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Healthy Mom Healthy Baby

By Cozy Bump

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Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Understanding supplements and nutrients ........................................................................................... 4
Calories .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Caloric intake when you are expecting .................................................................................................. 9
Caloric intake when you are nursing ................................................................................................... 10
Know the difference between healthy calories and unhealthy calories .............................................. 11
Recap of necessary vitamins and their main food sources .................................................................. 13
How much is too much? ...................................................................................................................... 14
A big No No List for Mommies ............................................................................................................. 16
Be creative with diet plan .................................................................................................................... 18
Allergies and intolerance to foods ....................................................................................................... 18
Vegetarianism ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Dislikes ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Preparing for post-partum diet and weight loss .................................................................................. 22
Exercise ................................................................................................................................................ 25
When not to exercise at all during pregnancy ..................................................................................... 26
Post Partum Exercises .......................................................................................................................... 26
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 27


Children grow up in the blink of an eye. It becomes hard to believe that once your child was
in your womb and now they are big enough to walk themselves and in no time they will be
having children of their own. Infant to toddler, toddler to child and child to young person, all
these stages move rapidly. Time flies and they start their college life and you being parents hope
for their best future. But you will never be able to nourish them again in your life like the way
you were feeding them in your womb. This inner world is more beautiful than the outer world for
your baby and they are tucked safely inside.

In pregnancy, you own the last chance in your life to feed your child with food filled with
nutrients. Whereas for rest of your life, you will spend long hours force feeding them vegetables
and fruits and then convincing them that junk food is bad for healthy, once they are eighteen so
pregnancy is the only time when you can feed them the best nutrients as it will be solely your
decision as mother to nurture them in a healthy manner.

It is evident that the fetal development is based on proper nutrition taken by mother during
pregnancy. This is so because fetus cannot grow itself and it does not show any signs of
malnourishment in the monthly examinations. So the responsibility lies on you for the next nine
months for the nourishment of fetus. You have to take care of your vitamins and nutrients
yourself because they will help you in giving birth to a happy and healthy child and at the same
time. You should remember that you are eating for two.

It is very important to eat healthy as your baby gets what you eat. It is vital to get all nutrients
and vitamins on daily basis to help prepare your body for next healthy nine months for your
baby. If you give less attention to what you eat, your baby may still be healthy but you as mother
may not be well, as what you eat, baby will get its share first. So, it is important that as mother
you eat enough nutrients for two of you as delivery puts a lot of pressure on body and you should
be healthy enough to take care of it, when your little angel steps in to the world.

Many women do not simply understand pregnancy nutrition and that is not because they are
not qualified enough to understand what is written in nutrition books but the reason is that most
books have been written by medical practitioners. It makes absolute sense that you are taking
advice from the professionally written books and persons who have spent their lives doing
research on pressing issues that deal with nutritional value and development and growth of your

But most of the mothers-to-be are not doctors and this is where problems start to rise. It
sounds pretty nice when you sit down and start reading all the charts that tell you what and how
much nutrients, minerals and vitamins you should be taking each day in order to keep you
healthy for next nine months. But if you cannot understand the charts and make something out of
your reading, it will probably be of no use and you will end up shutting the book down after one
or two months and go back to your regular pre-pregnancy diet. You may also think that you are
healthy enough and taking all vitamins and supplements recommended by doctors so nothing can
go wrong.


But this book is written from the perspective of a mother rather than the perspective of a
doctor or professional nutritionist. Throughout the book, a detailed breakdown has been provided
related to nutrition to make sure that you remain healthy during your pregnancy and deliver a
healthy baby. This book also throws light on dietary changes that you should employ in your diet
plan trimester by trimester. All details have been given in a simple English rather than difficult
medical terms, so that you do not have to buy a medical dictionary in order to read and
understand the most basic nutrition values and how to plan your diet.

Cozy Bump is pleased to bring you a book that talks about daily pregnancy nutrition.

Happy Reading Mothers-to-be!

Understanding supplements and nutrients:

During pregnancy, it is very important for expectant mothers to understand the value of
nutrients in order to know that why they should be eating certain foods and avoid others. The
very fundamental step towards understanding of pregnancy nutrition and supplement is to know
why and what you are eating and how is it going to affect your unborn baby. Why certain
supplements and nutrients are important to consume on daily basis to help grow baby in a
healthy way.
In the following section, we are going to describe the value of supplements and vitamins and
how much dosage is required for both pregnant and nursing mothers. But it is important to
comprehend first that overdose of supplements rarely happens due to natural food intake rather it
happens when mothers-to-be try to consume extra supplement in order to help their babies grow.
When pregnant women forget to mention their supplement intake to their physician during
regular check-ups, it is very likely that the balance is destroyed when doctor prescribe some
additional supplements and vitamins. So, it is vital to always mention all vitamins, medications
and supplements you consume to your physician during appointments, regardless of how trivial
you think, they are, so that overdose can be avoided to keep baby safe and sound.

Vitamin A: When a baby is in developing stage Vitamin A helps in development of

baby’s heart, immune system, eyes, ears, bones and teeth. Pregnant women who
consume enough Vitamin A sources during pregnancy, they are able to recover
quickly from damages to the body caused by delivery. Vitamin A deficiency can also
cause vision problems. That is why, it is recommended to eat carrots when you are

770 micrograms of Vitamin A should be consumed by women on daily basis while

carrying a child. On the other hand during nursing period, the supplement intake
should go up to 1300 micrograms. Overdose of Vitamin A can cause serious troubles
like liver toxicity and birth defects for both baby and mom.

Maximum dose of Vitamin A should not exceed from 3000 micrograms a day.


Kale, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, peas, mangoes, eggs, carrots and liver are a good
source of Vitamin A.

Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is also recognized as Pyridoxine. It helps in developing

nervous system and brain of the baby developing inside a pregnant mother. Red blood
cells also develop in both mother and baby due to consumption of this supplement.
B6 is lately being known for easing down the morning sickness that most pregnant
women experience in early days of conception.

Expectant mothers should take 1.9 mg of Vitamin B6 supplement on daily basis.

After delivery and during nursing period, the amount should slightly rise up to 2.0 mg
per day.

Bananas, chickpeas, baked potatoes, chicken breasts and watermelons are a great
source of Vitamin B6 supplement. It is also found in fortified cereals.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 works greatly side by side with folic acid. It helps in
developing nervous system and brain of the fetus and enables both mother and baby
to produce very healthy red blood cells. Human bodies store Vitamin B12 enough for
many years which make B12 deficiencies very rare. But if you are a vegan or suffer
from destructive form of anemia, you can develop B12 deficiency in your system.

Nursing mothers should supplement their bodies with B12 on daily basis. 2.8 mcg of
B12 supplementation is enough for nursing mothers and pregnant women should
consume 2.6 mcg daily.

Vitamin B12 is excessively found in chicken, red meat, shellfish, fish, dairy products
and eggs. Vegan people can find fortified B12 in soymilk and tofu.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is crucial for building a healthy immune system for both
mother and baby. It helps body to absorb iron and hold cells together which enables
human body to build tissue and form structure. Supplementation of Vitamin C is
hardly needed because Vitamin C is found abundantly in many daily foods. If right
amount is consumed on daily basis of these foods, supplementation won’t be

Nursing mothers need more Vitamin C as compared to pregnant ones. Nursing

mothers should consume at least 120 mg each day, while pregnant mothers should
consume 80-85 mg a day.


Citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin C. Raspberries, strawberries, green beans,
broccoli, papaya, tomatoes and many other foods also provide Vitamin C.

Calcium: Calcium does not only build bones of the baby but it also helps heart and
brain to function properly which makes it a vital nutrient for body. Calcium intake
should go up significantly during pregnancy. Calcium deficiency at any stage of life
for women is a pressing issue as it can lead to problems like osteoporosis which
significantly affect bones.

Calcium is abundantly found in many dairy products like yogurt, milk and cheeses.
Lesser amounts of calcium are found in cereals, broccoli, ice creams, butters, tofu,
kale, okra, cabbage and fortified juices. It is also available in supplement form which
can easily be consumed by women.
Nursing mothers should consume 1000 mg per day of calcium supplement while
pregnant women should consume at least 1200 mg each day.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is an important supplement that helps body to absorb calcium

effectively which leads to healthy and strong bones of both mother and the baby.
Pregnant or nursing mothers should consume 2000 IU of Vitamin D each day in order to
provide sufficient supplement to body. Breast feeding babies may also need Vitamin D
supplement so if you are recommended by doctor to give it to baby, you do not have to
worry as this is a normal procedure and you have not done anything wrong as mother. If
your baby is not breast feeding and having formula with bottle feeding, the baby is
probably getting sufficient amount of supplement as formula milk is fortified with
Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is not found in sufficient quantity in many foods that we consume on daily
basis. However, it is present in fortified cereals, milk and eggs. Fatty fish like Mackerel,
Catfish and Salmon also provide some amount of Vitamin D. But sun is the most natural
and abundant source to attain Vitamin D. This is why; women and children who are
diagnosed with mild vitamin D insufficiency are recommended to spend time under sun.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E helps forming the body of the fetus, strengths its muscles and help
in production of Red Blood cells. Pre-eclampsia, a condition that causes fluid retention
and high blood pressure has been associated with lack of Vitamin E intake during
pregnancy. Low birth weight of the baby is also associated with deficiency of Vitamin E
in the pregnant mother. On the contrary, overdose of Vitamin B can cause stillbirths in
mothers who self medicate themselves with these supplements during pregnancy.

Expectant mothers should use 20 mg of Vitamin E at least a day and limit should not
exceed more than 540 mg in a day as it can be detrimental to health of both baby and


Vitamin E is not only available in supplement form, but in addition to it, it is also
available in so many natural foods like nuts, vegetable oils, spinach and wheat germ.
Fortified cereals also have this nutrient which can be a part of daily diet. Natural Vitamin
E is always better than the synthetic one for development of the baby. Women should eat
Vitamin E enriched foods in abundance during pregnancy and try to live less on the bottle
of synthetic supplements.

Folic Acid: Folic acid is one of the most important supplements in development and
growth of the unborn baby. It is also known as Vitamin B9 or Folate. It is so important
that it is even recommended to women who want to plan pregnancy in future. Folic acid
is used by baby’s body to form tissues, cell developments and DNA replication. A
condition neural tube defect which is famously known as Spina Bifida can effect baby’s
spinal growth if folic acid is not a part of daily supplementation of expectant mother. Its
deficiency can also impair brain growth and lead to an abnormal opening of the skull out
of the skin of the baby. These destructive conditions start occurring at very early stage of
the fetus like in first 28 days, if there is folic acid deficiency. Many mothers may not
even know that they are pregnant at that early stage so it is vital to have sufficient folic
acid dose on daily basis when you are planning to get pregnant.

Pregnant women should take 0.6-0.8 mg of folic acid on daily basis and try not to skip it
as it can cause deformities to the baby.

Folic acid is found in enough quantities in cauliflowers, strawberries, orange juices,

sunflower seeds, beets, leafy vegetables and fortified cereals.

Iron: Iron is the nutrient that helps forming more blood in body. Iron intake increases
blood in the system that keep both mother and baby healthy and well. It assists in
developing baby’s cells and formation of placenta. During pregnancy, it becomes very
difficult for women to fulfill the requirement of iron with natural foods. This is why, iron
supplements along with other prenatal vitamins are recommended by doctors to consume
on daily basis to overcome the deficiency of iron during pregnancy.

At least 27 mg of iron should be consumed by pregnant women every day but Centre for
Disease Control suggests consuming 30 mg iron supplement on daily basis. Iron excess in
human body especially in expectant mother can cause iron build-up in cells of the baby
and mother which can have drastic effects if not addressed in time.

Poultry and red meat are abundant sources of iron. Fortified cereals, vegetables, legumes
and other grains also carry some percentage of iron nutrients.

Niacin: The name of this nutrient may not be very familiar for you but it is also known as
Vitamin B3. It plays a significant role in building placenta and provides the required
energy to help develop baby in mother’s womb. Niacin aids in keeping the digestive
system of the pregnant woman operating well.


18 mg of B3 should be consumed by pregnant women daily.

Foods with high protein value are enriched with Niacin. Eggs, fish, meat, whole grain,
fortified cereals, milk, bread and peanuts are foods which can provide B3 to human body

Protein: Protein is the fundamental block of human body. It plays a significant role in
overall development and growth of the baby and body’s cells are mainly reliant on intake
of protein. During second and third trimester, as baby and mother are both growing at fast
pace, protein consumption should be increased by mother in order to keep up with the
growth of the baby.

Nursing and pregnant women should consume 70 grams of protein daily in order to retain
required energy of body.

Protein does not only come from poultry, red meat and fish but beans, milk, tofu, cheeses,
eggs and yogurt are also great sources of protein. Protein bars, supplements and fortified
cereals are also rich in protein.

Riboflavin: Riboflavin is also known as Vitamin B2. This nutrient enables body to
generate energy which is required by body to help baby to grow its nervous system,
bones and muscles. B2 deficient women are at risk of developing pre-eclamsia. In this
condition when baby is delivered, it will also be at risk of developing digestive issues,
anemia, weak immune system and limited growth, making it more prone to be effected by

1.4 mg of Vitamin B2 should be consumed by expectant mothers while nursing mothers

should consume 1.6 mg.

Whole grains, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, pork, fortified cereals are enriched sources of

Thiamin: Thiamin is also known as Vitamin B1. It aids in growth of body organs and
central nervous system of the baby.

1.4 mg of Thiamin should be consumed by nursing and pregnant women on daily basis.
Thiamin deficient breastfeeding mothers can expose their babies to disease called
beriberi. Beriberi can drastically affect the cardiovascular system of the baby.

Thiamin is present in pork, wheat germs, fortified cereals, eggs and whole grains.

Zinc: Zinc is the last but not the least nutrient that is also very essential for development
of the fetus. It helps in division of cells that is the most basic process in baby’s growth of


organs and tissues. Zinc is responsible for production of different enzymes and insulin in
body of mother and the baby.

11-12 mg of Zinc each day can aid in producing a healthy baby.

Red meats, nuts, dairy products, poultry, oysters, beans and fortified cereals are great
sources of Zinc.

You need to remember here that recommended daily doses above are just
recommendations. Every pregnant woman is different and her body requirements vary.
So, if your physician recommends something different then you should listen to him/her
as they have much more experience in their field.

As you have got yourself familiarized enough with the use of vitamins and minerals that your
body requires during pregnancy, let’s focus on more concerning issue for all women and that is
calories. In our society, it is a common phenomenon that skinny women are more appreciated.
So, women pay a lot of attention to calories and they count them and try to burn as many calories
as possible. They feel more sensitive to the products that hold the tag of low calorie. In a nut
shell, battling against calories has become foremost mission of women’s life. So it becomes vital
to discuss everything related to calories.

Caloric intake when you are expecting

The most imperative thing that an expecting woman needs to comprehend is that pregnancy
is not the right time to calculate and measure calories. Any diet that restricts the intake of
essential calories must be withdrawn immediately. Nine months of pregnancy demand a
balanced and good calorie diet. Forget about your beauty for these precious nine months and
think about your baby whose growth may get harmed by avoiding the necessary intake of
calories. In addition to it, whether you like it or not, you are going to gain some weight as baby
grows so weight loss is also out of question.

Babies need basic calories to develop their body parts in mother’s womb and lack of calories
can hamper their growth. Low birth weight is the most known complication with babies and fetal
does not develop properly due to intake of poor nutrition. Babies can also develop some birth
defects related to different deficiencies. So, the pregnant women must be watchful about their
intake of food and after nine months, you are free to burn these calories as much as you want.

Very first thing you are required to do is to measure your recommended pre-pregnancy daily
intake. Women who are already on diet may know that how many calories they are consuming in
a day. But if you do not know, you can either search internet or read books or talk to your doctor
for a complete breakdown of calories that you should consume.


During first trimester (the first three months) women do not require extra consumption of
calories. It is suggested that if you are expecting and continuing your pre-pregnancy eating
routine without any diet, it is good enough for the development of your baby. But if you are
dieting during pregnancy, please stop it now as it can be detrimental for health of baby and you.

But as you proceed towards 2nd and 3rd trimester, expecting mothers are required to
consume 300 extra calories as compared to 1st trimester.

This intake of extra calories will leave a healthy effect on the body development of your
child as you get bigger. Remember, if you were consuming 1800 calories before your pregnancy
then you need to consume 2100 calories now, each day. If you were consuming 1500 calories
before pregnancy, you should consume 1800 now and you can calculate accordingly.
Remember, this is not a right time to lose weight. Do not try to burn these extra calories as
these are very important for your baby’s growth. Right after delivery, if you are breastfeeding,
you will already start to lose weight, so do not worry yourself with weight gain and do not
attempt something harmful.

Number of calories that your body requires during pregnancy is varied and it highly depends
on if you were either over weight or underweight before conceiving the baby. Women with
obesity may be asked to consume fewer calories so that they do not gain excessive weight.
Excessive weight gain can bring a lot of problems during pregnancy. It can put extra pressure on
lungs and heart and increase the chances of high blood pressure issues which can ultimately
affect the health of baby. In such cases, it is usually recommended to diet but you need to always
consult your physician and follow the advice. As long as you are healthy, your baby is going to
grow healthy and well.

While on the contrary, if you were underweight at the time of conception and do not fall
under the perfect BMI to help pregnancy proceed in a healthy manner, then you physician may
recommend you to increase your calorie intake more than 300 a day. It is important for baby to
get enough calories from your body and if you are not eating enough and your body is burning
everything that you have been eating, there won’t be enough for baby to consume and grow and
you both will end up suffering.
So, it is vital to eat balanced diet in any case and requirements do change from person to

Caloric intake when you are nursing

Commonly, nursing mothers require more than 500 calories in a day than their recommended
pre – pregnancy daily diet. This fact reflects that a regular breastfeeding child consumes 650
calories in a day which results in quick weight loss in breastfeeding mothers as compared to
bottle feeding mothers. So, you will roughly be losing 150 calories each day by just breast
feeding your baby and for reference, these 150 calories are equal to 15 minutes of stair climbing
or running.

Mothers who are breastfeeding twin babies or women who did not gain extra weight during
pregnancy, they are allowed to take more calories in a day because their bodies do not carry


surplus calories. One thing is crystal clear; your baby will get nourishment from your body. So,
you must take enough diet in right proportions to produce sufficient amount of breast milk,
otherwise your child will be starving, pushing you to take more calories or you will have to shift
the baby to supplements which is not usually recommended by doctors.

Know the difference between healthy calories and

unhealthy calories:

You need to understand that not all calories are the same. Banana smoothie, a protein bar and
a normal piece of cheese cake provides 300 calories but these three types of food do not have
same type of calories. Now, you need to decide that which food item is better for your child
ultimately as your child is eating what you are eating. The difficult task during pregnancy is to
maintain calorie equilibrium at certain levels. The most important thing is to take proper meals to
provide everything to your baby what it requires. Secondly, you need to figure out that which
calories are good calories so that your baby is getting the most nutritional value.

It is also very important not to take extra calories and put on so much unnecessary weight. If
you consume extra calories, it will cause many problems like early labor, heart issues, diabetes
and pre – eclampsia. In addition to it, you are also not allowed to control your food intake too
much. Usually women face severe cravings during this time period and it can lead them to
experience some wild things, if they try to control cravings too much.

If you are not facing weight issue, you can easily take your favorite foods but once in a while
if they are not very healthy in nature. You can taste a slice of cheese cake or a cookie
occasionally but do not make this a habit and eat every other day. You need to control your sugar
intake while pregnancy as sugar may lead you to diabetes which is very likely to happen during

Junk food calories are not part of your regular calorie intake, so do not count these calories in
your diet chart. It enables you to understand the importance of good calories in a day because
your baby will get nourishment from what you eat. This calorie check activity keeps you away
from over eating and bad calorie intake as if you take 500 to 600 junky calories more than your
recommended normal diet too often then obviously, you are going to put on extra weight. Your
first visit to doctor during pregnancy after one month somehow can be shocking, when you stand
on the weight machine and it displays that you have gained ten pounds in a month, obviously it is
going to be heart breaking and your doctor may not like it. So, try to create a balance in diet.

Keep junk food aside for a while and know that not all good calories are even created
equally. Here are some rudimentary strategies for picking calories that are going to fulfill your
regular food cravings, calorie requirements and your nutritional needs. Every one of you in life
may have tried to follow a diet plan and you may have had to limit yourself to certain foods. As
there are many different diet plans like Adkins Diet which strictly restrict your carbohydrates
while the Sonoma Diet reduces your dairy requirements in half. But the question to ask here is


that unless you have extreme self-control, you may have tossed these diet plans out of windows
after some time as they are very difficult to follow.

There are no different rules for healthy eating during pregnancy and before pregnancy. You
have to identify what foods are more suitable for your body and try to focus on healthy food
rather than more appealing and less healthy items. While picking the foods that you are going to
eat in pregnancy, keep in mind the following tips:
• Always refer whole foods as they are found in their natural form and not processed or
• Use fresh fruits and vegetables as compared to frozen and canned foods
• Eat whole grain breads rather than white breads as whole grain breads are not as
refined as white ones.

Whole food is the best choice for pregnant women, because it contains fiber and water and it
assists in easy digestions and stop body from constipating. It keeps you away from fatigue and
tiredness as otherwise your body will be putting a lot of energy in digesting food.

Use fresh fruits and vegetables without any second thought particularly green and leafy
vegetables because they are an essential source of vitamins. So do add leafy vegetables in your
pregnancy chart. Refer to the charts below for a quick review of important vitamins and the food
that contain these vitamins.

Another question is that if it is a good carbohydrate or bad carbohydrate? In pregnancy time

period, you cannot delete carbohydrates completely from your diet plan. Carbohydrates are
energy provider for you and your baby during this phase and they help grow a healthy baby.
What you have to do is, just make sure that the carbs you take are good for you.

Carbohydrates are divided into two primary classes simple and complex. Simple
carbohydrates consist of small sugar molecules that are digested quickly for example cookies,
candies, pasta, cakes and white bread. You should avoid simple carbohydrates because they
increase your sugar level and you may feel tired and quirky all night. Other type of
carbohydrates is complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are full of starch and fibers
such as whole grains and potatoes. These carbohydrates take some extra time for digestion but
give you energy that persists more than an hour or two. But it is also important to note here that
even among some good carbohydrates; few can do better than the others for your body. So, if
you are facing eating disorder due to morning sickness and feeling tired due to hormonal
imbalance, it is very important to know about its causes and re-evaluate carbohydrate types you
are consuming.

In order to get the most out of your diet plan, you should select such food items that keep you
energize for a longer period of time. Just keep one thing in your mind; this should not affect your
child’s growth in any way. Sweet potatoes, real whole grain and whole wheat products are the
finest options. In fruits, grapes and bananas are the best to provide energy for longer hours.


Remember one thing that when you are buying a product and the title says that it is whole
wheat, whole grain or multigrain, it would not mean necessarily that it will meet up the criteria
mentioned. Yes, somehow it could be a misleading advertisement, so it is important to be well
aware of the false claims as your healthy and baby could be at risk. A whole grain food as may
be mentioned on the package, do not mean that it is completely whole grain because the
company requires a very little amount of whole grain to make that claim. It does not mean that
there are no whole grains in this package but there are not as much as you may think there should
be. The company may include a lot of processed and refined ingredients too in the package.

Another thing to notice is that are you eating the right type of proteins? Like carbohydrates,
proteins are also classified into good and average proteins. If you are looking for the proteins that
will provide you the most energy and nutrients then add eggs, beef, beans and lean meat in your
diet. The natural food products are better for you. Now, you must be thinking that you are not
allowed to eat chicken nuggets and other processed protein. No, that is not true. Just make sure
you do not overwhelm your diet with processed protein and you can eat nuggets and other
processed food occasionally.

Another important question is, are you eating organic food? Organic foods are healthier and
costly than other foods. According to Healthy Chicken project, organic foods are those that are
grown without any kind of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. In addition to it, if no hormones or
antibiotics has been used while animal farming then it will be considered as organic food.
Genetic engineering and radiation use also do not comply with the standards of organic foods.

If your monthly budget does not allow you to buy all organic food as unfortunately, most of
the products are shipped with heavy shipping charges so try to focus on the foods announced by
the government as the best to be purchased organically.

Here is the list of food items which are considered rich in pesticides and highly contaminated
like apples, celery, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, pears, grapes, nectarines, spinach, bell
peppers, potatoes and cherries. On the other side, peas, papaya, pineapples, mangos, avocados,
kiwi, cauliflower, onions, sweet corns, asparagus and broccoli are thought as less contaminated

Now let’s focus on fats! Your body desires certain type of fats, but it is a difficult task for
your body to digest Trans fats and they do not offer much in nutritional values. Unsaturated fats
are healthier for your body than saturated fats. The former fats are found in animal products like
butters and it is better that you enjoy them in very limited quantities to keep body healthy and

Recap of necessary vitamins and their main food sources

Vitamin Main foods with vitamin sources
Vitamin A Peas, liver, mangoes, carrots, eggs, sweet


potatoes, cantaloupe, kale, collard green,
Vitamin B6 Chicken breasts, fortified cereals, chick peas,
bananas, water melon and baked potatoes
Vitamin B12 Dairy products, eggs, red meat, shellfish,
poultry and fish
Vitamin C Tomatoes, citrus fruits, broccoli, raspberries,
potatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, green beans,
papaya and strawberries

Calcium Broccoli, dairy products, kale, fortified juices,

Chinese cabbage, fortified butters and cereals,
tofu, spinach, lentils, okra and sweet potatoes
Vitamin D Fatty fish like Mackerel, Salmon and Catfish,
milk, eggs and fortified cereals
Vitamin E Fortified cereals, vegetable oil, spinach, wheat
germ and nuts
Folic Acid Sunflower seeds, oranges and orange juices,
nuts, strawberries, beans, leafy vegetables,
peas, spinach, pasta, beets, cauliflower and
Iron Fortified cereals, red meat, poultry, grains,
legumes and vegetables
Niacin (Vitamin B3) Milk, eggs, fortified cereals, meat, breads, fish,
whole grains, peanuts
Protein Protein bars, beans, fortified cereals, red meat,
yogurt, fish, tofu, shellfish, cheese, eggs and
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Eggs, whole grains, pork, poultry, dairy
products, fish and red meat
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) Pork, wheat germ, whole grain, fortified cereal
and eggs
Zinc Poultry, fortified cereals, nuts, red meat,
oysters, beans and dairy products

How much is too much?

Now, you have come to the point where you know enough that what you should be
consuming to be healthy on daily basis but now is the time to know that how much you should be
eating. The ideal thing to do is to keep a journal with you and keep record of all nutrition and
calories you consume on daily basis but let’s be real. It is not possible as it is so difficult to keep
record of every trivial detail of food you consume on daily basis so it is better to make few
sweeping generalizations according to needs of your body for daily routine.


The simplest way is to create a food group chart as the one mentioned in following
paragraphs. You can first calculate that how much from every food group, your body needs on
daily basis and then you can pick and choose foods from every group and choose foods you like
the most. It will provide you with a wide range of nutrients with different foods in your diet plan.
Here is an exemplary chart:


• Fish, legumes, poultry or meat- Three servings each day

• Cheese, milk or yogurt- Three to four servings each day

• Vegetables- Take four servings daily
• Fruits-Take three servings daily
• Whole grains- Take nine servings daily

If those portions look like a lot to you then you are thinking right as technically you cannot
eat that much in a day. But note that these servings mentioned above are not full or even half
plates. For example, if you make a ham sandwich with whole grain bread slices, then it will be
two servings. Add an apple, peach or banana and you will have 1 serving of your fruit meal. The
same way an 8 oz of milk glass will be one serving of dairy in a day. Same is the case with meat.
A meat steak is typically from 4 to 6 oz so it not something that you cannot consume in a day.

Following is a sneak peak in to what your one day meal menu should comprise of:

• A glass of orange juice
• Banana
• 2 cups of fortified cereals with milk

• A glass of milk
• English muffin made of whole wheat
• Apple


• A glass of milk
• Ham sandwich composed of whole grain bread slices
• 6 ounces of carrots


• Broccoli flowers with ranch dressing
• A glass full of tomato juice
• Organic cream cheese with a whole grain bagel

• Whole grain roll
• Baked potatoes
• Trout fish with splash of lemon
• Glass of milk
• 6 ounces of peas

• 2 slices of whole wheat bread toasted with calcium fortified butter is a complete
• Hot chocolate

A big No No List for Mommies:

A great variety of food is recommended to pregnant women that are beneficial for their
health but keep in mind that there are certain food items that can even cause infections or plague
you. Expecting women must be vigilant while using different food products. The list may vary
from year to year so try to keep yourself updated.

It is advised to pregnant women that if you are not sure about a certain food item, you must
avoid the use of it. If you are confused and have mixed reviews then you can even consult your
OB/GYN. They are the best persons who can guide you properly. They attend updated
educational classes on regular basis and they have access to latest researches in their field, this is
why they can guide you in the best possible way regarding your pregnancy which can vary from
person to person.

In mommy’s No-No list, alcohol comes first. This is so because alcohol paves the way for
defects in developing babies. Expecting women can consider the allowed dose of alcohol that
they can consume during their pregnancy but that has yet to be determined by research studies so
it is best to avoid alcohol completely as it can cause irreparable problems to fetus.

Alcohol not only causes harm to the babies but the expecting women may suffer from many
side effects due to their drinking habit. Heartburn and nausea are most common problems that
pregnant women complain about. Expecting women should try to fill up the space in their
stomachs with some natural and healthy drinks like juices and water. It would be very
advantageous for you and baby, if you decide to leave alcohol completely during your
pregnancy. A sip or two of wine occasionally would definitely not hurt your little angel but a
shot or two of Tequila may not be very forgiving for health of your baby.


Another important food that was long lauded as the best protein source has come to become
the most debatable food these days. That food is fish as it has been lately discovered that fish can
be harmful for a pregnant mother and can cause harm to fetal development as it is abundant in
mercury. As a lot of waste goes in to water which affect the habitat of fish and makes it high
with mercury so it is best for expectant mothers to avoid eating fish. There is still a great debate
going on if certain fish are okay to eat while pregnant but nothing has been confirmed yet. So, it
is highly recommended that pregnant women should not eat shark, bluefish, canned tuna and
tuna steaks, king mackerel and swordfish as mercury level in these fish can bring irrefutable
damage to baby’s nervous system.

Processed foods are also considered highly suspicious as they use a high amount of
preservatives which can be damaging for unborn babies. In addition to it, always buy caffeine
free and fat free foods with caution. The foods with ‘sugar free’ titles with sugary sweetness will
surely have some sugar substitutes so such foods should also be used with caution. Try to always
buy fresh, natural and whole foods as much as you can. Do not just judge the product by its
cover, read ingredients carefully and then make your decision.

Now comes the coffee talk! If you are finding it very difficult to get up in morning without a
cup of coffee, you should learn some facts which may wake you up. Caffeine limits absorption of
iron in body which can lead to anemia especially in pregnant women who may not already have
enough iron in their bodies. Caffeine can also elevate heart burn problems which can give you
many restless nights as it can transfer with your breast milk to your baby. Caffeine also robs your
body of calcium so it is best if you can switch to decaf, although to be honest as a placebo it is
not a nice substitute.
You can also choose to drink apple cider in morning or a cup of hot chocolate can work too.
Mildly heated apple juice with a nice stick of cinnamon or a pinch of cinnamon powder can work
well. Any decaf hot beverage during pregnancy should be enough to wake you for some time as
you will be taking naps either way especially during first trimester.

Undercooked and uncooked food items are a big part of Mommy’s No No list. OB/GYNs
usually recommend their pregnant patients also not to eat Sushi, rare to medium well meats, deli
meats, undercook eggs, fish and hot dogs. Unpasteurized juices and cheeses are also a big no for
expectant women. Uncooked or undercooked are restricted during pregnancy because pathogens
like Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria can spread as they are mainly found in under-done or raw

Salmonella is greatly associated with stillbirths and if this pathogen makes it way towards
placenta it can infect the unborn child. If that does not happen, vomiting and diarrhea from
Salmonella still are serious risks to mother and baby. Listeria is the main cause of meningitis in
babies under one year. It also has ability to cross placenta and affect the baby. It can trigger
miscarriage at any stage. If pregnant mother is infected with E. coli, the severe infection from
this pathogen can trigger early labor or even miscarriage. It can also cause dehydration.


If you grow your own fruits and vegetables or buy them from market, you should wash them
thoroughly before eating. Toxoplasma is a parasite which is usually found in soils especially in
areas where cats roam around and discharge their waste. This parasite lives in cat feces. This is
why, you are sometimes recommended not to take out kitty litter as it could infect you with
Toxoplasma and can endanger your baby. This parasite is also present in processed foods on
commercial basis but mostly it can be found in home grown foods so you should wash them

You should carefully deal with Toxoplasma. If this parasite gets successful in crossing
placenta, it can cause long term damage to baby. It has potential to infect baby and cause
stillbirth. As each trimester proceeds, the chances of getting infected by this parasite rise. In first
trimester, there are 15% chances while in 2nd and 3rd trimester, the chances increase from 30%
to 60% respectively.

Pathogenic infections in the growing baby inside a mother can be highly damaging for the
fetus. It is always better to make sure first that your food is pathogen free completely during
pregnancy days as otherwise it will have grave consequences.

Be creative with diet plan

Children are being introduced with a variety of foods at a very early stage in life so the
problem of food allergies and intolerance for various foods is mounting. There are many other
problems also on rise like diabetes, vegetarianism, metabolic disorders, vegans and general
disliking for certain foods. Such issues either they are natural or due to general preferences, they
can cause a great difficulty for expecting women to continue with the regular, nutrition based
Now here comes a question in mind that what the expecting women should do if they are
unable to have a regular diet?

The answer is very simple to that question. Just be creative. The expecting women who are
suffering from diabetes, bad digestion or some other conditions like Tyrosinemia and PKU (as
these are identified at a very early stage of childhood), so many women would already have an
idea on how to manage their diets before pregnancy and after conception they can easily deal
with it by not overdosing their nutrition requirements found in certain food. It is always a best
idea to discuss your medical condition with your doctor and talk about certain foods and their
quantities you can have in a day during the course of pregnancy.

On other side, if you are not medically restricted or have conditions that require medical
supervision then you should be easily able to make small changes in your diet plan according to
your liking. You would surely be able to continue a healthy diet throughout your pregnancy with
few dietary substitutes.

Allergies and intolerance to foods


Many people are allergic to specific food items like milk, soy, nuts and wheat etc. which
makes it very difficult to attain proper calcium when you are not able to take a glass of milk or
eat any other dairy product. In this situation, you should talk to your doctor about some healthy
alternatives. If you are having allergies with milk, milk can be substituted with fortified juices
and chewable calcium tablets.

If you have any food allergies, you should restrict your food choices. The intensity of your
allergy should be measured and you should get tested to know which ingredients do not suit you.
If you are a patient of anaphylaxis, you should try to avoid foods completely where you think a
single ingredient might have been used that you are allergic to. Try to use plain meat, fresh fruits
and vegetables and avoid casseroles, gravies and stews if ingredient list has not been provided on
the package.

Commonly, allergic reactions get more severe in pregnancy, if you suffer from mild allergy
attacks before pregnancy; just handle this issue carefully during pregnancy. Keep one thing in
mind, pregnancy is only 9 months long period. Your body will go to normal position, when it is
all over and you can enjoy your favorite foods.

If you have allergy with soy or wheat, then you are in big trouble, because most of the food
items contain these ingredients. You may not have noticed this unless you have allergy that these
two ingredients are found in many foods and they are a big source of carbohydrates which your
body definitely needs during pregnancy. So, you have to be more vigilant if you have allergy to
these two and read ingredient list on food products carefully. If name of any following item
surfaces on the product, try to completely avoid it.
• Soy
• Soy protein
• Soy Flour
• Soy Cheese
• Textured vegetable protein
• Textured soy protein
• Vegetable protein
• Wheat bran
• Tofu
• Triticale
• Yuba
• Semolina
• Edamame
• Kamut
• Tempeh
• Graham flour
• Natto
• Gluten
• Wheat
• Mono-diglyceride
• Farina


• Okara
• Couscous
• Soja, soybean
• Bulgur
• White/ Enriched/Whole wheat flour

You will find all the above mentioned ingredients in different breads, so it would be better to
get your carbs from some other sources. The list of nutrient sources that has been provided
earlier offers some adequate substitutes that you can eat.
So do not bother that you have to eat a particular food, just because it is part of your diet
plan. If you have forgoing health issues, you need to address them first. Pregnancy is a difficult
time and many women would bear the side effects of allergies in order to provide certain
nutrients to their baby but it is recommended to first address your health issues and find the
alternatives of nutrients that your body need during pregnancy.

If you have no idea that which food items can be added in your diet plan as alternatives to
provide complete nutrition value, then contact any nutritionist. They are well trained and assist
people with dietary problems and can help you make right choices.

Food intolerance is another general problem and it widely remains undiagnosed. Most of the
people do not understand the difference between an allergy and intolerance to certain foods. If,
they opt for an allergy test and its result is negative, they think, they are visualizing things and
nothing is wrong with them health wise but this is not the fact.

Food allergies are directly related with your immune system. Your body immediately
recognizes the incoming food as a foreign attacker and discharges something from the cells,
named as histamine. This histamine is the reason of allergic reaction. On the other hand,
intolerance has no connection with immune system. When your body finds that it cannot digest
something properly, it starts rejecting it which results in problems like diarrhea, vomiting,
bloating and gas.
Lactose is a widely known digestive intolerance but vegetables, some fruits, soy and red meat
also sometimes cause intolerance.

It is highly recommended that you do not eat such food that you have intolerance to,
especially during pregnancy. Repeated attacks of diarrhea and dehydration can cause some
serious side effects on you and growth of your baby. The best suggestion is to find a suitable
substitute that will deliver all the important nutrients to your baby rather than trying to adjust
your body to what it is intolerant to.



The upraising popularity of vegetarianism and veganism has made it much easier to eat
healthy while being pregnant without compromising your scruples. Most of the foods have a
vegetarian or vegan substitute. Since you can still drink fruits calcium fortified juices (many of
which contains the same amount of calcium that milk has), soy milk and rice milk make good
staples to your diet instead of regular milk, and nuts and beans are superb sources of iron and

When you go for a pre-natal checkup for the first time, one important thing you should do
is to tell your doctor you’re a vegetarian. They will probably review your current diet with you to
ensure that you are consuming enough nutrients. They will probably prescribe a supplement if
they think it’s necessary. In most cases they will only tell you to add certain foods to your diet in
order to compensate for the extra nutritional requirements of pregnancy. There are a few
instrumental nutrients that aren’t found in the vegetarian diet in most cases, so you need to pay
As a vegan you should not drink or eat dairy products, but that can create a problem with
your Vitamin B12, so you need to make sure that your doctor is fully aware of your diet at your
first pre-natal checkup. The doctor may advise you to buy yeasts, tofu, soya milk, fortified
cereals and other B12-rich foods. They also may prescribe a dietary supplement.

Another Vitamin which can hardly be found in vegan diets is Vitamin D, but the good
news is that it can be compensated for by setting in front of direct sunlight for 20 to 30 minutes a
day. If your work schedule keeps you inside and you rarely go outside during the day, your
doctor may prescribe a supplement. But be advised that these supplements should only be taken
if prescribed by the doctor, that is simply because consuming too many vitamins can be just as
harmful as consuming too few vitamins. There are many fantastic books on this topic, in which
you can find great vegan diet recipes that perfectly match the requirements of pregnancy.


Picky eaters may face troubles during pregnancy because they will get bored from eating the
same thing or the same group of foods over and over again. However, acceptable substitutes
which provide the nutrition required for a healthy pregnancy can be found in most cases. To find
the best possible substitutes search the list of naturally found dietary sources and pick a few
substitutes that you can eat. The internet is also a good place to search if you can't find anything
that suits you on the list.

Investing in a good cookbook that centers around your favorite sources of protein would be a
wise choice. It can supply you with ten or fifteen recipes that you like, and you can rotate the
recipes through your weekly meal plan. Your favorite source of protein is usually the main dish
in your meals, and a good cookbook will give you various ways to cook them, side dishes to
serve along with them and diversified ingredients to mix in with them. You can find some
valuable books online or in your local library or bookstore.


If you don't have the money or desire to buy a cookbook, you can find what you are looking
for on the internet. You can find almost everything on the internet and it will cost you nothing.
You just need to make some effort online and will find every single recipe you are searching for.
You can also put together a cookbook by printing the recipes from the popular online sources.
Our list of the most comprehensive online sources is as follows:

• www.allrecipes.net
• www.foodnetwork.com
• www.recipesource.com
• www.recipetrove.com
• www.cookingcache.com

Preparing for post-partum diet and weight loss:

It is very important to provide with guidelines on what to do after you have a baby as no
book on pregnancy and nutrition can be complete without addressing post-partum issues.

Post-partum diet primarily depends on the fact that if your are nursing your new born or not.
Let’s presume for a minute that you are bottle feeding then there are no different nutritional
requirements to meet for your body. You can easily move back to the diet you were having when
you first conceived your baby. But remember that unless bleeding from delivery stop, you are
required to consume more iron, protein and fluids on daily basis.

If your diet before pregnancy was not very healthy and nine months of pregnancy has given
you the opportunity to readjust your eating orders, now after post-partum, you can kick start with
a healthy menu. First things first! Forget all cookies, sodas, candies and fast foods as these are
just some empty calories and won’t help you with dropping those pregnancy pounds, though how
hard you try.

If you are a wonder woman then it may take you nine months to a year to lose those
pregnancy pounds that you gained in nine months. But if you are a normal woman and want to
hear truth then it takes almost 18 months to 2 years to lose those pounds. In some cases, five to
ten pounds still stick to some women even after two years to remind them that their body has
gone through pregnancy and it is different for all bodies.

During pregnancy, you should make up your mind that it will take some time to lose weight
and can take even more than expected time to lose those last pounds even if you take healthy diet
and exercise. Many women turn to crash diets, inspired by stars like Reese Witherspoon who lost
their weight within three to four months after delivering a baby. But remember that these stars do
rigorous exercises and follow strict diets to achieve that look within few months. It is very
difficult for a normal mother to devote that much time and energy to exercise and training and it


is not achievable without help of a nanny and personal trainer. So, let’s be real and try to set
attainable goals of losing those last post-partum pounds.

When after delivery you are trying to cut down some pounds and do not have to compensate
extra calories for nursing your baby then you can easily cut down 500 calories from your
Recommended Daily Allowance diet plan. As you cut 500 calories a day, it will help you lose
one pound a week but you can definitely lose a little more if you start exercising. While
chopping 500 calories, you should not be carried away and not cut all necessary vitamins and
nutrients needed for your body included in Recommended Daily Allowance, pre-pregnancy
period. You need these vitamins and nutrients to recover from damages to body after delivery
and get in shape so cut calories in right places. If you are malnutritioned, you won’t be able to
take proper care of your baby as you will feel tired most of the time.

The very first calories you should be cutting come mostly from sugars and fats. If your
pregnancy has been very happy time for you and you did not bother about gaining weight, it is
most likely that you have become a sweet tooth by end of your pregnancy. Even if after
pregnancy, you feel cravings for fatty foods, sugary drinks and desserts, now is the time to show
some self-control and restrict your food habits that may have changed drastically over the course
of nine months. After delivery, your body is going to accommodate you for losing weight that
you gained while carrying a baby so it is time to take advantage of that.

Sonoma Diet provides some very basic guidelines to adapt a healthy life style. It provides
you with the opportunity to overcome your unhealthy food habits and adapt healthy habits for a
better lifestyle. 10 Day Boot Camp of Sonoma Diet takes away all of your fats, sugars and high
calorie foods while keeping intact enough nutrient value in your meals to provide required
energy. It also cuts down the portion sizes, ensuring that you feel full faster and for longer hours
so do not have to go back to snacking every now and then. This diet does not make you suffer
like other diets.

During first ten days of Sonoma Diet, you are required to completely avoid drinking and
eating other foods except the ones mentioned below.

1. Water
2. Dairy 1 serving per day ( in small portions)
3. Unsweetened tea with lemon
4. Low fat proteins like legumes, lean meats and eggs-3 servings a day
5. Black Coffee
6. Whole grain breads- 3 serving a day
7. Fresh leafy green vegetables such as celery, broccoli, spinach and you can eat as
much as you like according to your appetite.

After the completion of ten days, you will experience a clear change in your weight. This is
not about weight only but also you will notice that your cravings for soda, sweet tooth, chips etc.
have changed too. This diet will allow you later to add different vegetables like peas and carrots
and also increase the use of fruits and dairy products too, up to 2 to 3 servings a day.


If you truly intend to decrease your weight, you must follow Sonoma diet. This diet is a
quick way to burn extra calories you put on during pregnancy. The main advantage of this diet is
that you have to follow a healthy routine of eating. Remember this is not the only way for
decreasing weight, if you are not interested in this diet you can simply follow above guidelines
for ten days and by cutting on all sodas and sugars, you can start getting rid of pregnancy belly
sooner than you think. One important tip is, try not to eat food because it should not go to waste
or everybody else is eating. Always listen to your body and then eat.

The mothers who nurse their babies, they must be very vigilant while eating different food.
This is so because some foods can become a part of your breast milk and they can affect your
baby. Try to select your food wisely while nursing. Here we will discuss a list of food items that
can influence breast milk and then your babies.

• You will not allow your young one to drink caffeine from bottle in any case. But when
you drink a cup of coffee and then breast feed your child after this, it is like giving your
baby caffeine. One cup of coffee occasionally does not hurt much but it can make your
baby insomniac if you are doing this every day. A woken up baby all night is the last
thing you want.
• Spicy foods often become a part of your breast milk that can cause problems like
gassiness for your baby. This happens especially when spicy food has not been a regular
part of your diet during pregnancy.
• Use of too much alcohol is also not advisable during nursing. If you are having one glass
of alcohol randomly then there is no problem because you have waited for nine months
with patience. But the excessive use of alcohol can be fatal for your baby. Alcohol
becomes the part of breast milk so you must be careful. If you want to breast feed your
child after drinking alcohol, you should wait for two hours. When you consume more
alcohol, it becomes a part of your blood and stays longer in your system that is
discouraged for nursing mothers.
• Nursing mothers are not only required to avoid caffeine and alcohol but they should also
keep an eye on intake of dairy products. If baby gets irritated after nursing and shows
symptoms of allergy or intolerance to foods with vomiting, diarrhea and eczema then you
should cut back on high quantities of dairy products and see how they respond.
• Nursing mothers must pay close attention to how their babies behave during day and
night. If baby is fussy or happy especially during nights and showing discomfort, nursing
mothers should sit back and think what they ate in the day. Try and error is the best
strategy for nursing mothers to come up with a diet that best suits them and their babies
while nursing.
• In case of breast feeding babies, it is very difficult to find out that whether your nursing
babies are having some intolerance or food allergy as compared to bottle feeding babies.
There is a great responsibility on your part because you need to monitor the situation


vigilantly. For example if you had this Chinese chicken last night in dinner and it is two
in the morning and your baby is still waking and screaming. You have to remember that
you had Chinese food last night in dinner. This means that you have to skip Chinese from
your diet to elevate the disturbing signs of your baby, if baby felt the same when another
night of last week you had Chinese food too. By making some errors, you will be able to
determine problems accurately.


Undoubtedly, a healthy diet plan is never complete without exercise. Here we will discuss the
effects of exercise and what kinds of exercises are applicable during pregnancy period. The idea
of exercise sounds awful when you are nine months pregnant. But daily exercises will help you
to go through the period of pregnancy and delivery more effortlessly than you think.

The days, when women were expected to stick to their beds in pregnancy, are gone now. If
you did exercise on regular basis before pregnancy, you can continue this practice till your
delivery. Surely, you will enjoy exercising even after pregnancy as your body has gone used to
it. But there is only one difference between exercising when you are pregnant and when you are
not pregnant is not to opt for heavy exercises while carrying a baby. Women who while
pregnancy take less caloric intake and exercise heavily can stunt growth of their developing
baby. So, always exercise in moderation.

A good recommendation for exercising is that if you are habitual to exercise for twenty to
thirty minutes a day, you should continue this routine during pregnancy. Do not give up this
practice only because you are pregnant. On the other side, if you did not have a habit of exercise
before pregnancy and start after conception and if you feel breathless while exercising and
cannot speak, just stop exercising and wait for the right time after pregnancy. Because this is not
the appropriate time to train yourself for heavy activity. Your fitness level before pregnancy will
decide which exercises you can continue after conceiving.

One aspect that you need to understand is the effects of your exercise routine. If you are
doing high impact workout during the first two months (when you usually do not figure out that
you are pregnant), has not been exposed to cause issues. But if you continue rigorous exercises,
as you progress in your pregnancy, then it can potentially put both mother and baby at risk. As
soon as you know that you are pregnant, revise your exercise routine and go for low impact

Yoga, walking, swimming and Pilates are amazing workout drills for pregnant women,
although you need to be very careful of placing too much pressure on the stomach muscles while
doing Pilates. If you want to keep yourself active and fit during pregnancy, give a thought to step
dancing and aerobics. These are the wonderful exercises to keep you active. This practice will
strengthen your body muscles of back, neck and legs, and will help you to carry 20 pounds of
baby for rest of your pregnancy and will also help easing the delivery process.


Centre of gravity shifts during pregnancy so women should avoid anything that requires
balance as they proceed towards their 2nd and 3rd trimester. Sports like football, basketball or
soccer should be removed from your favorite activity list, because they can cause abdominal
injury that is not good during pregnancy. If you are an athlete, discontinue your exercising for
few months and wait for the right moment to get back to court safely as even if you face
accidental injury, it can lead to miscarriage.

When you are pregnant, consult your doctor and he/she will guide you properly that what
exercises are suitable for you in pregnancy. Your doctor is your best guide in this situation. This
is a fact that if you have not exercised regularly before pregnancy, your physician may suggest
not to involve in strenuous exercises like swimming, aerobics or running during pregnancy.

Keep few points in your mind, when you are exercising, do not go for excessive exercises
because you will feel tired and it is not a healthy sign in pregnancy. Keep yourself hydrated,
drink plenty of liquids during exercise, if the weather is hot, try to stay inside to keep yourself
safe from adverse effects of weather. Do not exercise after meals or with empty stomach in
pregnancy. Your sugar level will be dropped and you will feel dizzy and tired while you are
exercising with empty stomach, on the other side, if your stomach is full and you exercise, baby
may push from other side and you may feel nausea.

When not to exercise at all during pregnancy:

If you have some medical issues like diabetes or pre-eclamsia, you can be at risk of pre-
mature delivery. If you have gone through Preterm rupture of the membrane which commonly
means that your water has already broken or your cervix is incompetent, in this situation, always
consult your doctor before doing any kind of exercise. The doctor may suggest that you take
complete bed rest in order to ensure delivery of a healthy baby.

Post Partum Exercises:

The best part is that, when you have given birth to your baby, now you are free and you can
choose any exercise according to your convenience. But there is a bad news for the women who
will go through caesarean, they will not be able to exercise for first three weeks to three months
of their recovery period, actually your body is still going to be curing itself. In this situation, if
you are still persistent for exercising, it can create health issues for you.

Try the same low – impact exercise regime that you followed during your pregnancy until
you are not fully recovered. If you still feel tired with these mild exercises, stop exercising and
go for rest. You just had a baby and taking a couple of more months to enjoy motherhood is not
going to hurt you. You can lose those few extra pounds later.

Lastly, keep one thing in mind, if you baby is on breastfeeding, it means you have to eat
enough to provide nourishment to your child. So do not waste your calories in workout as
breastfeeding consumes an incredible amount of calories. You already have a natural, built in


weight loss system, so no worries, be relaxed and give proper attention to your baby and nurse it


Pregnancy is a beautiful period and if you know that what you have to do nutrition wise and
how to keep your body active with exercises without overdoing it and harming your baby, you
can easily do it as so many women have been doing it since the beginning of life. Just follow the
guidelines provided in the book and you will be able to spend nine months and post-partum
period in a healthy manner and a beautiful healthy baby will be in your arms after nine months.


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