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California Drivers Handbook Worksheet #2

Name: Ally Bradley


Refer to table of contents to find the section in the booklet for each question.

1. Name eight traffic control colors at intersections:

Solid red, flashing red, red arrow, solid yellow, yellow arrow, flashing arrow,
solid green and green arrow
2. What are the seven background colors of the signs:
Red, yellow, white, black, blue, brown, and green
3. What sign or signs are the following shapes:
a. Octagon: stop
b. Triangle: yield
c. Circle: railroad crossing
d. Pentagon: school
e. Rectangle: wrong way
f. Diamond: warning signs

4. What are four rules to remember about pedestrians:

1. Respect the right of way
2. Don’t pass a vehicle that is stopped at a stop sign
3. Don’t drive on a sidewalk
4. Don’t stop at a crosswalk
5. What are three of the yield or right-of way rules:
a. At intersections without stop or yield slow down and get ready to stop.
b. At “T” intersections without stop or yield to vehicles and/or bicycles.
c. When you turn left, give the right of- way to all vehicles approaching that
are close enough to be dangerous.
6. What is the “Basic Speed Law”?
You can’t drive faster than is safe for current conditions.

7. What are the three Maximum Speed Limits?

a. 60 mph
b. 70 mph
c. 55 mph

8. What is the Minimum Speed Law?

You can only go as fast as road conditions allow.

9. What are three times you must drive slowly?

a. Heavy traffic or bad weather
b. Around children
c. Blind intersections
10. What are eight special speed limits?
Around children, Business or Residence districts: 25 mph; Blind intersections,
Alleys, near railroad tracks: 15 mph; near streetcars trolleys or buses: 10 mph

11a. Yellow lines designate what?

Solid: The center of a road used for a two-way street.
Broken: mean you may pass if the broken line is next to your driving lane
Two solid: no passing.

11. White lines designate what?

Solid: Mark traffic lanes going in the same direction.
Broken: Separate traffic lanes on roads with two or more lanes in the same

12. What is the procedure (in order) for changing lanes?

Signal, look in your mirrors, check traffic behind you and beside you, glance
over your shoulder to make sure the lane you want is clear, look for vehicles in
your blind spot, and be sure there is enough room for your vehicle in next lane.

13. What are three reasons for driving in a bike lane and for how many feet?
a. Making a right turn
b. When it doesn’t block a bicyclist or other vehicle.
c. When there isn’t a no parking sign
For 200 feet

14. List at least four varieties of legal turns:

Left turns, left turns against a red light, right turns, and right turns againist red

15. What are the legal u-turns?

Across a double yellow line when its safe and legal, in a residential district, at a
green light, and on a divided highway only if an opening is provided.
16. What are illegal u-turns?
On a divided highway, when you can’t clearly see 200 feet in front of you,
when a no U-turn sign is posted, when other vehicles may hit you, on a one way
street, in front of a fire station, and in a business district.
17. What are the five color curb markings and their meaning?
White-Stop long enough to pick someone up or drop them off
Green- Park for a limited time. Look for a sign next to the green zone for time
limits or for the time limit painted on the curb.
Yellow- Stop no longer than the time posted to load or unload passengers or
freight. Drivers of noncommercial vehicles are usually required to stay with the
Red- No stopping, standing, or parking. (Buses may stop at a red zone marked
for buses.)
Blue- Parking is permitted only for a disabled person who displays a placard or
a special license plate for disabled persons or disabled veterans.

18. List 4 of the places you cannot park:

a. Where a “No Parking” sign is posted.
b. On a marked or unmarked crosswalk
c. On a sidewalk or partially blocking a sidewalk
d. In front of a driveway
19. Describe the three arm signals.
Straight out the window is left turn, up is right turn, and down is slow or stop.

20. List the five steps of the Smith System of Defensive Driving (use Google to
1. Aim High in Steering
2. Get the Big Picture
3. Keep Your Eyes Moving
4. Leave Yourself an Out
5. Make Sure They See You

21. List the signaling devices and how they are used:
Emergency flashers or tapping your brake pedal quickly three or four times:
collision ahead
Turn on your emergency flashers if you are not moving
Place emergency flares or triangles 200 to 300 feet behind the vehicle

22. What is the “three second rule”?

When the vehicle ahead of you passes a certain point such as a sign, count “one
thousand- one, one-thousand-two, and one-thousand-three.

23. What does taking dangers one at a time mean?

Slow down and let the first vehicle pass the move the opposite direction to let
the other vehicle pass.

24. Discuss a reason why you think seat belts should be used.
Using seat belts reduces the chance of being thrown from your vehicle in case
of a collision.

25. What are the pound and age restrictions for using a child safety seat?
Six years old and sixty pounds

26. Where is the safest place for a child seat?

The back seat of the vehicle
27. Have you reviewed this DMV booklet? Remember you must score an 86% or
better to pass the final DMV (pink slip) test.

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