internal and
external settings are shown in Appendix C.2.2.
The burst loads for the 18” casing are the same whether it is planned for gas lift or not.
Scenario C and D are therefore left out of the following discussion.
The APB load was added as a custom load and was done for both the scenarios mentioned
below. The internal pressure in the 18” casing will be a combination of the incremental
pressure in the D-annulus and the hydrostatic pressure at the liner hanger from the fluid
used (see Figure C.3). The external pressure was given by the mixed-water density in the
cement and pore pressure in open hole.
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:
The gas kick was set up in the same way as for the 22”, shown in Figure C.1. This
included a 4 m3 kick and a 1.39 sg OBM, as used when drilling the section below the 18”
liner. The “above/below prior shoe” external pressure profile was chosen.
Gas kick gave the highest wellhead pressure, with 488 bar, yielding a SDP= 488 + 15 ≈
505bar at the hanger (461 bar at the WH). Since the 18” liner is exposed when drilling
the next section, the PT had to be designed for the pressures encountered in this section.
Two pressure test were therefore included, one using a 1.162 sg and one using 1.39 sg. Due
to the low density of the 1.162 sg fluid, the PT done using this had to be increased. This
was to meet the requirement of having an equal or higher differential pressure for the PT
than the worst burst case.
A green cement test was included, using the same pump pressure as the pressure test
with the actual mud used. A 1.162 sg mud was used with a pump pressure of 144 bar was
(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:
The DTG load setup is shown in Figure C.4 in Appendix C.2.2. Influx depth was set to
TD of 17 1/2” section, 6,858 m. Gas gravity was set to default 0.6. Fracture margin of
error was set to default, 0 sg.
DTG gave the highest WH pressure and formed the basis for calculating the pressure
test. The wellhead pressure from a DTG was 522 bar, yielding the section design pressure
to be 522 + 15bar ≈ 540bar at the hanger (451 bar at the WH). Two pressure test were
included, one with a 1.162 sg and one with 1.39 sg.
A-18 Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures

A green cement test was included, using the same pump pressure as the pressure test
with the actual mud used. A 1.162 sg mud was used with a pump pressure of 180 bar was

C.1.2.2 Collapse
The same collapse loads are simulated here as for the 22” casing. The lost returns with
mud drop load case is set up with loss zone depth at 5,350 m and the fluid used was
a 1.39 sg OBM. The worst mud drop was calculated to 1,628 m Table A.6 shows the
calculated values for mud drop.

C.1.3 16” intermediate liner

C.1.3.1 Burst
The 16” liner will be set to 5,943 m and hung above the 18” liner hanger in the 22” shoe.
The burst loads for the 16” casing were the same whether it was planned for gas lift or
not. Scenario C and D are therefore left out of the following discussion. The full internal
and external settings are shown in Appendix C.2.3.
The APB load was added as a custom load, and was done for both the scenarios mentioned.
The internal pressure in the 16” casing will be a combination of the incremental pressure
in the C-annulus and the hydrostatic pressure at the liner hanger from the drilling fluid
used when drilling the section. The external pressure will include two sections; one above
the TOC, which will be a combination of the incremental pressure increase in the D-
annulus and the hydrostatic pressure at the liner hanger induced by the drilling fluid used
in the previous section. The other below TOC, which will be the pressure corresponding
to the hydrostatic column of the mix-water density (see Figure C.3).
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:
The burst loads included were gas kick, pressure test and green cement pressure test. The
gas kick was set up with a 4 m3 kick and a 1.558 sg OBM, as used when drilling the 17
1/2” section below the 16” liner. The “above/below prior shoe” external pressure profile
was chosen.
Gas kick gave the highest wellhead pressure, with 477 bar, yielding a SDP: 477 + 15 ≈
495bar at the hanger (402 bar at the wellhead). However, this did not cover the require-
ments for differential pressure. The PT was therefore increased to 515 bar at the hanger
(422 bar) at the wellhead), with a pump pressure of 107 bar.
A green cement test was included, using the same pump pressure as the pressure test
with the actual mud used. A 1.39 sg mud was used with a pump pressure of 107 bar was
(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:
Since hydrocarbons can not be ruled out, displacement to gas had to be evaluated. The
DTG load setup is shown in Figure C.5. Influx depth was set to TD of 17 1/2” section,
6,858 m. Gas gravity was set to default 0.6. Fracture margin of error was set to default,
0 sg.
Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures A-19

DTG gave the highest WH pressure, with 803 bar, yielding a SDP: 803 + 15 ≈ 820bar at
the liner hanger (727 bar at the wellhead).
A green cement test was included, using the same pump pressure as the pressure test
with the actual mud used. A 1.39 sg mud was used with a pump pressure of 401 bar was

C.1.3.2 Collapse
The same collapse loads were simulated as for the 22” casing. The lost returns with mud
drop load case was set up with loss zone depth at 5,943 m and the fluid used was a 1.558 sg
OBM. The worst mud drop was calculated to 1,305 m. Table A.6 shows the calculated
values for mud drop.

C.1.4 13 5/8” intermediate casing

C.1.4.1 Burst
The 13 5/8” casing will be set to 6,858 m. It will be hung off in the WH. It was assumed
that the 9 7/8” tieback will be run after the completion liner has been run, so that DTG
would have a deeper influx source than if the tieback was run prior to drilling the reservoir
section. The reasons and results of this will be discussed in Chapter 5. This meant that
only one scenario for the burst loads would affect this casing.
The APB load was added as a custom load. The internal pressure in the 13 5/8” casing
will be induced by the incremental pressure in the B-annulus and the hydrostatic pressure
at the wellhead from the fluid used. Since the 9 7/8” tieback will not work as a barrier,
a mid-string packer had to be run between the 13 5/8” casing and the tieback. This will
create two ”zones” where the temperature creates incremental pressure. So, the internal
pressure in the 13 5/8” casing were a combination of these two zones (Annulus B1 and B2
in Figure C.3). The external pressure profile will be a combination of two sections; one
above the TOC and one below. The above profile will be a combination of the incremental
pressure increase in the C-annulus and the hydrostatic pressure at the wellhead induced
by the drilling fluid used in the previous section. The below profile corresponds to the
mix-water density.
The DTG load setup is shown in Figure C.7. Influx depth was set to TD of the well,
9,662 m. Gas gravity was set to default 0.6. Fracture margin of error was set to 0 sg.
DTG gave the highest WH pressure, with 961 bar, yielding a SDP: 961 + 35 ≈ 1000bar at
the wellhead. Two pressure test were included, one with a 1.558 sg and one with 1.702 sg.
The load was linked to the drilling operation of the section below the 13 5/8” section.
A green cement test was included, using the same pump pressure as the pressure test with
the actual mud used. A pump pressure of 635 bar was added.

C.1.4.2 Collapse
No gas lift plans:
The same collapse loads are simulated here as for the 22” casing. The lost returns with
mud drop load case was set up with loss zone depth at 6,858 m and the fluid used was
A-20 Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures

a 1.702 sg OBM. The worst mud drop was calculated to 645 m. Table A.6 shows the
calculated values for mud drop.
Planned for gas lift:
In addition to the loads simulated for the 22”, full evacuation was included. This is
only necessary when gas lift included. It was set up using the casing evacuation load in
WellCat. Internally, 100 % evacuation was chosen, and the load was linked to the gas lift
production operation (which was the “Hottest temp profile from ‘Gas lift assisted Prod’-
operation”). Externally, the mud weight, 1.558 sg, was chosen above and below the TOC.
PP in OH was unchecked. This was a very conservative load case, and will be discussed
in detail in the discussion. Figure C.8 shows the setup.

C.1.5 9 7/8” production liner

C.1.5.1 Burst
The 9 7/8” liner will be set to 8,138 m. WellPlan simulations showed that the 6 5/8”
DP, used when drilling the 12 1/2” section, had to be extended below the WH. Thus
requiring the 9 7/8” to be run as a liner to be able to drill the last OH section (due to
lack of clearance). In addition, the completion liner (5 1/2”) had to be run with a 6 5/8”
running string. This was the reason for running the tieback after the completion liner. As
the liner will be exposed when drilling the reservoir section, DTG were simulated. Only
one scenario was included for the burst loads.
The APB load was added as a custom load. The internal pressure profile in the 9 7/8”
liner will be induced by the incremental pressure in the A-annulus and the hydrostatic
pressure at the wellhead from the fluid used. The A-annulus can be bled off, so the
incremental pressure was assumed to be 0 bar, thus yielding the hydrostatic pressure from
the 1.749 sg mud. The external pressure corresponds to the mix-water density. Figure C.3
shows the different annuli.
The DTG load setup is shown in Figure C.9. Influx depth was set to TD of the well,
9,662 m. Gas gravity was set to default 0.6. Fracture margin of error was set to 0 sg. The
tubing leak load was a default load in WellCat. It was set up as in Figure C.10. The case
was linked to the early stage production load (which yields the highest pressure at the
DTG gave the highest WH pressure, with 1,260 bar, yielding a SDP: 1260 + 35 ≈ 1295bar
at the liner hanger (575 bar at the wellhead). Two pressure test were included, one with a
1.702 sg and one with 1.749 sg. The load was linked to the drilling operation of the section
below the 9 7/8” section.
A green cement test was included, using the same pump pressure as the pressure test with
the actual mud used. A pump pressure of 175 bar was added.

C.1.5.2 Collapse
The drilling loads for this section were Lost Returns with Mud Drop and Cementing.
The production load was Above/below packer. LR with mud drop was included for
Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures A-21

generality, even if severe losses are rare while drilling the reservoir section in the GoM.
Full Evacuation was included for the gas lift case.
No gas lift plans:
The lost returns with mud drop load case was set up with loss zone depth at 7,768 m
and the fluid used was a 1.749 sg OBM. The worst mud drop was calculated to 284 m.
Table A.6 shows the calculated values for mud drop.
The above/below packer was added as a custom load in WellCat. This was the worst
collapse load when no plans for gas lift are made. First, a shut-in load was added in
the production module. This modelled a major drawdown to simulate the pressure below
the packer from a lost communication scenario. The packer was set to 7,620 m. The
hydrostatic column from the packer fluid represented the pressure above the packer. The
external pressure was given by mud density used in the previous section. The temperatures
are given by the “major drawdown shut-in case”.
Planned for gas lift:
In addition to the loads simulated for the above mentioned scenario, full evacuation was
included. It was set up using the casing evacuation load in WellCat. Internally, 100 %
evacuation was chosen, and the load was linked to the gas lift production operation (which
was the “Hottest temp profile from ‘Gas lift assisted Prod’-operation”). Externally, the
mud weight, 1.702 sg, was chosen above and below the TOC. PP in OH was unchecked.

C.1.6 9 7/8” production tieback

C.1.6.1 Burst
Since the tieback will be run after cementing the completion liner, it will not see any
drilling. DTG was therefore assumed unnecessary to include. However, a pressure test
was included.
Tubing leak gave the highest wellhead pressure. Figure C.12 shows the setup. The case
was linked to the early stage production load (which yielded the highest pressure at the
WH). The highest pressure seen at the WH was 623 bar, yielding a SDP: 623+35 ≈ 660bar
at the wellhead. Two pressure test were included, one with a 1.749 sg and one with 1.318 sg
packer fluid. The load was linked to the drilling operation of the section below the 9 7/8”

C.1.6.2 Collapse
As mentioned, the tieback will only exposed to production loads. This included APB and
Full Evacuation.
No gas lift plans:
The APB load was added as a custom load. The internal pressure profile in the 9 7/8”
tieback will be the sum of the incremental pressure in the A-annulus and the hydrostatic
pressure at the wellhead from the fluid used. The A-annulus can be bled off, so the incre-
mental pressure will be assumed to be 0 bar, thus yielding the hydrostatic pressure from
the 1.749 sg mud. The external pressure corresponds the internal APB pressure for the
13 5/8” casing. This included the two zones created by the mid-string packer. The APB
A-22 Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures

load case represent the worst collapse load when no gas lift was planned. Figure D.15a
shows the differential pressure for the APB load case.
Planned for gas lift:
The Full Evacuation was set up using the casing evacuation load in WellCat. Internally,
100 % evacuation was chosen, and the load was linked to the gas lift production operation
(which was the “Hottest temp profile from ‘Gas lift assisted Prod’-operation”). Externally,
the mud weight, 1.749 sg, was chosen above and below the TOC.

C.1.7 5 1/2” production liner

C.1.7.1 Burst
DTG and Tubing leak were simulated for burst. The DTG load setup is shown in Fig-
ure C.14. Influx depth was set to TD of the well, 9,662 m. Gas gravity was set to default
0.6. Fracture margin of error was set to 0 sg. The tubing leak load is a default load
in WellCat. It was set up as in Figure C.15. The case was linked to the early stage
production load (which yields the highest pressure at the WH).
DTG gave the highest WH pressure, with 1,332 bar, yielding a SDP: 1332 + 35 ≈ 1370bar
at the liner hanger (450 bar at the wellhead). Since the tieback had to be tested to 600 bar
(at the wellhead), the 5 1/2” liner had to be tested to this as well. Two pressure tests
were simulated, one to 450 bar and one to 600 bar, both with a 1.749 sg. The load was
linked to the drilling operation of the section.
A green cement test was included, using the same pump pressure as the pressure test with
the actual mud used. A pump pressure of 271 bar was added.

C.1.7.2 Collapse
No gas lift plans:
The lost returns with mud drop load case was set up with loss zone depth at 7,800 m
and the fluid used was a 1.749 sg OBM. The worst mud drop was calculated to 281 m.
Table A.6 shows the calculated values for mud drop.
Planned for gas lift:
The Full Evacuation was set up using the casing evacuation load in WellCat. Internally,
100 % evacuation was chosen, and the load was linked to the gas lift production operation
(which was the “Hottest temp profile from ‘Gas lift assisted Prod’-operation”). Externally,
the mud weight, 1.749 sg, was chosen above and below the TOC.
Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures A-23

C.2 Load Case Setups

C.2.1 22” casing

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.1: Gas Kick setup - 22in. (WellCat)

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.2: Displacement to Gas setup - 22in. (WellCat)
A-24 Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures

Figure C.3: Well Schematic - Annulus Description

C.2.2 18” liner

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.4: Displacement to Gas setup - 18in. (WellCat)
Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures A-25

C.2.3 16” liner

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.5: Displacement to Gas setup - 16in. (WellCat)

Figure C.6: Differential pressure for GK and Pressure Test - Not meeting the Pdiff

C.2.4 13 5/8” casing

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.7: Displacement to Gas setup - 13 5/8in. (WellCat)
A-26 Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.8: Full Evacuation setup - 13 5/8in. (WellCat)

C.2.5 9 7/8” liner

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.9: Displacement to Gas setup - 9 7/8in. (WellCat)

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.10: Tubing Leak setup - 9 7/8in. (WellCat)
Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures A-27

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.11: Full Evacuation setup - 9 7/8in. (WellCat)

C.2.6 9 7/8” tieback

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.12: Tubing Leak setup - 9 7/8in tieback. (WellCat)

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.13: Full Evacuation setup - 9 7/8in tieback. (WellCat)
A-28 Appendix C. WellCat Modelling Procedures

C.2.7 5 1/2” liner

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.14: DTG setup - 5 1/2in. (WellCat)

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.15: Tubing Leak setup - 5 1/2in. (WellCat)

(a) Internal pressure setup. (b) External pressure setup.

Figure C.16: Full Evacuation setup - 5 1/2in. (WellCat)
Appendix D

D.1 Well Design - 9 7/8” liner and Tieback
D.1.1 22” casing
The 22” casing is run before the riser is run. The 17 1/2” section will be drilled to a
TD of 6,858 m before the 22” casing is sealed off internally. The result from this is that
the 22” casing must be able to handle all loads according to the conditions encountered
during drilling of the 17 1/2” section. The full internal and external settings are shown
in Appendix C.2.1.

D.1.1.1 Burst
The burst loads for the 22” casing are the same whether it is planned for gas lift or not.
Scenario C and D are therefore left out of the following discussion.
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:
Gas kick gave the highest pressure at the wellhead for this section. As seen in Figure D.1a,
the maximum wellhead pressure from a kick is 375 bar, yielding the SDP to be 375 +
15bar = 390bar. Since the 22” casing is exposed when the 16” liner is tested, two pressure
tests were simulated; one using 1.318 sg and one using 1.39 sg. Figure D.1a shows the
internal pressure from the pressure tests. The pressure test for the 16” was done to
402 bar at the WH (12 bar higher than for the 22”). Since the 22” casing is exposed
when the 16” liner is tested, this test had to be simulated for the 22” as well. Figure D.1b
shows that the differential pressure for all the pressure tests are higher than the differential
pressure for the gas kick, thus satisfying the requirements for pressure tests.

(a) Max SIWHP from Gas Kick (+internal (b) Differential pressure for Gas Kick and
P-profiles for the PTs.) PTs.
Figure D.1: Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 22in. (WellCat)

A-30 Appendix D. Simulations

(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:

DTG gave the highest WH pressure and formed the basis for calculating the pressure test.
Figure D.2b shows the resulting differential pressures for DTG and the PTs. As seen in
Figure D.2a, the wellhead pressure from a DTG is 758 bar, yielding the section design
pressure to be 758 + 15bar ≈ 775bar. Since the 18” section is protected by the 16” liner,
a pressure test to the test pressure used in the 16” liner was not necessary.

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.2: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 22in. (WellCat)

D.1.1.2 Collapse
The collapse loads are not dependent on whether HC are expected or not. Two collapse
loads were therefore simulated for the 22” casing; cementing and lost returns with mud
Lost returns with mud drop was included with the worst possible mud drop. This was
found from manual calculations. The calculations and equations used are shown in Ap-
pendix A on page A-6 (Eq. A.10). The worst mud drop was calculated to 1,628 m. No loss
zones are expected in this section, but the LR case was included for generality. Figure D.3
shows the differential pressure for cementing and lost returns.

Figure D.3: Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 22in. (WellCat)
Appendix D. Simulations A-31

D.1.2 18” liner

The 18” liner was hung off in the 22” casing. In the next section the 16” liner will be
installed higher up in the 22”, and thus covering the 18” liner. The full internal and
external settings are shown in Appendix C.2.2.

D.1.2.1 Burst
The burst loads for the 18” casing were the same whether gas lift was included or not.
Scenario C and D are therefore left out of the following discussion.
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:
Gas kick gave the highest wellhead pressure, with 488 bar, yielding SDP= 488 + 15 ≈
505bar at the hanger (461 bar at the WH). Since the 18” liner is exposed when drilling
the next section, the PT had to be designed for the pressures encountered in this section.
Two pressure test were therefore included, one with a 1.162 sg and one with 1.39 sg.
Due to the low density of the 1.162 sg fluid, the PT done using this has to be increased
compared to the heavier fluid. This is to meet the requirement of having an equal or
higher differential pressure for the PT than the worst burst case. The resulting graphs
are shown on page A-31 (Figure D.4).

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from Gas (b) Differential pressure for Gas Kick and
Kick (+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) Pressure Tests.
Figure D.4: Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 18in. (WellCat)

(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:

DTG gave the highest WH pressure and formed the basis for calculating the pressure test.
Figure D.2b shows the resulting differential pressures for DTG and the PTs. As seen in
Figure D.2a, the wellhead pressure from a DTG were 522 bar, yielding the section design
pressure to be 522 + 15bar ≈ 540bar at the hanger (451 bar at the WH). Two pressure
test were included, one with a 1.162 sg and one with 1.39 sg. The resulting graphs are
shown on in Figure D.5.
A-32 Appendix D. Simulations

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.5: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 18in. (WellCat)

D.1.2.2 Collapse
The same collapse loads were simulated here as for the 22” casing. The worst mud drop
was calculated to 1,628 m Table A.6 shows the calculated values for mud drop. Figure D.6
shows the differential pressure for cementing and lost returns.

Figure D.6: Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 18in. (WellCat)

D.1.3 16” liner

The 16” liner was set to 5,943 m and hung above the 18” liner hanger in the 22” shoe.
The full internal and external settings are shown in Appendix C.2.3.

D.1.3.1 Burst
The burst loads for the 16” casing are the same whether it is planned for gas lift or not.
Scenario C and D are therefore left out of the following discussion.
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:
Gas kick gave the highest wellhead pressure, with 477 bar, yielding a SDP: 477 + 15 ≈
495bar at the hanger (402 bar at the wellhead). However, this does not cover the require-
ments for differential pressure. The PT was therefore increased to 515 bar at the hanger
Appendix D. Simulations A-33

(422 bar) at the wellhead), with a pump pressure of 107 bar. The resulting graphs are
shown in Figure D.8. The graphs for the initial PT (with 76 bar pump pressure) is shown
in Figure C.6.

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from Gas (b) Differential pressure for Gas Kick and
Kick (+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) Pressure Tests.
Figure D.7: Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 16in. (WellCat)

(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:

DTG gave the highest WH pressure, with 803 bar, yielding a SDP: 803 + 15 ≈ 820bar at
the liner hanger (727 bar at the wellhead). The internal pressure is shown in Figure D.8a.
Figure D.8b shows the resulting differential pressure.

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.8: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 16in. (WellCat)

D.1.3.2 Collapse
The same collapse loads are simulated here as for the 22” casing. The worst mud drop was
calculated to 1,305 m. Table A.6 shows the calculated values for mud drop. Figure D.9
shows the differential pressure for cementing and lost returns.
A-34 Appendix D. Simulations

Figure D.9: Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 16in. (WellCat)

D.1.4 13 5/8” casing

The 13 5/8” casing is set to 6,858 m. It will be hung off in the WH. It was assumed that
the 9 7/8” tieback is run after the completion liner has been run, so that DTG will have
a deeper influx source than if the tieback was run prior to drilling the reservoir section.
The reasons and results of this will be discussed in Chapter 5. The result from this is
that there was only be one scenario for the burst loads for this casing. The full internal
and external settings are shown in Appendix C.2.4.

D.1.4.1 Burst
DTG gave the highest WH pressure, with 961 bar, yielding a SDP: 961 + 35 ≈ 1000bar
at the wellhead. The internal pressure is shown in Figure D.10a. Figure D.10b shows the
resulting differential pressure. Two pressure test were included, one with a 1.558 sg and
one with 1.702 sg. The load was linked to the drilling operation of the section below the
13 5/8” section.

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.10: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 13 5/8in. (WellCat)
Appendix D. Simulations A-35

D.1.4.2 Collapse
No gas lift plans:
The same collapse loads were simulated here as for the 22” casing. The worst mud
drop was calculated to 645 m. Table A.6 shows the calculated values for mud drop.
Figure D.11a shows the differential pressure for lost returns and cementing.
Planned for gas lift:
In addition to the loads simulated for the 22”, full evacuation was included. This is only
necessary when gas lift is included. Figure C.8 shows the setup. Figure D.11 shows the
differential pressure for full evacuation versus lost returns.

(a) No Gas Lift - Lost Returns. (b) Gas Lift - Full Evacuation 13 5/8”.
Figure D.11: Differential pressure: Lost Returns versus Full Evacuation (No Gas Lift
versus Gas Lift) - 13 5/8in. (WellCat)

D.1.5 9 7/8” liner

D.1.5.1 Burst
The 9 7/8” liner will be set to 8,138 m. WellPlan simulations showed that the 6 5/8”
DP, used when drilling the 12 1/2” section, had to be extended below the WH. Thus
requiring the 9 7/8” to be run as a liner (due to lack of clearance) to be able to drill the
last OH section. In addition, the completion liner (5 1/2”) had to be run with a 6 5/8”
running string. This is the reason for running the tieback after the completion liner. As
the liner will be exposed when drilling the reservoir section, DTG were simulated. Only
one scenario was included for the burst loads.
DTG gave the highest WH pressure, with 1,260 bar, yielding a SDP: 1260 + 35 ≈ 1295bar
at the liner hanger (575 bar at the wellhead). The internal pressure is shown in Fig-
ure D.12a. Figure D.12b shows the resulting differential pressure. Two pressure test were
included, one with a 1.702 sg and one with 1.749 sg.
A-36 Appendix D. Simulations

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.12: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 9 7/8in. (WellCat)

D.1.5.2 Collapse
The drilling loads for this section were Lost Returns with Mud Drop and Cementing.
The production load was Above/below packer. LR with mud drop was included for
generality, even if severe losses are rare while drilling the reservoir section in the GoM.
Full Evacuation was included for the gas lift case.
No gas lift plans:
The worst mud drop was calculated to 284 m. Table A.6 shows the calculated values for
mud drop. Figure D.13a shows the differential pressure for lost returns, cementing and
above/below packer. Above/below packer was the worst collapse load when no plans for
gas lift were made.
Planned for gas lift:
In addition to the loads simulated for the above mentioned scenario, full evacuation was
included. This is only necessary when gas lift is included. Figure C.11 shows the setup.
Figure D.13 shows the differential pressure for full evacuation versus lost returns.
The packer was set to 7,620 m. The hydrostatic column from the packer fluid repre-
sents the pressure above the packer. The external pressure was given by cement. The
temperatures are given by the “major drawdown shut-in case”.

(a) No Gas Lift - Above/below packer. (b) Gas Lift - Full Evacuation 9 7/8”.
Figure D.13: Differential pressure: Above/below packer versus Full Evacuation (No
Gas Lift versus Gas Lift) - 9 7/8in. (WellCat)
Appendix D. Simulations A-37

D.1.6 9 7/8” tieback

D.1.6.1 Burst
Since the tieback is run after cementing the completion liner, it will not see any drilling.
DTG is therefore assumed unnecessary to include. However, a pressure test was included.
The only burst load simulated was Tubing Leak.
Tubing leak gave the highest wellhead pressure. Figure C.12 shows the setup. Figure...
shows the production pressures. The highest pressure seen at the WH was 623 bar, yielding
a SDP: 623+35 ≈ 660bar at the wellhead. The internal pressure is shown in Figure D.14a.
Figure D.14b shows the resulting differential pressure. Two pressure test were included,
one with a 1.749 sg and one with 1.318 sg packer fluid.

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from Tub- (b) Differential pressure for Tubing Leak and
ing Leak (+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) Pressure Tests.
Figure D.14: Internal and differential pressure for TL - 9 7/8in tieback. (WellCat)

D.1.6.2 Collapse
The tieback is only exposed to production loads. This includes APB and Full Evacuation.
No gas lift plans:
The APB load case represent the worst collapse load when no gas lift is planned. Fig-
ure D.15a shows the differential pressure for the APB load case.
Planned for gas lift:
Figure C.13 shows the setup. Figure D.15 shows the differential pressure for full evacuation
versus lost returns.
A-38 Appendix D. Simulations

(a) No Gas Lift - APB. (b) Gas Lift - Full Evacuation 9 7/8” TB.
Figure D.15: Differential pressure: APB versus Full Evacuation (No Gas Lift versus
Gas Lift) - 9 7/8in tieback. (WellCat)

D.1.7 5 1/2” liner

D.1.7.1 Burst
DTG and Tubing leak were simulated for burst. The DTG load setup is shown in Fig-
ure C.14. The tubing leak load was set up as in Figure C.15. Figure... shows the
production pressures.
DTG gave the highest WH pressure, with 1,332 bar, yielding a SDP: 1332 + 35 ≈ 1370bar
at the liner hanger (450 bar at the wellhead). The internal pressure is shown in Fig-
ure D.16a. However, since the tieback had to be tested to 600 bar (at the wellhead), the
5 1/2” liner had to be tested to this as well. Figure C.14 shows the resulting differential
pressure. Two pressure tests were simulated, one to 450 bar and one to 600 bar, both with
a 1.749 sg.

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.16: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 5 1/2in tieback. (WellCat)

D.1.7.2 Collapse
No gas lift plans:
The worst mud drop was calculated to 281 m. Table A.6 shows the calculated values for
mud drop. Figure D.17a shows the differential pressure for lost returns and cementing.
Appendix D. Simulations A-39

Planned for gas lift:

Figure C.16 shows the setup. Figure D.17 shows the differential pressure for full evacuation
versus lost returns.

(a) No Gas Lift - Lost Returns. (b) Gas Lift - Full Evacuation 5 1/2”.
Figure D.17: Differential pressure: Lost Returns versus Full Evacuation (No Gas Lift
versus Gas Lift) - 5 1/2in. (WellCat)

D.2 Well Design - Base Case

D.2.1 22” casing
D.2.1.1 Burst
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from Gas (b) Differential pressure for Gas Kick and
Kick (+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) Pressure Tests.
Figure D.18: Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 22in. (WellCat)
A-40 Appendix D. Simulations

(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.19: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 22in. (WellCat)

D.2.1.2 Collapse

Figure D.20: Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 22in. (WellCat)

D.2.2 18” liner

D.2.2.1 Burst
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from Gas (b) Differential pressure for Gas Kick and
Kick (+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) Pressure Tests.
Figure D.21: Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 18in. (WellCat)
Appendix D. Simulations A-41

(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.22: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 18in. (WellCat)

D.2.2.2 Collapse

Figure D.23: Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 18in. (WellCat)

D.2.3 16” liner

D.2.3.1 Burst
(A) No hydrocarbons expected before reservoir section:

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from Gas (b) Differential pressure for Gas Kick and
Kick (+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) Pressure Tests.
Figure D.24: Internal and differential pressure for Gas Kick - 16in. (WellCat)
A-42 Appendix D. Simulations

(B) Hydrocarbons can not be excluded before 13 5/8” is set:

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.25: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 16in. (WellCat)

D.2.3.2 Collapse

Figure D.26: Differential pressure for Lost Returns and Cementing - 16in. (WellCat)

D.2.4 13 5/8” casing

D.2.4.1 Burst

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.27: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 13 5/8in. (WellCat)
Appendix D. Simulations A-43

D.2.4.2 Collapse

(a) No Gas Lift - Lost Returns. (b) Gas Lift - Full Evacuation 13 5/8”.
Figure D.28: Differential pressure: Lost Returns versus Full Evacuation (No Gas Lift
versus Gas Lift) - 13 5/8in. (WellCat)

D.2.5 10 3/4” liner

D.2.5.1 Burst

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.29: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 10 3/4in. (WellCat)

D.2.5.2 Collapse

(a) No Gas Lift - Above/below packer. (b) Gas Lift - Full Evacuation 10 3/4”.
Figure D.30: Differential pressure: Above/below packer versus Full Evacuation (No
Gas Lift versus Gas Lift) - 10 3/4in. (WellCat)
A-44 Appendix D. Simulations

D.2.6 10 3/4” tieback

D.2.6.1 Burst

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from Tub- (b) Differential pressure for Tubing Leak and
ing Leak (+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) Pressure Tests.
Figure D.31: Internal and differential pressure for TL - 10 3/4in tieback. (WellCat)

D.2.6.2 Collapse

(a) No Gas Lift - APB. (b) Gas Lift - Full Evacuation 10 3/4” TB.
Figure D.32: Differential pressure: APB versus Full Evacuation (No Gas Lift versus
Gas Lift) - 10 3/4in tieback. (WellCat)

D.2.7 5 1/2” liner

D.2.7.1 Burst

(a) Max shut-in wellhead pressure from DTG (b) Differential pressure for DTG and Pres-
(+internal P-profiles for the PTs.) sure Tests.
Figure D.33: Internal and differential pressure for DTG - 5 1/2in tieback. (WellCat)
Appendix D. Simulations A-45

D.2.7.2 Collapse

Figure D.34: Including Gas Lift - Full Evacuation - 5 1/2”.

D.2.7.3 Production Simulations

Figure D.35: Fluid temperature from production (WellCat)

Figure D.36: Fluid pressure from production (WellCat)

A-46 Appendix D. Simulations

D.3 WellPlan Simulation

D.3.1 Case Study Simulations
D.3.1.1 Drilling 8 1/2” Hole

Figure D.37: Hook Load - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan)

Figure D.38: Tension - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan)

Figure D.39: Von Mises Stress - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan)

Appendix D. Simulations A-47

Figure D.40: Torque - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan)

Figure D.41: Minimum Flow Rate - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan)

Figure D.42: ECD using 1650lpm - Drilling 8 1/2” Hole (WellPlan)

A-48 Appendix D. Simulations

D.3.1.2 Running 5 1/2” Liner

Figure D.43: Hook Load - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

Figure D.44: Tension - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

Figure D.45: ECD using 1800lpm - Running 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

Appendix D. Simulations A-49

D.3.1.3 Cementing 5 1/2” Liner

Figure D.46: Resulting Rates - Cementing 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

Figure D.47: ECD - Cementing 5 1/2” Liner (WellPlan)

D.4 Sensitivity Simulation

(a) No salt formations (b) Including salt formations

Figure D.48: Differential pressure 16” - With/without salt formations
Appendix E

Literature Study - Additional Infor-


Table E.1: Examples of barrier systems through the life of the well. (Bellarby, 2009)

Example Primary Barrier Secondary Barrier

Drilling a well Overbalanced mud Casing/wellhead and

capable of building a BOP
filter cake
Running the upper Isolated and tested Casing/wellhead and
completion reservoir completion, BOP
for example inflow-
tested cemented liner
or pressure-tested iso-
lation valve
Pulling the BOP Packer and tubing Casing, wellhead and
tubing hanger
Isolated reservoir Tubing hanger plug.
completion, for exam- Possible additional
ple deep-set plug barrier of downhole
safety valve
Operating a naturally Christmas tree Packer and tubing
flowing well Downhole safety valve Casing, wellhead and
tubing hanger
Operating a pumped Christmas tree or sur- Pump shut-down
well not capable of face valve
flowing Casing and wellhead
Pulling a completion Isolated and tested Casing/wellhead and
reservoir comple- BOP
tion, for example
deep-set plug and

Appendix E. Literature Study - Additional Information A-51

Table E.2: API grades and strengths from API 5CT(2005). (Bellarby, 2009)

Figure E.1: Water depths in the GoM. (Rigzone, n.d., a)

A-52 Appendix E. Literature Study - Additional Information

Table E.3: Alternate path versus circulating open hole gravel packs. (Bellarby, 2009)

Alternate Path Circulating Pack

Gravel pack fluids Water (or oil) with Water used with fric-
viscosifiers. Viscous tion
fluids may not clean reducers and addi-
up and require more tives.
quality control.
Slurry density Higher concentra- Typically 0.5-2 ppa.
tions: around 8 ppa.
Fluid volume Higher slurry Correspondingly
and time concentrations re- larger fluid volumes
quire lower fluid as gravel concentra-
volumes and reduced tion is reduced.
pumping times.
Fluid loss Complete returns Poor returns will lead
not needed. Possible to premature screen
without any returns. out.
Pressures Can exceed fracture Must not exceed frac-
pressure. ture initiation pres-
Hole condition Less critical. Critical washouts or
previous casing rat
hole may cause pre-
mature screen out.
Filter cake removal Low consequences If filter cake removed,
and can be encour- can screen out due to
aged. May not need losses. Filter cake
separate circula- removed after gravel
tion and spotting of packing.
Screen size Smaller base pipe Larger base pipe
screen, but larger screens possible for a
overall diameter to given hole size.
accommodate shunts.
Cost Less time, but more More rig time for
(and expensive) pumping.
Appendix E. Literature Study - Additional Information A-53

Figure E.2: Decision sheet for optimal completions. (Dyson et al., 1999)
A-54 Appendix E. Literature Study - Additional Information

Figure E.3: C-flex tool. (Archer, n.d.)

Appendix F

The high T&D values experienced in complex ERW requires extensive planning to keep
within the limits of the equipment. T&D modelling is an important part of this planning.
The models are important to avoid drilling problems and to make sure the target is
reachable. Landmark’s CompassTM and WellplanTM are software used for this purpose.

F.1 CompassTM
CompassTM is a directional well planning software developed by Landmark. It is used
for path planning, survey data management, and anti-collision analysis. The software is
deployed on Landmark’s Engineer’s Data ModelTM (EDM) enabling data consistency and
reduced planning cycle times by sharing common data. (Halliburton, c)

F.2 WellplanTM
WellplanTM gives a comprehensive set of engineering tools for analysis, well planning,
modelling, and well operations optimization. It is deployed on Landmark’s EDM. The
main focus in this report will be on Torque and Drag (T&D) models and hydraulics
WellplanTM Torque and Drag Analysis software allows identification of potential problems
during planning, and supplies tools to investigate design modifications for improvement.
In addition, it can be used to determine if the selected rig has adequate mechanical
specifications to handle well design requirements. WellplanTM Hydraulics software have
all the necessary tools to study and design well hydraulics. Equivalent circulating densities
with regards to pore and fracture pressure problems, and flow rate selection to optimize
hole cleaning, are two of the possible studies that can be done. (Halliburton, d)

F.3 WellCatTM
Most companies demand extensive simulations of casing and tubing design when working
with high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) wells. Landmarks’s WellCat provides an
excellent tool to do these simulations. It is a Comprehensive Tubular Stress Analysis Soft-
ware and allows for complex HPHT conditions modelling and design options, to achieve
the best casing and tubular design. (Halliburton, a)
Hight temperature and high annular pressure are characteristics in deep water, and can
cause the casing to burst or collapse. WellCat provides good tools for analysing these
stresses and which effect they will have on the design. Thermal effects is also widely
covered. (Halliburton, a)


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