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1/273 gerund/participle

Gerund/ participle
Participle gerund
1)Climbing down the tree ,one of the eggs broke.
2)The sweetly - smelling flowers in the garden are his most prized possession.
3)Before you go on and change the subject please consider his proposition.
4)He bought himself a new suit of clothes for attending his sister’s wedding .
5)The incessantly shouting around the house woke Susan up.
6)It would be very nice going for a walk together in the park, so shall we?
7)The murder of Bill’s parents was a tragedy.
8)In the end, I never got used listening to Susan’s endless gossips about her friends.
9)Coming home it’s nice.
10)Barking furiously, he let the dog out of the dining room.

1) They arrived in a beautiful morning, one of those morning of autumn, clear and cool, whose
coldness do not abate the afternoon heat, but it prepares and make it stand out . They stepped
down slowly from the truck,stopping at each instant before jumping, faltering under the impact of
the light and then slipping down as in a water whose bottom they don’t expected to be so close.After
the last one of them got out and without anybody saying a word, the truck left, they have tried to
look around, but, as if it had forgotten something, the truck stopped a few hundred meters away
and someone threw some digs(sape) and rakes (…) and a harsh voice covered by the distance and
the engine’s noise shouted mockingly that they have the possibility to gain their existence..
2. He brought it back to her memory.But she herself had forgotten that Matei only consented after
many requests to appear to Madam Aron and that , back home, he went straight to the pond,
breaking the ice and throwing into the water the train with all its rails. She didn’t understood why ,
but as she spoke, he was sipping more and more from the spoon, making all kinds of unusual and
disagreeable noises,until,being careless, the spoon slipped out of his hands ,shedding the content
and overturning a glass of water.Matei rose immediately,pushing his chair and started to wipe with
the napkin the stains from the tablecloth, thing which interrupted mrs. Iliescu story.
● become -> becoming
● discuss -> to discuss
● be->being
● mention-> mention
● talk -> to talk
● talk-> talking
● type->
● discuss -> to discuss
● produce-> producing
● regale-> regaling
● tell->telling
● go-> to go
● listen -> listening
● respond -> responding

Dupa ce zidul Berlinului a cazut si cele doua Germanii au inceput sa se lupte in mod ciudat cu
reunificarea , o gluma a inceput sa se raspandeasca : “ E ca si cum Beatles se reunesc din nou – sa
speram ca nu o sa mai mearga in alt turneu mondial ! “ Premierul britanic Margaret Tatcher si
presedintele francez Francois Mitterand palind la gandul unui colos german.In retrospective ,
temerile lor se dovedesc a fi in intregime gresite.Departe de a merge intr-un turneu mondial,
unificata Germanie a jucat pentru audienta locala.Cliseul in 1960, atunci cand Germania de vest a
experimentat miracolul economic postbelic , era faptul ca tara era un gicant economic si un pitic
politic. La 20 de ani dupa caderea zidului nu s-au schimbat prea multe.
Impreunarea celor doua tari a creat o natiune de aproape 90 de milioane de locuitori, de departe
cea mai mare din Uniunea Europeana si cel de-al doilea cel mai important exportator dupa China.
Insa reunificarea era mult mai ingrijoratoare si complexa decat si-ar fi imaginat cineva: preluarea
darapanatei Germanii de Est de catre Germania de Vest a fost precum un piton care manca un
pudle bolnav.Rezultatul a fost o indigestie agonizanta care a incurajat hibernarea ,nu ……………. .

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