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New method to calculate power distribution losses in an environment of high

unregistered loads

Conference Paper · May 1999

DOI: 10.1109/TDC.1999.756121 · Source: IEEE Xplore

26 140

1 author:

Mentor Poveda
Quito Electric Distribution Utility


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A New Method to Calculate Power Distribution Losses in an Environment of High
Unregistered Loads

Mentor Poveda, Member IEEE

Power Consultant
Abstract: The paper presents a new method to break down, The competitive environment of today’s electric power
by subsystem and cause, power distribution losses in eltxXri- industry requires a better knowledge of costs; the method pre-
cal systems where the share of nontechnical losses is impor- sented herein enables a better estimate of losses. Since losses
tant. In this type of system the traditional method has given involve an operating cost for transmission and distribution
rise to inaccuracies due to high unregistered load. The new systems [1], it is necessary to calculate them more realistical-
method is based on the nature of the losses: resistive losses ly and accurately.
obtained from the squared ratio between hourly demand and
maximum demand, in each subsystem; transformer core loss- II. BASES OF ESTIMATES
es not related to the demand variations at the substation and at
the primary dkribution feeders; and nontechnical losses with If energy measured in the substation at the beginning of
a demand profile similar to that of the load since they involve the primary feeder is referred to as “supplied energy” (EJ
unregistered loads. The method uses load profiles registered and, likewise, the sum of billed energy, energy for street light-
in today’s generalized electronics meters. The paper demon- ing, and consumption of the power utility’s own facilities is
strates the differences in calculated losses obtained by the new referred to as “registered energy” (EJ , then “total losses”
method compared to the use of the traditional loss factor. (E-I-J is the difference between “supplied energy” and ‘regist-
ered energy”. These losses include the set of technical loss-
Keywords: losses, power distribution. es and nontechnical losses, whose dimension will be the ini-
tial information for differentiating losses in the feeder.

In various electric power utilities of Latin America, a high E,L =E~– ER (1)
percentage of the energy entering the system is aimed at cov-
ering losses, since it is not rare to have losses accounting for The digital registers that are available at present provide
between 20 and zs~. of supplied energy. Naturally, this per- the demand profile in addition to the supplied energy at the
centage cannot correspond to technical losses, that is, losses metering point. The demand profile appears as a matrix with
stemming from the operation of network components. Rather the following column-vectors: date (d), time (t), demand for
most losses come from theft, irregularities in the metering active power (Dp[kW]), and demand for reactive power
systems for billing purposes, and errors in billing information (DQ[kvar]). The demand interval can normally be selected at
processing. In other words, these losses involve an unregis- the operator’s will, but the most commonly used interval is 15
tered load and are called nontechnical losses or black losses. minutes. The register matrix is shown in (2). The register
The determining presence of the latter component of losses period can be one complete year, with column vectors of
makes traditional loss calculation methods obtain estimates 35,040 elements in all. Nevertheless, it is considered that a
that are far removed from the reality of the situation. Beeause minimum register of 672 data be used in one complete sample
of this, the present paper is proposing a new methodology to week of each season of the year.
break down losses into their components in dkribution sys-
tems which is where the majority of these losses can be found.
2/15/98 00:00 2,345 1,225
Additionally, demonstration of the differences are provided.
2./15/98 00:15 2,360 1,325 .
Register =
.... .... .... ....
[ 2/21/98 23:45 2,450 1,345 1“

1 (2)

The sum of the elements of vector DP multiplied by the

time of the demand interval used is the energy of the entire

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calculated from the brands of meters actually existing in the from the sum of the demands of each column vector multi-
system. plied by the demand interval time, that is, applying (2) to each
component. Em is obtained from (9).
&ntechnical losses. As mentioned above, nontechnical loss-
es correspond to the nonregistered load, that is, the load that,
‘Em =Es –ER –ErL
for one reason or another, is not billed. From the viewpoint of (9)
loss calculation, the demand profile of this loss component
should have a shape similar to the load demand profiles, that In addition, the load factor for the load demand profile
is, it can be obtained through a constant ratio with the load represented by the column vector DL is obtained from the cor-
demand. The load demand profile is obtained by subtracting responding energy and its peak demand. The load factor of
all the components of the technical losses from the demand this curve is the same for the “registered load” as for the “non-
profile registered at the beginning of the primary feeder. registered load”. That is, if the energy of nontechnical losses
and its load factor are known, then peak demand is defined.
III. ESTIMATE METHODOLOGY With the description of the last step, the calculation of all
components of losses, both in demand and energy, is com-
Whh each one of the procedures described in the previous plete.
section, the demand profiles of each component of the techni-
cal losses is obtained, that is, the value of demand by compo- lV. APPLICA~ON OF THE METHODOLOGY
nent for each interval of the period being studied.
In each interval of the curve registered for supply in the In Latin America and the Caribbean, losses in electric
feeder, the demand of resistive losses in the feeder line and in power systems are very high. In 1991, the World Bank and
the distribution transformer winding, the demand of losses in the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) published
the core of the distribution transformers, and the losses in the a detailed study of the situation of the electric power sector in
energy meters are subtracted from the value of demand at the the region[3] and determined that the regional average power
beginning of the primary feeder. Likewise, the loss demands losses in 1988 amounted to 17%, with some countries record-
for the secondary networks and for the service drops are sub- ing losses of over 30%. Although this situation has now
tracted taking into account that these values take as a base the improved in some countries of the region, in others the
demand profile registered at the terminals of the secondaxy panorama described in the above-mentioned study has
voltage of the distribution transformers and typified for the remained unchanged.
sample group of primary feeder secondaries. On the basis of the above, samples of some primary feed-
Since all technical losses have ~en subtracted from the ers from various countries were taken in order to test the
demand register at the start of the feeder, the result obtained is methodology presented in tlis paper. The primaries that were
the demand profile for the real load. Nevertheless, this load selected were not typical cases; they were actually chosen to
inclludes“registered load” and “nonregistered load”. The for- apply the method to various shapes of load curves and from
mer corresponds to the definition made in the previous section different consumption sectors in order to observe the differ-
for “registered energy” whereas the latter is equivalent to non- ences that the method that was developed produces compared
technical losses. to the equation normally used to estimate the loss factor.
Equation (10) reproduces the usual expression as presented by
In the matrix obtained from the register at the start of the [2] on page 38, to determine the loss factor (FN) in function
primary feeder and defined in (2), you add the column vectors of the load factor (F~J.
correspondhg to each loss component and the column of
demand of the real load (DJ as presented in (8), which can be
handled on a spreadsheet to conduct all the calculations FM = A(FD ) + (1 – A)(FD)2 (lo)
implicit in the equations needed to obtain D~.
Where the constant A adopts values between 0.2 and 0.3 for
d t Dp DRL DCL D~L D~dL DmL
‘L] (8) some load cycles.
On the other hand, the samples included correspond to
In order to close the estimate, it is necessary to recall that countries where there is virtually no seasonality in the load
the differentiation between nontechnical losses and “regis- because they are located at a geographical latitude where the
tered load” is made considering that both components have climate is the same throughout the year; because of this, it is
the same nature and therefore have the same demand profile, enough to analyze one characteristic week to extrapolate the
that is, the same load factor. conclusions for yearly results.
The energy corresponding to nontechnical losses (Em) is In order to give an idea of the demand profile in each sam-
perfectly defined after calculating the energy corresponding to ple and at the same time present the demand profiles of the
“technical losses” (Ew), which is obtained, as can be recalled, loss components, three different ways were chosen to show
these profiles.

0-7803-5515-6/99/$10.00 (c) 1999 IEEE

period considered in the register, as in (3). This will occur From this it can be deduced that the loss at demand i can be
only if dealing with demands, that is, integrated average calculated using equation (6).
power in each interval, since these come from the integration
COS @maX)2 DR~_maX
of instantaneous power capacities, that is, from the same ener- ‘Pi (6)
‘RL-i =(
gyv]. ‘Pmax Cos‘i

.kWlz = ~$1 Dpi x (demand - interval) (3) Equation (6) is applied for each one of the load demands
and the demand profile of the resistive losses is obtained. The
The methodology being proposed is supported by the procedure turns out to be correct because demand is a step
nature of each loss component and in its ratio with respect to function in the interval; therefore, the ratio takes place during
demand in the corresponding register interval. As the losses the complete interval and yields as a result the loss demand,
in the maximum demand interval are calculated with models which is another step function.
for load flows or through the modeling of the primary distri- When you have demands of resistive losses, what is
bution feeder; on the basis of this value, the magnitude of each expressed in (3) is obtained, that is, the sum of demands mul-
component is calculated for the rest of the demand intervals of tiplied by the demand interval time is the energy of the resis-
the entire period under consideration. That is, the demand tive loss in the register period.
proiile of each loss component is calculated and then on the
basis of that estimate, by means of integration, the energy of ~~ Since core losses (DCJ depend on
each component is calculated. the magnetic flux density in the core, which in turn depends
The technical losses in the distribution system of the elec- on the voltage feeding the transformer, it can be considered
tric power utility include resistive losses of the primary feed- independent from demand variation, that is, it remains con-
ers, the distribution transformer losses (resistive losses in the stant during the period of analysis.
windings and core losses), resistive losses in secondary net-
works, resistive losses in service drops, and the losses in kwh ‘CL =N#f(D) (7)
Once the power of the loss in the core of the transformers
&istive losses. The resistive losses are calculated on the is calculated, one has the demand profile corresponding to that
basis of the expression IZR. In each subsystem, the resistive loss, which will be completely flat during the entire register
losses are calculated for the peak load demand by the usual period.
methods and on this basis resistive losses are obtained in a
given interval through the squared ratio between demand in Secondarv network losses. By sampling the secondary net-
this interval and peak demand, as indicated below. The pro- works of the feeder, it is possible to calculate resistive losses
cedure that is described can be applied to all resistive losses, in the group of secondaries (DsJ belonging to this primary.
that is, in transmission and dMribution system lines, for resis- Calculation of losses for the secondaries of the sampling is
tive losses of substation and dMribution transformers, for the made on the basis of the demand profile registered in the low-
secondary lines, and for service drop conductors. voltage terminals of the distribution transformers which feed
In the case of resistive losses of the distribution transform- them for at least one representative week of each season of the
ers, the same demand profile registered at the beginning of the year. Afterwards, a typical curve of each season is obtained
primary feeder is considered to be a good estimate. and the general procedure for resistive losses described above
is applied to it, taking as a basis the losses at peak demand
The resistive loss demand (DW,) at any load demand (DH) is obtained from the modeling of the secondary networks of the
calculat@ by (4). sample.
2 ‘Pi 2 (4)
‘R.L_i = li R ‘( ~ The service drops are grouped in the
&vcos@i ] R most usual sizes and the most frequently used lengths are con-
The ratio between the peak loss and the loss at any load sidered to define the power of the resistive losses at peak
demand will be calculated by (5). demand of the corresponding client. On the basis of the power
of losses at peak demand, the general procedure to determine
losses in the service drops is used with the demand profile reg-
‘Pmax )2 ~ istered in the terminals of the nearest distribution transformer
D lW–max
.—‘max2R . ‘fiVcos@mm . (5) to the corresponding load but considering individual peak
Ii2R ‘Pi 2 demand instead of the maximum diversified demand.
‘&vcos@i) R
Meter losses. Energy meters have a 10SS(Dti) that is essen-
tially due to the excitation of the voltage coils, that is, it can
be considered that it does not depend on the load. It can be

0-7803-5515-6/99/$10.00 (c) 1999 IEEE

a. 22.9 kVprimary feeder The results of the analysis of the 10SScomponents, as a per-
centage of energy supplied to the feeder, is summarized in
Thk refers to a feeder providing service to a light-industry Table 2.
zone. It has a peak demand of 8.79 MW and a supplied ener-
gy c)f 715.2 MWh. The load factor of the demand profile of
supply is 48.470. Demand profiles for the principal compo-
nents of losses are shown in Fig. 1.
46% I

Theresults of the analysis of the loss components, as a per- 44”/0

centage of energy supplied to the feeder, is summarized in ~: 43”h

~ 42%
Table 1. ~ 41%
: 40%

Table 1
37% !

LOSS COMPONENTS FOR 22.9 kV FEEDER $? gg$. x$ %?.: $$$

0 -@J @-J* mmo

Losses (Yo)
Non technical losses
Co~onent Demand Enerpy
Total 6.1 5.5
F Resistive Feeder lines and Fig. 2. Loss factor as a function of nontechnical losses
distr. transf windings 0.9 0.5

Distr. transf cores and 0.3 0.5 Table 2
nEt ers LOSS COMPONENTli FOR 13.2 kV FEEDER - No. 1
Secondaries and service 1.8 1.4 Losses (Yo)
Co~onent Dermnd Ener~y
Nontechnical 3.1 3.0
Total 8.8 8.2
Resistive: Feeder lines and

13ykeeping technical losses unchanged, the loss factor cor-

responding to a share of nontechnical losses is calculated to be
between O%and 10% of supplied energy. The loss factor fluc-
tuates as presented in Fig. 2.

b. 13.2 kVprimary feeder No. 1 c. 13.2 kVprimary feeder No. 2

This is a feeder that serves a residential sector. It has a The 13.2 kV feeder selected as an example is serving a
pealc demand of 9.12 MW and a supplied energy of 872.1 commercial and residential load. It has a peak demand of 10.7
MWh. The load factor of demand profile of supply is 56.9?Z0. MW and a supplied energy of 1,238.8 MWh. The load factor
The composition of the main losses produces the demand pro- of the demand profile of supply is 70.170. The demand profile
file of Fig. 3.


: 150,0
~ 100,0



the (h)

I — -- Core&meters —Nantechnlcal ---- Resist:FAer&transf I

Fig. 1. Demand profiles of the loss components

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600 T





time (h)

❑ Core&meters W Nontechnical Q ReaiaCFeeder.Stransf

Fig. 3. Composition of the main losses for the 13.2 kV feeder No. 1

registered at the beginning of the feeder with the participation d. Loss factor and constant A variation
of the loss components appears in Fig. 5.
The results of the analysis of the loss components, as a In the above samples, the loss factor and A constant of
percentage of energy supplied to the feeder, is summarized in equation (10) adopt the values shown in Tables 4 and 5,
Table 3. respectively.
Table 1
Nontechnical losses
Losses (Y.)
Feeder 0% 5% 10%
Component Demand Energy 22.9 kV 40.3% 44.5% 45.4%
Total 16.2 14.2 13.2 kV - No. 1 52.1% 53.1’%0 53.5%
Resistive: Feeder lines and 13.2 kV - No. 2 58.3% 61.3% 62.9%
distr. transf windings 7.3 5.6
Distr. transf cores and inters 1.4 1.9 Table 5
Secondaries and service 2.4 1.7 A CONSTANT
drops Nontechnical losses
Nontechnical 5.2 5.0 Feeder Ovo I 5’%. I 10’70
22.9 kV 0.561 0.619 0.632
13,2 kV - No. 1 I 0.584 I 0.594 0.599
13.2 kV - No. 2 0.489 0.515 0.528




- 6000,0
~ 4000,0

time (h)

❑ Registered load ■ COre&melers R Nontechnical ❑ ResistFeeder&Oansf

Fig. 4. Loss components in the demand profile of the 13.2 kV feeder No. 2

0-7803-5515-6/99/$10.00 (c) 1999 IEEE


The method described in the present paper shows the inse- [1] H. Lee Willis, Power Distribution Planning:
curity that the loss factor estimate introduces in the determi- Reference Book, Marcel Dekker, U.S.A., 1997.
[2] Westinghouse, Distribution Systems: Electric Utility
nation of the energy corresponding to power loss calculated at
Engineering Reference Book, Westinghouse Electric
peak demand owing to the particular characteristics of total Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A., 1965.
loss components. [3] World Bank and Latin American Energy
Resistive losses, as a squared function of demand, empha- Organization, Evolution, Situation, and Prospects of
size load peaks. Constant losses in the core tend to flatten out the Electric Power Sector in the Countries of Latin
the loss curve. And the nontechnical losses, with a demand America and the Caribbean, World Bank and
proiile that is similar to the load curve, introduce another addi- OLADE, 1991 (ISBN 9978-70-012-9).
tional variation. It is clear that, depending on which compo-
Mentor E. Poveda (M’ 1981) was
nent is the most important, loss the demand profile will have
born in Quito, Ecuador, on June 26,
a different shape and, because of this, the loss factor should be 1945. He graduated as an electrical
different. engineer from the Ecuadorian
The estimate that is usually made by adopting a value for National Polytechnic School on 1972
the A constant of equation (10) produces erratic results con- and obtained hk Master of Science
firmed in Tables 4 and 5, and should be replaced by the esti- from Purdue University, USA. Part-
mate of energy of losses based on demand profiles registered time EE Professor at Ecuadorian
National Polytechnic School and
for tAe electric power system.
International Power Consultant with
Finally, knowledge of the demand profiles of each loss the Latin American Energy
component makes it possible to better understand individual Organization (OLADE) and World
participation in both demand and energy and grant due impor- Bank. HIS special fields of interest are power dhibution sys-
tance to each circumstance that is analyzed. tems and rotating machines simulation.

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0-7803-5515-6/99/$10.00 (c) 1999 IEEE

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