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What kind of work's right for you? Do you Ike fo work with ‘your hands? You could be a carpenter, cn assembler, of a construction worker. Do you want to help people? You could be a babysitter, c home health aide, or a doctor. Are you creative? You could be c hairstylist, c florist, or an architect. ‘Are you good with numbers? You could be an accountant or an engineer. hie 1 anaccountant 9 cdelvery person oft earn: onrernlae 2 adentist computer technician ote) conisn Soe 3 anartst 11 Gjanitor/a custodion ‘19. an architect Died aaer cote Retreat) ofc) asapieenes 4 12 adoctor 20 a butcher Stal eM cio aqraguaeiy) 18 ahomemaker 21 a (home) health aide bers. (home) attendant V4 aflorst ce eee D(a) eae 22 an engineer 16 chousekeeper SepenRgraee ofc) eesiaxalens) 23 businessman / 16 on editor a businesswoman eh eae ohasiastn dosages SAREE TD SAD 2) eats 2% on actor 26 ccarpenter fe) abe Dea 2 anelectrician a etn 2% afrefightor cep RESON 2 agatment worker 30. co babysitter eae parttime welk-pad blue-collar white-collar ajob —___—Wortis in.Action__ 1. Look at the list. What are the best five jobs to have? Why? 2, Which jobs are done in offices? Which are done in shops? Which ore done outdoors? Make three ists. Empregos 2 Jobs 2 _ _Words in Context | There are many jobs in my family. 'm a reporter for a newspaper. My sister Is a musician. My brother likes to work with animals, so he Is a veterinarian. My other brother travels a lot, He's a truck driver. Our parents are teachers. They taught us fo love work. 1 reporter 19 2 omanicurst " 3 clayer 2 emtokt 4 asoldier 13 Sa receptionst 4 6 aphyical therapist 15 7 Siodamith 6 ic oe @ a teacher / 18 an instructor eoaeeme ri, camechanic BATTER a police officer a photographer tga a stockbroker a fhouseypainter ‘c plumber enanlatsy scientist a tax driver rss auserver ‘o nurse 20 a 6 26 7 28 areattor salesperson tour guide copilot ‘a musician awriter truck driver ‘ fravel agent pene a veterinarian / vet

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