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Calculate Average Porosity with Discrete

log condition

User wants to calculate average porosity based on a discrete log (Perf log) with value
1 is open and 0 is close

 Note: Instead of using Perf log, we use SandOnly log (a discrete log)
Pre-conditioning for workflow

- Under Global Well Log, choose - Under Global Well Log, right click
Setting for your Perf log and choose Calculator
- Choose Operations tab and - Type: Md_value = Md()
choose Remove equals - Template is General
- (Important) Choose Sample MD
Note: this operation cannot be reverse with: from log: Perf log
so I recommend to make a copied - Hit Enter
version just in case (via using
Calculator, don’t use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V) 2

Run the workflow below

Add one of your well here

Add one of your well log here

Line 13: Change it to $LogName = “your pef log name”

Change the location to store the file

Result after running the workflow as file. Next steps is creating a new well
top folder and loading file to it

Reimport to Petrel to
new Well Tops folder

Result from workflow

Result of well top after loading. At every edge of perf log (from 0 to 1 or
from 1 to 0, there’s a well top

Result after loading

Create 2 new well top attributes (both Continuous) from new well top folder

Average Porosity for each Perf flag from Perf log

zone in Well top folder

This one should be Perf Log

Open Well tops attributes Calculator and calculate average porosity for
perf zone only – Final result displaying in Well Section window

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