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Paganism And The Secret Orgies Of Carl Jung

Avatar of Daniel Lobos Jeria

By: Daniel Lobos Jeria

April 20, 2017


Delving into the occult can be a breath of fresh air for some of the most serious and factual men. Carl
Gustav Jung is a prime example of this.

He revolutionized the fields of psychiatry and analytic psychology with his archetypes theory, where he
believed the collective unconscious could be understood by using religious, mythical, and alchemical
symbols. For this reason, occult practices like tarot readings are easily relatable to his body of research.

jung occultism in couch

Jung: The World of the Dead

When he was 19 years old, Jung established conversations with the dead in seances, accompanied by
the women of his family. These experiences marked him forever. As years passed, he would get involved
with women with "medium" powers. He also had the firm conviction that his mother and his daughter
where endowed with clairvoyance powers and could communicate with Augusta Preiswerk, his

In 1898 the table he used for his seances split in half. A few weeks later, a knife he had inherited from
his mother split into four pieces, and Jung decided to keep it as a memento of the powerful forces that
he and his family had summoned. By 1902, he had already printed some of his more professional
publications. In one of them he explained spirits as "unconscious or hidden personalities" and

In 1916, he founded the Psychology Club, which was devoted to the study of spiritual topics. They
studied the disturbances the dead could cause in the physical plane, and even summoned the knights
from the Holy Grail story. Also, he performed rituals similar to those performed by the Rosicrucian
Kabbalists, all this with the main goal of learning as much as he could from the occult sciences.

According to the book The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life Of Carl Jung by Richard Noll, the famed
psychoanalyst portrays himself as a wise clairvoyant, a miracle worker, a man-god able to reach
apotheosis through his encounters with the dead in his work Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Likewise,
he saw himself as an underminer of Orthodox Christianity, and a restorer of Hellenistic Polytheism.

In 1925, Jung published anonymously the book Septem Sermones ad Mortuos (Seven Sermons to the
Dead). This book was allegedly transcribed by Jung as dictated from another dimension by his spirit
guide: Philemon or Basilides of Alexandria, the ancient teacher of Gnosticism and Mithraism. In his
visions, the spirit revealed to him the existence of a deity called Abraxas, whose power transcended
both God and the Devil. It's believed that while Jung worked on his book, whispers from other
dimensions could be heard around his house and the air would grow thick and cold. Once he was
finished, everything went back to normal. His authorship was confirmed after his death.

jung occultism septem sermones ad mortuos

A page from the original manuscript of Septem Sermones ad Mortuos (1916)

For Jung the word "archetype" referred to certain images ingrained in the collective unconscious.
However, ancient civilizations acknowledged them as true entities of a non-human nature, such as gods
or demons. In the book Jung Speaking, William McGuire makes more sense about the connection with
these two concepts of archetype. According to him, Jung believed figures like Adolf Hitler were
possessed by the "collective Aryan unconscious" and were compelled to follow the dictates and orders
from the beyond.
Severing ties with Sigmund Freud

The movie A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg, 2011), suggests that Freud told Jung that while he
wasn't against telepathy or parapsychology, he believed these disciplines would discredit the nascent
field of psychology. Freud was adamant, the occult would never surpass the powers of true scientific
research. Jung was against this vision, as he believed psychology should follow an interdisciplinary
research method.

jung occultism freud and company

If Jung believed in the existence of a “collective Aryan unconscious,” it isn't such a stretch to say that he
believed in the existence of a "collective Jewish unconscious." Jung was so hellbent on these collectives
that he thought Freud's beliefs were clouded by the latter unconscious. Freudian psychology considers
sex or sexuality the only force that drives the motivations of human beings; whereas, Jungian
psychology is based on the existence of a spiritual world where archetypal forms have power over
human actions.

Jung also admired Eastern mysticism, and believed that different cultures (or rather the collective
unconscious of those cultures) had a direct impact on the chakras, which Jung viewed more as
consciousness centers than energy centers. Therefore, he pointed out that different cultures think with
the heart, while others think with the brain or are guided by their gut feelings.

Jung and paganism

Although Jung pretended to be Christian in public, he learned about several pagan doctrines in secret:
Zoroastrianism, the Mitrhaic mysteries, the lion-headed god Aion, the cult of Dionysus, and of course,
the god Abraxas. He also had a great interest for gnosticism, Christian Patristics, and Germanic and
Greek mythology. By the end of the twenties, alchemy had become his main interest. For him mystery,
rather than history, was the essence of life. His penchant was delving deeply into the narrations on
direct contact ancient teachers of pagan doctrines had experienced with gods. He saw this as an
antidote against the Judaeo-Christian beliefs that shaped the morality of Western civilization.
jung occultism jung towerJung in his tower, on 1960

Jung built his tower in the village of Bollingen. People believed that he would go there to perform pagan
and orgiastic rituals with his lovers. He also engraved the name of his paternal predecessors. Since he
strongly believed in the notion of Karmic inheritance from fathers to sons, the remembrance of one's
predecessors was very important for him.

Jung got married to Emma Rauschenbach in 1902, but as he delved into his pagan studies, he started to
embrace polygamy, which permeated polytheistic beliefs. Sabina Spilrein and Toni Wolff, who where his
patients at the beginning, later became his lovers and collaborators.

jung occultism potter

During the last years of his life, Jung would wear ceremonial Japanese robes to attain the appearance of
an ancient mage or zen monk. He also wore rings or jewelry engraved with gnostic symbols. His home in
Küsnacht, Switzerland, was decorated with many engravings and alchemic images. Ruth Bailey, the
woman who took care of him during his last days, was certain of having seen Jung outside his body in a
faraway place full of marvels, two days before his death. In his letters, Jung wrote he had undergone
experiences "which are, so to speak, 'ineffable', 'secret', because they can never be told properly and
nobody can understand them."


El círculo hermético. Miguel Serrano. Editorial Kier. 2004

Adolf Hitler, el último avatar. Miguel Serrano. Editorial Solar. 2000

The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life Of Carl Jung. Richard Noll. 2003

Letters. Vol. 1 y 2. Carl G. Jung. Gerhard Adler compilation. 1975

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