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(Pinto Molina, Sales, & Osorio, 2008)

Biological sampling. Specimens of G. genidens were obtained biweekly from artisanal

fishery landings, with different types of fishing gear, from January 2014 to January
2015, in the localities of Paquetá, Bancários and Magé. In order to improve the
sampling of small individuals, experimental sampling was conducted monthly at two
stations in the bay, one near Fundão Island and the other in the central channel (Fig.
1), where, in each month, 30-min bottom trawls were conducted. The collected catfish
were stored on ice for transport to the laboratory. Specimens were deposited in the
collection of the Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In the laboratory, the fishes were measured (total length - Lt, cm) and weighed
individually with an electronic balance (total weight - Wt, g). An incision was made in
the abdominal region for inspection, removal and weighing of the gonads (gonad
weight - Wg, g). The gonadal development stages of males and females were identified
macroscopically, considering oocyte size (for females), color, vascularization, and
percentage of abdominal-cavity occupancy. The gonad stages were classified as
immature, developing, spawning-capable, regressing, and regenerating, as proposed
by . For the fecundity analyses, the total number of hydrated vitellogenic oocytes
(ready-to-spawn), recognized by their translucent appearance, was counted from each
pair of gonads classified as spawning-capable

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