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Introduction to This Principle

The world doesn’t pay you for what you know; it pays you for what you do. There’s an enduring axiom of
success that says, “The universe rewards action.” Yet as simple and as true as this principle is, it’s surprising
how many people get bogged down in analyzing, planning, and organizing when what they really need to do is
take action.

“Success Principle #13: Take Action” tells us that, when you take action, you trigger all kinds of things that will
inevitably carry you to success. You let those around you know that you are serious in your intention. People
with similar goals become aligned with you. You begin to learn things from your experience that cannot be
learned from listening to others or from reading books. You begin to get feedback about how to do it better,
more efficiently, and more quickly. Things that once appeared difficult begin to be easier. All manner of good
things begin to flow in your direction once you begin to take action.

In This Principle
Take Action
The Main Reason People Resist Change

What Do You Need to Ask For?
Which Thumb is On Top?

What is an Ask that I can Ask?
Taking Action Worksheet
What Do You Need to Ask For?

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Take Action: Concept
Participants will learn numerous ways to determine the most critical tasks and to-do items they should take
action on. This reduces the hesitation to take action due to lack of clarity.

Taking action is the most important first step toward success. But many people fail to take action because they
are unclear about what to do. By leading participants through a number of processes, you will teach them to
prioritize for themselves those action steps that will have the greatest impact on their future success.

• Participants will learn to ask for advice on action steps and ask for help in completing action steps.
• Participants will learn laser coaching—a form of self-coaching that helps determine critical action

PowerPoint slides

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Take Action: Script
Use the following script to explain the “Take Action” concept:
“Taking action is the most important first step toward success. The world doesn’t pay you

for what you know; it pays you for what you do. You may have heard the saying that, “The

universe rewards action.” Yet as simple and as true as this principle is, it’s surprising how

many people get bogged down in analyzing, planning, and organizing when what they really

need to do is take action.

“When you take action, you trigger all kinds of things that will inevitably carry you to success.

You let those around you know that you are serious in your intention. People with similar

goals become aligned with you. You begin to learn things from your experience that cannot

be learned from listening to others or from reading books. You begin to get feedback about

how to do it better, more efficiently, and more quickly. Things that once appeared difficult

begin to be easier. All manner of good things begin to flow in your direction once you begin

to take action.

“I have found the one thing that seems to separate winners from other people more than

anything else is that winners take action. They simply get up and do what has to be done.

They get into motion. They learn from their mistakes, make the necessary corrections, and

keep taking action. They keep building momentum, until they finally produce either the

results they set out to produce or something even better than they originally planned when

they started.

“So, to be successful, you have to do what successful people do. And successful people are

highly action-oriented.

“Now, it might be that the action you need to take is asking for help. Maybe you need to

call someone you don't know to ask them questions. Perhaps you need to hire a new person,

ask to borrow money, ask for a job, ask for other forms of help…whatever it might be, it’s

time to take action.

FACILITATOR TIP: One way I demonstrate this in my trainings is I take out a $100 bill. I ask if people would like
this hundred-dollar bill, and I wait for people to take action. Many people will raise their hand. Some will call
out that they want the money. But typically there are only a few people who actually come to the stage to get
Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

the dollar bill. After that person sits down, $100 richer for their effort, I ask the rest of the participants, “What
did this person do that no one else here did?
“Well, the answer is always the same. That person took the actions necessary to get the money – which is
exactly what you must do if you want succeed in life. You must take action, and it mostly cases, the sooner the
Then I ask “How many of you thought about getting up and coming forward to take the money, but stopped

“Can you remember a time in your life when you needed to take action, but stopped yourself

in the same way? What did you tell yourself that stopped you from taking action?

“In the case of our dollar bill exercise, the usual answers are:

• I didn’t want to look like I wanted or needed that badly.

• I wasn’t sure if you would really give it to me.
• I was too far back in the room.
• Other people need it more than I do.
• I didn’t want to look greedy.
• I was afraid I might be doing something wrong and then people would judge me or laugh at
• I was waiting for further instructions.

Aren’t these a lot of the same things we tell ourselves that stop us from taking action on

other things we need to do? But a universal truth in life is that, “How you do anything is

how you do everything.”

“If you’re cautious here, you’re probably cautious everywhere. If you hold back for fear of

looking foolish, you probably hold back for looking foolish everywhere. It’s time to stop

holding yourself back and just go for the goal.

“Another big excuse is that people use for not taking action is that they are waiting for

something: Perfection, inspiration, permission, reassurance, someone to change, the right

person to come along, the kids to leave home, a more favorable horoscope, the new

administration take over, a clear set of instructions, the pain to go away. Forget all of that,

and just do it now. Move forward.

“We need to start living the mindset of rejecting rejection, and continue to take action even

when people slam the door in our face. When they say ‘no,’ you say ‘Next!’”

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

The Main Reason People Resist Change - Concept
This exercise is a quick and powerful demonstration that one of the biggest reasons we resist change is that we
return to comfortable patterns in our lives.

Most of us have a “comfortable” way of doing things. Our behaviors have become so habitual that it is difficult
to identify our patterns, let alone change them. If we are to change those patterns, we must actively decide,
alter, and repeat the new behaviors.

Participants will become aware of an unconscious pattern (grasping their hands) and how it takes a conscious
decision to change.

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Asking for Help to Move Forward – Exercise Script
Use the following script to explain how to ask for help to move forward:
“In order to take action, lots of times we need help to move forward on our goals. In fact,

most the time, taking action requires us to ask for support or requires us to ask for help in

areas that we don’t know enough about or we just need extra manpower. Many times we’re

getting into some new area in our life where we don’t know the right people, so we need to

be able to ask others – following that old adage, “It’s not what you know, but who you

know.” The more people you ask, the more you will learn and the more people you will

eventually get to know. So this next exercise is all about asking.

“Asking effectively is a skill. So many people have a stigma around asking. Either we don’t

want to impose on people, or we don't want to look needy, or we don’t want to feel inferior

in any way. We don’t live in a society that’s accustomed to or comfortable with asking.

“In this next exercise, you will make list of situations where you need to ask people to help

you get what you want. You will start discovering who you need to ask and setting real

deadlines so that your goals start moving into action.

“I’m going to take a minute to set this exercise and I’m going to describe what it looks like.”

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Which Thumb is On Top – Exercise
To encourage students to accept themselves and others just the way they are.

Students will be asked to use their hands.

Say the following to the students:

“Fold your hands. Now see which thumb you have on top ... the right or the left?

How many of you have your right thumb on top? Raise your hands ... How many of you have

your left thumb on top? Raise your hands ... Now which is the correct thumb to have on top?

(usually laughter)

I imagine you’re laughing because you realize it doesn’t matter; that in fact, there is no right

or wrong way to fold your hands ... That goes for everything else. There is no right or wrong

way to be in the world, just a way that works for you.

We’re not talking about morals and values here. We are not saying it is okay to kill someone

or to rob a bank. We are talking about personality characteristics such as being outgoing or

being shy, talking a lot or being quiet, liking sports or liking music, etc.

Now, refold your hands so that the other thumb is on top. Don’t just move your thumbs,

move all your fingers (teacher demonstrate).

How does that feel? (Usual responses: yucky, awkward, strange, wrong, uncomfortable)

Realize that half of the people in this room find that comfortable!

Remember that. There is no right way. There is just whatever works for you!”

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Taking Action: Exercise

Actions I Will Take By When Done



Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

What Do You Need to Ask For?
Refer to TSP #7 on goals and ask the question: What do you need to ask for to accomplish these goals? Make a
list below. www.getwsodo.com
Financial/ Income/ Debt Reduction/ Net Worth

Business/ Professional/ Career/ Job

Fun Time/ Recreation/ Sports/ Hobbies/ Travel

Health/ Fitness/ Appearance

Relationships/ Family/ Friends

Personal/ Learning/ Projects/ Purchases

Contribution/ Service/ Community/ Legacy

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Trainer Insights Worksheet: What Did You Learn?
Part 1: Module 12: Take Action
□ Lead someone through the Which Thumb □ Watch the Module Video
is on Top? Exercise
□ (Optional) Read Chapter 13 in The Success
□ Practice the Taking Action Script Principles

From the perspective of a participant:
1. Reflecting on this entire module, what was your most significant learning? (It is important to understand the
impact it has on you before you facilitate it with others.)
2. How did this module increase your self-awareness?
3. Which activity, demonstration, or exercise provided the most significant learning?
4. Why does this matter?
5. What difference could this insight make in your life?
6. Did you notice any internal blocks that stopped you from fully participating in any of the exercises?
7. What, if anything, are you still wondering about?

Copyright © 2018 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. 7/19/18

Trainer Insights Worksheet: What Did You Learn?
Now thinking like a trainer:

1. How do you think this could affect participants in a workshop?
2. What emotions might come up in a workshop? (resistance, fear, judgment, elation, excitement?) How might
you deal with it?
3. Did you notice any internal resistance to any of the exercises, if so, what resistance did you have?
4. How might this impact your ability to facilitate this exercise?
5. How could you overcome your resistance to effectively facilitate this exercise?
6. What parts of the video do you intend to review to deepen your understanding of this module?

Take Action 11
Copyright © 2016 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P.

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