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Chapter No.

A neuro-computational study of

Alonso MF., Loste P., Navarro J., del Moral R., Marijuán PC.


Laugh is a human mechanism whose development has evolved to

communicate emotions and environment information. It is a social play
of instinctive, contagious, stereotyped, unconsciously and controlled
vocalizations. Notwithstanding the ubiquitous role of laughter in vocal
human communication, its scientific study is relatively young. The link
between different classes of laughter and emotional conditions of
individuals has not been clearly established yet. There is also a lack of
research about emotional patterns in spontaneous laughing sounds, which
could provide keys to a subsequent classification. There are no studies in
psychiatry attempting the use of laughter as a diagnostic tool either. The
goal of this project is to neuro-computationally explore features which
can be detected unambiguously in the sonograms of laughter as bona fide
correlates of emotional states and/or pathological conditions. Several
records sessions were performed with visual stimulation in groups of
four to six participants. Also an Internet videos compilation was made.
Each laugh was isolated and catalogued in accordance with the
appearance situation. Due to the variety of acoustic characteristics of
laughter episodes, and its unique structural features, our study has not
only measured and analyzed spectral parameters, that is, fundamental
frequency and first three formants. We also extract from laughter bouts
nine temporal and acoustic variables, in order to establish better methods
in pattern classification. These are number of bouts, voiced percentage,
bout duration, mean energy, mean entropy, standard deviation of
fundamental frequency, jitter, shimmer and harmonic to noise ratio. In
spite of the variability of acoustical parameters, it was observed apparent
differences which might be associated to the laugh types. It would be
interesting to contrast these outcomes with the human perception.

1. Introduction: The evolutionary origins of laughter and the Social

Brain hypothesis

The revival of laughter research during last two decades [Provine, 2000]
has been very fertile concerning specialized achievements in the
neuroimaging, neurophysiological, sound analysis, physiological
(respiratory & phonatory), ethological, evolutionary, social and health
aspects related to laughter. However, the conceptual counterpart of
putting together the most relevant strands of thought in order to gain
more advanced synthetic views or even to establish a new core
hypothesis has not been developed sufficiently. The preliminary idea of
this paper is to establish a coherent link between the evolutionary roots
of laughter and the origins of language, aligned with the “social brain”
hypothesis [Allman, 1999; Dunbar, 2004].

The social brain hypothesis posits that, in primate societies, selection has
favored larger brains and more complex cognitive capabilities as a mean
to cope with the challenges of social life [Silk, 2007; Dunbar, 2004].
Social networks in primates seem to be very different from those found
in most other mammals: they are cognitive, memory-loaded, based on
bonded relationships of a kind found only in pairbonds of other taxa
[Dunbar and Shultz, 2007)]. Frequent pair-wise grooming in between
individuals, however, imposes a strict time limitation regarding group
size: depending on diet, 20% of time is the upper ecological limit that
grooming can reach. This factor necessarily restricts the size of grooming
networks and, thus, of natural groups in primate societies (composed, at
most, of a few dozen individuals).

So, how could human societies have organized their “grooming” within
increasingly larger natural groups, of around 100 or 150 individuals? As
Dunbar (1998, 2004) has argued, human language was the evolutionary
solution. “Languaging” was co-opted as a virtual system for social
grooming-massaging, plus other specifically human adaptations for
group cohesion: laughter, crying, gaze-facial expressions, music, dance...

It is by following this line of thought, that the enigmatic presence of
laughter along the human life cycle may be further clarified.

Laughter quite often breaks in amidst the talking/listening exercise.

Having evolutionarily preceded language, laughter has continued to
fulfill very especial tasks regarding the communicational grooming of
human groups. What has been called “antiphonal laughter” [the chorus of
laughing people –see Smoski and Bachoroswki, 2003; Smoski, 2004]
may be seen as an effective extension of the talking massage effects in
bigger groups, where the mere size precludes active participation of most
individuals in the talk; the laughing together that ensues, brings the
augmented neuromolecular grooming-effects of laughter available to
everybody in the group irrespective of the conversation share.

Laughter is regularly situated at the very end of verbal utterances; it

punctuates sentences as a sort of emotional valuation or as an enigmatic
social “call”, even in deaf people using the hand-sign language [Provine
and Emmorey, 2006]. In this sense, laughter production, far from
interfering with language or competing as a “low level” process with the
higher cognitive functions for access to the fonatory apparatus, becomes
itself a cognitive solution, marking the occurrence of humorous
incongruences as positively finalized items within the ongoing
talking/listening exchange [Collins and Marijuan, 1997; Bea and
Marijuán 2003; Marijuán and Navarro 2010]. This is the core of the
“neurocomputational hypothesis” we are going to develop in the rest of
this paper.

2. Sound structures of laughter

Far from being a stereotyped signal, laughter becomes one of the most
variable acoustic expressions of humans, comparable to language except
for the combinatory richness of the latter. Typical laughter is composed
of separate elements or “calls” or “syllables”, plosives, over which a
vibrato of some fundamental frequency Fo is superimposed [Rothganger
et al. 1997]. A typical laughter episode may last around one second (or
slightly less) and will contain around 5 plosives (more in general, in
between 2 and 8). An important distinction to make is between
“vocalized” and “unvocalized” laughter; even though the former induces
significantly more emotional responses in listeners, the latter appears

consistently in many laughter records, comprising a large variety of
sounds (snort-like, grunt-like, giggles, chuckles, etc.).

In a landmark experimental study, Bachorowski et al. (2001) found that

there are around 4.4 calls or plosives within each laughter bout, a single
plosive having a duration of 0.11 s and a separating interval of 0.12 s (for
voiced laughter). Call or plosive production is denser towards the
beginning of laugh bouts, and inter-plosive durations gradually increase
over the course of bouts. The average value of the fundamental
frequency Fo for male laughs is 272 Hz (sd = 148) while for females is
considerably higher and more variable 405 Hz (sd 193); only for voiced
laughs, the respective values are 282 and 421 Hz. Usually Fo is much
higher in laughter than in speech, thus, extremes of male Fo were found
to be as high as 898 and as low as 43 Hz, while female extremes were in
between 2083 and 70 Hz. The excursions of Fo along the bout trajectory
represent an additional factor of variability, showing contours such as
“flat”, “rising”, “falling”, “arched”, sinusoidal”, etc.

All of the previous elements could form part of the inbuilt cues to
laugher identity, which have been proposed to play an important role in
listener emotional responses [Baworowski and Owren, 2001]. In
particular, the pitch or tone curve described by Fo, together with the
distribution of plosives, would show consistent differences between
laugh forms associated with emotional states of positive and negative
valence [Devillers and Vidrascu, 2007]. The main trend is that the energy
and duration becomes higher for “positive” than for “negative” laugh,
and vice versa for the relative presence of unvoiced frames, more
frequent in ironic and hostile laughs than in joyful ones. Notwithstanding
that, there is not much consensus established yet –neither significant
hypothesis to put to test– on how the interrelationship between plosives,
tones, melodies and other variables of laughter may be systematically
involved in encoding and distinguishing the underlying emotional states
[Bea and Marijuán, 2003; Bachorowski and Owren, 2008; Marijuán and
Navarro, 2010].

2.1. Auditory patterns processing

The acoustical patterns received are processed in several centres

depending on the type of information. There are two main theories in the
path of pitch recognition: the first one begins with the tonotopic
organization of the cochlea that continues in the basilar membrane at
different levels depending on the frequency perceived, hence activating
neurons with different characteristics frequencies; and the path continues
to the cortex. The second theory assumes that the pitch of a stimulus has
a excitation pattern associated with the pure tone of the stimulus [Moore,
2004]. However, animal studies with electrophysiological measures
suggest that the primary auditory cortex does not contain the pitch
representation [Fishman et al., 1998; Schwarz et al., 1990]. Further, a
cortical zone of pitch processing was observed in human with fMRI in
the anterolateral region of the auditory cortex [Patterson et al., 2002;
Penagos et al., 2004]. Moreover, a primate study shows the existence of
neurons that respond to pure tones and to complex sounds without the
fundamental harmonic in the same anterolateral region of the auditory
cortex area, thus discarding the pitch perception, [Bendor, 2005].

According to Szameitat´s observations the acoustical processing of

tickling and emotional laughs are different [Szameitat et al., 2010; 2011].
The tickling has a higher information transfer rate and higher acoustical
complexity than emotional laughter. The perception of emotional laughs
generates more activation in the rostral prefrontal cortex than the
perception of tickling laugh. In tasks of explicit tone processing of
emotional laugh, the hemodynamic increased in the right posterior
superior temporal sulcus (STS), bilateral inferior fronto-lateral gyrus
(IFG) and orbito-frontal cortex (OFC), and the bilateral posterior rostral
medial frontal cortex (prMFC). These areas are related with auditory
visual processing (STG), working memory and decision making (IFG),
emotional evaluation (OFC) and explicit speech melody evaluation
(prMFC) [Szameitat, 2010]. Then, several networks are activated
depending of the type of humor to which the subject is exposed to:
semantic juxtapositions (incongruity) use a bilateral temporal lobe
network, whereas phonological juxtapositions (puns) uses a left
hemisphere network centered on speech production regions.

There is a separate and distinct network for the affective components of

humor, with mainly high activation in medial ventral prefrontal cortex
and in bilateral cerebellum [Goel and Dolan, 2001]. The affective
prosody processing has been linked to the mirror system; this neuronal
system is related with action understanding and recognition tasks, with
auditory, visual and motor stimulus. The mirror neuron system plays a
crucial role in high level meta-function like language, theory of mind and
empathy [Ramachandra, 2009]. Through animal studies it has been
observed that the areas involved in this system are: the ventral pre-motor
area of the IFG, parietal frontal in the rostral cortical convexity of the
inferior parietal lobule (IPL), and STS [Di Pellegrino et al. , 1992]. The
cortical response to musical stimuli suggests that the IFG, mirror
auditory system generates a multimodal representation from auditory
stimulus [D’Ausilio, 2007].

2.2. Emotional content in our communication: Sentic Forms

The recognition of emotion in speech prosodic patterns is not equal to the

acoustical patterns on laughs, but since laughter predates speech both
ontogenetic and phylogenetic, the relation is evident. In fact, there is an
acoustical correlation of emotional dimensions between speech and
laughter, e.g. arousal increases, laughter becomes faster, with higher
pitch and lower shimmer and jitter [Szameitat et al., 2010]. According to
Banse et al., when vocal expressions are analyzed, we find that every
emotion has an acoustical profile: anger has higher F0 mean, energy
mean, variability of F0 across the utterance encoded and the rate of
articulation usually increases; in fear high arousal levels are observed
with increases of F0 mean, range and high-frequency energy; joy has
increases of F0, F0 range, F0 variability and mean energy; and in disgust
the results are inconsistent [Banse et al., 1996].

In our neurocomputational hypothesis, laughter becomes a quasi-

universal information processing “finalizer”. We laugh “abstractly”:
when a significant neurodynamic gradient vanishes swiftly, i.e., when a
relatively important problem of whatever type has been suddenly
channeled in a positive way, and has vanished as such problem. Like in
the slow tension growth and fast release of physical massage, the
paradoxical, or tense, or contradictory situation suddenly becomes a
well-known case of pleasurable, primary, childish, stumbling, babbling,
or retarded-foreigner nature. Problem solved! The “idle” excitation still
circulating in the regular problem-solving of cortical and limbic
structures is redirected towards the fonatory apparatus where it produces
an unmistakable signature. It is the “call” of the species, a social signal
of wellness after successful problem solving, after effective mental
massage. The sound form of laughter would bear a trace on the kind of
neurodynamic gradient that originated it [Collins and Marijuan, 1997;
Marijuán and Navarro, 2010].

The sentic forms hypothesis, framed by M. Clynes in the 70’s, could help
in the exploration of new directions for such open questions. If laughter
contains inner “melodies” or pitch patterns of emotional character, how
could they be structured? Following the sentic paradigm developed
around tactile emotional communication by means of exchange of
pressure gradients, there appears a set of universal dynamic forms that
faithfully express the emotional interactions of the subjects (see Figure 1)
[Clynes, 1979; Winter, 1999].

Figure 1. Dan Winter’s mathematical interpretation on various Sentic Forms of M.

Clynes (corresponding to four basic emotions).

3. Experimental Methodology

Checking the hypothesis of the Sentic Forms requires studying a great

number of laughs (Laughter library). One of the main difficulties to
obtain this laughter library is to create an appropriate environment where
spontaneous social interactions involving laughter could be recorded; but
it is not easy to feel comfortable and laugh naturally when a recorder is
capturing all your sounds or expressions. As a first approach, our laugh
library has been compiled with internet laugh registers and with our own

3.1. Compilation of a laughter library

The compilation of laugh videos, uploaded by subjects themselves, was

made through the internet. Besides these videos provide the circumstance
of the triggering event and according to the emotional situation, the
laughs may be classified easily.

Several recording sessions were performed with a specific protocol

involving numerous kinds of stimuli to generate the different emotions
studied. Records were made with a Digital voice recorder, Olympus VN-
711PC and Olympus VN-712PC. Approximately we registered laughs of
100 individuals, included men and women between the age of 20 and 65,
whose laughs were registered individually by a tape recorder. All the
individuals were Spanish and none of them suffered any mental illness,
so they were able to understand the entire humour sketches. The main
emotions induced by these videos were: happiness, hostility, surprise and

Spontaneous laughter was recorded from each participant and it was

transformed in a wav archive encoded in 16-Bit PCM format, sampled at
22050 Hz. We separated every laugh event by means of hearing the
recordings and visualizing its waveform using Adobe Audition, a sound
analysis program. Through this software we distinguish every laughter
episode, that is, an entire laughter utterance, and we stored them
separately. Whether a laughter episode was suitable depended on our
decision. The validity of the audio segment was conditioned mainly on
its clarity; overlapped speech-laugh or laugh-laugh segments were
dismissed. All the laugh archives had well defined boundaries, were
coming from only one individual, and do not had any interfering noise
like humming or throat cleaning, among others. Otherwise the laughs
were discarded. This task is difficult to achieve with automatic laughter
detectors, including machine learning methods and support vector
machines; although manually it is a slow process, it is reliable enough.

On the other hand, we worked with a previously laughter database with

isolated laughter bouts, and with these we focused on the development of
a robust burst laugh detector. In laughter analysis and characterization
the wide range of acoustic shapes requires segmentation in time domain.
To classify human laughter, such as hierarchical decomposition is useful
to extract information from rhythm. Further, features can be computed
only on specific segments. According to Trouvain [2003] and Dupont
[2009] each laughter bout consists of a number of elements, called
"plosives", characterized by energy peaks separated by silences, repeated
in series every 210 ms approx. At this temporal level, bouts can be seen
as alternating maxima and minima in waveform amplitude envelope. We
don't consider syllables with voiced-unvoiced concatenation as a valid
decomposition, such the stereotypical "hahaha", because there are several
types of unvoiced laughs with noisy and irregular sounds.

3.2. Data processing

The plosive automatic detector was implemented in Matlab. For this
purpose, we created a program that reads every sound archive and
computes the mean energy values of concatenated signal frames, with a
frame length of 21 ms and a shift of 5 ms. Due to the wide frequency
distribution of unvoiced laughs (snort, grunt, etc), a spectral-domain
method isn't adequate. Then the program finds the lowest energy points
using a valley detection algorithm. To confirm if these points are
accurately plosive limits, it should be at least 10% of maximum energy
between two valleys, and duration of 100 ms to discard spurious
vocalizations. The number of plosives in an episode varied significantly,
for example, one bout can contain in between one and eight plosives.
However, to perform straightforward comparisons between laughter
types, it is better to build vectors of fixed length. The features extracted
in our study for every plosive were:
• Total time duration in seconds. Breathing is the primal driving
force of laughter, and marks a very definite pattern different from
other expressions. In that regard, the evolution of burst durations
gives an overview of the temporal structure of a laughter episode.
• Fundamental frequency mean. It can be defined as the inverse of
the smallest period of the vocal fold signal, in the interval being
analyzed (every 10 ms). However, since pitch has a short-time
variation, we compute its mean. The algorithm is based on the
normalized cross-correlation function. Emotional expression is
dominated by effects created in the glottis and laryngeal muscles.
We consider the fundamental frequency important because vocal
articulators are less accurate and slower in nonverbal expressions,
and therefore vocal chords have a key role in laughter
• Standard deviation of the aforementioned fundamental frequency. It
was computed over successive short time frames of the signal, in
order to measure range and variability of an instantaneous measure.
• First three formants. A formant is defined as spectral peaks of the
spectrum of the voice, which give information about the acoustic
resonances of the vocal tract position at every plosive. We use a
method based on averaging different linear predictive code
spectrograms, and detecting the first three maximum values. Vocal
articulators act as filters of a resonant tube, changing the
fundamental frequency. When communicating different emotions
or intentions these articulators are a key mechanism for changing
emotional information.

• Average power or energy per sample. The amplitude of sound
affects our perception of fundamental frequency, which is called
pitch. The pitch is an interpretation of the listener, and one of the
parameters that influence the subjective interpretation is the
intensity or sound energy.
• Shannon’s entropy. This feature measures the information
contained in a message as opposed to the portion of the message
that is determined.
• Jitter, a cycle-to-cycle measure of the variations of fundamental
frequency, as a percentage. It is known that emotions are expressed
in many cases as unintentional acts, such as quiver or tremble. Jitter
is defined as vocal chords disturbances that occur during the glottal
phonation of the vowel and affect the pitch.
• Shimmer, defined as the average absolute difference between the
amplitudes of consecutive periods, expressed as a percentage. It is
equivalent to jitter in signal amplitude, that is, rapid variations in
• Harmonic to Noise Ratio (HNR), described as the energy ratio of
fundamental frequency harmonics to noise components. HNR is
found to be a more sensitive index of vocal function than other
• Percentage of voiced signal over unvoiced signal, that is, the time
vocal cords vibration spends over a plosive. This measure shows
how much value has the harmonic expression from the vocal cords,
as opposed to sound generated in other parts of the vocal tract.

The outcome of this characterization is a data matrix consisting of all

plosives sorted by laugh archives in rows, with 12 columns per plosive.
In order to fit statistical pattern recognition for every laugh event, we set
out a matrix with one column per archive, inserting all features in one
row. This arrangement yields to a huge amount of data to process and
classify. Obviously, we had to compress data restricting plosives to five,
and discarding proved weak features to classification such as jitter,
shimmer, HNR and average power.

4. Discussion and Comments

This is an ongoing work and the results will be published in a next paper.
A library of natural laughs has been compiled, so that an artificial neural
network should be able to distinguish and categorize the concerned
sound structures, gauging the soundness and conceptual possibilities of
the sentic forms hypothesis. We were able to find patterns in acoustical
features between the different laugh-types according to the expressed
emotion. As it may be expected, the differences would be in the features
corresponding to the vibration cycle in the pharynx, and they translate in
different acoustical patterns that approximately coincide with the sentic
forms proposed by Manfred Clynes, but in reverse order.

In the extent to which this scheme is acceptable, or at least permissible as

a heuristic approach, it can throw light on why humans have
evolutionarily augmented the innate behavior of laughter (as well as
crying and other group emotional adaptations). Laughter is
spontaneously produced to minimize occurring problems in an
automatic-unconscious way that mobilizes powerful neurodynamic and
neuromolecular resources without any extra computational burden on the
ongoing conscious processes of the individual. In the complex social
world that the enlarged human brain confronts, with multitude of
perceptual, sensorimotor, and relational problems, and above all with
those derived from the conceptual-symbolic world of language in the
making and breaking of social bonds, informational problems
dramatically accumulate in very short time spans. Thus, it makes a lot of
evolutionary sense counting with these extra-ordinary minimization
resources: the information processing power of a hearty laugh (or of
bursting out into tears!).

Of course, that the whole neurodynamic scheme herein presented

becomes acceptable as a heuristic device is a highly debatable matter,
even more in its connection with the sentic forms hypothesis. But the
commonality between these two views is remarkable: the global/local
entropic variable comprising the evolution of brute excitation, which is
shared by the different motor expression capabilities and easily
recognizable by all sensory modalities; the centrality of the gradients and
the different dynamic form corresponding to each recognizable emotion.
Clynes himself wrote about laughter as “another sentic form” [Clynes,
1979, 1998], or as a composite of sentic forms --as we would mean here.
Beyond the particulars of laughter, let us remark that a number of
illustrious voices in contemporary neuroscience could be enlisted in
support of the need of new synthetic theories about human information
processing, perhaps not too distant from the argumentative lines herein
discussed [Collins and Marijuán, 1997; Edelman and Tononi, 2000;
Buzsáki, 2006; Dehane, 2009; Sporns, 2011].
Laughter is one of the most complex behaviours exhibited by humans. It
integrates the innate and the cultural, the emotional and the cognitive, the
individual and the social. Any unifying hypothesis is forced to contain an
unwieldy heterogeneity of elements, even in order to attempt a very
rudimentary “closure”. Some of these elements may locate in well-
trodden disciplinary paths and are relatively easy to discuss, while others
neatly belong to the theoretical-speculative (at the time being) and
become relatively disciplinary-independent. All of them, but particularly
the latter, are in need of more meticulous experimental approaches.

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