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"Differences between Higher Self incarnate and Nature Spirit paths

February 2010

I sometimes talk to people or read the works of authors who confuse nature spirits with
extraterrestrials or who confuse extraterrestrials with the Supreme Creative Forces of this galaxy
and beyond, or who confuse nature spirits with the Supreme Creator forces. This confusion is
similar to the one generated by mixing up the term God (when it is used to refer to the Supreme
Creator Forces) and "the gods", a term which sometimes refers to extraterrestrials and
sometimes to nature spirit hierarchies.

There is a difference between The Supreme Creator Forces and their emissaries ("Guardian"
entities) who supervise both the Higher Self incarnational path and the Nature Spirit path. There
is a difference between these emissaries and (most often polarity-based ) Higher Self
incarnations on the various planets in this galaxy. There is a difference between (polarity-based)
extraterrestrials and the Supreme Creator Forces. There is a difference between (polarity based)
extraterrestrials and the spiritual guardian entities. There is a difference beween (polarity-based)
extraterrestrials and the Nature Spirit hierarchies. There is a difference between Earth humans
and other (polarity-based extraterrestrial) humans not from this planet.

Matters are made worse when some extraterrestrial personalities posed as 'gods' in past times
either by assuming the qualities of the Supreme Creator Forces or by assuming qualities of
certain Nature Spirit entities, in order to be worshipped!

The root of all this confusion is in giving one's power away to worship one or another being. This
is what the term God/god has been applied to. It is is not necessary to worship another being, in
fact it can be detrimental to one's spiritual progress. Even the Supreme Creator Forces must not
be worshipped in the way the term is meant. Extraterrestrials must certainly not be worshipped
and the same goes for Nature Spirit beings and other human beings. Very advanced spiritually
oriented Earth human incarnates know about the differences I have just outlined above, either
intuitively/spiritually, or through direct experience or both.

I was recently reading a book where the author was vehemently denying the existence of
extraterrestrials because he fell into confusion about one of the categories of differences
outlined above:
"As an initiated priest who works with many deities, I decided to enhance my understanding of
cosmology and was instructed to seek this wisdom through Nana-el, the 53rd genii of the
mercurial sphere. After invocation, I had a dream of the primordial deities that appeared as
octopuses and serpents with human bodies, and moved around on ice because it has little
friction. They were also happy, joyful and playful. These eight primordial deities go by different
names in other traditions, Annunaki in the Babylonian, Enki in the Dogon and Kua in the Chinese.
What I find disturbing is the misconception that these deities are aliens that brought mankind
wisdom because nothing could be further from the truth. The eight primordial deities, referred
to as the Ogdoad, are the nature of God/consciousness in its original state of being. Additionally,
they are the energies behind all energies and are in control of everything: they are the atoms
and molecules of our universe (R. A. Waldron, "The God Genes Decoded", p.39)."

Let me first of all say that I find the above book fascinating in some of the material it presents.
Just because I do not agree with something in a book does not mean that I do not find the book
interesting or useful in its entirety.

The author of the above is a vodoun priest, initiated in Haitian vodoun. It appears to me that the
author has confused the Nature spirit path with the Higher Self incarnational path.
Extraterrestrials and Earth humans who have a Higher Self are all "Children of the Divine"! This is
one main reason why we should not worship them. I have also said that some extraterrestrials
made things more difficult for Earth humans by taking up attributes of The Supreme Creator
Forces and/or of Nature Spirits in order to have humans worship them. The author of the quote
above is acknowledging the presence of the Nature Spirit path but is then saying that
extraterrestrials did not give Earth humans knowledge because this knowledge came from the
Nature spirit realm.

In truth, the two streams of knowledge are not necessarily mutually exclusive. It is true that both
humans and extraterrestrials can gain knowledge from Nature spirit entities, but humans can
gain knowledge from extraterrestrials as well. In my view, this has happened in the history of the
planet, and it continues to happen (for example the Sirian ETs gave the US government
dimensional portal technology which they used in the Montauk Project).

If you look at different kinds of Spirituality on Earth, you will see that the shamanic ones and the
type 2 ones (like Buddhism, Taoism, Suffism etc. those that likely had some off-world influence)
both have practices that gain knowledge from the nature spirit realm. There is nothing strange
about this. Buddhist Vajrayana and Tantric practitioners have practices that merge them with
high level devic aspects. Hindus have this as well. Shamanic practitioners can go on a fast, on a
vision quest and directly commune with spirit. Some African and some Asian shamanic practices
involve possession with spirit. In addition, both type1 (shamanic) and type2 forms of spirituality
have initiated people who have been handed down histories through their lineages indicating
interactions between Earth humans and extraterrestrial beings in past times.

But to then say that extraterrestrials do not exist because humans gain knowledge from the
'mahadeva' and its aspects is to perhaps be unaware of the distinction between the Nature Spirit
path and the Higher Self incarnational path, and the details concerning the two groups in this

In the Akan book, I stated in section 5.16 that "The Akan know the difference between Divine
Providence, ETs and Nature Spirits". This was in reference to Akan traditions where these
distinctions are made. Section 6.1 of the Akan book goes into a high level explanation of these

Otherwise quite often I come across the use of the word "God" or "god/gods" without the
proper distinctions or categorizations. Perhaps it will help to not use this word at all, but rather
use specific names to refer to specific categories of things."

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