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3 Generation

of Human Define Example


Political Right- are those

Right to Vote, rights to
rights which enable us to
information on matters of
participate in running the
public concern, and the right
affairs of the government
to initiative and referendum.
either directly or indirectly.

First They include the rights

Generation against involuntary servitude
Right and imprisonment for non-
payment of debt or poll tax;
the constitutional rights of the
Civil Right- are those which
accused; the social and
the law will enforce at the
economic rights; liberty of the
instance of private
abode and changing the
individuals for the purpose of
same. Freedom of speech, of
securing to them the
expression, and the right to
enjoyment of their means of
form an associations are
likewise civil rights. however,
they partake of the nature of
political rights when they are
utilized as a means to
participate in the government.
include: the right to work and
to fair conditions of work,
including the right to engage
Economic Right- are part in self-employment. The right
of a range of legal principles to join and participate in trade
based on the philosophy of unions and the right to rest
human cultural and social and leisure, including
obligations in which reasonable limitation of
economic equality and working hours and periodic
freedom are preserved. holidays with pay. There is
also a human right to peaceful
enjoyment of private

Social Right- rights that

include: the right to social
guaranteed every person be
security; the right to social
afforded conditions under
assistance; the right to an
which they are able to meet
adequate standard of living
their needs, an expansive
and rights to adequate food,
and significant set of rights
water, clothing and shelter.
designed to protect
The right to the enjoyment of
individuals from unfair
Second the highest attainable
treatment; they are the
Generation rights of individuals to standard of physical and
Right mental health, the right to
receive equal treatment in a
education and the right to
number of settings, based
adequate social protection of
on certain legally protected
the family are protected.

Cultural right- are those

that ensure the well-being of
include the right to
the individual and foster the
participate in the culture of
preservation, enrichment,
one’s communities and to
and dynamic evolution of
enjoy the benefits of scientific
national culture based on the
and technological endeavour.
principle of unity and
Ethnic, religious and/or
diversity in a climate of free
linguistic minorities have the
artistic and intellectual
right to practice their own
culture, faith and language.

political status and their

Right to self-determinationeconomic, social, and cultural
Right to economic and social development - is an inalienable human right by virtue of which

requires a healthy human
habitat, including clean water,
Right to a healthy environment
air, and soil that are free from
toxins or hazards that
threaten human health.

such as the right to housing,

peoples' “right to a generally
satisfactory environment
Right to natural resources favourable to their
development” and peoples'
right to freely dispose of their
natural resources

to communicate and commun
ication rights

Group and collective rights
Right to live peace-
Intl Convention

• International Convention in Civil and Political Rights

(ICCPR) Art. 1 – right to self-determination
Art. 25 Right to take part in government
• Convention on the Political Rights of Women

• International Convention in Civil and Political Rights

ICCPR (Art. 2 and 3 right to effective Judicial Remedy,
Art. 6 and 9 right to life, liberty and security,
Art 6 Prohibit Death Penalty
Art. 7 right against torture,
Art. 8 rights against slavery,
Art. 11 right to presume innocent ,
Art. 12 freedom of opinion and movement,
Art. 15 Right against ex post facto law and bill of
Art. 14 Equality before the courts and tribunal, right to
fair trial, right to presumed innocent,
Art. 17 right to privacy,
Art. 18 Freedom of thought, conscience and religion,
Art. 19 Freedom of expression,
Art. 21-22 Freedom of assembly and association,
Art. 23- Right to marry and found a family,
Art. 26- right to equal protection.
• International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Racial Discrimination
• Convention on the rights of the Child
• Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of
Dscrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
• International Convention for Protection of all Persons
from Enforced Disapperances
• International Convention for the Protection and
Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Person with
• Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman
and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT)
International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights (ICESCR) Article 6 and 7 - Right to work, right to
rest and leisure)

• International Convention on Economic, Social and

Cultural Rights ICESCR
• Convention against Discrimination in Education
• Constitution of the International Labour Organization

• Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for

Marriage and Registration of Marriages

International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural

Rights ICESCR Art. 27 right
to enjoy economic, social and cultural life and freedom to
practice or manifest religious belief)

Article 1 of ICCPR and ICESCR "all people hav the right to

self determination. By vitue of that right they freely
determine their poitical status and freely pursue their
economic, social and cultural development.
1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
Conventions on
Environmental Law

1986 Convention for the Protection of the Natural

Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region
Bill of Rights Local Laws

• Right to Vote under Article V Section 1-2 of

1987 Constitution.
• R.A. 7160 – Local Government Code of
• Art. IV – Natural-born citizens who are citizens
from birth and have the right to vote and right to
• B.P. No. 881 – Omnibus Election Code
run for public office and Naturalized citizens, who
• RA 6735 “Initiative and Referendum
are immigrants who acquire, voluntarily or by
operation of law, the citizenship of the Philippines
• Art. VI Section 32 The power of the people to
exercise the power of initiative and referendum
o Article III of the Constitution
• Section 1. Right to Life, Liberty and Property and
Equal Protection of Law. • RA 10173 Privacy Data Protection Act
• Section 2- Warrant of Arrest, Search and Seizure, and Cybercrime bill
Probable Cause and Warrantless Arrest.
• RA 9262 Anti Violence Against Women
• Section 3- The Privacy of communication and Children
• Section 4- Freedom of speech, right to a Free Press,
Freedom of Assembly, right to Petition
• RA 7877 Law against Sexual Harassment
• Section 6- the liberty of abode and the right to
• The Anti-Enforced or Involuntary
• Section 7- The right of people to information on Disappearance Act of 2012
matters of public concern shall be recognized.
• Section 8- Right to form Union • RA 9745 Anti Torture Act
• Section 9- Private property shall not be taken for
public use without just compensation • The Rule on the Writ of Amparo
• Section 10- Non impairment clause
• Section 11- Free access to court and adequate legal
• Admin Order 181- Investigation and
assistance and shall not be denied to any person by
reason of poverty Prosecution of Political and Media Killings
• Section 12-Right of person under custodial
Investigation • Admin Order 197 Enforced
• Section 13- The right to Bail and Against Excessive Disappearance and Killings.
• Section 14- Rights of the accused • RA 7309 Law Creating the Board of
• Section 15- The Writ of Habeas Corpus • Rule 102, Rules of Court- The Rule on
• Section 16- The right to a speedy disposition of the
Habeas Courpus
• Section 17- Right to Self-incrimination
• Section 18- Right to political belief and aspiration • Rule 9439 Law Against Hospital
• Section 19- Prohibition against cruel, degrading, or • RA 10368 Human Rights Victims
inhuman punishment. Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013
• Section 20- Non imprisonment of debt
• RA 9745 Anti- Torture Act of 2009,
• Section 21- Right against double jeopardy
• Section 22- Ex post facto law and bill of attainder
Art III Section 8- Right to form Union
Art XIII- Social Justice and Human Right Section
PD 442 Labor Code of the Philippines,
3 full protection to labor, local and overseas,
incorporating the New Labor Relations Law
organized and unorganized, and promote full
and the Prohibition on Discrimination
employment and equality of employment
Against Women.
opportunities for all, Section 11-13
RA 8084 as ammended by RA
“comprehensive approach of health
10022- Migrant Workers Acts
development” and Section 14” to protect working

• RA 10157 Kindergarten Education Act

• R.A. 9155 – Governance of Basic

Education Act of 2001

• Article XIV Section 1-5 "Education" of

1987 Constitution

• Art XV Section 1- 4 "The Family’’ • RA 8282 amending RA 1161 The Social

• Art XIII Section 11-13 "Heath" The State shall Security Law
adopt an integrated and comprehensive • RA 8291- The Government Service
approach to health development which shall Insurance System Act.
endeavor to make essential goods, health and
other social services available to all the people at • RA 7875- National Health Insurance Act
affordable cost and Section 14 "Healthful working
condition of woman" • RA 7432 Senior Citizen Act and RA 9994
Expanded Senior Citizen Act
• Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
• Migrant Workers Act of 1995 (RA 8042)
• RA 8187 Paternity Leave Act of 1996
• Republic Act 7322 Maternity Leave
• RA 7277- Magna Carta of Disabled
• Art III Bill of Rights Section 5- The Free
exercise and enjoyment of religious profession
and worship without discrimination

• ART XII National Economy and Patrimony

Section 5 rights of indigenous cultural
communities to their ancestral lands to ensure
their economic, social, and cultural well-being. Republic Act No. 8371 The Indigenous
• Article XIV Section 14-18 "Arts and Culture" of Peoples Rights Act of 1997
1987 Constitution

• Article II Section 22 The State recognizes and

promotes the rights of indigenous cultural
communities within the framework of national
unity and development.
• Art XII Section 1The goals of the national
economy are a more equitable distribution of
opportunities, income, and wealth; a sustained
increase in the amount of goods and services
produced by the nation for the benefit of the
people; and an expanding productivity as the key
to raising the quality of life for all, especially the
underprivileged. PD 107 Creating National Economic and
Development and Authority
• Art XIII Section 3 The State shall regulate the
relations between workers and employers,
recognizing the right of labor to its just share in
the fruits of production and the right of
enterprises to reasonable returns to investments,
and to expansion and growth.

• Writ of Kalikasan under Rule 7 of the

Rules of Procedure for Environmental
Cases as a Special Civil Action
• Republic Act No. 3931 National Water &
Air Pollution Control Commission Act
• Republic Act No. 6969 Toxic Substances
& Hazardous & Nuclear Wastes Control Act
Article II Section 16 The State shall protect and
of 1990
advance the right of the people to a balanced
• Republic Act No. 9003 Ecological Solid
and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm
Waste Management Act of 2000
and harmony of nature.
• Republic Act No. 8749 Philippine Clean
Air Act of 1999
• Republic Act No. 9147 Wildlife Resources
Conservation and Protection Act
• Presidential Decree No. 825 Penalty for
Improper Garbage Disposal

• Presidential Decree No. 1899 Small-

Scale Mining Law
Art. XII Section 1-2 the efficient use of natural
• Republic Act No. 7942 Philippine Mining
Act of 1995

the Philippines

• RA 4200 Anti-Wire Tapping Law

Art II Section 24 The State recognizes the vital
role of communication and information in nation-
• RA 9372 Human Security act of 2007
• RA 8792 "Electronic Commerce Act of

RA 9372 Human Security act of 2007

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