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Consciousness is a structured light.

One of the researchers in the field of anesthesiology, S. Hameroff, found that some
substances in some way inhibit electrical activity in microtubes and this turns off
consciousness. Microtubes support the structure and shape of cells and are hexagonal
grids consisting of protein strands called tubulin and form hollow microcylinders. 13
tubulin threads are wrapped around an empty center in a spiral, and all microtubes of
the cell diverge from the center to the membrane like spokes in a wheel.

It is known that most microtubes are in a state of constant “construction” process, as if

someone assembles and disassembles a children's designer. It was found that living
tissue is capable of transmitting photons of light and strong penetration of light occurs
in the brain. In addition, microtubes are excellent conductors of vibrations and have a
significant degree of coherence with adjacent threads. Vibrations in one micropipe
resonate in unison with its neighbors. In fact, microtubes in the cell of dendrites and
neurons are the “light guide” for photons, and transmit waves from cell to cell without
energy loss. In addition, they behave as a kind of highway for these waves throughout
the body.

Such conclusions were made by famous scientists in various research centers of the
world. They also found that the brain uses quantum processes. Yasue from Kyoto, Jibu
from Okayama, Insinna from Italy, Hagan from McGill University and others
independently concluded that there is a fixed interaction between brain physiology and
a quantum field and that microtubes and dendrite membranes are a kind of biological
Internet in the body.

Each neuron can enter the system and talk to any other neuron through quantum
processes. Microtubes build and structure unmatched energy and create a universal
sequence of waves in the body. This process is called “superluminosity” and allows
successive signals to pass through the body. When all signals are matched, the
photons begin to move along the fibers. This phenomenon is called “self-
enlightenment”. Photons penetrate the nucleus of the microtubes and communicate
with other photons throughout the body. Thus, a collective interaction of subatomic
particles arises - that is why we are capable of simultaneously thinking about many
very different things. It is thanks to this that the coherence of the whole organism and
the instantaneous action of the mind are achieved - it takes one ten-thousandth of a
second to transmit information. Hameroff discovered that electrons move along optical
fibers and remain isolated — they are in a quantum state.

So, the fibers have a consistent and orderly energy. Microtubules, although they are
hollow, are structured water inside. Plain tap water or river water is random, molecules
move erratically. But the Italians found that the water in the microtubes is strictly
structured. That is, a certain quantum process takes place inside and it was found that
rays of 15 nm in diameter appear - completely coinciding with the diameter of the
microtube core.

Consciousness is a global phenomenon that encompasses the entire body, and not just
the brain. Consciousness is basically a structured light. All processes in the body are
caused by quantum oscillations. The fact that the human body exchanges information
with a quantum field suggests that a person’s ability to know and communicate is
much deeper, more versatile and wider than was thought. This also proves the fact of
Unity: living beings are charged particles interacting with a quantum field and
exchanging quantum information. Based on Science and Quantum Consciousness

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