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1. Anak
a. Current Pediatric
b. Easy Paediatric
c. Nelson Essential of Pediatrics, 17th Ed
d. Nelson Essential of Pediatrics, 19th Ed
e. Pediatric Secrets
f. Pediatrics 2010, Baker
g. Pedoman Terapi Ilmu Kedokteran Anak

2. Anatomi dan Fisiologi

a. Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 13th Ed
b. Bauman Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Textbook
c. Clinical Anatomy, 11th Ed
d. Ganong Review of Medical Physiology, 23th Ed
e. Gray�s Anatomy, 40th Ed
f. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12th Ed
g. Last�s Anatomy, 12th Ed
h. Netter Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy v3.0
i. Constanzo Physiology, 5th Ed
j. Saladin Anatomy and Physiology
k. Tortora Anatomy and Physiology
l. Van De Graaff Human Anatomy

3. Anestesi
a. AHA Guidelines 2010
i. Acute Coronary Syndrome
ii. Adult Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
iii. Adult Basic Life Support
iv. Adult Stroke
v. Cardiac Arrest in Special Situation
vi. Circulation
vii. CPR Overview
viii. CPR Techniques and Devices
ix. Education, Implementation, and Teams
x. Electrical Therapies
xi. Ethics
xii. Evidence Evaluation and Management of Potential or Perceived Conflicts
xiii. Executive Summary
xiv. Neonatal Resuscitation
xv. Pediatric Advanced Life Support
xvi. Pediatric Basic Life Support
xvii. Post-Cardiac Arrest Care
b. Emergency and Critical Care Pocket Guide
c. Essential Clinical Aneshesia
d. Faust Anesthesiology

4. Bedah
a. J. Fischer Mastery of Surgery
b. Acute Surgical Management
c. Bailey and Love�s Short Practice of Surgery, 26th Ed
d. Chassin�s Atlas
e. Current Essentials of Surgery
f. Current Surgical Therapy, 11th Ed
g. First Aid Surgery
h. Greenfield�s Surgery
i. Oxford Cases in Medicine and Surgery
j. Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound
k. Principles and Practice of Surgery, 6th Ed
l. Schwartzs Principles of Surgery, 9th Ed
m. Schwartzs Principles of Surgery, 10th Ed
n. Surgical Recall, 7th Ed
o. The Vein Book, 2nd Ed
p. The 4 minute Neurological Exam
q. Zolinger�s Atlas of Surgical Operations, 9th Ed

5. Biochemistry
a. Clinical Biochemistry, 2nd Ed
b. Color Atlas of Biochemistry, 2nd Ed
c. Harper�s Illustrated Biochemistry, 26th Ed
d. Harper�s Illustrated Biochemistry, 29th Ed
e. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 2nd Ed
f. Principles of Biochemistry

6. Embriology
a. The Developing Human � Clinically Oriented Embriology, 8th Ed
b. The Developing Human � Clinically Oriented Embriology, 9th Ed

7. Family Medicine
a. General Palliative Care 2004
b. Textbook of Family Medicine

8. Farmakologi
a. Goodman and Gilman�s Pharmacological Basis of Theraupetics, 12th Ed
b. Lippincot Pharmacology, 5th Ed

9. Forensik
a. UU dan Peraturan
ii. KUHP
iii. Urutan Kepangkatan Polri
b. Clinical Forensic Medicine
c. Color Atlas of Forensic Pathology
d. Concise Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 3rd Ed
e. Essentials of Autopsy Practice
f. Forensic Pathology, 2nd Ed
g. Forensic Radiology
h. Infanticide
i. Introduction to Veterinary and Comparative Forensic Medicine
j. Simpson�s Forensic Medicine, 12th Ed
k. Simpson�s Forensic Medicine, 13th Ed
l. Teknik Autopsi Forensik
m. The Forensic Laboratory Handbook
n. Knights Forensic Pathology, 3rd Ed
o. Time of Death, Decomposition, and Identification

10. Gigi dan Mulut

a. Burket�s Oral Medicine, 11th Ed

11. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam

a. Harrisons
i. Cardiovascular Medicine, 2nd Ed
ii. Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2nd Ed
iii. Hematology and Oncology, 2nd Ed
iv. Infectious Disease
v. Manual of Oncology
vi. Nephrology and Acid Base Disorders, 2nd Ed
vii. Neurology in Clinical Medicine, 3rd Ed
viii. Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Ed
ix. Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
x. Rheumatology, 3rd Ed
b. Braunwald�s Heart Disease, 9th Ed
c. Hematology in Clinical Practice, 5th Ed
d. Hursts The Heart Manual of Cardiology, 13th Ed
e. The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine Question and Answers

12. Psikiatri
a. An Introduction to Psychology
b. Anxiety Disorders
c. Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy
d. Essentials of Psychiatry 2006
e. Kaplan and Sadock�s Synopsis of Psychiatry, 10th Ed
f. Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry
g. Parapsychologie � Tatsachen Und Ausblicke

13. Dermatologi
a. Andrew�s Disease of the Skin
b. Fitzpatrick�s Color Atlas Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 5th Ed
c. Fitzpatrick�s Color Atlas Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 7th Ed
d. Hall � Sauer�s Manual of Skin Disease, 8th Ed
e. Rook Textbook of Dermatology, 8th Ed

14. Ophtalmologi
a. Clinical Ophtalmology, 7th Ed
b. Ophtalmology, 4th Ed
c. Perkins and Hansell�s Atlas of Disease of the Eye

15. Mikrobiologi
a. Jawetz Medical Microbiology, 26th Ed

16. Patofisiologi
a. McCance Pathophysiology � The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children,
6th Ed
b. McCance Pathophysiology � The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children,
7th Ed
c. Pathophysiology of Disease � An Introduction to Clinical Medicine, 7th Ed
d. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Ed

17. Pemeriksaan Fisik

a. Bate�s Assessment
b. Examination Medicine, A Guide to Physician Training, 7th Ed

18. Radiologi
a. Abdominal Ultrasound How, Why, and When, 2nd Ed
b. Atlas of Emergency Radiology
c. Diagnostic Imaging, 6th Ed
d. Emergency Neuroradiology 2006
e. Grainger and Allison�s Diagnostic Radiology, 6th Ed
f. Greenwich Medical Media � Radiology for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
g. William Herring Learning Radiology

19. Neurologi
a. Adams and Victor Principles of Neurology, 7th Ed
b. Adams and Victor Principles of Neurology, 9th Ed
c. Adams and Victor Principles of Neurology, 10th Ed
d. Case Files Neurology
e. Clinical Neuroanatomy, 25th Ed
f. Digital Neuroanatomy
g. Merrit�s Neurology, 12th Ed
h. Snell Clinical Neuroanatomy, 7th Ed

20. THT
a. ARIA 2008
b. Buku Saku EPOS 3
c. Clinical ENT
d. Cummings Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
e. Otolaryngology A Surgical Notebook
f. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2007

21. Others
a. Clinical Emergency Medicine
b. Current Essential of Medicine
c. Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicine
d. JNC 7
e. Kumar and Clark�s Clinical Medicine, 8th Ed
f. Manson�s Tropical Diseases, 23rd Ed
g. Pocket Medicine, 4th Ed
h. Cecil Medicine, 24th Ed

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